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Pay eurts without commission. How to pay utility bills via the Internet: a detailed description

How is the unified payment document aslan wrote in July 22nd, 2016

Initially, I wanted to title this post - "How the EIRC works and how the ENP works." But I think not only you, but I would also get confused, later understanding the abbreviations. Like, what kind of yoprst is this? In fact, the topic of today's report is much closer to each of you than about anything else in the community, because today there will be a story about utility bills and where our money goes.

I am sure that each of you has come across them and you (like me) quite often had a question: "But why should I pay for this?" seeing incomprehensible figures opposite the bill for electricity or for garbage collection. But first things first.

Today in a report on how a single payment document is formed and what it is.

Pro MosObleIRTS

In order to find out what's new in the field of utility payments, I came to Khimki, to the new office of MosObleIRTS. Everyone knows the housing and communal services, but the new abbreviation initially puts you in a stupor, until they explain to you - the Moscow Regional Unified Information and Settlement Center. And where did the housing and communal services go, and why do we need MosObleIRTS?

The creation of MosOblLEIRTS was initiated by the government of the Moscow region in order to make payments as transparent as possible both from the user of services and from the management company. Management companies did not always do their job well, delaying payments for electricity, water, etc., so it was decided to create a single information and settlement center that would accept payments and be responsible for ensuring that the money reaches service providers on time.

Since Mosenergosbyt had the largest base of users of services, it was decided to create a single information and settlement center on their basis. Thus, housing and communal services fell on the logo of Mosenergosbyt.

MosOblLEIRTS provided management companies (MCs) with its resources and services to perform settlements for housing and public Utilities and organization of cash services for residents. Thus, it turns out that the UK and RSO (resource supply organizations) hired MosObleIRTS to service personal accounts and work with residents.

For this, an agreement is concluded with the management company, which is carefully prepared by lawyers and economists of MosOblEIRC. They not only prepare contracts with organizations, but also conduct claims and lawsuits, defend the interests of management companies in court in cases of collecting receivables from non-payers.

About ENP

In order to streamline the process of payment by the user of utility services, a new form of receipt was created - EPD (single payment document), which includes all housing and communal services at once: communication services, voluntary insurance, contribution to overhaul, intercom maintenance and other services related to living in a residential area. This is the main idea: services are provided by different organizations, and the receipt is one.

The ENP includes several different services, respectively, the management company enters into contracts with several different providers. Each service provider is assigned an appropriate portion of the payment. Where direct contracts are concluded with the RSO, residents pay for the relevant services directly in the RSO.

Receipts are generated in the final form in the payment system. All accruals and information necessary for the generation of receipts flow into the payment system. See receipts for personal account is possible only after they are formed in the payment system. Each receipt is printed only in 1 copy, but there are already 1.5 million printed in total! Ready-made EPDs are delivered to MosObleIRTS customers throughout the Moscow region within 2-3 days.

A little lower, to the photo of the receipt, you can see explanations for each item.

1. A tear-off form for transferring the readings of individual metering devices.
The completed form can be lowered into a special "Box for taking evidence" at the office of "MosOblLEIRTS" or at the office of the management company.

2. Receipt for payment for the billing period (month), taking into account the debt for previous periods and recalculations.
It contains information about the premises and the payer, the details of the payee, contact information, the amount to be paid.

3. In the table "Charges for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, utilities, contributions for major repairs on the personal account [account number] for [billing period]" you can see all the accruals made on the personal account, taking into account tariffs, volumes, standards and recalculations . This table contains all services for which payment is made under this single payment document.

4. The table "Information for making payments for [billing period] to providers of services, works and resources on the personal account [account number]" indicates the details of service providers and the amounts that must be transferred to each supplier for the billing period.

5. Table "Reference Information" it is shown on the basis of what data the calculations were made (readings of metering devices, average values, standard values).

6. Additional contact and reference information.

7. Contact Information: Name of the subscriber and address of residence.

Today, the ENP contains all the information on the basis of which the accruals are made. It is not easy for an unprepared person who does not know the provisions of the law and calculation rules to understand all the intricacies of charges, but now there is such an opportunity, and many residents of the region began to closely monitor the change in tariffs and the correctness of charges. This is how the principle of transparency of calculations is implemented. Moreover, residents, thanks to the ENP, see what amounts are transferred and to which organizations.

Pro programs and databases

Historically, it so happened that in different cities and districts of the region, various programs were used to calculate the cost of housing and communal services. Today MosOblEIRC is forced to carry out accruals in 4 different billing programs. Each program has its own characteristics and disadvantages, therefore the main task of MosOblEIRC in 2016 is the transfer of all calculations to a single billing. The creation of a unified settlement and service system for residents in the Moscow Region will greatly facilitate mutual settlements between service users and their providers.

To perform calculations in the database, it is necessary to enter data for calculations, sorry for the tautology. Some of these data, like the area of ​​a house or premises, do not change. Another part of the data rarely changes, such as tariffs. Readings of common house meters are entered into the database every month. And part of the data changes daily: payment information, indications of individual (apartment) metering devices, information about undersupply of resources. All of these parameters need to be monitored and updated.

In addition, each locality, each management company, each house has its own characteristics, its own tariffs, its own service and resource providers. It is very difficult to understand this mess of these features, but the employees of MosObleIRTS are trying very hard.

Therefore, every day a lot of employees of MosOblEIRC are receiving residents, entering information into the database and doing a lot of other work to prepare information for making accruals.

Pro service

In order to provide the residents of the Moscow Region with a service that meets modern requirements, MosObleIRTS created a network of territorial offices located in 50 municipalities. In total, there are more than 250 offices and cash desks of MosOblLEIRTS in the region, where they will answer all questions, give an extract from the financial and personal account, accept meter readings and pay according to a single payment document. Right there, at the box office, you can also print the EPD if for some reason you did not receive it. The number of serviced personal accounts is more than 1.5 million.

You can still pay for housing and communal services using MosObleIRTS receipts at post offices, in some payment systems and in the most common banks in the Moscow region: MKB (Moscow Credit Bank), Sberbank, Vozrozhdeniye, VPB, Mosoblbank, Rosinterbank.

Well, for those who do not want to once again visit the office of the settlement center to pay for a communal apartment, there is client's personal account where you can download clear instructions on using your personal account - how to register, manage personal account, change the information in the bill, find out information on the ENP, download its electronic version, transfer the meter readings and finally pay for utility services.

To work with citizens' appeals, a special service has been organized in MosObleIRTS, which includes a telephone contact center. Employees of this service daily process thousands of requests from residents of the Moscow region regarding the transfer of readings from individual metering devices and legal issues.

This is approximately how the work of the Moscow Regional Unified Information and Settlement Center and the creation of a single payment document are arranged.

I hope you understand what MosOblLEIRTS and EPD are for. If it is not very clear, then ask questions in the comments, we will try to answer!

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Receipt and payment of an electronic UPD (Single Payment Document) on the Portal of Moscow city services PGU.MOS.RU

Receipt and payment of electronic EPD (Single payment document)

What is the EPD (Single Payment Document)?
ENP is a single electronic receipt for payment of housing and communal services (housing and communal services) of the city of Moscow.

How long does it take to pay the EAP?
EPD must be paid regularly, by the 10th day of the month following the expired one.

Where is the service located?
To generate and pay for the EPD, you must register on the Portal. You can register yourself at the Public Services Center (see section). Or, for registration, you can contact any universal specialist of the State Services Center, who will issue a login and password for accessing the City Services Portal.

For the convenience of receiving and paying for the EPD, it is recommended to fill out the Unified Personal Account in advance (see the section "Unified Personal Account for Access to Public Services and Services of the City of Moscow").

To receive an EPD after registration, you must select a section "Apartment, housing and communal services" .

After reviewing the information about the service and the list of required documents, click the button located in the upper right corner:

How to use the service?

Step 1. Basic Documents

1. Code of the payer.
It can be selected from the list of available codes or manually entered a new code.

2. Document type.
You can choose one of two types of EPD - regular or debt. A regular EPD is used to make current payments for housing and communal services, and a debt one is used to pay existing debts.

3. Payment period.
These values ​​are selected from drop-down lists. Query results will be displayed after clicking the button "Request an EPD" .

Currently, payment documents are available for request starting from January 2012. If you need to receive an ENP for an earlier period of time, you should personally contact the GKU IS / public services center in your area.

STEP 2. View the EPD
Here is information on the generated EPD:

  • amount payable;
  • insurance amount;
  • total amount.

To view a single receipt, click on the link .

STEP 3. Verification of data and payment of the ENP
If you agree with the accrued amount, proceed to pay the EPD.
For this you need:

  • press the button "Pay" ;
  • check payment details;
  • press the button "Confirm" .

After redirecting to the page of the Bank of Moscow, you can pay for the EPD bank card VISA or MasterCard.
To pay, you will need to enter your bank card details:

  • Card number;
  • its duration;
  • code CVV2 or CVC2.

Payment for EPD by cards of OJSC "Bank of Moscow" is carried out without commission. If the Unified Payment Document is paid for by cards of other issuing banks, commission fee in the amount of 0.8% of the payment amount.

After pressing the button "Pay", the payment will go into the system

Where can I see my EPD?
All payment data can be viewed by a PGU.MOS.RU user in his/her Personal Account.

- very convenient and fast.

But when paying, do not forget about the precautions:

  • make payments from your computer;
  • at the end of the operation, it is necessary to press “exit” on the page, and not just close the page;
  • check the status of the completed payment;
  • check the completed details;
  • do not share your personal account password with anyone.


Using Sberbank online, payment of utility bills is possible at any time of the day, without contacting a bank branch. This saves a lot of time, because you can pay in one click using the template.

In addition, you can make payments using the Internet, mobile applications.

One of the main advantages of paying through the Sberbank online system is the absence of commissions.

Sberbank has an excellent reputation, so you don’t have to worry about your deposited funds - the bank uses modern security measures. Payment of utilities will take about 15 minutes - the first time you have to register and enter all the details.

In subsequent times, the process will take no more than a minute, because the saved template will remain in the system.

Payment for utilities through Sberbank Online - personal account

To pay utility bills using the bank system, you must:

In order to log in, on the site, in the upper part there will be the following offers, which you can follow:

  1. “For the first time in Sberbank online? Registration”: upon transition, you will need to enter the card number, as well as the password that will be sent to the phone (if the “Mobile Bank” is connected). After that, you need to come up with and enter a login and password to access the site;
  2. After receiving the password at an ATM or terminal, go to the site and enter the user ID.

After entering the site, you can pay utility bills.


Before using the services, you should register in the system on the bank's website, having received a login and password.

Login information can be obtained from:

  • at a bank branch;
  • in the terminal;
  • setting mobile app from Sberbank.

Only bank customers who have opened a bank account or received a card can pay utility bills via the Internet.

After registration, you need to go to your personal account and change the one-time password to a permanent one.
To pay a utility bill, you should open the "payments and services" tab to create a new operation.

To avoid disputes, it is better to keep checks for three years.

Auto payment

Auto payment is a regular and timely payment for an apartment in automatic mode, and the system will inform the client about each stage of the payment.

When setting up auto payment, you don’t have to spend your personal time at all, all that is needed is to set the date for paying utility bills.

Auto payment occurs in the following order:

  1. On the appointed date, the bank checks whether there are unpaid payments on the account specified by the client.
  2. The day before this date, the system informs how much money will be withdrawn from the card and for what services.
  3. If the client does not want to pay for the service, a response message must be sent.
  4. The next day you receive a payment notification.
  5. Payment is made automatically.

If you need to receive a check, you can contact any branch of the bank or go to the Sberbank Online system.

Connection of this service is possible in Sberbank Online, via a terminal or at a bank branch.

This service is provided free of charge by the bank, but a commission is charged for making the payments themselves - 1%, but not more than 500 rubles of the payment amount.

Mobile applications

If the phone has access to the Internet, then you can download and install the Sberbank Online mobile application, with which it is easy to manage not only the card, but also pay for services, including utilities.

Mobile app designed for everyone operating systems mobile phones. It can be downloaded from the Sberbank website.

Is there a commission?

Payments through the Sberbank system online are carried out without commission. A commission of 1% is taken when paying using the "auto payment" service, as well as at the bank's cash desk.


Sberbank introduced for its clients simple system payment of payments, which consists of several stages:

  1. Get a bank card and activate the "Mobile Bank" service.
  2. Receiving a one-time password on the phone to enter the system (one-time password can also be obtained in the terminal).
  3. Go to the website
  4. Enter your username and password to log in.
  5. When you visit the site for the first time, you need to change the temporary password to a permanent one, and also enter personal data in the settings.
  6. Go to the "Operations" tab, where you need to select the card from which the funds will be withdrawn.
  7. In the menu, select the "payments and transfers" section, where several tabs will be displayed - "all payments and transfers" and "my templates".
  8. The first time you need to create a payment, enter all the details and the purpose of the payment, after which this payment can be saved as a template, thereby saving time.
  9. By clicking on the tab "all payments and transfers" you can get acquainted with all available operations.
  10. To confirm the payment, you must enter a password, after which the money will be automatically withdrawn from the card.

If necessary, in the payment history tab, you can see at what stage the operation is, as well as print a check.

Step-by-step instruction

After registering on the portal, you must select "Housing and communal services and home phone".

Here you will be offered a list of organizations to whose account you need to deposit funds. but.

The choice of organization is possible:

  • by the name of the organization;
  • for the purpose of payment.

After selecting the desired organization, you must enter correctly all the details for the payment. In the field you need to enter the personal account of the cardholder, as well as the number of the receipt.

When you enter a single number, all the details will automatically appear in the system, you just need to verify them and enter meter readings if payment is made by water and light.

To confirm the payment, an SMS password is sent to the user's phone, after entering which the funds are transferred to the recipient's account.

In the payment history, the application for a payment order takes the status "executed".

In the photo - the procedure for payment

Step 1. Log in to the Sberbank-online system using your username and password

Step 2. In the top horizontal menu, select "Payments and transfers"

Step 3. In the "Payment for goods and services" field, enter the TIN of your managing organization and click the "Find" button

Step 4. Click on the name of the found managing organization

Step 5. Enter the payment ID

Paying utility bills through Sberbank online in your personal account is quite simple and fast.

It is enough to enter only the details and the amount of the payment, and within a few minutes the payment of utility bills will be made.

Watch the payment video