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Social network Google Plus - registration, login. What are circles, ribbons, how to create a branded page. Google plus - registration, logging into your Google plus account and all the features of this social network Place google on the home page

In the world internet marketing Talk about Google+ as an effective SEO tool has been around for a long time. But many are still skeptical about him. Even now, some of our clients, when we recommend them to create a company page on Google+, ask in surprise: “Why do I need another social network? Is it not enough that we are Vkontakte, Facebook and Twitter? "

In this article, I will not describe in detail why, to whom and why this is needed, but I will answer briefly: if you want to be well represented in search results, a Google+ account is very desirable. So let's walk you through step by step how to create a Google+ business page.

Creating a corporate Google page

You can only create a page for your brand or company from an existing personal Google+ account. Log into your profile, select: "Ribbon -> Pages -> Create page". For those who don't like searching, here's the link:

Selecting a page type

Well, everything is simple. Each business has its own characteristics, so you are invited to make your choice from several options.

Filling in information about the company

Depending on which category you have chosen, the information required for filling out will be slightly different. For example, for positions:

  • business or place;
  • product or brand;
  • company or organization

you just need to choose the field of your activity (cars, Appliances etc. ). Further, it is even easier:

Design customization

In this case, everything depends on you, and I think it's not worth talking about the need for high-quality graphics. Change the logo and choose a cover for the page (its size is the first thing that surprises new Google+ users - 2120 × 1192). This is what our company's Google+ account looks like. By the way, who has not yet added us to your circle, feel free to click.

Completion of filling out information about the company

On the page "About me" you need to enter brief information about the company, address, website, etc. Do not forget about keywords in the description, but also think about the users - the text should be informative and readable.

Connecting Google+ account to your site

There are two main ways to link your Google+ page to a site:

  1. Using the link to Google+ from the home page Google+.
  2. Insert into block the code (in this case, there will be no links on the site. I do not quite understand why such a conspiracy, but as an option it will do).

In turn, in your Google+ account, on the About Me tab, you need to put a backlink to your site.

…. And some tips:

And remember that Google+ is the second largest social network in the world by the number of active users, which is actively promoted by the search giant itself. With full control over the data, Google is already using it to determine the Author Rank, and this area will only grow. A clear idea of ​​what users are "plus", what they share with friends and what they recommend will significantly improve search results. This is a tool that is simply unreasonable to ignore now. As one hockey player I know says: "You need to move not where the puck is now, but where it will bounce." Google+ is where you will catch this cherished "puck" if you move in the right direction.

Greetings friends! Today I will touch on the topic of the social network Google+ for the first time!
Judging by the results this social network achieves, it can become better than Facebook itself! Just think, in a short time of its existence, the Google network has achieved what Facebook has been striving for for 3 years! If this social network is so promising, why not take a place on it, so as not to regret it in the future? Today I will tell you how to do google page+ for your site!

Until today, I have not worked with this social network, I have not even really learned anything about it, but the innovation pushed me to register! Now I have my own my blog page on Google+!

You may have a question - “Why would I create such a page?”.
The answer is obvious! If a social network from Google+ in a short time has achieved the results that Facebook has achieved in 3 years, this project has a future! Until this network has grown into a mega-network, you should hurry to take your place in order to grow and develop with it. In addition, creating a page for your site is not at all difficult!

Before starting, I want to remind you that you can and receive additional traffic, take advantage of this!

Create a page for your site on Google+

Go to the address of the social network -
If you are not registered, please do so. Registration does not cause any complications and you should not have any questions about this.

After the registration is successfully completed, go to your account and at the very bottom, in the right column, click on “ Create Google Page+ ”As in the picture.

After that you will be asked to choose a category, choose “ Product or brand

After filling out the basic information, you need to fill out the profile of your page. Enter a description and upload an image. Naturally, the image should be such that your site is immediately recognized only by looking at the image!

After you click the "Continue" button, you are invited to tell us that you have created a page for your site, what you should do! Although, if you have just registered in the system, there is no one to read you.

After everything is done, you are taken to a page with a proposal to create your own news feed and we, of course, agree!

We publish the entry and you're done! You now have your own Google+ blog page! But that's not all! Since you have your own page, you need to tell your friends about it, right? Of course, you can send out invitations by mail or via Twitter, but then the newcomers will not know about it. Google+ has taken care of this, you can immediately place a button from this social network right on your site and you won't have to suffer!

Google+ icon on your site

On the page where we were offered to create a ribbon, below we can get an icon.

We click on "Get a badge" and on the proposed page select the type of badge.
In the next steps, I am not an advisor to you, everyone has their own taste, choose according to taste and place the badge wherever you like!

I placed this icon like this, without any inscriptions like this:

This is the code I posted:

114666421707859023529 / posts » style = "text-decoration: none;">

Igor... Update: February 3, 2019.

Hello dear readers of the blog site! As the next material in this section, today we will talk about registration in the well-known social network Google plus, which is quite popular. This is not surprising, given the fact that it is owned by Google.

It is the belonging of this social network to the world's largest search engine that allows you to quickly, with the right attitude to business, promote the brand and get target audience to your site. I'm not talking about the fact that here you can find a lot of useful information and interest groups, which goes without saying.

In today's article, I will try to tell, taking into account all the nuances, about how to register on this social network and log into an account, find friends and include them in your circles, create a plus page for business, what the feed is, and where to download the application Google + for Android, which is very important in modern realities.

Google+ place among the leaders of world social networks

As you know, for the successful development of commercial resources, it is vitally important to constantly update them and introduce exclusive innovations, so the owners of the largest projects like Google strive for constant development.

Due to the growing popularity of social networks, at some point they needed to take a step in this direction. To solve this problem, at one time Google even tried to acquire Twitter (- what is Twitter and how to register in this microblogging service), however, it failed in this endeavor and was forced to start creating its own social network.

The moment when this social network took its first steps has already sunk into oblivion and it was not clear how successful the final result would be. After some time, we can say that this was not done in vain, if we take into account the level of absolute attendance of Google + (who would doubt it, if we take into account the possibilities that are available to this monster).

On the this moment Google+ monthly traffic is in the hundreds of millions. But it is a little alarming that the activity of users, which at some point in the development of the network began to grow rapidly, in the past few months has begun to fade again.

But let's assume that this is a temporary growing pain. Moreover, in terms of key indicators, the social network Google Plus very seriously threatens the positions of its main competitors in the person of Facebook (about registration, logging into Facebook account and oh basic setup My page) and, if we talk about Runet.

Ordinary users have already appreciated the simplicity, convenience, and wide possibilities of Google plus, therefore they use this social network for the soul, so to speak. I'm not talking about Google+ value for webmasters where you can not only conveniently keep in touch with your colleagues and friends, sharing information, but also attract an audience to your site.

Registration, account creation and communication in Google plus

The registration procedure in this social network can be described in a nutshell, for this it will be enough to get at your disposal almost all of its services and products, including a link to profile Plus, which can then be customized as you wish:

For example, my profile URL initially looked like this:


Agree, the numbers in the link do not look very nice. However, Google allows you to fix this issue and create a nice URL. True, to get this opportunity, you need to fulfill certain requirements (the account was created at least 30 days ago, in general it has a positive reputation and at least 10 subscribers, and the profile contains a photo).

In principle, if you are going to seriously engage in activities on the Internet, it is not difficult to fulfill these conditions, but as a result you will receive an eye-pleasing URL:


But this is a Google profile link plus for all users who can view it. If you log in (which means that you will be able to perform all the necessary configuration and editing actions), then an extended url may be valid for you (of course, instead of "+ IgorGornov" you will have a different ending):


So, after registration, you need to pre-authorize and log into the main account to go to Google Plus. You can also log in by simply navigating to Google+ homepage, where to press the button "enter", then enter your username (email address) and password.

Ribbon, people search and circles

If you are logged into the main web page, then by default there will be a news feed with messages (including videos), including announcements containing links to websites from complete information, which will appear as they are published by other users of this social network (the most recent messages are at the top):

On the left, there will be a menu containing all the possible options, the number of which is very extensive and varied. You can immediately search for the profile of a person you know (friend, acquaintance, colleague) by going to the section "People" from the mentioned menu:

Enter all known data into the search bar. The more accurate they are (for example, First name + Last name of a person), the smaller the selection in the search results you will get:

The information entered to concretize may not be enough, because in such a huge social network there is usually more than one person with a similar first and last name (as in the screenshot above). Take a closer look at the photo or avatar of the users who found themselves as a result of the search. Perhaps this will help you identify the person you are looking for.

Just below the links to the profiles, there will also be records written by these people, or materials somehow related to them:

In the same way, you can also find any materials on a topic of interest to you that have been published on Google's social network. Instead of a first and last name, you can enter the title of a section or area of ​​your interests, you can narrow your search by adding additional keywords.

After you have found the person you need, you can view his profile by clicking on his name, or immediately subscribe to him (second screenshot up). This action means that you have enabled by default given user v your circle "Subscriptions".

However, you can immediately transfer it or simply add it to another circle or even several. To this end, after you have subscribed, click on the same button with the already changed caption, after which you can select from the list that appears in which circles you want to include this person:

By the way, you can adjust the circles as your heart desires by going to the tab "Subscriptions" of the same "People" section, where just below the list of Google Plus users you subscribed to, there is a setup form:

The circles are divided according to the nature, closeness of the relationship, the interests of the individuals included in them. In each of them you can add friends, members of your family, with whom you will have the closest communication; just acquaintances and people whose materials or announcements are most interesting to you and to which you want to subscribe.

Create as many circles as you need, and, as you already understood, you can distribute people to narrow areas, which in the future can have a positive effect in many aspects, especially when promoting your resource or brand on social networks.

To accept the right decision a visit and study of his profile will help you about placing a particular user in a particular circle, where you can find out all the details that will clarify his preferences, as well as the direction and nature of the activity.

For example, when creating a Google+ community of a specific topic, you can invite people who are truly involved in this area of ​​interest, and not random fellow travelers who will simply be unnecessary ballast, not showing activity.

With respect to each of the created circles, you can perform all possible actions. To do this, click on the three vertical dots on the right, as a result, a window will appear from which you can delete the selected circle, view the records of the people entering it, or adjust accordingly:

The setting includes the following options:

1. The number of entries from users of this circle that will appear in your feed. To do this, select one of the items from the drop-down menu (by default, in my opinion, “many” is set).

2. Notify about new entries... If you want to be informed about the appearance of fresh messages from people of this circle, then enable this option by moving the slider to the right.

3. Include in the list "My circles"... By default, all the groups you create are included in your circle list. If you do not want to share your entries with the users of the selected group, move the slider to the left.

After you customize your circles, do not forget to save your changes by clicking on the button of the same name. Further, when publishing your posts to Google +, you will be able to determine for which circle of people this or that post is intended (details below). Selecting any of the circles and clicking on it, get a list of all the people included in it:

Here you can also view the profile of any of the participants by clicking on his name. In addition, you are able to perform other actions on this user, namely, move it to another circle or completely delete it by unchecking all the checkboxes. To do this, click on the right side on the name of the circle in which it is currently located.

In general, this approach is very convenient, since it allows you to organize communication in Google plus. Moreover, no one will know in which of the circles you have created this or that person is present, this information will be available only to you.

Google plus profile and its settings

Now let's try to figure out how to optimally customize your Google+ profile so that it is recognizable and attractive. It is possible that you already had a Google account before you decided to seriously tackle his social network.

In this case, it is quite possible that you already have it at the very least configured, for example, a photo is installed that will be displayed on Google+. If not, then this case is fixable. Therefore, first of all, let's go to special web page "About me"... To do this, click on the links located on the cover (shown in the screenshot):

In fact, it is your unified profile for all Google services... After logging into your account, all settings there will be available for editing. To change any information, you need to click on the pencil icon, which is located opposite each item:

To get started, you can change (set) your photo and upload a cover. After clicking on the pencil, a camera icon will appear right at the place of the photo and cover, which must be clicked to load the images:

Here you can not only enter your first and last name, but also come up with a pseudonym that will be displayed in all services associated with this account. Many people ask themselves the question: how to change the name in the profile and is it possible?

I must say right away that such a possibility exists in this section of the settings. However, Google allows you to change names very reluctantly, which is quite natural (in my opinion, only once in 90 days), which is quite natural. It's good that such an option exists at all.

You can download pictures from your computer by selecting the appropriate graphic files, or take from the album of your Google account, if, of course, they are there:

Further, in each of the sections of your profile, indicate the information that you think is necessary. To do this, there are several blocks ("Work contacts", "Education", "Sites", "Career", "Places of residence", "General information", "History").

As I already noted, to edit and enter data, you just need to click on the pencil symbol located in each of these sections:

For example, in block "Sites" you can add the URL of your resource and its several most important headings or publications. Click on the pencil, and then write down the link text and the link itself in sequence:

And so on. In each of the blocks it is also possible to configure access to the information provided there, that is, to determine the circle of persons who will be able to view it ("Only me", "Everyone", "My circles", "Extended circles"):

Here the question may arise: what does the point mean? "Extended circles"? I will explain the essence of this group of people at simple example... Let's say Vasya belongs to your group "My circles", and Slava belongs to Vasya's circles. That is, you are not directly connected with Glory. However, Google always tracks such chains in order to build a list of prospective acquaintances.

By choosing an item from this list "Other", you can fine-tune access:

Here you can not only select circles, but also separately users by ticking them, as well as find people for whom access will be allowed, but who do not belong to any of the circles (for this, use the search bar). In addition, you can delete an already selected circle or person by clicking on the corresponding cross.

On the same "About Me" page, it is possible to view a collection of albums, which includes all images uploaded to Google services (Picasa, Blogger, Google+):

Well, using the plus button on the bottom right, add those your contact details which you find it necessary to enter (phone, email, chat, home address). For them, of course, you can also configure access.

So, with the setting of the general Google profile, which is located on the "About me" page, we seem to figure it out. Now let's go back to our own Google Plus profile web page, where you can also customize something. To do this, click on the button "Change profile"(see the ninth screenshot from here up):

From here, you can also upload a photo and cover image, and add and edit a description. Well, there are options that can be configured specifically for the Google plus profile, for example, indicate all or some of the Google + communities in which you are a member, filling in the necessary checkboxes with the checkboxes. Once saved, they will appear on your profile.

Posts, Collections and Communities on Google plus

Now we directly turn to practice and see how we send messages or announcements of articles of sites, which for webmasters is one of the most important aspects of SMO promotion (promotion of a project on social networks).

You can publish your posts both on your profile page and in any community in which you are a member. Click on the appropriate link from the menu on the left of your profile.

If you have just registered on the Google social network, then there will be a link to the recommended communities, as well as a button, by clicking on which you can immediately create your own:

You can immediately join one or several communities recommended here by clicking on the button of the same name, or first evaluate its content and composition of participants by clicking on the link as a result of clicking on the picture, and already there, if you wish, to join it:

In the future, when you click on this link from the left menu, this page will display those communities that you have already joined (the "Recently visited" tab), as well as those that you have created yourself ("My Communities"). By the way, it is in the "My" tab that you can very quickly, without leaving the checkout, create a community on any topic, and even more than one:

Here you can configure the type of Google plus community (open or closed), request to join (that is, the user will need to get approval from the owner, that is, you). It is also possible to configure additional actions:

That is, will the posts be moderated before they are published and the content management option will be applied, which, as I understand it, implies the use of improved filters to filter out spam (!).

After clicking on button "Finish" you will be immediately transferred to the web page of the freshly baked community, where you, as the owner, can make the rest of the settings (say, add thematic sections), as well as use the tools to promote it.

There are options that allow you to invite users, talk about creating a community on Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter, and publish the necessary links. Not a bad kit for promoting both the community itself and your related web resources.

Now I want to tell you about one more option that appeared in Google plus quite recently. It's about compilation options which are a great tool for categorizing all of your posts by topic. To create a selection, click on the plus located on your profile page:

Enter the name of the collection and its short description(within 80 characters), configure the degree of access (by default, all users will see the entries). You are even able to specify your option:

There you can include circles, individual users and even people who are not included in any of the circles, that is, by analogy with what we analyzed in the general profile settings (scroll up to the eighth screenshot).

After you have created the required number of collections, you can start publishing thematic posts to them. By the way, the moment has come when we need to deal with the nuances of sending your messages to Google +.

In the form that appears, enter the text of the message:

It is also possible to attach a photo and a link to the message. It is even possible to stir up some kind of poll and report your whereabouts.

As soon as you insert the link, an instant generation based on the metadata will occur and the image associated with the article, its title and description will immediately appear:

If you suddenly didn’t like something, or you entered the wrong URL by mistake, click on the cross on the right with the inscription “Delete” and you can repeat the operation. The icon on the opposite side makes it possible to load another image from among those available.

By clicking on the icon with three vertical dots in the upper right corner, you can set up a ban on comments or on the appearance of this message in other feeds:

To send the current announcement, click the "Publish" button. After publication, at any time, you can edit the post up to its complete removal... For this purpose, move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner, where the same icon with three dots is located. By clicking on it, you call up a list of possible corrective actions:

At the very bottom there is the ability to insert comments for all readers who will read this post, for you as well. Also, everyone can rate your masterpiece by marking it with the help. Likewise, you can mark other people's posts.

In addition, if you wish, add an image, any link, and also share a link to this entry on Google+, Facebook and Twitter. After editing, click the "Submit" button.

Other Google+ features

In the course of the narration, one way or another, the sections "Feed", "People", "Profile" and "Communities" from left menu... Now let's go over the rest of the functionality of this network.

"Notifications"- here you can familiarize yourself with the actions of other users of the social network concerning your person. For example, who gave a "+1" rating to one or another of your posts, or posted a new announcement in a community of which you are also a member.

"Settings"- allow you to fully optimize your Google+ profile for your needs. By default, they are very well thought out and already selected for standard user(I, in my opinion, did not change anything here). However, you can edit any of the items at any time if the need arises.

This includes general settings regarding photos and videos published on Google +, profile, feed, alerts, geodata transfer, privacy. There is also additional settings, as well as those related to the recommendations of friends and target audience.

Well, in the same section you can delete your account (profile) Google plus if you suddenly need it. How? The delete link is located at the very bottom of the web page.

Another interesting option Hangouts, which allows you to communicate with your friends or partners via chat using video and other functionality. Previously, it was part of the Google + social network and was also available in the left menu of the Google plus profile.


Now, as I understand it, the Hangouts status has changed a bit, and now it is a full-fledged Google product, which is available at a separate address, like all other services. By the way, you can also use the services of this service and organize, if necessary, a video chat, inviting people from your circles to it. All this is in the spirit of modern realities.

How to create a business page (brand account)

So, your personal Google Plus profile has been created. If you want to promote your brand (website), product or service using this social network, you can create a business page, making it easier for customers to find your company on the Internet. To do this, scroll your profile page to the very bottom, where a completely inconspicuous link will be located on the left:

Click on it, as a result of which you will be redirected to the section for creating a branded page, where you come up with and enter its name:

After clicking the "Create" button, a window will appear in which you will need to include your freshly + page:

Before doing this final action, you can read the terms and conditions of use. Of course, their content is standard and the same for all users, but, perhaps, in your case, some points will be unacceptable.

The created plus page will have its own address. For example, I give the URL of the profile of my + page (as it will look to other users):


It can be transformed in the same way as the URL for a personal profile, as I mentioned above. After modification, it acquired the following form:



So now you have not only your personal Google Plus profile, but also a professional one for brand promotion. In principle, the settings and options + pages are similar to the main ones, you can also enter data in your account that will be useful when promoting the site, as well as publish posts, photos, videos, create circles and collections.

However, there are also significant differences. In the upper right corner there is an icon representing a + page or a photo or avatar, if you have already installed them. By the way, from here you can also navigate to all the accounts you have created, your personal Google plus profile and branded pages. There is also a link "Settings + pages":

If you click on this link, then you will be redirected to the section in which the basic information about the brand page, and where you can make a variety of settings, some of which may be very useful in the future.

I draw your attention to the fact that simultaneously with the inclusion of a business page, not only a profile in Plus will be formed for it, but also shared branded Google account, to the settings and deletion of which you will proceed, if you use the links "Change account data" and "Delete account", respectively:

It is also quite possible to invite assistants by setting up access rights for them, who will track the necessary information and engage in brand development:

The initial work has been done. Now you can go further in terms of developing and promoting your plus page, using numerous tools, and publish interesting materials on it so that users mark it with pluses as often as possible, repost and add it to their circles.

How to download the Google plus app for Android

Time flies, and along with it, information technologies are rapidly developing. Now it is already impossible to imagine life without mobile devices which are playing an ever increasing role. Therefore, almost all major services and social networks offer versions of their products for tablets, smartphones, phones.

In this sense, Google is no exception. Its specialists have developed a special application for the Android platform, and the functionality of Google+ in this case is practically not inferior to the range of capabilities that are available for PC users:

You can download Google plus for Android absolutely free With official service Google play() directly and install on your device:

That seems to be all for today. I hope that all the main aspects of registration, profile settings and the procedure for using the Google + social network have been sorted out, and you have practically no questions left. If, nevertheless, some detail remains a mystery to you, please contact via the comment form. Good luck to all!

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49 reviews

  1. Denis

    Google+ by the way is now very strongly influencing the promotion in Google. The more plus signs - the higher the output, and this has already been proven, and not just words.

  2. Pauline

    In Runet, Google + is not very popular, it is not always clear how to use this or that tool, but with your help it is a temporary phenomenon! Thanks Igor.

  3. Igor

    Please, Polina. The main thing is that the material is useful to readers. Having received even one positive response, you feel that you have done the work for a reason.

  4. Igor

    Exactly, Denis. In general, ranking benchmarks are being redistributed and promotion in social networks is becoming more and more important. Naturally, Google + has the greatest impact, if you remember under the patronage of which search engine he is in.

  5. Denis

    More recently, I read that Twitter still has a better effect at the moment than r +. What do you think about it?

  6. Igor

    Perhaps, Denis, but it is not easy to answer your question specifically, because this requires experiments that I have not conducted.

  7. asilkway

    Until now, I have not registered with them. Vkontakte is somehow dearer to me.

  8. Igor

    In general, this is understandable. 🙂

  9. Alexei

    For about a month now I have registered in Google + (on my phone) I have uploaded a few pictures to my profile. I drove about a hundred of them into the section for everyone, and NIODIN of the pictures is not commented on, nor is it added, while many of the same pictures on other resources constantly cause, if not comments, then at least an assessment of site visitors. In general, it seems that your attendance is absolutely scanty. I judge by the absolute lack of any attention whatsoever, neither to the texts, nor to the pictures I post. This is quite insulting, despite the fact that I react vividly to pictures and texts and comments from other Google users ...

  10. Igor Gornov

    Alexey, I didn’t understand, why are you making claims to me? Your photos are not commented on and your Google + profile is not very actively visited by users, this is understandable. But what do I and my resource have to do with it?

  11. Rogue from Asia

    Good day! There was a problem, and quite a serious one. For more than a week I have not been able to log into my Google Plus account. An inscription comes out:

    "Google+ can't load
    Unable to load Google+ CSS. Please check your internet connection and refresh the page. "

    I don’t know what to do already. Help with advice urgently! Can this problem be corrected?

  12. Igor Gornov

    Do other web pages load without problems?

  13. Rogue + from + Asia

    other web pages? Those. other sites chtoli? Yes, they load without problems: from American to Russian, from Kazakhstani to Latin American sites.

    It’s a pity that I can’t log into my Google plus account now ((((Other people have the same problem, by the way. and it doesn't help me.

    In short, every day, then surely some annoying problem will come out. Sometimes I am surprised that the presence of a computer / laptop presents a person with certain inconveniences / problems that cannot be solved within a day. A little upset.

    rs Alexey October 21, 2014 at 02:38 wrote the wildest nonsense.

    Best regards, Daniyar. KZ. All goodness and success, normal guys from all over the world!

  14. Igor Gornov

    Daniyar, I don't know what to advise. Didn't face such problem. Try to contact Google support, they should advise a real way out of the situation.

  15. Anastasia

    The same trouble .. For several days already. I can't go to my google + profile. Gives an error: There is no connection. Failed to connect to server.
    The rest of the sites are working. Help me please(((

  16. Igor Gornov

    Hmm, a trend, however. Anastasia, offhand I don't even know what to advise. There may be several reasons. Most likely, it is on the Google server where your account is located that global technical work is being carried out or some problems have arisen. I would advise you to write to their support team. By the way, what browser do you use? If not Chrome, then try using it.

    For example, I have no problems logging into my account, so I think that this is exactly the case. You can wait a little longer, maybe everything will work out. Be sure to write back after a while. If the connection is not restored, we will try to help you with advice, perhaps the readers will also connect.

  17. Olga

    Hello. Please tell me which circles are better for adding new people? The goal is to promote your page, not the community. People are not familiar, just the target audience.

  18. Igor Gornov

    Olga, the dilemma in this case consists of two parts - add to "friends" or "subscription". For the promotion of your page, it does not really matter. If you like the publications of one of the users, then add to "subscriptions". This is logical, since you personally do not know each other. You can make a complex addition to circles: both to "friends" and "subscriptions". Perhaps some of these users (the probability is high) will also add you to their circles.

  19. Elena

    Hello everyone. I have this question. I added a review on the company page in Google +, but it is not displayed in the reviews, it hangs in my profile, but it did not appear on the company page, although reviews from other users are visible. It's been a week since now, is it really moderation?

  20. Igor Gornov

    Yes, Elena, the presence of moderation is certainly logical. Another thing is that it should not concern user ratings (negative or positive), but only the correctness and observance of moral standards in their messages.

  21. Elena

    In my review, moral norms and generally a positive review were not violated, but it was never published ... somehow it's a shame even ... nowhere in Google is it written about this, maybe I'm doing something wrong, you may need to enter in the circles of this company? Are there any suggestions on this?

  22. Igor Gornov

    Elena, if this is the case, then it really is a shame. To be honest, I am at a loss because I didn’t have the honor to leave reviews there. Perhaps someone from the readers will clarify this situation?

  23. AroNovaTake

    Why can't I sign up for Google+?
    I click to create an account, and it gives me: The requested page does not exist.

  24. Igor Gornov

    That is, you completely filled out the registration form on the Google account creation page and after that you received such a message? Perhaps there was some kind of failure due to some technical work on the part of Google. Try again after a while, I think everything should be fine.

    Igor Gornov

    Tatiana, I cannot solve all the problems with creating an account for everyone. This script works from Google, so all questions are for them. Try to read the manual from the original source or ask a question on the thematic forum. There can be many reasons for this. Finally, try clearing your browser cache.

  25. Dima

    I don’t remember my nickname on Google Plus and now I can’t log into my account, I haven’t used it for a long time, but now I decided and somehow I didn’t want to create a new one. It's bad that the phone number and additional address did not indicate then. The name is Dima Temnikov, on the avatar of a koala) Registration was approximately 28,11,2014. Is there any way to restore access?

  26. Igor Gornov

    Dima, first read the article, perhaps it will be useful to you. Try to restore your account from this page:


    However, for recovery you need to remember your password, username or email address. If you do not have any of these data, I am afraid that it will be impossible to recover.

  27. damir

    I can not register. in google writes the requested page does not exist

  28. Igor Gornov
  29. Ekaterina

    Igor, hello. May I ask?
    Before getting to your page, I was looking for information about the possibility of inserting Google + tables into the text (message, post). Well, I need to place some text with a table. It's impossible? Where can you read about it?
    thank you...

  30. Igor Gornov

    Hello Ekaterina! First of all, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and wish you health, happiness, family well-being and financial success! Now for the essence of the question. If I understood the question correctly, then you need to insert a table into the announcement of an article on Google+?

    Unfortunately, for placement in the text itself, as far as I know, there is no necessary tools(maybe other users will correct me in the comments). However, you can place the table in the form of a picture, having previously taken a screenshot from it.

    For this purpose, when posting a message of the "Link" type, insert the URL of the resulting image into the corresponding field. Or does this method not suit you?

  31. Alfy

    Good evening! I created a community in Google +, added entries there, but how to change the standard picture with a circle and three dots to the one I want to see there I don’t know ((

  32. Igor Gornov

    Alfy, you probably mean the community flag. I will soon be writing an article about Google + communities. In the meantime, a help will help you:


  33. Ivan

    A strange social network with a very confused and not always logical functionality. But Google likes it)

  34. Jacob

    Igor, thanks for your help. The fact is that after changing the OS, he stopped authorizing on the sites. By at least, in Mozilla and Google. Options pop up, I click on Google +, but this thing does not work ... With the help of your article, I restored everything.
    Be healthy.

  35. Igor

    Yes, Olga, I know this, but thank you very much for the addition. This is simple Last update of this article.

Good afternoon, dear readers of my site. Today we'll talk about a relatively new social network Google Plus... We already remembered about it when, in this review, we will consider this social network from all sides. Let's analyze the registration in Google plus , the entrance and capabilities of this social network, setting up a profile in Google + and what has changed in this social network with the change in the general design of Google products.

Google has been trying to enter the social media market for many years. There was even an attempt to buy the social network Twitter. But this attempt failed, and a few years ago Google presented its social network Google+.

Over the past years, Google Plus has been in constant development. The company is making a lot of efforts to popularize its brainchild. Most of Google's products are already linked to a Google+ profile, and the process continues. This gives its positive shifts - today, there are more than 200 million registered users of the Google + social network (according to the company). On the other hand, this behavior of Google causes anger on the part of the audience, which does not want to see mandatory registration in all Google products, or dependence on the social network Google Plus.

It is this behavior of the company that leads to disappointing results. According to some sources, the time spent on the Google + social network is calculated in minutes, while the user can be on other popular social networks (Facebook, VKontakte) for several hours.

Registration in Google Plus

In order to register in Google +, no need to do any complicated manipulations. As mentioned in previous articles, Google has introduced a single account for all of its products for its users. To register with Google, you just need to register and get your mailbox

By registering a new mailbox, we create an account in Google. You just need to enter the address of your mailbox and write the password for it. That's it, you have your own Google account and access to all its products.

List of possible software products companies can be seen on the main page of the search engine. On it, click on the square in the upper right corner and a list of Google products will open in front of you. Choosing Google Plus.

Clicking on the G + icon takes you to the news feed page. Before using all the features of this social network, you need to create your profile in Google Plus. To do this, click " Join to…"And in the drop-down window we check the correctness of your data. Data is taken from your email account

After checking the data or entering new ones, click " Create a profile". In the next window, you can add your profile picture.

This is where the creation of the profile is actually over. Now available to you full list features and services of Google+. We'll talk about this below.

You can customize your Google Plus page. To do this, go to the " Profile».

This is my google plus page. To change the background photo or profile photo, and make small changes to the profile, you need to click on the " Change profile". You can create collections - this is a kind of Vkontakte group. It contains entries, photographs, links related to a specific topic. She, like a group, a community, may have subscribers. It's easy to create a new collection in Google +:

Enter the name, a short description of the collection and for whom it is intended. By default, your collection is visible to all netizens, you can limit the visibility to your circles, show it only to yourself, or suggest your own version.

Your own version of the visibility of the collection - members of your circles (Friends, Family, Acquaintances) or through the search to find the people you need.

By clicking on the pencil on my Google Plus page, you can leave a note. This is a kind of post on the wall in other social networks. Your subscribers will see it.

Thus, we signed up for Google Plus and set up our profile on this social network.

Google Plus features - feed, collections, communities and people

Now let's move on to the most interesting thing - using social network Google Plus... When you log into your account, you will be taken to the news feed page. It displays all the posts that the users you follow and popular posts have left. This is a kind of RSS feed.

In this feed, you can also leave your entry. This is done simply.

A window opens to add your entry to the feed

In this window, you can not only leave your entry in the feed, but

  1. Share photo, image
  2. Interesting link
  3. Create poll
  4. Leave your coordinates on google maps

When creating a message, you can determine for whom it is intended: For everyone, for a certain circle, or find through a search for the one to whom it is intended.

You can comment on any entry in the Google Plus feed, share a link to it, ignore or complain about it.

Collections- these are user materials, collected in one group according to certain criteria, mainly on one topic. Each user of the social network Google Plus may have more than one collection. It all depends on the interests of the user.

You can create collections yourself in your profile or subscribe to others. A large selection of collections can be found on the tab of the same name “ Collections».

In the tab “ My»The collections you created are presented.

If you have not seen the selection you need, then you can find it through the search. After choosing what you were looking for, you can subscribe. This can be done either on the main page of the " compilations»Or directly on the main page of the collection.

After subscribing, you will receive notifications about new content in the collection. They will also be displayed in the " Subscriptions».

Google Plus Communities. By analogy with subscriptions in communities, materials are collected on certain topics. The difference between communities is that the materials published in them can be commented on.

The community section interface is organized similarly to Collections. You can join all communities, but some of them require a request in advance. After that, the community moderator decides on your entry.

People Tab... In the old Google Plus interface, instead of this tab, there was Circles tab... These are your circles on the Google+ social network.

By clicking on this tab, you will see several of your social circles presented by default. In the beginning, one will be empty, but as the communication increases, they will be filled with you. To add a person to any circle, you need to subscribe to him, first find him through the search. By subscribing, the person you have chosen goes to your circles google plus and is at the top of the page. At this moment, he is not in any of your circles. To add it there, you need to click on the " Subscriptions"At the bottom of the person's avatar. In the proposed list, choose in which social circle to define him.

After that, he will appear in your chosen social circle in Google +.

If there is no circle you need, then you can create it by clicking on the button " Create circle».

In the tab “ Whom to add»There are recommendations of other network users to which you are subscribed.

Tab " Followers»Contains a list of your subscribers. You can select any of their list of subscribers and add it in the same way to the Google Plus social circle of your choice.

What's changed in the new Google plus interface

That year, Google rolled out a new interface for all of its products, including Google Plus. Today, there are many instructions on how to work with Google + on the Internet, but all of them are based on the old interface of the Google Plus, in the new version of some products and features are no longer there. Let's take a look at what's missing from the new Google+.


This feature was removed from Google Plus and made available as a separate Google product, not specifically related to the plus.

Hangouts- this ability to broadcast live video directly to the network. It used to be, but now it is a separate Google service, an analogue of Skype. Thanks to this application, you can arrange video conferences, make calls with users registered in Google Hangouts, chat.

Google brand page "+ page"

In the new interface, you will no longer find the opportunity to create branded pages, that is, the service + pages moved to the Google software section. And presented under the title " My business". It is located in the same right window where all Google products are represented (shown in the screenshot above).

How to create + a page for business

We go to the application "My Business". The landing page of the application opens in front of us. Since we have a Google account, we press "Login" and get into the wizard for creating + pages.

A page opens in front of us with a choice of the type of company. There are three types of " Place-bound business», « Outgoing services», « Brand name". Now a little more detail about each type + page

  1. Place-bound businesses are restaurants, shops, all types of businesses that have a fixed address on the map
  2. Offsite services. Services that can be provided at the client's place of residence, that is, this type of business is not tied to a physical address, mobile business (pizza delivery, taxi, flower delivery, etc.)
  3. Brand. This type of + pages is designed to convey to users exactly the name of the company, firm, brand... Needed for brand promotion.

Here you yourself must make a choice based on the above recommendations. In my case, I chose “ Brand name". In the window that opens, fill in the data about your brand, click " Create + page».

The next step in front of us will open the page created by us + for our brand. I want to say right away that although the + page application has left the Google+ menu, it still remains completely tied to the profile of the G + social network. We will see it now.

What do we see on the brand's business page?

  1. Linking to a Google+ profile. If you click on "Publish update", then it will automatically be created new account in Google + with information from the + page
  2. Google Analytics. It is possible to connect Analytics to your branded page
  3. The Change button will take you to your Google Plus page, where you can change your company information, logo and your profile photo. You can set up a Google Plus profile as described earlier.

As you can see, the + page is completely linked to the Google + profile. This page shows statistics on visits, the number of subscribers.

This is how a branding + page is created. Thanks to it, you can follow the development of your Google Plus profile, keep statistics and attract new admirers of your brand.


Social network Google+ is a kind of network in comparison with other popular social networks. It has its own flavor. But something is still missing for its greater popularization. I think that over time Google will be able to figure this out and fix the flaws.

In terms of website promotion, I want to note that by posting announcements in the Google Plus feed, the search engine indexes your page much faster.

If you missed something or made a mistake, please write in the comments, correct me or supplement.

The social network Google+ is a very powerful tool for promoting and interacting with the audience of sites. Thanks to an actively developing community and interaction of the social network with others Google services Google+ has become a tidbit for many webmasters. Of particular interest here are the so-called plus pages. In this article, I want to help you create and promote your + + page on Google+. Let's try?

Regardless of whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, I recommend starting your acquaintance with Google+ with my review article: "?" In this case, you can immediately clarify a number of issues for yourself and avoid misunderstandings about what I will talk about in this article.

How do I create a page on Google Plus?

Step 1: Section + Pages. To create a new plus page on Google+ you need to go to the section of the same name “ + Pages", Where to click the blue button" Create + page».

To do this, you can use the proposed link or select the desired section from the drop-down list located in the upper right corner of the service pages.

Step 2: Company type. Recently, Google began to actively promote something that they called “ My Business - Addresses". Therefore, in the next step, you will be asked to choose one of 3 types of company. For my blog, I decided to choose the type " Brand name».

Step 3: Title and Type + Pages. After that, you need to specify the title and select the type of + pages, as well as accept the terms of use + pages. Optionally, you can also specify the URL of the site or do it later.

Step 4: complete the profile. After the plus page is created, you will see a Google My Business greeting. By clicking the button " How to start"You can get some tips, and by clicking the button" Skip"- immediately start working with him.

Now you are in the section " »Profile created plus page. To switch between profiles, use the drop-down list of accounts located in the upper right corner of the service pages. But now we need to fill out the profile of the created plus page, simply by following the instructions given.

    Add profile photo. I recommend that you take care of this in advance and prepare a photo / picture of proportional sizes (square), at least 250x250 pixels (recommended photo size 1000x1000 pixels).

    However, if there is no proportional picture - it doesn't matter, the excess can be cut off in the online editor. In addition, you can rotate the photo to the right or left.

    As for the size, here it should be noted that the photo can be used by other Google services. At the same time, its size can be increased, which means we get a blurry image.

    Add cover. Cover- this is a big photo (recommended size 2120x1192 pixel) displayed at the top of the + pages. In fact, the cover serves as a kind of ad banner displayed to the right of the profile photo plus the page.

    When creating a cover, it is worth considering a number of features of its use. In particular, the central part of the cover, in a blurred form, is used as a background for an information block with a profile photo. I also noticed that when viewed by a user, the cover may be cropped by ~7% edges, right and left, and ~1% from below. Perhaps there are other features, but the main thing is not to try to calculate something down to pixels, the cover should be as flexible as possible.

    Add contact details. Here you can indicate your phone, mobile, email, fax, pager, chat and address. In this case, you can choose the access rights to this data group: extended circles, for everyone (by default), my circles, only me or specific users.

    Add website (if such was not specified when creating the plus page)... Website url refers to contact information and requires confirmation of the rights to it.

    It is noteworthy that based on the specified URL, you will be offered a short personal URL.

    Confirm data. To do this, you need to add and confirm the rights to the site in Google Webmaster Tools and / or place a LINK tag with a link to a plus page in the HEAD section of the website pages, for example:

  1. Add a few words about the company.(Shortly about myself) . Here using the visual editor (it is possible to insert a link!) You can give information about the plus page, company, etc.
  2. Tell us about your company in a nutshell(In a nutshell) . Here you can give a short description or indicate a slogan plus pages, companies, etc.

The profile is 100% completed and rightly so!

Step 5: links. Go to the " About myself»Of your + page and pay attention to the" Links "block, where (apart from the website) you can specify additional links (I personally indicated the addresses of the pages of my blog)... To do this, click on the link “ Change»In the block and gradually add the links you want.

By the way, here you will also find the proposed option personal url, if any will be assigned to the plus page. Read more about how this happened with me. True, now it happens much easier and faster, but nevertheless. It's a pity that now it is required to add a couple of characters to the personal URL plus the page, which does not look as attractive as we would like, but, as you know, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.