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Instagram profile design examples. Uniform style on Instagram (Instagram). Secrets of page design

How to design an Instagram profile correctly and beautifully? This is exactly the question that you need to ask yourself when creating an account that should become your face. Text, avatar, photos are the components of the page, and each of them is very important. In order to properly maintain a profile on the Internet, you need to start with registration.

How do I choose a username?

Many people confuse username or nickname and name. Remember that the first will be displayed for any of your activities, it is written after On it, users will search for you on the network. Therefore, it is very important to make the nickname as simple, memorable and speaking as possible.

And, of course, if your option is already taken, you do not need to add numbers to it. And it doesn't matter if it is the year of birth, the number of hairs on the left knee, or a random combination - such a name in any case will no longer be unique and memorable. Because of this, the traffic you honestly attracted may leak to the page of a completely different person, which is not in our interests. And remember that since the URL is written in Latin, the username must be written exclusively using the English alphabet.

How to maintain an Instagram profile in the same style?

The color scheme helps a lot in this. If the profile is already completed, review it and decide on the colors that you will use in future publications. Choose the processing of photos wisely to decorate them. For this, various standard filters are used or third party applications... For example, Vsco.

But this does not mean that you should always use only one scale. For example, if you are on vacation or have added a new product to your assortment, you can lay out a series of pictures in different colors to highlight this. For example, if your account is usually done in white, a few photos in red will diversify your profile. Famous people that's exactly what they do.

The design of the photographs themselves is also important. Of course, if the profile contains only food photos, it will look rather monotonous, so you can diversify your selfies or photos of customers with products.

Examples of successful design

It doesn't matter if you are going to keep a light or dark profile, edit an existing one or create a second one, following certain rules, you can make a masterpiece. And I will give examples of this, which I will take from my head, so it will be very subjective.

In general, I vaguely understand the activities of this lady. Maybe she works in a factory, or maybe she glues ads. I'm not interested in this, in general, but her Instagram account is really beautiful. It is not all in one color style - one gamut goes into another, then into a third, and so on. I love looking at him. It's another matter that this does not carry any intellectual load, but not everyone can knead the brain, right?

The work of this lady is also a dark forest for me, but I like to watch her Instagram. Although it seems that Lizka's activities are rather chaotic, there is order and thoughtfulness in it. And the strategy for maintaining an account on Instagram is also well thought out.

The perfect profile with all sorts of goodies. And while it is difficult to maintain a consistent color gamut when dealing with video, and even more so with "edible" content, they do it better than anyone whose pages I have seen.

Now you can edit each item on your page, style your profile header. Filling out the page now does not take much time and effort. I hope this information was useful to you and will help you in maintaining your profile in the future.

Exists basic principles that will make your Instagram profile stand out (hereinafter IG). Correct design of an instagram account- this is a guarantee that your old lady will be easily found by other users. This means that the number of followers will constantly increase. If you are the owner of a business account, then its competent design will help turn potential customers into real buyers.

First of all, IG is a visual platform. Subscribers are attracted primarily by the style of the page. In this article, we will look at how to make your profile interesting for the target audience, find out what secrets do top Instagrammers use?

Why is beautiful Instagram design so important? IG is an ideal platform for promoting its services and products, which must have a successful visual embodiment. Harmoniously built accounts become top-ranked and bring good profits to their owners. The main features of successful pages: uniform style and color scheme, meaningful signatures, a certain mood of the gallery.

How to design Instagram beautifully?

  • The rule "they are greeted by their clothes" is in effect in social networks. An effective page will make the user stay on it and study the content in more detail. After viewing the pictures, the visitor will be interested in the purpose of your profile, the services offered or the product.
  • Attractive pictures of goods / services. This is important for restaurants, salons, shops, photographers, artists and beauty professionals. Attractive pictures are able to convert a regular subscriber into a client, as well as quickly collect a sufficient number of likes and subscribers.
  • Helpful advice, up-to-date information. The account should not only be aesthetically pleasing, but also entertaining. If you are a psychologist or dentist, share what your clients want to know under the posts. Selling accessories, clothing, or stylist services? Share fashion trends, shape bows, showcase a combination of wardrobe items in a photo or video.

An example of correctly designed Instagram accounts (pay attention to the result in terms of the number of subscribers!):

How to design a page on Instagram

The correct design of an Instagram profile is based on a few basic elements: subject matter, color palette, photo filters, distinctive symbolism(logos, branded elements, etc.). Based on these criteria, you can create an individual design for your account. For example, this could be muted matte tones, glossy styling, or low key image processing (dark background, muted colors). By creating a brand image for your publications, you will make your brand recognizable and your account catchy. Therefore, we pay attention to the following points:

  1. Subject. Your Instagram profile should reflect your business sense or brand concept. Unload thoughtful posts. For example, if you are a representative of a brand of clothing or accessories, the picture should show a specific product in different variations. It is important how the gallery looks like as a whole, and not individual photos. Inspirational profiles have a consistent composition, no matter what is shown in the picture.
  2. Composition. Popular accounts are well-structured. All items in the photo take the framed space. The composition creates an individual style and integrity.
  3. Color spectrum. A significant element is the mood of the photo posts: energetic with rich colors or calm minimalism in soft colors. At correct organization galleries, the account will have a unique, stylish look. For a complete picture, it is recommended to edit the photo in the same style (the same shade, lighting or filter), starting with the 1st publication. Using a specific frame will make your Instagram profile recognizable.

How to design a profile header on Instagram

Account description is the second important step. The information should be meaningful and concise about the brand or about you. This will attract exactly your audience.

  • The nickname should be memorable and short. It is better to avoid such standard words as "cafe", "chop", and come up with an original name. As a rule, when using mass following programs, most people immediately respond to the name, description of the page.
  • Use emoji and symbols to separate phrases that simultaneously reflect your occupation.
  • Provide important information in your area of ​​activity. Do not forget to leave your contacts (link to another social network, mail, phone). Since there is only one place for a link in IG, the most important place should be placed.

In addition, professional photographs reflecting the subject of your activity can be purchased at various photo stocks.

A profile is a point of contact with your potential customers and subscribers. It can also be compared to a business card.

When a person gets on a profile, he should immediately understand where he is and what he needs to do right now.

A bad design can cost you the loss of customers and subscribers. Since it is in the profile that the client decides whether to subscribe to him or go further.

In addition, what will be written in the profile header will also be displayed as a result of a search in Yandex and Google. Accordingly, you should only write important information about yourself, the company or the brand.

Using specific examples, I'll show you how to design an Instagram profile so that people subscribe to it. After all, you will have only 3 seconds to interest your subscriber!

Profile header design

When a client lands on a profile, he must understand:

  • What are you selling (product or service)
  • Why and who needs you
  • How do you differ from competitors (Offer - why you need to buy or order from you)
  • What to do right now (CTA - call to action)

it simple questions to help you write a salesperson and a call to action.

Example # 1. What do you sell

When going to the profile, the client immediately sees the name of the account in capital letters "DESIGNER WOMEN'S CLOTHING".

It becomes clear that they sell designer clothes for women only.

Example # 2. Who do you need

The following profile clearly indicates who will be interested in it. For example, parents who want to arrange an unforgettable birthday for their child.

Example No. 3. How are you different from your competitors?

For example, this Instagram account only sells black dresses. Think about how you will be different from your competitors. Indicate your competitive advantages.

Example No. 4. What needs to be done right now

Tell people what they need to do. Write a call to action! The call can be:

  • Checkout
  • Submit your application
  • to write a message
  • Subscribe to
  • Call
  • Request a call
  • Download PDF book
  • Buy
  • Go to the site

Brainstorm these four questions. As I said above, this simple steps, but for some reason, few people make them.

Login (name of your profile)

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Hello dear readers and guests of my blog! Today I start detailed analysis of a large topic- promotion of the profile in the Instagram application. You will learn what hashtags are for and how to use them, how to work with stories and photos. And first, I'll tell you how to design Instagram.

If you are sure that this social network is exclusively used for uploading selfies and photos of feet on the beach, you are wrong. Instagram long ago has become a powerful tool for business promotion... Perhaps you already have a profile that you are promoting. In any case, you will find a lot of useful information in this and in subsequent articles.

Instagram profile design: why it is important

The first and, perhaps, the most important thing- because there are many accounts, but not all of them collect thousands of subscribers... How did successful people gain popularity on Instagram? They have created a profile that is impossible to pass by without subscribing.

Remember that the target audience you are counting on is a sophisticated viewer. It's just that you can't surprise anyone with good photo selections today.... It doesn't matter if you are promoting yourself personally or offering goods and services.

Another reason: you won't get a second chance to make a first impression... Don't waste time learning from your mistakes. Many potential subscribers and buyers will pass by and choose someone else. Much more efficient learn from people who have already achieved success... Proven tricks combined with your imagination will help create a profile that will be popular. Where should you start first?


Nickname should be easy to remember and be perceived by ear. Having heard it, the user should not guess how to write it in transliteration. In an ideal situation, your nickname was heard once, remembered and easily found by it. Three main principles contribute to achieving this goal: uniqueness, simplicity and brevity... Let's analyze them in detail.


Before creating a nickname on Instagram, search the instu and the Internet for brands with similar names... If the name partially coincides with your nickname, then when searching, users will first see more popular accounts, and only then yours.

For example, there may be a bunch of accounts containing the word Take the time to come up with something of your own, then your profile will not be lost. You can disclose your field of activity in the name of the profile and bio. But more on that later.


As I already said, a good nickname can be written down by ear the first time. Don't use punctuation marks and numbers, it complicates the search and looks ugly. For example, @ivanivanov - good @ ivan_ivanov_22 - already worse.

Better come up with pseudonym when it comes to personal brand. If you are promoting a product or service, do not refer to your location using the region number. For example, @ nsk_photo_54 .

Specify town in which you are working can be found in other sections, as in the example below.


The maximum number of words for a nickname is two. And better one and short... Compare @ pepebiancorest.afimall and .

Do you have a long brand name? It may be worth coming up with a different name for Instagram if you have not been involved in promotion yet, and the name has not become recognizable for customers. Do not be lazy to think, go through various options, reduce and simplify.


Here in the first place you should build on what you are promoting... Let's look at three options with examples: product, service and personal brand.


You do something by hand, thus creating a unique product. For example, stylish diaries, knitted items or toys. What avatars can be successful?

Product photos

Potential subscribers should be it is immediately clear what you offer... Be sure to take the photo yourself! Do not take something similar from the Internet. Modern smartphones have a fairly wide functionality for correcting photos. But you better take care of good natural light and contrasting background... Remember that a white subject against a background that is too light will be lost, and using a flash will make the photo look less natural.

The photo where you hold the product in your hands

If you yourself are on the avatar, people will be more willing to subscribe to you. Firstly, it seems that you are the one who runs the account. Secondly, the user retains feeling that he is speaking to a real person... This increases the credibility of the product even before purchasing it.


Your own photo

It could be selfie good quality or professional photo... It's great if the photo will be given to users associations with the service you are promoting... It can be a setting in the background or an object, or a style of dress.

In the example below, an account makeup artist... Subscribers will recognize the account owner by sight thanks to a good quality photo. The brushes in the hands are associated with the activities of the makeup artist.

Remember also that your the image on the avatar should not contrast too much with what you offer... For example, you are a coach or provide training for a specific audience. Take a photo in a business suit. clothing may be less formal, but it should not be extravagant, defiant.

Imagine: you write in your account that you conduct business trainings. You teach other people how to be successful, and you yourself have achieved impressive results. And on the avatar you are in a wonderful informal image with greetings from two thousand and seven. Agree, users will not take you seriously.

When looking for a specific service the user inevitably turns on stereotypical thinking... You need to meet the expectations of the target audience.


Once you've decided to create a logo, go for it. responsibly... The logo should be, first of all, readable... Small lettering, overly ornate or pale font can ruin everything. Of course, pastel colors are pleasing to the eye and look beautiful. But the text in this case looks faded. Below is just an example of such a logo.

Long words and titles that require you to resort to small print are best avoided. You can adapt the logo specifically for Instagram by making it in a different scale, for example, black and white. Take a look at an example of an online store logo below: large print, in contrast to the background, in general looks very laconic.

Personal brand

Personal brand is commonly referred to as famous name of a person, who achieved a lot in his field of activity and became successful. If you have a business, a personal brand can help promote it. And vice versa - the success of your business works in your name. I have . So, having a recognizable and popular Instagram account, you can get additional income.

The best ava for such an account is your photo... The principles that you should be guided by when choosing a photo:

Fields "Name" and "About me"

Instagram profile name ("Name" field) indexed by the search engine. Limit - 30 characters... Therefore, it is ideal to write in this field brief search query that your potential subscribers will enter. For example, on request "tattoo parlor Moscow", the first will be the account of the Arbat salon.

Account description or bio ("About me" field) - 150 characters limit... The information provided here should interest the user so that he subscribes to you.

Write what you do, what you sell, what services you offer. If you have an online store, indicate the link where you can order the product. If you have several headings, you can list in your bio hashtags under which you post photos for each of the headings.

To indicate contact information business accounts have separate buttons: for a phone number, Email and addresses... But they are not always noticed - they almost merge with the background. In the description, it is better to duplicate all the data for communication with you. Soon I will publish instructions on how to make a public page on the insta, this will help you to correctly design your business account.

Try to point out a way to contact you for free for example on WhatsApp. Include any information that will allow subscribers to ask fewer "how to order" questions.

How to use emoji in your profile design

Usage emoji in the account description helps make information more structured... In addition, with them the profile looks more bright and lively... You can choose a suitable emoji for each information block in the description.

Or arrange everything as a list with the same emoji:

Using an unusual font in the name and description of the account

Your account may look more stylishly if in the name or description you use interesting font... The main thing is not to get carried away too much. There are sites (convenient for working from a computer) and applications to change ordinary letters to stylized ones.


The principle of working with such sites is extremely simple - you write the text, the site converts it into a beautiful font for Instagram. Then you just need to copy the result.


Font for Instagram

Works on the same principle as the sites above:

  1. Choose a font;
  2. Write text;
  3. Copy.

Stylish Text

It is noteworthy that works not only for Instagram but also for typing in other applications. How to use:

Remember what works styling only for letters of the Latin alphabet.

Link in account description

On Instagram, it makes no sense to post with a link to the current offer for the client - it will not be possible to click on it. A link to the ordering page or to the price list should be in the description.

What are Highlights and what are they for?

Eternal or sticky stories have appeared on Instagram relatively recently. It is kind album of stories in which you can include the most important or relevant for your account. For example, a description of the services you provide or current promotions and discounts. it wonderful tool in order to hook a passing user and convince you to subscribe.

To pin a story to your profile page, you need:

How to publish a panorama beautifully

Instagram cuts large photos, and you probably know that if you've ever tried to upload a panorama. If you take a photo for publication in high quality, for this there is an interesting trick... Panoramic the photo can be divided into three equal parts and laid out sequentially starting from the right side of the photo. Photographer @gabriel_larraburu does just that. In publications, there is a breakdown of the photo into three and six parts.

The main rule: make sure that the grid with the photo does not slide out and all the pieces of the panorama were on the same line.

Mobile applications for photo editing


App fits well for color correction... Filter values ​​allow you to edit photos delicately while maintaining naturalness Photo. The settings are very simple and straightforward even for a beginner.

It brightens photos well and allows you to neatly remove unwanted objects that fall into the frame. Similar to VSCO in color grading methods.


Application for adding text to photos. How to beautifully design a catalog or informational post? Phonto has a wide variety of fonts and settings to make it easy for you.

Uniform photo style in the feed

A lot of photos, decorated in different styles and colors, look like an awkward bunch. Users love the beautiful and stylish design of Instagram. Are you shooting products? Choose the same background for all photos, take care of good natural light. Good example@artstolik which we already mentioned today.

The profile looks stylishly due to the similarity of colors and design of photos with the product.

You thematic blog? Alternate your photos with posts that have a simple background with text as their cover. This "checkerboard" arrangement also looks impressive. For example, account @pluswoman makes publications that way.

Quality content

Give up forever and ever from pictures downloaded on the Internet or bought on a photo stock. I have an article, and in it I have already partially touched on the topic content quality... I recommend that you familiarize yourself, since the promotion is only in one social network not efficient enough.

Take a photo yourself... Try to master photo retouching applications. However, do not get carried away with processing too much. If opportunities allow you, you can cooperate with a professional photographer. But remember that filling a profile in this way is an expensive pleasure.

The target audience

Clearly define your target audience and focus on her needs. Do not forget follow news and trends to always give your subscribers or customers a product or content that is relevant to them.

Dialogue with subscribers

Request feedback at their subscribers... To do this, you can use stories or comments in publications. Remember that you should try hard to comment on your posts. reply.

Regularity of publications

Make sure that posts appear at approximately the same interval. Uploading a new photo once a month is just as bad as uploading ten photos every day. Determine the middle ground depending on the field of activity. One to two quality posts per week often enough.

If you promised your subscribers to post certain information, be sure to do it! When making such promises, be careful with the dates - it is better to indicate the approximate dates, rather than specific ones.


I told you basic principles correct design profile... As you can see It is not so difficult... Use my best practices and advice, and give your readers quality content. On this I say goodbye to you. In the following articles, I will definitely tell you how to attract followers, how to work with a business account, and much more. Be sure to subscribe to my blog updates so you don't miss anything. Until next time!

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In this article, I want to tell you how to properly design an Instagram profile header for a business account. How many characters does it contain and how to write on different lines, as well as insert emoticons.

If you are engaged in any business, then the header (description) on Instagram should clearly describe in a few words what you do, what services you provide or what you sell.

After all, if you have nothing written, but, for example, only a link, then the person will not understand anything ... Or if you have written everything without smiles or line breaks, then the visitor to your profile simply will not catch his eye on the description and he will immediately switch to Photo. And from the photo, many do not understand what they are doing.

Also, let's agree that you remove from the description everything “Oleg’s Mom”, “Daughter's Mom”, “Husband's Wife” and other similar nonsense, because being a mother and wife is not an achievement in life. This is the usual continuation of its kind.

Therefore, in the profile, we will indicate only what speaks about us from the professional side.

How to make an account description

To add a description, click on “Edit Profile” and you will see the “About Me” field. This is your profile description.

You can fill in a description with a maximum of 150 characters, so you only need to write the most important thing and what will tell you in full.

I will show you a description of the profile of my wife Yanina Eremeeva. I believe that for a person who is engaged in business, this is almost the ideal profile header. So let's get started.


This string is a search string and everything that is written in it is involved in the search. As we can see from Yanina's profile (she works for Armelle), if a person enters “Yanina Eremeeva” in the search, he will see her. And also, if a person enters “Armelle“ in the search, he will also get to Ioannina.


From the description, we clearly understand that Yanina is the leader of Armelle (by the way, now you can put hashtags in the description). We see that Janina has a car program from Armelle, a warehouse and that she loves to travel. Thus, she can find like-minded people on Instagram.

By the way, as you can see, above the photo she has buttons “Call, E-mail. letter and how to get there. " These buttons can be connected to a business account. Read how to do this and what benefits you will get.