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Step-by-step instructions for installing Yandex Metrics on Wix. Do not pay attention to the small number of visits for low-frequency requests

Welcome to my blog site. Today we'll talk about how to add Yandex Metrics to the site Wix ... Every blog owner would like to analyze visitor behavior and increase conversions. How to do it? This is where Yandex Metrica comes to the rescue. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

What it is

Yandex metric - free service to view statistics and analyze the behavior of people on the project. To put it simply, this is a counter created to analyze which pages people visit more often and from where.

How does it work

The principle of operation is as follows. After registration in the system, a code is generated that is added to the site. Special script, written in the code, registers visits of people and collects information about them, which is filtered by various indicators.

What are they used for?

Correct work with Yandex Metrica will help:

  • Analyze traffic from different sources. By the way, you can find out on my blog;
  • Generate a report based on the collected information;
  • Analyze the behavior of people on an Internet project;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising used;

Analytics from Yandex will help you to properly promote your blog and optimize the money spent on advertising.


Go to the address , and fill in the following data:

  • Counter name;
  • Blog address;
  • If you have several projects, we register mirrors;
  • Timezone;
  • Timeout of visits, which is 30 minutes by default. Enlarge it if there is a long video.

At the bottom of the form, the system will generate the code. Place it between the head or footer of the site.

I would like to pay special attention to the item "Webvisor". It is a useful tool that visually tracks the behavior of people on pages. Disabled by default. Turn it on by checking the box next to it.

Still have questions? Then watch this video

Installing on Wix

We connect the code created above to the site. To do this, do the following:

  • Go to Yandex Metrica account ;
  • Click "Add";
  • In the "Name" field, write a name;
  • In the “Site domain” field, specify the one for which you will receive statistics;

  • Click on the "Create" button and now copy the number;

  • We prescribe it in Wix... To do this, go to wix account ;
  • Hover the mouse over the username and right at the top, click on "Domains";
  • We choose the one by which we will receive statistics;
  • Click on Web Analytics;
  • Insert the counter number obtained earlier;

Important! It will take several hours until it becomes possible to receive statistics.

How to install Wicks for free accounts

In the field "Counter name" we write your address of the Internet project. For example Next, in the "Site domain" field, write the address, but without a name, for example,

Installation for premium users

To connect analytics, just like for a free account, write down the name of the counter and add the address of the created Internet project in the "Domain" field.

Important! After installation, the status of the counter will be displayed in gray or red. This is due to the technical features of integrating it into Wix.

Some questions that arise during work

If you have made changes to the Metrica interface, edit the code on all pages where you installed it. The code is considered to be placed only at the top of the page. In fact, it is written in any tags. If you insert it at the beginning of the page, it will load faster.

If you are reading this article then you want to. Well done, it's better than doing nothing at all. Wix Builder will help you create a blog yourself, even if you do not have knowledge of html and. But, despite all its advantages, this constructor also has disadvantages that you need to know:

  • The site created on Vicks can only be rented;
  • He can be blocked;
  • If the system stops working or goes bankrupt, the site will disappear.
  • When switching to another hosting, for example, you can only transfer the domain, and the design will have to be re-created.

In addition to Vicks, there is also a good constructor Tilda ... Tilda is comfortable and easy to use. Therefore, I recommend paying attention to it. In it, by purchasing a premium plan, you can move to another hosting while retaining the design and links.

Creating an internet project is not that difficult, especially if you use good teaching materials. The course of Mikhail Rusakov will help you with this " WordPress 4: An Example of Creating a Blog ».


So, no matter what you create an Internet project on, you must use Yandex Metrica. This is the only way to create a blog that will be of maximum benefit, since you will be able to analyze the behavior of people on it. As a result, profits will grow.

Using this service will help not only to effectively promote the created blog, but also to optimize advertising costs. Subscribe to my VKontakte channel where you will find a lot of useful information.

WIX is a popular website builder that is simple and affordable for users. However, website optimization on WIX causes a lot of contradictions: a number of experts believe that it is impossible to promote a project made on this website builder, others claim that the processes are no different from standard promotion.

Optimizing a website on WIX: the main cons

The promotion specialists have compiled a list of the builder's shortcomings, due to which the optimization of a site on WIX becomes much more difficult or, in their opinion, becomes impossible:

  • JavaScript and Ajax technologies that make pages invisible to search engines;
  • the inability to insert the Yandex.Metrica code. Only Google Analytics can be connected;
  • the site cannot be modified: only standard solutions are available;
  • there are very few successful examples of output to the TOP of a resource using this constructor. And even the achieved good positions are very unstable.

According to some experts, website optimization on WIX gives mixed results: in particular, it is possible to bring only main pages to the TOP-10 by 1-2 queries. Promotion internal pages complex and does not lead to positive results.

Optimizing a website on WIX: the pros

The above examples are rather dubious, other experts are sure. They indicate a low level of professionalism of people, since site optimization on WIX has not been a problem for a long time. In particular, the major search engines are already comfortable with JavaScript and Ajax technologies.

In an official statement from Google, it is said that a new process has been launched in the system through which the search engine will be able to crawl and index the content of pages created using JavaScript and Ajax technologies. Therefore, optimizing a WIX site will be a standard process.

And here is a message from Yandex: “A robot can index Ajax sites if their structure meets certain requirements. In particular, each Ajax page must have a separate HTML version. You can show it to the robot by including in the url of the page Exclamation point... The robot, having found #! In the link, will request the HTML version of the page.

Correct site optimization on WIX

Otherwise, site optimization on WIX is a standard process of improving the quality of a resource and bringing it into line with generally accepted norms and is not much different from the promotion of other types of projects. Success criteria:

  • unique, useful content of high quality;
  • properly prepared (optimized) pages;
  • simple structure and clear navigation;
  • correct internal linking;
  • validity of the code;
  • usability.

Features of internal site optimization on WIX

Internal website optimization on WIX is very important, since the quality of the resource depends on it. All pages need to be targeted to specific search queries from a pre-formed semantic core... Based on the keys you need:

  1. Fill in meta tags correctly - with one target query included in a high-quality short sentence (for Title and Description) and with a list of keywords for the page (for Keywords).
  2. Use headings H1-H6 ... H1 should be alone on the page, then subheadings are distributed depending on the structure and logic of the content. They also use those that are suitable in meaning. keywords.
  3. Add text and visual content ... In the text and images, you need to use keywords, observing the rules of use, recommendations for density.
  4. Internal links ... They should transfer the weight to the pages that are most important to promote, as well as to new sections that should appear faster in the index.

In general, site optimization on WIX does not present any difficulties: if you solve the problems with indexing pages by search robots, the rest of the process will differ little from the usual promotion. With the right approach, the results of promotion will be noticeable in the form of a smooth growth of positions, an increase in traffic and other positive criteria. The key to success will be a professional approach to problem solving.

I think everyone knows the main advantages of the WIX editor, in their own words they can be described as convenient to do without being able to do anything). In this article I will tell you about the shortcomings of the editor, for whom it is suitable and what problems await you in the future.

Main disadvantages

No access to source code

Can't affect performance

Important functions are paid

Poor indexing by search engines in Russia

Details starting from the last one -

Poor indexing of WIX by Russian search engines

Now the audience of Russian search engines mainly uses Yandex and Google, the second search engine is the most popular in the world, but even it has problems with sites on WIX, more precisely, WIX has problems. The site you build will have a lot of Ajax elements, and there are often some inconsistencies in indexing with it. Keep in mind that this is with the most popular search engine in the world, and in the Yandex search results you will hardly find sites on WIX at all, even selling links from such sites does not pay off very much. The idea of ​​this article has matured after a large number of visits to our site related to requests for indexing wix.

Important functions are paid

Initially, an inexperienced user who wants to create a website can be lured by a beautiful interface, a convenient editor, and generally simplicity. But as soon as you get any experience, all sorts of little things begin to be required, and they just cost money, okay, spending about 400 rubles a month on connecting a domain seems to be not expensive, but that's not all, then you will need mail from domain name, contact forms, and much more. For all these functions, you will have to pay from 150 rubles a month, and oh, how many of them can come.

As you point a bunch of things to the site, problems will begin, with a regular site they can always be solved for free or not expensive, not here, you will have to fork out again.

No access to source code

This point is controversial, you may not need to configure anything, but I am writing about sites that hope to receive traffic from search engines, different settings may be required here, especially if the site is planned to be large.

Our opinion

We consider WIX website builder good decision for small projects not designed for promotion or long-term work (several years) such as - creating a portfolio, landing pages for contextual advertising, designing event pages and creating presentations ...

Here are some SEO secrets for a Wix website. Original taken from 12 SEO Boosts for your Wix Website

SEO management is the most important part in promoting your website on the internet. This is about as important as creating a good website itself. It's like a digital calling card - the right SEO strategy can take your business to the top of Google and generate a steady stream of organic traffic.

Luckily for Wix users, useful tips in SEO can be found right in its editor! Here are some ways to immediately improve your own Wix website SEO.

1. Personalize your header page

Each chapter in your favorite book has a unique title - just like every page on your site deserves a specific title. Adding unique titles to each of your pages not only makes your site look nicer and more organized, but also helps with SEO.

H1 headings are crawled by search engines like Google to categorize a web page. If you give every page on your site a short, clear, and descriptive title, Google will have a better understanding of what your page is about and help you with SEO rankings.

When you give a unique H1 title to each of your website pages, you can include your business name in the title as well, but we'll talk more about that in a moment. For now, here's an outline of how to add an H1 Heading to your Wix website.

Rice. 1. How to Add an H1 Heading to Your Wix Website

2. Create your own logo

Dedicating part of your headline to a personalized H1 headline doesn't mean sacrificing your own business name. Consider creating a unique logo for your website or business. Having your own logo is one of the better ways give your business a professional look. It is also great for SEO settings.

When talking about a logo as an image, there are other SEO considerations. Keep reading - our article contains tips on how to strengthen your image SEO on your site.

Rice. 2. How to improve SEO of images on the site.

3. Customize Google Headers for Your Pages

Your Google Title or Meta Title (as it is known in the SEO world) determines how your site will appear in search results. Not every page on your website contains the same information, so it is important to create meta names and short meta descriptions for all of the most important pages on your site to help potential customers find the correct information on your site.

The best meta names include industry-specific keywords. They can be entered by your target customers when looking for services provided by your business. We have already written about how to find the most suitable keywords for meta names in a previous article.

Be aware that meta names specific pages, like their descriptions, are often displayed next to the meta name home page in the search engines, so it's best to stick to a specific format for all of your headlines.

Google provides information on how to add a meta name to your Wix page.

Rice. 3. How to Add a Meta Title to Your Wix Page

4. Hide unnecessary pages

Not every page on your site deserves Google's attention. Certain pages, such as specific regional pages, landing pages, or password-protected pages for employees, are best kept out of the search engines' sight. By hiding certain pages from Google (not indexing them for SEO purposes), you can make key web pages private, which prevents irrelevant pages from competing with more important pages.

You can learn how to hide pages from search engines by reading our previous articles.

Rice. 4. How to hide pages from search engines

5. Sign pictures

Choosing great pictures to style your website is only half the battle when it comes to promoting it. Once you've selected your favorite photos, try to optimize your images for Google searches by adding descriptive text to each of your images. By adding text to images, you will help search engines categorize your photos and better understand your page, which ultimately leads to an overall improvement in SEO rankings. Here are some tips on how to add text to images.

Rice. 5. How to add text to images

6. Write smart content

The best way to help search engines and more importantly your audience understand what your site has to offer is to write a little about your business. Availability beautiful pictures on the site has great importance, but they cannot serve as a substitute for text. Search engines are looking for keywords on the site, trying to figure out what exactly you are offering. Give them content to work with and they can categorize your website appropriately for customer needs!

Take the time to write your copy, try to understand how your prospect thinks. Try to figure out what keywords and phrases people might be using when trying to find a specific business. We've already shared with you some great keyword tips in previous posts on this blog - they can really boost your Google rankings.

7. Use keywords specific to each individual page

Each page on your site has a specific role to play. Make sure to emphasize these roles with specific keywords in the titles and content of your web pages.

Here's an example. If you are a photographer, you are most likely offering a client a range of different services - wedding photography, glamor photography, family photography, etc. Give each of your pages a unique title and description so the right audience can easily find you!

Rice. 6. Keywords

8. Register in local directories

Promotion of your site in the relevant local directories is in a great way make sure your business is found by the people who need it. Directories are great for promoting your website. They are ideal for building a business, building a web presence, as link building is very important for improving your SEO rankings.

Large clumsy lists on yellowish pages have been replaced with lightweight and easy to use indexes. We have previously presented to your attention a list of 33 excellent directories for website promotion.

If you have a Wix premium account, your site is likely already listed in Google's Wix directory, which will certainly benefit your SEO. You can find out more by reading our previous posts.

9. Socialize your SEO

Another easy way to link external sites to your site and increase your search engine rankings is to track information useful to your business on social media. Social media is one of the first pages that appears when someone googles your business name. Linking them to your site should be your top priority.

If you've built your website using the Wix Template, you've probably noticed that the icons social networks are part of the design of each template. Make sure these badges take your customers to your business and social media pages.

10. Check Your Progress With The Wix SEO Wizard

The SEO Wizard by Wix is ​​a monitoring tool that is an excellent step-by-step guide for improving your website's SEO. This is an incredibly handy tool for easily implementing recommendations to increase your site's visibility on search engines and attract more customers. There are 250 million websites on the Internet, and this app will really help you make your Wix site shine!

Rice. 8. SEO Wizard Monitoring Tool

11. Use the 301 redirect function

If you have a site built with Wix, you can maintain your search engine rankings with the fast 301 redirect. The 301 redirect is a simple add-on that will direct all previous site visitors to your new Wix site.

Here's how to add a 301 redirect to your Wix site.

12. Use the Wix App Market

The Wix App Market has tons of great SEO apps. They will help you dramatically improve your search engine rankings! Apps like Rabbit SEO and Site Search can help you not only track your keyword rankings, but offer great tips for improving your SEO.

Check out the full suite of SEO apps in the Wix App Market.

Rice. 9. Apps in the WixApp Market

The Wix Builder is known for its website building and optimization capabilities. Wix SEO is a series of activities aimed at raising the position of the site, getting into the top 10 user queries. The platform works both with sites created with its help and with ready-made pages. To get started, you can use free opportunities... Creating a custom domain requires purchasing a premium plan.

Wix promotion: a basic misconception

For a long time, it was believed that a site on Wix is ​​not indexed by Yandex due to the fact that the platform uses AJAX technology. Today, this is a proven myth. On official pages search engines are given a clarification indicating the possibility of indexing and crawling such sites. However, Yandex Wix indexing is subject to a prerequisite: each of the pages must contain an HTML version.

How Does Wix Optimize Websites?

Working with two leading search engines in the CIS countries has left an imprint on the SEOWix principles. The following components influence the ranking of Google and Yandex sites to the greatest extent:

  • internal optimization (includes meta tags, usability, structure, filling with high-quality texts);
  • domain quality;
  • behavioral reaction of users (staying on the site for 15 seconds is regarded as a refusal, which automatically lowers the position of the site);
  • availability of links.

Wix SEO optimization is based on these principles in order to achieve high rankings. Therefore, the main attention there is paid to the design of the page using meta tags (without them, indexing in Yandex Wix site will not occur), keywords, connecting a personal domain, and optimizing images.

How to start website promotion: a feature of Wix

Before you start SEO on Wix, you need to make your site visible to search engines. For this it follows:

  • go to the editor and select the Settings section;
  • select SEO mode;
  • note that you are allowing search engines to find your site.

These steps will start crawling your site. However, not all content will be exposed. Some files will be inaccessible to search engines. This happens thanks to a special robots.txt tool, Wix creates such files automatically. They are a list of URLs and files that do not add value to the site in terms of its optimization. This procedure simplifies indexing and increases its efficiency.

Features of working with text

Wix optimization is impossible without working with text content and its design on the page. Keywords must be selected and inserted in an organic way into the content. They must appear on every page of text, in headings and subheadings, links and text descriptions pictures.

To write meta tags and configure page parameters, you must use the editor. Starts Wix website promotion by opening the Settings & SEO page. There you can write a title, a description of the page, enter previously invented keywords, you will learn how to insert html code in Wix, enter an address. This is the base that will be indexed afterwards, which means it will raise or lower your rating. After entering all the data, you can see how your page will look in the search engine results. To do this, click View in search, located on the same page, below.

You can also learn how to add a meta tag to your Wix site - key moment for optimization. Click on the Add section, where we select Apps and HTML, respectively. There you can enter or paste the required code, after which it should be updated.

Adding meta tags to the Wix header is useful when you need to prove your authorship, confirm your rights to the site. To do this, choose additional settings, where to enter additional code... To write them, there are a number of rules that must be followed: the code should not contain additional text and scripts. Only valid HTML tags will and will be validated<>.

Working with pictures

The builder will show you how to promote your site on the Wix platform using images. Not everyone understands that search robots do not see the images that the creator, attentive to trifles, so carefully places on his website. It's good when not only high-quality and correctly composed text plays into the hands of the owner, but also good images... To make them readable for search engines, they should be assigned Alt-text.

In this case, the optimization of the Wix site will also occur taking into account meaningful images with additional information(which would also be nice to provide with keys). Work in this direction only with high-quality pictures; useless materials should not distract attention from the essence.

Additional opportunities for optimization

Website promotion on Wix can be done using anchor texts. This is a good mechanism, which, if done correctly, is positively perceived by search engines and automatically increases your rankings, especially if the text of such a link itself is relevant (that is, it matches the requests of the targeted target audience).

For Wix, website promotion is not a static process. It is not enough to write and correctly format a good text once, it needs to be constantly updated. A blog will help with this, with the help of which you can constantly update the content of your site, thereby maintaining your own ratings.

Indexing Websites on the Wix Platform: Features of Search Engine Behavior

You should not expect to instantly promote your Wix site immediately after you have completed all the main steps to improve the quality of your content. On average, indexing a Wix site takes from 1 to 3 months inclusive. This term is the same for everyone. It is he who will be needed to evaluate your efforts, which cannot automatically guarantee high ranking. Everything will depend on how users perceive your site, how much time they want to devote to it.

If the result does not meet your expectations, an error analysis should be performed. Maybe visitors are not attracted by the site design, maybe it is difficult to perceive, they are scared off by water content. You have to be careful with uniqueness: non-unique, copied text can lead to blocking the site with all that it implies.

You have the right to submit your site with the Wix platform "for consideration" on your own, indexing in Yandex and Google will then happen faster. If the declared time has passed, but you have not seen the site in the list of requests, then you need to check if Wix indexing has occurred, in Yandex this can be done by entering the word "site" in front of your domain. This will give you information about the status of your site: whether it was indexed or not.

If difficulties arise and website promotion is necessary, will help. In the company's blog (search on the Moscow version of the site) you will find a huge amount of useful materials, both for beginners and experienced professionals: from step by step guides to reviews of the opinions of market experts on many pressing issues of promotion. Well, if you don't want to work on the site yourself, you can turn to them for full promotion of the resource.

By the way, here are some tips from them for young sites:

The Wix Platform is a do-it-yourself way to get serious about your website. However, this does not make it easier to work with text and design. If you are not a venerable specialist in this area, it is better to put your site in the hands of professionals and enjoy watching it at the top of the top.