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Fraps how to use this program! About Fraps How to use 99 fraps

Fraps (Fra mes p er s econd) is a universal free utility for Windows that is used to count frames per second, take screenshots, test the performance of the graphics adapter, as well as capture recorded video from the screen and video games. The application has earned its impressive reputation for its ease of use, ability to work on any versions of Windows with an extremely small hard disk space (2 MB). The utility is developed by Beepa Pty Ltd.

Advantages of the Fraps program

  • Easy to record video
  • light weight
  • The most popular video capture software for let's players
  • Availability of the Russian version
  • Free use
  • The uniqueness of the program and the absence of its analogues

Main features of the program

  • Screen video recording
  • Ability to combine video recording and microphone sound recording
  • Taking screenshots
  • Testing graphics card performance in 3D applications and video games
  • Frame count ( fps) per second in video games

Download Fraps

To enjoy latest version fraps, download it follows on the official website of the developer.

The program is compatible with the following versions of Windows: XP, 2003, Vista and 7.

Instruction below allows you to simplify the download and installation.

Fraps installation

If when you run the file setup.exe a Windows 7 security warning appears, click " Yes»:

In the window that opens, click the " I agree» under a license agreement for English:

The next window will prompt you to specify the directory on the disk in which it will be installed. Fraps.

To do this, click the button " Browse...” and select the desired folder.

In this example, the address is left by default. Click " Next»:

In the next window, click the " Install". The program will install. Then click the " close»:

Fraps can be launched.

Overview of Fraps Features

To get started, launch the shortcut that will appear on the desktop. The program interface is in English, but this article is written in such a way that it will not cause difficulties. There is also a version for Russian but we decided do review of the original version. After launch, a window will open, which consists of 4 tabs. The following is a detailed description of each of them.

General Tab

Contains information about the program version and build number. Also here you can enjoy the following settings:

  • "Start Fraps minimized". If the function is active when starts Fraps, the window will not be displayed.
  • Fraps window always on top. Allows tune window display Fraps over other applications.
  • "Run Fraps when Windows starts". Launches the program automatically every time you turn on your computer.
  • "Monitor Aero desktop (DWM)". Allows you to measure Frapsom number of frames per second ( fps) with Windows 7 Aero enabled.
  • "Minimize to system tray only". Enabling this option in software hides the main program window. Management is carried out through the "Hot Keys", and the window can be called up by clicking on the program icon in the system tray.

Note: The system bar is a set of miniature icons for active programs that can be found at the edge of the bar. Running applications are minimized here, and on the opposite side there is a button " Start».

These options can be enabled or disabled by checking the boxes.


Designed for testing Frapsom computer graphics adapter by monitoring the number of frames per second ( fps). The norm is 30 fps and above. If this indicator is less than 30, then the gameplay will not be comfortable and will entail overheating of the video card with the ensuing consequences. For check fps frame will be useful to those who monitor the use of each gigabyte random access memory.

This tab contains the following functions:

  • "Folder to save benchmarks in". Here you can specify the directory on the disk where the test results will be placed.
  • Benchmarking Hotkey. Key to start the performance test from the very start.
  • Benchmark Settings. performance test settings. This includes: " FPS" (Frame frequency), Frametimes(frame time), " MinMaxAvg» (Maximum, minimum and average frames per second). You can mark the necessary checkboxes, but to check the effectiveness of their application, you should study in advance lessons in the Internet.
  • "Stop benchmark after ... seconds". If this option is checked, the performance test will end not when the test start button is pressed again, but after a specified number of seconds.
  • "Overlay Hotkey". "Hot key" to enable/disable the display of the performance counter.
  • "Hide Overlay". If you select this setting, the FPS counter will not be displayed. To the left, you can specify in which corner of the screen it should be located.
  • "Only update overlay once a second". By default, the counter displays the number of frames per second in real time. If this option is enabled, the value will be updated once per second.

Rice. 7 FPS window

Viewing the performance counter

If the display of the Fraps performance counter is enabled, it will be displayed not only during a video game, but also during video playback. That is, using the Fraps software, you can make it so that thought performance when playing videos of different quality.

In this case, the number of frames per second will be measured when playing video with a resolution of 1920x804. The system has an Intel Core i7 860 central processor with a maximum frequency of 8.2 GHz. Counter thought frames in the upper left corner, update once per second is enabled:

When you turn on the video, the number of frames per second is displayed (highlighted in green in the figure):

Rice. 9 Video playback performance test.

Performance Testing

Separate setting Fraps allows you to test performance and save the results to a file. An example is shown in the figure below:

Here, the directory for saving is selected by default, the button for starting the test is selected " F11". Only indicators will be saved FPS” (number of frames per second), and the test will end 30 seconds after launch. Start the video or game, press the " F11” and wait 30 seconds.

Then go back to Fraps and click the " view". A window with test results will open.

Video tab (Movies)

Used to set up the video you want to shoot.

The following settings are available here:

  • Folder to save movies in. Directory for saving videos. It can be changed by clicking on the " change».
  • "Video Capture Hotkey". Key to start video recording.
  • Video Capture Settings. Here you can specify the number of frames per second (the higher the quality, the larger the video file size will be), as well as its size (you can select " half size”, then the video frame size will be 2 times smaller).

If you want to record video and sound, check the box "Record Win7 sound". Here you can also select the sound recording mode: stereo ( Stereo) or multichannel ( Multichannel).

If you want to record a voice comment, you should use option " Record external input", by ticking the appropriate box. You can also set up work Fraps so that the sound from the microphone is recorded only when a special key is held down, which can also be specified.

  • "Hide mouse cursor in video". Hides the mouse cursor on the summary record.
  • "Lock frame rate while recording". Locks the frame rate for the duration of the video recording.
  • "Force lossless RGB capture". Forced lossless video capture. It is recommended to activate this option only if it does not reduce the write speed.

To record a video, launch the game or movie, then press the " F9" (in this case). After recording is complete, press this key again. Fraps will save to the specified directory (in this example "C:/Fraps/Movies"). To open it, click the " view". You can delay the moment of video recording using the option " Loop buffer length". The essence of " Loop buffer length" is that the program will start recording after the amount of time specified in the line (expressed in seconds).

Select an option as needed. This means that if the mode Split movie every 4 gigabytes will be activated when the recorded video file reaches the size of more than 4 GB, it will be divided into two documents - one up to 4 GB, the second - depending on the remaining time rate.

Note: The resulting video may take up quite a lot of space. For information on how to compress and recode a video, read the material "", as well as "". Here is a useful instruction, available lessons in text and video format.

Screenshots Tab

Allows you to take screenshots by pressing a hotkey that you can assign yourself. As in the previous modes, here you can specify the address of the directory (in this case, saving images), as well as a hot key - respectively, settings Folder to save screenshots in And "Screen Capture Hotkey".

IN Fraps 4 types of image files are available (BMP, JPG, PNG, TGA), which can be set optionally in the option Image Format. In the free version, only the "BMP" format is available. If you want the frame counter to be saved on the final image, activate the option "Include frame rate overlay on screenshots" in a group Screen Capture Settings(image capture settings). Here you can also configure Fraps so that the image is created after the specified number of seconds. To stop creating images, press the "Hot Key" again.

To capture an image, launch the game and press the hot key.

This concludes the overview of the main features of Fraps. If you have any questions, please use the comment form. Here you can also read

To date, you can find many programs designed to record video from the computer screen while playing games. Among them, the Fraps program can be distinguished, which has a number of advantages. First of all, this concerns the fact that you can find a free version on the network, which, although it is free, has almost all the features of the original. For ease of use, you can install the crack. It should be noted that the program is easy to use, and it allows you to record high quality video clips. The pluses include the ability to count frames and take screenshots.

How to use Fraps?

First you need to download and install the program. This can be done on the official website of the developer, as well as on other resources. Click on the icon that appears on the desktop to open the program. To understand how to use Fraps, you need to go through each section in detail.

In this tab, you can find only a few functions that allow you to specify how the program will be launched. Everyone has the right to put ticks at their own discretion.

FPS. In the next tab, you can specify more values ​​that will make your work easier. The first line is intended to set the place where exactly the results will be saved. In the window below on the left side, you can select a hot key, when pressed, the test will be launched. When you press it again, the test will end, and you can see the value - the average frame rate over the past period of time.

When figuring out how to use the Fraps video recording program, it is important to consider the test settings that determine what exactly will be recorded in a CSV file:

  1. Frame rate allows you to keep a record of the frame rate per second.
  2. Frame time indicates how much time in ms is spent on each frame.
  3. The run log provides basic information about the test: run duration, total frames, minimum, maximum, and average frame rates.

In the bottom line, the user can set the duration of the test. Now about the right side, where you can set a key that affects the location of information on the test during work. Each time you press the specified key, the overlay will move to a different corner. Initially, the program set that the counter will be located in the upper left corner.

Video. This feature appeared not so long ago, but many people download the Fraps program to record video from the screen. Let's look at the functions on the left side first. The user can select the folder in which the video will be recorded, as well as specify a hot key. You can choose one of three recording modes, and it should be borne in mind that the higher the fps, the better the video will be, but at the same time its volume also increases. The user also specifies in which resolution, depending on the game, the video will be recorded. It’s also worth figuring out whether it’s worth checking the box next to the “split movie every 4 GB. It should be borne in mind that not all programs can work with files larger than 4 GB.

Now let's move on to the right side, so the sound settings should be set, focusing on future wiretapping while watching a video. The settings below are of little use for normal use.

Screenshots. In the last tab, you can specify where exactly the screenshots taken from the screen will be saved. The user must also specify a hotkey and select the format of the saved images. Other settings are clear and the gamer sets them on his own.

And again, hello everyone! Today I will touch on a topic that is very important for any letsplayer and reviewer, namely, how to use Fraps. We will start the article with installing the program, and end with a review of its main functions. I hope that after reading this article you will not have any additional questions, but if you do, then ask them in the comments. I will try to answer them.

Before I show you how to use Fraps, you will need to download it. There are plenty of places where this can be done, and you can find them by entering the desired query into the search engine. Well, I, at most, can provide you with a link to the official website, where you can download a 30-day trial version or buy the program, if you suddenly have a desire: download Fraps.

How to use Fraps. Program installation

After downloading the program installer, double-click it to run it. You will see a window with a license agreement, where you can read the terms of use of the program:

We agree to the terms by clicking the " I Agree", and go to the next window:

Here you need to select the folder where the program will be installed. By default, Fraps is set to " c:/fraps", but it's best to change the installation path to, say, " C:/Program Files", that is, in the folder where all the programs of the computer are located.

After selecting the folder to install Fraps, click the " Next" to go to the next step:

Here you can change the name of the program that will be displayed in the Windows main menu. Leave everything as it is and click " Install" to start the installation.

After installing the program, click the " close" to exit the installer:

That's it, the installation of Fraps is over and now you can go to the main topic of the article, that is, how to use Fraps, and consider its main functions and settings.

General menu

The first menu you will see after launching Fraps will be the " General", which contains basic information about the program and several useful functions that we will now consider:

  1. This contains information about who the program is registered to and the e-mail of this user. If you have downloaded the trial version of the program, then this window will contain the inscription " unregistered", which you can remove by purchasing the full version of the program.
  2. Information about the version of the program.
  3. Information about the "build" of the program.
  4. There are five points here. Let's look at them (from top to bottom):
    • Start Fraps minimized. By activating this function, at startup, the program will automatically minimize to tray.
    • Fraps window always on top. By checking this box, the program will always be above all windows.
    • Run Fraps when Windows starts. As the name suggests, by selecting this item, Fraps will start when Windows starts.
    • Monitor Aero desktop. A useful feature that allows you to shoot video from your desktop. On this topic, I wrote an article: "".
    • Minimize to system tray only. And the last item, by selecting which, the program, when minimized, will not minimize to the taskbar, but to the system tray.

So, we have considered the first, main tab of the program, and now let's move on to the next one, that is, in " FPS".

FPS Menu

Second menu, FPS", is responsible for displaying the frame counter and the so-called " Benchmarks". It contains the following functions:

  1. Here you can specify the folder where the benchmarks will be saved.
  2. Selecting a quick button to start testing.
  3. Benchmark settings, which include:
    • FPS. Allows you to record detailed information about the number of frames per second in separate files.
    • Frametimes. Writes detailed information about the exact time of each frame to separate files.
    • MinMaxAvg. Writes detailed information about the minimum, maximum, and average number of frames per second to separate files.
  4. By checking this box, the recording of benchmarks will automatically stop after a certain time, which you can specify in the corresponding text line.
  5. Here is a button for changing the position of the frame counter on the screen.
  6. Here the position of the counter on the screen is indicated. If you select " hide overlay", then the frame counter will be hidden.
  7. And the seventh item, by activating which, the frame counter will not be updated constantly, but in a second.

A few words about what benchmarks are. Benchmarks- These are special files that record information about the number of FPS, the time of each frame, and so on. With their help, you can test the performance of your computer by finding out, for example, what is the maximum or minimum number of frames it can produce when recording.

Here is an example of a file with general information on benchmarks:

It shows (from left to right): the date of testing, the total number of frames, time, as well as the average, minimum and maximum number of FPS during recording. As you can see, with the help of benchmarks, you can easily check how productive your computer is when recording.

Let's move on to the next menu, called " Movies".

Movie menu

On the menu " Movies"are the main settings for video and sound. Let's look at all its points:

  1. Select a folder for recording video. Always specify a folder on a hard drive that has enough free space.
  2. Here you can change the quick button for video recording.
  3. Here are the main video settings. Let's start with the first column:
    • 60 fps. By selecting this item, the video will be recorded at 60 frames per second.
    • 50 fps. By selecting this item, the video will be recorded at 50 frames per second.
    • 30 fps. By selecting this item, the video will be recorded at 30 frames per second.
    • Here, in the text line of the fourth item, you can manually specify the number of frames per second for the recorded videos.

Let's move on to the second column:

  • full size. By activating this item, the video will be recorded in full size.
  • half size. By activating this item, videos will be recorded in half size.

And the last two bottom paragraphs:

  • Loop buffer length 30 seconds. This item allows you to record video not from pressing the record key, but a little earlier, depending on the specified time. That is, let's say you suddenly wanted to record some epic moment in the game, but did not manage to press the record key in time, literally for a few seconds. In this case, if this item is activated for you, then the epic moment will be safely recorded on video, and you can breathe easy. I hope you understand what I mean.
  • Split movie every 4 gigabytes. Split video every 4 gigabytes into separate files.
  1. Fraps sound settings are located here. Let's look at them (from left to right):
    • Record Win7 sound. Allow recording sound from the computer.
    • Stereo. Activate two-channel sound recording mode (left and right).
    • Multichannel. Activate multi-channel sound recording mode (depending on all connected computer sound devices).
    • Record external input. Enable microphone recording and select a recording device.
    • Only capture while pushing. Record sound from the microphone only when a certain key is pressed, which you can specify here.
  2. And the last three points:
    • Hide mouse cursor in video. Hide cursor when recording video.
    • Lock framerate while recording. Limits FPS in games and applications, due to which it will not be able to go higher than specified in the video settings.
    • Force lossless RGB capture (may be slower). The video will be recorded in full color, in RGB mode, which will increase its quality. If you have a weak computer, then I do not recommend that you enable this item.

Let me remind you that we considered the third menu, called " Movies", where the main video and sound settings are located. Now let's move on to the last menu, namely - " Screenshots".

Menu Screenshots

In this last menu Screenshots", you can change the settings that relate to taking screenshots from games, programs and the desktop:

  1. Change the folder where screenshots will be stored.
  2. Here you can change the quick button for taking screenshots.
  3. Here you can choose one of four formats for screenshots: BMP, JPG, PNG and TGA.
  4. And the last item with screenshot settings:
    • Include frame rate overlay on screenshots. Display frames per second counter on screenshots.
    • Repeat screen capture every 10 seconds (until hotkey pressed again). Start a cycle in which, every so many (as many as you specify) seconds, a screenshot will be taken. The loop will continue until the screenshot shortcut key is pressed again.

That seems to be all. We have reviewed all the main functions that Fraps has, and now you know how to use Fraps. Now, to start recording video, just press the hot key that you specified in the program settings.

Any gamer has heard of a program like Fraps, or even used it. However, not everyone knows about all the possibilities of this interesting application. The fact that the program was created to measure FPS (frames per second) during the game is well known. But how to use Fraps in full, using all the functions of the program, many do not even know. Let's try to fill this gap.

Naturally, to start working with the program, you first need to download it. Therefore, we go to the developer's site ( and download the application. By the way, Fraps is absolutely free and does not require any special privileges.

After downloading the program, install it (there are no difficulties here) and launch it by clicking on the icon that appears on the desktop. Now you can proceed to a detailed study.

The main thing

We open the "Main" tab and find here just a couple of useful functions. These include the lower left block. They are clear without words, and everyone ticks according to their preferences. The remaining blocks do not have information and payloads.


The FPS tab is already much more interesting. In the first line, you can specify where the test results will be saved. Next comes the selection of a hotkey (we first consider the left side). Clicking it will start the test. A very handy feature. If the game does not have a built-in benchmark, but you passionately want to know how many FPS the newly purchased video card gives out, this key is simply irreplaceable.

It is enough to press the selected key during the game (we have it F4), as the counter will turn green and the test will begin. When pressed again, the color will change to red and the test will end. You will see the average frame rate for the past segment of the game, and this data will be written to FRAPSLOG.TXT.

Below are the test settings, or rather, what will be written to the CSV file.

  • Frame rate - per second counting of the frame rate.
  • Frame Time - Shows the time (ms) spent on each frame.
  • Work log - contains basic data on the test: the duration of the run, the total number of frames, the minimum, maximum and average frame rates.

Well, the very last line allows you to set the time of the test. Also a useful thing.

Let's move on to the right side. Again, the choice of a hot key, but already affecting the location of the information data of the test during operation. Each key press moves the overlay to a different corner. The default habitat for the Fraps counter is the upper left corner. The remaining points do not require explanation.


A very attractive feature that appeared in the latest versions of the program. Modern games are so exciting and beautiful that very often there is a desire to record all this beauty and dynamics on a disc, so that later you can show it to your friends or just admire it yourself again. Fraps makes this easy and simple.

First, choose a folder to save the videos. To do this, just click the "Change" sign and indicate the location you need on the hard drive. By default, the entry is made in the directory where the program is installed. The "View" button will show what you have in this folder.

Let's consider everything in more detail. As always, let's start on the left side. The first thing to do is assign a hotkey. Then you should think about choosing the number of FPS required to record video. The program provides 3 recording modes: 60 fps; 50 fps 30 - 29.97 fps. It is well known that the higher the fps, the better the video quality. However, we should not forget that this significantly increases the size of the video file.

You can also set the resolution in which the recording will be recorded compared to the game. "Half resolution" means ½ of the resolution in the game. "Full resolution" needs no comment.

Leave the buffer update by default, but with a checkmark of 4 GB you should think about it. There are several reasons:

  1. Not all video programs work correctly with files larger than 4 gigabytes.
  2. Not every video player will be able to "digest" a large movie.
  3. Certain issues may occur on FAT 32 systems.

Right side. Everything is much simpler here. You set the sound settings taking into account future wiretapping while watching. If you have a conventional stereo system, then it makes no sense to check the "Multichannel sound" box - the file size will increase, and the effect will be zero.

The lowest block of settings for the average user is of little use. In most cases they are not needed.


A tab understandable even to a schoolboy. The first field is where the screenshots are saved. The "Edit" button works exactly the same as on the "Video" tab. The same applies to the "View" function.

Below is the hotkey assignment field. Below are the available save formats.

But the right group is a little more interesting. And if adding an overlay to a shot is most likely useful to fans of benchmarks, then recapturing the screen will appeal to most gamers. By checking the box next to this setting, you can forget about the hot key and completely surrender to the game. Fraps will automatically take screenshots at specified intervals.

So we figured out how to use the Fraps program - an extremely useful and necessary tool for a real lover of computer games. Having recorded with its help the most poignant moments of a cool action movie, where you yourself are the main superhero, you will have something to remember and watch even in your gray-haired old age.

Fraps is a program for capturing video or screenshots. It is widely used to capture video from computer games. This is what most YouTubers use. The value for ordinary gamers is that it allows you to display FPS (Frame per Second - frames per second) in the game on the screen, as well as measure PC performance.

As mentioned above, Fraps can be used for different purposes. And since each application method has a number of settings, it is necessary to first consider them in more detail.

Video capture

Capturing video is the main feature of Fraps. It allows you to fine-tune the capture parameters quite well, in order to ensure the optimal ratio of speed / quality even if you have a not particularly powerful PC.

Taking a screenshot

Just like with videos, screenshots are saved to a specific folder.

Key assigned as "Screen Capture Hotkey", is used to take a picture. In order to reconfigure it, you need to click on the field in which the key is indicated, and then click on the required one.

Image Format— saved image format: BMP, JPG, PNG, TGA.

To obtain the highest quality images, it is desirable to use the PNG format, since it provides the least compression and, accordingly, the least quality loss compared to the original image.

Screenshot creation options can be set with the option Screen Capture Settings.

  • In the case when the screenshot should have an FPS counter, activate the option "Include frame rate overlay on screenshot". Useful for sending game performance data to someone if needed, but if you are taking a picture of a beautiful moment or for desktop wallpaper, it's best to turn it off.
  • To create a series of images over a period of time, the parameter helps "Repeat screen capture every ... seconds". After its activation, when you press the image capture key and until it is pressed again, the screen will be captured after a certain period of time (standard - 10 seconds).


Benchmarking is the measurement of PC performance. The functionality of Fraps in this area is reduced to counting the number of FPS issued by the PC and writing it to a separate file.

There are 3 modes here:

  • FPS- a simple display of the number of frames.
  • Frametimes- the time it took the system to prepare the next frame.
  • "MinMaxAvg"- saving the minimum, maximum and average FPS values ​​​​to a text file at the end of the measurement.

Modes can be applied both individually and in combination.

This function can be put on a timer. To do this, check the box next to "Stop benchmarking after" and the desired value is set in seconds by specifying it in the white field.

To configure the button that activates the start of the scan, you need to click on the field Benchmarking hotkey, followed by the desired key.

All results will be saved in the specified folder to a spreadsheet with the name of the benchmark object. To set a different folder, click on Change (1),

select the desired location and click "OK".

Button labeled as "overlay hotkey", is for changing the FPS output display. It has 5 modes that can be changed with a single press of it:

  • Upper left corner;
  • Upper right corner;
  • Lower left corner;
  • Lower right corner;
  • Do not display number of frames ( "Hide Overlay").

It is configured similarly to the benchmark activation key.

The points discussed in this article should help the user understand the functionality of Fraps and allow him to configure his work in the most optimal mode.