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How to turn on the fifth iPhone. IPhone (iPhone) does not turn on when charging what to do - detailed instructions. Possible errors when activating an iPhone

When buying in a store, sellers offer to turn on and run iPhone 5 for free. But for some reason I did not want this service.
The fact is that when other people do this work for you, the question of how to set up the iPhone 5 remains a mystery to you. Until, say, you buy a new gadget. But when else will it be ?!

You can turn on and configure the iPhone 5 for the first time in three ways:

  1. Recover from iCloud copies
  2. Recover from iTunes copy
  3. Configure as new iPhone

But this is in theory, but in my version, when you purchase a device for the first time, and there is still no data saved anywhere from previous similar gadgets, there is only the third option from the above, to set up the iPhone 5, as they say, from scratch.

However, after such an initial launch, I then had to manually rewrite all contacts from the old Nokia's address book to the new iPhone. But this is a completely different story, that was only later.

1 Decisively turn on the new iPhone 5

Let's go back to the initial launch of iPhone 5. First, connect the charger to it and make sure that the device's battery is not completely discharged. Otherwise, you need to charge it first, preferably up to 100%. When the iPhone is connected to the charger, an image of the battery appears on the screen, and the numbers indicate the charge level - an intuitive picture that does not require special explanations.

And so, turn on the power, press the button turning on the iPhone... The initial "Hello" prompt appears, that is, "Hello" (Figure 1).

Note. This is not the same hello that the baby elephant lost and did not convey to the monkey in the famous cartoon “Hello to the monkey”:

  • “When I say hello, I convey you a good mood,” the boa explained.
  • And now Monkey has a “hello” and a good mood.
  • Oh, if only two more "hello" ... "

On iPhone, this is a very normal hello, meaning that the device is starting to prepare for the initial setup.

Rice. 1. Initial non-Russian greeting after first turning on the iPhone

The greeting "Hello" now appears again, but in plain Russian (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The initial greeting is already in Russian after the first start of the iPhone

Again, tap on the intuitive "Configure" inscription at the bottom of the screen (Fig. 2).

A warning appears that we do not have a SIM card in our iPhone (Fig. 3). Here we answer "OK", and we have no options for choosing an answer - this is the only possible option: tap on "OK" (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Warning about the need to insert a CM card into the iPhone to connect to a cellular operator

CIM card that the program warns us about initial setup IPhone, needed so that the iPone can be immediately connected to the network cellular operator.

To be honest, I didn't want to do it right away, without understanding the initial settings of the device. Because you can, in the heat of the moment, without having figured out inadvertently download something from the Internet when setting up, and then get and pay a decent bill from a cellular operator. Why do this, if, which can distribute, say, a laptop, and which in turn is connected to unlimited wired internet- download as much as you want without limits!

2 Understanding languages ​​and countries

After refusing to connect the iPhone to the network of the cellular operator, we select the language of communication with our device. I suggest doing this in Russian, unless, of course, you want to learn another language while working on the iPhone, for example, Chinese! We tap on the inscription "Russian" (Fig. 4)

Rice. 4. Choosing the language of communication with the iPhone

Further, in the device settings, we are asked to select the country and region where we are located. It would seem, why, because we have already indicated the language in which we will work with the iPhone. But not everything is so simple and obvious. After all, you can, for example, be outside the Russian Federation, but at the same time, Russian is considered the preferred language of communication with the iPhone. Therefore, the choice of language and the choice of country and region are separate operations for setting up the device (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Choosing the country and region where we are

In fig. 5 shows that Russia is not in the selection menu. Of course not, because Russia is spelled with the letter "P", and we see in fig. 5 only countries with the first letter of the Russian alphabet, with the letter "A". Therefore, we swipe up the menu for selecting the country and region until we reach the countries starting with the letter "P". There we will see Russia and tap on the name of our Motherland.

Rice. 6. Selecting Russia as a country and region for the initial setup of the iPhone

By the way, I wonder how the choice of the country is made if you choose Chinese as the language of communication with the iPhone. After all, this language does not have an alphabet, so it is not clear how the countries are located there, in what order?

As far as I know, the organizers of the 2008 Summer Olympics, which took place in China, faced the same problem. Indeed, on the opening day of the Olympics, countries must pass one after another in strict sequence of the alphabet of the language of the country where the Olympic Games are held. But this is also a completely different story. We return to the initial iPhone settings 5.

And here again a warning about the absence of a SIM card appears on the screen (Fig. 7). And there is no Wi-Fi, that is, the device is not connected to the Internet, and therefore cannot be configured further. As they say, we have arrived ...

Rice. 7. Repeated warning about the absence of a SIM card, since there is no connection to Wi-Fi

3 Connecting iPhone to the Internet via Wi-Fi

We put the iPhone aside for a while without turning it off. And we start to deal with the Wi-Fi network - we try to launch Wi-Fi distribution using a laptop. But here an unexpected problem arises. On my laptop, the internet access point has a very complex and long password. This is made by the laptop manufacturer to protect the access point from unauthorized connections. And I didn't change this password.

But it is simply impossible to enter this password manually. No one ever succeeded in doing this without error. The password can only be copied and transferred, say, inside a file, to a mobile gadget. But transferring any data to our brand new iPhone is not yet possible, because it has not yet been launched.

What to do? The idea of ​​creating an access point using another gadget, using a smartphone, comes to the rescue. Fortunately, the smartphone can become an Internet access point for other devices. And here we can easily, say for a while, make the password for accessing the Internet network simple and easy to enter using virtual keyboard iPhone.

Of course, now we have to agree that we will spend the mobile traffic of a smartphone connected to a cellular operator. It was possible to immediately insert a CIM card into the iPhone. But let's take comfort in the fact that we, thus, will still try the device from Wi-Fi networks, and not directly from the SIM card of the cellular operator. Let's practice, if I may say so.

After a few minutes of waiting iPhone screen comes to life. And the first proposal appears to start geolocation services (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. We refuse the offer to start the geolocation service

You don't need to run these services during the initial setup, it's never too late to do so later when the iPhone is set up and up and running. Therefore, we will refuse to start this service, for which we will tap on the inscription "disable geolocation services" at the very bottom of the screen (Fig. 11).

5 Create an iPhone password

In the next step of the initial setup of the device, you need to come up with and enter a password to access the iPhone. From the moment this password is created, it will not be possible to “reach” the device without this password. Therefore, the creation of a password must be treated responsibly. On the password entry screen, you will be asked to enter this password for the first time using the telephone keypad with numbers and Latin letters below them (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Entering the password to access the iPhone

It is better to make a password from only numbers, since the use of letters will complicate the input. If someone confidently owns a telephone keypad, he can include Latin letters in the password. Again, I only created a 6-digit password. And that is a lot, it was possible to make a shorter password, for example, from 4 digits like a PIN-code.

Then you need to re-enter the password to make sure that the password was entered correctly (Figure 13).

Rice. 13. Re-entering the iPhone password

The entered password now needs to be remembered or even written down! Remember forever, for the entire time you use the iPhone.

6 Setting up the programs and data of the new iPhone

Now it's finally time to set up our iPhone's software and data. You will be offered to configure them in several ways (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Selecting options for setting iPhone programs and data

As we decided, we choose the "Set up like new iPhone" option as this is our first device and we don't have old copies in iCloud or iTunes. And there is no need to transfer them from Android, which regularly distributes Wi-Fi to us, since neither programs nor contacts are needed from it, since this is not my personal device.

So, select the option "Set up as a new iPhone", tap on this inscription and wait until all the necessary settings are completed. But this is not the end of our "torment". We will continue to customize the iPhone and get it ready for use.

7 Opt out of setting up an account to access Apple services

Here's a strange thing! For some reason, developers consider their users to be very advanced. Once upon a time at dawn personal computers at Windows setup quite meaningful, understandable for a Russian person questions were asked, and at the very end of the setting, a question suddenly arose about a certain 866th page. Where, what is it from? No explanations, but at least kill yourself, for no reason, you need to customize it. And no reasonable explanation.

Then it becomes clear, after some time, that we are talking only about consent to the use of the Russian alphabet when working with Windows. Well, why not then ask, they say, do you want to have Russian letters on your computer, or you don’t need them? It is absolutely clear that one must answer this question, of course, "Yes, yes, yes, and yes again!"

Here are the developers Apple devices for some reason, they are sure that everyone in the world knows what an account is to access Apple services, or "Apple ID". And in the next step of the initial configuration of our gadget, they offer this account customize (fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Suggestion to set up an account to access Apple services, Apple services

The most remarkable thing is that all these settings can be done quite easily later, when our iPhone is working. During the setting of the gadget, you do not need to enter accounts and so on at all.

We need to start the device, not try to configure a lot of things on it instead. Therefore, we will abandon this "attractive" offer, and tap on the inscription "Configure later in Settings" (Fig. 15 - here they even explain to us where we can make the missed settings)

Despite the possibility of refusal Apple settings ID our gadget will be "surprised" by such a reckless decision of ours, according to the iPhone. And we will again be asked about the refusal to use this option (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Repeated offer to set up an account to access Apple services

And here we firmly answer “no!”, For which we tap on the inscription “Do not use” (Fig. 16).

8 Acceptance of terms and conditions

Abroad, in the countries of developed capitalism, actions related to legal rules and restrictions are very developed. Citizens of these countries are almost never too lazy to read a dozen other pages in a small and tightly scathing text about what can and cannot be done with anything:

  • with a microwave: is it possible to dry a cat in it;
  • with washing machine: is it possible to wash dogs in it
  • etc.

I agree that it is important to know, to know exactly what is possible and what is not. Know what the manufacturer guarantees and what does not. But for some reason not yet in our country. Well, we do not read these agreements! Perhaps someone reads, I will not talk about everyone. But most of our citizens are still not interested in legal intricacies.

I will not comment on this or give definitions to it. So it is, and that's it. But our iPhone is clearly not Russian. Therefore, before starting to work with him, we are offered to read the terms and conditions, and. If you disagree with the above provisions, the device will not work. Therefore, as such, we have no choice. Regardless of whether you have read or not read the terms and conditions.

Rice. 17. Acceptance of terms and conditions

9 Opt out of Siri

It would seem that this is happiness, we have accepted the terms and conditions - you can start working. But it was not there. We will now be prompted to turn on Siri.

Siri is an interactive system that allows you to control your phone with your voice, introduced for the first time in iPhone models 4S. This means that it is also on our fifth model. But, again, Siri can be turned on later, when our iPhone is working. Therefore, let us, and in response to this invitation, we will refuse by tapping on the inscription “Turn on Siri later (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Refusal to enable Siri

A reasonable question arises, why do we need all this at all during the initial setup of our gadget, if all these settings can be done later. The answer looks quite simple - these are just marketing moves by the iPhone manufacturer or its partners, developing software for its operation. No more.

The manufacturer believes that we are poorly aware of the device's capabilities, and perhaps the manufacturer is right about that. But the manufacturer does not understand or does not want to understand that it is not so easy for us to master everything at once. Everything must be done in order. First, set up the iPhone 5, and only then explore all of its endless possibilities.

Nevertheless, the manufacturer thinks differently, and thus we have to give up different options again and again, leaving them to launch and study for later.

10 Submitting diagnostics

Hardware and software mobile gadgets is constantly being improved. Manufacturers sometimes, at their own peril and risk, install new elements, new programs in these devices. And they do not always have time to test all this in the calm conditions of their research laboratories.

This is due to competition. If you test for a long time and do not bring the product to the market, you may be late, and the market will be occupied by “someone else's” products. So you have to take risks.

And since there is a risk, it means that there may be malfunctions in the operation of the device. To fix these failures, the iPhone developers are also "stitching" special programs... These programs "catch failures", one way or another systematize them a little, and can send information about them to the manufacturing company.

Modern manufacturers are very fond of the information received about all the failures that occur, as this allows them to constantly improve hardware and software. Therefore, we are offered to configure either the automatic sending of information about any iPhone malfunctions to the manufacturer, or refuse this option.

Here you can advise how to send information, and not to send. It is better not to send to those who will use the iPhone on mobile networks and spend limited, limited and rather expensive Internet traffic. You can send to those who will use the gadget more often, working over Wi-Fi and unlimited traffic.

Skeptics may argue that both mobile networks sending diagnostic messages does not consume significant volumes. Yes, of course it is. Until one day you receive an invoice from a mobile operator and see very unusual figures, say, the cost of the Internet when you are in foreign roaming. After that, most often, any desire to AUTOMATICALLY send or receive any unnecessary messages via the mobile Internet disappears.

Therefore, in this case, we will also refuse (just in case) from the automatic sending of diagnostic messages to Apple. To do this, tap on the "Do not send" inscription at the very bottom of the screen (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Refusal from automatic sending of diagnostic messages

11 Long-awaited start of work on iPhone 5

And now, after all our numerous consents and refusals to / from the inclusion of certain options of the new iPhone, we get the opportunity to start working on it. An inscription appears on the screen "Welcome!" and the Get Started prompt.

On this inscription "Start work" we tap (Fig. 20)

Rice. 20. Initial settings are complete, we are invited to start working on iPhone

So we waited! Patience and a little effort. We can start working on the iPhone, install a CIM card in it, enter data into the address book, make calls, send SMS, etc. The question “how to set up the iPhone 5” was successfully solved, hurray!

Icons appear on the screen that you can use to do a lot of things on your iPhone. But that's a completely different story ...

How to activate iPhone via iTunes

For those who are ready to activate their new iPhone through iTunes, the following can be advised.

First, you need to download the iTunes software from the official website of the developers (the most latest version). Download the application according to the installed software on the computer.

Install the application, connect the iPhone to your computer (a cable for this is included with the phone).

The phone must be fully charged, and the SIM card must be in its place (in the corresponding compartment).

Connect the internet on your computer.

Accept the terms of the license agreement, then continue the process of activating the device. Now proceed to fill in the required data. Double-check them, click on "Submit". The program will then send the entered information to Apple itself. Thus, both the warranty and the telephone are activated.

Mobile iPhone phones it is better to buy in Apple stores or in special electronics stores in order to avoid problems with further activation of the device. Avoid questionable retail outlets, do not buy the phone hand-held or over the Internet from little-known sites.

Buying a device from Apple is a joyous event. But after the first turn on of the device, the user may encounter a number of problems. For example, with the activation of the gadget. Not everyone knows about this operation. We have to figure out how to activate the iPhone 5S. What does it take to bring an idea to life? If you carefully follow the simplest instructions, as well as read the text on the phone display, you will be able to do this as soon as possible. Where to begin?

What will come in handy

Let's start with preparation. IPhone 5S activation is impossible without a few details. Users usually have no problem getting ready for activation. In particular, Apple lovers.

In general, this will require:

  • SIM card;
  • Wi-Fi network connection (or a computer with the Internet and iTunes);
  • power supply;
  • phone charger;
  • a clip for a SIM card;
  • USB cable.

This will be enough to activate the "apple" device in any way. Getting the iPhone 5S to work isn't that hard. Next, we will look at the activation procedure in all details.

Activation stages

How to activate iPhone 5S? More on this later.

First, you should pay attention to the fact that this process consists of several stages. Namely:

  • turning on;
  • selection of basic phone settings;
  • direct activation;
  • launching the device for the first time.

We will definitely be able to find out about all these stages further. Everyone can easily get started with the iPhone 5S.

Sim card

The first thing to do is insert a SIM card into your phone. "Apple" devices in this regard excelled. They provide for a special process for connecting a SIM card.

How exactly to proceed? The owner of an "apple" phone needs:

  1. Take a SIM card clip.
  2. Insert the mentioned component into the special hole on the side panel of the smartphone.
  3. Click on the paperclip.
  4. Remove the SIM card slot.
  5. Insert SIM-card into slot.
  6. Return the component back to the phone.

Turning on the device

The next step is to turn on the smartphone. To do this, the user must first connect the device to a charger and plug into a power outlet. With zero (or minimum) battery power, activation will not be possible. It will simply be interrupted. To successfully cope with the task, you need to have a charge of at least 20-30%.

How to activate iPhone 5S? On the top panel of the "apple" phone, you must press the power button. After holding it down for several seconds, the device will start.

If everything is done correctly, a silver apple will light up on the display. This is a sure sign that it's time to start the next step.


Man bought a phone from Apple? The iPhone 5S, like any other Apple device, will have to be activated. Otherwise, it will not be possible to work with him. Fortunately, everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Activation instructions for iPhone 5S are broken down into several simple steps. After turning on the device, you will have to set basic settings phone. It is proposed to do this as follows:

  1. Swipe from left to right across the bottom of the display. You need to do this when the welcome screen lights up. It will say "Hello" in different languages.
  2. Select the desired system language. It is enough to tap on the corresponding line.
  3. Indicate the country of residence of the citizen.
  4. Connect to the Internet. For example, by clicking on the "Select network" hyperlink, and then specifying one or another Wi-Fi.

By the way, the connection to the network must be taken very carefully. After all, the further activation of the iPhone 5S will depend a little on this. First, let's look at the situation with connecting to Wi-Fi. This is the most common layout.

Basic actions

How to activate iPhone 5S with SIM card? As soon as the user connects to the Internet, a form for filling out will be available to him. With its help, the phone will be configured for the first time.

The iPhone activation guide looks like this:

  1. Turn geolocation on or off. To do this, click on the appropriate line.
  2. Select the "Like new" option.
  3. Create an AppleID profile.
  4. Click on the "I agree" button. It is located at the bottom right of the display.
  5. Click on "Install Now" and place your finger on the highlighted area on the screen. This step can be postponed. It is enough to click on the corresponding button.
  6. Set a password for working with the "apple" device.
  7. Click on the button "Allow sending data to the Apple server" or "Do not allow". It all depends on personal preference.

Ready! If everything is done correctly, the message "Welcome!" Will appear on the screen. She will inform you about the successful activation of the device. But what if there is no Wi-Fi network? Then you will have to carry out the procedure through a computer.

iTunes, PC and iPhone

In reality, everything is much simpler than it might initially seem. We already know how to activate your iPhone 5S. If the user cannot find a WI-Fi network, he will have to carry out the procedure using a computer or laptop.

In these circumstances, it all starts with installing a program called iTunes. All owners of Apple gadgets should have it. You will have to download the latest version of the program. Otherwise, the application may crash.

Installation iTunes file is downloaded from any available source, after which the exe-document is launched on the computer. The installation wizard is activated. Following the instructions on the screen, the person will be able to complete the initialization of the software. It's completely free.

PC connection

How to activate iPhone 5S without SIM card? You can act through a computer and "ITunes". This technique also helps to cope with the task if there is no Wi-Fi connection.

It is necessary to correctly connect the "apple" device from "Apple" to the computer. How it's done?

The instruction of the following type will help to cope with the task at hand:

  1. Take a USB cable.
  2. Insert one end of the cable into a suitable connector on your phone.
  3. Plug the other end of the cable into a USB port on your computer.
  4. Launch iTunes.
  5. Wait a bit.

Thus, not only a connection will occur, but also a synchronization of devices. It is very convenient. Especially considering that now the user will be able to activate the iPhone 5S without much difficulty.

What exactly should you do? Follow the instructions on the screen. They are no different from the steps listed earlier. The only difference is that when connecting via a PC, you do not need to insert a SIM into the device, and there is also no need to turn on Wi-Fi.

Without iTunes

How to activate an iPhone 5S if a person does not have a SIM card? Problems may arise with this operation. Especially if the user doesn't want to work with iTunes.

It is almost impossible to cope with the task without a SIM card. Although experts recommend working with ITunes to bring the idea to life. Or you should follow the instructions below.

It has approximately the following structure:

  1. Switch on the phone.
  2. Press the Home button on your mobile device.
  3. Select item " Emergency call".
  4. Dial "112".
  5. Press the call button of the subscriber.
  6. Click on the "Turn off" button.
  7. Select the "Cancel" option.
  8. End the call.

It is done! The user will now have a fully working device. But usually sometimes iPhone activation crashes. What difficulties can you face under certain circumstances?


Apple smartphones are the most common technique. High quality, but even it sometimes fails. What difficulties can users face when thinking about how to activate the iPhone 5S?

The following situations and ways of solving them can be distinguished:

  1. If you do not remove the film from mobile device, the "Home" button will be hard to squeeze. Because of this, blocking of the device is not excluded. Everything is solved simply - you can press the "Enable" button on the gadget when auto-blocking.
  2. Absent Wi-Fi connection... In this case, only connecting the "apple" mobile phone to a computer with iTunes will help to cope with the task.
  3. Problems with device synchronization. They usually disappear if you update "iTunes" on your computer.
  4. ITunes update failed. Removing it is as easy as shelling pears. It is enough to first close the application completely. Only then is it allowed to update.
  5. Impossibility of taking fingerprints. To accomplish the task, you need to remove the factory protective film... With her, the above operation will not work. The sensor simply won't be able to recognize fingerprints.

These are the most common problems. Now it is clear how to deal with them. IPhone activation is no longer a hassle or hassle.


We figured out how to get the apple phone to work the first time. The instructions below will help you activate any iPhone. The main thing is to properly prepare for the procedure.

At first, you can opt out of creating an AppleID. Without this profile, the owner of the phone simply won't be eligible to use Apple's services. For example, iCloud or AppStore. Therefore, it is advisable to start AppleIDe right away.

Perfect design and high optimization have made the iPhone 5 / 5s synonymous with reliability for many years, but despite this, Apple cannot avoid all the problems.

Don't fall for the illusion that the iPhone 5 won't turn on can happen. Although it is very well designed, problems can appear over time: freezing, overheating, or shutting down and not turning on.

If the iPhone 5 won't turn on after turning it off, that's a sign that you need to read the tips below.

After applying these few tricks, there is a 90% chance that you will fix it yourself.

IPhone 5 does not turn on - turn on the program

If your iPhone 5 does not turn on, you can turn it on using a trusted program -

Moreover, it will also fix problems with iOS, which lead to problems - of course, if the phone fell or something burned out, the program will not fix it.

For each violation of the integrity of iOS, ready-made solutions are provided, and it is impossible to get confused in the interface in any way.

Try it. The program works on all iOS, including the last eleventh and has been tested in practice.

IPhone 5 does not turn on - connect to a working charger

All older generations of iPhones experience drastic battery degradation. This is especially noticeable when the phone is overheating (for example, a combination of high screen brightness, WiFi, Bluetooth and apps running in the background).

Another factor that causes the phone to overheat is intense sunlight.

All this makes the iPhone 5 / 5s not stand it, make a mistake in the assessment and show the wrong battery charge.

If the iPhone does not want to turn on due to a low battery charge, then after connecting to the charger, a battery view with a red stripe should appear on the screen.

Remember - the device will not turn on immediately, but only when it is charged to at least 5%, so be patient. The problem is not solved? Go to the second point.

IPhone 5 won't turn on - force restart

After connecting the phone to the charger, it still doesn't want to turn on.

The next thing you need to do is reload it. To do this, hold down the on / off button for a few seconds.

If your iPhone 5 / 5s turned off, it should turn on - if the result is negative, go to the third point.

IPhone 5 won't turn on - "hard reset" should help

A hard reset is often confused with a simple smartphone shutdown. Though soft reset is possible only when the "Disable" bar appears on the screen, in any situation a hard reset is possible.

Its work is stronger than the usual shutdown of the phone. A hard reset is equivalent to disconnecting the phone from the power source by removing the battery.

Try hard reset following the instructions below.

  • Hold the Home and On buttons at the same time. On / Off ”for about 10 seconds (it is important to press them at the same time).
  • Wait until it appears White screen with a black logo in the middle.
  • Release the buttons and wait for the device to recover.

If even a hard reset doesn't help, go to the next step.

IPhone 5 won't turn on - restore factory settings

If your iPhone5 / 5s still won't turn on, the most advanced action you can take is to factory reset your phone.

NOTE: before performing this operation, make sure you have backup copy your phone.

REMEMBER: Restoring factory settings is equivalent to erasing all data and settings on your phone.

DONE: In this case, simply connect your phone to your computer, turn on iTunes and select the "Restore" button.

If that doesn't even help, follow these instructions:

  • Plug the USB cable into the charging port, but don't plug it into your computer.
  • Press the Home button.
  • While holding the Home button, connect the other end of the USB cable to your computer.

If you follow the correct steps, iTunes will turn on and the iPhone will automatically enter recovery mode, allowing you to completely restore your phone.

Why does an apple light on in iPhone 5 or blinks and does not turn on

Has your iPhone turned off and won't turn on, while the apple is on or flashing at startup? This happens and is eliminated, only the whole pain is that there is not one reason.

One of the most common reasons is that the battery is discharged, while the owner thinks that there is enough charge.

If the charger is working, you are sure to connect it for half an hour (you can connect it to the computer via a cable) and turn it on again.

If it turns on only until the apple, then often the problem is solved by holding down the buttons "Sleep" and "Home" for 10 - 15 seconds.

Unfortunately, the firmware does not always solve the problem, since the reason may be hardware.

For example, the power button has become obsolete. Although you cannot call her fragile, there are problems with her.

The charging controller may also fly, the battery may run out of time, or the flash memory may fail (it changes, but it is relatively expensive).

Worst of all, if problems arise with motherboard as sometimes it is better to buy new iphone than messing with her (it depends what happened).

IPhone 5 does not turn on - contact a specialist

If your smartphone still won't turn on, this is a sign that outside assistance will be inevitable.

It often happens that the error turns out to be common, and it takes several minutes to fix it.

Therefore, if you do not want to deepen the defect or lose data on your phone, you should go to the service.

Not all problems are user error. Sometimes the phone doesn't work due to factory errors and faulty software.

I know from experience that when the iPhone doesn't want to turn on, the problem is most often related to the battery, damaged charging connector and software bug.

However, you can correct the last point yourself - Success.

An iPhone is a multifunctional mobile device designed primarily for making and receiving calls, as well as sending SMS messages. And already in the second place it is a smartphone, i.e. a mini-computer whose functions are designed for the entertainment of the user. But in order to fully use all the functions of the gadget from Apple, you need to activate the iPhone.

This device, be it an iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 6, 7 or other versions of a popular phone, needs to be activated before use. This procedure can be carried out with or without a SIM card, using a PC or laptop, as well as wireless network Wi-Fi.

How to activate an iPhone without a SIM card, as well as other activation methods - in the instructions below.

Many users do not know what activation is and what it means that the device is activated. Some owners of "apple" gadgets also do not suspect that it is possible to carry out this procedure in an iPhone 5S or 5 without sim.

So is activation necessary at all or can you do without it? To answer this question, you need to understand the essence of the procedure.

Reference. Activation is understood as the process of reading a mobile device from the operator's SIM card, the international identifier of the mobile subscriber, and then sending it to the Apple activation server. The server analyzes the received data and checks whether the company's services are available to the subscriber cellular in the place where it is. In the case when the device is locked, i.e. can work with one specific telecom operator, the subscriber is denied activation. If not, the activation code is sent to the device, and the procedure is considered complete.

As you can see from the above help, the whole procedure assumes that the sim card must necessarily participate in the process. However, there is a way to do this with iPhone 5S without a SIM card. However, this method can work with other models of iPhones, for example, with 6 without a SIM, you can also activate the device. Is iPhone 4S activation available without a SIM card? The answer to this question will be given below, but first we will consider the main methods of carrying out this procedure.

Situations requiring activation

Activation is required when you start working with the gadget. The second time, this procedure is required if:

  • Content and / or settings have been erased.
  • The system was restored or updated using the aytyuns utility.

Attention! After resetting (rather than erasing) the settings, you do not need to activate the device.

Cellular Activation

For this, of course, it is necessary that the device has a SIM card. Next, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Check if the data transfer service is connected on the SIM card. cellular network 3G or LTE. If not, you need to contact the post office and activate such a service.
  • When you turn on the smartphone, it will contact the Apple activation server, which will automatically check the device and start the activation procedure.
  • On the display, in the status bar, the symbol of the communication company will pop up, the SIM card of which is in the device.
  • Finish setting up the device.

If the service on the user's card mobile internet not connected or in this moment unavailable, he can use the second method of carrying out the procedure - using a wireless Wi-Fi network.

We use Wi-Fi

Is it possible to activate a gadget from Apple without the presence of a mobile Internet - this question often worries users. Sure. It's even easier and faster to do this procedure over Wi-Fi.

To carry out the activation procedure in this way, you must:

  • Insert the SIM card into the device and check if it is turned on (the smartphone must be turned on).
  • Select country and language.
  • Connect your iPhone to a Wi-Fi network and go online.
  • Further, all the steps will be intuitive, because the user will be helped by the iPhone setup assistant.

If both of the above methods did not suit you for some reason. For example, none of the Internet types is available on the device, try using the aytyuns utility.

ITunes is a faithful assistant in activating iPhone

Using the aytyuns utility to activate a smartphone from Apple, you need to do the following:

  • Insert the SIM card into the device.
  • Turn on your smartphone.
  • Swipe from left to right anywhere on the display.
  • Make a choice of country and language.
  • Connect to aytyuns by clicking on the corresponding inscription.
  • Connect your smartphone to your computer via USB cable(necessarily original, not a Chinese fake). If the program does not start, start it manually.
  • Wait for the smartphone to be recognized by the aytyuns utility, after which it will connect to the apple server.
  • Activation will be completed automatically, and a message will appear on the display stating that the device is unlocked.
  • Complete the device setup procedure.

Above, the main methods of activating mobile devices from Apple using cards of telecom operators were listed and described in detail. There are 3 such methods in total, and each of them requires the presence of the Internet - whether in the gadget itself or on a computer. But there is another method that few people know about, and which does not require the presence of a SIM card in the device at all.

How to activate iPhone without SIM card?

After purchasing iPhone user first of all, it unpacks it, checks the equipment, examines appearance, admires the design, and after that the question arises of testing the performance of the new gadget. However, in order to do this, you need to activate it. But what if you haven't bought a SIM card for the device yet? Two "secret" ways of doing the procedure without a SIM card will help here.

1st method. It involves turning on the device, and when a greeting appears on the display, sequential pressing of the Home and Emergency buttons. After that, you need to dial 112 and start the call. Quickly cancel the call by pressing cancel. After the end of the call, the gadget will perform all its functions and work normally. The activation will complete.

2nd way. Requires the use of the Windows utility aytyuns. The user's computer must have newest version this program. If there is none, you need to go to the Apple website and download it. After that, you need to connect the smartphone to the computer via a cable and all that remains is to follow the instructions that will be displayed on the screen. After completing the steps required by the system, the iPhone will be activated.

Based on their detailed description of 2 ways to activate a smartphone from Apple, implemented without using SIM cards, it can be noted that the first method can be used if the user does not have access to a PC or laptop. The second method will work if you have a computer with the latest version of the aytyuns utility installed.

One of the main reasons for the wild popularity modern smartphones lies in their reliability and serviceability.

But what if the iPhone 5 won't turn on, and you've tried every possible way?

Unfortunately, even the most advanced gadget of our time is not immune to falls, breakages, shocks and more.

Below we will analyze the most likely reasons why your device does not turn on.

We will not take into account the cases when the Iphone 5 turned off due to the fact that it was simply completely discharged. Consider more complex causes of breakdown.

Reason # 1. System crash

As practice shows, a system failure is one of the most common reasons why your Iphone 5S stopped turning on. In this case, there is no need to carry the smartphone for repair.

You can repair the damage yourself.

  1. Examine your gadget carefully if the apple is on fire, but blue screen went out, then proceed as follows: hold down the only button located at the bottom of the display and the off (lock) button on the panel at the same time.
    Then hold for 15 seconds. If the cause of the breakdown of the Iphone 5S is precisely a system failure, then it should turn on.
  1. If the apple does not light up, as well as the blue screen, while you are sure that your smartphone is not discharged, then try simply restarting the Iphone 5S by long pressing the button on the phone panel.

Advice! If both of the suggested options did not help you turn on the phone, and you are still asking yourself what to do next, then after that try to repeat the same manipulations, moreover, the device is charging all the time.

Reason # 2. Wet or overheated

No matter how reliable the Iphone 5S is, if you drown it or, conversely, leave it in the sun for a long time, then most likely you will need to replace the battery later.

So, if the blue screen goes out and does not burn after falling into the water, then proceed as follows:

  • disassemble the smartphone until the battery is replaced and let all its components dry thoroughly.

Advice! The elementsIphone 5S must dry naturally. You do not need to specifically put them in the sun or use a hairdryer, as you can only aggravate the situation.

  • after drying, collect the smartphone and try to turn it on. If your gadget does not turn on, and you do not know what to do next with it, then we can confidently tell you that the case smells like repair. Take your phone to a workshop and as soon as possible.

Suppose that your Iphone 5S is overheated, the temperature indicator built into the smartphone can inform you about this.

If the phone stops turning on and the apple is off, then the first thing you need to do is let it cool down.

In other words, it is not charging, not connected to a computer, and in a cool place.

But what if, after all the manipulations, the Iphone 5S does not turn on and does not even charge? The answer is simple: take it to the workshop.

There is a high probability that you have flown motherboard, which means that you will need to replace it.

Reason number 3. Broken charger

You protect your Iphone 5S like an apple of an eye, there was no fall, and it did not sink in water. However, the gadget has turned off and is no longer charging.

You also noticed that the apple on the back of the phone is off and the screen is no longer blue but black. What to do in this case?

  1. Check serviceability charger... It is possible that the gadget has stopped working and is not charging for this very reason. Tip: in order to make sure that the matter is in the charging, try using it to connect another device.
  2. Check the condition of the connector on the Iphone 5S. If the reason lies in this, then you most likely cannot fix anything. Take the gadget to the nearest service.
  3. Check for electricity at home. No matter how strange it may sound, there are cases when the user thought that the Iphone 5S stopped working for whatever reason, but it did not even occur to him that there was no electricity in the house or the outlet simply broke.

Reason number 4. Requires installation of new firmware

Consider a situation when you notice that your smartphone does not turn on, while the apple on the back does not light up, and you know what to do about it.

Quite often, the reason lies in the fact that your smartphone needs a new firmware.

Flashing as such does not bode well for your Iphone 5S.

Since the consequences of poorly done work can subsequently be irreversible if you turn to incompetent specialists.

There are also known cases when it was easier for a user to change an iPhone than to install a new firmware.

Before you decide on one of these drastic measures, make sure your smartphone is not overheated, dropped, or charged (while charging is good).

Also check how the apple reacts on the back of the smartphone and the screen when you try to turn it on.

If the display turns blue at the same time, then perhaps you can do without replacing the firmware.

And in the case when neither the apple nor the screen responds to switching on, the situation is much worse and in any case you need to carry the device to the service.

Reason number 5. Fake phone

Knowing how the black market for fakes is thriving these days, it is unlikely that anyone will be surprised to learn that he purchased a fake Iphone 5S even at the cost of the real one.

The quality of purchase can only be guaranteed when you buy a product in a company store.

So, what to do if you find that you have purchased a fake:

  1. With or without receipts, try to return your purchase to the store. The sellers may not want to make a fuss and will refund your money.
  2. If, for one reason or another, they refuse to accept the phone, then take it to the service, where they can give you a paper stating that you purchased a counterfeit product, which is passed off as a real one. After, act according to the circumstances.
  3. If you purchased a product in an online store and, moreover, the seller did not claim that his product was real, then you will hardly be able to return the purchase or defend your rights.

Advice! If you find that you have purchased a fake and do not have the opportunity to return it, then try to take it to a service for repair. After all, you can also call using a fake.

IPhone won't turn on, won't charge

iPhone 5 Won't Turn On: Solutions and Causes of Possible Breakage