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Design ideas destroy me sell this page. Keri Smith: Destroy me! Unique notebook for creative people. Notebook "Destroy me". What is it

The Tyumen Parents' Committee is collecting signatures for a letter demanding to withdraw from circulation and prohibit the sale in Russia of creative notebooks "Destroy me!" Keri Smith, who gained incredible popularity in the world. In their opinion, such "books" can be attributed to literature with suicidal propaganda.

Signatures are being collected in Tyumen under a letter addressed to State Duma deputy Pavel Dorokhin. The issue of dominance on the shelves of bookstores of literature that promotes suicidal tendencies was discussed during a visit to Tyumen by a party deputy to the regional center on March 4th. Then the Tyumen activists showed the guest a notebook "Destroy me!" and offered to look through it.

Perversely, sometimes incomprehensible Kahlo's notes are woven together by several lovers, in the style of rebuses. Less so is a reference to Trotsky, whose birthday fell on the same autumn day as the revolution. There is something undeniably disturbed about how she fused these people in a space of several sparse lines, as if on a subconscious level they were all interchangeable.

Kaleidoscopic, dissociative, and fragmented, writing and drawings—floating webs of penises, faces, ears, mystical symbols, and anthropomorphic beasts—may be "automatic" in a surreal sense, and sometimes comical, but they're hardly intellectually calculated upfront—Guard-exercises. They demonstrate how Grimberg feels, some kind of chaos unleashed in the psyche of Kahlo, when she was left in the state in which she could not resist.

“It is clear that this notebook should be withdrawn from sale. In no case should the money invested in this business be returned to the customer, because in this case, our children will become consumers of this suicidal dirt, ”explains in the Tyumen Regional Parents' Committee. — The dilemma of money or children must be resolved. We want to solve it for the benefit of our children. In order to exclude this odious publication from sale (we are talking about a whole series of books), it was proposed to collect a large number of living parental signatures to send them through the deputy Pavel Dorokhin to law enforcement agencies. If there are a lot of signatures, this will be enough for law enforcement officers to take decisive action.”

The psychiatrist continues: Everything, no matter how banal, that comes from the great Rivera, was sacred to her. She pulled her crumpled drawings out of the basket and asked him to write in her diary her recipe for tempera, "the old one based on eggs." Similarly, the feverishly carnal message addressed to "Mi Diego" and adopted in the Abrams volume, issued directly from Frida, is in fact a slow-paced style of erotic poems by her close friend Elias Nandino. Some of these poems he later published in the collection "Poems about Loneliness", dedicated to Kahlo.

Activists developed and distributed a sample living parent signature sheet. They call on the parent community to support the initiative. Signatures are planned to be collected until March 31, 2017.

Of course, the only one she ever effectively "offended" or "harassed" was herself; the only life energy Frida smoothed out with was her own. Israeli art historian Gannit Ankori has discovered that a mysterious drawing labeled "ghosts" has its source in an illustration of Jews humiliated by Spanish soldiers, that Kahlo removed a book about the Inquisition from his Coyoacán library.

Kahlo had good reason to identify with these unfortunate victims, as her final years were complemented by her own passions. Thus, Kahlo's posterior was re-opened and another fusion was performed, this time with a donor graft. When the abscesses were incised, the surgeons had to work again. She was in a Mexican hospital for a year, her wounds once again healed badly due to a fungal infection, and her right leg showed early signs of gangrene. But in her own baroque version of the mess at Munchausen, Frida turned her hospital into a festival.

The initiative was supported by parent committees of several cities across the country.

According to representatives of the parent committee, the mentioned publication, like the entire line of creative notebooks announced by the publishing house - "Antidnary", "Live to the fullest", "Finish me", "Guerrilla Creativity" - carries the ideas of destruction and inclines children to suicidal behavior. The book uses the symbolism of a whale, similar to the symbolism of the "groups of death" in Internet communities.

Diego took the room next to him, and the doctors noted that on the rare occasions when he was attentive, her pain disappeared. Like Christ with St. Thomas, Frida admonished her guests to take a look at her awakening pain, and when the doctors wore her down, Hayden Herrera wrote, she would "shout over a pretty shade of green."

The spine-damaged Kahlo was already metaphorical proof that she was indeed "rotten at the core". But, unlike her spine, the stump was an outwardly visible sign of her defectiveness. The implausible egoist Rivera wrote in his autobiography: After losing her leg, Frida sank into a deep depression. She lost her will to live.

It is worth noting that the publication "Destroy Merya" is creative notebook, on each page of which there are various tasks, performing which, supposedly, a teenager develops his creativity.

Although she painted, mostly still lifes, whenever she had the power, and if warranted, might evoke her diabolical humor, she attempted to kill herself by hanging or overdosing on several occasions. But even in her livelier moments, she was doped on Demerol; between the scabs from previous injections and her surgeries, it was impossible to find a virgin patch of skin into which to insert a needle. Her features hardened and thickened, giving her a face, in the past, in comparison with an effeminate boy, clearly masculine.

In her insane desperation, Frida became an ardent Stalinist. Her last known painting is an unfinished likeness of the Russian leader. As art historian Sarah Lowe says, “enough was enough.” Many factors, not least among them, support this theory.

Here are just a few of them: “Stand up here (wipe your feet, jump on top)”, “Smear your coffee on the page”, “Put a sandwich on the page and wipe it off like a napkin”, “Chew this page”; “Eat candy, lick the village with your tongue”; “Unwind the notebook and hit the wall”; “Fill the notebook with compost and watch the result”; “Draw dying birds, mold, horrors, bird feces, vomit and other muck”; “Tie a notebook to a thread and walk around the park dragging it along with you”; "Hide in the neighbor's garden", etc.

Through a friend of Dr. Rivera received a death certificate listing the cause as "pulmonary embolism", but Kahlo's body was cremated before an autopsy could be performed. In Grimberg's text, Olga Campos recalls that as she bent down to kiss the corpse's cheek, Frida's oyster mustache bristled—for a moment the psychologist thought her friend was still alive. After the cremation, when Frida's ashes were pushed onto a cart from the oven doors, Rivera, according to some witnesses, scooped up a handful and ate them.

With her diaries naked in the world, what can we finally make of Frida, the Ancient Sanctuary? Was she a victim, a martyr, a manipulator, or even a great artist? Of course her pain, her tears, her unhappiness, her talent were genuine, but she should have used them too. Which should not deny Frida the essential tragedy and heroism of her life. James Bridger Harris, who interpreted the Rorschach tests under Olga Campos: "This is Kahlo's heroic battle in the face of feeling defective, deformed, and unloved that everyone enters into it."

Buyers perceive the book in different ways: someone considers it useful and interesting, someone considers it useless and stupid.

Here are some reviews left about this edition on the net:

Frida projected onto one of these Rorschach cards a sharp metaphorical description of herself. Its ambiguous form offered her a strange butterfly. Full of hair flying down very fast. Her wonderful response to an even darker gray inkwell eloquently shows that Kahlo's desire to overcome her suffering with dignity and grace: Very beautiful.

WARNING: you will be tarnished if you destroy this book. You may be hit by paint or other vermin. They may ask you to do something that you do not approve of. You can find yourself bloody in destroying a book that was in mint condition. No wonder you start seeing creative destruction all around you. And start living more recklessly. Destroy This Diary has sold over three million copies worldwide. In it, you will face a collection of subversive challenges that will require you to complete its pages.

“I have a 12 year old daughter. Recently, I found her notebook “Destroy me!” destructive creativity. To say that he shocked me with his uselessness and stupidity is an understatement. At first glance, after reading the first pages, nothing special. But it has a lot of different tasks beyond common sense. I, as a mother of a teenager, cannot understand on which page my child will show his creativity and begin to develop his talent. In my understanding, this notebook contributes to the development of stupidity, a careless attitude to objects, books. Develops unsanitary norms of behavior, turning a child, an immature personality into a scumbag. Recently, a boy from their class spat on a chair in the classroom and poured glue, the teacher noticed well and made him wash everything. Probably read such literature and became a creative, creative boy. This notebook is anti creative and anti creativity. I. flipping through the pages, I feel like a half-wit. Is it really possible to print such nonsense in our world, where there are so many opportunities for full-fledged development and creativity. It shocked me that so many people like it, even adults. I think for 500 rubles. you can find more interesting things to do than spit, vomit, draw feces, drag around the dirty floor and feel at your best.

This is a book that will inspire you to create, destroy, explore, decorate and create chaos. To draw without borders and contours. See the world in a new way. Close the book to get an image. These are just a few of the instructions Destroy This Diary gives readers. Some pages are simpler and can be finished right away, but others, like "Fruit Stickers Here," you may have to hop to the supermarket a few times.

Kerry Smith's book has sold over three million copies worldwide. This is an example of an "open work" by Umberto Eco that the reader completes on their own. "Destroy this magazine" evokes the imagination and provokes a person to think outside the established rules. You can follow the instructions verbatim and you are free to interpret them. "Write the same word as you fill the pages" as some of them mean copying the word over and over again, others will invite you to experiment with colors, fonts and sizes.

“When my daughter first told me about this book, I was shocked. For me, it was wild to imagine tasks from it. Leave a trail of shoes, tear, etc. I was taught to treat books differently. But not everything is as scary as it seemed. If tasks are done creatively, then a good pastime is obtained. I remember my daughter even asked me to take her to school once on a bad road, as she needed to draw some lines in motion.

"Destroy This Diary" inspires to create, destroy, explore, decorate and create chaos. Once you've bought it, it's completely yours and you can do whatever you want, including end up with a bunch of waste - coffee deposits, wrinkled old used tea leaves, and all the other bits, threads, scraps and paper and cardboard rags - whoever you want.

Didn't you ever fill in the lexicons, it was the people! Let's expand your horizons a bit - those of us who have filled out the lexicons and seen a lot of funny things in it, we've read Chekhov. That way you can sleep soundly, don't threaten values, and a fun book like this won't hurt young or old alike. It's good that the book market is breaking and there are books like Kerry Smith and others - all books that require activity and book work. I'm really sorry for all those old fashioned people who think that a book has to be looked at and maybe read and barely changed pages - let's do something about it.

“The other day I saw what today's teenagers are fond of. “Everyone has it and I need it!!!” my niece said. And well, the money was allocated and the notebook was purchased. And not money, but whole money, I would say. Some good books cost less. But this is creativity, which each child will show on his own, it is like a questionnaire that you decorate to the best of your abilities and the fullness of your inner world. In general, you can see the result of psychological stability and perception of the world on this notebook, therefore, it is a useful thing. This notebook simply breaks the stereotypes of our attitude to things, books in particular. There are different tasks in the book: draw, stick stickers, cut, scratch, tear out a sheet, do something with it (for example, make a boat according to the scheme or sell this sheet). On assignments, you can see what the child likes and enjoys the most. And maybe even determine the future profession. This book really encourages creativity. Most importantly, she has an interesting and non-standard format for submitting assignments.”

Man, this book is just amazing. This is what will kill the boredom - not every day there are such books, right. Cary Smith is an incredible author who tries to get you out of your uncomfortable everyday life. For those wondering if you should pick up your book after reading all the silent and unreviewed comments - if you don't bother messing up while you're destroying the diary - pick it up! My roommate's mother worked overseas, her landlord found out about this book of some kind of stress therapy and laughed from all her acquaintances and they have them.

That's why my roommate was very excited when they released it to us and took it right away, but he just follows the instructions literally and is something quite corny. Close the book to get an image and it drips a little and closes it and one thing happens but the paper will almost collapse when you open it too soon. All this hysteria in this diary is more like mind control and suggestion of disrespect for the book! It has nothing to do with creativity. It's just that creative people aren't unimaginative, they choose what to do with their free time and don't follow commands like mindless zombies.

“I will not list all the many stupid tasks inside this notebook ... Personally, when I scrolled through this “miracle”, I had a feeling of disgust (and the longer I scroll, the more noticeable). Children and teenagers at all times are greedy for all sorts of "original" little things, and this is not surprising. The abundance of those who sincerely consider tasks from this piece of waste paper to be “creative”, “developing”, etc. is surprising. You read other reviews with five stars - it seems that adequate adults write, but what is written does not fit in the head. No need to consider any inscription that is contrary to common sense, creativity and the development of fantasy. Perhaps it's just stupidity and someone's sick fantasy combined. So put the notebook in the furnace and your mental health!”

The book is good and it is meant for free thinking or just for relaxation. Since people like to smear pages, leave them. Let them think they are creative and create something because everyone wants to be unique and unique. And, to tell you something, something went wrong with cause and effect - it can only be destroyed if it is already created and not created by destroying it.

Destruction and Chaos are two different things! Nobody is stopping you from scratching your laptop, and nobody is forcing you to buy a diary. But it is interesting for children and teenagers to compare their diary and the tasks they have done with friends. It is no coincidence that the book is sold in a circulation of 3 million copies worldwide.

Demand creates supply. Many similar publications by different authors appeared on the shelves of bookstores. Teenagers in social networks arrange a kind of competition, showing who fills in these notebooks and how.

Acquire trendy notepad child or sign a letter demanding that this kind of literature be withdrawn from sale - it's up to you.


photo of the shopping mall, from social networks, from sites and

Hello! Tell me, am I the only one who didn’t know about this notebook, or did this bestseller not reach someone either?

I present to you a super notebook that develops creativity "Wreck this journal", or "Destroy me"!

Do not look at the cover, I have a Russian version of this notebook, created by Keri Smith, she calls to discard any restrictions and solve the situation in her own way.

The book consists of tasks that can be solved in absolutely any order. The main thing is to solve the task and outline it.

Here are some examples of assignments in my book. Tasks in the American and Russian versions are identical.

This task for me personally is one of the most favorite, because you can stamp a lot of things, and I hope it will turn out very beautiful))).

This page is also dedicated to stamps))).

There are so crazy ideas in this notebook, with the help of which at the end, when you completely fill the album, it will actually be "Destroyed".
For example, in a notebook there are tasks such as:
  • Climb up and drop the notebook
  • Tie a string to the back of the notebook. Spin the notebook, let it hit the walls
  • Chew this page
  • Sell ​​this page
  • Collect dead bugs here
  • Smear the page with dirt
  • etc.
In general, this notebook encourages you to show your creativity.

Here are some examples of how people fill out this notebook around the world.

And here's what happens with the notepad at the end ()

And this is my version of filling this crazy notebook, which captivated me with its tasks.

I changed the cover, or rather sealed it with scrap paper, decorated it a little, although there is no such task in the notebook, but I decided to please my notebook a little.

When you start filling this notebook, you use paints, water, and besides, after taking a shower with this notebook, it begins to swell, so you have to fasten it with an elastic band. I added pendants to the rubber band.

So I completed the first page. It was possible not to fill it out, but I thought that I would try to squeeze everything out of this notebook.

By the way, if you pay attention, at the top of the notebook you can see the bookmarks of the tasks that I want to complete in the near future, and they are not at all in order.

I really like this notebook, you can approach it absolutely in your own way.

For example, I can’t draw, but it doesn’t bother me at all in this notebook, I can draw whatever I want, wherever I want, discarding any stereotypes.

For this notebook, I took out all my supplies of coloring materials. These are my favorite watercolors

also a set of bright colored gel pens,

acrylic paints, mechanical crayons, watercolor pencils, whatever ink pads I have, pretty much anything that produces a vibrant color.

I really liked this notebook, and I fill it with pleasure.

This notebook is very hard to find in regular bookstores, so I specifically ordered it from my local online store. I also get another such notebook from the labyrinth. It's just that at first I ordered in the Labyrinth, and then I could not stand it and ordered in my local one, because I really wanted to feel it in my hands as soon as possible. Also, this notebook is on ozone. Although maybe your bookstores have it too ?!

Increase your creativity, try something new. Poki-poki everyone!)))