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Apply a watermark. Imitation of protective fibers. Application of "watermarks"

If you don't want someone to steal your social media photos, watermark them. We have selected 7 mobile applications, which will help protect your pictures from theft and even make you a little more popular.

Increasingly, users are faced with the fact that their photos from social networks taken by other people. Even some celebrities have been caught stealing. For example, the American singer K. Michelle passed off several photos from Lady Tatyana's Instagram as her own. Imagine how insulting and unpleasant it is to see your own pictures in someone else's profile! And, unfortunately, there are many such cases.

The simplest and reliable way protect your photos - put a copyright on them. If such a photo is stolen, then the watermark will still remain, and users will find out who its author is. And if you make the watermark identifiable, you will get more followers, subscribers, and connoisseurs of your photos.

We have prepared a selection of 7 mobile applications that will make your photos unique and recognizable in no time.

1.Photo Marks 2

Let's start with a novelty - PhotoMarks 2. The creators insist that the process of applying a watermark has never been so fast and easy. You can add text or image to photos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and when sending a photo via email. In addition, you can save your watermark separately from the photo. Cost: $2.99

2. iWatermark

Virtually unlimited creation possibilities text sign. As well as the ability to come up with your own graphics, signature or even a QR code. To help you get started, there are 20 great watermark examples created with the app. Cost: $1.99.

3. Marksta

When Marksta first came out, it quickly became the most popular watermarking app. She does not give up her position even now. The application has a huge selection of tools, fonts, backgrounds, colors, sizes and even shadows. Place watermarks on images on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr or add your social media nicknames, addresses Email On the photo. Cost: $1.99.


A multifunctional application that will allow you not only to create a watermark, but also to make captions for pictures or a funny photo card. You can use prepared fonts and signatures (there are 250 of them), or you can be creative and create something of your own. Cost: $1.99.


A free application that, in some respects, is in no way inferior to paid content. In addition to numerous useful tools for creating a distinctive mark, it is possible to upload a watermark that you have already created to your image.

6. eZy Watermark lite

"Everything can be done with your phone!" One more free app will make a watermark not only on the photo, but also on the video. 150 fonts, the ability to upload images from the camera, social networks, library or iTunes.


And a standalone video watermarking app. Add, test, image, logos and signatures. Change colors and fonts and save your watermarks. Cost: 3$.

We hope our review helped you! If you know other watermarking apps, please share them in the comments.

Do you have photos, documents, or videos that you want to watermark for copyright protection or advertising? Try downloading some of the suggested programs.

Installing a watermark or logo in various documents, images, audiovisual materials is used not only by professionals, but also by ordinary users who have a certain brand.

Due to the fact that different tools for different file formats are noted by us, it is not currently about finding the best universal program because there is a big difference between video logo apps and photo tagging apps. We select several programs for you to find the right tool for your needs.

FastStone Photo Resizer

Tool for bulk resizing of images or photos in JPG format, which is interesting in particular for its control. No installation required, you can save the file to disk. After selecting a set of files to transfer images, you can set the size, crop, change the color depth, apply effects, add text, and inserts watermarks.

Control and selection in the program settings is very simple, so even a beginner can handle it. FastStone Photo Resizer has for many users the advantage that it is free for non-commercial purposes.

Avidemux is a multi-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, BSD) open source source code converter, video editor designed to convert between formats and simple cutting, filtering, color balance, etc. Avidemux is simple and easy to use, the watermark is inserted into the video in just a few clicks.

Of course, a lengthy process follows for the overall conversion and installation of watermarked videos. But it no longer requires your attention, the program will then do everything automatically.

waterkmar Magick

A very simple and small utility of French origin for inserting a watermark into photos and images. Easy to use, user-friendly graphic design and the ability to create a web gallery. V batch processing you can resize photos.

TSR Watermark Image

Other for personal use freely available application TSR Watermark Image for watermark inserts on images and photographs. You can choose any text and simple graphics. Of course, you can adjust the transparency, logo position, size and angle to the horizon. Performs some basic operations batch image editing.

Very nice, a large number of site languages, including Russian. If we add it to ease of use, free license and significant options, it turns out that TSR Watermark Image is a very interesting tool.

Full photo editing tool with batch operations. Image Tuner effectively changes a large number of files. Resizes them, can rename them, convert between formats, change compression ratios and, of course, inserts a watermark.

The program also characteristically supports RAW formats, uses a small amount of system resources and is completely free for any use.

Vinnie, you told us in detail, . But I heard that there are watermarks for inserting special programs. Do you know these?

I know Piglet. In fact, I'm just getting to know one right now.

Well, do not languish, Vinnie, introduce us to your new friend! We also want to meet a beautiful stranger!

Donkey, stop punning. Winnie is ready to introduce her to us. Yes Vinnie?

Of course friends. Now I will tell you about it and even show you.

So, there lived a program for adding watermarks Bytescout Watermarking, this is what it is called, you’ll pronounce FIG, and somehow the users knew little about it, otherwise they would not have applied it. And then one advanced comrade went on a long journey in search of honey, but instead of honey, he stumbled upon this beautiful creature ...

Vinnie, stop fooling around, you better say...

Yes, it is free, Donkey, free. Is that what you wanted to ask? But you can upgrade it if you want. paid version PRO (there is an Upgrade to PRO button).

You can download the Watermark program for free.

So. Installed a program to create watermarks. Next, simply upload the photos that need to be watermarked, as in Photoshop. Click on "Next".

And the whole charm of this program is revealed to us on the next page. After all, Bytescout Watermarking offers several options for adding watermarks.

You can put text on the entire page as a watermark, you can cover all the photos with small watermarks, that is, protect them like a banknote; put a stamp with a given transparency or a stamp on the entire width of the page; text watermark at a given position, text on a rounded rectangle background, a watermark with date and time in a given format, a watermark with a file name.

Phew, I'm tired of listing. In general, you can watermark a photo as your own text using a whole arsenal of fonts and styles. And anywhere and anytime.

The text, i.e. the watermark itself, is written in the upper right window. Everything is simple here.

Thing! For lazy users, that's it.

But that's not all!

Yes, and this is enough for us with the Donkey! Ran to install the program.

Wait, Piglet. I'm telling you, that's not all. Listen further, scumbag. In addition to text watermarks, this program allows you to use graphics as watermarks. Moreover, you can use ready-made graphic elements from the template library.

But that's not all. V free program for watermarks there is a generator of demotivators!

Look you! And what is it? Generator denaturator?

Not a denaturator of generators, but a generator of demotivators. Donkey, don't hit it. And he barely spoke.

In short, have you seen the photo in a wide black frame with comments? This is the demotivator. At first it was a parody of boring posters, but now it's just a humorous photo with a caption. They can often be seen on social networks in humorous photo collections.

So it's easy to be on trend with Bytescout Watermarking.

You can also make two different inscriptions - top and bottom. In LOLCat style. What it is, look at the last photo with a cooler.

Many of you have already encountered the presence of a watermark on the image. Initially, the signature on the photo was made only for reasons of the author's fame, but in our time, when it has become possible to use other people's images everywhere without any notice or mention of the author, another practice has begun to appear - to leave a watermark instead of a signature, and preferably on all images. If they are already borrowing, then let the users know where from.

Since it is not always convenient to use a full-fledged computer with the appropriate software on vacation or on a trip, in this article I will bring to your attention a service that will allow you to create an image with a watermark even from a mobile or tablet!

Watermark on an image in three steps

1. Upload the image (Manage Photo(s))

Formats allowed jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff to make the photo smaller 500Kb. You can upload multiple files.

2. Create a watermark (Add Watermark)

And here expanse! You can either upload your own image - the upload conditions are the same as with the main, background part (the same formats, less than 500 Kb), or text, which is noteworthy - there are many formatting options: text input, about 60 fonts to choose from, size, color, slope, transparency.

The result can always be seen in the block located to the right. The update takes place within 1-2 seconds.

3. Save your image! (Process Photo)

Everything about everything, as a rule, takes less than a minute. Then choose how to download the image (watermark can be separately).

Link to service service of watermarking images on-line.

Thank you for your attention! And I wish your site only conscientious visitors!)

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."


A watermark on a photo is a tool for protecting copyright on a photo. Often this is a translucent inscription or emblem.

Why do you need a watermark on the photo

Let's say you are a photographer. Take cool pictures, put them in . Some people will want to include a photo in their material. You worked and looked for the right angle, spent a lot of effort. And you don't want third-party people to use your material just like that. To prevent them from simply taking and downloading the photo, the photo bank can add your unique logo to the photo. And a person will either have to pay for a photo without a watermark, or be content with an image over which your name is superimposed.

The watermark is not called so by chance, it contains the very essence of the phenomenon. By default, according to generally accepted standards, it should be translucent, barely visible, like circles on the water. The sign itself should not attract heightened attention, because the image itself is important, and not its authorship. A properly executed watermark is a discreet and not bright, but quite distinguishable badge of authorship.

Who needs watermarks

  • These labels are specially designed to protect the image from theft. Even if the author does not bother much with protection, but simply sets the name of his site in the corner, then this can stop those who put the copy-paste process on stream.
  • On the other hand, all users who still download and put photos and pictures on their own resources, in fact, will make the author free advertising. Thus, many photographers of recent years have become famous and untwisted.
  • Branding plays an important role, that is, the distribution of a certain trademark through her logo on the images. Many consider this the biggest plus of watermarking, because it is much more useful than protection against theft. Images with a logo, especially if they differ in originality, unusualness or a special style and beauty, quickly disperse through the network, popularizing your brand (company, firm, name, etc.).

In addition, business people do not have to worry about increasing sales, since when copying automatically, the personal brand will be promoted and popularized. No one can just upload your drawing or photo and use it for their own purposes, for example, to create collages, prints or advertising.

Cons of applying Watermark

We will tell you how to apply a watermark on a photo below, and now it is worth discussing the question of why many refuse to use it. There are special reasons for this, which it would not hurt to consider in advance.

  • Many people consider that the fundamental and main drawback of watermarks is that the image is not perceived so whole and harmoniously, since the sign diverts all the user's attention to itself. In many cases, it also gives the picture a look of consumer goods, but it all depends on the sense of style and taste of the author. There are many examples of the fact that the competent application of Watermark only adorned photographic materials.
  • The protective functions of such signs are rather vague and it is by no means possible to call them a real “weapon” in the fight against content thieves. It is worth agreeing that the name of the site in the corner will not stop those who decide to acquire your picture in any way. Yes, the attacker will have to spend time removing the stamp, or maybe just cropping the photo, but this will take no more than a few minutes.
  • Watermarks applied to images do not and cannot carry any legal protection, since it is quite possible to find hundreds of thousands of “clean” pictures on the net and mark them with your own watermarks. Of course, in the case of the author's photograph, justice can be achieved, but you will have to provide more weighty evidence than the captions on the pictures.
  • One of the factors that encourage people to stop watermarking is the significant deterioration of sharing, that is, the use of images in third-party publications, but with backlinks to the source.

And users of social networks, for example, the notorious Pinterest or Instagram, are less willing to share photos that have watermarks. This means a decrease in the popularity of a page or blog, for a business - a decrease in gross sales and other unpleasant things.

Ways to apply watermarks

water mark

The English-language site is quite clear, and also intuitively easy to use. To use the resource, you do not need to sit down to study foreign languages, it will not be difficult to figure it out.

  • Upload an image to the page.
  • Download the watermark.
  • Combine both images.

The logo can be edited, for example, change the transparency of the image, its size, position and even color. In one click, the sign is applied to the image, and then the image is saved to your device. It should be remembered that you need to download the photo immediately, because the period of its storage on the resource is only a week.

Adobe Photoshop

Excellent program for watermarking photos, it's everyone's favorite Adobe Photoshop, which sometimes, like fire, beginners are afraid of. In fact, it is not necessary to be able to use all the functions in order to equip an image with a Watermark, basic knowledge and skills are enough.

  • Install the dedicated Adobe Watermark panel app.
  • Choose the watermark you like best for all images.
  • Adjust the available settings according to your own understanding (size, transparency, number and arrangement of characters, and so on).
  • Select the quality to save (web, jpeg, png).

Moreover, the program has the ability to view previews, as well as put signs on a large number of pictures at a time.

From all of the above, we can confidently conclude that the issue of applying or refusing watermarks is far from unambiguous. Basically, the decision will directly depend on the goals pursued, as well as the site where all this will be placed. For example, if we talk about online stores or other trading platforms on the network, it will not work without the use of watermarks. After all, having spent a lot of time and effort on creating unique photos, I want them to be seen exclusively on your site.

If we talk about the sites of professional designers, photographers or stylists, then such “dyeing” in the form of a logo or name can spoil the whole impression of a photo, picture, spoil the correct perception of the atmosphere of the image. Many suggest placing analogues of poor quality and small size on such resources so that competitors cannot also use them.