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Create a Skype username and password. Creation of a login in the Skype program: the current situation.

Skype login - a name consisting of Latin letters and numbers required to log in to the program. After registering your account, you will not be able to change your login, but only register a new one.

In our article you will find information on how to create a login correctly.

What you need to have before registering

  • Skype installed on your computer;
  • Email;
  • access to the Internet.

Skype registration

  1. Go to the official page of the program.
  2. Click on the "Register a new user" button.
  3. Enter full name and surname in Cyrillic or Latin letters.
  4. Enter the address twice Email.
  5. Fill in the block personal information about yourself: date of birth, gender, country, city, language, phone number.
  6. Come up with a Skype username and password with which you will enter the program.
  7. If you wish, you can subscribe to the newsletter from the site by ticking the appropriate box.
  8. Enter the verification code and click the "I Agree - Next" button.
  • Login must be unique;
  • It is not necessary to use your last name or first name, the login can be absolutely any word or combination of words, but written in Latin letters, as we said above;
  • The following characters can be used in the login - period, underscore or hyphen;
  • If the login you invented turns out to be busy, and you do not want to change it, add numbers or valid characters to the name;
  • To make the login easier to read, capitalize some of the letters. For example, IvanovaAnna or Petrov.Andrey;
  • Try to come up with a login that will be easy to write, read, and easy to remember.

Read useful information in our articles

Updated: 29 July 2017

Hello dear readers of the blog site. It is impossible for a person to completely refuse to communicate with the people around him. Perhaps someone prefers to have as little contact with people as possible, someone, on the contrary, as much as possible, even at a considerable distance from them.

And especially in order to be able to maintain constant contact with your family, friends, friends or business partners, a program such as Skype was created.

What is Skype and how to install it

What is Skype? According to the developers themselves, it's free software which provides voice, text and video communication over the Internet between computers, mobile devices and even game consoles. As of the end of 2010, Skype had over 660 million registered users.

  1. Making conference calls. The function provides for the presence of up to 25 subscribers, including the initiator of the call.
  2. Video communication. Skype makes available both regular communication between two users and video conferencing with the ability to connect up to 10 connections.
  3. Broadcast text messages... In fact, it is a regular chat.
  4. Transfer of various files. The size of the transferred files can be any, from a few kilobytes to gigabytes of information.
  5. Transfer of the image from the monitor screen to the monitor of one of the subscribers.

As of today, Skype software can be found on macOS, Windows, Android, WindowsPhone, PSP, Xbox 360, PS 3,4 and other platforms. Considering its versatility, accessibility, ease of use and other benefits, Skype is today the world leader in voice calls.

And if we consider the volume of the voice calls market in 2005, where Skype owned only 2.9% of the total volume, then in 2012 this volume was already 34%. Needless to say, none cellular operators and subscriber networks will not offer the conditions that Skype offers!

And if you have not yet had time to evaluate all the benefits of using this free software, then today, just for you, we will consider all the nuances that relate to installation and use. First of all, let's take a look at how to properly install Skype.

How to install Skype on a computer

Having considered what this program is, we have come close to the question of how to install Skype. This is all done quite simply. Let's describe the installation in a few steps:

Immediately after the application is loaded, the user will be prompted to register in the Skype system. Here you need to enter the data that are necessary for further use of the program.

How to create a Skype account

When the user figured out how to install Skype on a computer, you need to understand how to use it in the future. Before use, you need to go through the registration procedure, which, by and large, is standard and does not present any difficulties.

If the registration form does not appear automatically, then in the upper right part of the screen there is a button "Registration"... You will see a window in which you need to enter some data. These include:

  1. Last name and first name. It is advisable to enter your real data so that in the future you can be identified on the Skype network.
  2. E-mail address. It is worth noting that you only need to use the address that has not yet been used when creating other Skype accounts.
  3. Personal data. This includes gender, language, date of birth and place of residence.
  4. Mobile phone. It is not necessary to specify it, but you can use it to complete the form and it will be able to help you quickly recover your password if you lose it.
  5. ... They are necessary so that you can subsequently log into your page. I advise you to use the advice on their choice given here.
  6. The last step is to enter data to confirm that registration is done by a human, not a robot.

After you have filled in all (or only some) of the data, you need to click on the "I agree - Next" button. You are registered in the system and can use it to communicate. These are all the steps required to create account on Skype.

How to use Skype

Every person who uses it for the first time special program, there are always questions about some of the nuances of use. And Skype is no exception, because in addition to the fact that you need to create an account (?), You need to make some settings for further communication with users.

So, you registered, entered your username and password and ended up on home page your account. What do you need to do now and how to use Skype?

  1. All Skype settings are always set by default. That is why a situation is possible when a new user cannot correct the image or sound when communicating. To make adjustments, go to the "Settings" section, where you can configure the microphone and webcam. To configure the microphone, you need to go to the subsection "Sound settings" and select your audio device that is used on your computer. After that, you need to click the "Save" button.
  2. The configuration of the webcam is carried out in the same way with the previous one. In the settings subsection, select the "Video settings" item. After installing your video device, you can immediately test its operation.
  3. The next step is to choose the people with whom you are going to communicate. In the "Contacts" section you need to go to the section "Search for Skype subscribers" and in the window that appears, enter the nickname, name or email of the person you want to add. After search system found the required contact, you can add it to yourself.
  4. To make a voice call, you need to select the "Call" button, and for a video call - the button next to it, called "Video Call". It should be noted that calls are possible only when the interlocutor is online. Offline you can only send text messages.

By completing all these points, registration and use of Skype will not be difficult for you. Nevertheless, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times, so I suggest you watch a video tutorial on how to use this wonderful program.

Skype is one of the most popular Internet messengers today. The program's audience has long exceeded 250 million active users, and it seems that this is far from the limit. However, in order to use the messenger, you need to create an account and download the Skype client. Let's look at each stage of registration in more detail.

Step 1. Official site

Open any browser and go to As soon as you find yourself on the official Skype website, click on the link To come inRegister now:

Step 2. Account

We will be prompted to enter telephone number and come up with a password. It is also possible to register via e-mail. We will use this option by clicking on the button Use an existing email address:

On new page we indicate the address e-mail and the password, after which we press the button Further:

Before completing registration, we will be asked to enter a first and last name:

Step 3. Email with a confirmation code

You will receive an email from Skype support to the specified email address with a code in bold. We open mailbox and we are looking for this letter there. It's called Email address verification:

We indicate this code on the registration page:

Step 4. Online version

After all the actions taken, you will be redirected to the page Skype for browser... Push Beginning of work to enter the online version of the program:

Step 5. Skype client

If you want to use the standard client version of the messenger, you need to download Skype, install and run it. Next, we indicate the previously invented e-mail address as a username and password and click on the button with the arrow:

A window with settings and a greeting will start:

Everything! Congratulations on your successful Skype account registration. Now you can use the previously specified email and password for authorization in Skype both in the browser and in the client version. Also, as a username and password, it is allowed to use the name and password from your Microsoft account... Plus, all users can log in to Skype using email (or phone) and password from their account in social network Facebook. To do this, you must select the option login with facebook:

You can download the most new version Skype from our portal by clicking on

In fact, users have long been encouraged to register with Skype using a Microsoft account, but at the same time, the old registration form continued to exist. However, now, when visiting the Skype account registration page, it is redirected to the Microsoft account registration page.

Well, since now we should only use a Microsoft account, let's try to collect a list of the advantages and disadvantages of this innovation:

Advantages disadvantages
Two-factor authentication
The Microsoft account supports the two-factor authentication function and, accordingly, malicious users will practically not be able to hack the account.
If earlier it was possible to register an account without confirming any data, now it is mandatory to specify only reliable data.
Protection from "clones"
Now attackers will not be able to create "clones" simply by registering accounts with a similar victim's login and posing as a different one.
With one email address, you can create only one account, when previously several accounts could register for one email.
Access recovery
Since the accuracy of the data is checked during registration, it will be easier to restore access to the account in case of password loss.
Ease of registration and authorization
Previously, there was no need to wait for a letter with a four-digit code to confirm the data, and during authorization, a short username and password were entered.

Most likely, the list can be supplemented, and I could have missed something, but I hope for the help of readers. It’s also very interesting to know what do you think about this innovation? Which method would you prefer, old (Skype account registration) or new (Microsoft account registration)?

By the way, since the old registration form was canceled, on the Internet I saw various questions related to this. You can read the answers to them below:

How is a new Skype login generated?

If the option "Registration in Skype using a phone number" was selected, then the login will be a hash of the phone number and will look like this: live: 1234567890abcdef. By the way, it is very good that hashing is used, since the phone number is not disclosed.

Otherwise, when you select the option "Registration in Skype using an email address", the login will match the username of the email (which is located before the "@" sign). However, if such a login already exists in the system, then it will be added to the login. "_X", where X is the account number. That is, if you register a new one account with the email " [email protected]"then the login will be" live: vasya_1 ".

How to log in to Skype without a login?

In the field "Username", depending on the selected method, enter the email address or phone number specified during registration.

How will they find me on Skype?

If during registration you provided an email address, inform your interlocutor - he should copy the email in the search bar and press Enter.

How do I create a Skype account? If you want to use the messenger and join the multi-million audience of this program, it is quite easy to do, the main thing is to come up with a unique login that has not been occupied by anyone yet.

On the computer

How to create a new Skype on your computer:
1.To create your account in Skype (for a new account) using a PC (laptop), you first need to download a program suitable for your operating system. To do this, go to the official website of Skype:

3.Click "Download Skype for Windows" if you have Windows. If you have another operating system, click the links at the bottom of the window - "Skype for Mac Details" or "Skype for Linux Details".

4.To start downloading installation file, click the blue "Download ..."

Instead of steps one through four, you can simply follow the link

5.After downloading, find the file and open it double click- the installation will start.

6. In the next window, select your language and read the "Terms of Service ..." and "Privacy Statement", the links to which are at the bottom of the page. Click "I agree ...", "Continue ...", "Next ..." or "Ok" (depending on the version of the program, the text options may be different).

7.Now you proceed directly to creating an account in Skype. To do this, go to installed program(unless the start window automatically appears in front of you).

10. The most difficult thing at this stage is to create a Skype username, which will be your Skype ID. It must consist of English (Latin) letters, and may also contain numbers and some symbols.

When you enter your invented login in the “Login” field intended for this, the system will immediately (within a few seconds) check: if someone has already “borrowed” such a combination of characters, you will see a warning in red letters that this login is busy. Thus, until you enter a unique login, and until a green message is displayed that you can use such a combination, you will not advance further.

11.After you have filled in all the fields of the questionnaire (or all marked with an asterisk), click the continue button ("Next", "Register" ...)

12.If Skype prompts you to top up your newly registered account, select the option you want and click “Continue”.

Thus, you can create new account... Likewise, you have the opportunity to register an account on the phone (create an account) by downloading the program in the above way or by going to the mobile online store.


To register for Skype online for free, you need:

  1. Go to the Skype website in your browser.
  2. Click the "Login" or "Start Conversation" link.
  3. Then you need to follow the link “New to Skype? Register. "
  4. Fill in all (or only obligatory) fields of the opened questionnaire (the corresponding inscription “This information is obligatory” reminds of the obligatory filling). These required fields include name, country, login, phone number, password, language, gender.
  5. When the text near the new login field turns green (not red), it means that you can take this name for registration - you managed to create a login!
  6. It remains to press Enter or the "Create" button (as the "Next" or "Continue" option).
  7. When the web version opens, you will need to click on the "Get Started" or "Continue" button.

At Microsoft

Another way to create a Skype account is to sign up for an account with Microsoft.

What you need to do to create an account:

1. Since Microsoft owns this moment messenger Skype, you can create your Skype through your Microsoft account. To create it, go to

2. Select a country from the list by clicking on the triangle next to the country name.

3. Enter your mobile phone number.

4. Come up with a password (the more different characters there are, the better).

5.Click the final button "Create an account".

So, anyone, after reading the instructions above, has the opportunity to create an account on Skype! Enjoy your communication!