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The lamp is quartz. Quartz lamps for room disinfection. Quartz lamp "desar": characteristics and feedback

With the help of household quartz lamps, rooms are disinfected, separate devices are designed for local irradiation of the skin and mucous membranes. The devices are intended for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. They must be used strictly according to the instructions.

What is quartzing?

Quartzization is called disinfection by ultraviolet light. Its source can be a quartz or bactericidal lamp. Quartz crystals do not get into the air, but only provide the transmission of ultraviolet radiation.

Quartz devices are used quite widely: the object of quartzization can be a room, a human body, various objects. Thanks to ultraviolet radiation, the DNA molecules of infectious organisms are absorbed, their death occurs. This applies to viruses, bacteria, mold fungi and other microorganisms.

During the operation of the quartz irradiator, ozone is produced. It also has disinfectant properties.

Indications and contraindications for quartz treatment

Quartz irradiators are necessary for disinfection and antibacterial treatment. Quartzing brings significant benefits:

  • Prevention during an epidemic. Such treatment is necessary during seasonal outbreaks of viral diseases, various infections.
  • Prevention of infection through contact with sick people. This is important when there are several people in the same room (apartment, office).
  • Acceleration of recovery in certain diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If the air is disinfected, then during breathing a new portion of bacteria will not enter, which delays the course of the disease.
  • Prevention of reinfection. This property of quartzization is especially important in diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Treatment of dermatological diseases and other skin lesions. Disinfected air is a kind of antiseptic.
  • Treatment of joint diseases.
  • Reducing the period of rehabilitation after surgery. Quartzization activates tissue regeneration, the load on the immune system is reduced.
  • Prevention of the development of rickets in children.

The use of a quartz irradiator eliminates the need for chemical disinfection. It is enough to regularly carry out wet cleaning.

Quartzization is a useful procedure, but it can also cause side reactions:

  • Individual intolerance. Some people have an allergic reaction to UV radiation. In this case, after quartzing the room, it must be ventilated without fail.
  • An increase in blood pressure. Such a side effect can be observed with hypertension, when the pressure in a person is already obviously increased.
  • Risk of accelerated tumor growth and metastasis.
  • Risk of complications of vascular diseases.
  • Possibility of ozone poisoning. Prevent such a risk by airing the room after quartzing it. Ozone-free lamps are deprived of such shortcomings.
  • Caution should be used with a quartz lamp for local irradiation for people with dry skin. When quartzing, overdrying and pigmentation of the skin is possible.

Quartzization of the skin (mucous membranes) has many indications, but is not suitable for all people. The procedure is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • renal or heart failure;
  • hypertension II or III degree;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • active tuberculosis.

The presence of such pathologies means that local irradiation should be abandoned, while the premises can be treated.

The principle of operation of a home quartz lamp

A quartz lamp is a sealed bulb made of quartz glass (usually with impurities), inside of which there are mercury vapor, when interacting with electric charge producing ultraviolet radiation.

Such lamps are gas-discharge lamps, and the principle of operation resembles classical fluorescent lamps. Quartz glass in these devices plays the role of a kind of filter, as it only transmits ultraviolet rays of a certain spectrum.

Types of home quartz lamps

There are several types of quartz lamps for home use. There is a classification according to several criteria.

One of them is the design of the device. On this basis, there are several types of quartz lamps:

  • Closed. In this case, isolation is provided for the ultraviolet emitter, which eliminates the aggressive effect on the body. Such devices are used to treat premises, provided that there are no people or animals in them.
  • Portable. These lamps are portable and can be installed anywhere.
  • There are also open lamps. They are as effective as possible, but they are not suitable for use at the household level.

According to the features of the manufacture of the flask, the following devices are distinguished:

  • Classical. For the manufacture of flasks of such lamps, pure quartz glass is used. When quartzing with this device, ozone is produced in large quantities, therefore it is not suitable for living conditions.
  • Bactericidal. For the manufacture of flasks, uviol glass is used, which reduces the amount of ozone produced in the air.
  • Ozone-free. The emitting bulb of the lamp has a special coating that prevents the release of ozone. The antiseptic and antibacterial functions of the device are not affected.

Quartz lamps can be designed for hanging, floor or table installation:

  • Mounted appliances are stationary, therefore they can only be used in one room. You can mount the device on the ceiling or on the wall. This option is the least popular.
  • Floor models are quite high power, so they are used in spacious rooms. Such devices are portable, as they have medium dimensions.
  • At home, table quartz lamps are more often used. They are attractive due to their compactness and the possibility of installation on various surfaces. An important advantage of the small dimensions of the device is ease of storage. It is desktop models that are used for local irradiation. For these purposes, various nozzles are used.

General rules for the use of a quartz lamp

Before using a quartz lamp at home, you must carefully study the instructions for it. There are several general rules:

  • Quartzization of the room is prohibited if there is a person with a high temperature in it. It is worth refraining from contact with a quartz lamp if a serious illness has just been transferred.
  • Do not quartz the room if it has indoor plants. People and animals must leave the room for the duration of the treatment.
  • Compliance with fire safety.
  • When processing individual areas of the skin, the rest of the body must be covered with a dense cloth or clothing.
  • If quartzing is necessary for a person, then it should be started 5-15 minutes after turning on the device (the time depends on the model of the device). This time is necessary to stabilize the operation mode of the device.
  • The first time quartzization of a person is carried out for 30 seconds. In subsequent sessions, add 30 seconds each until the recommended time for processing a particular area is reached. It should not exceed 3 minutes.
  • One area of ​​the skin (mucosa) can be quartzed only once a day. More than 5 sessions can not be carried out.
  • It is forbidden to touch or look at the quartz irradiator during operation.
  • After a continuous half-hour operation of the quartz lamp, it must be turned off. The next session can be carried out only after the lamps have completely cooled down. This takes approximately 30-40 minutes.
  • Inside the lamp is mercury. If the flask is damaged or broken, then mercury is collected with a rubber bulb in protective gloves, and then disposed of.

The duration of local quartzing is determined according to the instructions. Do not exceed the processing time, as this can lead to burns or the appearance of age spots.

The quartz lamp is intended exclusively for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Such a device is not intended for getting a tan, although it can give such an effect to a small extent.

Step by step instruction manual

The safety and efficiency of quartzization is ensured by observing the rules for operating the device. When using the device, a certain algorithm is followed:

  • Instrument preparation. You can use a carrier if needed. The electrical network must match the parameters of the device.
  • Electrical connection. Using a carrier allows you to turn the lamp on and off without being in the same room with it. If it is permissible to be in the same room when the appliance is turned on, then safety goggles should be used.
  • With a timer for automatic shutdown must be used for security reasons.
  • After quartzization, you should not stay in the treated room for 30-60 minutes.
  • After irradiation, airing is organized (half an hour).

Before local quartzing, you should consult a doctor. He will determine the need for such treatment and take into account possible contraindications to it.

The best home quartz lamps

Quartz lamps for domestic use are quite popular and are presented on the market in a decent assortment. It should be noted a few best models.

This ultraviolet lamp is intended for local use and disinfection of small rooms (up to 30 sq.m). Maximum power - 100 watts.

The irradiator is designed for 8 hours of continuous operation per day. This assumes a cyclic regime - 30-minute cycles with 15-minute breaks. The operating mode is set within 5 minutes after switching on the device.

The device has 2 UV lamps at once. They provide long-wave (2/3) and medium-wave (1/3) ultraviolet spectrum.

Irradiance at a distance of 70 cm is 4 W/sq. m, 10 cm - 25 W / sq. m. The irradiation range is 250-400 nm.

Initially, the device provided for the presence of a grid. AT updated version this detail is missing, but specifications remained unchanged. Safety goggles and a biodosimeter are included with the UV lamp.

The average cost of the device is 7-8 thousand rubles.

Such an ultraviolet lamp is a whole medical complex. This device is classified as professional medical equipment, although it is acceptable to use it in a domestic environment.

The power consumption of the device is up to 20 watts. The radiation range is 205-315 nm. Productivity in the recirculatory mode is 0.7 cubic meters. m/min.

The device is capable of operating in two modes - open and recirculating. In the second case, during quartzing, people or animals may be in the room. The modes are switched by the button. There is a built-in timer.

The irradiator package includes 3 tubes of different sizes (nasal sinuses, ear passages, oral cavity), ear pad.

The average cost of the device is 8500 rubles.

The purpose of this quartzizer is therapeutic and prophylactic irradiation of residential premises, physiotherapy and beauty parlors, kindergartens, sanatoriums, and people. In addition to the quartz lamp, the device provides built-in heating elements for infrared radiation.

The device is designed for irradiation of rooms up to 20 sq. m. During quartzing, the presence of people and animals is not allowed.

The maximum power of the device is 450 watts. The operating mode stabilizes 3 minutes after switching on. The device implies an intermittent operation mode - after a 15-minute switch-on, the lamp must completely cool down.

The device can be used at a temperature of 10-35 degrees and a relative humidity of 60%.

Safety goggles included.

The average cost of the device is 3000 rubles.

This irradiator is designed for wall mounting. The lamp can be used in residential premises, children's and medical institutions, beauty parlors.

The device is designed for a room area of ​​​​up to 20-25 square meters. m (60 cubic meters). Irradiation can be carried out in the presence of people.

The performance of the lamp is from 60 cu. m/h Power consumption up to 36 W. The device is designed for 8 hours of continuous operation. Lamp life 6000 hours.

The average cost of the irradiator is 6000 rubles.

Quartz - effective method get rid of airborne viruses and bacteria. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the shell of pathogenic microorganisms is destroyed, and they lose their viability.

Quartzization is common for disinfecting premises in medical and health institutions, kindergartens, hairdressing and beauty parlors, and other places with high traffic. To reduce the risk of diseases, this procedure can be carried out in the apartment. Quartz is especially indicated during SARS epidemics, if the family has small children or people with reduced immunity.

The device and principle of operation of recirculators

For quartzization, special devices are used: recirculators-irradiators. By the principle of operation, they are similar to quartz lamps, but they have an important advantage over them: most recirculators can be turned on even when people are present.

The irradiators consist of a mercury lamp (depending on the model, the device may have one or more such lamps) with a bulb, which is placed in a special case. The fan draws air into the housing, where it is exposed to UV rays and exits back into the room already disinfected. As a result of this treatment, 90-99% of microorganisms die. Since all processes take place inside the case, UV radiation does not get outside, and the procedure is safe for people.

Types and features of recirculators

According to the installation method, the irradiators are divided into two types:

  • wall;
  • mobile.

In the first case, the device is stationary: it is hung on the wall in a room where it is necessary to regularly clean the air. Mobile recirculators are mounted on a solid frame made of metal pipes and equipped with four swivel wheels with brakes. This model is optimal if it is necessary to sequentially carry out disinfection in several rooms.

All devices are easy to use. To work, they are connected to the mains and turn on at the touch of a button. The performance of the quartzizer depends on the model, on average it can be from 30 to 100 cubic meters in hour. For the convenience of the user, some devices are equipped with a timer and a display that shows the operating time of the lamps, health indicators and other parameters.

Quartz DKBU-9 Ultraviolet bactericidal irradiator

Quartz devices

In order to get rid of pill addiction, it is necessary not only to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also to have a quartz apparatus for the home. Such a lamp is a powerful tool for fighting known virus infections. It will help prevent a number of colds and viral diseases, as well as rid the room of fungi, mold and pathogens.

A round of physiotherapy treatment in a hospital and at home is gaining its popularity among children and adults, but requires prior approval of such procedures with a doctor. The quartz apparatus, when used regularly, helps in the prevention and treatment of airborne diseases.

What is it and why is it so in demand?

Bactericidal irradiators are used in professional activities in medical institutions and at home. According to the structure, the devices are presented in the form of an electric gas-discharge mercury lamp, which is necessary for ultraviolet radiation. Standard devices are completed with quartz glass and have a different shape - from compact desktop models to suspended and mobile mechanisms.

Remember: the lamp itself has a fragile structure and, at the slightest damage, requires immediate disposal in special containers, as it emits harmful fumes.

Quartz devices presented in several forms:

  • closed type lamps can be used in rooms with people and have different power. Depending on the size of the room. There are designs of various designs, with drawings and in the form of irradiators with a tube for the nose and throat (Sun).
  • Open sanitary and epidemiological devices with a suppressive effect on microorganisms can only be switched on when there are no people and animals in the room. The power of such installations is high, with a characteristic durability of the device.
  • Mobile on wheels are suitable for hospitals and medical institutions, as well as for disinfection in several wards.
  • Stationary installations with 1, 2 or more lamps are mounted in opera blocks and corridors, children's institutions and doctors' offices.
  • Desktop compact size designs are suitable for household use and treatment in physio rooms, are easily transported and do not take up much space.

The quartzing procedure is familiar to many. In medical centers, schedules for the disinfection of air masses are posted near each ward or office. Recently, such a technique for living quarters is available to any person. Quartz lamp for the home - is there so much benefit from it for a person? Is its role for the disinfection of home space not exaggerated?

In this article, we will analyze all the advantages of quartz treatment, features of use and the main sources of radiation for home use.

It has long been known that the sun's rays prevent the spread of bacteria. Numerous studies have determined the occurrence of such an effect from the invisible range of sunlight, the length of which is below 320 nanometers. Subsequently, scientists proposed artificial devices that emit ultraviolet light, which destroy harmful microorganisms. In addition, disinfection occurs, and the surfaces of objects are disinfected. This action does not use chemical disinfectants and elevated temperatures.

How to choose quartz lamps for your home: an overview of lamps, prices, reviews. The property of quartz lamps to spread ultraviolet radiation has long been used by medical institutions for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Modern manufacturers offer models that can be used at home. Quartz lamps for the home will help fill the lack of vitamin D in the body, disinfect the air in the room. But before using the device, be sure to study the rules for quartzing rooms and people.

Devices for air disinfection are designed both for use in specialized institutions and for home use

Quartz lamps for home use

In the production of ultraviolet radiation sources, several types of glass materials are used. Given this, such devices are classified into:

  • quartz;
  • bactericidal;
  • amalgam.

The source, which is based on a quartz bulb, gives powerful radiation. As a result of the operation of such a device, a large amount of ozone is produced, which has a strong antimicrobial effect.

Treatment of premises with ultraviolet rays helps to purify the air from bacteria and viruses, and also promotes the production of vitamin D in human skin.

Useful advice! A high concentration of ozone is toxic and can lead to negative effects on the human respiratory system.

The work of amalgam and bactericidal emitters is not accompanied by the release of ozone, which is more preferable for quartz treatment at home. Depending on the intensity of the radiation of quartz lamps at home, there are several types of devices:

  • open-type quartz lamps - these devices effectively destroy viruses and bacteria in the air and on the surface of objects in the room being treated. During the action of these sources, a person should not be in the radiation zone. It should also exclude the presence of pets and indoor plants in the room. The use of open design lamps is appropriate when a sufficiently powerful periodic disinfection is required;
  • quartz lamps closed type- bactericidal lamps in this design are closed and cannot harm people in the room and other living organisms. The action of these irradiators occurs in a sparing mode and their use is most preferable in domestic conditions. The proportion of the spectrum of negative radiation in such devices is negligible or absent altogether. It is not excluded their use, including for repelling insects. However, do not abuse the effect of the irradiator;

Open quartz lamp for room disinfection

  • closed-type quartz portable sources - used for air disinfection, as well as visible and hidden surfaces. It is used for preventive measures in case of illness of one of the family members. Promotes rapid recovery and prevents the spread of infection. The device is compact and can be installed in any convenient position.

Before you buy a lamp for quartzing a room, you should familiarize yourself with the possible effects of devices on the human body, the basic rules for using emitters at home, and the key characteristics of popular models.

The principle of operation of quartz lamps for disinfection of premises

The design of a mercury-quartz lamp is a sealed glass bulb filled with mercury mass. When passing through electric current UV radiation is formed, which has an antimicrobial effect on the air environment and the surfaces of objects in the treated room. The disinfection action begins immediately after the device is connected to the network.

The main effect during the operation of the apparatus for quartzization is the disinfection of the air space by means of ultraviolet radiation. If quartz glass is used in instruments, it transmits all mercury-generated radiation, including ozone. It is dangerous to all living organisms. That is why the treatment is carried out in the absence of people and animals, and after the procedure, the room is ventilated.

Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on viruses and other microorganisms, destroying their DNA structure.

Bactericidal UV radiation is used as an effective method of combating pathogens, as well as a means of preventing and reducing the spread of infectious diseases in domestic and public buildings. Such irradiation increases the level of activity of the body's defense mechanisms, normalizes respiratory functions, has a positive effect on blood clotting, oxygen supply to the myocardium.

It is necessary to distinguish between quartz and bactericidal lamp models. The last glass flask is equipped with a protective layer that prevents the formation of a large amount of harmful ozone. This makes the functioning of germicidal lamps less hazardous to health than quartz lamps. Despite this fact, the presence of people in the room during processing should be excluded.

Useful advice! The main source of danger of mercury irradiators is the risk of damage to the bulb and the spread of mercury vapor, which has a negative impact on human health.

The process of quartzization at home: the benefits and harms of UV radiation treatment

Treatment of premises with ultraviolet rays helps to purify the air from bacteria, viruses and microbes. As a result of this procedure, the air is filled with ozone, which contributes to better job the human immune system and ensures the synthesis of vitamin D in the body. For proper quartzing at home, you need to know what benefits and harms such a process can bring.

Amalgam lamp with UV light for home

The undoubted advantages of quartzing rooms at home include:

  • warning viral infections such as SARS and influenza;
  • reducing the risk of spreading infection by airborne droplets to healthy family members;
  • relief of symptoms in inflamed adenoids, bronchitis and sinusitis;
  • therapeutic effect in otitis media;
  • treatment and prevention of skin diseases: acne, psoriasis, eczema and other ailments;
  • relief of toothache, prevention of gum disease;
  • prevention of inflammatory diseases of the joints, as well as the treatment of osteochondrosis;
  • prevention of rickets in children.

It is worth noting that, if the instructions for using a quartz lamp are not followed, such devices can also have a harmful effect. Incorrect use for cosmetic procedures can cause eye burns from a quartz lamp. In addition, factors for careful or undesirable use of irradiators include:

  • personal intolerance - in this case, quartz treatment should be used with extreme caution or the procedures should be abandoned altogether;
  • skin sensitivity to UV rays;
  • increased body temperature;

Quartz irradiators for home use in the interior of an apartment

  • the presence of oncological diseases - there is a risk of accelerating the formation of malignant tumors;
  • high blood pressure - people with this disease should not use irradiators.

Useful advice! Before using a lamp for quartzing a room, it is necessary to study the rules for operating the devices and consult a doctor about existing contraindications.

The procedure for using lamps for quartzing an apartment

If you bought a quartz lamp for home use, you must carefully read the instructions that came with the device. There are certain rules for the use of devices for disinfection of premises, the implementation of which is mandatory. It is worth using a quartz lamp for disinfection in an apartment when many guests come to you or your body is often prone to colds or infections.

How to use a quartz lamp at home? The rules for quartzing a room are as follows:

  • it is necessary to prepare the device and electrical carrying in advance;
  • it is better to connect the device to the network in an adjacent room so that it is possible to turn off the device without entering the room being processed;
  • before processing, all people, animals should be removed from the room and the room should be freed from indoor plants;

Outdoor model of a quartz irradiator for the home

  • after connecting the device, you should make sure that the lamp is functioning;
  • it is necessary to operate the lamp and turn it on in special protective glasses. Do not stay in the room while the lamp is on. To automatically turn on / off the device, you can use the timer set for a certain period of time when there are no people in the room;
  • processing time is 30 minutes. After half an hour of continuous operation, the device should be turned off until it cools down completely (the process takes about 40 minutes);
  • it is recommended to enter the room after treatment no earlier than 1 hour after turning off the device;
  • after quartzing the room, it is necessary to ventilate it.

After studying the basic precautions and the instruction manual for quartz lamps, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to be indoors while quartzing is obvious. Doing this is not recommended.

Rules for irradiating a person with a quartz lamp

In order for the use of the apparatus for quartz treatment at home to bring maximum benefit, one should take into account the fact that everyone's skin reacts differently to the action of ultraviolet rays. It depends on various factors: age, individual sensitivity, body condition, type of the outer layer of the skin (epidermis), season of procedures and other conditions.

Quartz lamps are used for the prevention and treatment of various types of diseases.

In people whose skin is prone to dryness, redness and cracking may occur. Radiation causes dilation of blood vessels in some people. In these cases, it is better not to use quartzing. You should not be irradiated if you have recently had a serious illness or surgery. With extreme caution, you should use a device for irradiating a child, because biologically active UV rays, if the dosage is incorrect, can cause a lot of harm.

  • irradiation is carried out in goggles;
  • areas of the skin that are not involved in the treatment are covered with a dense cloth;
  • The procedure starts after 5 minutes. after turning on the device in the network;
  • the distance from the lamp to the irradiated skin surface should be 50 cm;
  • before the procedure, the skin is evenly lubricated with cream or cosmetic oil;
  • the initial exposure time is 30 sec. Each next session is increased gradually, adding 30 seconds. The duration of one procedure should not exceed 3 minutes;
  • you can not use the lamp to get the effect of tanning.

Some people have an individual intolerance to UV rays: a headache appears, is irritated nervous system there may be other symptoms. In this case, the procedure should not be carried out. Contraindications do not affect the disinfection of premises, since this process takes place without the presence of a person.

Before using quartz irradiators, it is necessary to consult a medical specialist

The design of lamps for quartzing an apartment

You can buy a lamp for quartzing at home, desktop, floor or wall-mounted. For modern large-sized apartments and impressive private houses, the floor-type model will be optimal. Its power is enough to disinfect a spacious hall, living room or children's playroom. Such devices are of medium size, they are mobile and can be easily moved to any room.

Hanging type lamps are installed permanently. Depending on the preferences of the owners, they can be attached both to the ceiling and to the wall. The range of ceiling appliances is very limited due to low popularity. The most in demand at home are devices for quartz wall mounting. Such lamps have a modern design and are always appropriate in the interior.

Desktop models have sufficient power and are often used in everyday life. Due to their compact size, the lamps can be installed on any surface and can be moved if necessary. Such devices are designed for local disinfection of the surface of objects and local irradiation.

It is worth noting the lamps that have recently appeared on sale in combination with a bactericidal lamp. The functioning is based on the alternating alternation of the operation of fluorescent and bactericidal lamps. The devices are equipped with a switch that automatic mode regulates the operation of the lamps. Small in size, these lamps can be placed in any convenient place.

Floor models of quartz lamps for the home are mobile and do not take up much space

The stability of the voltage in the household electrical network largely affects the life of a quartz lamp for home use, regardless of its design. There is also a dependence of the service life of devices on the level of humidity in the room, the frequency of on / off, the degree of dust contamination of the main elements of the device.

Useful advice! You can extend the life of a quartz lamp at home by installing a voltage stabilization device for a household network or an RCD.

Where to buy a quartz lamp for home

Many, before buying a quartz lamp for disinfecting a room, are interested in the main parameters of devices from qualified specialists of online stores selling specialized medical equipment. However, the final decision on the use of a quartz lamp should be made on the basis of a doctor's prescription.

Like any other product, you can choose, order and buy a quartz lamp for an apartment on the manufacturers' websites. Instrument catalogs contain full information about the technical parameters of each device and are accompanied by several photo models. A preliminary acquaintance with the devices available in the range, as well as competent advice, will help in choosing the right option. Many companies provide the possibility of delivering goods to the buyer's region.

Amalgam type home quartz lamps

Before placing an order and buying a quartz bactericidal lamp of the desired model, it is worth making comparative analysis prices on the websites of various companies. This will help you find the device by the most favorable price. It would be useful to inquire about the availability of relevant certificates and terms warranty service quartz irradiators, as well as consult about the rules and operating conditions of devices for different type premises.

Useful advice! If you buy a quartz germicidal lamp for disinfection that does not match your room in terms of its parameters, you will waste your money.

Depending on your needs, you can choose from model range quartz lamps devices of portable or stationary type. Compact devices can be taken with you on trips if your work involves frequent business trips or you can use them to disinfect, for example, the surface of your workplace.

Customer reviews play an important role in choosing the right lamp model. Having studied them, you can eliminate the risk of acquiring a device of poor quality or that does not meet your needs.

Quartz lamps for the home: customer reviews

If you are going to make a purchase of a device for disinfecting a house or apartment, take an interest in the opinions of people who use quartz lamps. Customer reviews will be very useful, given that many of them use devices for treatment and air disinfection in rooms where they live with children. But remember that whatever the opinions of consumers, you should not neglect the advice of an experienced doctor.

Irradiator-recirculator Armed in a plastic case

Many parents confirm the fact that with periodic quartzization of rooms, children are less exposed to viral diseases. And if they do get sick, the use of the lamp helps to get rid of many symptoms and promotes a quick recovery. In families with several children, the likelihood of the disease spreading from a sick child to a healthy one is minimal.

Quartz lamps received good reviews in the treatment of skin diseases, especially psoriatic rashes. According to users, when conducting 10-15 sessions, the condition of the skin improves noticeably, and some recommend doubling the number of procedures to achieve a tangible result.

There are also positive reviews when using quartz to eliminate mold in houses and apartments, unpleasant odors in pantries and cabinets. The lamp for disinfecting the space of the refrigerator works perfectly, and not only the smell is eliminated, but also the cause of its occurrence. According to pet lovers, a good result is the treatment of premises with quartz irradiators to remove a specific smell.

There are cases when housewives share the secrets of ultraviolet processing of vegetables and fruits during canning. Summing up all the reviews, we can conclude that the positive ones among them have a clear advantage. This fact suggests that a quartz lamp in household use is a very necessary and practical thing.

Various models of mobile quartz irradiators for living quarters

Quartz lamps for the home: prices for various models

Quartz irradiators have become very popular for home use. This is due not only to their therapeutic effect, but also the ability to take preventive measures, thereby excluding the onset of the disease. Knowing where to buy a quartz lamp for the home of good quality, you can purchase a device at an affordable price.

Online stores offer a wide range of quartz lamp models that can be safely used at home. The cost of devices is affected by the power of the lamp, its design, method of attachment and the manufacturer of the device. The table below shows the approximate prices of lamps for quartzing an apartment or house.

Average prices for household quartz lamps:

Quartz lamp model Producing country price, rub.
"Sun" OUFK-09 Russia 2890
UFO-V "Electronics" Russia 3210
"Crystal-2" closed type Russia 4450
Quartz lamp OBR-30 closed type with timer Russia 5520
Bactericidal recirculator MSK-909 "Megidez" wall-mounted Russia 4640
Bactericidal wall irradiator Dezar-3 "Kront" ORUBn3-3 Russia 9600
Irradiator-recirculator Armed CH 111-115 in a plastic case China 4050

It is worth noting that the current price of a quartz lamp must be checked with consultants from companies that sell such equipment. They can be consulted regarding placing an order, terms and methods of delivery of goods. When choosing a quartz lamp for use at home, it is necessary to be guided by the volume of the treated room, the number of people who will use the device and the diseases for which it is planned to be used. Having studied the offers of online stores, you can find a suitable and functional device.

Quartz lamp "Sun" OUFK-01: bactericidal UV irradiator, reviews about the device

The main advantage of the OUFK-01 "Solnyshko" quartz lamp is that it can be used for therapeutic irradiation of children from the age of three. This is an open-type device that can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes both in children's institutions and at home. Quartz lamps for the Sun house are used to disinfect space and surfaces in rooms up to 12-15 square meters. m, as well as quartzization of the body.

The design of the lamp for quartzization "Sun" is plastic case size 260 x 140 x 130 mm with a source of ultraviolet radiation located inside (DKB-7 lamps). The front part of the case has a retractable screen with a hole for fixing interchangeable ENT nozzles - tubes. When using a device for quartzing an apartment protective screen completely removed from the case.

Through removable nozzles, inflammatory processes of the ear, nose and throat are treated. The use of the lamp is effective as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic in the treatment of diseases of the joints, nervous and muscular systems, as well as skin diseases. The device stimulates the production of vitamin D in children with a lack of sunlight in the winter season.

Quartz lamp "Sun" is very popular among parents of young children

You can buy a quartz lamp "Sun" as a set with a set of tubes with outlet holes with a diameter of 5 mm (2 pcs.), 15 mm (1 pc.) And a hole at an angle of 60 ° (1 pc.) size for children and a biodosimeter that determines the dose of individual exposure, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the patient.

Useful advice! If the quartz lamp has been in the cold for some time, you can turn it on to the mains only after at least 2 hours.

Indications for the use of the quartz lamp "Sun" OUFK-01. Consumer reviews

Before you buy a quartz lamp "Sun", you should read the instructions that came with the device and the basic rules for its use.

Types of radiation and diseases in which they are used:

Type of exposure Indications for use
Local ultraviolet irradiation of the skin
  • prolonged course of chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute and chronic neuralgia;
  • rheumatoid and reactive arthritis, osteoarthritis;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin damage of traumatic origin;
  • bedsores, boils, ulcers, purulent wounds, erysipelas;
  • viral rashes (shingles)
Intracavitary ultraviolet irradiation
  • conditions with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • chronic and acute pharyngitis;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa (acute course);
  • acute and chronic otitis;
  • periodontal disease, gingivitis (inflammation of the edges of the gums), acute periodontitis

Before making a purchase of the device, it is worth asking the opinion of people who used Sun quartz lamps for treatment and prevention. Reviews about devices can be found on sites offering these products, as well as numerous thematic forums. Sharing their experience, many parents note an improvement in the condition of children suffering from a runny nose and frequent colds.

According to consumer reviews, the Sun irradiators are effective in the treatment of otitis in children and contribute to the rapid treatment of cough, rhinitis, and pharyngitis. Many say that the devices are simple and easy to use. In their opinion, the price of a quartz lamp is fully consistent with its functionality, amounting to about 2000 rubles. The key to the effectiveness of the application is a properly selected device, which can be intended for both children and adults.

The key to the effectiveness of the use of a quartz lamp is a properly selected device, as well as following the recommendations for use.

Model of a quartz lamp "Crystal"

Bactericidal lamps enjoy well-deserved popularity Russian production"Crystal". These are devices of an open design, designed to destroy viruses and other microorganisms dangerous to the body. The lamp effectively disinfects the air of the room and the surfaces in it. Quartzing with a lamp should be done when there are no people in the room.

The irradiator is designed to disinfect a room with a volume of 60 cubic meters. m, which allows you to process rooms up to 2.5-3 m high. Having bought a quartz lamp for disinfection of the “Crystal” room, you can effectively fight the flu virus in a room up to 20 square meters. m. Complete disinfection of such a room occurs within 1.5 hours. As a result of processing, the ability of cells of various viruses to multiply in several generations is lost.

Quartz lamp "Crystal" is small in size, its design consists of an irradiator and a lamp. It is possible to replace the UV lamp with a fluorescent light source and use the device as a lamp. The compact lamp "Crystal" can be installed on any flat surface, and if necessary, it can be easily transferred to any place.

Useful advice! If you bought a lamp for quartzing the Crystal apartment, you should take care of purchasing a timer, since the device does not have an auto-off function.

Quartz lamps, disinfecting the air and saturating it with ozone, help to create safe conditions and a comfortable microclimate in the room.

You can easily buy a Kristall quartz lamp by placing an appropriate order on one of the sites or in an online store that sells this group of products. The convenience of such a purchase is that it is possible to familiarize yourself in advance with the main characteristics of the device and customer reviews regarding its functionality. All products are certified and have a warranty period of 12 months. The estimated price of a quartz lamp for the Crystal house is 2100 rubles.

Quartz irradiators have a wide range of applications. In order to create the safest atmosphere in the house for the whole family, it is necessary to correctly select the device and use it strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions, taking into account the doctor's recommendations.