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Commission fee at the post office. Where can I pay utility bills without commission

There are several quick ways to pay utility bills, but most of the payers are interested in saving their own funds. Until recently, many used cash desks at bank branches to pay bills, as well as the services of post offices. But these options are currently practically irrelevant, since they imply the need to pay a commission, the size of which can be set in a fixed amount or as a percentage of the funds transferred. Banks are intensively transferring customers to self-service using remote banking systems, so these payment methods are currently the cheapest.

How to pay apartment bills via Internet Banking

For use functionality Internet banking, any citizen just needs to open an account or order a card product with a relevant credit institution. The vast majority of banks provide remote services free of charge, but you should inquire in advance about the cost of making payments on your own in favor of suppliers. utilities.

If no commission is charged for such payments, then you can safely start using this opportunity. It is quite easy to make any payment in the personal account of the Internet bank, since many credit organizations cooperate with utility service providers. The user just needs to select the appropriate company from the list of recipients of payments, then enter the amount of the transferred funds and confirm the payment. If the company is not among the bank's partners, then you can make a payment using free details, and the details themselves are located on the received invoices for the apartment.

How to pay bills for an apartment in terminals and payment systems

Certain payment systems and terminals are an acceptable alternative to remote servicing of credit institutions. When using terminals (for example, Qiwi or Eleksnet), you can also choose your own utility provider and deposit cash, but in most cases a commission will be withheld from the user. Almost all other methods associated with depositing cash at the cash desks of credit organizations, money transfer systems, and post offices are also associated with the need to pay commission.

For five days, we will talk about how to equip your home, make budget repairs, figure out once and for all with utility bills and find beautiful interior items.

Arsen Mirzayan

What are the payments and how many receipts must be received once a month?

There are three types of services:

- utilities (electricity, heat, water, gas);

- housing (house maintenance and repair, garbage disposal, roof repair, elevator maintenance);

- others (telephone, intercom, concierge services and others).

Earlier, ten years ago, tenants paid for each service on a separate receipt. It was very inconvenient for both the tenants and the savings banks, which accepted payments, so it was carried out - and successfully - big job to combine payments. Now, ideally, you should receive one receipt from the Unified Clearing House (EIRTS), or your Homeowners Association (HOA), or from the management company that deals with your home.

A single payment means a single recipient, which means that your EIRTS or other recipient structure should accumulate money and send it to the accounts of resource supplying organizations. Sometimes he lists the wrong thing and the wrong time, and resource providers require a separate receipt.

The law stipulates that residents can enter into a direct contract with resource supplying organizations. In theory, each apartment can conclude its own contract, but in practice this issue is usually decided at a general meeting of the tenants of your house. If you receive a separate payment for electricity or water, it means that the tenants of your house have decided to pay directly to Mosenergo and Mosvodokanal.

Where to pay for utility bills?

A receipt is an invoice, and you can pay it in any way, as long as the payment arrives at the address. You can use your current account and make a payment, for example, through your bank's online application. But an accountant in a management company or EIRC will hate you - after all, he will have to process the data manually. It is no coincidence that it is recommended to use the services of Sberbank and Russian Post to pay for housing and communal services - both organizations have agreements with resource supplying companies, EIRC, HOA and management companies, and both form registers that software management companies and EIRTS is processed automatically.

If you do not want to pay receipts at the branch and want to use the Internet, remember: firstly, all online payments are subject to a commission. If you do not pay it, your management company will pay it.

Secondly, a very small number of existing solutions are adapted to work with the databases of the receiving party. Our service is one of such solutions, but we can only serve the clients of those management companies and HOAs that have entered into an agreement with us.

If you deposit money through instant payment terminals, through third party applications and unofficial sites, be prepared for confusion, confusion, loss of time and nerves. To protect myself from this, I would recommend getting a Sberbank card and making payments with it through the official Internet bank application. Mosenergosbyt and MGTS bills can be paid without fear through your personal account on their website. Meter readings can be transmitted through the Mosvodokanal website. The companies' pages contain information about authorized payment methods, and this information can also be found out from your management company.

Do I need to install meters in the apartment?

Counters definitely help to save money. The standards according to which you pay receipts, if you did not install the meter, are too high, they are derived based on the maximum consumption. You need to transfer meter readings to EIRTs, or to your HOA, or a management company. This can often be done through the site of the organization or through the site of the resource supplying organization. There are counters that transmit information themselves, but they are more expensive. All meters must be checked or replaced every two to three years.

The counter can be set to any type of resource. There are two types of meters: individual, which measure the flow in the apartment, and general, which measure the flow throughout the house. The supplier of resources, such as electricity, issues an invoice for the general household meter. And his readings never coincide with the sum of the readings of the apartment meters. Why? Because it is:

- electricity consumption for lighting the entrance, stairwells, the operation of the elevator and other equipment in the house;

- not all people testify honestly, someone belittles their volume;

- not all people submit their testimony on time;

- in the case of water, these can be flowing pipes.

The difference between the readings of the general house meter and the sum of the readings of the apartment meters is distributed among all tenants in proportion to the area. Our legislation is unique because it gives people ownership of not only apartments, but the whole house. There is no such thing anywhere in the world! The owners have the right to dispose of everything: attics, basements, basements, the facade of the house. And those who understand this take advantage of it.

Many homeowners' associations lease basements to legal entities, facades of houses for advertising space, there are many ways to make money. The money received goes to the improvement of the house and the local area. Duties go hand in hand with rights: if the house is your property, then you must fully maintain it, and, accordingly, pay for all the utilities that are used not only in your apartment, but also in the entrances of the house. This is the accruals for general household needs, the very ONEs that people do not understand and because of which they are indignant.

Should I pay for the insurance included in the receipt?

Insurance is neither a housing nor a public service. If you include it in your receipt, it means that at the general meeting, the tenants of the house decided that they would insure the home with the help of the HOA. Before paying for insurance, the conditions of insurance, who is the insurance agent and what you are insured against, must be clarified with the management company.

In general, if your receipt contains any incomprehensible lines or indicators, you should always contact the management company - its name, address and telephone number must be indicated on the receipt itself. If they cannot help you there, contact the city's housing inspectorate.

What is interest?

By law, receipts for utility bills must be received by the end of the month. After that, you have ten more days to pay the bill. At a general meeting at home, a decision may be made to extend this period, but this is not a very common practice. If you do not have time to pay off the debt by the end of the 10th day of the month, they begin to charge you a forfeit - a penalty. The amount of the penalty is determined by law and is one three hundredth of the Central Bank's refinancing rate. Today it is 0.0275% of the debt per day.

Who should pay for the rented apartment?

You need to agree in advance with the landlord about how you will pay for utility bills. A common practice is that the owners pay for everything except utilities. That is, the tenant pays for what he spends - heat, electricity, water and landline telephone, if you use a per-minute rate.

Illustrations: Natalia Osipova

Cards with cashback are given to us at least to save the family budget. Today I will show those who are interested in how I pay for housing and communal services without commissions and at the same time get 2.61% of my payments back to my account.

Every month I need to pay three utility bills / utility bills: a landline phone bill, an electricity bill, and an ENP bill - one payment document: water, antenna, gas. There are many payment methods without commissions, but the method that I use not only allows me to avoid commissions, but also to get some of the payments back. The whole point is that you need to pay bills with a card with a function.

The payment takes 5 minutes if the amounts are known, and 10-15 if you need to find out. Well, then let's start with where I find out the amounts of payments:

  1. I’ll find out for a landline phone on the MGTS website (registration is required).
  2. For electricity: on the MosEnergoSbyt website (registration required).
  3. For the rest (EPD): on the website of the Bank of Moscow (without registration, according to the payer's code).

#one. Payment for electricity without commission and with cashback

I pay with my card directly on the MosEnergoSbyt website. I see the amount to be paid in the “Account Balance” tab, I pay in the “Pay” tab by selecting the “Payment using bank cards”.

# 2. Payment for a landline phone without commission and with cashback

There is no way to pay for services on the MGTS website, so we go to the MTS website in the “Easy Payment” section, there we find MGTS and pay by card.

# 3. Payment of EPD without commission and with cashback

To pay for the EPD, you need a two-way and an active Beeline number. We will pay on the website “ Mobile payment”. Therefore, first, replenish the Beeline account for the amount of the EPD account. Then go to the site Log in to the site: login - phone number, you will receive the password by SMS, it differs from the password to personal account... In the “Utility Payments” section, select a service provider, fill in the payment details and click “Pay”. After that, you will receive an SMS, to which you need to answer to confirm the payment.

In principle, on the same site you can pay for MosEnergoSbyt, but there is a very complicated filling form. I have not yet begun to understand, although I should have, because Beeline launched an interesting bonus program"Happy time". Under this program, you can get 5-15% of the top-ups in the form of bonuses.

And another important point. Beeline has some kind of buggy Internet service, for example, this month I was not able to directly replenish my account with a card. If you come across similar problems, use the service There you can replenish the Beeline account and pay from this EPD account.