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Slash and backslash

The pipe character is used on some single-key QWERTY keyboard layouts, along with the forward slash, backslash, and double vertical bar character. To enter this character, you need to change the input language to English. But what if there is no such key on the keyboard?


The vertical bar is one of the Unicode characters, and Unicode in Windows, as you know, is stored in a special character table. To launch the character table, select the Start menu and go to All Programs, then the Accessories folder. In the "Accessories" folder, select the "Utilities" category of programs and launch the "Symbol Map" shortcut.

You will see an application on the screen in the form of a small table that stores all kinds of printed characters and signs. In the very top drop-down menu "Font" select "Arial". This font type can display all characters represented in Unicode. In the additional options field under the table in the drop-down list, select "Character set" - "Unicode". If these options are not active, check the "More options" option below the table. Below, in the "Grouping" field, under the character table, set the value to "Unicode ranges".

Another small "Group" pop-up will appear next to the application window. This window displays groupings of symbols according to their application. Left-click on the item "Regular punctuation" (second item from the top) to display in the table the punctuation marks used in printing and writing. Among them are slashes and a vertical bar.

The character table now displays icons from regular Unicode punctuation, among which you can find the pipe character. This character is in the second row from the top, third from the left. This Unicode character is called “Vertical line” and has the assigned code “U+007C”. Left-click on the cell with this character twice, and the vertical line will appear in the copy field, just below the table. To copy the character to the clipboard, click the Copy button. Now you can put vertical hell in any documents.

And Unicode in Windows, as you know, is stored in a special character table. To launch the character table, select the Start menu and go to All Programs, then the Accessories folder. In the "Accessories" folder, select the "Utilities" category of programs and launch the "Symbol Map" shortcut.

You will see an application on the screen in the form of a small table that stores all kinds of printed characters and signs. In the very top drop-down menu "Font" select "Arial". This font type can display all characters represented in Unicode. In the additional options field under the table in the drop-down list, select "Character set" - "Unicode". If these options are not active, check the box next to the "Advanced options" option below the table. Below, in the "Grouping" field, under the character table, set the value to "Unicode ranges".

Another small "Group" pop-up will appear next to the application window. This window displays groupings of symbols according to their application. Left-click on the item " Regular punctuation"(Second item from the top) to display in the table the punctuation marks used in printing and writing. Among them are slashes and a vertical bar.

The character table now displays icons from regular Unicode punctuation, among which you can find the pipe character. This character is in the second row from the top, third from the left. This Unicode character is called “Vertical line” and has the assigned code “U+007C”. Left-click on the cell with this character twice, and the vertical line will appear in the copy field, just below the table. To copy the character to the clipboard, click the Copy button. Now you can put vertical hell in any documents.

From now on, your familiar computer interface will shine with new, most amazing and bright colors, and working on it will turn into an interesting and entertaining activity! Just master the knowledge of how to bet icons for files and folders. Give them the most diverse form - a flower, an asterisk, a golden goblet or a magnifying glass.

You will need

  • - folder "Properties" or "Personalization"
  • - Folderico, IconPhile or IconTo programs.


Click right click mouse click on a file or folder shortcut. Next, open the "Properties" section. Click on the "Shortcut" (or "Settings") tab to the bottom field "Folder Icons". There you can replace any old icon with a new one, except for the thumbnail display mode.

In order to place a picture reminding of its contents to the selected folder, use the thumbnail mode. In the "Settings" folder, instead of the bottom field "Folder Icons", select the top one "Folder Pictures". Then click on the "Select Image" button.

The pipe character is used on some single-key QWERTY keyboard layouts, along with the forward slash, backslash, and double vertical bar character. To enter this character, you need to change the input language to English. But what if there is no such key on the keyboard?

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The vertical bar is one of the Unicode characters, and Unicode in Windows is known to be stored in a special character table.

To launch the character table, select the "Start" menu and go to "All Programs", then the "Accessories" folder. In the "Accessories" folder, select the "Utilities" category of programs and launch the "Symbol Map" shortcut.

You will see an application on the screen in the form of a small table that stores all kinds of printed characters and signs. In the very top drop-down menu "Font" select "Arial". This font type can display all Unicode characters.

In the field of additional parameters under the table in the drop-down list, select "Character set" - "Unicode". If these options are not active, check the box next to the "Advanced Options" option below the table.

Below, in the "Grouping" field, under the character table, set the value to "Unicode Ranges".

Another small "Group" pop-up will appear next to the application window. This window displays groupings of symbols according to their application. Left-click on the item "Regular punctuation" (second item from the top) to display in the table the punctuation marks used in printing and writing. Among them are slashes and a vertical bar.

The character table now displays icons from regular Unicode punctuation, among which you can find the pipe character. This character is in the second row from the top, third from the left. This Unicode character is called "Vertical line" and has the code "U+007C" assigned to it.

Left-click on a cell with this sign twice, and a vertical bar will appear in the copy field, just below the table. To copy the character to the clipboard, click the Copy button. Now you can put a vertical bar in any document.

How simple

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A slash is a character that can be typed on a computer keyboard. It is used on the Internet Windows system, programming, mathematics and Russian. This character is also called a slash and looks like a straight line slanted to the right:

A line slanted to the other side is called a backslash:

How to type a slash on the keyboard

Initially, the Russian keyboard did not have this symbol, since it was mainly used in Internet addresses and programming, and there you need to type only in English letters. But over time, the slash and backslash appeared in the Russian layout, as they began to be used in texts.

The slash is located on the keyboard in several places:

  • Near right key Shift to English layout
  • In the numeric part of the keyboard, regardless of the layout and case
  • Above the Enter button or to the left of it (you need to type with Shift)

The backslash is usually on the left or above the Enter button. It can also be between the left Shift and the letter Z (I).

How else can you type slash and backslash

Exist alternative way set of these characters. First you need to make sure NumLock is enabled. To do this, simply try typing numbers through the right numeric keypad. If they will not be typed, then you need to press the NumLock button once.

To type a slash, hold down the Alt key and type in numeric keypad first 4 then 7, after which we release Alt.

A backslash can be typed in the same way, but instead of 4 and 7, type 9 and 2

Applying a slash

In the Internet . The slash is used in the addresses of Internet resources: the name of any site begins with "http://" or "https://". Depending on the nesting of the page, there will be more slashes (, since the / sign is a separator in the address.

In russian language . The slash replaces the prepositions “and”, “or”, and also denotes a single complex concept, for example: the problem of constructive / destructive conflicts, with the aim of buying / selling. This symbol is also used in the designation of any quantities and their ratios, both in full and abbreviated forms, for example: dollar / ruble, centner / hectare, kilogram / meter.

In mathematics. The slash denotes a division operation and is equivalent in value to a colon and a horizontal bar.

The slash is used in this meaning mainly in computer programs, for example, in Excel.

Other applications. The slash is also used in programming, and is also a service typographical sign and is used when indicating references to literary sources, breaking text into lines (citing verses), marking dates.

Where is backslash used?

In mathematics. Backslash means set difference. For example, A \ B in the language of mathematics means the set of elements that are not included in B, but are included in A.

On a Windows system. Backslash is used when separating directories, which is why such a character cannot be used in file names.

For example, the system path D:\Photo\2015\Walk means that you need to open the "Walk" folder, which is located in the "2015" folder, and that, in turn, in the "Photos" folder on drive D.