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We glue the protective film on the smartphone screen. How to stick a protective film on your phone so as not to redo it? Any napkins will not work

Although almost modern smartphones or tablets over $ 100 have protective glass Gorilla Glass, but one gadget walk in your pocket with the keys and your display is scratched! To prevent this from happening, you must stick a protective film!

Many users still doubt whether to glue a protective film on a smartphone or tablet, the arguments that sound:

  1. There is a protective coating that supposedly protects the display from scratches;
  2. The quality and accuracy of clicks on virtual buttons and elements decreases.
  1. There is no superfluous protection, and once again it would not hurt to play it safe;
  2. The presentation of a smartphone or tablet is preserved, this is especially true for those who often change gadgets;
  3. The quality and accuracy of clicks practically does not change if used, good quality film;
  4. The protective film "suppresses" the impact if the gadget is suddenly dropped and may keep the display completely from cracks or reduce the area of ​​damage and further spread of the "cobweb".

We found out all the pros and cons, now what you need to know when buying protective films:

  • Do not buy "universal screen protector" mobile phones and tablets "- universal this is a waste of money
  • Buy high-quality films, firstly, they are more reliable, secondly, the accuracy of pressing does not suffer, and the third is easier to stick

Instructions on how to properly stick the protective film

Ideally, if a protective film would be pasted in a store, if this is not the case, then this is what you will need first of all:

  1. Credit card;
  2. An alcohol-free or other wet wipe without glycerin (ideal for monitor wipes);
  3. Plain dry napkin (not a table napkin);
  4. Protective film.

Preparation for gluing

It is advisable to carry out the gluing procedure in a non-dusty room, for example, a bathroom - after letting in steam in it, and then waiting for it to settle. Wash your hands with soap and water so that they are not greasy.

Usually all protective films consist of three layers: temporary lower protective film (transport), the middle one that remains, upper temporary protective (transport) Make sure that the lower temporary protective film is free of dust and dirty oily traces.

Protective film sticker

1. Move your smartphone or tablet to a firm, non-staggering surface.

2. Take a damp cloth and dry the display very thoroughly. After wiping, you should not have the slightest trace of grease or dust, you may need a couple of wipes for this.

3. After thorough wiping with a damp cloth, take a regular dry one and wipe the display, it is very important that there are no lint left during wiping.

4. Apply a protective film to the screen so that the lower shipping film is at the bottom, closer to the screen (thanks to KEP y). Gently and very slowly, pull the tab of the lower shipping film downwards and at the same time, gently, using smoothing movements, lay the film on the display surface.

Do not touch the inner layer when removing the lower shipping one!

5. If there are bubbles left between the protective film and the display, do not use a credit card to expel air to the nearest edge of the screen with a credit card.

6. After removing bubbles, remove the upper shipping tape.

A protective film is not only a way to avoid scratches on the smartphone screen, but also an additional line of defense in case of falling screen down. Indeed, by taking on the main force of the impact, the film significantly reduces the risk of getting a broken screen. Sticking a protective film on the screen of your smartphone is a must. And how to do it yourself at home? We will tell you now.

Let's start by choosing a film.

We recommend using films from reputable manufacturers, for example SGP, or Ozaki... They are more expensive than Chinese universal films, but they stick better, stay on the screen longer, and are made individually for each phone model. Universal films are cheaper, but among their disadvantages are the need to cut the film to fit the screen, which is not so easy to do, and a short lifespan.

So you have chosen and bought a protective film.

Now let's get ready for sticking. It is best to glue the film on a flat, hard surface. Pre-clean the surface from dust. To avoid the appearance of greasy fingerprints on the inside of the film, wash your hands with soap and water before gluing.
You will also need a card made of thick cardboard or soft plastic to squeeze out air bubbles after gluing the film.

If you already have a film on your screen, carefully remove it. Do not use sharp objects to remove the film - you will scratch the screen. Take two pieces of tape, stick them on the top and bottom edges of the tape, and gently pull the tape upward.

Now you need to clean the smartphone screen from dust and glue remnants of the previous film. It is best to use a special anti-static spray and microfiber cloth for cleaning. The napkin, as a rule, comes with a high-quality film. If you are unable to use a spray, an alcohol wipe will do. Some film manufacturers put both microfiber and an alcohol wipe in the kit.

Do not use alcohol, medical alcohol, or abrasive liquids to clean the screen!

Apply a little spray to your smartphone screen. Do not worry about getting spray into the slots of the case - this spray will not damage the microcircuits, since it is a dielectric (does not conduct current).

Use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the screen until it shines. Try to remove all visible traces of dirt and all small dust particles.

After cleaning the screen, take the film and peel off the bottom layer covering the adhesive surface of the film. Carefully holding the film over your smartphone, align it according to all the cutouts and buttons on the screen. Slowly lower the film onto the screen and let it flatten.

If you lowered the film a little, it's okay. Just lift the tape gently and try again.

Now you need to smooth out the film on the screen, simultaneously squeezing out the remaining air bubbles. Take a card and flatten the film from the center outward. Do not press too hard - you could scratch the film.

If after gluing you notice a speck of dust or a hair under the film, take a piece of scotch tape and gently lift the film with it. With the second piece of tape, peel off the speck of dust from the film, and smooth the film again. Some manufacturers put special adhesive strips in the kit with the film, which are designed just for removing dust particles. Better to use them.

That's all! You have successfully pasted the protective film with your own hands. As you can see, it is quite simple and will not take much of your time.

Especially for you, we shot a detailed video instruction on how to stick a film on your phone.

How to stick the film on your phone or tablet correctly and without bubbles?
An excellent question that interests every owner of a smartphone or other technology, who treats it with care, but does not want to overpay money when buying it. Today we will clearly understand how to properly stick a protective film on the phone with our own hands at home.

Required kit

To implement the plan, you will need:

  • Screen protector for phone or tablet for your model
  • Screen cleaner or alcohol
  • Clean microfiber cloth for cleaning monitors
  • A plastic card
  • Scotch
  • Straight arms

How to stick the screen protector on your phone without bubbles?

I would advise you to start learning to glue protective films from a small diagonal. The smaller the surface, the easier it is to stick it evenly and the less chance of dust getting under it.

At the preparatory stage, the first step is to choose a room in the house that has the least amount of fabric and, as a result, dust - the ideal option would be a bathroom or kitchen. And second - wipe the table on which you will glue the film to your smartphone with a damp cloth.

After that, we print out a fresh, clean napkin, sprinkle it from a can of cleaning liquid on it and wipe the monitor clean so that its surface is perfectly clean without any streaks or dust. If even the smallest particles remain, they will lead to the formation of hard-to-remove bubbles under the film.

Then we take the film and see on it two labels with the numbers "1" and "2". This is the marking of the outer films that protect the protective film itself, which we will stick on the phone, from damage. We apply it to the screen and see how all the technical holes for the buttons, camera and sensors will be combined.

Carefully tear off the outer protective film marked "1". You can do the whole thing at once, you can start from the top edge - as it is more convenient for anyone.

In the event that there is a large central button, then it would be best to remove the protection completely and apply the film first along the central axis, and then smoothing the edges away from it.

In the process, air bubbles may appear - we do not pay attention to them, but after the film is evenly glued to the entire surface, we take an ordinary plastic card and squeeze them out from under the film to the edges of the screen.

After that, you can remove the second auxiliary layer with the number "2" and finally smooth the film over the monitor with a napkin.

In the event that there are bubbles with dust dots under it, then we take ordinary office tape and cut off 2 tapes from it. We glue the first piece on top of the film to lift it. And the second one is carefully applied from the inside to the part on which the dust remains and remove it. Then we return the protective film to its place and smooth it.

For clarity, I also cite a video on how to stick a film on a tablet using an example iPad Mini.


Prepare workplace and dust off the area thoroughly. Any speck of dust increases the risk of dirt getting under the film.

First of all, you need to prepare a film for a specific screen. If the film is released for a specific model, then you need to make sure that all the elements of the smartphone (camera, sensors, speaker) are really in the slots on the film. In the absence of them, you need to cut through yourself. Try on tape in place.

Wipe the screen thoroughly with microfiber. If you use a different type of fabric, the screen will attract all fine pile and dust particles, which will be very difficult to remove later. It is imperative to erase all streaks and traces of greasy fingers. It is necessary to achieve such a state when the screen is perfectly clean. At this point, cover it with a rag and move on to preparing the film.

Take the prepared film. Remove the first protective layer from it. It is not necessary to tear off the protective film to the end. Just start filming it. Next, start gluing the film to the smartphone from top to bottom. If the film is of high quality, then you need to start gluing it from the most difficult point - the location of the sensors and the speaker. With a lower quality film, we do the opposite.

Slowly smooth the film from the center to the edges, gently peeling off the bottom protective layer. Smooth out the film with a cloth. Squeeze the emerging bubbles from the center to the edges.

If bubbles still form, then you can carefully peel off the film, remove the bubble and glue the film back. If hair or a speck of dust gets on the film, then it is useless to try to remove it. Any attempt to do so will result in permanent film loss. appearance... Also, in no case need to pierce the bubbles with a needle.

How ideal is to stick, glue, glue a protective film on a smartphone, phone.

From the article you will learn how to stick a protective film on a phone, on a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, 8 Xiaomi, a tablet on your own. The whole process will not take much time, and the manipulations are not complicated. The main thing is accuracy and lack of haste.

How to correctly and accurately stick a protective film on the screen of a Samsung smartphone without bubbles: instructions, photos, videos

  • Why do we need a protective film on the phone - every gadget owner will answer without hesitation: a thin film will protect the smartphone screen from scratches and will serve as an additional line of defense in the event the phone falls screen down.
  • A thin protective coating significantly reduces the risk of screen damage. It accounts for the main force of the blow. Therefore, when buying a phone, you should make sure that the protective film is glued on in the first days of using the gadget.
When buying a phone, you should make sure that the protective film is glued on in the first days of using the gadget.

How to stick a protective film: instructions

  • From what kind of film you buy for your smartphone (from which manufacturer) depends how long the film will last and whether you can choose a cover for a specific phone model.
  • Of course, you can opt for the Chinese universal film, but expect difficulties in the process of gluing the film to the screen, as well as the fact that the protective coating will not last you long.
  • Among the most famous manufacturers in this category of goods, SGP or Ozaki can be distinguished. You will have to pay more for the film, but the result is worth it.

  • If you do not have the opportunity to select a protective film for your smartphone model (out of stock or you need to wait a long time for a new product to arrive at a particular store), then you have universal Chinese films at your disposal. The disadvantage is that you have to tinker a little, cutting the film to fit the screen of your smartphone. Do not forget about the short service life of such a protective coating.
  • If you already have a protective film for your smartphone, then proceed to the second stage - gluing.
  • We transfer everything that we need in the process of work to a solid surface. We clean the work surface from dust. We wash our hands with soap and water before we start gluing. This is necessary so that we do not inadvertently leave greasy fingerprints on the inside of the film.

  • Let's prepare a card from thick cardboard. Soft plastic will do as well. This simple device will help us get rid of air bubbles after the film is glued (they just need to be squeezed out).
  • We remove the old film glued to the screen. We do this carefully, without using sharp objects that will leave scratches on the screen.

How to quickly remove old film? We take scotch tape. We tear off two pieces and glue them to the film. We glue one piece to the upper edge of the film, the second piece to the lower edge. Now you need to gently pull the tape upward on the edge of the film. After removing the old protective film, you can proceed to the next step.

  • We will clean the smartphone screen from dust, remove the remnants of the glue from the old protective coating. We need a special anti-static spray, microfiber cloth.
  • If you purchased a high-quality film, then such a napkin is completed with it. If you don’t have a spray, don’t worry: an alcohol wipe will do a great job of cleaning. Sometimes a protective film comes with a microfiber and an alcohol wipe.

What not to use when cleaning the smartphone screen:

  • alcohol
  • rubbing alcohol
  • various abrasive liquids

The process of cleaning the display and applying the protective film is as follows:

  • We spray a little spray on the smartphone screen. If the spray gets into the slots of the case, it will not disrupt the operation of the smartphone: the microcircuits will work properly, because the spray does not conduct current, being a dielectric.
  • Wipe the phone screen with a microfiber cloth until it shines. In this way we get rid of visible traces of dirt and small dust particles.
  • We turn all our attention to the film: you need to remove the layer from it that covers the adhesive surface.

  • We place the film over the smartphone. Align the protective cover in such a way that all the cutouts coincide with the edges of the screen and the locations of the buttons. We put the film down on the screen without haste. We do not pull, but let the film align itself.
  • If you started to lower the film and moved the edges a little, then don't worry: just lift the film over the screen again, align and repeat the manipulation of overlaying the film on the screen.

  • Gently smooth out the film, trying to squeeze out air bubbles. We squeeze out the remaining bubbles with the help of a card: we go through the card along the film from the center to the edges. It is not necessary to use force, as the film may be scratched.

We walk the card over the film from the center to the edges

Dust, lint or hairs that remain after gluing the film are removed as follows:

  • Cut off a piece of tape and attach it to the edge of the film. Gently lift the film. Now, with the second piece of scotch tape cut off in advance, peel off a speck of dust from the film. Smooth out the protective coating again.
  • In addition to napkins, some protective films are supplied with special adhesive strips. They are convenient for removing dust particles from under the pasted film.

Video: How to apply screen protector on Samsung Galaxy S3

How to properly and accurately stick a protective film on the phone screen of an iPhone without bubbles: instructions, photos, videos

The protective film, pasted in the cabin, does not bubble, and general form gadget with a neat film. But if you glue the protective film at home, then, at least how many do not repeat the manipulations with the application of the film, the result leaves much to be desired. And all why? You just need to know how to do this not very complicated procedure correctly.

How to stick a protective film on your iPhone phone screen:

  • Let's start by preparing the premises. To do this, you need to get rid of dust, due to which non-expelled bumps filled with air can form under the protective film.
  • The ideal work surface for beautifying your phone is the kitchen table. If you decide to start gluing the film in the living room, in the bathroom, you will have to come to terms with the fact that particles of micro-debris will remain under the film.
  • The reason is banal: there are many textiles in these living quarters. And furniture, carpets are real dust collectors, which you cannot completely get rid of during the period of ennobling your device. But, for example, you can take out towels, rugs, sponges from the bathroom.

How to stick a screen protector on an iPhone
  • If it seems to you that the room is clean enough to carry out such a simple procedure as gluing a protective film on the phone screen, then you are mistaken.
  • Dry air is simply a repository of light dust particles floating around everywhere. A spray bottle will help to get rid of their bulk. After using it, the dust becomes wet and heavier particles will fall to the floor.
  • If you nevertheless decide to glue the protective film in one of the living rooms, then make sure that the room is dust-free: a slightly damp cloth will help get rid of micro-debris on horizontal surfaces.
  • Cooking tools. What do you need for work? A phone or other device to be coated.
  • A tool with which we will clean up the screen.
    You will also need an antistatic agent or regular alcohol. We will prepare a credit or any other in advance plastic card.

The ideal work surface for beautifying your phone is the kitchen table.
  • You will need a clerical knife and microfiber.
  • Now you need to remove your hair and put on the appropriate clothing, for example, made of cotton. Woolen items are not suitable. We wash our hands with soap and place wet wipes next to the work surface.
  • We will use them in case of getting dust particles on our hands, minimizing the risk of dust particles getting under the protective film.
  • A universal film for any phone model must be prepared for gluing in advance. In this step, we need a clerical knife or ordinary scissors: we measure the contours of the device and in the most convenient way we get rid of the extra strips of film, adjusting it to the desired size.

If you need to perfectly fit the protective cover to the screen size, then make a life-size copier of the device
  • The remnants of the original film must also be disposed of. It can be used as a basis for fitting a new protective coating. Attach the old film to the new one and trim off any excess to fit.
  • If you need to perfectly fit the protective cover to the screen size, then make a life-size copier of the device.
  • Now we degrease the display surface with a special liquid, antistatic agent or alcohol. Small dust particles, villi are removed with a microfiber cloth. All further manipulations should be carried out in such a way that fingers do not touch the screen of the gadget. Also, make sure that the sleeves of your clothing do not touch the screen.
  • We glue the film. We will need to remove the first layer that connects to the device's screen. We turn the film with this side to the display and combine with it. At this point, it is important to check if the bends and holes for the buttons match.
  • Carefully separate the first layer from the protective coating. We hold the film by the edges, without touching the first layer with our hands.
  • We apply a protective film to the display. We start from the edge. The edge of the plastic card will help guide the film in the right direction. If bubbles form during the placement of the film, use a plastic card: press the card from the central part of the film to the edges. If all our recommendations regarding the preparation of the premises for work and the removal of dust have been followed, then the problem of non-expelled bubbles will not threaten you.
  • Remove the second layer of the film.

We check if there are any unfortunate specks of dust left under the screen. If yes, then we use stationery tape:

  • Cut off two strips of tape.
  • Apply one piece of adhesive tape to one edge of the protective film and gently lift the film. We need the second piece to remove the speck of dust. We return the film to its place and use a plastic card to align the edges.

Video: How to apply a protective film on an Iphone 5

How to perfectly glue the protective film on the tablet without bubbles: instructions, video


How to remove air bubbles from under the protective film: tips

  • For many owners of smartphones of new models, the availability of modern functions in gadgets is not so important. The main thing is that the phone emphasizes the status of the owner. In the case of a scratched smartphone screen, there is no need to talk about style and status.
  • To prevent such possible troubles, a protective film is used, which is glued to the phone display. The only difficulty that arises in the process of work is the appearance of air bubbles under the film.
  • If, after gluing the protective film, air bubbles and bumps have formed, then it will be difficult to get rid of them at home without resorting to the services of a master.
  • The reason for the formation of bubbles is the ingress of dust particles or particles of micro-debris under the protective coating, which greatly complicates the process of getting rid of the "defect": in some cases, only a complete replacement of the film helps.

How to get rid of bubbles under the protective film:

  • We check if the screen protector matches the size of the display.
  • We wipe the screen of a mobile or tablet with a microfiber cloth (they are usually completed with a protective film). You need to try to do it in a single movement.
  • Turn on a bright light and check how clean the screen is mobile device... The display should be free of spots, dust particles.
  • In the process of gluing the film, do not touch the open adhesive bottom layer of the film, on which there is a sticker with the number 1.

How to get rid of bubbles under the protective film
  • We try to glue the protective film so that its edges coincide with the edges of the display and lie exactly horizontally and vertically. Finally remove the bottom adhesive layer and apply the film to the display.
  • We make sure that there are no distortions. If it was not possible to avoid their appearance, then we re-stick the film.
  • We use a plastic card or a special scraper, which is included in the kit along with a film and a napkin, removing bubbles formed under the film.
  • After all these manipulations, you can remove the last layer of the protective coating, indicated by the blue number 2.

Now you know how to glue a protective film on a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, 8 Xiaomi, tablet and how to get rid of air bubbles.

Video: How to properly glue the film on a smartphone