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How to translate reboot and. Video: fixing the Reboot and Select proper Boot device error via BIOS. How to solve the problem

When you turn on the computer, it boots up for the first time. The main unit responsible for this action is a microcircuit called BIOS or UEFI (for modern computers), originally installed on motherboard manufacturer. If everything is fine, then the installed on the computer is loaded operating system(OS), and the user starts working with it. When a problem occurs, an error message is displayed on your monitor. One such warning is - Reboot and Select proper Boot device... Let's analyze it in detail.

Eliminating a common kernel bug

Diagnosing frequent kernel crashes can be difficult. To help diagnose frequent kernel crashes, record the date and time they occurred and any information that appears with the kernel crash message. When the kernel crashed frequently, was the computer on, off, or performing a specific task? Does the kernel crash intermittently or does it happen every time you perform a certain action? Does this only happen when you connect an external device, or when you connect a device to a specific port?

Identify hardware or software as the cause of the problem

Important: if the "Disk Utility" option is not available for recovery internal drive, you should immediately save important data and, if possible, reformat the disk. If you need to reformat or replace a drive, be sure to ask them to contact you if you escalate the case to a dedicated data recovery service. If the problem does not occur, select the next "Troubleshoot" option in the next article for a later diagnosis of the problem.

Troubleshoot hardware

  • For example, were you playing a game or typing when this happened?
  • Starts with an external drive.
Disable external drive used in the previous test to determine if a kernel failure was caused by a hardware problem.

About what the Reboot and Select error is proper boot device, can be judged from the translation of the text, where it is written about the need to reboot and select the appropriate media. That is, the user is notified that no device has been found from which to start the system. Naturally, until the error is completely fixed, the Windows OS, which we will be considering, will not boot.

Check your peripherals first

Unplug one peripheral at a time to see if it caused the kernel to crash. If the kernel fails, keep adding peripherals until you figure out what other peripheral is needed for the kernel to fail.


  • Disconnect all peripheral devices.
  • A combination of peripherals can crash the kernel.
Disconnect the external drive used in the previous test to determine if the kernel error is caused by a software issue.

Error message Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in select Boot device

The main reasons for the error:

  • BIOS settings are down;
  • errors in the operation of the main hard drive or connected USB-media, including those related to physical damage;
  • infecting your computer with a virus;
  • failure of the BIOS power supply battery;
  • voltage drops in the electrical network to which the computer is connected;
  • malfunction of the power supply;
  • damaged Windows bootloader.

How to solve the problem

If BIOS settings are lost

To restore the settings, which will consist in choosing the boot sequence, you must enter the BIOS. To do this, usually at the very beginning of the system startup, you need to continuously press and release the DEL key. She, of course, may be different. The exact name of the key can be seen on the monitor screen at the time of initial boot. After entering BIOS, select Advanced BIOS Features // Boot seq & Floppy Setup // First Boot Device, check the priority of the boot sequence and press Enter. The disk with the OS installed on your computer should start first.

Extended information on kernel errors and logs

You can check the kernel crash logs to get additional information... It is possible that information that can assist developers in their research is in the registry. This information may also provide additional information about what could have caused the kernel to crash.

Computer infection with a virus

Understand and debug kernel errors. This technical note covers kernel crashes: what they are, how to read kernel errors, and how to debug the code that calls the kernel. This white paper explains how to enable a remote kernel memory dump used to collect kernel crash data.

Setting the boot priority of computer storage devices

After the final selection of the medium, press the Esc key, enter Y in the window that opens at the SAVE to CMOS and EXIT prompt and press Enter.

If you are a developer software it is possible that the power-on and debug indicators are causing various kernel failure errors. The use of the Internet carries inherent risks. for more information. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. If the user does not have a manual, contact your computer support. In addition, changes must be made very carefully and at your own risk.

The available options are displayed. Quality is not a hot pink keyboard, but a flip, but cabinet components. What gives them and how do you meet the requirements. Service is a factor of "quality". Restart your computer and select the appropriate boot device, or insert the bootable media into the selected boot device and press the key.

Exit BIOS while saving settings

Also desired disk can be selected at boot time by continuously pressing and releasing the F9 or F10 key (it all depends on the configuration of the computer). But this option is convenient only when you need one-time downloads, since you constantly need to make a choice.

Users who found this guide and downloaded searched for

Even if the system architecture is set to 64 bits. This section describes what to do. Typically, after starting the computer, a message is displayed indicating which button to press to enter the configuration.

Boot device selection

Depending on the installation media you choose, you must activate, if not already, booting from the appropriate devices.

The main difference is how the disk partitions are written to the disk. Only one of the two can be used on a single disk, and in the case of systems with multiple operating systems installed on the same disk, all operating systems must use the same type of partition table. This means that you must use a specific bootloader for each system.

Selecting the media to run

On modern computers installed instead of the classic I / O system BIOS new extended version of the interface - UEFI. But it can be difficult to enter it to make changes due to fast loading, the User simply does not have time to do it. This usually applies to systems starting with Windows 8. To correct the situation, first try to log on to the system by selecting the desired drive at boot time. Then, in the control panel, in the power supply parameters, uncheck the checkbox for enabling quick launch and then save your changes.

Why did the error message appear

This simple control usually works, but can cause problems with multiple operating systems. This can lead to the installation of an unsuitable bootloader and, therefore, after the installation is complete, the system will no longer be bootable.

Hardware problems to pay attention to

In terms of quality, this is not like a shiny pink keyboard and how it is a flip, but the components of the case. What gives them and how they meet the requirements. Reboot and select the correct boot device, or insert the bootable media into the selected boot device and press the key.

Disable Fast Startup at Computer Startup

After restarting the computer, the boot will no longer occur so quickly and you will be able to see on the monitor screen the "hot keys" required to enter the UEFI BIOS. After entering, it is enough to arrange the media icons in the desired order using the mouse on the Boot Priority tab, simply by dragging them.

Selecting the media loading sequence

Since the UEFI BIOS may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, sometimes you need to additionally select the BIOS Features item and act by analogy with changing such settings in the standard BIOS.

Choice BIOS settings Features to change the loading sequence of the media

Video: fixing the Reboot and Select proper Boot device error via BIOS

Errors in the operation of the hard disk, connected USB-media or DVD-drive

A hard drive with Windows installed can become the source of problems that cause the system to start error. Failures can occur due to physical wear and tear of the drive, all kinds of mechanical failures associated, for example, with the fall system unit when transferring. Also, problems arise when you accidentally delete some system files, as a result of viruses, damage to the working loop.
To check the health of the hard disk and quick recovery bad sectors, it is best to use a set of utilities for testing the computer Hiren's Boot CD, run from boot disk from under DOS. The operation of the program is very simple. After loading it is enough to select "DOS Programs / Hard Drives / Name of the checked disk". Next, sequentially select Drive level tests menu / Check and Repair bad sectors. The verification program starts. If, as a result, the bar at the bottom of the screen turns out to be blue, then HDD All right. If there are software glitches, the utility will repair the bad sectors. The presence of red sectors indicates a malfunction of the hard disk and the need to replace it.

The process of checking the hard disk for bad sectors and troubleshooting

Also if you have emergency disk from which you can boot Windows, then do it. With a successful start, you can be sure that there are no problems with the hard disk yet.

An error can also occur if the hard disk pins are poorly connected to the interface and power cables. Check the reliability of the contacts. Replace the connection cables if necessary. In addition, you should check the power supply to the hard drive connection cable itself.

To test a USB or DVD drive, you just need to physically disconnect them and then connect them one by one until a malfunction is detected.

Computer infection with a virus

A boot error can also occur from the actions of malicious programs that most negatively affect the operation of the system. To keep Windows secure, you must use antivirus program... For home use, the free utility Avast, which is built into the tray and blocks malicious code, is quite suitable. Run this program for execution and it will scan the system, detect and destroy viruses.

In the settings, you can select the enhanced mode for more accurate scanning of the system and removal of malicious code

BIOS battery failure

When the battery is discharged, the BIOS begins to lose the set date and time settings, especially when complete shutdown computer from the network. Simply replace the BIOS battery located on the motherboard after powering down the computer.

Replacing the BIOS battery

Power surges in the electrical outlet to which the computer is connected

When you connect your computer to an unstable network with frequent power surges, a system startup error may also occur. In this case the best solution there will be installation of a surge protector that stabilizes the power supply.

Power supply failure

The systems may not start due to problems with the power supply unit (PSU). It may simply exhaust its resource, or failures may occur due to a lack of power in connection with devices additionally connected to the computer. Try to turn off some energy consumers, for example, a printer, scanner, flash drives, etc. If the system starts to start, then this indicates a lack of power and it is necessary to turn off some of the devices or replace the power supply unit with a more powerful one.

Damage to the Windows bootloader

There are many possible causes of computer problems. These are viruses, the launch of unverified programs, system failures, etc. As a result, it can be damaged Windows bootloader, which will lead to the impossibility of starting the system. At the same time, a message appears on the monitor screen: No boot device available - No bootable devices-strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility.

Let's look at the example of Windows XP, how to fix this:

After the message that the new boot sector has been successfully written, enter the command exit and press Enter. The operating system should now boot normally without crashing.


You should not bring your computer to the point where the Reboot and Select proper Boot device error will have to be fixed. To do this, it is enough to carry out timely care, carry out preventive work and not do what you are not sure of.

  1. Monitor the power supply and replace the BIOS battery in a timely manner.
  2. Avoid dust accumulation on the motherboard, assemblies and parts of your computer.
  3. Do not connect new equipment to the computer yourself without first consulting a qualified technician.
  4. Be sure to install antivirus protection. It will protect your computer from the negative effects of malware.
  5. Exercise regularly backup important information and save it to external media.

You should always have a bootable system disk with a set of utilities for diagnostics and recovery of your computer.

The following instructions to fix the Reboot and Select proper Boot device error should not cause any difficulties for the user. But, in any case, you should not allow actions that can lead to malfunctions. After all, a computer is a complex electronic device, which must be treated with care and attention.

Imagine that one fine day you turn on your computer, but it only boots up to halfway, and such an interesting inscription is displayed on your monitor: “reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in select boot device ".

You will most likely look at this with a slightly surprised face. However, you should immediately warn you that there is simply no reason to panic. If you see a similar inscription on your monitor on a black background, this short article in the form of an instruction can help you.

If you delve into the translation of this inscription, then we are advised to reboot and decide on the correct boot device, or insert one of the boot drives into the selected device and confirm your action by pressing any button. It should be noted right away that such an error can affect not only Windows users 7, 8, but also XP.

This manual can help you figure it out. The solution to the problem can be either the simplest or a little more complicated, but our task is to acquaint you with them. In addition to the error written a little above, there are other variants of text similar in meaning: “No bootable device - insert boot disk and press any key, No boot device available ". These errors can be reported in different ways, depending on your BIOS version.

Reasons why the error appeared

  • The BIOS settings are out of order and the boot sequence is not lined up correctly.
  • Various errors related to the hard drive.
  • There is a virus on your computer that you must get rid of.
  • The hard drive has suffered physical damage and is refusing to function properly.

The easiest and most effective way to get rid of the error

Such an error can pop up on your monitor if any flash drives are connected to your computer or laptop, as well as hard drives. In this case, you should simply disconnect these devices before the next reboot.... Your task is to forcibly remove such devices from the computer and restart the computer again. This will most likely solve your problem.

If the easiest way didn't help

As you noticed, when loading, you may be prompted to press not only the "DEL" key, but "F9". On your computer, this may be a different key, but it will be indicated next to the words: "... to Select Booting Device after POST", or with words similar in meaning.

  1. We press this key. In this case, we press "F9".
  2. After the appearance of the simplest menu called "Boot Menu", select "Hard Disk". This option is suitable for those who want to boot from a disk or flash drive.
  3. Now we need to select the device through which we want to boot using the "Enter" key. If you are better off downloading from a connected flash drive, then among all devices it will have its own name. You can also select the "CDROM" option, and then the download will be done using the disc.

The main thing is after Windows installations return to the BIOS to select your "Hard Disk" in the "First Boot Device" item.

The following outstanding reasons why the error pops up

  • Your motherboard in your computer has lost a working battery. She's just shrunken and needs to be replaced.
    Your computer is unplugged too often.
  • You have a problem with the power grid, which causes constant power surges.
  • Problems with the power supply.

    You can personally notice one of all these reasons if you are attentive to the time and date on your computer. The first symptoms that one of these breakdowns has already taken place is that your date and time are reset after each computer start-up. There is a way out - replacing the battery on your motherboard, and also try to establish a stable power supply, and then return to the BIOS to fully configure the boot.

Windows bootloader damaged

In this case, a similar inscription appears "No boot device available - No bootable devices-strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility-".

Such an inscription can be formed if any malware damaged your computer... It could also be due to too frequent power outages in your home. If you turn off your computer incorrectly or experiment with various functions hard disk... In other cases, a virus program does not allow you to fully boot your computer, and requires money from you to any electronic wallet.

A simple explanation of how easy and simple to restore the boot using the example of Windows XP

Likely reasons why this error appears on your monitor