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Delayed sending of emails. How to send an email at a specified time Yandex requirements for honest mailings

Deferred sending of e-mails is now provided by the mail services Mail and Yandex, and in Gmail it is possible to configure the sending of letters on a schedule through the application for modern browsers.

This useful feature saves you time and allows you to schedule your email to be sent on a scheduled set time... For example, you need to send an important letter tomorrow, but you know you will be traveling. In this case, you can prepare a letter and attached materials, indicate the date and time of sending, and the postal service will send the letter on schedule.

How to schedule an email to be sent in Mail

In order to schedule sending a letter in the service, you need to press enter your mailbox and press the button "Write a letter".

Specify the recipient, subject, text of the letter (if necessary) and add attachments.

To schedule sending, click on the clock icon in the toolbar, as shown in the screenshot, and specify the date and time of sending.

The scheduled letter will be stored in the folder before it is sent. "Outbox", where you can cancel the shipment or change the date and time.

How to set up delayed sending of a letter in Yandex mail

Also enter the mail, prepare the letter for sending and next to the button "Send" click on the clock icon.

Set the date and time and click on the button "Send".

The letter can be found and edited in the folder "Outbox".

This is how quickly you can schedule a scheduled email to be sent. Nothing complicated, but how to help out. Especially when you know in advance what and where to poison. At work, so much time is freed up))

Delayed sending emails in Gmail

Unfortunately, users of the Gmail mail service do not have standard tools in their mailbox to schedule the sending of letters. At least at the time of this writing, there is no such possibility.

But there is an option to install the Boomerang for Gmail plugin, which does an excellent job of scheduling emails to be sent. In addition, it integrates perfectly into your Google Mail inbox.

You can download and install the plugin using the link above. And this video, with official page will show you how this tool works.

Send a letter to yourself in the future or immediately means that from your e-mail address you are sending a letter to yourself to the same e-mail address. For example, from the email address Nadezda @ send a letter to the same address Nadezda @ And you will receive this letter either immediately, or it will come in the future, more precisely, it will come in the planned year, month, day and hour.

Similarly, you can send email to your relative, friend, acquaintance, colleague to their e-mail. This is convenient, for example, for the New Year holidays, when it is pleasant to receive congratulations, but you no longer want to send them yourself. Let the mail robot work.

You can send yourself a letter from almost any mail: Yandex.Mail, (, Google mail (, Rambler.Mail, etc. But a "simple" question arises:

Why write letters to yourself?

There can be many options, I will give 5 (five) most common, why sometimes it is still worth doing it:

  1. Reminder letter

Remind yourself of an event or what you need to do by opening your mail and seeing a reminder email there. Someone will like this option of a reminder.

  1. Checking the health of your mail

As you know, letters should:

  • send with e-mail and
  • accepted by e-mail.

If at least one of these basic mail functions is broken, then we can assume that you do not have mail. A letter sent to yourself will help you check the work of your mail (any of your mailboxes): whether letters are sent from there and whether they reach.

From this site, users sometimes prefer rather than comments. And this is understandable, but it can be offensive when you write a long answer in a reply letter, sometimes inserting explanatory links, and in the end you receive a message: the letter cannot be delivered due to the fact that the recipient's mail does not accept letters. In this case, when the mail for some reason does not accept letters, the user would have a chance to see my answer in the comments on the site, but he expects a letter from me in his mail.

  1. Checking what the recipient of your letter will see in the letter

You can check in what form another person will receive the letter. The check will be as correct as possible provided that another person (the recipient of the letter) uses mail of the same type (for example, the sender and recipient of the letter - both use Yandex.mail).

  1. Sending files to yourself

To send a file to yourself:

  • you need to write yourself a letter, for example, from the email address Nadezda @,
  • in this letter,
  • send a letter to the same address Nadezda @

This is convenient if the letter was sent while at home, but you opened it at your work and read or saved the attached file. Or the letter was sent to oneself from a laptop, and then opened on a tablet, and then the attached file can then be viewed and saved on the tablet. At the same time, you don't need flash drives, you don't need Clouds, however, you need the Internet. The way of transferring files may be a little outdated, but more familiar to some.

  1. A letter to myself in the future

Why do you need such a letter?

As I mentioned, for near future A letter to yourself will be useful as a reminder of an event, for example, congratulating yourself on your birthday or a reminder that you need to congratulate someone else or do another useful thing.

For distant future a letter to yourself will probably be more interesting to check or compare plans, dreams, forecasts, events, etc. Then, when you reach a certain age or event, having received your own letter, you will have something to remember, compare with past events, rejoice, think, perhaps draw some conclusions for yourself.

You can send a letter to the future not only to yourself, but also to another addressee, who is entered in the "To" field. For example, it can be a birthday greeting so that the recipient receives it in a timely manner, regardless of anything.

How to send a letter to the future to yourself

6 in Fig. 1 - click on the watch next to the "Send" button,

7 in Fig. 1 - we click on the command "today". A calendar opens to select a suitable date for sending a letter to yourself:

Rice. 2. In the letter to yourself, we set up the date, time of sending and notification of delivery

1 in fig. 2 - After clicking on the "today" button, a calendar will appear.

2 in Fig. 2 - Using the calendar, by sequentially clicking on the small triangle, you can select the month, year for sending a letter in the future. Then click on the number. This will set the date the letter was sent.

3 - You can select the time of sending the letter.

4 - If you click "notify of receipt", then after delivery (at the time when it will be delivered) you will receive a message that the letter has been received.

5 in Fig. 2 - The "Remind" button is useful if there is a need to remind you that there was NOT a response to the letter you sent. By clicking on the "Remind" option, you can configure exactly when to remind: if you have not received a response within 1 hour to two weeks.

When all the settings for receiving letters in the future will be made, click "Send". The message "The letter was successfully sent" comes.

How to delete or edit a letter to yourself in the future

Rice. 3. A letter to yourself before the scheduled sending date will be in the "Outbox" folder.

As seen in Fig. 3, a letter to the future to yourself will be stored in your mailbox, namely, in the Outbox folder.

The advantage of this is that at any time you can go to the Outbox folder to edit or delete a letter in the future.

Some disadvantage is that you need to monitor the state of your mail: due to spam, overflows or other reasons, the mail may never reach you in the future.

Rice. 4. How to delete or edit a letter to yourself in the future in Yandex.Mail

To delete a letter in the future, you will need:

1 in fig. 4 - Go to Yandex.mail, to the "Outbox" folder,

2 - put a tick in front of the letter to yourself in the future, which you decided to delete,

3 in Fig. 4 - think and click "Delete".

The letter to myself in the future has been deleted.

Where did the folders disappear in Yandex.mail?

The question is not entirely on the topic of the article, but for inexperienced Yandex users it is relevant. There is a "secret" button in Yandex.Mail, thanks to which folders in Yandex "disappear".

Rice. 5 Secret button for hiding folders in Yandex.mail

The situation "disappeared folders in Yandex.Mail" occurs if you accidentally clicked button 1 in Fig. 5. Compare it with button 4 in fig. 4. One click on this secret button collapses (hides) folders in Yandex.Mail, another click returns the folders to their place.

Do you write letters to yourself? I ask you to vote, and in this way I will receive from you feedback:

Specify, on Yandex is your mailbox from which you want to send letters, or mailing recipients' mailboxes?

If you want to send bulk letters to your partners or customers, use only special mailing services for this.

If a large number of letters are sent from your mailbox every day, this will be regarded by our security system as spam. To prevent this from happening, Yandex.Mail has set technical restrictions on sending letters per day. These restrictions cannot be bypassed or changed.

If this happened, sending letters from your mailbox will be blocked. Only sending letters is blocked - you can enter the Mail and receive letters. The blocking will end automatically after 24 hours, if you do not try to send an email within this time, otherwise the blocking will continue for another 24 hours.

To ensure that your mailing list reaches recipients on Yandex and does not end up in the Spam folder, please observe. Unsolicited mailings should be distinguished from honest ones. Yandex.Mail reserves the right to send to Spam or not at all to receive mailing letters that do not correspond to the mandatory clauses of this document. Compliance with the optional requirements will significantly reduce the likelihood that your emails will end up in Spam.

If you send newsletters to mailboxes on Yandex and letters were rejected mail server Yandex, you will receive an automatic report from the "Mailer-Daemon" service, which indicates the reasons for non-delivery and the name of the server that rejected the further movement of the letter to its destination.

Restrictions on sending emails

  • Mail restrictions
  • Restrictions in Mail for Domain

Within a day, you can send 500 letters from one mailbox. If there are several recipients in the letter, then the letter to each of them is considered a separate letter.

During the day, you can send 3000 * letters from one box. If there are several recipients in the letter, then the letter to each of them is considered a separate letter.

Additionally, there are restrictions on the number of recipients:

Number of recipients Limitation
3000 *
5000 *
Number of recipients Limitation
In total in all letters per day (from one mailbox) 3000 *
In total in all letters per day (from all mailboxes of the same domain) 5000 *
In one letter sent through the site 50
In one letter sent via mail program or via SMTP 35

* Only external recipients are taken into account; the owners of mailboxes on this domain are not counted.

Yandex requirements for honest mailings

This document reflects Yandex's view of fair mailing. It is not an offer and does not entail any obligations on the part of the company and its postal service to the services that carry out mass mailings.

The document is based on the established practice of the largest providers and postal services, complies with the norms and recommendations of ASTA, as well as "Regulations for the use of the network"... The algorithm for separating mailings and spam is the company's know-how, it is not published or discussed.

    Subscription process:

    • When added to the mailing list, recipient addresses must be validated.

    Unsubscribe process:

    • (Obligatory) Each email should contain clear instructions on how to unsubscribe from the mailing list. At the same time, the unsubscription process should not require complex actions from the recipient, such as password recovery, registration or authorization. The recipient must be able to unsubscribe from the mailing list within 10 minutes.

      The body of the letter must clearly indicate the address of the subscriber.

      (Obligatory) The letter must use the list-unsubscribe header, formatted according to the RFC standard. When clicking on the link from this header, the user should be immediately unsubscribed from the mailing list.

      (Obligatory) To unsubscribe, you need to specify only working links.

    Email header:

    • The subject of the message should be clear to the user and should not mislead him.

      The subject of the message must be the same for all letters of the same mailing list.

      (Obligatory) In the field From whom the real-life should be indicated email address associated with the mailing source. If messages arriving at this address are processed by a robot, then clear and concise instructions should come in response to contact your support team.

    Correctness of network identification:

    • (Obligatory) Software the distributor should check the replies received. If the receiving server replies that the specified user does not exist, then the broadcast to this address should be suspended.

      For correct identification Domain name must be meaningful and not an automatic address like x.y.z.w-in-addr-arpa or

I had enough standard features in Gmail, with the exception of one. I didn't know how to send an email at the specified time.

In a standard mailer, we press the "Send" button and the letter goes to the addressee. We save the letter in draft and it waits for the appointed time. But how to write a letter and postpone sending?

For me, this function is important because you can unload the list of orders in MyLifeOrganized. It seemed to me faster to bring the information to the recipient by means of a letter at the specified time than fixing this task in the MLO with the subsequent execution of the action.

Google to help me. There were many options offered, but shareware:

  • number of letters per month no more than 10
  • limited functionality

For full-fledged versions it was necessary to pay monthly in conventional units. The function of deferred sending of letters is necessary, but not enough to pay money for it. I continued my search and found a free option and easy to use.

My find was the SndLatr extension, which is still called a beta version and is completely free.

You can watch the technical points of how to install and use SndLatr in this short video:

I will dwell on the issues of using the tool in conjunction with MyLifeOrganized.

Cases of using SndLatr to send an email at a specified time

1. For orders that I previously recorded in MyLifeOrganized and tracked using flags.

Making a postponed letter takes the same amount of time as writing a task in MLO. It is much easier to write a letter right away and set a delay than it is to create a reminder of an upcoming letter. In the second case, we also need to respond to the reminder.

Now in MLO we write down what we expect from the person after receiving the letter. Everything has been simplified.

Usage example:

An application for money for self-expenditures is submitted to the accounting department every Monday. There is no point in sending the letter on another day, as the letter will be lost.

I used to write down tasks in MLO:

  • Send an application on Monday
  • Expecting money on tuesday

Now I immediately write a letter and put the dispatch on Monday. In MLO I set myself a reminder of waiting.

2. For reminders to yourself.

When you don't make a decision right now and you want the letter to come later.


A letter came in the afternoon with the announcement of an interesting event. I want to discuss it in the evening at home with my wife. I postpone receiving it for several hours and remove it from the inbox. In the evening I will receive a second reminder that this letter has arrived. Everything is done with 1-2 clicks.


  • Opened MLO
  • Wrote down the task
  • I set a reminder - I chose the time.

3. Use as a reminder to others about appointments.

In MLO, you can set up a reminder by sending mail to other people.

Everything is cool, but there are downsides:

  • Difficulties with setting up regular mail (I managed to bind only mail from my site to my profile)
  • To send, the program on Windows must be enabled (with development mobile applications MLO for Android and iPhone I use the application on Windows mainly for data processing)

With the help of delayed sending, the letter will be sent regardless of whether you are online or not.

I find using the SndLatr extension a great addition to a personal efficiency system


  • Quickly
  • Is free
  • Reduces the effort and time spent on scheduling such reminders


  • It takes time to check the reliability and reliability. Although this is not a minus, but additional control.

If you use a tool for deferred sending of letters, which in your opinion is better than SndLatr - write about it in the comments. Let's see. Let's sort it out on the shelves. Let's choose the best.

Thanks for reading this article - I've spent a lot of time creating it for you. I would be grateful if you give your feedback. Without information from you, this blog cannot be complete. So let's stay connected!