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1c sale by bank transfer in retail egais. Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market. Configuring the Universal Transport Module connection

EGAIS is a unified state automated information system.

What is EGAIS for retail and why is it needed? In fact, with the help of this system, the state intends to control the production and movement of all alcohol in the country. The fact is that, as statistics show, about 30 percent of alcohol in Russia is produced illegally. This means that about every third bottle of alcohol on the counter is counterfeit.

In such a situation, control is, of course, necessary, but for entrepreneurs it is another stress. Don't panic! We will tell you in detail and in detail everything you need to know about how it works EGAIS in retail from January 1, 2016: how to connect, when to connect and what to do to connect. We will answer the questions that many entrepreneurs have, for example, is the Unified State Automated Information System needed to sell beer. And besides, we will offer a solution that will make your life much easier with EGAIS in retail.

So the facts. If you have a retail store in Russia, then keep in mind that from January 1, 2016 you need to transfer information to EGAIS about the purchase of any alcohol, even if you only sell beer at retail. And in July of that year, the retail sales reporting requirement came into effect. Each unit of goods must pass through the system. This is stated in the Federal Law No. 182-FZ with the long title "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products and on Restricting Consumption (Drinking) alcoholic beverages».

Moreover, according to the updated version of Law 171-FZ, from March 31, 2017, the sale of alcoholic products and their sale through public catering can only be carried out using cash registers. This also applies to beer, as well as other low alcohol drinks. In practice, this means that you automatically lose the deferral until July 2018 for the introduction of online cash registers. Even if you are an individual entrepreneur on UTII or a patent, but at the same time you trade in any alcohol, then you need to apply the CCP right now.

Latest news for those who trade in beer! And they are good. Law 278-FZ of July 29, 2017 was published on the official Internet portal of legal information on July 31, 2017 and came into force from the date of publication. In particular, it provides a new version of Article 16 of Law 171-FZ "On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products" and its Clause 10: the use of cash registers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of cash registers ”. Thus, the priority of the law on cash registers over 171-FZ is recognized. Respectively, Individual entrepreneurs on UTII or a patent selling beer, beer drinks, cider, Poiret and mead received a deferral for the introduction of online cash registers until July 1, 2018.

How does EGAIS work in retail


Work with EGAIS in retail for you will begin with the receipt of the delivery. After receiving alcohol from the supplier, you will need to check the actual number of bottles against the paper and electronic invoice. How to confirm the fact of purchase in EGAIS? The electronic document must come from the information system to your computer with the installed inventory accounting program with the support of EGAIS. If the data converge, you accept the invoice from the supplier and confirm the purchase in EGAIS. If not, or if the stamps on any goods are damaged, you can either completely reject the invoice, or issue an act of discrepancy.

Suppose that everything came together and the confirmation of the purchase in the Unified State Automated Information System took place. Now you need to load information about goods into the cash program, which must also be installed in retail in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Automated Information System.

It is assumed that each alcohol bottle is labeled with a Micro PDF417 2D barcode. It contains encrypted information about the manufacturer and license, as well as other characteristics of the product.


So, bottles of alcohol are placed on the shelves, and the trade begins. The buyer has chosen the right product and is ready to pay. The cashier reads the information from the bottle barcode using a 2D scanner, and the item is added to the receipt. At the same time, the cash register program generates an xml file and sends it to the Universal Transport Module. This is an application that exchanges data with the Rosalkogolregulirovanie server. There a receipt is formed with digitally signed store and a barcode, which "flies" to the cashier, and only after that the check is closed. Thus, the sale of each bottle or box of alcohol should be recorded online in the EGAIS system in retail from 2016.

After sale

Together with the purchased goods, the buyer receives a check from the cashier, but not an ordinary one, but with a two-dimensional barcode. This code confirms that the fact of the sale was recorded in EGAIS. In this case, the code on the check will be one, regardless of the amount of alcohol purchased. Now the buyer can check the authenticity of alcohol himself by reading this code using mobile phone... To do this, he needs to install mobile app"AntiKontrafakt Alko" from Rosalkogolregulirovanie. With the introduction of online cash registers when buying alcohol, there will already be two QR codes on the check: one - generated by the cash register for the check as a whole, the second - for alcohol from the Unified State Automated Information System.

However, if everything works correctly, then theoretically there is no point in checking the barcode by the buyer. When the code is not read by the scanner at the checkout, the system detects an attempt to sell counterfeit alcohol and blocks it. This is what the ideal Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) is for retail.

If there was a failure

If the Internet in the store suddenly goes out, you can continue selling alcohol for some time. The program for EGAIS will save data about each sale. And as soon as the network is working again, the software will transfer the data to the PAP. In this case, the checks to customers will be closed. The EGAIS system in retail trade in 2017 assumes that it is possible to work in this mode for no more than three days. If during this time the breakdown is not eliminated, then the sale of alcohol will have to be suspended.

Questions and answers

- Do I need to scan every bottle upon receipt of the goods?
- When receiving, there is no need to scan the goods at all. Acceptance and work with suppliers is carried out within the framework of electronic document flow in EGAIS, in batches by volumetric indicators.

- How do I move leftovers between stores?
- It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. According to the official position of FS RAR, movements between separate divisions, as well as from a central warehouse or office are possible only with a wholesale license. But from a technical point of view, UTM allows you to issue invoices for movements.

- Will alkodeclaring be canceled?
- Declaration remains until 2018. In 2018, when EGAIS starts working at all enterprises involved in the circulation of alcoholic beverages, the declarations will be canceled.

Terms of connection to EGAIS

From January 1, 2016, organizations that sell alcohol at retail must record the fact of purchasing alcohol in EGAIS. This applies to both urban and rural outlets. Another important date is July 1, 2016. From that moment on, all these organizations, in addition to informing about purchases, will also have to record retail sales in EGAIS.

Questions and answers

- What to do with leftovers purchased before January 1, 2016?
- There is no need to put them on the balance sheet. You can sell. But if you need to issue an invoice for a return to the supplier or write off, these operations will need to be carried out only through the EGAIS, and for this, first put such products on the balance using the document Act of putting on the balance in the EGAIS.

Beer sales in 2016 - new rules

Individual entrepreneurs selling beer, beer drinks, cider, Poiret and mead, according to the new rules, from 2016, must also transmit information on the purchase of low-alcohol drinks to EGAIS. Just like most representatives of alcohol retail, they are obliged to do this from January 1. The new rules do not provide for fixing beer sales in 2016.

Do I need EGAIS in public catering

Judging by the explanations of the official authorities, the answer to the question whether EGAIS is needed in public catering is the following. Public catering enterprises selling alcohol must record their purchase in the EGAIS system. The law does not provide for fixing sales in EGAIS for cafes and restaurants.

Questions and answers

- If we are an individual entrepreneur and trade only in beer, do we need a scanner?
“You don’t need a scanner. UTII printer - at your discretion. If you are exempt from the use of CCP.

- Is a scanner needed for a small cafe bar?
- If you want to connect to EGAIS in terms of reflecting sales of strong alcohol on a voluntary basis, then yes, you do.

- What are the advantages of voluntary connection to EGAIS catering organization?
- The plus is that if you send sales data to EGAIS, you can forget about the retail sales register. It will be automatically filled in and formed in your personal account.

Who doesn't need to connect to EGAIS?

To begin with, we will list those who are temporarily released from the EGAIS.

  • Relaxation in the law is provided for organizations on the territory Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol... This applies to companies that sell alcohol at retail, as well as individual entrepreneurs who sell beer and other low-alcohol drinks at retail. In urban settlements, the facts of alcohol purchases must be recorded in the EGAIS from January 1, 2017. For rural settlements, the postponement of the EGAIS is even greater - they will need to connect on January 1, 2018.
  • Alcohol retail organizations in rural areas with a population of up to 3 thousand people, where the Internet has not yet been established in stores, also refer to those who did not need to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System at the first stage, but only in terms of fixing sales! On sales, they have a delay until July 1, 2017. Rural settlements did not have any delays in fixing purchases! And, what is important, not all rural settlements will receive benefits. The list of settlements that have received deferrals is approved by the subject of the federation.

And now about those who do not need to connect to EGAIS at all. Have the right to this:

  • producers of beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead with a volume of no more than 300 thousand decaliters per year;
  • producers of wine and sparkling wine (champagne) from their own grapes;
  • in terms of fixing sales, EGAIS is not provided for individual entrepreneurs selling beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead at retail, as well as for catering organizations (cafes and restaurants).
Questions and answers

- Crimea has a delay in accordance with 182-FZ, but if an organization from the mainland buys products from a company in Crimea, should it record the purchase in EGAIS?
- Yes, it is necessary to record such a purchase.

- How to confirm invoices to a supplier in a rural settlement, where the Internet in a store can disappear for more than 3 days?
- For settlements, the maximum terms for confirming invoices to the supplier are set - 7 days. During this time, you can find a point where there is Internet (for example, a post office) and confirm the invoices there.

Online alcohol trade

In fact, there is simply no law on the legal Internet trade in alcohol. But Rosalkogolregulirovanie says that this issue is on the agenda. It is assumed that in the legislation regulating these processes, restrictions on the age of buyers and on the time of sales will be spelled out.

Register of retail sales of alcoholic beverages

Keeping such a journal has also become a necessity since January 1, 2016. It records the number, date of retail sale, barcode, product name, product type code, capacity in liters and quantity. Alcohol supply data is not displayed in the log. The form of its conduct was approved by order of the Federal Alcohol Market Regulation No. 164 dated June 19, 2015.

The document can be maintained both in paper and in in electronic format... Subject to the connection to EGAIS, the logging requirements will be considered fulfilled. However, there is a subtle point here. Fixing retail sales of alcohol in EGAIS became mandatory only on July 1, 2016, and the magazine had to be kept from January 1. Accordingly, for half a year it was necessary to record sales in it separately.

Questions and answers

- How to enter data into the accounting log for the sale of alcohol in bulk?
- When selling alcohol in bottling, the data is entered into the journal when the container is opened. The weight and volume of the container are entered in full.

- Is it required to keep a log book in Crimea from January 1, 2016, or is there a deferral?
- Yes, required from 1st January 2016.

- How to keep records in the journal if the LLC sells both alcoholic beverages and beer?
- If there is only one organization, you should write everything in one journal. The journal is kept for each legal entity separately.

Filling out the magazine is the responsibility of all organizations that deal with the circulation of alcohol, as well as individual entrepreneurs selling beer and other low-alcohol drinks. At the same time, individual entrepreneurs who do not need to inform EGAIS about sales will need to display them in the magazine. A separate journal must be kept for each outlet.

Data from the journal will be needed for quarterly filling of declarations.

Responsibility for not connecting to EGAIS

If the outlet is not connected to the EGAIS, then from January 1, 2016, it is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages, including beer. The responsibility for not connecting to the EGAIS is the same as for the sale of alcohol without accompanying documents. Entity will be fined from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles, and the fine for not connecting to the EGAIS for the head of the company ( natural person) will be 15,000 rubles. This is provided for in article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

A similar responsibility after July 1, 2016 came for those entrepreneurs who connected to the Unified State Automated Information System and did not scan the goods. If this is not a deliberate violation, then this can happen as a result of the delivery to the store of goods with damaged brands and damaged barcodes. Information simply does not count, and when such a product is sold, it can only be regarded as illegal trade in alcoholic beverages. Therefore, every entrepreneur dealing with the sale of alcohol should have taken care of selling the goods with damaged brands before July.

We add that, as stated in Rosalkogolregulirovanie, until April 20, 2016, suppliers and retailers, if any problems with EGAIS are found, promised not to punish.

By April 20, declarations for the 1st quarter of 2016 were submitted, and the regulatory body was able to compare the information reflected in the declarations with the volumes that passed through the EGAIS. And then the suppliers and sellers who did not ensure the normal functioning of the system by this time could have problems - they were subjected to measures provided for by law, up to and including revocation of licenses.

EGAIS will be postponed until 2018?

This question is often encountered among representatives of alcohol retail. Most likely, it arose on the basis of speeches on this topic by the organization "Support of Russia" in the media. "Support of Russia" appealed to the authorities with a proposal to postpone the need to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System until July 1, 2018. However, the law officially entered into force on January 1, 2016.

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Setting item parameters

In the section administration / nomenclature settings, you need to set up alcohol accounting and set up an exchange with EGAIS

Setting up an exchange with EGAIS

Exchange settings with EGAIS is a register of information that contains information about the settings for connecting to the UTM (Universal Transport Module) service used to synchronize data with EGAIS.

Exclamation point next to both TIN and KPP means that they do not correspond to the classifier of the EGAIS organization. In this case, this organization has not yet been introduced in this classifier.

If a client-server architecture is used or the file database works with a web server, then the user can choose a connection option: On local computer or On the 1C: Enterprise server. If the connection method is selected on the local computer, then the user's client computer will interact with the UTM. If the connection method is on the 1C: Enterprise server, then the computer on which the 1C: Enterprise server is installed or the web server to which the database is connected will be to interact with the UTM.

In the FSRAR Code field, you need to fill in the organization code in the EGAIS system. This code can be viewed at home page UTM on the Certificates tab.

In the UTM Address field, you must specify the IP address (or Domain name) of the computer on which the UTM transport service is installed. The default UTM port is 8080, if necessary, it can be changed.

The exchange format is used to select the current exchange format with UTM - V1 or V2. If the UTM version 2.0.3 and higher is installed, then you can transfer the UTM operation to the V2 exchange format. If the V1 format is installed, then the organization will not be able to receive documents from EGAIS in the new format. When changing the format, it is recommended that you agree to send information about the new exchange format to the UTM.

The Use setting for the current workplace only flag can be used if it is required to specify different parameters for connecting to the UTM for different workplaces. If the Load incoming documents checkbox is set, then users who have access to the settings can receive new documents from EGAIS.

Classifier of organizations EGAIS

The directory stores information about organizations registered in the FSRAR that exchange data in the EGAIS system - manufacturers, importers, wholesale organizations and retail stores.

First, you need to get information from the classifier of EGAIS organizations for own organization, domestic producers of alcoholic beverages, importers and suppliers. When you execute the command EGAIS Classifiers - Load Organizations, a window opens in which you must enter the TIN of the required organization. The directory is filled in automatically upon receipt of documents from EGAIS.

Manual filling of the reference book is also possible. To do this, it is necessary to fill in the details: Code in FSRAR, Name, Full name, Type of organization, Country code.

In the Exchange format requisite, the exchange format with EGAIS used by the organization is selected - V1 or V2. For your own organization, the exchange format is specified in the exchange settings and this field is unavailable.

The flag Include the remains of alcoholic beverages is designed to control the sign of fixing the movements of documents for a given organization in the register of residues of EGAIS. If the flag is cleared, the service of automatic selection of References 2 in the TTN document (outgoing) will be unavailable.

The availability of the directory is determined by the functional option Maintain information for declarations on alcoholic beverages.

Important! An organization of the type “Counterparty of the Customs Union” or “Foreign Counterparty” does not have a TIN and it is impossible to download this way. Such organizations appear in the classifier by reference when loading the EGAIS nomenclature classifier

Classifier of alcoholic beverages EGAIS

The directory is launched in the section NSI / Classifier of alcoholic beverages of EGAIS and stores information about alcoholic beverages downloaded from EGAIS.

Important! The directory is filled in automatically when loading from the EGAIS Consignment notes or current balances. However, it can also be downloaded from EGAIS according to the TIN of the manufacturer or importer by sending a request to the UTM.

Catalog items can be created manually. To do this, it is necessary to fill in the details: Code in FSRAR, Name, Full name, Type of alcoholic beverages.

In the requisite Type of products for products sold for bottling, the value "Unpackaged" should be indicated. For products with consumer packaging, select the "Packaged" value.

Setting up the "Nomenclature types" reference book

In the NSI / Nomenclature types section, create a type of alcoholic beverages nomenclature with the type of nomenclature product and with the attribute of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

Important! For accounting for alcoholic beverages, I do not recommend using characteristics. This is not necessary, since it complicates the process of comparing the nomenclature with the EGAIS classifier. In addition, there are separate nomenclature details for entering the properties “volume in decalitres” and “strength”. The ability to take into account the properties of an item in a separate reference book of characteristics makes sense, for example, for shoes that have a size ruler. Dimensions, color and other properties can be taken into account using characteristics. В For alcoholic beverages - volume in decalitres and strength

Setting up an item reference

In the NSI / nomenclature section, you need to maintain nomenclature items. In the process of creating a nomenclature item, when specifying the type of item with the Alcoholic products flag, the user is given the opportunity to enter the information necessary to fill out the journal for accounting for retail sales of alcoholic beverages:

  • Type of alcoholic beverages in accordance with the reference book,
  • The volume of a retail unit of an item in decalitres (1 decaliter = 10 liters),
  • A manufacturer or importer of alcoholic beverages. Moreover, the fields Producer and Producer (importer) of alcoholic beverages can have different values ​​for both domestic and imported products.

When saving an element of the directory, 2 additional signs are filled in that are inaccessible to users - "Alcoholic Products" (depending on the type of nomenclature) and "Imported alcoholic products" (depending on the country of origin).

Comparison of the nomenclature and classifier of alcoholic beverages EGAIS

After connecting to the EGAIS system and loading the classifiers, it is recommended to carry out work on comparing the basic configuration data and the EGAIS. If an RIB is used, then the mapping should be done at the central RIB node.

To compare the configuration data and the EGAIS, processing is used to compare the EGAIS organizations and the Comparison of the EGAIS nomenclature.
These treatments are available in the section NSI / Service

Comparison of EGAIS organizations

After the classifier of the EGAIS organization is loaded, a list of organizations will be displayed on the left side of the service form (name, TIN. KPP, etc.). For each classifier record, it is necessary to find a match in the directory of counterparties and establish a connection using the command Compare.

The matched items are highlighted in green. Several EGAIS organizations can correspond to one record of the directory of contractors. The control is carried out according to the values ​​of the fields of the EGAIS classifier "INN" and "KPP". By these values, you can set the selection in the directory of counterparties. Double click for the selected nomenclature, you can view all related EGAIS records. You can undo an erroneous mapping using the command Cancel communication... This will unlink the selected records.

If the counterparty is not found, you can use the command Create counterparty... The system will ask for the group to which it will need to be placed new entry... When creating a counterparty, the fields TIN, KPP, Actual address will be filled in from the classifier of EGAIS organizations.

Comparison of the EGAIS nomenclature

After matching manufacturers and importers, you can proceed to matching the item using the service Comparison of the EGAIS nomenclature (NSI - Service)... In the left pane, records of the EGAIS alcoholic beverages classifier are displayed, in the right pane - the nomenclature reference book. In the command menu of the left panel, using the switches, you can select only records of the EGAIS alcoholic beverages classifier that are not related to the nomenclature and set the selection by one of the fields, for example, by importer. For a new item, the group creation of item cards is supported.

When an item is created, a link is established with the alcoholic product on the basis of which it was created. If there are duplicates in the EGAIS classifier, they can be associated with existing positions. In the command panel of the item reference book, you can set filtering by flag Alcoholic beverages type of item and set the filter By the properties of EGAIS... Using the filter, you can select the items of the nomenclature by the values ​​of the fields of the selected item of the EGAIS classifier.

Found positions can be linked using the command Compare... In the form that opens, the values ​​of the attributes of the matched records are displayed. It is also possible to cancel the established connection


Since 02/01/2018, Rosalkogolregulirovanie has begun to implement a blot accounting system for alcoholic beverages (EGAIS 3.0). A distinctive feature of EGAIS 3.0 is that participants in the alcohol market will report to the state not for each batch of alcohol, but for each individual bottle. We tell you what the new system is like, how it will be implemented and how it will turn out for organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

How EGAIS 3.0 will work

Compared to EGAIS 2.0, the third version of the protocol makes it possible to track the legality of alcohol not only in the sphere of wholesale supplies, but also in retail, which now accounts for a huge share of counterfeit products.

Previously, manufacturers and wholesalers used serial accounting of excise stamps. A certain number of excise stamps was issued for each consignment of alcohol, equal to the number of issued bottles. Moreover, excise taxes were not tied to a specific bottle, but to the batch released. The accounting indicated the number of bottles issued within the batch, as well as the range of excise stamps codes. That is, it was clear that each bottle from the batch corresponds to one or another associated code from the assigned range of excise taxes, but it was not clear which one.

This led to confusion in the retail industry. One and the same bottle could be resold several times and end up on leftovers at several retail outlets at once. And in the end, it could be recognized as counterfeit at the point where the check appeared.

As for all previously shipped residues of alcohol (before the introduction of blotted accounting), it is allowed to be accounted for and sold according to the old rules up to full sale. Blocked accounting of such alcohol is not required.

Meanwhile, the state will still limit the timing of the sale of old batches of alcohol. At present, Rosalkogolregulirovanie does not yet present the real volumes of old consignments, so the deadline for implementation will be known closer to July 2018.

For retail trade enterprises, the obligation to transfer information on purchases and sales of alcoholic beverages to the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) is fixed (Federal Law No. 171-FZ dated 22.11.1995). System configuration 1C.Predpriyatie "Retail" in the basic version includes tools.

Exchange setup

For exchange with EGAIS, a universal transport module (UTM) is used. UTM is a service that interacts with the accounting system with the servers of the federal control system. It is possible to download the transport module application from the official portal of Rosalkogolregulirovanie in the organization's personal account. Having deployed the exchange service in the first place, then you should configure the operational accounting system.

In the Administration / Nomenclature settings / Alcohol accounting section, select the Alcoholic beverages checkbox and follow the link “Exchange settings with EGAIS”. Create exchange settings documents using the information:

  • About the organization;
  • About retail outlets and the peculiarities of their work;
  • The registration code assigned to the store;
  • Technical parameters of interaction with UTM.

Working with directories

The exchange of accounting application data with EGAIS assumes that both systems operate with synchronized data sets. The user of 1C Retail needs to compare the data of the directories with the database of the controlling body, that is, correlate the position with the position of the configuration directory.

  • Importers and manufacturers with registration codes must be entered in the directory Contractors;
  • A correspondence should be established between manufacturers' product lists and the organization's own nomenclature;
  • It is necessary to compare contractors and suppliers of alcoholic beverages.

It is possible to correlate the names of manufacturing organizations and their product list with EGAIS in the current work, but the preliminary preparation of directories will greatly facilitate and speed up the further work of personnel, and reduce the number of errors to a minimum. It is reasonable to entrust the preparatory work to an employee who has excellent knowledge of the range of alcoholic beverages.

Establishing a correspondence between data is carried out in the NSI section. The mapping service logic is intuitive. The window is divided into two parts: on the left, the user sees EGAIS data, on the right, information from his own reference books. The correspondence between the lines of both parts is not always one-to-one: the line on the left can correspond to several lines on the right, and vice versa. The features of the comparison depend on the features of the construction of the operational accounting of the enterprise.

Registration of receipts

Upon receipt of products, the retailer must confirm or clarify the information transmitted to the EGAIS by the supplier. The receipt of goods is drawn up by a consignment note (TTN).

In the basic version of 1C. Retail management enterprises, actions are performed in the Procurement / EGAIS / Incoming TTN section. After choosing an organization and point of sale available to obtain information on shipments provided by the supplier of products. On the consignment note, the application shows:

  • TTN status (“accepted”, “processed”, “refused”);
  • Date of receipt and document number;
  • Incoming date;
  • Shipping date;
  • The amount of the document;
  • Other information.

When checking the received goods, the user has the right to confirm the uploaded documents or refuse to confirm the invoice if the data of the control system does not correspond to the actual deliveries.

On the basis of the invoice, the document "Goods receipt" is created. At this stage, a comparison of organizations and goods is carried out, if it has not been performed previously, and also on the "Goods in fact" tab, the delivery volumes are specified in the event of a discrepancy between the actual receipt and the quantity of goods declared in EGAIS.

Actions can be performed in the reverse order: the incoming TTN is selected to the created receipt document.

The service offers the ability to print reference labels 2 for the purpose of sticking them on goods and further use in warehouse accounting using scanners.

Reflecting retail sales

For products directly offered to customers, the document "Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor" is drawn up.

Alcoholic products produced and sold on the territory are marked with special and excise stamps, the content of which is established by law. The brand contains the following information about the product:

  • Name, type and country of origin;
  • Ethyl alcohol content;
  • Volume in consumer packaging;
  • Name, location of the manufacturer;
  • Quality and safety information;
  • Information about the trademark.

The stamps are produced by the state and belong to the category of strict reporting documents. Information
At the time of registration of the purchase of alcoholic beverages from the cashier in addition to his usual 1C actions, retail will require reading the brand code in order to further reflect the data in the control system. At this moment, the system recognizes the authenticity of the brand and, in the event of the sale of counterfeit products, sends a corresponding message to the regulatory body. In response, EGAIS returns a two-dimensional QR code, which, together with the content of the stamp, will be printed on the receipt. The parameters for checking the content of stamps and printing receipts lend themselves to flexible configuration.

Information on sales of low-alcohol products is transferred to the control system after closing cash register shift through the creation of the "EGAIS Write-off Act" on the basis of the "Retail Sales Report" document.

Consideration of the details of working with the configuration of the basic version of 1C. Retail in terms of interaction with EGAIS will require more material, but undoubtedly the logic of the control system is fully supported by the application.