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Digital multimeter MAS830. Digital multimeter MAS830 Specifications of Mastech MAS830 multimeter

The main electrical measuring tool used by electricians, radio engineers, auto electricians, and other electronics professionals is a multimeter. The name of the instrument reflects the ability to measure several electrical quantities. Most multimeters have the ability to measure the following quantities:

  • voltage (constant, variable);
  • resistance.

As additional options, multimeters can measure capacitance, AC current, transfer coefficient h21 of bipolar transistors, “ring” electrical circuits (determine the presence of contacts and connections).

According to the type of indication of the measured values, multimeters are classified into:

  • turnouts;
  • digital.

In pointer multimeters, a magnetoelectric type microammeter with a system of switching shunts and diode assemblies is used as a basic measuring device. On the analog scale, divisions are applied to measure electrical quantities. Type of dial multimeter.

In digital multimeters, the analog measured signal is converted to digital, then the information is processed and transmitted to the digital scale. Digital multimeters have a number of advantages over pointer multimeters:

  • increased measurement accuracy;
  • clarity of indication;
  • mechanical resistance to falls;
  • ease of use by non-professionals.

Manufacturers produce multimeters for general and special purposes.

Special digital multimeters can be designed for:

  • measurements of large electrical quantities;
  • control of climatic parameters (pressure, temperature);
  • measurement of parameters of radio components (resistance, capacitance, inductance).

General purpose multimeter application

A general purpose multimeter is a measuring tool designed to measure currents, voltages and resistances in household networks, devices and cars.

A typical representative of such a multimeter is the MAS 830L.

It is made according to the classical scheme. The device includes:

  • LCD indicator14 for visualization of measurement results;
  • digital scale backlight switch 2;
  • self-diagnosis mode switch 1;
  • mode switch;
  • probe sockets 7, 8, 9;
  • connector for connecting transistors 10.

The impact-resistant case of the multimeter is placed in a rubber casing for increased mechanical resistance.

Measurement sequence

DC voltage measurement

To perform measurements, the black probe of the multimeter is connected to the COM connector (8), the red one to connector 7. This connection of the probes is used for all measurements, with the exception of measuring the DC current at the limit of 10 Amperes.

The measurement of the voltage value is carried out by connecting the probe in parallel to the measurement points (terminals, contacts, connectors, terminals). The mode switch is set in zone 13 to the limit corresponding to the maximum possible voltage in a particular circuit. For example, when measuring in a car, the switch is set to a limit of 20 volts. If the value of the measured voltage is less than 2 Volts, to obtain more accurate data, set the switch to 2 V. If the value of the measured voltage exceeds the measurement limit, the value 1 in the upper register will appear on the digital indicator.

The digital indicator shows the polarity of the voltage (sign + and -).

Measurement of alternating voltages

This mode is often used to control a household network 220/380 Volt 50 Hertz. To do this, the mode switch is set to zone 3 at the limit of 600 volts. The measurement results are displayed on a digital scale. If the value is less than 200 Volts, the limit can be set to 200 Volts to improve accuracy.

When performing measurements, precautions must be taken.

DC current measurement

Measurements are carried out by connecting the probes to the break in the electrical circuit. If you connect, for example, in the current measurement mode, the probes to the battery terminals, the device will fail. Initially the switch is set to 200m (milliamps), then lower if required.

At the current limit up to 10 amperes, the red probe is placed in socket 9. At high current, the probe conductors can heat up.

Resistance measurement

The switch is set in zone 11 to a limit of 200. The probes are installed in slots 7 and 8. If 1 is displayed (Fig. 4), then the resistance of the circuit is greater, the limit increases.

Indication 1 at the maximum limit indicates an open circuit.

Diode health monitoring

The multimeter has the ability to check the performance of the diodes. The switch is set to position 12. Alternately connecting the probes to the diode in different directions, determine the health of the diode. In one of the directions, the resistance should be about 600 ohms. In the reverse connection, the resistance is almost infinite (1 is shown on the indicator).

"Continuity" of the electrical circuit

To determine the health of the wiring using the sound method, the switch is set to position 6. The probes are connected to the opposite terminals of the controlled conductor. If there is an electrical connection (serviceability of contacts, conductor), the buzzer will sound.

Determination of the transfer coefficient h21 of bipolar transistors

The switch is set to OFF. The transistor is inserted into connector 10 according to polarity, base, collector, emitter (cbe) location. The switch is set to direction 5. The LCD displays the transistor gain.

Security measures

During the measurement process, the following safety measures should be observed:

  • when working with high voltages (in the position of 200 and 600 volts), do not touch the current-carrying elements of the probes and wires, connectors;
  • during measurements in a 220/380 Volt household network, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, insulating mat);
  • when measuring high currents (10 A), it is advisable to use goggles to prevent sparks from entering the organs of vision;
  • current measurement should be made only in the open circuit.

Hello, this time we will consider a multifunctional device
A multimeter is also often referred to as a “multi-tester” because it is designed to take a fairly wide range of indicators: measuring DC and AC voltage, resistance and current.

1 x xl830l digital LCD multimeter
1 x test leads (red, black probe)
1 x battery 9V "crown"
1 x user manual


Constant voltage: 200mV/2V/20V/200V +- 0.5%, 600V +- 0.8%
- AC voltage: 200V/600V +- 1.2%
- DC current: 200μa, 2mA, 20mA + - 1%, 200mA + - 1.5%, 10A + - 3%
resistance: 200ohms,2kohms, 20kohms, 200kohms, 2mohms +- 0.8%
- operating temperature: -0С to 40С

The device has a protective soft rubber cover.

The digital multimeter is powered by a 9-volt Krona battery. True, to get to it we will have to remove the rubber protective cover and the back cover of the tester.

On the tester board we see a 200mA / 250V fuse, but as practice shows me, it has never saved the tester from incorrect actions.

Here I note that the minus of this tester is that the case does not have a protective transparent window, that is, the LCD display is not protected and has full access (on the seller's website it is clearly visible in the photo that there is a transparent glass on the device).
But you can see that the groove for installing a protective window is provided on the tester body.

Before you start using the multimeter in full, let's take a closer look at our digital tester.
In its upper part we see a seven-segment digital display that can display up to four digits (9999 is the maximum value). When the battery is discharged, a corresponding inscription appears on it: “bat”.

There are two buttons below the board. On the left is the “Hold” button - holding the readings of the last value (so as not to keep it in memory when copying to a notepad). And on the right - "Back Light" - the backlight of the screen in blue (when measured in poor lighting conditions).
So, before you start using the multimeter, you must correctly connect the measuring "probes" to it. The general principle here is:
The black wire (it is called differently: common, com, common, ground) is a minus. We connect it to the corresponding socket of the multitester labeled "COM". Red - in the nest to the right of it, this is our "plus".
The remaining free socket on the left is for measuring direct current with a limit of up to 10 amperes (high currents) and - without a fuse, as evidenced by the warning inscription "unfused". So be careful - do not burn the device!

The next switch position is 600 volts on the AC scale. It is the best suited for measuring the voltage in a household electrical network (the current is alternating and the scale value is several times higher than the required one - 220 V.).
The order of the "probes" in the outlet does not matter.

The next on the scale is "2m" (two milliamps - two thousandths of an ampere). The indicator is found mainly in transistors. Further - "200m" - similarly, but the countdown starts from two hundred milliamps. The next switch position is "10A" (maximum current is ten amps). This is a territory of high currents, be careful! Here we will need to include the red “probe” into a special socket, indicated in the photo as “10ADC”.

Acoustic wave (continuity) line icon for a short circuit.

In order to measure resistance, we need to turn the knob to "resistance measurement". This is our entire lower left row in green.
The letter "K" means that we are going to measure Kiloohms, and the letter "M" means that we are going to measure Megaohms.
Before the letter, the measurement limit is shown. If we have a one on the cartoon display, then we switch the twist to a larger limit.

The coefficient hfe of low-power transistors is measured very simply, first you need a multimeter with the ability to measure hfe, we transfer the device to the required measurement mode.
Then, knowing the structure of the transistor and its pinout, we connect the transistor to a special socket on the multimeter panel.
After connecting, the hfe value will appear on the display. If the value falls within the limits specified by the manufacturer, then such a transistor can be considered working.

Note: if you confuse the polarity (to the plus - minus, and to the minus - plus), i.e. - swap the "probes" in places - nothing bad will happen, just before the result on the digital display you will see a "minus" sign. The measurement values ​​themselves will remain correct.

That's all, thanks for your attention.

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A multimeter is a very useful device that will allow both a novice and an experienced electrician to quickly check the mains voltage, the performance of an electrical appliance, and even the current in the circuit. In fact, working with this type of tester is not at all difficult, the main thing is to remember the correct connection of the probes, as well as the purpose of all the ranges indicated on the front panel. Next, we will provide detailed instructions for dummies on how to use a multimeter at home!

Getting to know the tester

First of all, we will briefly tell you what is on the front panel of the measuring device and what functions you can use when working with the tester, after which we will tell you how to measure resistance, current and voltage in the network. So, on the front side of the digital multimeter are the following designations:

  • OFF – the tester is switched off;
  • ACV - alternating voltage;
  • DCV - direct voltage;
  • DCA - direct current;
  • Ω is the resistance;

You can clearly see the appearance of the electronic tester from the front in the photo:

Probably, you immediately noticed 3 connectors for connecting probes? So here you need to immediately warn you that it is necessary to correctly connect the tentacles to the tester before measurements. The black wire is always connected to the output marked COM. Red according to the situation: in order to check the mains voltage, current up to 200 mA or resistance, you must use the “VΩmA” output, if you need to measure the current value above 200 mA, be sure to insert the red probe into the socket marked “10 ADC”. If you do not take this requirement into account and use the "VΩmA" connector to measure high currents, the multimeter will quickly fail. the fuse will blow!

There are also old-style devices - analog or, as they are also commonly called, pointer multimeters. The model with an arrow is practically not used anymore, because. such a scale has a higher error and, moreover, it is less convenient to measure voltage, resistance and current strength using a pointer display.

If you are interested in how to use a dial multimeter at home, we immediately recommend watching a visual video lesson:

Learning to work with an analog model

We will talk more about how to use the more modern digital model of the tester later, having examined step-by-step instructions in pictures.

We measure voltage

To independently measure the voltage in the circuit, you must first move the switch to the desired position. In a network with alternating voltage (for example, in a socket), the switch arrow must be in the ACV position. The probes must be connected to the COM and "VΩmA" jacks. Next, select the approximate voltage range in the network. If at this stage there are difficulties, it is better to set the switch to the highest value - for example, 750 volts. Further, if a lower voltage is displayed on the display, you can switch the switch to a lower level: 200 or 50 Volts. Thus, by reducing the setpoint to a more suitable one, you will be able to determine the most accurate value. In a DC voltage network, use the multimeter in the same way. Usually, in the latter case, it is best to set the switch to 20 volts (for example, when repairing car electrics).

A very important nuance that you should be aware of is that you need to connect the tentacles to the circuit in parallel, as shown in the picture:

We measure the current

In order to independently measure the current strength in the circuit with a multimeter, you must first decide whether direct or alternating current flows through the wires. After that, you need to find out the approximate value in Amperes in order to select the appropriate socket for connecting the black probe - “VΩmA” or “10 A”. We recommend that you initially insert the probe into a connector with a higher current value and if a lower value is displayed on the display, switch the plug to another socket. If, again, you see that the measured value is less than the setting, you must use the range with the lower value in Amps.

Please note that if you decide to use the multimeter as an ammeter, you must connect the tester to the circuit in series, as shown in the picture:

We measure resistance

Well, the safest thing in relation to the safety of the multimeter would be to use a device for measuring the resistance of circuit elements. In this case, you can set the switch to any range of the “Ω” sector, and then select the appropriate setting for more accurate measurements. A very important point - before using the device to measure resistance, be sure to turn off the power in the circuit, even if it is a regular battery. Otherwise, your tester in ohmmeter mode may show an incorrect value.

Most often, you have to measure the resistance with a multimeter with your own hands. For example, if , you can measure the resistance of the heating element, which is most likely out of order.

By the way, if, when measuring resistance in a circuit section with a multimeter, you saw the value “1”, “OL” or “OVER” on the display, then you need to move the switch to a higher range, because. overload occurs at the setting you select. At the same time, if “0” is displayed on the dial, move the tester to a smaller measuring range. Remember this moment and it will not be difficult to use a multimeter when measuring resistance!

We use dialing

If you take a closer look at the front panel of the tester, you can see a few more additional features that we have not yet talked about. Some of them use only experienced radio technicians, so it makes no sense for a home electrician to talk about them (anyway, they are unlikely to be useful in domestic conditions). But there is another important tester mode that you may use - dialing (we indicated its designation in the picture below). For example, to find in the circuit, you need to ring the wiring, and if the circuit is closed, you will hear a sound indication. To do this, you just need to connect the probes to the desired 2 points of the circuit.

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1 1 Mastech MAS -830, 830L digital multimeter user manual. Contents: Safety information...1 Symbols for a number of electrical concepts...1 Caring for the multimeter...1 Using the multimeter...2 Description...2 Front panel...3 Specifications...3 Main specifications specifications...3 DC voltage...4 DC current...4 AC voltage...4 Diode test and continuity test...4 Resistance...4 Transistor test hfe (0-1000). ..5 Multimeter operation...5 DC voltage measurement...5 DC current measurement...5 AC voltage measurement...5 Resistance measurement...5 Diode test...5 Transistor test...5 Intermittent connections...6 Replacing batteries and fuses...6 Package contents...6 Safety information This multimeter complies with the international safety standards IEC-1010 for electronic measuring instruments with voltage protection category CAT II and the second degree of pollution. Read this manual carefully and follow all safety precautions when working. Full compliance with all safety measures can only be guaranteed when using a multimeter with measuring probes. In the event of a malfunction of the measuring probes, see their specifications in the instructions. Symbols for a number of electrical concepts This symbol indicates that you need to refer to an explanation in the instructions. Hazardous voltages may be present on the terminals during operation. Grounding Double isolation Caring for the multimeter The fuse needs to be replaced, see instructions for specifications. Disconnect test leads from electrical sources before opening the instrument. To avoid the risk of fire when changing a fuse, observe the voltage and current data: F 200 ma \ 250 V (Quick Acting).

2 Do not use the multimeter unless the back panel is in place. To clean the case of the multimeter, use a damp cloth and mild detergent, do not use solvents. Working with the multimeter Do not exceed the safety limit specified in the specifications for each measurement range. Do not touch unused terminals if the instrument is connected to a measuring circuit. Do not use the instrument to measure voltages that may exceed 600V according to CAT II voltage protection category. If you do not know in advance the scale of the data that you are going to measure, then set the range switch to the maximum value. Before turning the range selector to select functions, disconnect the probes from the circuit being measured. When taking measurements with a TV or switching electrical circuits, be aware of possible high voltage surges that can damage the multimeter. Be careful when working with DC voltages greater than 60 V or AC voltages greater than 30 V rms. Keep your fingers behind the guards when handling test leads. Before proceeding to test the transistor capacitor thermocouple, make sure that the test leads are disconnected from the measurement circuit. When measuring voltage with probes, no components should be connected to the high-frequency measurement socket and the capacitor socket. Do not measure the resistance of a live circuit. Description This multimeter is a portable 3 1/2 digit LCD multimeter for measuring AC/DC voltage, DC current, resistance, diode and transistor testing, continuity tests. The device is battery powered. Also, the multimeter has a screen backlight function. 2

3 3 Front panel 1. LCD display 3 1/2 digit LCD display, 7 segments, character height 15mm. 2. Screen backlight button. Pressing this button activates the screen backlight function. The backlight of the screen turns off after about 5 seconds. 3. The rotary switch is used both to select functions and ranges, and to turn the instrument on/off. 4. Data hold button. 5. When this button is pressed, the “H” icon appears on the screen and the last reading of the device is held on the display, press the button again to return to normal mode. 6. "10A" socket for red test lead and 10A measurements. 7. COM socket for black (negative) test lead or connection of black test lead. 8. VΩ ma socket for red (positive) probe, for measuring voltage and resistance and current (excluding 10 A) or connecting the red probe. Specifications Accuracy is determined for one year after calibration at 18 C to 28 C and 80% relative humidity. Main technical specifications Maximum voltage between terminals and ground: Category II 600 V. Fuse: F 200 ma \ 250 V. Power supply: 9 V battery (NEDA 1604 or 6F22 type). Display: LCD display, 1999 max, 2-3 measurements per second. Processing method: ADC double integration. When overloaded, "1" appears on the display. Polarity indication: "-" appears on the screen when the polarity is negative. Operating temperature: 0 C to 40 C. Storage temperature: -10 C to 50 C.

4 4 Low battery indication: When the battery is low, an icon appears on the screen. Dimensions, mm: Weight, grams: 170. DC voltage 200 mV 100 μV ±0.5%±2 counts 2 V 1 mV ±0.5%±2 counts 20 V 10 mV ±0.5%±2 counts 200 V 100 mV ±0.5%±2 counts 600 V 1 V ±0.8%±2 counts High voltage protection: AC voltage 250 V rms for 200 mV range, DC voltage rms for other ranges 600 V DC 200 μa 0.1 μa ±1%±2 counts 2 mA 1 μa ±1%±2 counts 20 mA 10 μa ±1%±2 counts 200 ma 100 μa ±1.5%±2 Count 10A 10mA ±3%±2 Count High voltage protection: fuse F 200mA \ 250V (non-fuse for 10A range). AC voltage 200 V 100 mV ±1.2%±10 counts 600 V 1 V ±1.2%±10 counts High voltage protection: 600 V DC or AC rms for all ranges. Frequency response: 40 to 400 Hz. Response: average, measured by the effective value of the sinusoid (~). Diode Test and Continuity Mode Range Description Beep sounds when voltage is less than 1.5 kΩ. Displays the approximate forward voltage drop of the diode. High voltage protection: 250 V DC/ AC rms. Resistance 200 Ω 0.1 Ω ±0.8%±3 counts 2 kΩ 1 Ω ±0.8%±2 counts 20 kΩ 10 Ω ±0.8%±2 counts 200 kΩ 100 Ω ±0.8%±2 counts 2 MΩ 1 kΩ ±1.0%±2 counts Maximum open circuit voltage: 3.2 V. High voltage protection: 250 VDC or AC rms for all ranges.

5 Transistor test hfe (0-1000) Range Test range Test current Test voltage NPN & PNP from lb= 10 μA 3 V Multimeter operation DC voltage measurement the voltage to be measured is not known beforehand, turn the rotary switch to the highest range and decrease until the required resolution is obtained. 3. Connect test leads to the circuit to be measured. 4. The display will show the data and the polarity of the red probe. DC current measurement (For measurements in the range from 200 mA to 10 A, install the measuring probe in the “10A” socket). 2. Set the rotary switch to the desired DCA (DC Amp) position. 3. Break the circuit at the point where you wish to measure the current. Touch the black probe to negative potential, the red probe to positive 4. The display will show the current value and the polarity of the red probe. AC voltage measurement 2. Set the rotary switch to the required position ACV (alternating current voltage) 3. Connect the probes to the circuit to be measured. 4. Data will appear on the screen. Resistance measurement 2. Set the rotary switch to the desired Ω position. 3. Connect the probes to the measured resistor, the data will appear on the screen. 4. When testing resistance, turn off power to the device under test and discharge all capacitors. Diode test 2. Turn the rotary switch to position. 3. Touch the tips of the red probe to the anode and the black probe to the cathode of the diode under test. The multimeter will show the approximate forward voltage drop of the diode. If the probes are reversed, the display will show "1". Transistor Test 1. Set the switch to hfe (high frequency boost). 5

6 2. Determine whether the transistor is NPN or PNP and install the emitter, base, and collector ends. Install the ends of the transistor under test into the corresponding hfe sockets on the front panel of the multimeter. 3. The display will show approximate hfe values ​​(transistor gain) at a base current of 10μA and a test voltage of 3V. "Continuity" connections 2. Set the rotary switch to position. 3. Touch the tips of the probes of the electrical circuit under test, an audible signal will sound during the continuity. Replacing Batteries and Fuses When a low battery warning appears, replace the battery. The fuse rarely needs to be replaced and failure occurs only as a result of user error. Remove the two screws on the bottom of the multimeter case and replace the fuse with a new one with the same rating: 200 mA \ 250 V. To replace the battery, remove the screws on the battery compartment and replace the battery. Rules for safe use Before opening the housing, disconnect the probes from voltage sources. Replace the panel and tighten the screws before using the multimeter. Contents Instructions for use Test lead set Box Battery: 9 V, type NEDA 1604, 6F22 or 006P Pouch (optional) 6

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The MAS830 digital multimeter belongs to the middle price range. The device is supplied in a cardboard box, which presents the main characteristics of the devices of this series.

The box contains a multimeter with probes, packed in a bubble wrap bag, as well as instructions.

The instruction describes several devices of the same type at once, which can mislead an inexperienced user, especially since this moment is reflected in the instructions, it is somewhat confusing. True, on the outer packaging there is a marking in the form of a table, which shows the design features of various devices in the series. So the MAS830B model cannot be used for temperature measurement, and also does not have a sound circuit mode. There is also no separate power button. Every time you turn it on / off, you have to rotate the operating mode switch, which will eventually wear it out.

The device has a HOLD button, pressing this button holds the readings displayed on the screen until the next pressing of the same button. See instructions for details.

Technical characteristics of the multimeter Mastech MAS830

  • Number of measurements per second 2-3
  • DC voltage U= 0.1mV-600V
  • AC voltage U~ 100mV-600V
  • DC current I= 0.1mkA-10A
  • AC frequency range 40 - 400 Hz
  • Resistance R (Ω) 0.1 Ω - 2 MΩ
  • Input resistance R 1 MΩ
  • Transistor gain h21 up to 1000
  • Call mode
  • diode test semiconductor
  • Memory "HOLD" 1 cell
  • Power supply 9V / type NEDA 1604, Krona VTS
  • Dimensions, mm 69 x 138 x 31
  • The price is about 800 rubles

On the back wall there is an emphasis that allows you to install the multimeter vertically.

Among the shortcomings of the MAS830, it can be noted that it is not entirely clear how to open the case to replace the battery and fuse. The instructions say to unscrew the two screws on the rear panel, which is typical for so many designs of such devices. The only problem is that there are no screws on the back of the case.

The pins are of good quality. Only the very end of the probe is exposed.

There is a wire attachment at the back of the probe. As you know, in cheaper models, the wire is usually simply soldered to the tip of the probe, because of which the wire quickly breaks off at the soldering point and it is not possible to repair such a probe, in any case, so that it retains its factory appearance.

An overview of the device was provided by Denev.