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Linux version of fire fox. Firefox Service Pages. Delay before installing plugins

Mozilla Firefox- a convenient and reliable browser that has its own versions for various operating systems... It is a really great browser and a reliable helper for the user. Quick opening of pages, correct work, maximum functionality. It is ideal for both novice users and webmasters. You can download Mozilla Firefox for linux from our website using the official link of the developers.

Even with a weak internet signal, you can continue your work in the most comfortable conditions. Pages load quickly and information is displayed correctly.

Convenient "tabbed" interface allows you to work with large amounts of information at once. In this case, you can not only open several pages at once, but also group tabs according to one principle or another. Make life and bookmarking easier.

Fire Fox also boasts a handy built-in download manager and web form auto-complete. In addition, it has a fairly reliable protection that protects the user's personal data from outside encroachments.

The browser independently blocks pop-up windows, the abundance of which many sites have been sinning lately. Of course, a password manager is also built into the browser, which will allow you not to enter your data every time you visit a particular site.

If the functions that are available in the browser are not enough for you, you can expand the toolkit with special plugins.

The browser interface lends itself to flexible customization. You can change appearance Firefox using themes, as well as completely rebuild various control blocks, adding and removing buttons and fields. As a result, you will get literally "the browser of your dreams".

You can download Mozilla Firefox for linux by clicking on the link directly on this page. It will take you to the official website of the browser, where you definitely do not have to worry about the built-in malware.

Pros and cons

  • High level of security.
  • Convenient interface.
  • Flexible customization.

High resource intensity.

System requirements

Bit depth: x86 (32-bit)
CPU: from 300 MHz
Video adapter: Any 3D graphics card
Winchester: 100 Mb
RAM: 256 Mb
Required software: NetworkManager 0.7, DBus 1.0, GNOME 2.16, PulseAudio

How to install the browser

Most Linux distributions have Firefox installed by default. However, if this did not happen, no problem. Do it yourself.

  • Download setup file from the official site.
  • Open a terminal.
  • Enter the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa: mozillateam / firefox-next
sudo apt update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt install firefox

How to uninstall the browser

This can be done through the terminal using the following command:

sudo dpkg -r --force-depends firefox mint-search-addon firefox-branding firefox-gnome-support mint-meta-gnome


Installation of the program through the package manager built into most modern distributions is the most in a simple way for the novice Linux user. To go to the list automatic installation applications, it is enough to call the corresponding menu item in the graphical shell of the system. For example, in Ubuntu, click on the menu icon of the top toolbar and left-click on the "Application Center" section. For distributions that have the KDE environment preinstalled, required programs can be found in the KPackage section.

At the top of the new window, you will see an input field search query... Use your keyboard to type the word Firefox and press the Enter key. Wait for the search results to appear and select the appropriate option from the list provided. Click "Install". After the end of the procedure, you will see a corresponding notification and you will be able to launch the browser through the application menu in the "Internet" section.

There is also a command line option for Ubuntu users. Launch the Terminal application by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl and T. On the screen that appears, enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install firefox

Wait for the installation to complete. If required, enter the administrator password to complete the installation. As soon as the "Terminal" finishes carrying out the necessary operations, close the window and go to the "Internet" menu by clicking on the system icon of the upper toolbar.

For manual installation download the application package in the TAR.BZ2 format from the official Mozilla website. Call the program "Terminal" or " Command line"(Depending on the version of the distribution kit and the used graphical environment). In the window that appears, enter the query:

To extract the contents of the archive, use the command:

tar xjf firefox-version.tar.bz2

"Firefox version" matches the name of the downloaded file. To find out the exact name of the document, enter the query ls and find the corresponding archive. After that, use the ~ / firefox / firefox command to start the program.

To start the browser without calling the terminal, right key mouse click on the desktop and select "Create" - " New file". Name the document Firefox and open it by double-clicking the left mouse button. Enter ~ / firefox / firefox and then click File - Save. Right-click and call "Properties". Put a check mark in front of the item that allows the file to run in the terminal and click "OK". Shortcut for automatic start browser is created.

If you want to use the latest version of the Mozilla browser on your system, see here how to manually install Firefox on Linux.

While the repositories of the major distributions provide a version of Firefox, they can sometimes be out of date.

Therefore, you can always follow this article to install latest version Firefox on Linux, regardless of your favorite distro. You can also download a moss in Russian on a third-party site, but be careful, not all third-party sites can be trusted!

Attention! Before doing the procedure, uninstall all versions of the browser that is already on your system.

How to install the latest Firefox on Linux

To install the latest version of Firefox on Linux, follow these steps:

Step 1. Open a terminal;
Step 2. If you have already done some manual installations, remove the folder, links and shortcut using this command:

Step 3. Check if your system is 32-bit or 64-bit, to do this, use the following command in a terminal:

Uname -m

Step 4. If your system is 32-bit, use the command below to download the program. If the link is out of date, go to this page and download the latest version and save it as firefox.tar.bz2:

Wget "" -O firefox.tar.bz2

Step 5. If your system is 64-bit, use the command below to download the program. If the link is out of date, go to this page and download the latest version and save it as firefox.tar.bz2:

Wget "" -O firefox.tar.bz2

Step 6. Run the following command to extract the package to the / opt / folder;

Sudo tar -jxvf firefox.tar.bz2 -C / opt /

Step 7. Rename the created folder. If you get an error while running the command below, skip this step;

Sudo mv / opt / firefox * / / opt / firefox

Step 8. Finally, create a shortcut to facilitate the execution of the program;

Sudo ln -sf / opt / firefox / firefox / usr / bin / firefox

Step 9. If your current graphics environment supports, create a launcher for Firefox using the command below:

Echo -e "\ n Version = 59.0.3 \ n Encoding = UTF-8 \ n Name = Mozilla Firefox \ n Comment = Navegador Web \ n Exec = / opt / firefox / firefox \ n Icon = / opt / firefox / browser /chrome/icons/default/default128.png\n Type = Application \ n Categories = Network "| sudo tee /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop

Ready! Now when you want to start the program, type firefox in the terminal and then the TAB key.

If your distribution supports it, put the shortcut on your desktop using the system file manager or the command below and use it to run the program.

Sudo chmod + x /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop

If your system is on English language, use this command to copy the shortcut to your desktop:

Cp /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop ~ / Desktop

If you want, you can also use the system file manager to launch the program by simply opening the folder with it and clicking on the executable file.

How to uninstall Firefox on Linux

To uninstall Firefox on Linux, simply remove the folder, link and shortcut with this command:

Sudo rm -Rf / opt / firefox * sudo rm -Rf / usr / bin / firefox sudo rm -Rf /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop

This how-to explains how to install Firefox 67 on Linux, with or without replacing an existing Firefox installation.

Firefox 67 was released on May 21, 2019.
Firefox 68 will be released on July 09, 2019.

More information on Firefox release dates (including beta, nightly and ESR versions) can be found on the official RapidRelease calendar.

Warning for inexperienced Linux users: stick to the Firefox version included with your Linux distribution! Firefox can be installed or uninstalled through the package management system (aka. Software Center, Software Manager, Synaptic, apt ...) of all major distributions. Concerning updates: they will appear automatically in the package manager. It may take a few days after the official Firefox release for the update to appear, because the new release has to be tested with each distribution.

A. Install Firefox in 5 easy steps

1. Download

Download Firefox from the official Mozilla Firefox page:
Download alternative versions (beta, developer edition, nightly) from the official channels page:
A 64 bit build is also available in the x86_64 directory of Mozilla's FTP.

This how-to supposes that the downloaded file is saved in the “Downloads” directory located in your home directory.

2. Extract

The downloaded file is a compressed .tar.bz2 archive. In case you want to learn more on these extensions: tar, bzip2. To extract this juicy archive, open the Downloads directory. Look for a file named firefox-67.0.tar.bz2, right-click on it and selectextract here”.

Alternatively, you can extract the archive from the command line:
cd ~ / Downloads /
tar xjf firefox-67.0.tar.bz2

For those interested, here are the tar arguments used in the command:
x: eXtract
j: deal with bzipped file
f: read from a file (rather than a tape device)

The firefox-67.0.tar.bz2 archive can now be deleted.

3. Move to / opt

External programs like LibreOffice, Google chrome, the defunct Adobe reader, ... are all installed in the / opt directory. If you want more info about why / opt is the right place to install programs on Linux, check out these two links:

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

If you already had a previous Firefox version installed in the / opt directory, remove it with the following command:
sudo rm -r / opt / firefox

Now move the Firefox directory (which was created in your Downloads folder during extraction) to / opt:
sudo mv firefox / opt / firefox67

4. Set up symbolic links

Depending on your usage pattern, follow the instructions for case 1 OR for case 2.