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NTV plus why do not show some channels. The main reasons for the lack of NTV plus signal. What to do if there is no NTV plus signal

The problem is due to Rostelecom's external peering to Frankfurt and because of the holidays, they are in no hurry to fix the problem at home. At the moment, our traffic is peering through the Stockholm Rostelecom PNI, which has no problems. The Frankfurt Rostelecom PNI (which is experiencing problems) will be returned as soon as the traffic provider receives a response and interaction from Rostelecom. So far, all traffic will be on a hassle-free peering through Stockholm. As soon as the traffic provider achieves a result on the balancing route, the route will be returned back to Frankfurt. Consideration should also be given to the high traffic on the currently active route via Stockholm and the associated risk of congestion.
Users with other providers may have problems due to the fact that they use the same peer-to-peer networks as Rostelecom. Unfortunately, for our part, we can no longer do anything, no matter how unpleasant this situation is for us and for you. We hoped that Rostelecom would be able to fix something today on a working day, but they did not even answer the Germans about their own problem. See everyone as always ** en


Tuner setting
To perform a channel scan in the receiver, you must first configure the tuner - select the satellites that you receive and specify the necessary settings in their parameters.
Let's consider tuning the tuner using the example of two satellites Eutelsat 36B/Express AMU1 36.0°E and Hotbird 13.0°E. In the example of DiSEqC settings, the switch will not be used, i.e. the receiver must be connected by cable to a converter installed on a dish tuned to the appropriate satellite. For tuner settings, open Menu->Settings->Search for services->Tuner settings-> select the model of the installed tuner by pressing the "OK" button.

In our case, installed - Tuner A: Alps BSBE2 (DVB-S2).
After pressing the "OK" button, we get to the settings menu of the tuner "Reception Settings" / "Reception Settings", in which we specify the necessary settings.
For the Hotbird 13.0°E satellite, the settings will be as follows:
"Configuration Mode" / "Configuration Mode": select - "advanced" / "advanced" (selected using the remote control buttons "left" / "right")
"Satellite" / "Satellite": - "Eutelsat Hotbird 13B / 13C / 13E (13.0E)"
"LNB": select the number of the converter - in my case it is "LNB2"

"LOF": select the option of using a universal converter - "universal LNB" / "universal LNB", such converters are used to receive a signal in linear polarization

"Increase voltage" / "Increased voltage": in the case of using a small length of the coaxial cable, select - "no" / "no", otherwise, specify - "yes" / "yes", which allows you to compensate for the voltage drop on a long coaxial cable

For the Eutelsat 36B/Express AMU1 36.0°E satellite, the settings will be as follows:
"Satellite"/"Satellite": - "Eutelsat 36B/Express AMU1 36.0°E"
"LNB": select the number of the converter - in my case it is "LNB4"
"Priority" / "Order": leave "auto" / "Automatic"
"LOF": select the option to manually set the parameters - "User defined"
Pay attention to the three parameters below, they are used for this satellite, the converter must be set to circular (Circular).
"LOF/L": - 10750
"LOF/H": - 10750
"Heterodyne": - 10750

"Voltage Mode" / "Voltage Mode": leave the value - "Polarization" / "Polarization"
"Increase voltage" / "Increased voltage": "no"
"Tone mode" / "Tone mode": leave the value - "Band" / "Range"
"DiSEqC mode" / "DiSEqC mode": select the option without using DiSEqC - "no" / "none"

We save the settings that we have set.

Channel scanning.
Consider an example of how to manually scan the channels of the NTV + package that comes from the Eutelsat 36E satellite. In the description of the package, the transponders from which the channels of the package work are indicated. Let's take transponder 11785 R 27500 FEC 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK as an example. To scan it, go to Menu->Settings->Search for services->Manual search

Set scan options:
"Scan type": - "User defined transponder" / "User defined transponder"
"System": - "DVB-S2"
"Satellite": - "Eutelsat 36B/Express AMU1 36.0°E"
"Frequency": - "11785"
"Invert": - "Auto"
"Flow rate": - "27500"
"Polarization": - "circular right" (R - circular right, L - circular left)
"FEC": - "3/4"
"Modulation": - "8PSK"
"Roll-off factor": - "0.35"
"Pilot": - "Auto"
"Network scan": - "no"
"Cleaning before scanning": - "no"
"Only free": - "no"

Then press the "OK" button on the remote control or the green button to activate the transponder scan. The same actions will need to be carried out with all the transponders specified in the package description.



The guys have a Skyway 4 Classic receiver. There is a second res GI8120. There is an official NTV +.
Is it possible to share this card to a second res or how? Or maybe now you can buy some res, inexpensively and use it as a server. So that you can put a receiver in each room and watch.


Chinese manufacturers receive about a fifth of all profits from sales of mobile phones in the world market. Apple remains the undisputed leader, according to Counterpoint Technology Market Research analysts.
According to them, thanks to the active promotion of flagship models, brands from China in the second quarter of 2018 earned more than $ 2 billion in profit for the first time. Thus, the share of Huawei was 8%, Oppo - 5%, Vivo - 4%, Xiaomi - 3%.

The first place is retained by Apple, which controls 62% of profits in the telephone market. The second position is still occupied by Samsung (17%). At the same time, the profit of the South Korean giant in April-June decreased by 21% due to weak demand for Galaxy S9 smartphones, sales of which during that period were 24% lower than the Galaxy S8 sales in the second quarter of 2017.
If we talk about the manufacturers with the fastest growing profits, then Xiaomi takes the first place, whose revenues jumped by 747%. Other Chinese vendors - Huawei, Vivo and Oppo - showed a rise of 107%, 24% and 23%, respectively.

Analysts do not name all the profits in the cell phone market, but if we assume that Chinese companies earned $ 2 billion, then taking into account their share, the world figure is about $ 10 billion. The total profit of mobile phone manufacturers increased by 4% in the second quarter of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017 and amounted to 11% of revenue, noted in Counterpoint Technology Market Research.


The Chinese city of Xi'an hosted the international media summit "One Belt - One Road", where 12 TV companies from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan signed an agreement on the creation of a unified system for the exchange of TV programs.
BST (Bashkir Satellite Television) was one of the first to establish cooperation with Asian colleagues - its programs are broadcast on the Russian service of the international channel TBCGTN, as well as on the state television of Anhui Province.
Rustam Zarafutdinov, director of the State Unitary Enterprise TRK "Bashkortostan" of the Republic of Belarus, said that the new agreement will expand the TV channel's presence in the international arena, and cooperation with Chinese colleagues will intensify and become systemic.

NTV+ is one of the pioneers of the Russian pay-TV market, known for the reliability and quality of its equipment, but it also has occasional difficulties. If the TV does not show NTV Plus, then with the help of this article you will understand the reasons for this situation and enjoy high-quality TV broadcast again.

Common causes of NTV plus failures

When using NTV plus, problems appear for three main reasons:

  • Financial - there are not enough funds on the personal account.
  • On the part of the operator - repair work is being carried out or the NTV plus signal from the satellite has disappeared.
  • On the part of client equipment - difficulties with a plate, converter, receiver or wiring around the house.

What to do if there are problems with NTV plus

If, after turning on the TV, you find that there is no NTV Plus image on it, then you should check the reasons for this situation in order. To begin with, it is worth calling the NTV + customer service and clarifying whether everything is in order with the balance of your contract, whether there are any interruptions on the satellite. However, this rarely happens, and usually malfunctions occur due to a breakdown in the client's satellite set.

If there is no signal from the NTV plus equipment, then first of all it is worthwhile to conduct a visual check of the integrity of the antenna. Most often, the satellite dish converter fails, especially if it has been operating in difficult weather conditions (rain, snow) for several years. However, it is often not possible to identify such a malfunction during a routine inspection, and to resolve the issue you will need a professional NTV plus master, who can quickly diagnose and fix the breakdown.

In cases where the NTV plus signal is too weak, the cause is usually the following:

  1. There were obstacles between the dish and the satellite for the signal to pass - from the moment the equipment was installed, objects could appear that block the view: tree branches grow, etc.
  2. Damage has appeared in the coaxial cable that delivers the signal from the converter to the receiver - this usually leads to interference, image degradation, and even its complete absence.

Why calling the NTV plus master is the best solution

Unfortunately, most of the problems that arise during the operation of satellite equipment cannot be qualitatively eliminated on their own. Often, even determining the source of a problem with NTV + for an unprepared person is an impossible task.

Satellite television has appeared in the country for a long time and a large number of people today are watching their favorite channels. Satellite dishes hanging next to the windows were perceived with envy and interest, and now no one even pays attention to their presence.

This is explained simply. There are a large number of satellite TV operators, which causes competition for customers. For this reason, the cost of a subscription fee and installation of equipment has greatly decreased. Of course, there are companies that have proven themselves well and are leaders in this area. These organizations include NTV satellite television.

NTV has been providing satellite television services for many years. The company guarantees the stability and quality of the services provided. But unfortunately, any equipment can, at the moment, fail, and customers will not be able to watch their favorite TV channels, which causes them panic and confusion.

It should be noted that in such cases, you should not panic, you just need to identify the cause of this problem and eliminate it. First of all, we recommend that you contact the support service of the company that provides you with services. Perhaps this problem is related to some technical work, and your equipment has nothing to do with it.

No satellite signal

When the support service tells you that everything is fine on their part, reboot the system and check if the settings are correct. Signal reception can be affected by external factors.

After you have made sure that there is no influence of external factors, it is worth checking the operability of the equipment. A malfunction may be due to a broken cable or damage to the receiver. When the NTV channels disappeared, the check should begin with the cable that goes from the antenna to the receiver. After making sure the integrity of the cable, be sure to check the performance of the receiver.

Receiver problems

When NTV does not show after rebooting the system, checking the cable and receiver, make sure that your paid time period has not ended. Perhaps this will seem stupid to someone, but, as practice shows, such situations arise quite often.

Signal freeze occurs

One of the most common problems is the freezing of the NTV signal. In such cases, consumers do not know where to turn and what to do. In fact, everything is simple. Rather, the problem lies in the receiver, or rather, in its low quality. In such a situation, you will have to change the equipment to a more advanced one. To make sure of this, it is better to call the antenna masters, who will not only determine the cause, but also replace the receiver with the appropriate one or repair the satellite dishes.

The sound is interrupted

Sometimes there is a problem with the sound, and the image on the TV screen at this time is of high quality. Most likely, the sound disappears on NTV due to a failure in the receiver settings. First you just need to disconnect the receiver from the power supply, wait a while and then turn it on again. As a rule, after such manipulation, you will be able to watch channels with high quality sound and image.

If such an action did not lead to a positive result and the failures continue, then it remains only to contact an organization that specializes in the repair and maintenance of antenna equipment.

Are you having problems with NTV? Highly qualified employees of the company will help identify and fix the problem. The masters will make high-quality tuning of the antenna and receiver, check the integrity of the cable and repair or replace the necessary equipment, thereby returning you to watching your favorite TV shows.

Employees of the company will promptly arrive in any area and immediately begin to restore satellite television during the day and night. The cost of the work performed depends on the degree of complexity, and you can be sure that you will not be presented with a large bill for an elementary cable connection.

To call a specialist, you need to call the specified phone number and leave a request to the operator. The operator will immediately transfer the information to specialists who will take all the necessary equipment and come to you to fix the problem.

One of the leading satellite television operators in Russia, and even Ukraine, is NTV Plus. There is nothing to be surprised by its popularity, because we are talking about the services of the highest quality. Not every satellite operator can offer such, but thanks to several satellites Eutelsat 36B, Express AMU1 and Express‑AT1, the NTV Plus signal is distributed even in the most remote corners of the country. Several million people preferred to choose it, despite the rather high prices compared to other budget operators.

But even such seemingly strong companies have signal failures, and the user sees on the TV monitor that there is no signal in NTV Plus. Of course, in this situation there is very little pleasant, but there are no tragic moments either. Perhaps we are dealing with an ordinary accident, and if you turn off the TV and receiver, and then connect them again, everything will disappear. But if the miracle did not happen, and the screen continues to flash with an annoying inscription, it's time to take more decisive steps.

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No NTV signal - reasons

If the TV does not show programs, then something is wrong with the equipment: external or internal. The signal itself disappears very rarely, yet three satellites do their job, which work at the highest level. We will try to highlight the most important causes of the malfunction:

    When prophylaxis is carried out on the channels. In this case, television will not work only today. You have to wait for the broadcast to resume. After a while, the TV will work again in standard mode. To check if your assumptions about prevention are correct, you can go to the official website of the company;

    If the weather conditions worsen outside. For example, the equipment may not behave properly at too low or high temperatures, in addition, the signal is lost from heavy rain or snow sticking to the dish. To remove the interference, you need to carefully remove the sticky snow, and if the television does not show further, then the problem is something else;

    When the satellite reception parameters were changed. The user must be warned about such changes, but it happens that you missed them and faced the fact itself. You can fix such problems using the usual rearrangement of the antenna, focusing on the new parameters;

    Perhaps the cable or antenna has been deformed, then it is not surprising that it does not work. It is necessary to either repair the breakdown or replace the damaged device;

    The converter broke down, because the signal does not go to the tuner;

    The connecting elements are broken, or the breakdown is somewhere in the cable;

    The receiver settings are down, which can be removed if you reconfigure the device. It is desirable that this be done by a specialist who understands the features of NTV plus broadcasting;

    A weak signal can be explained by the presence of obstacles between the dish and the satellite. This may be a tree or other building that was built after the craftsmen set up satellite equipment;

    If the TV is broken, then the signal will also not be able to pass.

As you can see, there are really many reasons, but not all of them can be affected by an ordinary user.

What to do if it does not show part of the NTV Plus channels

For NTV Plus, it is not uncommon for one part of the channels to show, while the other does not, or only some channels work selectively. It will be easier to deal with such a problem, and if you know the reason, you don’t even need to call the master.

    Broadcasting of some TV channels stops when the funds on the account run out, and the package has already expired. Usually, a broadcast package is issued for a month, and when this period comes to an end, the signal on paid channels will be blocked. But this will not affect free TV channels in any way, which is what you need to focus on when finding out the reason. You can remove the obstacle using an ordinary bank account, paying for the next month of the subscription, and installing a service through which you will be reminded when the subscription needs to be renewed;

    If the operator translates channels to another format. From time to time, the firm must carry out such procedures in order to remain in the first positions. So in 2017, such changes will probably be carried out. Subscribers are warned about them so that they have time to install devices for a new generation, thereby preserving their favorite TV channels. Even, moreover, - new installations are offered to be bought at a discount so as not to scare off customers who have to spend money;

    If the settings are lost, then you can update the channel list using a new search. He will find both old TV channels and new ones if the company has made some additions to the standard package. In addition, the satellite operating in your area could change, and then the channels will also disappear. Add a new satellite using the settings specified on the official website of the company, and everything should work;

    Check if the access card has been damaged, because it is vital for the channels to broadcast. If it is broken, then the technique will not work.

On December 17, within the framework of the NTV-VISION project, the premiere of "Muslim Magomayev. Return" will take place, one of the authors of which is Tatyana Mitkova.

It is impossible to imagine the musical Olympus of the Soviet Union without its main baritone, like cosmonautics without Gagarin or hockey without Kharlamov. Neither before nor after, no one took off so quickly to the very pinnacle of glory. The ingenious performer received a standing ovation from all the state halls and stadiums of the country of the Soviets, as well as from many European capitals.
It seemed that nothing could overshadow a happy career and cloud the brilliant image of Magomayev, but one day the phenomenon of the Soviet scene had to make a painful choice. It happened in 1969 in Paris after a concert in the legendary Olympia. Before the singer lay an annual contract, according to which Magomayev was entitled to the same fee as the Beatles. Returning to his homeland threatened him with a criminal case instituted after a concert in Rostov. There was no hope that the almighty Ekaterina Furtseva would be able to defend her favorite in this story.
“From meetings with all the interlocutors, I had the following impression: they all “rushed into battle”, their faces brightened when they remembered Muslim, as if he was nearby. There was no need to persuade anyone, “talk.” Even Vladimir Atlantov - he for many years he did not give an interview to anyone - and he agreed to a meeting. Everyone had one series of synonymous assessments: "He is a talent from God", "He is the only one!", "There was no one like him and there will never be" - said Tatyana Mitkova.
Tamara Sinyavskaya, Marina Magomayeva-Kozlovskaya, Roberto Loreti, Vladimir Atlantov, Farkhad Khalilov and Farkhad Badalbeyli tell about the turning points in the life of the famous vocalist before and after that Parisian night in the film by Tatyana Mitkova. Filming of the project took place in Paris, Baku, Moscow and Milan - cities where traces of his musical genius are still tangible.
Watch Tatyana Mitkova's film "Muslim Magomayev. Return" on Sunday, December 17, at 13:00 on NTV.

Every Saturday, NTV viewers have the opportunity to visit the "Kvartirnik", where only high-quality music is played live. This time, the group "Secret" will come to visit Evgeny Margulis.

Almost all the time of its existence, this "beat quartet" is associated with The Beatles. Their participation in the closed "Kvartirnik" is an invaluable gift for all fans and not only. The group will present their best compositions especially for the guests of Kvartirnik and NTV viewers.
Yevgeny Margulis told how he once sang with the team when Nikolai Fomenko had a fight with Andrei Zabludsky. Eugene also remembered that Andrey never left the group. The musicians themselves shared the story of how they performed for the first time in the Palace of Culture of the Watch Factory in Moscow.
Nikolai reminded everyone present that they did not receive a fee for their first concert, although they were promised to be paid 100 rubles. In addition, the artists said that while serving in the army, they not only recorded albums, but also toured.
Of course, the musicians performed their most popular songs. They also performed "Christina's Name Day" in memory of the recently deceased author Dmitry Rubin.
"Many people believe that the Time Machine group was the Soviet Beatles, but alas! The Soviet Beatles are the Secret group, with all the ensuing and flowing consequences! At some point they even became like the great Englishmen with their muzzles!", - says Evgeny Margulis.
"NTV apartment at Margulis" - on Saturday, December 16, at 00:40.

The NTV channel started filming the action-packed detective story "Kupchino". The main role in the project will be played by the Honored Artist of Russia Alexei Kravchenko.

The plot of the story revolves around the friendship of two opposites, brought together by the will of fate in the police station of the Leningrad region of Kupchino.
1981 Failed rock musician Fyodor (Grigory Nekrasov) is transported by his parents from Moscow to Leningrad, where a relative arranges him as an intern at a police stronghold. The relationship between the freedom-loving young musician and his new boss, the stern district police officer Vasilyich (Aleksey Kravchenko), does not develop immediately. Vasilyich does not take the obstinate subordinate seriously, entrusting him with small household tasks, and Fedor dreams of leaving the hated service.
Soon, the newly minted law enforcement officer resumes his musical hobbies and joins the rehearsals of a local rock band. Together with them, Fedor buys records of Western music at an illegal flea market, and during one of these deals, he is taken away by the police. So he gets hooked by the KGB major, who offers him to work for him, handing over information about anti-Soviet sentiments and reporting on the work of his boss.
After much deliberation, Fedor agrees to work for the major, but he does it only in order to use his connections to investigate another crime in Kupchino, not intending to hand over his new musician friends and Vasilyich, who has become his friend.
Filming will take place in St. Petersburg and its environs. So the city of Slantsy, Leningrad Region, became one of the first locations and returned to the 80s for several days: decorators turned the local history museum into a grocery store, and a beer stall of that time appeared nearby. Local residents were chosen as extras, who willingly agreed to participate in this project.
Number of episodes: 20
Year of production: 2017
Manufacturer: Triix Media
Genre: Action detective
Producers: Inessa Yurchenko, Sergey Shcheglov
Screenwriter: Andrey Belozerov
Director of photography: Dmitry Plyusnin
Stage director: Armenak Nazikyan
Cast: Alexey Kravchenko, Grigory Nekrasov, Ekaterina Panasyuk, Denis Pyanov, Ivan Reshetnyak, Roman Ageev and others.


    On the distribution satellite platform Pantelio, the programs of the Czech commercial companies TV Nova and TV Prima are again broadcasting. Pantelio provides its services to operators from the Hispasat 30W-5 satellite.
    The Pantelio platform previously provided Nova and Prima stations, but for some unknown reason, the channels were temporarily disabled.
    Pantelio provides TV Prima, Prima COOL, Prima LOVE, Prima KRIMI, Prima ZOOM, TV Nova, Nova 2, Nova Cinema and Nova Gold programs. Stations are encoded by the PanAccess system.
    Specifications - TV Prima, Prima COOL, Prima LOVE, Prima KRIMI, TV Nova, Nova 2, Nova Cinema and Nova Gold:
    Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), frequency 11.771 GHz, pol. V, SR 30000, FEC 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK, CA PanAccess
    Technical parameters - Prima ZOOM:
    Hispasat 30W-5 (30°W), frequency 11.8111 GHz, pol. V, SR 30000, FEC 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK, CA PanAccess


    Analysts of the ATOL Online cloud service, which rents cash registers for online stores, shared statistics on sales of Apple smartphones.
    As it turned out, on the eve of the announcement of new iPhones, demand for last year's flagship model fell by 28% compared to the beginning of the second quarter of 2018, and the average check for Apple smartphones decreased by 40%. Demand for the Apple iPhone 8 and Apple iPhone 8 Plus fell by 46.4% and 28.7%, respectively.

    At the same time, the dynamics of sales of Apple iPhone smartphones in quantitative terms for the period from April to August is positive. The growth of indicators is provided by the demand of the audience for cheap models of the iPhone SE and iPhone 6, while sales of the flagship smartphone iPhone X and other new products in 2017 are falling.
    The ATOL study is based on the analysis of data from more than 12,000 cash desks connected to Russian online stores.


    TV channels TNT, TV3, 2x2 and Super, which are part of Gazprom-Media, demanded compensation from Yandex for violation of exclusive rights to their content; the Moscow City Court has already received four corresponding claims. In them, the channels were asked to recover 10 thousand rubles of compensation from the search engine and 400 rubles of state duty.

    The defendant believes that the requirements are not justified, do not comply with the current legislation and practice of its application. Yandex intends to challenge them in court.

    Recall that illegal copies of the content of Gazprom-Media TV channels could be seen in the Yandex.Video service. The channels asked the court to take interim measures against the search engine, the court satisfied the claims, and Roskomnadzor demanded that the pirated copies be removed under the threat of blocking the service. Yandex objected that it could not remove the content because it was posted on third-party sites.
    However, if access to the video service was restricted, the entire portal could be blocked, so the company decided to remove all links to controversial content. Moreover, links to legal resources have also disappeared from the search results - Yandex explained this by the fact that it cannot check the "decency" of the resources to which each of the links leads. At the same time, the company appealed the requirements of the TV channels in court.

If at one point there is no signal on your TV with connected NTV-Plus satellite TV, you can divide the possible reasons into three categories:

  1. External factors that do not depend on your equipment.
  2. Internal factors when you need to look for a problem.
  3. Other factors.

Let's consider each group of reasons for the loss of the signal from NTV-Plus separately.

If you turned on the TV today and saw the inscription “No signal” on it, first of all you need to try to find out what the problem is, excluding all possible and inappropriate ones one at a time. The very first thing to do is to make sure that with the TV remote control you have selected exactly the connector to which the receiver is directly connected. If everything is correct, we move on.

No NTV-Plus signal: external causes

Preventive maintenance on the operator's side

You need to make sure that NTV-Plus does not carry out scheduled maintenance work on equipment transmitting a satellite signal.

How to find out: look in the "News" section on the official website of the satellite television operator for information on prevention.

How to fix: wait for the work to complete.

Weather conditions that caused the inscription "No NTV-Plus signal"

During a heavy snowfall or thunderstorm, it happens that the signal cannot get through from the satellite to your satellite dish.

How to find out: find out the weather outside the window and make sure that there is no snowfall, thunderstorms / showers and clouds from the side your plate is turned to.

How to fix: wait for the bad weather to end.

Internal reasons for the lack of NTV-Plus signal

If you have ruled out all external causes, it is most likely in your equipment that receives the satellite signal. Now we need to check it.

The plate got off

The NTV-Plus satellite dish may change its position or deform over time.

How to find out: find out if the plate is firmly fixed.

How to fix: If your antenna is "walking", try moving it in different directions while observing the signal in parallel. If it appears, tighten the fixing nuts. But it is best to entrust the antenna tuning to a professional by calling a specialist from an authorized company.

Snow/ice on the plate or other foreign matter

The presence of snow and ice on a satellite dish can also interfere with signal reception.

How to find out: a visual inspection of the plate for the presence of ice and snow, as well as mechanical damage, will be enough to identify it.

How to fix: Carefully clean the plate, removing all unnecessary from it.

The converter on the plate broke

The satellite converter (signal converter) is located directly on the dish itself and therefore can be exposed to external influences. Often, a converter malfunction is the reason for the absence of the NTV-Plus signal.

How to find out: replace your converter with another one that is known to be good.

How to fix: if the replacement helped, leave the new converter on the satellite dish.

Damage to the cable or cable connections

How to find out: Inspect the cable for a break or damage, and check how well the F-connectors are screwed in.

How to fix: If the cable is damaged, replace it and screw the F-connectors.

Receiver malfunction

The receiver is the most expensive part of the kit.

How to find out: if you can, connect your receiver to another antenna that you know is working. If there is a signal, the problem is not with the receiver.

How to fix it: if the NTV-Plus receiver is broken, it must be sent in for repair or replaced with a new one.

The inscription "No signal" is shown by the TV itself

It happens that the inscription "No signal" does not refer to the operation of the NTV-Plus satellite dish, but is displayed directly by the TV system.

How to find out: press the OK button on the NTV-Plus remote control. If the list of channels is not displayed on the screen of your TV, it means that its settings have gone wrong.

How to fix: using the TV remote control, select in its menu exactly the input to which the receiver is connected.

Other factors

Changing the ability to receive a satellite signal

There is another reason for the lack of a signal from NTV-Plus. If you have not used the receiving equipment for a sufficiently long time, during this time, obstacles in the form of trees or a built house could appear on the path of the signal from the satellite to the dish.

How to find out: look at the sun at one o'clock in the afternoon. On the path along an imaginary straight line from the dish to the sun, there should be nothing that can interfere with the satellite signal, up to tree branches.

How to fix: if there is an obstacle, unfortunately, you will have to move it to another place or remove this obstacle, if possible.

If, after all the actions you have performed, NTV-Plus still does not have a signal, you will have to contact satellite television specialists. Only they can determine the exact reason for the lack of a signal, tk. they have special equipment for testing and everything necessary to eliminate all faults.