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How to turn on a netbook if it won't turn on. The laptop has overheated and will no longer turn on. The laptop turned off and does not turn on. Windows starts and starts loading, but everything is bad enough ...

The 21st century is considered the century of new technologies, and almost every person has a computer at home. Moreover, in recent years, most users prefer to use laptops. The popularity of laptops is quite understandable - they take up little space, are mobile and are not much inferior to conventional personal computers.

Many of the users of mobile PCs at least once in their lives faced the problem when the laptop stops turning on for no obvious reason; this puts most people in a state of panic. In this article I would like to highlight this problem and try to solve it at home without resorting to the help of a specialist.

So your laptop won't turn on, what should I do? The very first thing that we must determine is at what stage of inclusion the problem occurs, and the degree of breakdown of the laptop depends on this. The most difficult laptop breakdowns for home elimination are connected by its internal parts, the so-called iron. It is possible to determine that the malfunction is so deep, if no action occurs when you turn on your device - the screen does not turn on, the laptop does not make noise and the LED indicators do not light up, showing the operation of the device. These factors indicate a malfunction in the motherboard power supply. In most cases, problems with motherboard It is impossible to fix it at home by a non-professional, but before taking your computer to the service, you can check a few minor breakdowns from which the laptop shows the same symptoms.

My laptop won't turn on, what should I do?

  • Verify Charger laptop - it often happens that the failure is precisely in such a trifle: a loosely connected cable to the network, lack of voltage in the electrical network or failure of the charger. If your laptop suddenly shuts down and turns it on again doesn't do anything, take a look at the charging indicator. If there is no charging, and the laptop continues to function, then the charge indicator should blink when you try to turn on the device - this is the most accurate indicator of a charger failure. But be careful, if the laptop will stand for more than a day without charging, the indicator may not light up due to the complete discharge of the battery.

  • Check the laptop battery - just like the charger, the battery tends to fail and prevent your device from turning on normally. In order to check the performance of the battery, you must disconnect it from your laptop and turn on the charger directly. If your laptop starts, then the problem is in the battery and it needs to be replaced, but until you replace it, you can use the computer using charging from the mains.

  • Eliminate the possibility of a failure of the internal software (Bios) of the laptop - problems with loading your device can be caused by a failure of the internal software that is used to control the devices of the laptop; from a voltage drop or improper shutdown of the device, a Bios failure may occur. In order to de-energize the motherboard capacitors and make a hard reset, you need to disconnect the laptop battery, turn off the charger, i.e. power off the laptop. After you turn off all power devices, hold down the power button several times and hold it for an average of 10 seconds. This procedure will remove all statics from the computer motherboard and de-energize the BIOS. The next step is to connect the laptop charger, but not connect the battery. If your device turns on, then the problem is fixed and you can connect the battery.

If all else fails ...

If the above methods did not help to start your laptop, then it is highly recommended to visit a laptop repair service center. This suggests that most likely the problem is in its hardware, and it is better not to repair the internal equipment of the laptop yourself.

If your laptop turns on - the screen lights up, the laptop is noisy and the LED indicators are on, then it is vital important devices laptop is ok. We move on to the next stage of turning on the laptop - this is loading. The download can be divided into 2 parts. The first part includes the initial boot of the laptop, it occurs immediately after turning on the device and configures the internal devices of the laptop. Loading is managed internally software devices - BIOS. The second part includes directly Windows boot.

Hardware configuration problems are common. You can understand this if, when you turn on your device, an initial splash screen appears (a black screen with white letters) and nothing further happens, i.e. laptop won't boot.

The reasons why such a malfunction can occur:

  1. Strong voltage drop;
  2. Incorrect shutdown of the device;
  3. BIOS failure;
  4. Failure or failure of laptop hardware.

To fix this problem, you need to carefully read the inscriptions on the screen. If the failure occurs due to an improper shutdown or due to a voltage drop, the BIOS reboots and resets to initial settings... Most often, to continue loading, you need to press the "F1" key, this is described by the message in the lower left corner of the screen - something like "PressF1 to continue" or "Press F1 to load default settings". For each BIOS version, these messages are different, so just pay attention to the presence of the inscription and press the proposed key to continue.

It happens that the internal software of the laptop crashes and prevents the computer from booting normally, but it does not display any error messages. In order to fix this error, you need to set all BIOS parameters to default. To do this, you need to enter the BIOS using the "F2" key (for most modern laptops) or the del key (found in laptops from 2000 to 2008) and find the line "Load BIOS default", in different versions BIOS this line can be in different places. Then exit and save the “Save Settings and Exit” parameters or press F10.

If the above methods did not help, then there is a very high probability that your equipment is malfunctioning, in particular, in 90% of cases, the hard drive is to blame.

After several initial boot screens, the computer displays the Windows startup splash screen, after which the desktop is loaded and the user is able to use their device. Many problems also occur when loading the operating system, but this is the most insignificant and easily fixable problem for your laptop, which is solved by reinstalling the operating system. We will consider the most frequent problems in the boot Windows which can be eliminated without resorting to reinstalling the system. If the Windows splash screen appears and nothing happens, or the computer restarts - this problem is fixed with varying success, the best option is to reinstall Windows, but you can try to boot using the built-in debugger.

To do this, after the initial boot of the laptop, before the splash screen should appear, we press the F8 key, in the menu that appears, select the line "Last successful configuration". In the latter Windows versions(Vista, 7, 8, 8.1) it is possible to resurrect your operating system using restore points - through the system restore interface. After several unsuccessful boots, Windows itself will offer to use the system rollback, which can also be called through the additional system boot menu via the F8 key.

P.S. The laptop does not turn on, what to do and who is to blame?

By carefully reading this note, you understand and understand the reasons for the breakdown of the laptop. Even if you do not have any problems, it is better to be aware of the most popular problems in order to prevent them during operation.

In contact with

Rarely, but still it happens that after updating a laptop to windows 10, it does not turn on. A black screen appears with the mouse cursor and hangs on it.

Sometimes you can just wait and everything comes back to normal sometimes not. This can cause incompatibility. What can be done in this case? Often the problem is solved by removing the driver for the video card.

Many people solve the problem by disconnecting network cable... Also note that after upgrading a laptop to windows 10, the old operating system remains in it for a month.

You only need. But if the laptop does not turn on, then this can only be done using the installation disc.

In safe mode, you can also roll back the system, the main thing is to be able to enter it.

What else can you do if the laptop does not turn on after upgrading to windows 10

Sometimes the matter may be in the BIOS settings. In it you need to enable the parameter "No-execute memory protect" to Enabled.

There are a lot of BIOS versions only and it can turn on in different ways. For example:

Execute Disable Bit
Execute Bit Support
Execution Prevention
Execute Disable Function
Intel XD Bit
NX Technology
XD Technology
NX BIOS Control

If all else fails, try full reset... To do this, do the following.

Turn off your laptop and disconnect all connected devices including flash drives and drives.

Turn off the power, remove the battery, and then press and hold the power button for at least fifteen seconds.

Plug in the power, but do not insert the battery. Turn on your laptop. If turned on - great. Insert the battery and use as usual. Good luck.

The laptop does not turn on and does not boot for various reasons - hardware or software. It often fails to start due to OS problems, incorrect BIOS operation, or after malicious applications are running. Next, we will tell you why the laptop does not turn on, and also describe how to eliminate most of the problems due to which the device does not boot.

Determining the source of the problem

I can immediately make a reservation that by the nature of the malfunction, it is almost always possible to determine exactly which component of the laptop needs repair. Analyzing the behavior of the device immediately after switching on can tell more:

  1. If the laptop completely turns off, and when you press the power button does not want to turn on and does not show any signs of life at all, the indicators do not light up, then this is definitely a hardware problem. In this case, you will have to change individual modules of the device.
  2. When it starts up, the light is on, after which it crashes when loading Windows, then this problem can be a software problem, which can sometimes be solved very easily.

Understanding the problems, as a result of which the laptop still does not turn on is already half the way to solving them.

The laptop does not respond when the power button is pressed

The reason why there are no signs of the life of the laptop at all is mainly power problems. I can advise further immediately to exclude the obvious things, for example, check if the device is receiving voltage. To do this, simply connect the power supply to the network - most adapters have a light bulb.

If it is on, then the device is working properly. The laptop also has indicators that light up to indicate that the device is connected to the network.

When the light is off and shows no signs of life, this indicates an inoperative power supply. Sometimes the lights are off due to loose connectors. It is quite easy to extend the life of a power supply unit - you need to turn on by first inserting the plug from it into the laptop, and then connect the device to the network. So the spark does not light up when connected, which is why the contacts fail more slowly.

In the case when all indicators are on when turned on, the problem may be in other devices. I can advise you to follow these steps:

  1. Remove the battery from the laptop and connect the device to the mains through the power supply unit without it. If the laptop starts up, the light is on, then the way out is to buy a new battery.
  2. If the laptop does not show signs of life, replace the battery.
  3. Disconnect external devices.

If, after turning them off, the indication lights up normally, the laptop is working, connect external devices one by one - this way it will be possible to determine what caused the failure.

Laptop won't boot, but fan noise is heard

Sometimes the laptop will not turn on due to a non-working screen, although the device itself boots. The backlight may just not be on. To enable, you can use "hot" keys. Their usual combination is the Fn button, pressed simultaneously with F2, F4, F5, etc. depending on the model and manufacturer of the laptop.

Sometimes the monitor itself does not show promise, and instead of an image, all sorts of artifacts can be displayed on the screen.

To check if only he is really faulty, the laptop should be connected to an external monitor.

How to connect an external monitor

To do this, you will additionally need a cable, it must correspond to the interfaces on external monitor and laptop. Usually, newer devices no longer have the outdated VGA interface at all, but modern HDMI.

  • connect the laptop and monitor with a cable;
  • connect the devices to the mains;
  • the monitor must turn on first, then the laptop.

If the monitor does not normally load an image, set the transfer mode on the laptop by simultaneously pressing Fn and one of the function keys F1… F12 depending on the manufacturer. It usually shows a schematic of a monitor and a laptop. This button is responsible for displaying the image - on a laptop, on a monitor, or feeds it to both devices.

Graphics card problems

If it was not possible to find signs of laptop life on the external device, but all the indicators are on, a common cause of a breakdown is discrete graphics card... Due to the frequent launch of "heavy" applications, games, poor performance of the cooling system and strong dustiness, video card devices overheat and quickly fail.

Therefore, to extend their life, do not work on a laptop sitting on a sofa or bed (this is how you close the ventilation grilles), and for "heavy" games, purchase a special laptop stand with built-in additional fans.

You can fix the problem either by replacing the burned out module, or simply by turning it off. If it turns off, then the built-in graphics will work normally, but serious games on the laptop will no longer work. Switching can be done in the BIOS by setting the Disable parameter for the burnt card. In addition to the described malfunctions, the device often does not boot due to the inoperability of the processor or motherboard.

Incorrect BIOS settings

Another case - the splash screen lights up, information about the laptop can be displayed on the display, but then it shows an error message, the speaker starts beeping or nothing happens at all, the system does not boot. The main reason for these problems is incorrect BIOS settings... You just need to reset them to default. For this:

  1. Go to the BIOS by pressing the Del button (for the Award version), F2 or F10 (for AMI) immediately after turning on the power several times in a row, sometimes the F1, F3, F10 or F12 keys are used to enter the BIOS.
  2. Find the line Load BIOS Defaults or something similar (the name may differ in different BIOS versions).
  3. Exit BIOS, saving the changed settings.

If the system does not start again, you should pay attention to the other modules of the laptop - their malfunction can cause the same problem.

Other problems preventing the laptop from booting

When there is a problem with having stopped working HDD, they can also be diagnosed by some signs. To do this, it is enough just to listen to the life of the HDD - the engine can spin the disk for too long in unsuccessful attempts to read information, the heads can also crackle cyclically for a long time. After that, he generally "hangs".

When the message "Error loading operating system" or something similar is displayed during boot, the problem may also be caused by hardware or software glitch hard disk... However, usually the reason for the impossibility of loading in this case is a USB flash drive forgotten in the USB connector or an optical disc in the drive.

An endless cyclic reboot of the laptop even before the OS is loaded happens due to problems with the motherboard. Specifically, it may be overheating of the south bridge or a short circuit. They are often sourced from USB breakdown. Poor power supply performance can cause a problem quick shutdown the laptop immediately after the start of the download - it goes out due to the fact that the battery simply stopped charging.

Solving software problems preventing the laptop from turning on

When suspicion does not fall on any physical module, you can try to repair or reinstall the OS to fix the problem. This will require installation media or a recovery disc (it is created right on the system).

Boot Loader Repair

If, when you try to boot, the display shows that the operating system was not found at all, you just need to restore the bootloader. Usually, similar problems arise when installing a second, older OS. For example, when the computer already has installed Windows 8.1, and you put the "Seven" as an additional one, then problems with their loading are guaranteed.

True, the solution is pretty simple:

  1. Boot from the installation media;
  2. Launch the command line in the initial installation window by pressing Shift and F10 at the same time.

To fix the problem, enter the following commands sequentially:

  • bootrec / FixMbr - a new boot record is created;
  • bootrec / FixBoot - new boot sector;
  • bootrec / ScanOS - search for all installed Windows;
  • bootrec / RebuildBcd - adds information about found operating systems to the boot repository.

After restarting, Windows should start.

Windows recovery

If the laptop does not work due to "broken" Windows, you will also need installation disk or a flash drive. There are different ways to carry out the operation:

He will be able to return the state of the system to a certain restore point, that is, until the moment when there were no boot problems at all. If you want to completely reinstall the OS, in the diagnostics menu, select the OS restore partition to its original state.

And most importantly, don't panic. If yesterday you turned off your laptop and today it "died", deal with the problem with a cool head and do not act abruptly - so you will surely find ways to eliminate the malfunction.

So, about 8 years ago, "laptops" actively burst into the world. They immediately began to be in active demand. Therefore, before discussing why the laptop does not start, let's talk about what advantages this technique has.

Benefits of laptops

For starters, a laptop is a compact device that can replace a desktop PC. This is quite convenient for those who do not have a lot of space in the apartment. A laptop even with the largest diagonal will take small amount places on the table.

Another plus is the possibilities. In terms of power, portable computers are not inferior to their stationary counterparts, sometimes even surpass them. Anyway, you must agree that a laptop is more convenient and practical - if you want to watch a movie while lying on the couch - please! I wanted to sit at the table - no problem! The quality of the "laptops" is no worse than stationary computers... But sometimes a problem may arise - the laptop does not start. Let's see why this can happen and how to deal with it.

There is no reaction

So, let's take a look at a rather rare, but very sad reason that the laptop does not start. You are trying to turn on your little "iron friend", but he does not react to your actions at all. That is, there are no noises, sounds of switching on, squeals, squeals, rustling and clinking - only silence.

If you asked yourself the question: "The laptop does not start, what should I do?" - and are faced with a complete lack of reaction of this technology to all your vain attempts to turn it on, then make sure that the laptop is in good working order. Of course, this will not be as easy as in the case of a stationary PC, but it is necessary to find out what is the cause of "death". Take the laptop to the service center - they will tell you whether your "laptop" is subject to resuscitation.

Is there food?

Another reason why the laptop does not start is the lack of battery power and, as a result, the lack of power supply to the equipment. So before going to the service center, first make sure that your outlets are in full working order. Thus, before sounding the alarm, try plugging your laptop into different outlets around the house.

Alternatively, insert the battery into your laptop and let it recharge for a while. The fact that power is supplied is usually signaled by a special indicator light. If it does not light up, the battery is faulty. But the laptop can work without it, only from the network. So don't panic right away.

Doesn't start to "music"

It may also happen that the laptop does not start, but there are still reactions to manipulations. This is already good sign- it's not about technology, you don't need to buy completely new laptop... Usually, a rather pleasing sign is the characteristic "beeping" during the first seconds of switching on.

What are they signaling? In general, there is a huge amount of literature, which clearly describes all the "beeps" and the reasons for their appearance in the absence of a full start of the computer. So if you turn on your portable equipment, and it "beeps" at you, there are two ways out: read the literature or take it to the service center. You can also contact your friends who have already had to deal with such a nuisance.

Shaking air

If the laptop does not start, the black screen, signaling its "off", still did not light up and boot, but the noise from your "iron friend" comes - this means that you simply do not have initialization. That is, the computer seems to turn on, gives signs of life (namely: the "cooler" turns on and makes noise), the "caps" and power-on indicators light up, and ... that's it. Nothing more. The fan is spinning wildly, the "computer" hangs and does not move from a dead center.

What could it be? There are several reasons for this. The first, perhaps the least pleasant, is the lack of hardware. To be more precise - processor or RAM. That is, of course, these "spare parts" are there, but they are in a faulty condition. A more favorable reason for your own fix is ​​a broken BIOS. In this case, you need to reinstall it and try to turn on the computer. By the way, if the laptop does not start, do not try to replace its constituent parts yourself - you are more likely to be left without portable equipment completely.

Eternal reboot

If you have read everything that was said earlier, but are still looking for a solution to the problem "laptop does not start, what to do", then study the article further. We now turn to more "pleasant" reasons.

It may turn out that the system will not boot, but the computer seems to be showing the next signs of life, but at the very last moment it goes to reboot. And so on until you turn it off yourself. This behavior is a signal of a BIOS failure. There are quite common cases when the BIOS "folded" due to overheating of the processor and accumulation of dust in the cooler. Sometimes the reason is damage to the computer's power supply system - it tries to turn on, but there is not enough power. So if the laptop does not start - Asus, HP, Samsung or any other - take it to complete diagnostics to a specialized center. Still, if computers are not your thing, just entrust your business to professionals.


Now let's get closer to more "mundane" options for why the laptop does not start. Quite often, problems arise directly at the start of the operating system. For example, Windows does not start on a laptop at the very beginning of initialization. That is, at the stage of the appearance of a characteristic company icon. Why won't my laptop start?

This kind of problem happens mainly due to the fact that the computer simply does not see the hard drive on which the operating system is installed. Thus, if you are sure that the problem is not in the processor or RAM, then check if everything is fine with your "hard" one. This action is done by studying the BIOS. If in the settings of the download queue, for example, you do not see the HDD, then the matter is in the hard disk. In this case, it must be replaced. It is not recommended to put your hand on the fragile and small laptop equipment on your own. Replacing a hard drive on a laptop is a delicate and rather complicated procedure.

Restart at boot time

If a laptop does not start - HP, Asus, Acer or any other (regardless of the manufacturer) - during the boot of the operating system, or rather, the OS constantly reboots even before you can contemplate your desktop or at least the words "greetings ", there are quite a few problems here. The most common are virus attacks. But there may be some failures and malfunctions. If you are overtaken this problem, then the simplest solution is to reinstall the operating system. Just put a clean "Windows" on a formatted hard drive, and all startup problems will be resolved. Of course, if you are a fan of "digging into" the root of the crash, you can try starting in safe mode and look for what exactly is the matter in order to bypass the process of "demolishing Windows".

There is sound, no picture

It also happens that the laptop does not start - a black screen appears immediately after you see signs of BIOS loading. With all this, the sound from the computer comes - the characteristic noises and music of Windows boot are audible. In this case, the behavior of the computer indicates that it is highly likely that you have problems with the video card. Most likely, it is simply broken or damaged. What should be done in this case? Of course, change the "spare parts". With a great desire and the appropriate skills, you can carry out this fascinating procedure yourself. Nevertheless, it is not worth the risk - computer malfunctions, "cured" by inept hands, can lead to the death of technology completely and irrevocably.


So, your laptop won't start. What to do? If you have been safely working behind your "machine" for a long time, with all this, there are options with a lack of electricity, battery and malfunction of any computer hardware already excluded, the problem is most likely caused by viruses.

Virus attacks, as you know, have taken place throughout the history of the PC. Hackers and other ill-wishers are ready to go to any lengths to obtain information and damage it. So, various "Trojans" are able to bring the computer to a state of "white heat", in which you will lose control over your operating system... In addition, viruses are capable of erasing information. Absolutely any. Personal files of different content are susceptible to attacks, but first of all, if the computer is "sick" system files... So in a simple way some important details of your operating system can easily be wiped off the face of the earth. As a matter of fact, after important files are deleted, then the first time you restart the system, you will encounter the fact that the laptop does not start. - this is the name of that picture, when only a black screen opens in front of the user when the computer boots. In the best case, a cursor will appear, which you can move around the monitor.

What to do if your laptop does not start for a reason First you need to try to clean your computer from pests. This can be done using special antivirus programs. In addition, a remedy can help you in this matter. Windows recovery... Doesn't start laptop asus or any other - all the same. Viruses do not bypass any computer.

If you don't want to once again figure out how to cure a computer system, you can simply update it. That is, reinstall. Format your hard drive and install a brand new OS. In doing so, make sure that this time you have a good antivirus program... Also, be very careful when downloading certain files from the Internet. Don't visit questionable sites.

Not fully working

Another question that we will look at today is on a laptop. What if you cannot install or run a toy / program? Very often on different forums you can find this question.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why games do not start on a computer. Here are viruses, and system problems, and crashes. But the most commonplace among them is that the laptop does not meet even the minimum system requirements. So try to watch the game match the hardware.

If this or that program or another file does not run on a laptop (especially those that include a lot of graphics), then take a close look at the video card. In many "laptops" it is built-in, which does not allow installing all the desired games. Even in system requirements you can see the inscription: "It may not work on laptops with the following video cards ..." Attentiveness, attentiveness, and again attentiveness.

Of course, due to viruses, games may also not start. The solution is simple - to cure the computer. In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to completely reinstall the system or roll it back to the moment when there were no failures. But there is a small problem with rollback - special viruses can prevent Windows from successfully completing recovery. Do not be alarmed and think carefully about how you can remove the virus from the system. Now you know what to do if Windows does not start on your laptop. Good luck!

If your laptop refuses to turn on, then there may be several reasons. But first you need to decide on the concept "does not turn on." If when you press (or hold down the power button) while the charger is connected, the laptop does not start, that is, you cannot hear the fan turn on, the screen remains black, then this means that the laptop does not turn on. In other cases, for example, when the screen remains black and you hear the noise of a working fan, your laptop has turned on, but there are other problems with displaying the image, etc. We'll look at both options.

The laptop does not turn on and shows no signs of life

Let's say that the laptop does not respond in any way when it is turned on. Why is this happening and what to do in this case? First you need to make sure that the power supply system is working properly. Usually at the point where the charger is connected there is led indicator charge. If the indicator is on, then the power is most likely supplied to the device normally. If you do not have a power indicator or it does not light up, then you need to make sure that the charger is working properly, for example, by connecting it to another laptop or by measuring the voltage at the plug to be connected. In the latter case, you will need a special device - a multimeter, which you need to know how to use. Of course, the best option is to connect a guaranteed working "charger", tested on other computers.

By excluding the charger from the list possible reasons malfunction, check the battery. Often, due to its malfunction, the laptop does not turn on even when the power source is connected. Remove the battery from the laptop, press and hold the power button for one minute. In this case, the charger should not be connected to the laptop. Without inserting the battery, connect the charger to the laptop and try to turn on the laptop. If it does not start, then the power module on the motherboard may be faulty or there is a short circuit in the power circuit and even incorrect firmware Motherboard BIOS boards. It is almost impossible to diagnose and eliminate such malfunctions without special equipment, therefore, in this case, there is a direct road to a laptop repair service center.

Another likely reason that the laptop won't turn on is a malfunction of the power button itself. Its contact group or a lead-in loop may become unusable. On many models laptop computers when pressed, the button is also highlighted. Therefore, if the power indicator of the laptop is on and the battery is definitely working, and the button does not respond in any way to pressing, then this may be the case. In this case, you will have to contact the workshop.

The laptop turns on - the screen is black

If your laptop nevertheless turns on, but the screen remains black, then this indicates a malfunction in the computer hardware. Moreover, such a malfunction does not occur instantly, of course, if you did not drop the laptop or subject it to strong mechanical stress. Failure of a backlight lamp or matrix inverter is usually accompanied by screen flickering, as well as uneven backlighting. These signs already indicate that the display may stop working soon.

Other reasons may be the failure of the RAM, as an option, the incorrect installation of the memory strip into the slot. RAM needs to be tested with special program e.g. Memtest86 +. Wrong work processor or northbridge, errors in the BIOS firmware are the reasons why the laptop can start with a black screen. Also pay attention to the CapsLock and NumLock indicators, they often start blinking in a certain way, indicating a particular hardware problem in your laptop. You can decode such signals on the device manufacturer's website.

If at the initial stage of loading, some information is displayed on the screen, but then the display goes out, then the problem is probably related to the inability to initialize the BIOS. This malfunction is caused by the components of the laptop, in particular, the chip of the south bridge, the processor (in this case, reboots occur some time after the laptop is turned on). Power outages can also affect BIOS performance, especially when the battery is dead. If the issue of overheating can be solved by replacing the cooler, then troubleshooting BIOS firmware and other hardware malfunctions, it is better to entrust a specialized service center.

Another symptom that the user may encounter is the laptop freezing after turning on. In this case, the computer does not respond to keystrokes on the keyboard. Such cases are often encountered when there are problems with the hard disk or with the operating system itself. To diagnose the hard drive, you need to perform a special test, for example, with the HDDScan program. Testing will check the integrity sectors of hard disk. It is also necessary to check the correctness of its connection. The failed south bridge may also be the culprit.

Software problems

This kind of problem can be attributed to the category "laptop does not turn on" at a stretch, since, in fact, the computer starts up, but questions arise about the installed software. This is a separate big topic. But still, let's briefly go over the possible symptoms and solutions to problems.

If the reason lies in the area of ​​software, then the first thing to try is to start the operating system in safe mode. Usually, to do this, before starting to boot Windows, you need to press F8 and select the boot option from the list provided. Click " Safe mode". If in this mode the laptop starts up normally and no freezes occur, then you should check the computer for viruses. Also, if you installed any software before the problems appeared, especially drivers, then they must be removed.

If, after all the manipulations in the normal boot mode, freezes or reboots still occur, then it is necessary to check the integrity of the operating system files. To do this, you need to install a disc with the original OS image into the drive and run in command line the SFC / SCANNOW command. According to the results of the scan, damaged system files will be automatically restored.

The radical and most recent solution to problems with the operating system will be a complete reinstallation. Do not forget to do this backup important files stored on the system drive.

Generally, most laptop hardware problems are best diagnosed and fixed by service centers... But with software bugs experienced users to cope quite well.