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1c retail comparison of egais nomenclature. Classifier of alcoholic products egais. Set item options

In "1C: Retail 8" there are two main scenarios for synchronizing product data received from EGAIS and the nomenclature:

  1. When working with NSI (regulatory reference information).
  2. When processing the document, the EGAIS consignment note (incoming).

Preliminary settings of elements of the reference book "Nomenclature"

Directory " Types of nomenclature "

In order to account for alcoholic products, it is necessary to create a separate Item type.

For this you need:

  1. Go to section NSI - Nomenclature - Types of nomenclature and press the button Create.
  2. Follow the hyperlink Specify in the form of a reference element Item type.
  3. In the opened window Select item type set radio buttons to value Product And Alcoholic (alcohol-containing) products.

Attention! Checkbox Sold in bulk set only for products sold in bulk, after reflecting the opening of the package.

Directory " Types of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products"

Directory Types of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products(chapter NSI - EGAIS) contains information in accordance with the classifier from Appendix 4 to the order of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation dated January 12, 2004 No. BG-3-13 / [email protected]"On making additions to the format for the presentation of tax and accounting reports in in electronic format(version 2.00)".

There are two ways to complete the directory:

Directory "Nomenclature"

In directory items Nomenclature details must be filled in:

In the Procedure for the work of a system participant when fixing data in the EGAIS, published on the FSRAR website (, it is recommended to search for alcoholic products when registering a retail sale by reading the EAN barcode scanner.

In order to assign an EAN barcode from a container to a product, you must:

The barcode will automatically be recorded in the information register barcodes. You can go to the created record with the command barcodes from the directory element form Nomenclature(menu More - Go).

Note. A barcode can be assigned to a directory element Nomenclature at the stage of its creation. To do this, you need to go to the directory Nomenclature(NSI section - Nomenclature) and read the EAN barcode with a scanner. If the directory element is not found, the program will offer to create it and automatically assign this barcode.

Loading alcoholic products from EGAIS

Information on alcoholic products obtained from the Unified State Automated Information System is stored in the directory (section NSI - EGAIS).

There are three ways to download the guide Classifier of alcoholic products EGAIS:

  1. Automatically upon receipt of documents from EGAIS.
  2. By TIN of importers and manufacturers.
  3. According to the current warehouse balance using a barcode scanner.
reference book "Classifier of alcoholic products EGAIS" by TIN of importers and manufacturers

To download alcoholic products from EGAIS using the TIN of the importer or manufacturer, you must:

reference book "Classifier of alcoholic products EGAIS" using a barcode scanner

The excise stamp code, as prescribed by the FSRAR, contains an encrypted AP code. To enter a warehouse balance, you must:

In the workplace Comparison of the EGAIS nomenclature tools provided:

We continue to deal with the "1C: Retail 2.1" configuration for the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform. In previous articles, we have already dealt with, and now let's see how to add information about individual items of the item to the database. In order to do this, we need to go to the "Nomenclature" directory.

Right now our directory is still empty. New positions can be added directly to the directory root, but for convenience it is better to create a separate group for each type of item. From the article on item types, you already know that an item can be one of three types: goods, services, and Gift certificates. As examples, we will work with commodity items, so we will create a group "Products", and in it another group - "Buckets".

In order to create a new item group, you need to click the icon with the image of a yellow folder or the key combination Ctrl + F9.

In the window that opens, write the name of the new group in the "Name" line. Do not specify anything in the "Group" line.

Now a new group has appeared in the directory. To create another group inside it, you need to double-click on it or select it, then press Enter. Let's do this and in exactly the same way create a Bucket group inside the "Products" group.

Please note that the name of the group was automatically substituted in the "Group" line, which in this moment we have open. If we created a nested group without first opening the parent group, we would have to specify the name of the parent group manually or select it by clicking on the button with the ellipsis symbol.

You can also nest one group into another by simply dragging it with the mouse, but it is more convenient to immediately create it where you need it.

Now, in exactly the same way, we will create the “Bolts” and “Concrete Mixers” groups, which will also be nested in the “Products” group. The result should be the following picture.

To create a new position, you need to go to the desired group and click the "Create" button in the "1C: Retail" interface or use the Insert key on the keyboard. In principle, it is not necessary to join a group, since the same rules apply here as for groups, but it is much more convenient this way.

There are many fields in the nomenclature card, but only those that are underlined with a red line are required to fill out.

The first position that we will add will be called "Enamelled Bucket". I want to note that when scoring the name of the nomenclature, consisting of several words, you should put a noun at the beginning and always follow this rule, even if the name is written differently on the label. Otherwise, accounting errors may occur when the same product is entered twice in the directory under different names. For example, "Enameled bucket" and "Enameled bucket".

When, after specifying the name, we move to another line, the "Name for printing" field will be filled in automatically. This is done for the convenience of the user. If necessary, the printed version of the name can be changed manually.

Next, another pleasant surprise awaits us. As soon as we specify the item type, the main part of the fields will be filled in automatically, in accordance with the settings specified for this type. As you can see in the next screenshot, the card is almost completely filled.

At this point, the card can be saved and closed, but I want to show one more important feature. To begin with, let's save, without closing, the new position by clicking on the icon with the image of a floppy disk, after which we will click on the "Characteristics" link in the navigation panel.

Here we will see that our new nomenclature already has a number of characteristics. They appeared because, when creating the item type "Buckets" in one of the previous lessons, we indicated that products with this type of item would have common characteristics. Then we created these characteristics.

Now, in the same way, we will create another item of the nomenclature - "Bolt" and specify the appropriate type for it. For the item type "Bolts", the use of characteristics is also indicated, but if we go into the characteristics, we will see that there is nothing here yet. After all, for this type we have chosen individual characteristics, which means that for each position of this type they will need to be specified manually. This is done using the same "Create" or Insert buttons.

Characteristics can be arbitrarily complex and detailed, but for simplicity, we will distinguish between bolts by thread diameter: 6, 8 and 10 mm.

If the use of characteristics is indicated for the item of the nomenclature, then at least one characteristic must be filled in. Otherwise, such a product cannot be added to any document. In other words, the final object for selection in this case will be not the name, but the characteristic.

If the nomenclature does not have characteristics, the choice will be limited to the name.

Let's see what the product looks like without characteristics. We still have one more type of nomenclature - "Concrete Mixers". But when creating it, we specified individual characteristics for it. Now you need to change these settings, taking into account that the characteristics will not be used. We have already considered the editing procedure, so I will not write about it here.

Let's create the position "Concrete mixer B-1". If now we open a window with its characteristics, we will see that the list is empty, and the buttons for creating, editing and deleting characteristics have become inactive.

Print (Ctrl+P)

Set item options

In the administration / nomenclature settings section, you need to set up alcohol accounting and set up an exchange with EGAIS

Setting up an exchange with EGAIS

Exchange settings with EGAIS is a register of information that contains information about the settings for connecting to the UTM (Universal transport module) used to synchronize data with EGAIS.

An exclamation mark next to both TIN and KPP means that they do not correspond to the classifier of the EGAIS organization. In this case, this organization has not yet been entered in this classifier.

If a client-server architecture is used or the file database works with a web server, then the user can choose the connection option: local computer or On the 1C:Enterprise server. If the connection method On the local computer is selected, then the user's client computer will interact with the RTM. If the connection method is On the 1C:Enterprise server, then the computer on which the 1C:Enterprise server is installed or the web server to which the database is connected will interact with UTM.

In the Code field in the FSRAR, you need to fill in the organization code in the EGAIS system. This code can be viewed at home page UTM on the Certificates tab.

In the UTM Address field, enter the IP address (or Domain name) the computer on which the UTM transport service is installed. The default UTM port is 8080, you can change it if necessary.

The exchange format is used to select the current exchange format with UTM - V1 or V2. If UTM version 2.0.3 and higher is installed, then you can transfer the operation of UTM to the V2 exchange format. If the V1 format is set, then the organization will not be able to receive documents from the Unified State Automated Information System in the new format. When changing the format, it is recommended to agree to sending information about the new exchange format to UTM.

The Use setting for the current workplace only flag can be used if it is required to specify for different workplaces different parameters connections to UTM. If the Upload incoming documents flag is set, then users with access to settings can receive new documents from EGAIS.

Classifier of organizations EGAIS

The directory stores information about organizations registered with the FSRAR that exchange data in the EGAIS system - manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retail stores.

First you need to get information from the classifier of organizations EGAIS for own organization, domestic producers of alcoholic beverages, importers and suppliers. When you execute the command EGAIS Classifiers - Load organizations, a window opens in which you need to enter the TIN of the desired organization. The directory is filled in automatically upon receipt of documents from the Unified State Automated Information System.

It is also possible to manually fill in the directory. To do this, it is necessary to fill in the details: Code in the FSRAR, Name, Full name, Type of organization, Country code.

In the attribute Exchange format, the format of exchange with the EGAIS used by the organization is selected - V1 or V2. For your own organization, the exchange format is specified in the exchange settings and this field is not available.

Flag Account for the remains of alcoholic products is designed to control the sign of fixing the movements of documents for this organization in the register of balances of the EGAIS. If the flag is unchecked, then the service of automatic selection of References 2 in the TTH document (outgoing) will be unavailable.

The availability of the directory is determined by the Maintain information for alcohol product declarations functional option.

Important! An organization of the type "Contractor of the Customs Union" or "Foreign counterparty" does not have a TIN and it is impossible to download in this way. Such organizations appear in the classifier by reference when downloading the classifier of the EGAIS nomenclature

Classifier of alcoholic products EGAIS

The directory is launched in the NSI / Classifier of alcoholic products section of the EGAIS and stores information about alcoholic products downloaded from the EGAIS.

Important! The reference book is filled in automatically when loading from EGAIS Waybills or current balances. However, it can also be downloaded from EGAIS using the TIN of the manufacturer or importer by sending a corresponding request to UTM.

Reference items can be created manually. To do this, it is necessary to fill in the details: Code in the FSRAR, Name, Full name, Type of alcoholic beverages.

In the Type of product variable for products sold for bottling, the value "Unpackaged" should be specified. For products with consumer packaging, you need to select the "Packed" value.

Setting up the reference book "Types of nomenclature"

In the NSI/Types of nomenclature section, create a type of nomenclature for alcoholic products with the type of product nomenclature and with the characteristic of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

Important! To account for alcoholic products, I do not recommend using characteristics. This is not necessary, since it complicates the process of comparing the nomenclature with the EGAIS classifier. In addition, there are separate item details for entering the properties "volume in decalitres" and "strength". The ability to take into account the properties of the nomenclature in a separate reference book of characteristics makes sense, for example, for shoes that have a ruler of sizes. Dimensions, color and other properties can be taken into account using characteristics. B For alcoholic products - volume in decalitres and strength

Setting up an item reference book

In the NSI / nomenclature section, you need to maintain nomenclature positions. In the process of creating an item item, when specifying the type of item with the flag Alcoholic products, the user is given the opportunity to enter the information necessary to fill in the register of retail sales of alcoholic products:

  • Type of alcoholic products in accordance with the directory,
  • The volume of the item's retail unit in decalitres (1 decalitre = 10 liters),
  • Producer or importer of alcoholic beverages. Moreover, the fields Producer and Producer (importer) of alcoholic products can have different values ​​for both domestic and imported products.

When saving an element of the directory, 2 additional features are filled in that are inaccessible to users - "Alcoholic Products" (depending on the type of nomenclature) and "Imported alcoholic products" (depending on the country of origin).

Comparison of the nomenclature and classifier of alcoholic products EGAIS

After connecting to the EGAIS system and loading classifiers, it is recommended to work on comparing the main configuration data and EGAIS. If RIB is used, matching should be done at the RIB central node

To compare configuration data and EGAIS, the processings are Comparison of EGAIS organizations and Comparison of EGAIS nomenclature.
These treatments are available in the NSI / Service section

Comparison of EGAIS organizations

After the EGAIS organization classifier is loaded, a list of organizations (name, TIN, KPP, etc.) will be displayed on the left side of the service form. For each classifier entry, you need to find a match in the directory of counterparties and establish a connection using the command compare.

Matched positions are highlighted in green. Several EGAIS organizations may correspond to one entry in the directory of counterparties. Control is carried out according to the values ​​​​of the fields of the EGAIS classifier "TIN" and "KPP". By these values, you can set the selection in the directory of counterparties. double click for the selected nomenclature, you can view all related EGAIS records. You can cancel an erroneous mapping using the command Unlink. This will unlink the selected records.

If the counterparty is not found, you can use the command Create a counterparty. The system will ask for a group in which to place new record. When creating a counterparty, the TIN, KPP, Actual address fields will be filled in from the EGAIS organization classifier.

Comparison of the EGAIS nomenclature

After comparing manufacturers and importers, you can proceed to matching the nomenclature using the service Comparison of the EGAIS nomenclature (NSI - Service). The left panel displays the records of the EGAIS alcoholic beverages classifier, and the nomenclature reference book is displayed in the right panel. In the command menu of the left panel, using the switches, you can select only records of the EGAIS alcoholic beverages classifier that are not related to the nomenclature and set the selection by one of the fields, for example, by importer. For a new item, group creation of item cards is supported.

When creating a nomenclature, a connection is established with the alcoholic products on the basis of which it was created. If there are duplicates in the EGAIS classifier, they can be associated with existing positions. In the command panel of the item reference book, you can set the selection by flag Alcoholic products item type and set a filter According to the properties of EGAIS. Using the filter, you can select items of the nomenclature by the values ​​of the fields of the selected position of the EGAIS classifier.

Found positions can be linked using the command compare. The form that opens displays the values ​​of the attributes of the compared records. It is also possible to cancel the established connection
