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How to change the background of the google home page. How to change the theme in the Google Chrome browser. Download Google Chrome themes

No matter how beautiful the theme in the picture looks
, but sometimes when installed on our favorite Google Chrome browser, it looks, to put it mildly, not a fountain. And using the browser after installing such a theme is simply not fun.

Let's figure out together how we can get out of this seemingly insoluble situation. Let's make ourselves a cup of aromatic coffee, relax or just think a little. And here we have so many options!
Option number one: we can install default themes for google chrome. Or option number two: change the theme in Google Chrome, which is very easy to do! Or you can simply delete the google chrome theme - this will be the third option.

Entertainer, instructions to the audience! Now, in detail about what and how we will do in order to change the theme in google chrome. Here we again have several options: 1. Disable an established theme for chrome. This will turn on the default google chrome theme. 2. Install a new theme for chrome from the list I suggested.

It is not difficult to change the theme in google chrome to the standard one. Here's how to do it:

Tools -> Extensions ->

Now how to change one Google Chrome theme to another:

The point is that the developers Google chrome, unlike the Mazil browser, this moment was either incomplete, or considered unnecessary and somehow affecting the speed of work, but the themes in Google Chrome DO NOT SAVE! This is of course a disadvantage, especially if the previous topic is much better than the new one and you don't remember where you got it. But as they say, it's too late to drink barjomi ... You can change the theme in Google Chrome only as follows - and install it. Or find the previous theme in the catalog and reinstall it.

Attention!!! NEW INFORMATION!!!

Click on the "Configure and manage Google Chrome" button in the upper right corner (three stripes).

Tools -> Extensions -> Select Theme (Appearance).

Attention!!! Sometimes, choosing a theme in the catalog, it says that the theme is already installed. There is nothing wrong with that and everything is solved by restarting the browser.

You can delete a theme from google chrome in the same way as you can change the Google Chrome theme to the standard one:

Click on the "Configure and manage Google Chrome" button in the upper right corner (three stripes).

Tools -> Extensions -> Restore Default Theme (Appearance).

The current theme will be changed to default and deleted automatically. If there are problems with this, then it is solved ONLY by RESETTING THE BROWSER!

Good luck with your favorite browser!

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Themes for Google Chrome are graphical skins that change the look of the browser. They add a background image to an empty tab, transform the panel with address bar and bookmarks. Figuratively speaking, a theme in Chrome is like a skin for an audio player. Some users like a dark design, others - a light one, and still others - some themed background in Google Chrome (space, games, movies, etc.).

This article will help you create an alternative graphic outfit for your browser, so to speak, and, of course, in accordance with your taste preferences and interests. Also from it you will learn how to change, how to delete a theme in Google Chrome and how to set the default theme (pre-installed by the developers) again. Running a little ahead of ourselves, we hasten to inform you that all these operations for managing themes in Google Chrome are completely free. So you can feel free to experiment with graphic themes in your favorite Chrome without any restrictions.

From which site can you install the theme?

It is best to change the design of the interface through the themes that are presented in official store apps for Google Chrome. Why? Well, firstly, it is safe, secondly, it is convenient, and thirdly, a large selection of design options.

There is, of course, a similar service on third-party resources. However, the installation of content from there in this case will be from the category "at your own peril and risk." So think for yourself whether the "game is worth the candle".

In this article, we will look at how to work with themes through the app store.

So, you can go to the "Themes" section in two ways:

Method number 1: in the "Services" menu

1. In the bookmark bar, click on the "Services" icon.

2. On the tab, click the "Online Store ..." shortcut.

3. On the Application site, click the Themes section.

Method number 2: through the option

1. Press the "three dots" button at the top right.

2. Select "Settings" from the menu list.

3. In the "Appearance" block, in the "Themes" line, click the "square with an arrow" button or the inscription "Open ...".

How to choose?

There are quite a few topics in the store. To quickly find what you need, you can use the built-in filter.

  • "From Google" - corporate design from the developers;
  • "From artists" - pictorial works of altruistic users.
  • “Everything” - in fact, everything that is in the bins of the store.

To set the required parameter, click on the line and select a filter from the drop-down list (also by clicking the mouse).

With the help of the "Estimates" block, you can build design themes according to the degree of popularity. Here, as for hotels, for cognac, an evaluation system in the form of stars works. That is, what topics you want to see (how many stars), select such a line in the list. Five stars is the highest category in the local TOP. However, this does not mean that two-star topics are completely useless. Check them out too. Perhaps you will like them better. In taste and color, as they say, all markers are different.

And if you change your mind about using the filter, you can reset it at any time by clicking on the "Clear" inscription. After pressing this command, all parameters are reset to zero.

Another good landmark in search of interesting topic- headings of thematic selections. They are displayed in each block of the gallery: "Shades of the Night", "Google Choice", etc.

To view the entire collection of interest, in the column of its subheading, on the right side, click "View all".

How to download?

Changing the theme in Chrome is a breeze. It works like this:

1. Click on the block of the design you are interested in in the gallery (thumbnail of the design option).

2. On the page that opens, you can familiarize yourself with the presentation: see how your browser will look in the new "dress"; acquainted with additional information(creation date, size, author).

3. If you are still not in doubt about your choice, click the "Install" button.

4. When the download is complete, the web browser will "convert" by itself. Your participation is no longer required. On the download page, the "Added ..." panel will appear instead of the "Install" button.

Open a new tab in Google Chrome to enjoy the new graphical decoration.

It sometimes happens that the theme is not installed. If you also have this problem, try to fix it by the following actions:

  1. Check the Internet connection, if it is, as well as its settings in the system. The connection may have dropped during the download.
  2. Review your antivirus and firewall settings. They can hinder installation too.
  3. Disable addons temporarily. Especially those that filter content (ads, scripts, trackers, etc.).
  4. Clear your browser, reset your settings.
  5. Try to install through the service On this site, paste the link to the theme page, download it. And then open the "Extensions" tab in your browser and drag the downloaded theme file into it.

Having made the diagnosis and that's it required settings, try installing the theme again. If you fail again, don't despair, opt for another option. It may well be that the installation fails due to the fault of the developers - the authors of the alternative design.

How to change?

Changing the graphic "cover" of Chrome is performed automatically when you install a different design, including the pre-installed one. There is no need to create preparatory settings. Select and install again.

How do I install the default theme?

To return Google Chrome to its default design, do the following:
1. Open the menu (the "three stripes" button) and go to the "Settings" section.

2. In the "Appearance" subsection, in the "Themes" option, click the "Reset" command. And the browser will take its original form: it will be the same as immediately after installation.

Can I create a theme myself?

Imagine yes. Moreover, you do not need to have any special skills for this (programming, web technologies, etc.). The ability to pore yourself over the look of Chrome is offered by various add-ons and online services. There are many of them, but we will get acquainted with only one, as an example. This is an easel for themes - Theme Creator. It is available in the app store.

And if you click the "Go ..." button on the page, you can immediately go to the editor site (

The procedure for creating a graphic design on your own is reduced to the following steps:
1. On the editor's page, click the "Upload an image" button. Upload a background image from your computer.

Browser themes are a part of custom creativity, a great opportunity to customize Chrome in accordance with your activity, mood, fleeting emotional whim. Try converting Google Chrome to other shades and colors. You'll like it. And then the exclusive view of the browser partly improves the comfort of web surfing.

Good day, my dear friends. How is your mood? Hope great! Remember how I told you about how to return the old design to VK? So it dawned on me. After all, not everyone wants to return old style, but on the other hand, many would not mind freshening it up.

We all know that by default VKontakte has a white background and over these 10 years (roughly speaking) it has not changed. but it's like with pictures for your desktop. Sometimes you want some kind of variety. So today I will show you how to change the background of VKontakte without any problems. One very wonderful extension will help us with this. So let's go!


But that is not all. First, let's take a look at the capabilities of this add-on. By clicking on it with the left mouse button, you will open the settings. In principle, there is nothing particularly important here, but there is one interesting fad that is just the way it is - "Transparency". Try to set it halfway, then save the result and see how your page will look now. In my opinion, with a little transparency is much better. What do you think?

Change picture

All this is certainly great, but one question arises. Is this the only picture that can be put on the background? By default, this is the image, but we have the right to change it to absolutely any that we find on the Internet.

To do this, you can go, for example, to Yandex or Google, and enter a request there for the desired picture, for example, "Desktop wallpaper". It is best to look for pictures that match the resolution of your monitor, so you can add it in the search box.

After that, go to the picture and select one of them. Made? Well done. Now just click on the picture right click mouse and select "Save as VKontakte background".

You don't need to do anything else. The image is immediately placed on the background with all the transparency preserved. Thus, you can make this social network more colorful and the design new and fresh.

Of course there are other ways to introduce a new theme. For example, you can go to the site and download a program for installing themes. But I am somehow wary of such external programs related to social networks. Installing the add-on is much safer. So if you want to use this method, then use it at your own peril and risk.

How is it? Liked? If so, do not forget to subscribe to the updates of the articles of my blog, as well as share with friends in social networks... Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

It's no secret that today websites use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) containing the parameters of all elements on a page. CSS specifies fonts, sizes of objects, frames, pictures, blocks and tables. We decided to collect for you a selection of Google Chrome add-ons that will allow you to edit the style of any page on the Internet. As a bonus, we'll show you how to change the page background.

Every person has their own preferences and interests, especially when it comes to web design. Remember at least the eternal holivars after each YouTube update. Yes, and you probably have several comments on the display of information on your favorite site: somewhere the font is ugly or small, somewhere an unnecessary notification block hangs. And here it would be nice to add a background image!

Today's browsers allow you to edit sites in just a few clicks. The user can customize anything, including the arrangement and order of elements on the page. For this, special extensions and additions were written, which we will analyze before proceeding with the change. home page Google.


Perhaps the most popular open source extension source code... Lets you edit fonts, colors, sizes and more on the fly. Has a simple editing mode: when open window Stylebot, you can select the element you want by simply hovering your mouse over it. Changes are saved instantly, and custom styles can be shared with friends.

Web override

Application for connecting Javascript scripts to external websites. It already contains jQuery, async.js, moment.js and Lodash, so the functions of these libraries are free to use. Suitable for advanced users who know how to use Javascript, however, beginners can use the extension to inject scripts already written by someone.


The principle is the same as in Stylebot: we quickly edit the page style, the changes are saved instantly. The interface and the sequence of actions are slightly different, slightly less features. So the choice is yours: what will be more to your liking.


The most powerful tool for website customization, similar in capabilities to Stylebot. Allows you to hide unnecessary elements, edit styles, share the result with your friends. The add-on website contains over 10,000 custom styles to modify appearance Facebook, YouTube, App Store and many other popular resources.

Live CSS Editor

Pressing the keyboard shortcut opens a small window where the user can enter any style that will be immediately applied to the page (after closing, the changes are saved). Simple and convenient: nothing more.

We will tell you, as promised, how to edit the background of any page using the Stylebot as an example.

Important! This method looks nice on "light" pages, not overloaded with blocks and menus, and is presented only for acquaintance with the possibilities of add-ons. Try it out on

  • go to the required page
  • click on the Stylebot icon in the upper right corner of Chrome
  • click Open Stylebot
  • at the bottom select the Edit Css option
  • We enter the following code:

body (
background: url (;
background-size: 100% 100%;
! important;

  • close Stylebot

Ready! Instead of the picture given as an example, you can use any other (you just need to replace the link in the code above). For more complex site customization, you will have to read the CSS manuals, but believe me: there is nothing difficult about it.

To do this, you need a dedicated web-based theme builder, some inspiration, and a few minutes of free time. Although if you suffer from perfectionism, then you can spend a few hours. We warned you. :)

So, open your web app. You will see tabs with tools for creating themes on the left side of the window and an area for preview result in the right.

This constructor allows you to create themes in a semi-automatic mode. But you can also tweak everything manually so that the result is completely according to your taste.

1. The easy way

The bottom line is this: you load any picture you like into the constructor, and ThemeBeta uses it as the main background for new topic and automatically adjusts all design colors to it.

To add your own image, under the Basic tab, click Upload an Image and select the desired image on your computer. Then, to have the editor customize the theme colors, click Generate Colors.

If you are satisfied with the result, click Pack and Install and confirm the download and then add the theme to Chrome. The browser will immediately activate the new skin.

If, after automatic adjustment, you want to change colors or add separate backgrounds for different elements of the theme, you will need tools under the other tabs. More details about them are in the next paragraph of the article.

2. Advanced way

This way is manual setting backgrounds and text colors for the new theme.

To select pictures or colors as backgrounds for different design elements, use the tools under the Images tab. It is enough to hover the cursor over any tool, and the constructor will show in the window on the right which part of the theme it changes. For example, NTP Background is used to customize the main background. And Tab Background allows you to select the background of the site header.

With backgrounds in mind, you can customize the text colors in the Colors tab. Everything works in a similar way here. There is a list of tools, hover over any of them - and in the window on the right you will see what it is responsible for.

When you're done with backgrounds and text colors, open the Pack tab and click Pack and Install to download and apply your chosen theme.

In addition, you can always choose and install one of the many ready-made themes from the ThemeBeta database or the official Google directory. If in the future you want to return to the standard design, go to the Chrome settings and opposite the "Themes" item, click "Default scale".