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Offline communication software. Chat for local network, free version of MyChat. Group chats for collaboration

What is a network communication program? This chat(from the English “Chat”, conversation) or messenger(a program that sends messages).

Modern chats and instant messengers can not only send messages, but also exchange pictures and files, make audio and video calls.

Some programs need the Internet to work, some do not, they work using their own server that works for you, inside the company. It is, of course, much safer.

Some proprietary protocols may be used by various organizations with the permission of the owner. Others can only be implemented on equipment manufactured by the supplier. Protocol and industry standards. Often, many protocols that contain a protocol suite reference other widely used protocols or industry standards. A standard is a process or protocol that has been approved by the network industry and ratified by a standards organization such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or the Internet Engineering Task Force.

Let's talk about one of these programs. What can it be used for and how.

First, a short video to briefly explain why this program is needed:

And now in more detail:

1. For messaging

The use of standards in the design and implementation of protocols ensures that products from different manufacturers can work together for effective communication. If the protocol is not strictly followed by a particular manufacturer, their equipment or software will not be able to successfully interact with products from other manufacturers. When transferring data, for example, if one end of a conversation uses a protocol to control one-way communication, and the other end receives a protocol that describes two-way communication, in all likelihood, no information will be exchanged.

Despite the obviousness, it is worth noting that messages must be encrypted, and not with some self-made algorithm, but with a serious, open library, . The message history should be stored on your own server within the company, and not somewhere on the Internet. And finally, for the program to work, there must be a .

With this, MyChat is all right, so let's move on.

An example of using a set of protocols in network communications is the interaction between a web server and a web browser. This interaction uses a number of protocols and standards in the process of exchanging information between them. Various protocols work together to ensure that messages are received and understood by both parties. Examples of these protocols are.

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a generic protocol that defines how a web server and a web client communicate. The Transmission Control Protocol is a transport protocol that manages individual conversations between web servers and web clients. It is also responsible for controlling the size and rate of messages exchanged between server and client.

Here, the developers of the MyChat intranet messenger went in an interesting way, they did not reinvent the wheel and use the WebRTC engine, the most advanced calling technology in the world on this moment. You can make calls not only between MyChat client programs, but also between the program and WEB-chat, which works in Chrome browser, FireFox, Opera or Edge. Everything modern browsers already support WebRTC technology.

The most common internet protocol is the Internet Protocol. Protocols network access describe two main functions: control of the data link and the physical transfer of data to the media. Standards and protocols for physical media define how signals are transmitted over media and how they are interpreted by receiving clients. The transceivers on the network interface cards implement the appropriate standards for the media being used.

Technologies of independent protocols. Network protocols describe the functions that occur during network communications. In the example of a face-to-face conversation, the communication protocol may specify that the sender must remain silent for two full seconds in order to signal the end of the conversation. However, this protocol does not specify how the sender must remain silent for two seconds. Protocols usually do not describe how to perform a specific function. By describing only what functions are required for a particular communication rule, but not how they should be performed, the implementation of a particular protocol can be technology independent.

Calls, of course, are unlimited, no one needs to pay for them, communication goes through existing communication channels or over a local / corporate network.

Chat MyChat for voice compression works with the Opus codec. Its algorithms operate with low latency, from 2.5 to 60 milliseconds, support variable bitrate, very well compressed audio data, better and better than MP3, Vorbis, AAC LC, AMR-WB and Speex.

It also doesn't describe how the server should detect errors, although it does describe what the server should do if an error occurs. Benefits of using a multilayer model. To visualize the interaction between different protocols, a layered model is usually used. The layered model depicts the operation of the protocols that occur within each layer, as well as the interaction with the layers above and below.

There are advantages to using a layered model to describe network protocols and operations. Helps in protocol design because protocols operating at a particular layer define the information they act on and a specific interface for the layers above and below. Competitive competition as products from different vendors can work together. Prevents technology or capability changes at one level from affecting other layers above and below. Provides a common language for describing network features and capabilities. . There are two main types of network models: protocol models and reference models.

In non-technical terms, you can call MyChat even through mobile GPRS connections, and these are really very low speeds.

It is very important that all this works automatically, the administrator does not need to understand the black magic of codecs, sound levels, bit rates, noise reduction, equipment settings and other things. Anyone who has configured Jabber servers and a zoo of clients for them, and all of them with their own nuances and incompatibilities, will understand me.

The protocol model provides a model that exactly matches the structure of a particular set of protocols. The hierarchical set of associated protocols in a set typically represents all of the functions required for the interaction of a user network with a data network. The reference model provides a common reference for maintaining consistency across all types of network protocols and services. The reference model is not intended to be an implementation specification or to provide a sufficient level of detail to accurately define network architecture services.

3. For group communication

Popular programs like Skype or Agent, and using retro software like IRC in a modern office is simply not serious due to the complexity of the settings, weak features and the stoppage of the development of IRC protocols (its last RFC dates back to April 2000).

The main purpose of the reference model is to help in a clearer understanding of functions and process. The Open Systems Interconnection Model is the most widely known internetworking reference model. It is used for data network design, performance and troubleshooting.

It defines four categories of features that must occur for messages to be successful. Most protocol models describe a vendor-specific protocol stack. They contain both the official specification of the protocols and the communication resources describing the use of the protocols.

In MyChat, text conferences (they are also called channels) have been from the very beginning of the messenger, since 2004, and have been developing all this time. It came out in September 2016. Already by this indicator, you can understand how seriously the developers develop and support it.

Any number of people can be in conferences at the same time (there are real examples of comfortable work of several hundred people). You can password-protect them to separate user groups for different projects or departments. It is possible to prohibit leaving important conferences, then users simply cannot leave them, either accidentally or intentionally. The conferences look pretty nice:

These protocols, which are implemented on both the sending and receiving hosts, work together to provide end-to-end delivery of applications over the network. The complete communication process includes the following steps. Creation of data at the application layer of the source device.

Segmentation and encapsulation of data as it traverses the protocol stack in the source end device. Generation of data on the carrier at the network access layer in the stack. Transportation of data through an internetwork network consisting of media and any intermediate devices.

There are even special bans and punishments (kicks and bans, old school will appreciate :) as well as . On the messenger server, you can create as many conferences as you like and include the right people there automatically, fortunately, the WEB admin panel can do this:

Data reception at the network access level of the destination end device. Decapsulation and recollection of data as it traverses the stack in the target device. Transferring this data to the target application at the application level of the end end device. Protocol data blocks and encapsulation.

Since application data is passed through the protocol stack on its way to be transmitted over network media, various protocols add information to it at each level. This is commonly referred to as the encapsulation process. The form that a piece of data takes at any level is called a protocol data unit.

4. Communication in a local network without the Internet

Probably, it makes no sense to engage in preventive intimidation that, they say, you can’t use ICQ, Skype and hangouts in a corporate party, because their servers are located overseas and your messages are stored there, filtered and read by no one knows who (who is interested, I recommend the article "", everything is laid out "on the shelves").

Sending and receiving process. When sending messages on the network, the protocol stack on the host works from top to bottom. It also contains information that allows the destination process to collect data back to original format. Each frame header contains the physical address of the source and destination. The physical address uniquely identifies devices in local network. The trailer contains information on error checking.

The vision was that this set of protocols would be used to develop an international network that would not depend on proprietary systems. It also describes the interaction of each layer with the layers immediately above and below it.

Adequate company executives and system administrators, not to mention computer security specialists, understand this very well.

However, you can’t just take and throw away an already familiar program. If you are looking for something to replace, then you need to choose software that will at least be no worse in functionality in order to transfer employees to it without unnecessary losses.

The application layer provides the means for end-to-end communication between people in a network of people using data networks. The presentation layer provides a common view of the data passed between application layer services. The session layer provides services to the presentation layer for organizing its dialogue and for managing data exchange. The traffic layer defines services for segmenting, transmitting and collecting data for individual messages between end devices. The network layer provides services for exchanging individual pieces of data over a network between identified end devices. Data link layer protocols describe methods for exchanging data frames between devices over a common medium. Physical layer protocols describe the mechanical, electrical, functional, and procedural means for activating, maintaining, and deactivating physical connections to transfer bits to and from a network device. These features include acknowledgment, error recovery, and sequencing.

It is curious that many initially started using . Here the developers have an interesting original approach: they abandoned the classic trial version for 30 days, the program is free immediately after installation, the limit is only on the number of online connections. But 20 people online is really enough for the eyes, for tests - that's for sure, I'm not talking about the real work of small companies.

The stream of data that is sent from a source to a destination can be split up and interleaved with messages traveling from other hosts to other destinations. Billions of these pieces of information are moving around the web at any given time. For each piece of data, it is important that it contains sufficient identifying information to deliver it to the correct destination. Exists different types addresses that must be included to successfully deliver data from a source application running on one host to the correct target application running on another.

There is a good introductory article on how to launch the MyChat messenger in your company and "tie" employees into a single network, especially if there are geographically scattered offices: "".

In general, the messenger has even more than you need. You will rather have the task of which services should simply be banned so that users do not run their eyes :) The plus is that this is all done through a convenient structure in the admin panel, it is called "Groups of rights", all changes are applied instantly and the user interface applications immediately displays this:

Receiving data to the end device. In the process of encapsulation, address identifiers are added to the data as it travels down the protocol stack on the source host. Just as there are several layers of protocols that prepare data for transmission to its destination, there are several levels of addressing to ensure its delivery. Layer 2 is concerned with the delivery of messages on a single local area network. The layer 2 address is unique on the local network and represents the address of the end device on the physical media.

Once the frame is successfully received by the destination host, the layer 2 address information is removed as the data is decapsulated and the protocol stack moves to the layer. Receiving data through the internal network. Layer 3 protocols are primarily designed to move data from one LAN to another LAN within an internetwork. If Layer 2 addresses are used only for communication between devices on the same local network, Layer 3 addresses must include identifiers that allow intermediate network devices find hosts on different networks.

Roughly speaking, they banned graphic emoticons - for users, even the icon for calling emoticons disappeared right away. Turned off video calls - video call buttons disappeared from the toolbar. Instantly. Without restarting the application. You cannot use conferences, but only one-on-one communication in private - the program is instantly transformed.

Routers use part of the network ID of this address to determine which path to use to reach the target host. Once the path is determined, the router encapsulates the packet in a new frame and sends it along the path to the destination end device. When a frame reaches its final destination, the frames and packet headers are removed and the data is moved up to the layer.

Getting data in the right application. What it identifies is the specific process or service running on the target host device that will act on the data being transferred. Hosts, whether clients or servers on the Internet, can run multiple network applications at the same time. All these separately running programs are examples of separate processes. Browsing a web page calls at least one network process. At the same time, in the background, the email client can send and receive email, and a colleague or friend can send an instant message.

An interesting approach, and very visual, worth a try - you get used to it so much that you think how it was possible to work without all this before?

5. Program for communication in the office, how it works

Office messengers usually have their own set of requirements, in addition to a user-friendly interface, preferably as similar as possible to MS Office. Because everyone is already accustomed to it, you won’t have to spend a lot of time telling users many times what and how.

Getting people used to some programs and switching to others is a difficult process, but that's not all.

Since we are choosing the messenger for the office, it’s not for you to exchange cats in social networks. This is a real working tool. And here MyChat shows itself in full force, it is clear that the emphasis during its development was placed precisely on the work of companies.

Firstly, it works integration with Active Directory. Users are dragged in from the domain, via LDAP, with all full names, phone numbers, emails already entered, and God knows what + transparent NTLM authorization works. MSI package for deployment via GPO. In the official help.

Secondly, there is . Frankly, it is difficult to find a company that does not use this accounting program in our vast expanses. So, you can easily “tie up” an already working 1C with a corporate chat, this was recently written on Infostart in the article “1C: Enterprise + corporate chat, how to set up prompt notifications in 10 minutes”, I recommend reading.

Thirdly, MyChat has a fairly powerful file server built into it. It can connect to it as a native MyChat Client, and in general any FTP client. For example, I prefer FAR and Total Commander, for employees - FileZilla. Everything is working. The convenience is that this server works out of the box, each user who is in the chat is automatically created an account on the file server + there is a general, public access. He, of course, falls short of specialized servers, but, honestly, even his capabilities are enough in most cases.

Fourth, Kanban board for project management. If you recognize a large whiteboard from the picture, which hangs in many places in offices, you will understand me. This is the same board, only in electronic form.

You can start any number of projects, assign stages, executors, follow deadlines. Move tasks between stages, comment on them, supplement them, apply search filters, and the like. In general, "see the project" as a whole. Super thing, will be useful in almost any company. It looks like this in work (it works in the browser, by the way):

It’s convenient to use on a desktop, of course, it’s not the same on a tablet and phone, but over time, I think the situation will improve for the better, given that new versions are released on average every month or two.

6. Sending messages and files offline

Sending messages and entire folders with files to users who are currently disconnected from the server (offline) has always been a strong point of MyChat. Unlike the same Skype, where offline messages are received in a mysterious way, as if by pike, in MyChat everything is usually clear.

Messages are stored on the server for an unlimited time, files and entire folders can be sent and not worry that they will not reach.

By the way, there is no way to send large folders with files by email. Even if they are archived, the size of the letter will be one and a half times larger than the archive itself. And there are no guarantees whether the letter reached the recipient or not. There are no such problems in the MyChat messenger.

At any time, you can go to the message history, select the interlocutor, date range - and calmly read the history of correspondence:

In light of the fact that Gmail, for example, refuses to accept attachments executable files, and archives with a password are sometimes simply ignored (of course, he also cares about my security, yeah), sending messages and files in the corporate office chat will be a great help.

As one of the users well said, "".

Summing up everything written, it is worth saying that the program is actively developing, despite its decent age. , there are several tens of thousands of messages on it, and developers quickly respond even to those who use the free version of the program.

Sooner or later in any corporate or large home network the question arises of what means of communication to use, how to organize effective notification of all employees and the delivery of files. Of course, you can use commercial delivery systems instant messaging, expand mail server and organize common data warehouses. But what if the network is not so large?

For this case, Network Software Solutions has developed a client-server messaging program that is a chat. In the chat, you can create various channels (for example, within a department), conduct a private conversation without clogging general chat, transfer files and much more.

my chat server

It is worth mentioning right away that there are two versions of the chat server: commercial and free. For smaller networks, the FREE version of MyChat is enough. The main differences can be seen on the developer's website, among the major limitations are the lack of integration with Active Directory and the limitation of the number of connections to 15 people - for the Free MyChat version.

As for the installation of the server, there should not be any difficulties here, the installation is carried out in automatic mode and does not require much effort from the user. Setting up the application, at first glance, may seem complicated, as there are quite a few options. But, all settings are well categorized, for each section there is a good reference material in Russian. In addition, each option has a hint about its purpose, which greatly simplifies the search for the desired tool.

Server features:

- Actually the server itself, keeps statistics of users, active time, traffic, connections, etc .;
- FTP server, used as a shared data storage;
- User management, group management and access rights, the appointment of Administrators, operators and other servers;
- Creating filters: filtering users by IP, filtering by MAC, anti-flood, filtering obscene expressions in the chat;
- Creation of scripts to automate repetitive actions, etc.;
— Fine tuning of the server (redundancy, logging, timers, remote control);
— Creation of ads;
- Web access for server administration;

MyChat Client

The MyChat client is used to connect directly to the server. Allows you to connect to individual channels, register in channels, conduct private conversations, transfer files, view bulletin boards, search for users, create alerts with various parameters. Special attention should be paid to plug-ins that are built into the program, which allows you to expand the capabilities of the client.

In summary, MyChat is a great choice for small to medium sized organizations, especially for home networks. If it were not for the limitation of 15 connections, the program could be safely used in large corporate networks. The MyChat interface is available in three languages: Russian, Ukrainian and English. Free license version is intended for non-commercial use. To get a free version of MyChat, you need to go to the developer's website and fill out a simple form.