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Why does my tablet keep freezing? If the tablet freezes, what should I do to bring it back to "life"? Android background process limit

Kingdia team 18.08.2017 10:53

Quoting Elena:

Hello. The problem is this. I need to flash the tablet. To do this, it must be turned off. Stuck on checking the file system. When you press the small button with a sharp object, it reboots, just like holding the on / off button. Recovery does not come out at all. Help me please. How to turn off the tablet?

Hello. First you need to clarify the model of the tablet, so that I can understand what is at stake. As a rule, to enter the recovery menu, use the Power + Volume key combination (+ or - - you need to try both options). If you can’t load the recovery menu on your own, then it’s better to contact someone who has more experience. I can't help you further from a distance. Best of all - take it to a service center so that you can install the official service firmware. It will work the most stable.

#133 KingDia team 23.02.2017 22:33

Quoting Yuri:
Hello. What does "Hard Reboot" mean? Do you have a factory reset? Do it again. Since the operating system itself (Android) is loaded, this is already some kind of firmware bug or hardware error. I can't help much from a distance. Here it is necessary to understand personally, to carry out diagnostics. It is possible that the firmware is working fine, but one of the modules on the motherboard has failed, which is causing the hang. Maybe the CPU itself is dead. Here you can guess for a long time. Better take it to a service center. If you know how to flash, you can try to flash the tablet. to get started, read this article -

Along with the device that is gaining popularity, namely the tablet, more and more questions arise about its treatment for various kinds of problems. One of the frequent questions: “the tablet freezes and does not turn on, what should I do. In the article we will consider the available methods of rehabilitation of the device at home.

Of course, most often this kind of problem occurs with Chinese fakes of original tablets or with little-known manufacturers. However, even Samsung and Apple devices sometimes experience these problems. Even regardless of the manufacturer, very often the tablet hangs on the android of older versions.

Often there is nothing catastrophic in this problem and it is enough to perform a few simple steps that differ depending on the cause of the freeze. Nevertheless, there are cases when it is impossible to do without the help of specialists. In order to determine which category your situation belongs to, you need to analyze why the tablet freezes.

The reasons are divided by the nature and root of the problem into two groups: hardware and system.

With hardware problems, everything is not too rosy, but some of them can be fixed. System or software causes of freezing can be solved at home without the need for repairs, at least in most cases.

Hardware reasons include:

  • Damage to the contacts of the tablet board;
  • When the tablet hangs when turned on, the reason may be the lack of power;
  • Hanging due to connecting incompatible or broken devices.

Cause of system crashes:

  • Installing an application not intended for the device;
  • You have been attacked by a virus;
  • An error in the system files of the tablet operating system;
  • Failure of the factory settings of the device.

Eliminate hardware causes of freezing

First of all, you need to perform primary diagnostics, determining what preceded the tablet freezing. The tablet may freeze if you drop it, wet it, connect a USB flash drive, send it in for repair, etc. However, only a few of them can be solved by oneself.

You may have hardware installed that is malfunctioning or not working at all, or it may simply not be compatible with the operating system. If the tablet hangs on an android or other OS, you should make sure that the device is designed for your device. To fix the problem, you just need to remove the installed equipment and start the device. After that, the problem should be fixed.

Another possible reason why the tablet freezes when turned on is power problems. Perhaps the power is simply not enough to start the device, then you should check the battery. It should be even, there should not be any swelling. Even if it looks in order, this does not guarantee its performance, it is better to check it by connecting another battery or by checking the output voltage with a tester and comparing the readings with the nominal value.

Alas, from hardware reasons, you can only solve the above, other problems require the intervention of specialists. Nevertheless, there is a high probability that the reason lies not at all in the hardware, but in the system.

What to do with systemic causes of tablet freezing?

Here we apply the same method of primary diagnosis, which is described above.

Why the tablet hangs can be determined by remembering and analyzing what preceded the freezes. You probably installed a new program, changed important system settings, deleted standard services, etc.

In this case, there are several options for the development of events. In the first case, the tablet boots up, but freezes from time to time, possibly when some programs are launched. In this case, you should update the application, make sure that your tablet meets the requirements of the utility, reinstall the program, or, in extreme cases, uninstall it. Alternatively, the tablet may not start at all. Then you should use the "hard restart" function or flash the tablet by updating the version of your operating system.

You should check if you have a small hole labeled "Reset". Quite often, just finding it and pressing a button is enough. If this feature is not available, read on.

Using the force restart feature is not a priority action, as it will delete all information from the tablet. First, you should remove the flash and SIM cards so that they do not format them by chance. To use the "Hard Reset" function on IOS, hold down the "Home" and "Power" buttons at the same time, the device must be turned on.

For Android, the hotkey is "Power" + volume up or "Home" button.

You may need to flash your tablet by updating the version of the operating system. This action will help both in cases with broken device settings and with a damaged operating system. You can try to perform the procedure yourself or use the services of a specialist.

Sometimes there are viruses that load the processor by 100% and therefore the tablet freezes.

You can try to scan the system with an antivirus on the tablet or connect it to a computer and clean the device of viruses.

We have presented methods that allow you to solve the problem yourself, but if none of the options helped, you have no choice but to take the tablet to a service center.

If you still have questions on the topic “What to do if the tablet freezes?”, You can ask them in the comments

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If you are an active user of Lenovo technology, you may have encountered problems such as braking and lags. Of course, this is typical of every electronic device, without exception, but I want to talk about this particular brand, since I myself am a user of products of this brand. In this article, we will try to analyze in as much detail as possible how to restart a Lenovo tablet in case it freezes. I'm sure it will be useful to someone.

I will try to give universal advice in the article for all devices of the brand, although I had specific lenovo yoga tablet 10 models in use, and I also used the methods described below for the lenovo tab 2 tablet. Different models can use different keys for reboot and reset, so that some tips for tab 2 will not work for others, but we will discuss this below.

How to determine the causes of the problem

First of all, try to analyze the current situation. There is a significant difference between when the device periodically works slowly and when the tablet freezes completely - it simply stops working and responds to any actions with it. Can you use the sensor, does the screen and the main functions of the device work, or does everything stop after turning on - hangs on the splash screen and does not respond?

It is also important to distinguish, does this happen all the time or only under certain conditions? Right now, is your device working fine and slowing down in some situations, or not functioning at all? As you decide on the answers to the above questions, look at the root causes of your problem and understand how to make it work.

  1. A software glitch is a common reason why a tablet freezes. You have installed many different applications, some of them conflict with each other. It is easy to determine if, immediately after installing / updating / launching third-party software, the lenovo tablet stuck, does not respond to anything and does not turn off. The solution to this problem is described below.
  2. Hardware problems. This is a serious problem. When, after a fall, the device turned off and does not want to function when turned on, you will probably have to contact a service center. Try the methods at the bottom of the article and if they helped, great, if not, take the device in for repair.

How to bring an android device back to life

If the ability to use the touchscreen is preserved, or at least the device responds to pressing the buttons, you can do a “soft” restart. To do this, press and hold the device's power button (Power) until it turns off completely - about 5-10 seconds. Start with the same button. It worked - well, no - move on. You will have to restart the "hard" method, the so-called Hard Reset. This method involves deleting all the data from the gadget, so if you have something important there, try to make a backup (save the files) if possible. But if everything is frozen and does not work, it will not always work.

To begin with, if your gadget has a Reset key on the case, use it. It is made specifically for such cases, but you will not often see it on modern androids. To prevent accidental pressing, such keys are made sunken inward and can only be pressed with a thin stick. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then turn on the device as usual.

hard reset

What to do, how to restart a lenovo tablet? On different devices, different key combinations are responsible for this, these can be:

  • Power and volume up button (Volume +);
  • volume down button (Volume-) and Home;
  • Home, Volume + and power key;
  • the same but with Volume-;
  • Volume+, Volume-, Power.

After pressing and holding the key combination (the buttons must be pressed simultaneously), a window with various items should appear. Look for "Wipe data", "Factory reset" or something similar. We switch between the items using the volume up / down buttons, select the desired item using Power. Choose Wipe data, then Yes. Wait until all data is deleted. After that, look for an item similar to Reboot and select it. The computer should restart.

When the main screen appears, I advise you to carry out another reset - through the settings ("Reset data" or something similar).

Well, now you have done the main thing to bring your gadget back to life. If the described actions did not help, I am very sorry to you - apparently, you will have to go to a service center or give some equipment for repair. If a mechanical failure has led to similar results, without specialized knowledge you cannot fix anything.


I hope our tips have helped you. Try the generic algorithm described above. If I missed some method that helped you with a similar problem, it is very desirable to write about it in the comments below: this will definitely help one of our visitors. See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

As a rule, the tablet is turned off by long pressing the power button (usually located on the side or top of the case) until a window appears in which Android asks what exactly you want to do - turn on silent mode, or turn off the tablet completely (in different versions of Android, the list of capabilities of this button may differ). Click "Turn off", a few seconds pass, and when the display is completely off, consider that the tablet is turned off.

How to turn off or restart a tablet that is frozen

There are times when the tablet rebels, does not respond to attempts to put it into sleep mode or turn it off. Everything was easier with phones before - I pulled out the battery, put it back in, and everything is in order. You can’t do this with a tablet, it’s not so easy to disassemble it in order to get the battery. Here, depending on the features of your model, there may be a couple of options:

- Press and hold the power button for 10 to 15 seconds;
- If it doesn’t help, look for a small hole on the tablet case, it should say “Reset” (reboot). Press this button with a thin object such as a paperclip or toothpick. The tablet should restart.

- If there is no “Reset” button, pressing the power button for 15 seconds does not help, try simultaneously holding down the power button and the volume up key (with the “+” sign) for a while. This option does not work for me, but some say that this advice helped them.

- The option “I will wait until the battery is completely dead, and then turn on the tablet again” is also suitable, but this may take several hours.

If the tablet lenovo, samsung, asus, prestige, digma and so on freezes, and even at the most inopportune time, of course, there is little joy. Then a reboot usually solves the problem.

Yes, that's the trouble - it does not turn off. What to do? There is a solution, or rather several of them.

The process for turning off a tablet may vary depending on the make and model of the device, but in most cases it looks the same (if it is on android).

To turn it off properly, you must hold the power button for a few seconds until the menu appears.

Then select "OK" when asked if you want to turn off the device. After a few seconds, the tablet will be turned off.

This is the right way. Thanks to him, no data will be lost or damaged. If the shutdown occurs improperly, then although rarely, the data contained in the device's memory may be lost.

By the way, you can easily fix your problem with the tablet freezing so that this does not happen again in the future -

How to turn off the tablet if it freezes

Sometimes there are situations in which the tablet freezes tightly and does not react to anything. In this case, a normal shutdown is not possible.

If this situation occurs, press and hold the power button for a long time (usually 10 seconds).

This is an emergency measure and should only be used as a last resort. If such situations need to be repeated too often, then the device must be "healed".

Although, there is another option: do not turn the tablet off and on, but force it to reboot. On many devices, the manufacturer has provided this.

How to restart the tablet if it freezes

In most models, this process involves pressing a special button responsible for restarting the device.

See if you have a very small hole diameter on your case, located on the back panel (sometimes on the side).

Its diameter is under a pin or a needle. If there is, then to restart, press a sharp object and hold this button for a few seconds (about 3-5 seconds).

If the tablet freezes once, this is not a problem, but if the process is repeated, it is not only annoying, but there is a chance that it will not start soon.

Therefore, you need to establish the cause, and there are many of them, but it all comes down to two: hardware and software.

The latter, as a rule, are eliminated on their own, but you can’t do without a service with hardware ones (diagnostic equipment is required).

Situations happen not only when the tablet freezes and does not turn off, but vice versa. Rehabilitation of the device is possible only if the correct diagnosis is made, but there are also basic solutions.

Why is the tablet frozen and not responding to anything

The tablet may freeze due to a software conflict. Why? Because the firmware may be updated, and installed applications may not be compatible with it.

Of course, you can't do without a forced reboot. If the options described above do not help, you will have to take on the device more firmly.

Only all data will then be destroyed (some can be saved if you remove the memory card).

Only for all devices the same option will not work. The most common option is to simultaneously press and hold the "Power" and "Volume Up" buttons with the tablet turned on.

Sometimes you need to use the third HOME button. Then a menu will appear, where use the volume button to select "Settings", and then "Format System".

When you click on "Reset Android", a reboot will begin, as a result of which the tablet will be reset to factory settings.

NOTE: it has been noticed that viruses can lead to freezing, as in a computer - a full reset will eliminate this.

Conclusion of the article - “what to do if the tablet freezes and does not turn off”

The process of turning off the tablet is simple and it's safe to say that even a child can handle it.

But that doesn't mean it's not important. This is one of the key processes and proper execution affects the correct functioning and reliability of the device.

Remember that your device, like all others, can be in three different states:

can work in normal mode - activated, for example, watch Internet movies, sleep mode, when it goes into sleep mode after a few seconds of inactivity and turned off (in fact, if the battery is not completely pulled out, it does not turn off).

All this, of course, can be changed in the settings: when sleeping, it consumes less battery power.

During the day, it is usually in sleep mode so that it can be accessed literally a second after the power button is pressed.

ATTENTION: in an android tablet, as in a computer, you can enable safe mode.

Using it, it will be much easier for you to find the cause of the freeze, or rather determine whether it is software or hardware. Good luck.