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How to remove mail ru from browsers. How to remove mail ru from browsers How to remove mail from bookmarks

Today we will consider, I think, a problem that is already pretty annoying for many users, as the imposition by of its search and visual bookmarks in browser add-ons. Namely, we will learn how to remove search from Mozilla Firefox and Chrome browsers. The company's policy of imposing only causes irritation. And insolently, without asking the user whether he wants to see the search for Mail in his browser or not. It would be nice if there was still an adequate search, for example, like Yandex, then there would still be nothing, otherwise there is no normal search, and they are still trying to forcibly sell it, so much so that later you will get rid of it. And they are still trying to make sure that the user does not notice its installation. Remember, did you see that you were offered to install Surely not! But still you have it. Where? You ask. Yes, just when installing some kind of program, a window with checkmarks appears, where they offer you to install add-ons. Only this is not always noticeable, I even think that it was deliberately made inconspicuous in order to impose it first, and then you can’t get anywhere. Mail can be installed with programs such as Agent, Icq, etc. Here is a typical example

Remember this window when installing the program? I think no. After that, unwanted searches appear, additional browsers on the desktop. Moreover, their browser is the same Chrome only with their search, and nothing original. For example, Yandex has at least its own browser.

So, from this article you will learn how to remove search and bookmarks from Mozilla Firefox and Chrome browsers.

How to remove and Firefox?

Open the browser, look for the orange button in the upper left corner, click on it and go to the settings.

In the settings in the top panel, select the "Basic" tab and see that the home page. We just need to change it to the one you want to see at startup.

For example, I will set the home page from Yandex. Like it or not, but it seems to me that Yandex search is more adequate. Changed the home page. Click the "Ok" button

But that is not all. Now you need to remove the panel from the add-ons. To do this, open the settings again and select the "Add-ons" item.

In add-ons, on the left side, select the "Extensions" item, find Satellite Mail and on the right click on the "Disable" or "Delete" button

Then you need to restart Firefox

After restarting, a warning window may pop up. Uncheck the box and click on the "Allow" button

Everything is ready.

Now we will remove the intrusive Mail from the Chrome browser .

We launch it, go to the upper right corner and click on the button with stripes (this is the Chrome settings button). Find the "Settings" item and go to it

In the settings, in the "Initial group" section, click on the "Add" link

Here we see that the home page of mail and search Mail is installed. To delete it, click on the cross.

And after that we enter the page we need, for example and click on the “Ok” button

Now you need to delete the bookmarks. Again, go to the settings and select the item "Bookmark Manager"

In the bookmark manager, right-click on the bookmark you want to remove and in the window that appears, click on the line "Delete"

We also perform this operation with the "Search on the Internet" tab.

We restart the browser and as never before.

If the link (search for the company) appears on the start page of your browser, do not worry. Most likely, these are not the tricks of some ingenious virus, but only the result of your thoughtless or erroneous actions. In 95 cases out of 100, the URL is “registered” on its own after installing the software or third-party products that add the search engine to web browsers along the way.

However, it is still better to remove (link to the homepage) and accidentally installed service software (Sputnik, Guard, Visual bookmarks, etc.). Why clutter up browsers and the system? And then, it makes sense to return the former comfort of web surfing (for example, if it is convenient for you to search for the necessary information in the Google search engine, and not in

There are two ways to remove software, browser add-ons and the link from the start page from your computer.

Method # 1: cleaning with regular means

Uninstalling programs

1. Click on the "Start" button (the first one on the taskbar).

2. Go to: Control Panel → "Uninstall a program" subsection.

3. Right-click the program, click the "Delete" panel.

4. Follow the instructions of the uninstaller.

5. Uninstall in the same way all the service software available in the system (Guard, Sputnik, module for Opera, automatic update service).

Removing remaining registry keys

1. Hold down the Win key and press R.

2. In the "Run" line, type the command - regedit. Click OK.

3. In the "Search" panel, in the "Find" field, enter the query -

4. Run a registry scan: click "Find next".

5. Right-click on the discovered entry. Select "Delete" from the list.

Browser cleaning

1. Click to open the "Tools" menu (in versions 9-11 - the "gear" icon).

2. In the "Types of settings" section, select the item "Toolbars ..." with a mouse click.

3. Right-click the addon. In the context menu, run the "Disable" command.

4. Go to the "Search Services" subsection. And also (through the menu) turn off the search for the portal.

5. Go to the Internet Explorer menu. Select Internet Options.

6. In the properties panel, in the "Home page" line, specify the address of the search engine used (for example,

7. Click "Apply" and then "OK".

Google Chrome

1. Tap the three stripes icon at the top right.

2. Open: More tools → Extensions.

3. Click the "Trash" label next to add-ons (confirm the deletion in an additional request).

4. On the same tab, click on the "Settings" item in the list on the left.

5. In the option "On startup ...", click the "Add" function.

7. In the "Search" block:

  • open the drop-down list and set the required search engine;
  • click "Configure ... systems ...";
  • in the "Search Settings" field, remove links to


1. In the browser window, click: Menu (button in the upper left corner) → Extensions → Extension Manager.

2. Place the cursor in the upper right corner of the "mail" add-on, and then click the "cross" that appears.

1. Press the key combination "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "A" at the same time.

Note. You can also go through the menu: Tools → Add-ons.

2. Click the "Delete" command in the column of the addon.

3. Click the "Tools" section again and go to "Settings".

4. In the "Home Page" field (tab "Basic") type the url of the search engine you are using.

Method # 2: cleaning programs

Removing applications with the uninstaller

Note. This guide explains how to clean up with Soft Organizer. But you can use another similar solution to accomplish this task. For example, Revo Uninstaller or Uninstall Tools.

1. In the Soft Organizer window, in the list of programs installed in Windows, select "[email protected]" (or another application of this service) with a mouse click.

2. Click the "Uninstall a program" command in the top bar.

3. After the standard uninstallation is completed, click "Find" to start searching for the remnants of the removed application.

4. Delete the remaining application keys and files found by Soft Organizer.

Browser cleaning

Google Chrome

1. Download the Chrome cleaning tool on the official page -

  • click "Download";
  • in the additional window "Terms of service ...", click "Accept and download".

2. Run the downloaded utility with administrator rights.

3. When cleaning is complete, in the browser's "Reset settings" panel, select "Reset".

Internet Explorer, Firefox

1. Download the browser cleaner from the Avast antivirus company website -

2. Install and run it.

3. Select the browser that needs cleaning from the vertical menu.

4. Click to uncheck the add-on "Exclude extensions ..." (line at the bottom of the window).

5. Click "Delete" in the blocks of extensions from

6. At the top right, click the "Reset Settings" button.

7. Select a search engine for the start page from the drop-down list.

8. Click Clear Free.


1. Download the CCleaner Free utility (free distribution kit) from the official resource (

2. Install on PC and run.

3. In the CCleaner panel, go to the "Registry" section.

4. Click Check for Issues.

5. After the analysis is completed, click the "Fix" command to fix the errors found by the utility in the system registry.

6. Click on the "Clean" menu.

7. Click "Analyze".

8. To remove unnecessary files and folders from the operating system, click

Successful setup of Windows and browsers! Don't forget to read the instructions for the software installers. is known for its aggressive software distribution, which results in the installation of software without user consent. One example - was integrated into the Mozilla Firefox browser. Today we will talk about how it can be removed from the browser.

If you are faced with the fact that services have been integrated into the Mozilla Firefox browser, then you will not be able to remove them from the browser in one step. In order for the procedure to bring a positive result, you will need to complete a set of steps.

Stage 1: uninstalling the software

First of all, we will need to remove all programs related to Of course, you can uninstall the software using standard tools, but this removal method will leave a large number of files and registry entries associated with, which is why this method cannot guarantee successful removal from the computer.

We recommend that you use Revo Uninstaller, which is the most successful program for completely uninstalling programs. after the standard removal of the selected program, it will search for the remaining files associated with the removed program: a thorough scan will be performed both among the files on the computer and in the system registry keys.

Stage 2: remove extensions

Now, in order to remove from Mazila, let's move on to working with the browser itself. Open Firefox and click on the menu button in the top right corner. In the window that appears, click the button "Additions" .

In the left pane of the window that opens, go to the tab "Extensions" , after which the browser will display all installed extensions for your browser. Here, again, you will need to remove all extensions associated with

Once the extensions are removed, restart your browser. To do this, click on the menu button and select the icon "Output" , then start Firefox again.

Stage 3: Change the start page

Open the Firefox menu and navigate to the section "Settings" .

In the very first block "Launch" you will need to change the start page from to the desired one or even set it near the item "When Firefox starts" parameter "Show last opened windows and tabs" .

Stage 4: change the search service

In the upper right corner of the browser there is a search bar, which by default, most likely, will search on the website. Click on the magnifying glass icon and in the displayed window select "Change search settings" .

The screen will display a line in which you can set the default search service. Change to any search engine you make.

In the same window, the search engines added to your browser will be displayed just below. Select an extra search engine with one click, and then click on the button "Delete" .

As a rule, such stages allow you to completely remove from Mazila. Henceforth, when installing programs on your computer, be sure to pay attention to what additional software will be installed for you.

» How to remove a virus from

Users are constantly faced with malicious software from various unscrupulous developers. As a rule, it is imposed through various Bars, add-ons and browser extensions. In the case of a search from, in 99% this is a conscious or imposed installation of Sputnik Today we will tell you how to remove from Google Chrome.

The most efficient way!

Enter this command in the address bar: chrome://settings/startup

If there are any pages that are different from the usual ones, delete them! In theory, you should have either a home page from Yandex or Google there.

If this does not help, then we do everything from the list (you can do it out of order).

Removing traces of

1. Be sure to delete everything that is in any way related to Satellites, Amigo browser, Agent + various add-ons. To do this, go to START - Add or Remove Programs and wash everything there. Sometimes malware may not be removed in the standard way. In this case, use the utility CCleaner. It is distributed free of charge.

2. Find the folder on your computer: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Local Settings\Application Data. There you can find folders from Delete them! Or, if there are 2 folders, delete the one that does not have a digital signature. Well, or delete everything if you do not plan to use their services and search.

3. Open a browser. Go to Extensions.
To do this, type in the address bar: chrome://extensions/.

There you need to remove all dubious extensions and in the future always control this section. Sometimes something can be established here against your will, and something independently out of ignorance.

4. Set normal search by default.

Be sure to close all tabs that are somehow related to before changing the search engine in the settings. This is necessary in case that automatic resuscitation of remote services does not occur. Close tabs? Fine!

Enter the command in the address bar: chrome://settings/searchEngines.
A window will open with a list of installed search engines. Remove everything related to Then set Yandex or Google as the main search engine.

Also in the settings "Open at startup" check the box next to "Previously opened tabs". Attention: if there are any left addresses in this column opposite "Specified pages", urgently delete them all.

5. Resetting the settings is a radical way.

Oddly enough, but sometimes a simple way to reset the settings helps. In fact, this is a rollback of the browser to its original state. To reset, enter the command in the address bar: chrome://settings/resetProfileSettings.

Not sure if it will help, but you can try. Just in case, before that, export the bookmarks. This will save your accumulated information and favorite sites.

These are the most effective ways to remove from Chrome. Try!

Many users do not like that they have services installed in Mozilla. This search engine does not outperform such giants as Google and Yandex. However, it often embeds itself into the browser without consent. As a rule, this happens along with the download of some other software or when installing Mazila. How to remove from Firefox?

To get rid of, you need to do everything in stages. Let's consider each step in detail.

Step 1: uninstall the software

You can do this using standard Windows tools, in particular, in the Programs and Features window. However, the removal will not be complete: various entries in the registry will remain.

In this regard, it is recommended to use a special program to uninstall installed utilities. It will also get rid of all the "tails" in the registry and other residual files from the remote program. For example, it could be Revo Uninstaller or CCleaner. Let's take CCleaner as an example.

1.Go to the official website:

2.Download and install the program.

3.Launch it using the shortcut on the desktop.

4.Go to the "Service" tab in the window that appears. You will immediately be taken to the desired section "Uninstall programs".

5. Find in the list, select the service with the left mouse button and click on the "Delete" button.

Step 2: Get rid of extensions

If you have any related add-ons installed in Firefox, uninstall them.

1.Click on the icon with the image of three horizontal lines in the upper right corner. Select the "Extras" section, which will be illustrated with a puzzle.

2.Go to the "Extensions" tab, where the browser lists all previously installed add-ons.

3.Find the necessary add-on associated with the mail service and click on "Remove".

4.Restart your browser.

Step 3: Change the Start Page

  1. Launch the Firefox browser and launch the "Settings" tab via the icon with three lines.
  2. In the "Launch" section, change the start page to the one you want to see when you open the browser. An alternative option is to set the value next to the "When Firefox starts" option to "Show last opened windows and tabs."

Step 4: Change the search service

1.Next to the navigation bar on the right there is a field for entering search queries. Click on the magnifying glass icon to open a small window.

3.In the line, set the search engine you need. So you replace

4. A little lower will be a list of search engines that were added earlier to your browser. Remove unnecessary ones by selecting them and clicking on the corresponding button below.

AdwCleaner is a small program for cleaning your PC from unnecessary programs, including those from The program does not conflict with the antivirus, so you can safely use it.
1.Download the utility from the official site. Open it.

2. Click on the first "Scan" button. The check will start.

3.When finished, you will be presented with a list of go.mail components.

4.Click on the "Clean" button.

5.Restart your browser.

Reset all browser settings

Removing from the browser can occur by resetting Mozilla's settings to the original ones, which were immediately after installing the program. The method will also save you from other malicious extensions. However, do not worry about your personal data (bookmarks and passwords). This information will be saved.

  1. Click on the icon with three lines and click on help (the question mark at the bottom).
  2. Go to the Troubleshooting Information section.
  3. In the Firefox Setup section, click on Clean up Firefox.
  4. Confirm your intention to switch to the initial view of the browser.

A reset will occur immediately: the initial page will be different when it is restarted.

If you follow all these steps, you will be able to remove from Firefox completely. In the future, be careful when installing any programs, since very often, along with downloading the main program, installers offer to install additional services, such as search.