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Attached files add an attached file. Connecting the "Attached files" functionality for a new object (BSP). Differences between paid and free versions

1. Create a directory for storing attached files. To do this, copy the directory into the configuration as a template. _DemoProjectsAttachedFiles from the demo configuration and give it a template name:

<Префикс>Attached Files,

where<Префикс>- the name of the metadata object for which the attached files are configured. For example, for the Nomenclature catalog, the file reference should be named NomenclatureAttachedFiles. Set a synonym, for example: Attached files (Nomenclature).

2. At the props File Owner set the type - "object with files". For example, DirectoryRef.Nomenclature.

3. Include in the list of defined types Attached File(links) and AttachedFileObject(objects) the directory created in step 1. For example, DirectoryLink.NomenclatureAttachedFiles.

4. Expand the list of defined types Owner of Attached Files(links) and OwnerAttachedFilesObject(objects other than documents) by adding the "object with files" type to it. For example DirectoryRef.Nomenclature.

5. Expand the list of types of the Subscription Source property OverrideGetFormAttachedFile by including in it the type - a directory with files created in step 1. For example, DirectoryManager.NomenclatureAttachedFiles.

6. Expand the list of types of the Subscription source property SetBlackDeleteAttachedDocumentFiles by including the type - "object with files" (only documents). For example, DocumentObject.InvoicePayment to the Buyer.

7. If, when interactively copying an object containing attached files, they need to be automatically copied into a new object, then in the form of an object, you must:

● add a key parameter to the form parameters ValueCopy the same type as the object itself;

● in a form module into a procedure WhenRecording onServer insert the following code:

AttachedFiles.WhenWriteAtServer (Failure, CurrentObject, WriteParameters, Parameters);

  • Disadvantage of storing files in the 1C program database - the size of the database grows, and it starts to work more slowly, which complicates the work.
  • Disadvantage of storing files on a PC hard drive - files open for viewing longer, there is a possibility of losing individual files.

The question arises - how to eliminate the disadvantages of the first and second methods, while maintaining their advantages? Exit in the selective storage of files in the database and on the hard disk.

Demonstration of the solution:

How does "manage attachments" processing work?

The solution allows you to store files selectively on a hard disk or in a database:

  • Frequently used files - will be saved in the database;
  • Files that are rarely used will be saved on the hard drive.

Files are distributed automatically or manually according to specified filters : file size, creation date, extension, file name and current storage location.

Benefits of Attachment Management Add-on

  • No need to make changes to the 1C program
    Files are processed using an external tool, which eliminates difficulties with subsequent program updates
  • Saving your time or staff time

Setting up the add-on will take no more than 5 minutes, after which the processing and distribution of files can occur automatically

  • Wide range of filters applied to files

You can customize the distribution of files by size, creation date, extension, name, or current storage location.

Since the database will now only store frequently opened files, this will free up space in it and allow it to work faster

  • Quickly open "requested" files

Any files saved in the database can be found and opened in a few seconds. Less up-to-date files - not the hard drive will be sent.

  • Low price

Custom development with similar features would cost at least 10 times more. You can buy a ready-made solution and save a lot!

Processing capabilities

"Managing Attached Files"

  • Generation of a report on the current position of attached files;
  • Creation of an impressive number of selection settings;
  • Detailed settings down to one specific file;
  • The ability to distribute files in "manual mode";
  • The ability to automatically distribute files according to the selected filters;
  • Possibility of "return" required files back to base or to disk.


Processing will work in any 1C 8.3 configuration, built on the basis of BSP 2 and having a built-in

subsystem "Attached files". You do NOT need to change the configuration to use processing.

To check the functionality of the add-on on your base,

test the demo version *!

* The free version is proprietary and does not allow moving files

How to use processing?

Important! Processing is intended for use from the directory "Additional reports and processing".

The main processing form contains indicators of the current state of the attached files *:

* The first time you open the processing, you need to update the status information!

Indicators can be:

  • Move in random order
  • Arrange in a convenient sequence
  • Delete if no display needed

The main form of settings allows you to manage settings for file processing:

Each setting can be turned on or off right in the table, with one click on the corresponding cell. Setting table terminology:

    "User" - user of the infobase, under which the made settings will be saved.

    Report button - displays a report on the current state and position of the attached files, indicating the size of the file.

    Execute processing button - carries out the movement of files according to the settings of the table, with the "Use" function enabled. The settings are processed according to the sequence in the table, the settings can be moved.

By clicking the add button, a configuration form opens, according to which files will be processed in the future.

Detailed instructions on settings can be found here:

Differences between paid and free versions

Free demo version allows generating reports and saving settings, but has some limitations:

  • closed code
  • only 2 indicators about file status
  • lack of technical support and version updates
  • there is no functionality for moving files

"Professional" version is paid and has the following advantages:

  • open source
  • 6 months of updates
  • 1 month technical support *.

* Technical support includes assistance in installing and configuring the add-on (if necessary), as well as the implementation of additional requirements individually for the customer's base (in the amount of no more than 12 working hours within a year after purchase).

At the end of the technical support period, it can be extended for a fee.

Results from one of our clients

after using development

  • The size of the database has decreased from 350 GB to 75 GB;
  • Working in the database has become more comfortable;
  • The space on the system, fast disk has practically ceased to be reduced;
  • Daily backups are smaller and faster.

In addition, our add-on helped the client save money: the division made it possible to more efficiently use the system server disk, increasing its efficiency and service life without purchasing a larger disk (which was originally planned).

Try the free version of development right now

or order a full-fledged product "Attachment Management"

without limitation in possibilities!

Reasons to buy

Development and support costs are much less than custom development.

All wishes are considered and implemented within the framework of support.


The solution does not require a configuration change.

Works out of the box.

Requires simple minimal setup.

Version comparison

The current version is not tied to BSP 2.2 or 2.4, it works in both.

Money back guarantee

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not match the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you declare this within 14 days from the date of receipt of the money in our account.

The program is so proven in operation that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all of our customers to be happy with their purchase.

Below we will continue to analyze the subsystems in the BSP configuration.

Subsystem for storing, loading and convenient location of the production calendar of the enterprise. Also, the subsystem allows you to get data such as the number of working days until a certain date, etc.

22. Contact information

Subsystem for storing and displaying directories on forms contact information... As a rule, it is used in reference books: contractors, individuals, organizations, etc. The subsystem is connected with the "Address classifier" subsystem.

23. Control of dynamic configuration updates

Designed to notify users about configuration changes. If the configuration has been changed, it offers to restart the session with some frequency.

24. User reminders

The subsystem is designed to set personal reminders about any object of the system and notify the user at the appointed time.

25. Setting the order of elements

It is intended for setting the order of the directory elements or using the Up and Down buttons in. If the object is subordinate, then the numbering of elements is performed within the owner. If the directory is hierarchical, then the numbering of elements is performed within the parent.

26. Program settings

The "Application settings" subsystem provides settings panels for all library subsystems located in the "Settings and Administration" section of the command interface.

27. Data exchange

The "Data Exchange" subsystem is designed to exchange data between different configurations using exchange rules and without using exchange rules, as well as to organize data exchange in a distributed infobase. The exchange is not much like previous version BSP. Data exchange is supported between configurations running in the service model, as well as between configurations running in the service model and in local mode... The rules, as usual, should be formed in the "Data conversion" configuration.

The basics of setting up data exchange in 1C using the "1C Data Conversion" configuration, for example, see the video:

28. Messaging

The "Messaging" subsystem is intended for the integration of heterogeneous information systems on the 1C: Enterprise platform by means of messaging. The subsystem should be used when the data link is unreliable. The subsystem is not a replacement for data exchange technology, web service technology, and external connection. New functionality in BSP.

Get 267 1C video tutorials for free:

29. Updating the IB version

Used in all standard solutions. Not much different from the previous version of the library of standard subsystems. "Updating the IB version" provides a programming interface for executing handler procedures for initial filling and updating information base (IB) when changing the configuration version, and also allows you to display a report on changes in new version configuration.

30. Updating the configuration

The subsystem is designed for automatic configuration of the infobase in 1C: Enterprise mode "on demand" or in specified time in future. It's about configurations. Can be customized automatic update configuration from your server.

31. Organizations

This reference is used in almost all configurations. It is very important that it is unified.

32. Sending SMS

The subsystem provides ready-made functionality for sending SMS messages using 1C tools. By default, the subsystem supports work with MTS and Beeline operators.

33 Performance Assessment

Designed for an objective assessment of the integral performance of the system using the APDEX method. With the help of it, for example, you can find out how long it takes to hold a certain document, and in the future get statistics for the time.

34. Print

The subsystem is designed for printing layouts spreadsheet documents and layouts of office documents (MS Word, OpenOffice).

35. Full-text search

Designed to activate full-text search in the system. Contains a search interface and some routine operations for indexing text data.

36. Receiving files from the Internet

The Subsystem "Retrieving files from the Internet" adds a software interface to the configuration for retrieving files from the Internet using the HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols and saving the received files on a client, server, or temporary storage.

37. Users

The subsystem is intended for viewing and editing the list of users and external users of the system (elements of the Users and External users directories), which are synchronized with the list of infobase users.

38. Prefixing objects

Designed for prefixing database objects. Objects are prefixed in the sections of infobases and elements of the Organization's directory.

39. Attached files

The "Attached files" subsystem provides tools for working with attachment files attached to arbitrary reference infobase objects. File storage can be organized both in the infobase and externally - in volumes ( network resources).

40. Checking the legality of receiving updates

The subsystem "Checking the legality of receiving updates" allows you to ask the user to confirm that the update files were received in a legal way. It can be used both before updating the infobase (after the update has already been applied to the database, but before the first launch), and immediately before updating the configuration using the "Configuration update" subsystem.

41. Working with mail messages

The subsystem "Working with mail messages" adds to the configuration the program interface for sending messages Email, and user interface to support email accounts.

42. Working with files

Subsystem "Working with files" is intended for collective editing of files of arbitrary format in a hierarchical folder structure. File storage can be organized both directly in the infobase and externally - in volumes (network resources). Along with the file, the history of its changes (file versions) can also be saved.

43. Distribution of reports

Subsystem "Distribution of reports" allows to configure distribution of variants of reports and reports of the subsystem "Additional reports and processing". Mailings can be performed both according to the schedule (if the program works in client-server mode) and on demand.

44. Scheduled tasks

Subsystem "Scheduled tasks" allows you to edit the composition and schedule of routine tasks, view the history of the execution of routine and background tasks, as well as analyze errors during their execution. If the system is deployed in the client-file mode, the administrator can configure the execution of scheduled jobs using the Configure the processing of scheduled processing jobs in the Scheduled jobs console.

45. Backing up information security

The subsystem "IB backup" allows you to back up the infobase from the 1C Enterprise mode "on demand" or in accordance with the configured schedule. Also, this subsystem can be used to restore the infobase from a backup copy.

46. ​​Properties

The "Properties" subsystem allows you to create and edit additional properties of arbitrary configuration objects in 1C: Enterprise mode. Objects with properties can be any objects of a reference type. The subsystem allows one to implement both one set of additional properties for all instances of objects of the same type, and several sets of properties for objects of the same type.

Additional object properties fall into two categories:

● additional details;

● additional information.

47. Accountability structure

Subsystem "Subordination structure" provides the ability to output from the document form a report on parent and child documents of the current document, as well as on their relationships.

48. Access control

The Access Control subsystem allows you to configure user rights for arbitrary infobase data items (catalog items, documents, register records, business processes, tasks, etc.). It is possible to restrict rights both for individual types of metadata objects, and at the level of records of one type of object. In addition, for individual infobase objects, it is possible to customize access rights, similar to operating system file folders.

49. Outcome management

The subsystem "Totals and Aggregates Management" provides tools for administering totals and aggregates of the infobase registers. The subsystem allows you to perform both typical administrative operations and provides access to all the features:

● enable / disable the use of totals and aggregates;

● division of totals;

● setting the period and recalculating the totals;

● rebuilding and updating of units;

● calculation of optimal units.

50. File functions

Subsystem "File functions" has no independent applied value. It includes common file functionality (functions, common forms, etc.) used by subsystems dependent on it (such as "Working with files", "Attached files", "Delivered data").

51. Individuals

The "Individuals" subsystem is designed to unify the names of metadata objects common to typical configurations. Contains only the definitions of metadata objects and their underlying implementation.

52. Electronic digital signature

There are different opinions on this matter. There are undoubted pros and cons for one option or another. There are also storage options in external databases and some others.

It all depends on whether you have a 1C programmer on your staff and how much money you are willing to invest in optimizing the performance of your information base.

However, if you think about it, then the user himself has to choose where and how the necessary files should be stored. For example, product images are in the infobase, as this provides the fastest access and opening of images. And various documents sent by e-mail are on disk, since the speed of access to them is not so critical, but sometimes they are not small in size. However, you can decide on the need for this or that option yourself. It depends on different conditions and the best option is selected individually.

How to store and in what order is up to you. And we help to realize additional features in this matter.

This development allows you almost unlimited options for managing attached files.

Some time ago, one of the clients asked about the following problems with the UT 11 base: brakes began to be felt during operation, disk space "evaporated" quickly, the base increased significantly in volume over a fairly short period of time.

A small survey of the database showed that the main problem is the large volume of attached files. The client used a standard subsystem for working with e-mail, conducting an intensive workflow in it, with a lot of price lists, contracts and other auxiliary files. The decision was made to add the possibility of distributed file storage. The range of files required for storage in the infobase and "secondary" files, the storage of which in the database is not critical, has been determined. Typical solutions do not allow such a distribution.

The result was tangible:

  • the size of the database has decreased from 350 GB to 75 GB;
  • work in the database has become more comfortable;
  • the space on the system, fast disk has practically ceased to be reduced;
  • daily backups are smaller and faster.

In addition to the purely "visual" effect, there was also an economic one: the separation allowed more rational use of the "fast" system server disk, increasing its performance and useful life without buying a more capacious one (which was originally proposed), and all "secondary data" to be stored on "normal" and a much cheaper drive.

The presented development has a second edition and allows you to manage attached files by saved settings in automatic mode, using a scheduled job.

To use processing Not required change the configuration.

Processing will work in any 1C 8.3 configuration built on the basis of BSP 2 and having a built-in "Attached files" subsystem.

To test the functionality on your base, it is recommended to first use the demo version.

Processing possibilities:

  • Generating a report on the current position of attached files
  • Create almost any number of selection settings
  • Customization detail down to one specific file
  • Ability to perform any selection in "manual mode"
  • Ability to perform automatic distribution according to the selected settings
  • "Rollback" made changes at any time (back to the database or to disk)


Important! Processing is intended for use from the directory "Additional reports and processing".

1. The settings table is located on the main processing form.

"User" - the user of the infobase, under which the settings will be saved.

Each setting has the ability to turn it on and off right in the table, with one click on the corresponding cell.

The "Report" button from the main form displays a report on the current state, the position of the attached files in the context of the owner's reference book. Indicating the size of the file.

The "Execute processing" button moves files according to the table settings, with the "Use" checkbox enabled. The settings are processed in sequence according to the table; the settings can be moved.

2. Clicking on the add button opens a configuration form, according to which files will be processed later.

2.1 Example setting for the user:

This setting is used to process all email attachments for the user "Ivanov".

2.2 Example of setting by file type and size:

This setting is used to process attachments for customer claims.

The files are moved to the directory on the disk specified in the "Storage volume" attribute.

3. Settings are made in the ACS system implemented through the 1C Enterprise platform.

When configuring, you can make a restriction on the list of objects (directories) for which this setting is performed:

If the list is not indicated, the configuration is performed for all infobase objects containing attached files.

Important! To move files, this house must have been created in the infobase in advance or during the configuration process!

4. Generation of a report from a setting and processing of files is performed ONLY in relation to this setting.

The report will show a selection of files according to the configured selection, and processing will perform their movement according to the settings.

5. For processing, the creation of a scheduled job is available:

The scheduled task will automatically perform the movement according to the made and included settings at a time that is convenient for you.

Published processing versions:

Demonstration... This version is free and has the following restrictions:

  • Closed code
  • Lack of technical support and version updates
  • Lack of functionality for moving files

It is possible to generate reports and save settings.

Basic... This version comes with a minimum cost and has the following restrictions:

  • Closed code
  • Lack of technical support (only update versions within 30 days after purchase)

Otherwise, there are no restrictions, in terms of functionality it corresponds to the "older" versions.

Versions Standard and Professional are open source, have the same functionality and differ only in extended support for the version Professional.

The purchase of additional technical support is possible only for those who have already purchased the development.

Purchasing additional technical support allows you to upgrade your current version. For example, purchasing technical support for those who bought Basic version, allows you to translate to version Standard.

Extended technical support- assistance in installation and configuration upon request, implementation of additional requirements (customization) for the customer's base according to requirements in the amount of no more than 12 working hours within a year after purchase.

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not match the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you declare this within 14 days from the date the money was received in our account.

The program is so proven in operation that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all of our customers to be happy with their purchase.


If you need to attach a file to a letter compiled using a program installed on your computer (for example, Outlook Express or The Bat), then everything is very simple. After writing the text of the message, drag the file onto the text of the letter - this is quite enough to attach it to the message. You will see an attached file icon - you can send an email with an attachment.

If you are using a resident email client, you can attach an attachment in another way - after writing a message, click the corresponding button in the top row. When you hover the mouse cursor over it, a hint "attach a file" pops up. A dialog box will open in which you need to select the file prepared for sending and click the "Open" button. The icon of the attached attachment, as in the first option, will appear in the body of the letter - the message with the attachment is ready to be sent.

And if you want to attach a file to a letter sent using any of the online mail services (for example, or, then you need to do it a little differently. After the text of the message is ready, you need to find the link for attaching attachments to the letter. For example, in Gmail, such a link is located below the field for entering the subject of the message, it is equipped with a paper clip and the inscription "Attach a file". If you click it, an additional field with the "Browse" button will appear - click the button or this field itself and a window will open for selecting a file. Find the file you want to attach on your computer and click the "Open" button. If you have more than one file that should be sent with this letter, use the link to attach the next file. For example, in Gmail it appears below the newly attached file and bears the inscription "Attach another file". The actions to attach the second attachment (and if necessary - and the third, etc.) do not differ from the attachment of the first. After the end of the process of uploading files to the mail service server, you just have to send a message.

Most of the most famous films are translated and provided with only Russian soundtrack. However, if there is a desire to watch a movie with original audio to learn the language or improve it, then you can connect additional tracks to the video file using the appropriate software.

You will need

  • - VLC Media Player


First you need to find a suitable sound track... There are many foreign resources that have a corresponding database of various translations in the form of mp3, aac or ac3 audio files.

You can not attach this track to the video file, but simply launch the movie and sound separately through two players. In the video window, it is enough to turn on the silent mode, but it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve completely synchronous sound.

Some players have the corresponding functionality and allow you to add track directly into the movie, synchronizing the duration of the audio and video. To do this, you can use VLC Media player, which must be downloaded from the official website of the developer.

Install the program and use it to open the movie you want to translate. Click right key mouse on the video file and select "File" - "Open with ..." - "VLC", or just click on the created shortcut of the player on the desktop. Go to "Audio" - "Audio Track". Translations attached to the video file are displayed in this menu.

Select "Media" - "Open file with parameters" or press the key combination Ctrl, Shift and O. In the window that opens, click on the "Add" button, specify the path to the movie file and click "Open".

Highlight Show Advanced Options and then Play Media File Parallel. Click "Browse" and in the pop-up window, click the "Add" button again. If you need to add a subtitle file, then check the box next to "Use subtitle file". Then click on the "Browse" button and specify the path to the downloaded file with Specify the path to the audio track in the same way and press the Play button.

The audio track is attached. Go to the tab "Audio" - "Audio tracks", where select the second item that appears "Track 2".


  • VLC official website
  • like me audio tracks in the movie

A database is a collection of data that is organized according to certain rules and resides in the computer's memory. It characterizes the current state of a specific subject area.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - server;
  • - Sql database.


Go to wednesday SQL Server Management Studio to connect base data, then go to Object Explorer and connect to an instance of the MicrosoftSQL Server Database Engine, expand it. Call the context menu on the "Databases" node. Click on the "Attach" command.

Last time we added the ability to back up data to our configuration. In today's example, let's try to figure out how using BSP you can easily organize the attachment of files to configuration objects. Agree, such a task very often arises in practice. Often a customer needs to save an image of a product in a database. Another common task will be to save scanned contracts or documents related to a particular counterparty. There can be quite a few tasks. And now we will see how to solve them.

First, let's create a directory to which we will attach an image or several. Let it be the Yura_Contractors directory from the BSP demo database, copy the _DemoNomenclatureAttachedFiles directory and rename it to Yura_ContractorsAttachedFiles, after which we will create in the Yura_Contractors Directory - the "Scanned Contract" attribute to which we assign the typeContents

Now we need to edit the general command AttachedFilesKo to the object, we will indicate in the type of object parameters and our reference Jura_Contractors.

After these steps, our directory element should look something like this

(pay attention to the "Go" item, you can read more about general commands in my article about the managed interface).

But if we try to attach a file, then we will get an error, so that it does not occur, we need to specify our new reference Jura_ContractorsAttachedFiles in the "AttachedFiles" dimension type in the "AttachedFile" dimension type.

By the way, I almost forgot that the type of props "OwnerFile" of the directory "Yura_ContractorsAttachedFiles" should be "Directory.Yura_Kontragents" as in the screenshot.

After all these manipulations, we will be able to attach any files in any quantity to our directory.

But let's also use the code with which you can select and display one of the attached files on the screen. To do this, we will use the "Scanned Agreement" property. Let's create the form of the catalog element, add the "ImageAddress" attribute to it and drag it onto the form, specifying the "picture field" as the view

To display a picture, we need one function, GetNavigationLink of Pictures, as well as the code of procedures AtCreateAtServer and ReadAtServer.

The complete listing looks like this:

& OnServerWithoutContext Function GetImageNavigationLink (PictureFile, FormIdentifier) ​​Return AttachedFiles. GetFileData (PictureFile, FormIdentifier). Link toBinaryDataFile; EndFunction & AtServer Procedure OnCreateAtServer (Failure, StandardProcessing) If Not ValueFilled (Object. Ref) Then If Not Object. Scanned Agreement. Empty () Then ImageAddress = Get ImageNavigationLink (Object. Scanned Agreement, UniqueIdentifier) ​​Otherwise ImageAddress = ""; End if; EndIf; EndProcedure & AtServer Procedure ReadAtServer (CurrentObject) If Not CurrentObject. Scanned Agreement. Empty () Then PictureAddress = Get PictureNavigationLink (CurrentObject. Scanned Agreement, UniqueIdentifier) ​​Otherwise PictureAddress = ""; End if; EndProcedure & OnClient Procedure ScannedAn AgreementOnChange (Item) If Not Object. Scanned Agreement. Empty () Then ImageAddress = Get ImageNavigationLink (Object. Scanned Agreement, UniqueIdentifier) ​​Otherwise ImageAddress = ""; End if; EndProcedure & AtClient Procedure ScannedAgreementSelectionStart (Item, SelectionData, StandardProcessing) StandardProcessing = False; AttachedFilesClient. OpenFileSelectionForm (Object. Link, Elements. Scanned Agreement); End of Procedure

As a result, we will be able to show on the form one of the pictures attached to the directory. Unfortunately, there is no way to view files of other formats. But if you visit "Attached Files" and try double click open them then the program responsible for

Print (Ctrl + P)

In this article I describe a very interesting and simple change in the mechanism of attached files of the subsystem “Working with files” of the library of standard subsystems, which I had to do to fulfill the employer's technical task.

The mechanism of attached files provides the ability to store files of any format that are directly associated with data. For example, for Nomenclature in the attached file, you can store detailed description product, scanned instructions for use of the product or its photo. and for individuals for example, you can store different kinds of documents.

The technical task was to be able to handle Various types files attached to the document Order. For this purpose, in the employer configuration, written on the basis of BSP 2.4, I had to add an enumeration File Types , and in the reference book Order Attached Files - props File type type enumeration of file types (see Figure 1).

Fig. 1 Requisites of the directory Order Attached Files

To work with directories of the type of attached files as “ Order Attached Files "There are 2 forms of processing" Working with files "of the standard subsystem: Form Attached Files and the form Attached File (see Fig 2)

Fig 2 Forms of processing "Working with files" of the library of standard subsystems

However, in these two forms of processing Work With Files work with the added props is not provided File type handbook Order Attached Files and I had to make small simple changes to these forms:

In the request body of a dynamic list of the form Attached Files I added a line as shown in fig. 3

Fig 3 Requesting a dynamic list in the AttachedFiles form

Then, at the end of the body of the procedure CustomizeDynamicList i added 3 lines program code:

& AtServer Procedure CustomizeDynamicList() // ....... procedure body // Sanchez If FileDirectoryName= "OrderAttachedFiles" Then List.Request Text= pReplace ( List.Request Text, "HOW EditsUser", "HOWEditsUser, | Files.FileType AS FileType"); EndIf; End of Procedure

I also had to make changes in the form AttachedFile, to make it possible to edit the added props File type. These changes are shown in Figure 4.