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Computer safety summary. Safety precautions when working with a computer. Protective screen. Computer won't explode

Long ago, at the dawn of computer technology, no one could have imagined that a personal computer would be in every home. Professionals, engineers worked with him, for whom the rules of behavior and handling of such a machine were an immutable law. At that time it was bad form to talk about safety rules when working with a computer. Only specialists were allowed to the technique. Now everyone has access to a PC - from small children to not very smart adults. Therefore, working on a computer is one of the fundamental factors of human health.


Before working with a PC, instructions should be given to everyone. Safety when working on a computer is such a thing that must be introduced from early childhood. Of course, this should not be a piece of paper with a set of laws, but parents are obliged to teach children immediately to some unspoken rules for handling this device.

Safety precautions when working with a computer can be divided into several groups according to different criteria. Today we will use the principle of "influence".

  • The influence of the computer on the user.
  • The influence of the user on the computer.
  • Interaction with the environment.

Remember, only by following the safety rules included in all three categories, you will prolong life and improve health not only for yourself, but also for your "iron friend".


Let's start with the most beloved argument about the fact that a computer has a bad effect on human vision. Of course it is easy way for parents to regulate the time that the child spends at the PC. However, the majority understands very well that the problem is not in the screen of a malicious machine, and that a safe monitor, which does not exist, has absolutely nothing to do with it.

When the first home computers first appeared, they used CRT monitors based on a cathode ray tube. In fact, it was the same TV. Therefore, all safety precautions when working with a computer could get by with the rule - not to get too close to the monitor. After all, with the advent of television, many people began to watch this miracle of technology around the clock. But due to the fact that the keyboard could not be taken out at a distance of more than 1.5 meters from the monitor, people had to look for a way out. A special protective screen for the monitor has been created to protect the user's eyes from harmful effects. In practice, the strain on the eyes only increased, since now it was necessary to look through protective film and focus on the inner "glass". But someone made a very good profit by cheating inexperienced and inexperienced users.

Safety precautions when working with a computer, and in particular with a modern monitor, have become much easier. As with books, television, movies, and telephones, our eyes tire of focusing on one point. Therefore, you need to follow some rules.

  • You can work at the computer no more than 1.5-2 hours in a row. After that, it is imperative to take a break.
  • During the break, it is best to do special exercises for the eyes.
  • However, a simple option is also suitable - go outside (look out the window) and let your eyes calmly explore the surroundings.
  • Working in the dark doesn't hurt your eyes any more than reading or watching TV. It all comes down to banal fatigue and overstrain. Work by light whenever possible.

Remember, no monitor emits anything. The same and constant load on vision is to blame for the poor condition of your eyes, and not the protective screen, which is not there.


Another legend associated with personal computers is electromagnetic radiation. Allegedly, at his expense, any computer adversely affects the user and others. Lie! Working on the computer does not expose the user to any radiation.

  • There is a maximum voltage of 12 volts inside the PC, so the resulting magnetic fields are too small to go beyond the enclosure and affect human health. The only thing that could radiate is the power supply, but the distance it is usually located from the user is too far.

Why, you ask, do people feel worse when working with a PC? But it is for this that there is "Safety when working with a computer." Your condition will naturally worsen, but solely due to immobility and a monotonous posture. In order not to hurt arms, legs, head, any user needs to do a special warm-up of all parts of the body.

  • Squats.
  • Slopes.
  • Warm up for the fingers.
  • Head rotations and so on.

In general, everything that you were forced to do in physical education lessons, only in smaller volumes. And remember, electromagnetic radiation has nothing to do with it. This is as much a myth as that mobile phones cause brain cancer. Well, or organs, closer to which are in your pocket.


If you are going to get a job related to personal computers, be sure to carefully read the employment contract and your future job description. There, without fail, your daily routine should be drawn up and time for rest should be allocated.

This does not have to be parasitism, but, for example, business meetings outside the office, interaction with other people, in general, anything that will make you even a little distracted from the monitor and continuous sitting at the PC.

Quite often people are interested in how long they can sit at the computer. At least round the clock, but with the obligatory implementation of the above simple health-improving measures.


Now is the time to move from human safety to computer health. Oddly enough, your well-being also depends on the state of your PC. Still, how much time and nerves will you waste if your system crashes and important data is lost! It's one thing if it's movies and music. What if you lose your work information? Quarterly or Yearly Report?

Computer safety includes several rules for direct interaction with the system. Let's take a look at them all in order.


Nutrition is the most sensitive issue. Computer safety means that you should never dine in front of the monitor. Is it so?

  • Doctors say that eating while watching TV, reading a book, or working for personal computer hurts your stomach. Of course, it's hard to tear yourself away from an interesting book, an exciting movie or the latest toy, but focusing not on food, your brain simply forgets to fully turn on the digestive system, and this can lead to various unpleasant diseases like gastritis.
  • "An experienced sysadmin might eat crumbs in a keyboard for a month." A bearded joke, but with a grain of truth. The smallest particles of food entering the keyboard harm everything around it. On the one hand, they can interfere with the stable operation of the keyboard, and in the case of a laptop, they can get to more important spare parts. On the other hand, food congestion can be a breeding ground for germs, which means you put your health at risk.
  • Crumbs can also remain on the table. If you are working on a laptop, then they can easily get into the cooling system. This will lead to frequent overheating, and as a result, your "iron comrade" will burn out halfway to glory.
  • Why you shouldn't drink at the computer is probably not worth explaining. Having filled the keyboard with coffee, you can safely go and buy a new one. And ask the services how much they send to the trash heap of spoiled laptops, whose owners decided to drink tea in bed with a "laptop"!

System unit

Well, now we got to the "hardware". Safety when working with a computer implies, among other things, also taking care of the "computer" itself. The monitor, "system unit", keyboard and mouse - they all need your care.


Another important point. Safety precautions when working with a computer also contain rules on how best to place equipment in the room. If you are not an employer or owner of a computer club, this applies to you to a lesser extent, but there is still something worth knowing. Let's start with some general rules.

  • Do not place the computer near a battery. Especially in the winter. Heating may cause wires to melt or the system unit to overheat. In such a situation, finding the cause of the breakdown, the defective part, will be problematic.
  • Do not equip workplace in a damp corner of the room.
  • The room should be well and regularly ventilated. This is mainly due to the same dust that we mentioned earlier.
  • Keep the computer out of direct sunlight. Especially on a laptop. Replacing a burned-out monitor costs from three thousand rubles, while a laptop will either have to be changed completely or pay half of its cost for repairs.
  • The computer must be isolated. It is best to use a separate table with a dedicated compartment so that no one accidentally climbs inside the machine.
  • Provide as much natural light as possible. It is a good idea to place your computer near a window, but not directly under it, to avoid getting wet when it rains.
  • The computer may vibrate violently. It is best not to place it on wood, metal or uneven surfaces. This leads to an unnecessary rattling noise that can cause migraines in many people.

In addition to the above rules, there are GOST standards that determine the number of computers in a room and the distance between them. In short, the machines should be at least one meter apart. However, there are many nuances that it is better to familiarize yourself with.

Summing up

For those who are too lazy to read everything that was written earlier, let's summarize some general summary. In short, computer safety is a set of measures aimed at protecting both the computer and the user.

  • A PC hurts your eyesight, but no more than a TV or a book. Do standard exercises to reduce stress.
  • Don't dine at your computer.
  • Take care of the cleanliness of your PC as you would yourself.
  • Don't stick your nose where you don't understand anything.
  • Provide a comfortable working environment where you plan to put your computer.
  • Give preventive "treatment" to your technique.

That's all. By observing these simple rules, you will ensure a long life for your personal computer.

In life

In conclusion, I would like to describe a little the consequences of non-compliance with safety rules and how they are realized in life.

  • Millions of people dine right at their computers and laptops - in many cases this leads to obesity on their part, and breakdown of the keyboard on the PC side.
  • A spilled drink on a laptop is a classic. Up to 40% of breakdowns are caused by the "crooked hands" of the user who dropped the glass from his hands. However, with many this does not happen even once in their entire life.
  • Exercises for sight and body are of little benefit. Vision does not deteriorate, but the eyes get tired and begin to see worse. The only thing that helps is a long rest without eye strain. Go on a camping trip without gadgets, it will restore you much more strength than all fleeting exercises.
  • No screen protector on your monitor will protect you.
  • Regular cleaning really prolongs the life of the computer, and the user gets less sick.
  • The layout doesn't really affect anything. If you do not plan to overload your computer with programs, then you will not be in danger of overheating.
  • Employers rarely prescribe safety precautions in the contract, but there are tacit agreements in the team. For example, that everyone goes to smoke together every hour. Trying to show off and force the employer to make changes to your standard contract, you may well turn the team against you.

In general, it is up to you to decide which of the safety rules should be followed and which should not. In any case, this is not a criminal code, and no one will punish you for non-compliance. Rather, you will punish yourself if something goes wrong. But you were warned! We hope our tips will help you work and interact with your personal computer.

Computer safety is very important, especially when it comes to schoolwork. After all, it is difficult to imagine a modern educational system without computer technology. Besides, this information will be useful for parents as well.

Computer safety

To begin with, it is worth noting the importance of protecting the health of the child while working with electronic and In addition, the requirements for educational institutions provide for and information security student while going online.

Firstly, in each computer science room, the so-called where all the necessary information should be contained, including information about correct work with computer equipment. Each student must undergo special instruction. And, of course, the teacher's task is not only to instill in students the necessary skills and knowledge, but also to constantly monitor their work to eliminate possible dangerous situations.

In case of fire, students must be evacuated. If during the lessons some kind of malfunction was noticed in the operation of the equipment or the work should be stopped and the office was disconnected for a while, the equipment can be turned on only after checking. In the event that someone in the room was severely electric shock, it is necessary to call a doctor and provide the victim with first aid.

It is very important to observe safety measures when working with a computer - this will help to avoid dangerous consequences.

These requirements apply to personnel operating computer facilities and peripheral equipment. These requirements are mandatory. Only specially trained personnel who are at least 18 years old, who are fit for health reasons and qualifications to perform the specified work, are allowed to independently operate electrical equipment. Before being admitted to work, personnel must undergo an introductory and initial safety briefing showing safe and rational work examples. Then, at least once every 6 months, a re-instruction is carried out, possibly with a group of employees of the same profession, consisting of no more than 20 people. An unscheduled briefing is carried out when the rules on labor protection are changed, when personnel violations of the safety instructions are found, and the nature of the personnel's work changes. In rooms in which electrical equipment is constantly used, safety instructions must be posted, in a place accessible to personnel, in which personnel actions in the event of accidents, fires, and electrical injuries must also be determined. The heads of structural divisions are responsible for organizing the correct and safe operation of computer facilities and peripheral equipment, the efficiency of their use, and monitor the compliance of personnel with the requirements of the safety instructions.

The personnel operating computer facilities and peripheral equipment may be exposed to hazardous and harmful influences, which, by the nature of the action, are divided into the following groups:

Electric shock;

Mechanical damage;

Electromagnetic radiation;

Infrared radiation;

Danger of fire;

Increased noise and vibration levels.

To reduce or prevent the influence of dangerous and harmful factors, it is necessary to comply with the Sanitary Rules and Regulations, hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal computers and work organization (Approved by the Resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia dated July 14, 1996 No. 14 SanPiN :

Be attentive, disciplined, careful;

Do not place foreign objects in the workplace;

Do not touch the wires and connectors of the connecting cables;

Do not touch the monitor screen;

Operate the keyboard with clean, dry hands.

So that working at a computer does not turn out to be unhealthy, adhere to the following recommendations:

Position yourself in front of the computer so that the monitor screen is at a distance of 50 - 70 cm from your eyes;

Put your feet on the floor, one next to the other, do not stretch them or bend them;

Relax your shoulders, lightly touch your torso with your elbows, your forearms should be at the same height as the keyboard;

Sit freely, without tension, without stooping, bending over or leaning against the back of a chair;

Every 5 minutes, try to take your eyes off the screen and look at something in the distance.

To avoid damage to the insulation of the wires and the occurrence of short circuits, it is not allowed to hang anything on the wires, paint and whitewash the cords and wires, lay wires and cords behind gas and water pipes, for the heating system batteries, pull the plug from the outlet by the cord, force must be attached to the body of the plug.

To exclude electric shock, it is prohibited to: often turn on and off the computer unnecessarily, touch the screen and the back of the computer blocks, work on computing technology and peripheral equipment that have a violation of the integrity of the case, a violation of the insulation of wires, a faulty indication of power-on with signs of electrical voltage on the case, put foreign objects on computer equipment and peripheral equipment.

Do not clean electrical equipment from dust and dirt while energized.

It is forbidden to check the performance of electrical equipment in rooms unsuitable for operation with conductive floors, damp, which do not allow to ground accessible metal parts.

It is unacceptable to repair computer equipment and peripheral equipment under voltage. Repair of electrical equipment is carried out only by specialists - technicians in compliance with the necessary technical requirements.

To avoid electric shock, when using electrical appliances, you must not touch any pipelines, radiators, metal structures connected to the ground at the same time.

Take special care when using electricity in damp areas.

Safety precautions when working with a personal computer

1. Ensuring the safety and labor protection of the computer operator:
1.1 Ensuring the safety of the workplace:
1. Right choice workplace - the display (monitor) is a source of electromagnetic radiation. It is recommended to install a shield to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the back of the other display. It is unacceptable to arrange jobs close to one another. Place the computer away from heating devices and exclude direct sunlight. It is unacceptable to work in front of the side or back of another display if the distance to it is less than 2 m.
2. Location of office equipment:
  • system unit - placed on a reliable surface (sturdy table, massive stand / curbstone) - so as to exclude even accidental shaking;
  • the display must be installed at such a height that the center of the screen is 15-20 cm below eye level. The distance from the eyes to the screen is at least 50 cm;
  • the keyboard is located at a distance of 15-30 cm from the edge of the tabletop or on a special pull-out board.
It is not recommended to install the computer (and keyboard) on a surface that creates glare and easily "collects" static electricity (plexiglass, polished and varnished board).
It is necessary to ensure that papers, any objects do not block the ventilation openings of the operating devices.
3. Working furniture:
  • armchair - seat width and depth not less than 40cm; back: support surface height 30 ± 2 cm; width not less than 38 cm; armrests: length at least 25 cm; width 5-7 cm, height above the seat 23 + 3 cm;
  • table - dimensions of the working surface (table top): length - 80-120 cm; width - 80-100 cm; height (distance from floor to work surface) 68-85 cm; optimal height 72.5 cm.;
  • hand rests: wrist support ("wrist rest") - a flat or curved plate made of soft material; fits in front of the keyboard. For legs: width not less than 30 cm; length (depth) not less than 40 cm.
  • area of ​​one workplace with a computer - at least 6 m2;
  • lighting should be natural and artificial. It is recommended to work in a room with windows facing north or northeast. Local lighting should not create glare on the surface of the display screen. Bright unscattered overhead light (from the ceiling) is unacceptable. Restrain the flow of excess light from windows using blinds (or fabric curtains);
  • cleanliness is a must when working at a computer. Wet cleaning of the premises should be carried out daily. Dustiness of the air, floor, working surface of the table and equipment is unacceptable. The room must be equipped with ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems. Do not use the computer in basements.
5. Microclimate
  • air temperature - from 21 to 25 ° С (in the cold season); from 23 to 25˚С (in the warm season);
  • air humidity (relative) - from 40 to 60%. Sharp temperature drops and air humidity of more than 75% are unacceptable;
  • air ionization - the positively charged ions generated in the room are very harmful to health, cause rapid fatigue, headache, increased heart rate and respiration (due to insufficient oxygen supply to the blood). Special devices - aeroionizers - normalize the aeroionic regime, increasing the concentration of light negatively charged ions (the air becomes life-giving, as in the mountains or at sea). Before turning on the air ionizer, clean the air from dust and aerosols. In large rooms, air ionizers such as a Chizhevsky chandelier are used, in a small room (15-20 m2) it is enough to install a portable air ionizer (some modified devices allow you to both clean and ionize the air).
At the beginning of work, it is necessary to turn on the general power supply, peripheral devices, the system unit, at the end of work, on the contrary, turn off the system unit, peripheral devices, and the general power supply.
You don't have to turn off your computer for short breaks.
Before connecting / disconnecting I / O devices, you must completely disconnect this equipment and the computer from the mains.
If there is a burning smell or if damage to the insulation or wire breakage is detected, immediately turn off the devices (preferably the general power supply) and report the malfunction to the manager.
Touch the back of the working system unit(processor) is prohibited.
The ingress of moisture on the system unit, display, keyboard and other devices is unacceptable (it is better not to put a cup of tea or coffee, a glass of juice next to it).
During intensive work, the electric field strength on the keyboard and mouse increases sharply. From friction of hands on them, after 0.5-1 hour of operation, the electrostatic potential reaches 10-20 kV / m, which has a harmful effect on the body. You need to work with the "mouse" on a special rug. It is necessary several times during work shift(preferably hourly) moisten hands with water to remove electrostatic charges, and upon completion of work, wash hands and face with soap, daily wipe the display screen, keyboard, mouse with a damp cloth - remove static electricity, and regularly carry out wet antistatic treatment of the room.
1.2 Working posture
Correct working posture avoids muscle strain and promotes better blood flow and breathing. You should sit up straight (not stooping) and lean your back against the back of the chair. To bend your back in the lumbar region, you need not back, but, on the contrary, slightly forward.
It is unacceptable to work while lounging in a chair. This posture causes rapid fatigue and decreased performance.
In order not to injure the spine, it is important:
  • avoid sudden movements;
  • while rising / sitting, keep your head and torso straight.
It is necessary to find a position of the head in which the muscles of the neck are less tense. The recommended head tilt angle is up to 20 °. In this case, the load on the cervical vertebrae and on the eyes is significantly reduced.
1.3 Position of arms and legs
While working at the computer, you need to relax your hands, keep your forearms parallel to the floor, on the armrests of the chair, your hands - at the level of your elbows or slightly lower, your wrists - on the support bar. Then the fingers get the greatest freedom of movement.
Avoid raising your wrists high or arching your hands, which can cause pain in your hands and numbness in your fingers. You can wear light fingerless gloves if your hands get cold.
Knees should be at or slightly below hips. With this position of the legs, muscle tension does not arise.
You can not cross your legs, cross your legs - this disrupts blood circulation due to compression of blood vessels. It is best to keep both feet on a stand or on the floor. It is necessary to maintain a right angle (90 °) in the elbow, hip, knee and ankle joints.
1.4 Breathing and muscle relaxation
While working at a computer, you must:
  • breathe rhythmically, freely, deeply to provide oxygen to all parts of the body;
  • keep your shoulders and arms relaxed - there will be no tension in your hands if your shoulders are lowered;
  • blink more often and look into the distance. Blinking helps not only to moisturize and cleanse the surface of the eyes, but also to relax the facial and frontal muscles (without moving the eyebrows). Low mobility and prolonged tension of the eye muscles can cause disruption of accommodation.
If you feel fatigue in any part of the body, you need to take a deep breath and strongly strain the tired part of the body, then hold your breath for 3-5 seconds and relax as you exhale; can be repeated.
If you feel tired eyes, you need to look around the room for 2-3 minutes, direct your gaze at various objects, look into the distance (out the window).
If general fatigue occurs sharply, there is a shaking of the image on the display screen (swaying, twitching, rippling), you should inform your supervisor.
2. Harmful factors when working with computers:
  • negative impact on vision - the human visual system is adapted to perceive objects in reflected light (pictures of nature, drawings, printed texts, etc.), and not to work with a display. The image on the display is fundamentally different from the objects of observation familiar to the eye - it glows, consists of discrete points; it flickers, i.e. these points light up and go out with a certain frequency; the computer color image does not match natural colors. When working at a computer for hours, the eyes do not have the necessary relaxation phases, the eyes strain, their performance decreases.
  • Microtrauma is a gradual wear and tear of the body as a result of daily stress. Most of the disorders in the body are due to accumulating microtraumas.
  • Diseases caused by repetitive stress: Repetitive activities lead to a build-up of waste products in the muscles. These foods cause painful sensations.
  • An uncomfortable sitting position, which leads to poor posture, stoop.
  • Mental stress.
  • Emotional overload.
  • Monotony of labor.
The impact of these unfavorable factors leads to a decrease in working capacity caused by developing fatigue.

Electrical safety requirements.

A personal computer is an electrical appliance. It differs from other electrical appliances in that it provides for the possibility of long-term operation without disconnecting from the electrical network. In addition to the normal operating mode, the computer can be in a low-power operating mode or in a standby mode of waiting for a request. Due to the possibility of continuous operation of the computer without disconnecting from the mains, you should pay special attention to the quality of the organization of power supply.

  1. It is unacceptable to use low-quality and worn-out components in the power supply system, as well as their surrogate substitutes: sockets, extension cords, adapters, tees. It is inadmissible to independently modify the sockets to connect plugs corresponding to other standards. The electrical contacts of the sockets must not be subjected to mechanical stress associated with the connection of massive components (adapters, tees, etc.).
  2. All power cables and wires should be located at the back of the computer and peripheral devices. Their placement in the user's work area is unacceptable.
  3. It is forbidden to perform any operations related to connecting, disconnecting or moving the components of the computer system without first turning off the power.
  4. The computer should not be installed near electric heaters or heating systems.
  5. It is unacceptable to place foreign objects on the system unit, monitor and peripheral devices: books, sheets of paper, napkins, covers to protect against dust. This will permanently or temporarily block the ventilation openings.
  6. Do not insert foreign objects into the operation or ventilation openings of the computer system components.
Features of the monitor power supply. The monitor has components that can maintain high voltage for a long time after being disconnected from the mains. The user must not open the monitor under any circumstances. This is not only life-threatening, but also technically useless, since there are no organs inside the monitor, by adjusting or adjusting which the user could improve its performance. Opening and maintenance of monitors can only be carried out in special workshops.

Features of the power supply of the system unit.

All components of the system unit receive power from the power supply. The PC power supply is a self-contained unit located at the top of the system unit. Safety instructions do not prohibit opening the system unit, for example, when installing additional internal devices or upgrading them, but this does not apply to the power supply. The computer power supply is a source of increased fire hazard, therefore it must be opened and repaired only in specialized workshops.
The power supply has a built-in fan and air vents. In this regard, dust inevitably accumulates in it, which can cause a short circuit. It is recommended to periodically (once or twice a year) use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the power supply through the ventilation holes without opening the system unit. It is especially important to perform this operation before each transport or tilt of the system unit.

System of hygiene requirements.

Long-term use of a computer can lead to health problems. Short-term work with a computer installed with gross violations of hygiene standards and rules leads to increased fatigue. The harmful effects of a computer system on the human body are complex. Monitor settings affect the organs of vision. The equipment of the workplace affects the organs of the musculoskeletal system. The nature of the location of the equipment in the computer class and the mode of its use affects both the general psychophysiological state of the body and the organs of vision.

Requirements for the video system.

In the past, the monitor was considered mainly as a source of harmful radiation, affecting primarily the eyes. Today, this approach is considered insufficient. In addition to harmful electromagnetic radiation(which on modern monitors are lowered to a relatively safe level) image quality parameters must be taken into account, and they are determined not only by the monitor, but also by the video adapter, that is, the entire video system as a whole.

Workplace requirements.

The requirements for the workplace include requirements for a desktop, a seating position (chair, chair), hand and foot rests. Despite the apparent simplicity, ensure the correct placement of the elements of the computer system and correct fit the user is extremely difficult. A complete solution to the problem requires additional costs comparable in size to the cost of individual components of a computer system, therefore, these requirements are often neglected in the bit and in production.
Despite the fact that schoolchildren spend relatively little time in the computer class, it is very important to teach them the correct occupational hygiene by a worthy example so that useful skills are entrenched for life. This is not just a hygiene requirement, but a technique requirement.

Requirements for the organization of classes.

The monitor screen is not the only source of harmful electromagnetic radiation. Developers of monitors have been successfully overcoming them for a long time. Less attention pays attention to harmful spurious emissions from the side and rear walls of the equipment. In modern computer systems, these areas are the most dangerous.
Place your computer monitor so that its back is not facing people, but toward the wall of the room. In computer labs with several computers, workplaces should be located on the periphery of the room, leaving the center free. In this case, it is additionally necessary to check each of the workplaces for the absence of direct reflection of external light sources. As a rule, it is quite difficult to achieve this for all jobs at the same time. Possible Solution consists in the use of curtains on the windows and the thoughtful placement of artificial sources of general and local lighting.
Strong sources of electromagnetic radiation are devices uninterruptible power supply... They should be located as far as possible from the user seats.

In the organization of classes, their duration plays an important role, on which psychophysiological loads depend. For senior schoolchildren, the duration of a computer session should not exceed 30 minutes, for junior schoolchildren - 20 minutes. The rest of the informatics lesson is devoted to communication with the teacher and teaching aids.
Due to the lack of equipment in computer labs, sometimes group sessions are held, during which two or three students study at the same workplace. This organizational technique is unacceptable from a hygienic point of view. Some students have to sit to the side of the monitor, which negatively affects both the organs of vision and the musculoskeletal system. The educational process must be planned so that each student has the opportunity to master the correct techniques for working with a computer.