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Apple iPhone keyboard settings

Looking for where the number sign is on the android keyboard? Don't look. You will not find it. There is no number symbol on the android keyboard.

Do you know why? Because this OS was created by the Americans, and they do not use the number icon - instead, they put a sharp (lattice).

Although there are many keyboards, you can put a dozen, but I have not found such a symbol on any - the number key is absent at all.

Nevertheless, if you need it, I will show you how to add it so that you can put it in the place you need at any time.

Add a number sign to the android keyboard

NOTE: everything written below is tested on android 5 and 6, there may be differences on other versions.

Find the icon first. Fastest on the internet. Click on it and hold your finger until the "copy" option appears - click on it.

Now start the keyboard, at the bottom left click on the "gear" icon and hold your finger until a menu in the form of six characters pops up, then click on the leaf symbol - this is the clipboard.

Now, when you need to put a sign, just click on this piece of paper and the number symbol will immediately be available to you.

One click on it, and it will be registered in the right place. You can turn your phone off and on, it won't go anywhere and will always be available to you.

This is how you will have a kind of new number key - I do not know other options, except that there is a keyboard where it can be.

If you know this, share it, and this is where I end my little guide. Good luck.

NOTE: it is possible that this symbol is in text editors, I have not looked yet, if I find an answer.

Each owner of iDevices constantly uses virtual keyboard on your device: typing, sms, tweets, surfing the net, etc. There are many tasks and not to count them. In our selection, we have collected 7 simple tips to help make things easier on iPhone / iPad. Some of them lie right under the user's nose, while others require some guidance. We look.

1. Special characters

When I started learning German, I faced the problem of writing umlauts. Of course, they are in the German layout, but typing on it "without looking" is not at all as convenient as typing on the usual English one. In fact, many characters on the iOS keyboard have additional meanings, which can be seen by holding down virtual key... Thus, in English "a" is abvägåä.

The same advice works for typing site addresses in Safari. If you hold your finger on ".com" ("." In iOS 7), you will see many domains from .org

2. Abbreviations

You often use "etc.", "etc." and other common abbreviations? So teach iOS to understand them. Go to Settings - "General" - "Keyboard" and set the combinations you need. If you are not too lazy to fill out the form once, you will notice how convenient it has become to work. Thus, "etc." will turn into a nice "etc.", and uip, for example, will independently expand to UkrainianiPhone.

For some unknown reason, you cannot assign an emoji as an abbreviation = (.

3. Tapney, swipe, ???, PROFIT

Since the keyboard is virtual, you involuntarily have to face the problem of switching layouts. Unlike english keyboard, not a single character fits in Russian, so you constantly have to move to ".? 123" to put a simple comma, and then back to the letters. To save time, try tapping on ".? 123" and without removing your finger from the surface of the screen, slide it to the desired character. By tearing off the pad of your finger on the desired character, you will see that the system has automatically returned you to the letter layout.

4. Double space as a way to put a period

It would seem a simple advice, and many are aware, but there are still acquaintances who are surprised at this trick. After finishing the sentence, do not rush to move to the symbols to put an end. Better double tap on the space, and it will appear by itself.

5. Caps Lock or show on the Internet who is in charge here

Everything is simple here: double tap on Shift includes caps.

6. How to split and move the keyboard on iPad

Life goes on, and you never know where you will have to uncover your tablet for typing. In order to type with two hands over the canopy, it is best to split the keyboard in two. This is done simply: tap on the keyboard icon in the lower right corner and select "split". The keyboard will be divided into two parts, after which you can select its location on the screen (up and down). Method number two: simultaneously slide two fingers across the keyboard in different directions, as if independently "tearing" it. iOS is smart and will understand your desire.

7. Add Emoji and Glyphboard

The Emoji keyboard is just replete with a bunch of fun emoji and symbols. You can enable it in "Settings" - Keyboard - Keyboards - Add - Emoji (you never know someone did not know). Another thing is that even this may not be enough. For other purposes, the Glyphboard keyboard is suitable, which has many symbols and signs such as: ⌘⌥⇧⌃

We add on the iDevice to bookmarks or place the site on the desktop and copy the symbols from here at the right time. For the same purposes, you can

- (Numero sign) A sign indicating a number. It is always typed before the number to which it refers. Its shape depends on the national tradition. In Russia, the number sign [№] was adopted, which was borrowed in the 19th century. in France and Germany. Interesting that ... ... Font terminology

number sign- number sign - [L.G. Sumenko. The English Russian Dictionary of Information Technology. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Subjects information Technology in general Synonyms number sign EN number sign ... Technical translator's guide

-% Percentage sign Punctuation apostrophe ('... Wikipedia

- ÷ Division sign Punctuation apostrophe (') ... Wikipedia

Accent mark Punctuation apostrophe (') ... Wikipedia

- ¶ Paragraph mark Punctuation apostrophe ('... Wikipedia

- ® Trademark legal protection mark Punctuation apostrophe ('... Wikipedia

- √ Root sign (radical sign) in mathematics is a shorthand for roots, square by default. In the general case (for roots of the nth degree) the exponent is placed above the "birdie": the sign is used for cube roots, for roots of the 4th degree ... Wikipedia

- ¤ Currency sign Punctuation apostrophe (') ... Wikipedia


  • License plates, Jesse Russell. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Car number - individual registration ...
  • Stereoscope, 1, 2015,. We offer you the issue of the Stereoscope magazine. The main theme of the issue is `Metamorphoses`. The world of the 21st century is a complex nonlinear reality. In it, everyday social life and spiritual life are not ...

Experience has shown that full-fledged work with text on the iPad - especially when in use - is quite possible. At the same time, however, there are a number of specific tricks and tricks that are specific to this particular tablet.

This "cheat sheet" is devoted to such techniques.

Screen keyboard

For cursor positioning you need to touch the desired area of ​​the screen with your finger and, without moving your finger, hold the touch for 2-3 seconds. After that, a "magnifying glass" appears, showing in detail the area of ​​touch with the cursor. Without releasing your finger, move the cursor to the desired location.

Releasing your finger when the "magnifying glass" is visible leads to the appearance of a menu in this place, allowing ** to select and copy text to the clipboard, as well as paste it from the clipboard (Depending on the specific application, the appearance of this menu may differ slightly).

In some applications, text selection markers that look like “pins” appear along with the menu, in others, the “select” (or “select”) menu item is responsible for their appearance. By moving the markers, mark the required piece of text with them, then select the menu item "cut" or "copy".

There are other ways to select text. Short A two-finger tap within a paragraph selects the entire paragraph. Long Tap with two fingers apart selects the text between the touch points.

Touch? causes the next character to change case from lower to upper or vice versa. If you need to type SEVERAL characters in a different case, then you need to touch both?. For this in system settings“Basic? Keyboard "option" On. Caps lock". There is also an option "Autocapital", in which after entering a period, the next character is automatically converted to uppercase. On-screen key? can be used in the same way as on a conventional keyboard: touch it, then without releasing it, touch the desired character and release your fingers.

In russian on-screen keyboard period and comma are missing. For quick point entry you can enter two spaces in a row, which are converted by the system to a combination of "dot-space". (For this to work, you need to enable the option “ Shortcut key"." "). The comma, unfortunately, is only available from the digital layout (see below).

For entering the letter "ё" in the Russian layout, you must press `e` and hold the touch for 2-3 seconds. An image will appear additional key to which you want to move your finger without lifting it from the screen.

In the Latin layout, the keys `e`` y` `u`` i` `o`` a` `s`` z` `c`` n` are "expanded" in the same way, allowing you to enter these letters with different superscript and subscript accents ... The `!,` And `? .` keys 'expansion' allows you to enter an apostrophe and a quotation mark.

Available quick access from alphabetic to digital layout... To do this, touch the key `.? 123` and hold the touch down for 2-3 seconds. A digital layout will appear, on which you need to move your finger to the desired key without lifting it from the screen.

On digital layout The following keys are "expanded":

  • `0` - degree symbol" ° ";
  • `-` - various dashes (" - "," - ") and the symbol of the list item" ";
  • `$` - currency symbols "?? € ??";
  • `&` - paragraph symbol "§";
  • `.` - ellipsis" ... ";
  • `!` and `?` - inverted images "?" and "?";
  • `'' -‘ single ’quotes and backticks;
  • `" `-" different "" kinds "of" double "quotes.

On additional numeric keypad, called by `# + =`, the `%` key is "expanded", making the character per mille "‰" available.

External keyboard

Unlike PC keyboards, the Apple keyboard has not three, but four modifier control keys: `? Shift `` ctrl ''? сmd``? alt`

The arrows `?` `?` `?` `?` Work as usual, moving the cursor one position. In addition, in all layouts, the following keyboard shortcuts can be used to move through the text and edit it:

Any move when `? Shift` leads to the corresponding selection.

To switch keyboard layouts, use the `?` Spacebar` combination (on specialized iPad keyboards, a special key may be provided).

Russian layout (Cyrillic)

All symbols present on digital keys in the Latin layout can be entered from the Russian layout using the combination `?` with the desired number key.

A number of characters from the Latin layout are available from the Russian layout in the following alternative ways:

Row special characters that are not on the keyboard can be entered using the following keyboard shortcuts:

Notes to the table:

  • Em dash em-dash it is used as the main one: when transmitting dialogues and syntactically separating sentences - like this. En dash en-dash rarely used in Russian typography; its main purpose is to indicate numerical ranges (war of 1939–1945) and to combine surnames (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact).
  • Symbol dagger† in Russian typography it is mainly used to indicate the year of death or "died" status. However, its original purpose is unmarked footnotes (asterisks are used for this in Russian-language literature). Can be paired with double dagger(see below).
  • Russian typography requires the use of herringbone quotes. The use of "paws" is allowed in a situation of "quotes within quotes" and in some exotic situations (for example, in fiction for a mental dialogue of a character with himself).

Latin layout (Latin)

From this layout, you can get a number of symbols that are useful in Russian texts.