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Connecting a computer through a router. The IP address of the device on the local network. Video with setting up the connection of the router.


According to my observations, few of those who could independently to plug wifi router Houses, knew how to do it CORRECTLY - connect a router, organize a WiFi wireless network with it and combine it into different devices. As a result, they subsequently face difficulties that could be solved at the design stage. local network.

If you did everything right, you will automatically be part of the network. Click right click Mouse "Wireless Network Connection" and select "Properties". In the Wireless Networks window, click Add. Fill in the fields as shown in the picture and click on the second tab "Authentication".

Check the "Validate server certificate" box. A router is a $500 or so device that acts as a "hub" to connect multiple computers to the Internet. The router is configured using an Internet browser according to the instructions that came with the router.

How to connect a wifi router?

Before proceeding to a step-by-step description, I want to focus your attention on the fact that in order to create a full-fledged local wireless network, you need to buy

just such a device as a ROUTER, or it is also called a ROUTER,

Updating the firmware in the router

The setting of the router and, if necessary, the correct connection can be protected by some expert computer store in Kopřivnice. If you are using a home router, under certain circumstances it may reduce the quality of the Internet connection on your home network. Connections can be slow, connection failures occur during the day or in the evening.

Problems may arise, for example. These technical problems may occur in your home router. A router is essentially a dedicated computer and requires a firmware program called firmware to run. The firmware may contain bugs or implementation flaws, resulting in problems with Internet connectivity.

as there are a lot of devices similar in appearance and functionality for various purposes. For example, out of ignorance, it is easy to confuse it with a wired router without WiFi, which also distributes the Internet signal to devices, but with the help of cables - as a rule, it does not have an antenna.

Another device that is similar in appearance is − access point, which generally has slightly different tasks from ours. A characteristic difference between a router and an access point is that the first one has several sockets for network cables, while the point usually has one.

Home network security can also be compromised, the password can be stolen from your account Email or your computer infected with a malicious application starts sending spam or may be infected by the malicious application itself.

Typical router manufacturers are constantly releasing patches and firmware updates that simply fix bugs or add missing features. Operating system on a regular personal computer automatically checks for an update and automatically downloads and installs it. However, home routers do not update their firmware automatically, the user should visit the router manufacturer's pages at least once a year to check if the a new version firmware.

The point of connecting a router is that it is now, and not your PC, that will connect to the Internet via a cable. To do this, all the necessary parameters required to connect to the provider, which were once applied in your desktop computer, will now be registered in the router settings. And all other devices will already receive the Internet via wifi from it and according to the rules that will be set in it. For clarity, look at the diagram:

The update process for different routers is different and is described in the router's manual. If you do not decide to update your firmware, we recommend that you contact your computer supplier in Koprivnica and ask them to do so. Buy routers from manufacturers that have good support from the manufacturer and ask if the manufacturer does regular firmware updates upon purchase. However, if your Internet connection is not working, please contact your Internet service provider or network operator if you do not need any special settings, such as connection type.

In order to connect Wi-Fi at home, I used about a dozen models from completely different manufacturers, and I can say with confidence that in terms of actually setting up a WiFi router and connecting to a provider, the difference between them lies only in the details of the graphic design of the admin panel. Therefore, having learned the principle once on one model, you can apply them to others. Today, as an example, I will illustrate with screenshots from two routers - TrendNet TEW-632BRP and ASUS WL-520GC.

The base then creates a wireless connection to the Internet. You may have an Internet connection through your cable or telephone provider. But it could also be a completely different company providing Internet services, usually for a subscription fee.

Some providers also offer a wireless connection that will give you the equipment you need. If you don't know if you have a wired or wireless connection, contact your service provider. If the wireless network is password protected, enter it. Some hotspots may require additional verification before accessing internet services. In this case, a web page will open in your browser and you will need to agree to the terms of use. If you agree, please confirm your consent and try opening another page in your browser to see if the connection works.

How to connect to the Internet via DHCP?

The first setting we will look at is the DHCP server setting.
If earlier the computer was alone and it alone received an IP address from the provider, then we can hook up many computers and gadgets to the router. And this means that it is the router, instead of the computer, that will “communicate” with the provider’s equipment, and within our home network between these devices, it will itself assign an internal IP address to each of the connected computers, laptops, phones, TV and everything else.

On this website, we have prepared some tips and guides to make your Internet experience easier. If we have a wireless router, the password is written on the front of the router. The device will remember your password and automatically connect to you next time. How do I set up my new wireless router? Follow the instructions that came with your router. How to protect your computer from vomiting? Browsing the Internet and downloading files carry a high risk of infecting your computer. You can best protect your computer by installing an antivirus program. Another effective defense against various intruders is to always enable the Security Gateway. Also remember to update your operating system. Just enter your name and email address. After that, you will receive a new registration code for free. How to set up an Internet connection? . If you want to test your computer directly from your browser, we recommend the following online scanners.


1. After connecting to the power supply, first of all, you need to configure the router to communicate with the computer. To do this, insert the Internet cable into the WAN slot on the device. And the other cable, with two plugs, which was most likely attached to the device, is connected with one end to the computer's network card (where the Internet cable used to be), and with the other into any of the LAN1, LAN2, LAN3 or LAN4 slots of the router.

What is my current network connection speed?

To get the most accurate results, first turn off any devices that may be using your internet connection. Make sure that your device from which you want to measure the speed is not loading the operating system, antivirus, etc.

Is your connection slower than usual?

You can measure your current internet connection speed on the following pages. The download speed is not the speed of your connection, but the data transfer speed in real terms without headers and checksums. If your internet connection is slow or wears out occasionally, make sure one of your devices isn't downloading a lot of data. Downloading or sending large amounts of data greatly affects the current speed of your Internet connection. We also recommend that you check your computer for shuffling online.

I also want to note that it is better to connect the router to the network through a source uninterruptible power supply, since I had an unpleasant experience when a good device from Netgear sank due to a power surge and began to broadcast wifi not at 100, but at 2 meters. Of course, I had to buy a new one.

Viruses, etc. with your antivirus program. If your computer is infected, it often happens that without your knowledge it downloads or sends large amounts of data. Are you sure you've checked everything and yet your internet connection is slower?

How do I set up my computer for remote connections?

Unplug the router from the electrical outlet and plug it back in after about 1 minute. Within 2-3 minutes, the router should connect again. This simple operation often helps. If none of the tips help you, contact us, we will be happy to help you. They will see your screen and control your mouse so that you can help solve a problem or give you advice without explaining what to do or how to do it.

3. After that, we need to configure the computer to work with the router. Now we have Network Card configured to go directly to the Internet through the provider, which means that perhaps some data is registered in the control panel that it is important for us to save and use after that when working with the router. To do this, go to the TCP / IP v.4 protocol settings as shown in the diagram:

You must have a program running all the time. In order to cover the whole house well in a wireless network, so that not only a signal but also a high-speed connection in every place required more in-depth technical knowledge. Wireless connection to desktops, laptops and printers is one of those things that modern technologies are considered classic and ordinary. Transferring data without a boundary cable is so common. This is most appreciated by users who frequently change locations and require an internet connection with their laptops or laptops.

For Windows XP: Start > Control Panel > Switch to Classic View > Network Connections.
On Windows 7: Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Manage network connections> Change adapter settings.

(in the screenshot, I go to the “Wireless Connection” settings, but you don’t have it yet, and since we connected the computer to the router with a cable, you need to select the “Local Area Connection” item):

Modern high-speed portable routers

Nowadays, modern routers offer higher mobility, easier setup and management, all in a secure state. They can connect users who have access to the Internet. If the router is insecure, a few annoying things can happen.

How to install a printer on your home network?

The ISP may slow down for excessive line load from connections, may send spam, or viruses may vanish files from hard drive may disappear from your bank account. This allows you to print or scan anywhere in your home or small office. There are two main ways to access a printer on a home network.

If you have something indicated here, then write down this data on a piece of paper. This is especially true for those who have lost their contract for the provision of services and do not know the data for connecting to world wide web. With a certain type of connection, which will be discussed below, this may come in handy. After that, here, in the network connection settings on the computer, you need to set the IP, gateway and DNS to automatic - we will already enter these parameters in the wireless router itself.

The printer is connected directly to one computer and shared with other computers on the network, the printer is connected directly to the network as a device itself. It is always important to carefully read the setup instructions and settings that are part of the information that comes with your printer model first. Here is the correct way to install the printer.

Connect the printer directly to the computer

This is the most common method and is often referred to as printer sharing. This makes the printer available on the home network to the computer. Among the disadvantages is that guest computers must always be turned on. If it doesn't, the rest of the network won't be able to access the shared printer.

4. After that, go to the address usually configurations with the router take place here, if they did not have to be done at the installation stage software. But you can look in the instructions for the device on which path to enter the control panel of the router, since the default IPs on different models may differ. Also another popular placement brief instructions- a sticker on the bottom of the device - look there. If there are no instructions in the instructions, or it is lost, then go to the Control Panel, as I described above, only after right-clicking on "Local Area Connection" in the window that appears, click the "Details" button. In the window that opens, look for IPv4 Default gateway - this is the IP address of the router.

Network printers were most commonly used in large offices, but more and more manufacturers are offering inkjet and laser printers, which are directly labeled as network printers for home networks. Their biggest advantage is that they are still available.

There are two very common types of network printers. Printers for wireless printers. . The home wireless network is the backbone of every modern home. This is the most reliable and easiest way to ensure the security of the entire apartment on the Internet. At a time when every household has a number of objects that need access to the Internet for full-fledged activities, this is simply a necessity.

Now, finally, we go to the address indicated there through the browser (http://IP ADDRESS OF YOUR ROUTER) and find the DHCP Server item in the menu (it is combined with WAN in the Trendnet) and set the range of values ​​​​for possible IP addresses of devices connecting to your LAN. For me it was like this: Start IP -, End IP And of course, opposite the DHCP Server item should be the Enabled parameter. Domain Name or Host Name is the name of the future home wifi networks. I’ll make a reservation right away that the screenshots below are taken from my devices that have already been working or have been working for several years and their interface is in English, so it would not be easy for a domestic beginner to figure out what’s what without help - I hope these pictures will help you. Most modern firmware and software are already in Russified form, so it will be even easier to figure it out.

You can most often carry your laptop along with the apartment, etc. the cable connection has the disadvantage that it is largely static - its use is mostly for desktops, which it does not move around with. However, it has a shorter startup time to connect, which often allows for faster data streams, but the signal is stable and there is no interference. Very strong walls can significantly attenuate or even obscure the signal. Thanks to this, the response time is longer than a fixed connection.

The router is used to route data flows and ultimately to distribute the Internet connection to end devices. In practice, this is a relatively small rectangular box. Often the router is connected to the modem and is a complex device that receives a signal from telephone line, processes it, and then distributes it to each computer.

This is how it looked in Trendnet (highlighted in red):

And like this in ASUS:

Setting up a LAN connection

Now we will set the parameters for our wifi network at home - IP and router mask. For Trendnet, this is the same item (see Figure 1, highlighted in green), for Asus, the WAN & LAN section is at the very bottom of the settings page. In the first case, I set the IP, in the second - This is the address within the local network by which we can access the admin panel through the browser and through which computers will access the Internet. Mask - default,

Connecting a WiFi router to the Internet through the WAN port

These were all flowers, now the most interesting thing is the setting external connection router to the internet.
There are several types of connections depending on the settings of the provider. This happens in the WAN menu.

There are several more connection options, but I did not come across them, so I will not talk about them.

How to encrypt a WiFi network connection

If you did everything right and saved all the settings, then all devices that support wifi should now see a new network with the name you specified. However, this question How to connect wifi at home not closed yet. Home wifi network turned out to be open, that is, anyone can use your Internet access for free. In order to break everyone off and make the wifi network at home available only to its owner, you need to secure the connection to the router. There are several ways, I used two WPE (or Shared Key) AND WPA in my practice. The latter is more reliable, so I will consider it. We go into the security settings. In Trendnet, this is the "Security" menu item, in Asus - "Wireless > Interface".

We select WPE or WPA Personal (PSK, TKIP) in the menu, set a password for connection - from 7 to 64 characters. And we save. I show how it was for me:

Well, now to enter the Internet through your router, you need to enter a password. The final touch remains - so that there are no problems connecting all kinds of devices to the router and with the operation of programs, we will manually set the DNS servers. The setting of this parameter is located in the same place where the parameters for connecting to the Internet were entered. We activate the function of manually assigning DNS servers and register the IP from Google there.

In one of the previous articles, we considered a very topical issue. Here we imagine the opposite situation: how to connect wired Internet if there is a wifi router.

How to connect wired internet from a router?

First, let's look at how. The placement of the router depends on how often you plan to use it: if you just need a Wi-Fi access point (i.e. you will not connect anything to it via LAN), then it is advisable to fix the router somewhere upstairs in the middle of the apartment.

If you are going to connect wired Internet from the router to a computer or laptop, you will have to pull network cable to the room where the computer is installed.

Now let's look directly at connecting a Wi-Fi router. As part of this example using a TP-Link router.

So, to connect the Internet (wired) through a router, turn the device towards you with the side where the LAN ports are located.

This router has five LAN connectors: four yellow ports and one blue connector. Yellow ports are needed to connect equipment (such as computers, NAS servers, etc.), and the blue port is needed to connect wired Internet - it's called "Internet" or "WAN".

Take the ISP cable and connect it to the blue WAN port: at the same time, the light on the front should light up. wifi panels router.

This means that the wired Internet from the provider is successfully supplied to the router.

It is advisable to check the network settings on the computer - if it will be used in the future. To do this, go to the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel" tab and click on the "Network and Access Center" icon

A window will open, where in the upper left corner there will be a tab "Change adapter settings": click on it, select your LAN connection and go to the properties of this connection.

In the next window, you should find the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" tab in the list of settings, go there and make sure that there are ticks on the "Obtain an IP address automatically" tab

Now let's move on to wifi setup router for wired internet connection.

How to connect cable Internet through a router: setting up a router

Launch your internet browser and address bar enter the IP address of your router (depending on the model, the IP addresses may vary, but mostly it is, less often

If everything is done correctly, the authorization window will appear.

Now you need to enter your login and password to enter the router settings (in standard configurations, this is the word “admin”, which is entered in both fields).

After authorization, you will see the control panel of your wifi router (depending on the model of the router appearance may vary slightly).

Go to the "Quick Settings" tab and click the "Next" button

There are several options for connecting to the Internet:

Let's take a closer look at this point:

  • - Autodetect - as the name suggests, this connection automatically configures your router and is often used in the absence of settings from the provider.
  • - PPPoE - when you select this item, an additional window will open where you should enter the password and login provided by your Internet provider.

L2TP/Russia/L2TP - as for PPPoE connection, you will need to fill in the authorization fields, as well as enter the server name or its IP

PPTP / Russia / PPTP - almost identical to the previous connection option, except for specifying the type of IP address

  • - Dynamic IP address - every time you connect to the Internet, the client receives a new ip address from the range specified by the provider.
  • - Static IP address - a permanent address used to connect to the Internet.

There is wired internet, how to connect wifi?

Now you need to set up a Wi-Fi connection. To do this, go to the next tab and in the "Wireless Mode" field, set the marker to "Enable".

In the "Wireless Network Name" field, enter the name that you like best, check the box "WPA, Personal WPA2" (this is the choice of protecting your WiFi connections) and enter .