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Recovery of speed dial. Speed ​​Dial for Mozilla Firefox: instructions for use. How to transfer visual bookmarks

Allows you to display your bookmarks in a convenient form. This add-on will be a great alternative to the standard visual bookmarks.

Instead of an inconvenient list of bookmarks, 9 predefined sites with visual previews will be displayed (the number of icons can always be changed). And to quickly go to the desired site, just click on the thumbnail image of the page or press the hotkey combination Ctrl + X, where X is the number of the site icon.

Installing and configuring Speed ​​Dial.

Installing Speed ​​Dial, like any other add-on for Firefox, is done in two steps:

2. Click Install Now and restart your browser.

3. After rebooting, you need to make small adjustments to the Speed ​​Dial. If you have previously installed visual bookmarks of other developers, for example, a company, they must be disabled in the "Add-ons" menu.

Now let's go directly to the Speed ​​Dial settings. Go to the Firefox menu and click "Preferences".

4. Opposite "When Firefox starts", check Show home page, and in the graph home page enter address Click OK.

5. Go to the Firefox menu and click "Add-ons". Open the Speed ​​Dial settings.

6. Check the boxes next to "In new empty windows" and "In new blank tabs"... Click OK.

7. Now open a new tab and right-click in any free area. Select Change Group. Here you can set the metrics for rows and columns, as well as a different background color (or your own image). Also click OK.

8. There is little left to do. Click on any empty icon and enter new address bookmarks.

9. Almost immediately, a miniature page of the site will load.

10. The Speed ​​Dial has the ability to create bookmark groups. This function allows you to create any number of groups and group sites at your discretion. To create new groups, go to the browser menu in the "Add-ons" section, open the Speed ​​Dial settings and click the "Group Management" item. A new window will open in which click "Add" and give a name to the new group. After that, at the initial Firefox page a new group will appear, in which you need to add new sites in the same way.

Speed ​​Dial setup is complete. Enjoy your use!

However, Firefox's idea of ​​Speed ​​Dial functionality is very different from what users want. The extension only shows the history of your last open pages and doesn't even allow you to specify what you want. This is where the FVD Speed ​​Dial comes into play. This full-featured Firefox add-on fundamentally changes the functionality of Speed ​​Dial to what it should have been from the start.

Getting Started with FVD Speed ​​Dial

The installation process for FVD Speed ​​Dial is the same as for other Firefox add-ons. You will need to restart your browser before using the extension.

Setting up the FVD Speed ​​Dial

FVD Speed ​​has a large number of settings with which you can customize it to fit your needs.

Click the "Gear Icon" button on the Speed ​​Dial page to start.

Global Options allows you to work with basic settings and customization appearance.

From here, you can enable various FVD Speed ​​Dial options, as well as select the default page opening mode in a new tab.

View settings give you the ability to change the Speed ​​Dial's view and perception.

You can resize the dial pad so that the most frequently used sets are larger than other parts of the Speed ​​Dial.

You can also change the scrolling method as well as the general theme between light and dark in Speed ​​Dial.

Speed ​​Dial settings allow you to enable popular groups and create a set of groups.

Click the "Manage" button to create and organize your own set.

The Most Visited setting changes the number of sites shown in the Speed ​​Dial, and how they are organized (by visit or date) and over what time period they are calculated.

The Recently Closed settings allow you to change the number of tabs that are displayed at the same time.

Background allows you to select a background color or image to use in the Speed ​​Dial.

The Text Color allows you to further customize the Speed ​​Dial's color scheme, giving you options for each type of text it uses.

FVD Speed ​​Dial Synchronization

One of best features included in FVD Speed ​​Dial is integration with EverSync. This allows you to sync sets so that you can access them in any Firefox browser, regardless of the computer you are using.

EverSync will ask you to restart Firefox for its use. EverSync not only syncs your Speed ​​Dial: it also syncs your bookmarks and other Firefox data, if configured correctly.

You don't need to subscribe to EverSync to allow it to save Speed ​​Dials and other data from Firefox. Registration account just provides you with some security, so you and cards in hand. Otherwise, you can simply use EverSync to Reserve copy and restore bookmarks Speed ​​Dials and much more. This process is the same for every type of backup and recovery.

Go to the "Speed ​​Dial" tab and click "Backup Dials".

Clicking "Restore Dials" will allow you to select a backup to restore to Firefox.

Modern browsers are gradually acquiring the necessary basic functionality, and Firefox is no exception in this case. Recently, the developers have tied the Speed ​​Dial function to the browser, which is responsible for quickly entering addresses in a new tab. In fact, the developers missed the mark and made an essentially useless feature. Instead of giving the user the ability to use speed dialing, the Firefox team created a pop-up history of the pages the user visited.

In order to remedy the situation, third-party programmers created addon FVD Speed ​​Dial which fills the gap in Firefox and makes smart search a really useful tool.

Install FVD Speed ​​Dial

First, download from the official website of the Mozilla company. Installing the plugin will not take you long. In order for the addon to start functioning, you need to restart your web browser.

Configuring FVD Speed ​​Dial

FVD Speed ​​Dial has many settings that allow you to sharpen the application for yourself. This is the main distinctive feature FVD Speed ​​Dial from other similar applications available in the Mozilla store.

After installing the plugin, go to the settings. To do this, click on the gear icon.

The Global Options tab will allow you to make changes to the default settings and settings for the appearance of the application. In these menu items you will be able to select different application modes and enable / disable additional features FVD Speed ​​Dial.

In the "Appearance" item you can control the FVD Speed ​​Dial's position and appearance.

You will have a counter under your control, which allows you to configure the most used addresses and their priority when displayed in a new tab with quick entry.

You can also choose a convenient way for you to scroll the drop-down addresses and their colors.

Speed ​​dial settings give you the ability to create a list popular groups and organize them as you see fit.

To do this, you need to press the "Manage" button and proceed with further settings.

In this section of options, you can create groups and distribute them to your liking. Now access to your favorite sites will be really fast.

The "Most Visited" item will help you determine the number of sites displayed in the tooltip and select an interval for the most visited sites.

The item "Recently Closed" is responsible for determining the number of displayed tabs at the same time.

Background allows you to select the background for the Speed ​​Dial application.

"Text Color" provides ample opportunities to control the text - its color, writing style, size, etc.

FVD Speed ​​Dial Synchronization

One of the best features of FVD Speed ​​Dial, support for optional extension is EverSync... This function allows you to synchronize the settings you entered to different browsers Firefox. That is, having configured the application on your office computer, you can use the same settings on your home computer.

To get started, download and from the official Mozilla website.

For correct work addon EverSync, restart your browser. Now the application is ready to start syncing all the data and settings you applied to Firefox browser... The main thing is to configure it correctly.

To get started with EverSync, you do not need to purchase paid subscription... The subscription serves as a kind of guarantor that your data will not go anywhere and will be saved. V free version applications, you will have access to backup and restore functions from a backup.

First, click the "Speed ​​Dial" button, and then Backup Dials. This operation allows you to create a backup.

Clicking the "Restore Dials" button will allow you to select a backup to restore via Firefox.

Choose a backup and confirm your choice. After that, your settings will be activated.

If you enable "Enable Auto-Backup" then EverSync will automatically back up your data. You can choose the frequency of backups.

Among the settings you will find a tab responsible for import / export of quick input settings.

A bundle of programs EverSync and Speed ​​Dial allows you to be sure that the settings will be saved and available to other computers.

FVD Speed ​​Dial Safety

There is one important function in the Speed ​​Dial settings designed to preserve the user's privacy. If you do not want unauthorized people to use your settings, create a password and protect your data.

In the first two fields, enter your password, in the third field, enter your mailbox address.

After turning on the protection, you will have to enter your password before using the FVD Speed ​​Dial.


After a simple setup of the application, you get a full-fledged "quick input", which is so lacking in the standard set of Firefox.

Visual bookmarks are one of the most effective ways that allow you to quickly access your saved web pages. The most popular and functional extension in this area is Speed ​​Dial for Mazila.

Speed ​​Dial - add-on for Mozilla Firefox which is a page with visual bookmarks. The add-on is unique in that it has a huge package of features that no other similar add-on can boast of.

You can either go directly to the Speed ​​Dial download page using the link at the end of the article, or find it yourself in the add-on store.

To do this, click on the menu button in the upper right corner of Mozilla Firefox and in the window that appears, go to the section "Supplements" .

In the upper right corner of the window that opens, the search box will unfold, in which you will need to enter the name of the desired add-on, and then press the Enter key.

The add-on we need will be displayed first in the list. In order to start installing it, click on the button to the right. "Install" .

Once the Speed ​​Dial installation is complete, you will need to restart your web browser by clicking the appropriate button.

How to use Speed ​​Dial?

In order to display the Speed ​​Dial window, you need to create a new tab in Mozilla Firefox.

The Speed ​​Dial window will appear on the screen. While the add-on is not very informative, after spending some time on customization, you can make it the most useful tool for Mozilla Firefox.

How to add a visual bookmark to Speed ​​Dial?

Pay attention to the empty windows with plus signs. By clicking on this window, a window will appear on the screen in which you will be asked to assign a URL link for a separate visual bookmark.

Unnecessary visual bookmarks can be reassigned. To do this, click right click mouse on the window with the bookmark and in the displayed context menu select item "Edit" .

The already familiar window will open in which you need to update the URL pages to the desired one.

How do I remove visual bookmarks?

Right-click on the bookmark and select the item "Delete" ... Confirm the deletion of the bookmark.

How do I transfer visual bookmarks?

In order to find the desired bookmark as quickly as possible, you can sort them in the order you want. To do this, hold down the bookmark with the mouse and drag it to a new area, then release the mouse button and the bookmark will be fixed.

How to work with groups?

One of the most interesting features of Speed ​​Dial is sorting visual bookmarks into folders. You can create any number of folders and give them the desired names: "Work", "Entertainment", " Social networks" etc.

To add a new folder to Speed ​​Dial, click on the plus sign in the upper right corner.

A small window will appear on the screen in which you will need to enter a name for the group being created.

To change the name of the group "Default" , right-click on it, select "Edit group" , and then enter your name for the group.

Switching between groups is carried out in the same upper right corner - you just need to click on the group name with the left mouse button, after which the screen will display the visual bookmarks included in this group.

Customizing appearance

In the upper right corner of the Speed ​​Dial, click on the gear icon to go to the settings.

Go to the center tab. Here you can change the background image of the picture, and you can either upload your own image from your computer or specify a URL link to the picture on the Internet.

By default, an interesting parallax effect is activated in the add-on, which slightly shifts the image as the mouse cursor moves on the screen. This effect is very similar to the effect of displaying a background image on Apple devices.

If necessary, you can either adjust the movement of the picture for this effect, or turn it off altogether by choosing one of the alternative effects (which, however, will no longer produce such a wow effect).

Now go to the very first tab on the left, which shows a gear. It will need to open the sub-tab "Registration" .

Here you can fine-tune the appearance of the tiles, starting with the displayed elements and ending with their size.

In addition, here, if necessary, you can remove the labels under the tiles, exclude the search bar, change the theme from dark to light, change horizontal scrolling to vertical, etc.

Synchronization setup

The downside of most Firefox add-ons with visual bookmarks is the lack of sync. You spend a lot of time and effort on detailed configuration of the add-on, but if you need to install it for a browser on another computer or completely reinstall the web browser on the current PC, then the add-on will need to be configured anew.

In this regard, the synchronization function was implemented in Speed ​​Dial, however, it is not built right into the add-on, but is downloaded separately. To do this, in the Speed ​​Dial settings, go to the third tab from the right, which is responsible for synchronization.

Here, the system will notify you that to set up synchronization, you need to install additional add-ons that will provide not only the synchronization of Speed ​​Dial data, but also the automatic backup function. By clicking the button "Install from" , you can proceed to installing this set of add-ons.

And finally ...

When you are finished customizing the visual bookmarks, hide the Speed ​​Dial menu icon by clicking on the arrow icon.

Now the visual bookmarks are fully customized, which means that the experience of using Mozilla Firefox will continue to be extremely positive.

In most cases, visual bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox are installed using extensions. Failures that appear in the disappearance of these elements may be associated with errors in the work of the plug-ins themselves or the web browser itself. Let's consider how by reinstalling the extension or from a previously created backup, you can restore these elements in Mozilla if they disappeared for some unknown reason.

Restart the plugin

The most likely reason for the trouble with the browser is the termination of the installed plugin. There may be several reasons for this, for example, viruses or a system failure could change the browser settings. To solve the problem, do the following:

1. In Firefox, open the settings menu by clicking on the button with horizontal stripes.

2. In the drop-down menu, open the add-ons.

3. In the Extensions tab, select your visual tab extension and click on Enable or Enable.

All that remains is to restart Mozilla, after which the visual bookmarks should appear as they were.

If the browser is blocking add-ons

Some extensions refuse to work after updating Firefox because the browser cannot verify their compatibility with new version... You will not be able to use them until the add-on developer adapts it for the updated browser. However, at your own peril and risk, this limitation can be circumvented:

1. Go to the configuration editor by entering address bar about: config;

2. Use the search function to find the string xpinstall.signatures.required;

3. This command is set to "true" by default in Firefox, change it to "false" by double clicking on the line or pressing Enter.

After that, the application will not require the mandatory signature of the add-ons and your visual bookmarks will be able to work in the browser. However, there are no guarantees that they will do this without errors.

Reinstalling the add-on

If suddenly your panel has disappeared completely installed previously add-ons, then reinstall them:

1. Using the method described above, from the Mozilla control panel enter the add-ons section.

2. In the side menu, open the first item to install new add-ons to Mozilla.

3. In the directory that opens, use the search bar to install desired extension... For example, if you have used Speed ​​Dial before, enter the name into the search form and press Enter.

It remains to select the desired add-on from the proposed options and agree with its installation. When the process is complete, restart your browser - this way you can restore the old visual bookmarks.

If you have used Yandex elements, there is an even easier way to restore them. You need to go to, where click on the icon for setting visual bookmarks, after which the extension will be installed automatically.

Making a backup of the browser settings

To do this, you can use the built-in redundancy feature:

  1. Go to the bookmarks menu, select the command that displays all of them;
  2. In the "Library" window that opens, click on the import and backups tab;
  3. In the drop-down list, you can choose to create or restore the items we need from the archive.

Browser settings are backed up automatically on a daily basis. But so that any of them, including visual bookmarks, can be quickly restored at any time, it is better to periodically back up them yourself, especially since the archive copy does not take up much space on the disk.

You can also use a small utility called MozBackUp to create a backup. The application is old, nevertheless it works well on all modern Windows operating systems and successfully backs up fresh settings Firefox versions... Working with MozBackUp is pretty simple:

1. After installing and running MozBackUp, you will see a welcome window, click "Next";

2. In the section of operations with a profile, select "Save";

3. Specify the directory on the disk where the created by the utility backup copy in PCV format will be stored;