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Cleaning the registry from remote programs. How to get rid of most remnants of deleted programs in Windows at once


Expand the main menu of the operating system if you want to delete the partition from it that remains after uninstalling the application. programs NS. Go to this section and right-click on it. In the dropped context menu select the "Delete" line, and answer in the affirmative to the request to confirm the operation - click the "Yes" button.

Run the file manager if you need to clean up HDD from unnecessary files remaining after deletion programs NS. On Windows, this can be done by pressing the Win and E keyboard shortcut. Go to Program folder Files on the system disk - it is in this disk that the application programs You host your directories. Find the folder whose name matches the name of the remote programs s, and click it once with the mouse. To delete the directory with all its contents to the basket, press the Delete button, and for final deletion (bypassing the basket) use the combination Shift keys+ Delete.

Go to the folder named ProgramData - it is located at the same level of the directory hierarchy as Program Files. It has applied programs We store temporary files with data used in the process. As in the previous step, find and delete the folder that does not exist programs e. If your version of the operating system does not have the ProgramData directory, then the corresponding temporary data folder should be looked for in the Application Data directory. It is placed in the folder, the name of which corresponds to your account(Admin by default), and this folder, in turn, is located inside the Documents and Settings directory of the system drive.

Run the Windows Registry Editor if you also want to delete unused entries from it by uninstalled programs NS. This can be done by pressing the Win + R keyboard shortcut followed by the regedit command and pressing the Enter key. Use the hotkeys Ctrl + F to open the search dialog and then enter the name of the remote programs s or part of it and click the "Find Next" button. When the editor finds entries in the registry related to the one you are interested in programs That is, before deleting them, be sure to make sure that this is exactly what is required - there is no undo operation in the registry editor.

Use specialized programs s - they have functions to find and delete records that are not related to any of the installed programs... Finding such an application on the Internet will not be difficult - for example, it can be free version programs s Uniblue RegistryBooster (

Working on a computer and especially on a network involves the use of various programs as tools to achieve a particular goal. Some of them programs can be subsequently deleted, but their traces still remain in your system.

You will need

  • Registry cleaners
  • Programs for cleaning temporary files
  • System optimization programs


The most logical way to go first is to go the simple way: go to the installation and uninstallation through the "Start" menu button programs and delete it normally. If traces of the deleted programs we still stayed, take specialized programs s that help clean the system of unnecessary logs, temporary files and old reports. The most famous and common ones are: Your Uninstaller, Auslogics BoostSpeed, Ccleaner, Regseeker. Outdated versions of these programs are usually distributed free of charge or shareware. But most programs that work with new systems require registration and payment, while you can pay immediately through the network.

Some files may not be able to be deleted due to blocking: the system, when trying to delete them, constantly reports that the file cannot be deleted, because it is involved in the system. It so happens that an attempt to delete such a file "suspends" the entire operation of the system for a long time. In this case, you can help programs but like Unlocker. It will unlock the file and remove the hidden and read-only icon from it, and then delete it.


Just in case, preview the list marked by the cleaner for removal and make sure that you don't erase anything you need, like a list of Internet addresses or auto-complete forms. This can cause the browser to "forget" your passwords or delete your browsing history.

Helpful advice

Before using the program, be sure to make a backup of the system. Be careful with key files.


  • Councils of the system administrator. How to uninstall a program cleanly

When a file is deleted normally, it is usually placed in the trash. In this case, until the latter is cleared, it remains on the hard disk. Sometimes circumstances require you to delete a file bypassing the trash can.


To delete a file without placing it in the trash, use the Shift + Delete keyboard shortcut. To do this, select the file to be deleted using the mouse or keyboard and press this key combination. Instead of a standard dialog box: "Are you sure you want to move this file to the trash?" - you will see another window: "Do you really want to permanently delete this file?" Confirm your desire by clicking the "Yes" button. The file has now been deleted without placing it in the trash.

If you want to delete files in the usual way, but, nevertheless, do not put them in the trash, make changes to its properties. To do this, right-click on the recycle bin icon on the desktop and select the "Properties" menu. Check the box next to the item "Destroy files immediately after deletion without placing them in the trash" and save the changes. Now when you delete files using the Delete button or the "Delete" function, they will not be placed in the trash.

In addition, there are special programs that allow you to completely delete files from hard disk... At the same time, they do not fit into the trash, and the possibility of their subsequent recovery using programs for recovering deleted files is excluded. This result is achieved by repeatedly rewriting the memory cells in which the deleted file was located, using special algorithms. Examples of such programs are Active ZDelete, Clean Disk Security, CCleaner, etc.


Deleting files without putting them in the trash is undoubtedly very convenient. And the impossibility of recovering them is a good bonus in case you do not want an unauthorized person to be able to view the files you deleted. However, before deleting a file permanently, think twice about whether you will regret it after a while.


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One of the causes of computer failures is the result of improperly removing programs from the hard drive. There are several simple procedures, following which you can avoid undesirable consequences.


Do not delete applications by moving the folder from the disk to the trash. This method of uninstallation is acceptable only if you installed this program in the same way - by copying the folder with the program to your hard disk.

If you installed the application using a special installer (installer), then remove it using a special uninstaller program. It is located in the same folder as the application itself. Find the file "uninstall.exe" or "uninst.exe" in the folder and run it. The uninstallation process begins. Follow the instructions step by step, and the program will do everything for you.

Another way to launch the uninstaller is through the Start menu: "All Programs - The name of the application to be removed - Uninstall".

Sometimes you come across such applications that do not include an uninstaller program. In this case, use the standard installation and removal program from the operating system itself. Windows systems... Open it through the "Start - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs" menu.

In the window that opens, select the required program from the list of programs and click the Delete button. Confirm that you really want to remove the selected program and start the uninstallation process. Then follow the instructions again.

If, for some reason unknown to you, you cannot remove this or that application, use special uninstallers. They effectively remove not only the applications themselves, but also the so-called "tails" in the registry. However, these programs have a number of disadvantages. They require special knowledge and skills in their use, most often the interface is in English, they take up a lot of space, improper handling may not free up, but rather clog up the hard disk.

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When the window "Delete Yandex browser", Be sure to check the box in front of" Delete all browser settings ". After that, the uninstallation of the program will begin. You will learn about its end from the window that opens. Internet Explorer with a strange sad ghost and the inscription "Yandex Browser has retired."

Like most programs, Yandex Browser leaves in your operating system"Tails". They also need to be cleaned. To do this, you can use the free CCleaner utility, which you need to download on the Internet.

Run the CCleaner program, select the "Registry" item and click the button at the bottom "Search for problems". Wait while the utility scans the registry entries in your operating system. By default, opposite all "tails" from "Yandex Browser" and others remote programs there are already ticks.

Click on the "Fix" button in the lower right corner. If the program asks whether to save backups changes, click "No". Also click the "Fix Selected" button, wait for the process to complete, and then close the program. Reboot your computer. Now you can be sure that Yandex.Browser has been correctly and completely removed from your operating system.

Helpful advice

With the help of the CCleaner program, you can not only remove the "tails" of programs, that is, clean the registry, but also clean browser caches, and also manage startup.

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Internet Explorer is a web browser for browsing Internet pages on the network. Like all applications on a computer, Internet Explorer goes through three main stages of "life": installing a program on the system, using the program, and uninstalling it.

Basic ways to uninstall Internet Explorer in Windows 7

Most often, Internet Explorer is the standard Windows program, which is installed on the computer along with the system. You can remove it mechanically - using special programs and manually.

Mechanical removal method

There are two main types of special applications for uninstalling programs. The first type includes standard Windows uninstallers, the second - uninstallers installed by the user himself.

To use the first type of applications, go to the Start menu, All Programs, Internet Explorer and click Uninstall or, in some cases, uninstall. A window will appear, click "Next" until a progress bar appears, which indicates the beginning of the deletion procedure. Almost the same algorithm can be used if you uninstall the browser through the "Control Panel". Enter the panel, click on the "Programs and Features" icon. A window will open with a list of programs installed on the computer. Select "Internet Explorer" from them, click uninstall. As in the previous case, in the lower right corner, click on "Next" and the browser will be deleted.

Before using the second type of uninstaller, install one of them on your PC. After installation, restart your device and open the app. It will list all the programs that were installed by the user. From them select, respectively, "Internet Explorer" and click "Uninstall". The advantage of such a program is that it not only erases the application from the computer, but also cleans up the so-called "tails" in the registry. There will be no trace of the remote application, as if it had not been installed. This, of course, has a positive effect on the system. Less chance of errors. The main drawback is that basically all these programs require an introduction. license key and many on English language... If at least somehow it will be possible to understand the language, then the search free key on the Internet - a laborious task, and its absence halves the working potential of the program, or simply makes it inoperable.

Manual removal method

You can manually uninstall the web browser through My Computer or file manager... To delete through "My Computer", open the folder, go to the drive (C :), then in "Program Files", find the folder with the name "Internet Explorer", select and hold down the shift + delete key combination. Removing through the file manager includes the same steps as the previous method, just visually it looks a little different.

In the process of working with personal computer many often use one-day programs. The presence of third-party utilities can greatly slow down the performance of your PC and operating system.

Now open the "Registry" menu and click the "Search for problems" button. This procedure is necessary to correct incorrect keys, the presence of which slows down the computer. After preparing the list of errors, click the "Fix" button.

Cancel the backup by clicking the "No" button. Select "Fix Selected". Restart your computer after completing the above operations.

We all, I think, know that while working on a computer (especially connected to the Internet), willy-nilly, all sorts of garbage accumulates on it (the word "garbage" has nothing to do with the police :)), which slows down the system, is the cause of errors and failures, and indeed it takes up precious space on the hard disk, in the registry and FIG knows where else.

Therefore, in this material, I will tell you how to clean the registry, quickly delete temporary files ( Temp, Temporary Internet Files, Cookies and others), as well as any "junk" left after the removed programs or formed in the course of their work. After this process, of course, an increase in free space on the hard disk, and in general, easy facilitation of the system operation, as well as getting rid of a number of typical problems / errors or the possibility of their occurrence.

Let's get started.

How to clean the registry with Regseeker

A moderately old, but very working, sensible and good program is perfect for cleaning the registry. Regseeker... One of latest versions(behind the number 2.55 ) which you can download directly (uploaded specially by me - use;)).

The program is a tweaker (tuner), as well as a cleaner for Windows... However, in addition to this, this miracle of the programmer's thought has a number of other typical (for example), but no less useful buns. Actually, if you are interested, you can delve into the settings and functions of the program yourself, but now we are only interested in her ability to clean the registry.

No software installation required. Just download the archive, unzip it to any place convenient for you, and then run the file RegSeeker.exe from the folder where the unpacking was performed.

The new versions finally have support for the Russian language, so you can safely press the button " Languages ​​" in the upper right corner of the program and choose, in fact, beloved.

Then the matter is small, namely, we simply go to the tab " Cleaning the registry"where we check if we have all the checkboxes, after which we press the button" Go!", thereby starting the scanning process.

When it's over, we just have to choose an item " Select - Select All", and then " Actions - Remove Selected Items".

At the last stage, that is, before immediately deleting, you will be asked to specify a name for the backup (there must be a check mark for this " Backup "in the lower left corner). Set, press" OK"and enjoy the clean system :)

There are registry entries that are not garbage as such, but due to the fact that they are created by the system as temporary / auxiliary, they are perceived RegSeeker something like unnecessary cache... Therefore, even if you run RegSeeker immediately after cleaning, it will again find the auxiliaries just recreated by the system. In short, it is not necessary because of them. 10 run once a day RegSeeker... It is enough to run it once a month or two to remove real garbage.

If suddenly (although practically unrealistic, because the program works very stably, but you never know) something goes wrong, then in the program window select the " Backup copy", where we see all the created backups.

We select the last one (or just the one you need, if there are already several of them) and use the button " Restore". That's all business.

Overall, Regseeker a very powerful tool for cleaning the registry, but if you are interested in how to clean the registry even more powerful and better, then you can, and even better with the company's products Wise which I wrote about in the article ""

For those who did not see the note above, I repeat that many try to run the scan again at once and find again a lot of registry entries, after which they run with the question: "why are they not cleared?" The answer is simple - there are registry entries that are not garbage per se, but due to the fact that they are created by the system as temporary / auxiliary, they are perceived RegSeeker something like an unnecessary cache. Therefore, even if you start scanning immediately after cleaning, it will again find the "auxiliary" systems that have just been recreated by the system. In short, it is not necessary because of them 10 once a day to "play around" the program, and it is enough to run it once a month (or a couple of weeks) to remove real garbage.

Cleaning up trash with CCleaner. Removal of Temp, cache, any other temporary files and "tails" after removed programs.

For all this, as you already understood from the obvious subtitle, we need a very popular program on the Internet Ccleaner, which is a kind of turbo broom for cleaning the unfortunate coughing Windows from all the nasty things.

You can download, as always, directly from my website or from the official website (in this case, by clicking on the link, you will have to choose one of three download sources - see the card at this link).

With regards to the installation .. In general, everything is simple there, but just in case, I will describe the process in detail, namely:

By the way, if suddenly in some versions you will be required to install additional programs, panels and other things - feel free to refuse. This happens and something useful is rarely obtained from it.

As for the use, everything is pretty simple here too:

If you want to know more, want to learn this professionally and understand what is happening, then.

However, no, I recently came across a powerful plugin that does cleanup using Ccleaner even more powerful and high quality. You can read it in the article ".

Small results of cleaning the system. Afterword.

That was all it took. These are the simplest, but very effective and quite necessary actions for cleaning the system, and as you know, " Cleanliness is the key to health" (with) ;)

PS: By the way, in addition to those already mentioned in this material, there is another article on cleaning the system and registry, namely "". And in general, you can find all of them on the site under the tag # cleaning garbage from the registry and system
PS2: Also, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material called "Remove any programs cleanly". This will greatly help you in high-quality and correct removal of unnecessary programs.


To clean the system registry and from unnecessary entries, there are a number of programs. The most popular ones have a Russian-language interface and are quite easy to use. Consider the process of removing unnecessary entries from registry and with the free and powerful CCleaner utility. First of all, you need to download and install it on your computer.

During the installation process, select the Russian language. After installation, we launch the application and see the main window. In this window, on the left, select the "Registry" menu item. If not, put a checkmark in front of each menu item and click "Search for problems". The program starts to scan registry for errors.

Scan progress is displayed at the top of the main window programs, in the form of a filling strip. As you scan, items of erroneous entries begin to appear in the list below. registry a. In this list, you can see the type of error and the program that made it. After completing the scanning process, press the "Fix" button. After clicking this button, the program will prompt you to save backup copies of the changes made. Click Ok. Thanks to this, it will be possible to restore registry if, after cleaning, the computer does not perform well.

In the next window, the program will offer you options for solving the problems found. "Fix" button - fixes one item from the list. The button "Fix marked" - automatically corrects all found errors marked in the list. By default, all items in the list are checked; you can change this if you wish. By clicking on the checkmark, remove the mark from those that you wish to leave unchanged. In the usual case, it is recommended to click the "Fix Selected" button. When finished, click the "Close" button.

After the performed procedures, your registry gets rid of unnecessary and erroneous entries, which improves system performance. After completing the work, you can close the CCleaner program.

Windows Registry Is a hierarchical database that contains information about system settings, hardware and software, user profiles, etc. When uninstalling a program, in theory, its installations should be removed from the registry, but this does not always happen - due to user errors or incorrectly written uninstaller utilities.


Activate Registry Editor. To do this, enter the regedit command in the program launcher window (called by the Win + R keyboard shortcut or the "Run" option of the "Start" menu). In the "Edit" menu, click "Find" and in the search box write down the name of the program from which you want to clear the registry. This window can also be invoked by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F. Use the Find Next button to start your search.

If an entry with this name is found, right-click on this line and select the "Delete" option in the drop-down menu. You can also use the Delete key or choose Delete from the Edit menu. After the first found file, press F3 to find other entries related to this program, and delete them using one of the described methods.

This method can be time-consuming if the remote program is a complex structure - for example, Adobe photoshop... To speed up the process, you can use third-party registry cleaning utilities. Download and install the free RegCleaner program.

Select "Search" from the main menu. In the search bar, enter the name of the application you want to get rid of, and click the "Search" button. If an entry with this name is found, a Delete button appears in the lower right corner of the screen. Use it to clean out obsolete data from the registry.