Computers Windows Internet

How to manage your browser using. What is a web browser. Configuring Yandex Browser

After switching to Chrome from Opera, one thing was missing for me: using the browser without a mouse - moving around the page, clicking on links, and so on. Often, when I carry a laptop, it is necessary to work without a mouse. Alas, the touchpad on my x350 is far from the "apple" one, so it became very uncomfortable. In Opera, this feature was available without plugins by specifying hotkeys in the system menu. I used the Hotkeys plugin as an unequal replacement.
It allowed you to move around the page, tabs, history, but you could not "run" through links, titles.

And suddenly happiness came - the Key Binder plugin was found, which brings a multi-mode Vim-like approach to working with the browser into the browser. In fact, it turned out to be a very convenient, multifunctional, customizable add-on.

After installation, the plugin invites us to go through a small training course on English language, as a result of which we learn that working with the keyboard is carried out in 3 modes, which are displayed in the panel:
B: navigation mode and form control
I: mode of operation in text fields
H: text selection and copy mode

Navigation mode and form control

This mode is enabled by default or enabled from others by pressing Escape


We can navigate the page in the standard vim way: j-down by 10px, h-up, k-left, l-right. It is possible to the end in all four directions.

To follow links, click on buttons and different form elements, there is a universal key "a" - which displays beside all active elements visible on the screen, unique two-letter combinations, by typing which the action is performed. In this case, the combinations are convenient when using the ten finger typing method: ff, fj, fk, dk - that is, press "a" with the little finger and then finish the command with the index or middle fingers.

I liked this innovative approach more than in Opera, when with two keys we moved through all the links in a row.
For drop-down lists, all items with the same two letters are displayed at the top.
For lists where you can select several items, we use a space.

There is another interesting feature: Command "A", which allows you to follow links as text (without tag A)

Address string

Pressing "o" Opens own address line. Real-time search works. Moving between items is carried out using Tab. However, there is a lack of additional search within the site using Tab.


The author has implemented his search by pressing the keys "/", "?" (Forward and backward). It may or may not be case-sensitive: It depends on whether we use it in a string. While holding ctrl, we start searching by regular expressions. Pressing Enter, we go to the first found result. To move to the next / previous we use respectively "n" / "N".

Mode of operation in text fields

You can switch to this mode either with the already familiar "a" key, or with the combination g + i. We can move between adjacent text fields by double consecutive pressing of the ctrl-x + ctrl + key combinations; and ctrl-x + ctrl -p
The most interesting thing starts elsewhere - you can work with text without arrows on the keyboard: move, copy / delete lines / words / letters various combinations keys.
According to the documentation, there is a search mode here, but for some reason it did not work for me ...

Select and copy text mode

After pressing the "s", we, as in the "a" mode, display keyboard shortcuts to all paragraphs and significant elements for quick transition. Next, pressing "v" we fix the first point to select the text and moving the navigation keys (hjkl) we select the desired piece. At the end, we have 3 options:
"V" - reset selection for new attempt
"Y" - copy text to clipboard
"O" - insert text into your own address line

To exit we press Escape

Editing settings

In the settings, in addition to viewing all the standard keys, the developer provided the ability to edit all the keys in a kind of console.
The format itself is simple:
bind / ubind<режимы> <клавиша> <назначаемая команда>
The keys themselves are specified in the format<[клавиша модифактор-] клавиша>.
You can use keyboard shortcuts.
The format used for ctrl is , for alt - .
For example:
bind b j says that with the j key in move mode, we move the window by 50px (when the default is only 10).
bind i - assign to ctrl-z the undo of the last action in the text editing mode

You can also set individual settings and hotkeys for pages by url.

Optimizing settings

The standard keys didn't seem very comfortable to me, so I tweaked them a bit and offer the community my own customization. Major changes:

  • Moved the navigation keys to the right to "jkl;". Despite my love for the movement keys in vim, it seems inconvenient to me in the browser, because when the "a" command is used, you must constantly move your hand to the standard position
  • Placed next to above moving through tabs and history
  • When editing the text, I put the usual keys ctrl + c, ctrl + x, ctrl + v, (copy, cut, paste) ctrl + z, ctrl + y, ctrl + Z (undo, redo)
Using the plugin
After a week of testing, the following features of the work were identified:
  1. The keys do not work in Gmail, Reader and, what is saddest, you cannot temporarily disable the plugin.
  2. Gmail does not work: I can't open emails - they are not linked, so the plugin does not see them
    In edit mode, ctrl-c - works like ctrl-x + ctrl-v
    The whole test is not highlighted in edit mode - ctrl-a - I could not find it in the settings
    When you press F6 (go to the address line), you cannot return to the command mode

  3. This plugin turned out to be an extremely pleasant surprise for me (just like vim did in its time). It turned out to be convenient to work with him when there is no mouse at hand, and sometimes it is more convenient when there is one =)
    The only thing terribly annoying about the plugin is the inoperability of mail and the inability to temporarily disable it.
    PS: An interesting effect was also noticed: the people around them are surprised when they see how they surf the Internet without a tailed rodent.

First, let's decide which browser we are going to use. After much work on the Internet, I have formed for myself the basic parameters that the browser should satisfy. I think you have them too. For myself, I chose Mozilla Firefox... It is with this browser that we will be working.

Step 2

To control Firefox with the mouse, we will use the All-In-One Gestures add-on. This is an add-on that allows you to control your browser using gestures. To download this add-on, follow these steps in your browser: “Tools - add-ons”. In the Search Add-ons box, enter All-In-One Gestures. Select this add-on and click install. After installation, close your browser and launch it again.

Step 3

So you've installed the All-In-One Gestures add-on. Now, you need to configure it. This paragraph will be devoted to customization. Click “Tools - Add-ons”. Select "Extensions". A list of all installed extensions in the browser will be displayed here. Select All-In-One Gestures and click “settings”. First of all, pay attention to the Gesture Assignment tab. This tab displays all possible operations with the browser, such as: open a new tab, next tab, etc.

To customize a certain gesture, select any “action”, click “change gesture”, then “draw”. And just draw the desired gesture with the mouse. Now, when surfing the Internet, you can simply move the mouse in the desired direction and the browser will take action. For the action to work, you need to hold down right button mouse and perform a gesture

Step 4

In general, the instructions cannot describe all this, it is better to see it. I have attached an instructional video showing what you get by installing the All-In-One Gestures add-on.

Video here

P.S. Lovers Opera browser will say that it has had such a function for a long time. But unlike Opera, the All-In-One Gestures add-on has a lot more options.

If suddenly the mouse fails while working on a computer or you have one device on two PCs at once, you will have to work without a wired or radio-controlled assistant. In this case, use the convenient keyboard shortcuts.

Working with a computer without a mouse

If the mouse breaks down, you can enable pointer control from the keyboard. It can be turned on both with the mouse, which functions, or without it. Hereinafter, we are talking about Windows 7/8/10 and the latest versions of MacOS.

On Windows

  • Open "Control Panel" from the "Start" menu.
  • Go to the "Ease of Access" section.
    Open the "Accessibility" section in the "Control Panel"
  • Click on the "Change mouse settings" button.
    Click on the "Change mouse settings" button
  • Check the box next to "Enable mouse pointer control from the keyboard" and click "Apply". The option is activated.
    Check the box next to "Enable keyboard pointer control" and click "Apply"
  • If you need to control the pointer from the keyboard, and the mouse is not nearby, press the Alt (left) + Shift (left) + Num Lock keys.

    Without activating this mode, the user can use the following system key combinations:

  • F1 - help;
  • Windows - call the "Start" menu;
  • Tab or Alt + Tab - switch between windows and tabs;
  • Alt + F4 - close the application completely;
  • Shift + Delete - total elimination of a file or folder.
    With help system keys on the keyboard you can control the mouse
  • Video: how to control the cursor without a mouse

    On Macintosh

    Keyboard cursor control is activated through the Mouse Keys menu in the Universal Access panel. The control functions are taken over by the digital horizontal of the keyboard:

  • "1" is responsible for moving diagonally down and to the right;
  • "2" will send the user down;
  • "3" will cause the cursor to move diagonally down to the right;
  • "4" will move the cursor to the left;
  • "5" will perform the mouse click function;
  • "6" is responsible for moving to the right;
  • "7" will move up diagonally to the left;
  • "8" will lift you up;
  • "9" will move up diagonally to the right;
  • "0" will hold down the mouse button;
  • "." (period) will release the held key.
    On a Macintosh keyboard, the number keys take over control
  • Video: Using Hotkeys on Mac OS

    Computer power management without a mouse

    You can restore the functionality of the mouse by shutting down or restarting your computer or laptop. The keyboard shortcuts will help you to complete these steps.


    Unlike older OSes, pressing Ctrl combinations+ Alt + Delete in Windows 7 will bring up a window with a proposal: start the "Task Manager", restart, go to sleep or shutdown the computer.

    To turn off the computer, just click the "Exit" button

    It is also possible to lock the PC. After selecting the required action with the arrows, press Enter and wait for the process to complete.

    Pressing the Alt + F4 combination will also shutdown the computer. First, all active applications will be closed one by one, and then the operating system itself will shut down.

    Video: How to Shut Down Your Computer Using the Keyboard


    To shut down your computer as safely as possible, you can use the combination Control keys+ Command + Option + Power or Eject for optical drive devices.

    You can use Control + Command + Option + Power to shut down your computer safely

    The shutdown confirmation is not required - the shell will do everything by itself.

    If you need to put MacOS to sleep, use the Control + Shift + Power combination. After waking up, in some cases, the system will require you to enter a password.

    Working with text without a mouse

    If the user does not like to be distracted by the mouse while working with text, then using hot keys will be very useful. The table below contains basic combinations when working with text information... Combinations used in office suite Microsoft Office 2013, where the standard formulas are changed.

    The combinations are relevant for most standard applications. Third party developers can use their own solutions. It will not be superfluous to study the help.

    Table: keyboard shortcuts when working with texts

    Working with programs and files without a mouse

    Hotkey policy when working with software thought out taking into account the ease of memorization and the speed of activation of the functionality. No wonder popular functions are called by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl buttons in Windows and Command in Mac with a letter.

    If you do not like to be distracted by the mouse when working with documents, then keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl will come to the rescue.

    Traditionally, a specific operation is called by the first letter of its English-language name. For example, the copy function is activated by calling Ctrl + C (from the English word Copy). By a similar principle, such combinations (Ctrl / Command in front we will omit):

  • N (New) - create a new file / document;
  • O (Open) - opening a document;
  • S (Save) - save the document;
  • F (Find) - search for a program, file or information within a document.
  • Some function names contain previously unused letters or those that resemble tools for performing a given operation, for example:

  • X - cut. The scissors icon is very similar to this letter of the English alphabet;
  • I - italicized;
  • V - insert files;
  • P (Paste) - its use for the paste function interferes with the priority of printing (Print);
  • H in some programs can be used as a search tool with a word replacement, rather than inserting hyperlinks.
  • Alt key

    Windows users may have noticed that some letters in the application menu are underlined. Pressing Alt followed by an underlined letter will prompt you to select an option.

    You can change the language in some programs using the Alt + Shift combination

    Let's look at the example of "Explorer" for files and folders:

  • Press Alt, then the line down.
  • Press F (New) on the menu that appears.
  • Select the option you want: folder (G) or shortcut (Z). If you need to create a file of a certain type, the selection is made using the up or down arrows, followed by pressing the large Enter key.
  • Also, in most programs, changing the language occurs with the Alt + Shift combination. Depending on the choice left or right key the direction of Russian-English or English-Russian is regulated.

    Browser control from the keyboard

    Basic browser control options in Windows:

  • Page Down - down half a page;
  • Page Up - return half a page up;
  • Ctrl + N - create a new window;
  • Ctrl + Shift + N - incognito window;
  • Ctrl + Shift + I - go to the code view;
  • F7 - spell check (for certain services);
  • Ctrl + 1 - Ctrl + 8 - switch to the tab with the corresponding number;
  • Ctrl + 9 - go to the last tab;
  • Ctrl + T - create a new tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + T - restore a closed tab.
  • Some browsers may differ. Check your browser help system for hotkeys (called F1).

    Video: how to open a browser without a mouse

    Special abilities

    The right mouse button can replace the F10 key with Windows keyboard... When you activate the combination Shift + F10, you will get access to context menu... Pressing F10 will reopen the first item in this list. In some programs, the action shows letters for easy transition between functional panels in Alt mode.

    If the mouse works, but the wheel does not scroll, the Page Up and Page Down keys will help to ensure movement, which move the cursor up or down, respectively.

    How to play without a mouse

    Most games support the ability to play without a mouse. A wide variety of games provides for the use of all kinds of keyboard shortcuts Ctrl (Command), Alt (Option), the side keyboard and the service F-line. Arrows of movement are responsible for movement, and game combinations of actions depend on the genre. You can find them out in the tooltips at the first stage of the game or in the help system.

    This article covers the main points that happen to every PC or MacBook owner. The topic of controlling a computer without a mouse is relevant and deserves a separate encyclopedia, so you will have to return to it several times.

    Technically, a web browser is a client. A program that uses the HTTP (or HTTPS) protocols to send requests to web servers over the Internet. Most browsers support by e-mail and FTP (file transfer), although a web browser is not required to use them. There are separate programs for working with mail and file transfer.

    The very first browser, which was named WorldWideWeb, was created in 1990. The name was changed to Nexus to avoid perspective confusion. The first web browser with a graphical user interface was Mosaic in 1993. Most of user interface Mosaic has been ported to the Netscape Nsvigator web browser. The corporation later introduced Internet Explorer(IE), which until 2006 was one of the most popular web browsers. Back then, the choice was between IE and Netscape. Today the user has more choice. And IE has already ceased to be wildly popular; first of all, users install other web browsers for themselves.

    Most common browsers

    There are quite a few web browsers, although most are based on the most common ones. The most popular browsers today are:

    • Firefox. Developed by Mozilla, an open source version of Netscape.
    • Chrome. Browser from Google, one of the most popular today, both for desktop and mobile devices.
    • Safari. Browser for devices from. The third most popular, only works with Apple operating systems.
    • Opera. Fast, stable, compatible with most operating systems browser.
    • Lynx. Text browser for UNIX and VMS users.
    • Internet Explorer. The browser from Microsoft is still actively updated, supported and optimized, despite the impressive competition.
    • Flock. Browser based on Firefox with Web 2.0 support for blogging and social bookmarking.
    • Tor. Browser for completely anonymous access to the network. It is usually used to bypass the territorial ban on the display of certain pages and access the darknet.

    Modern browsers are constantly updated and provide users with more and more opportunities to visit the world wide web. So don't forget to update when it comes out. a new version... Updates to such client software are completely free.

    Basic functions and browser management

    All web browsers have the same basic functionality. They are designed to communicate with web servers and provide user access to sites. You can download them from the official websites of the developers, they are completely free. Each browser has its own toolbar through which you can access your favorite sites. Including ours.

    Browsers tend to have similar toolsets and buttons. There is address bar, forward and backward buttons, refresh button and page stop button. They all have their own menu, where you can set custom settings, if necessary. Also in the browser you can see the history of the pages that you have visited recently. Or you can clear it so that no one else gets access to this information. Browsers differ in operating speed, extensions and user interface.

    Plug-ins in Yandex browser, or plugins, are additional integrated mini-programs that extend functionality. They play video and audio, open electronic documents directly in the web browser interface, optimize the operation of online services, help to effectively organize group work on the Web over a project. Many of them do not have their own control panel.

    This article will help you learn how to manage plugins in the Yandex browser. From it you will learn how to find, how to open and connect all the functional modules available in the web browser.

    Setting up work

    1. Click on "menu" (button on the upper right).

    2. Click the "Settings" tab.

    3. Below the list of options, at the bottom of the page, click "Show advanced ...".

    4. Find the "Personal Information" section and click the "Content Settings" button in it.

    5. In the "Plugin access ..." block, select the modules operation mode:

    • allow all websites to use;
    • display a pull request;
    • prohibit work completely.

    To create a site-specific rule:

    • click on "Manage Exceptions";
    • enter a domain in the panel and select an action for it (Allow, Block);
    • click Finish.

    You can customize the PDF viewer using a separate option in the "Personal data" section. It's called PDF Files.

    If you check this box, PDF documents will not open in a web browser, but in a viewer installed in Windows (for example, in Adobe Acrobat Reader).

    Turn on / off

    To disconnect or connect a separate module, perform the following operations:

    1. In a new tab, type the service address - browser: // plugins.

    2. In the plug-in block, click "Disable" to deactivate it.

    And click "Enable", respectively, to activate it.

    In active mode, you can also use the Always Run add-in. To make it work, check the box next to it.

    Note. To receive detailed information about plugins, click the "Details" option on the left side of the tab. The block data will be displayed in expanded form.


    When you enter the plugins section, the browser suggests updating them if they are outdated and there is a new version. V automatic mode it does not reproduce the update.

    To download updates, in the message line displayed at the top of the window, click "Update module ...".

    Can plugins be removed?

    No, you cannot remove modules from the browser using the standard settings. They can only be disabled.

    Use these settings to debug plugins: disable them when they are unnecessary, set up selective activation on trusted websites for security purposes.