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How to close the game if it freezes? With the task manager and using the keyboard? How to Close a Game on Steam, Multitasking, and Windows - Troubleshooting. How to close the program if it won't close? Features, methods and recommendations

Many users, having acquired a Mac computer, ask the simplest question: “How does the Mac turn off and on?” To start the Mac, you must activate the start button. For example, Mac laptops start up as soon as you open the lid or turn it on. However, to turn off your Mac, you need to press the "On" function, which is located in the main menu.

Trigger the main power button. Typically in 15" or 13" Macbook Pro the power button can be found near the Touch Bar, where it connected to the touchpad sensor. Therefore, just click on Touch ID to start the Mac computer.

The rest of the Mac laptops are activated from the rounded power button located at the top left. For stationary computers, the activation button is located on the back of the PC panel.

For example, later 2016 and 2017 MacBook Pro and 12-inch MacBooks start up immediately when you open it, or when it's empty, you plug it into electricity. When the Mac turns on, the programs in it are activated and a welcome message appears.

How to turn off Macbook?

The most natural way is to exit through the Computer Menu, which is located in the left corner. For it to appear, you need to click on the located menu icon. Wherein n There is no need to hurry, because the computer does not turn off quickly: open work is completed, windows and running programs are closed, and the user account is exited.

When for some reason the laptop does not turn off, and all the shutdown actions were unsuccessful, in an exceptional case, it is possible to shut it down non-standardly: none other than to force it to turn off. To do this, hold down the power button until the Mac does not go out completely. Do not use the forced method often or as a rule, as all unsaved documents, bookmarks and other information will be deleted.

Some Features of Mac Sleep Mode Enabled

When the Mac is in sleep mode, you can exit it if you lightly press the power button once. In a similar way, you can put your Mac into sleep mode.

Sleep mode will not play a special wake-up sound if you have VoiceOver turned on.

Why is my Mac computer frozen?

Firstly, don't be scared, nothing terrible happened, we'll tell you how easy it is to solve this problem without unpleasant consequences and how to turn off your MacBook.

The Mac computer, as we described earlier, can simply be forcibly turned off by holding down the power button. However, this is an extreme case. For example, a failure occurred while working with a program or text, and you don’t want to lose the work done at all. Therefore, in this case, you can resort to a simple method: hold down the keys on the computer at the same time: Command and Q. This operation will close the current window for good. However, do not rush to immediately close it, it happens that after 5 minutes, shortly before turning off, the window will restore itself. This happens often if you pressed the command several times in a row and the processing is frozen.

If the Menu button is functioning at the bottom right of the computer panel, then you can point the arrow with the mouse to the “Restart” laptop action, then the computer will gradually close all windows, shut down and turn off, and after a few seconds it will start up again. Now you can turn on the program in which you worked again, and the typed text can be restored.

How Not to Restore a Mac

Firstly, it is not necessary and even dangerous to simply wait for the laptop to discharge itself and turn off, and then try to turn it on, you may not be able to do this at all, and then you have to go to a service center.

You must not disconnect the laptop battery to turn off the computer, this is very dangerous, as it can software failure and you will need to reinstall iOS.

No need to knock on the case, turn the computer over or shake it, open and close the lid, press all the buttons at once or hit the touchpad. Equipment, even such as a Mac computer, can react very badly to such treatment and fail. Then without opening a specialist warranty laptop not enough.

Most users turn off the computer in the classic way - through the Start menu or the Windows 8 start screen. But, this way of turning off the computer is far from always convenient. Sometimes it is much more convenient to turn off the computer or use a shortcut on the desktop. In this article, we'll show you how to implement this.

Shutting down the computer through the command line is done using the shutdown command. The shutdown command can take the following options:

  • /s - Turn off the computer;
  • /a - Cancel restarting or shutting down the computer. This parameter can only be used while waiting for a shutdown (shutdown with delay);
  • /h - Go to ;
  • /t xxx - Set a delay of XXX seconds before rebooting or shutting down the computer. Allows ;
  • /c "comment" - Comment indicating the reason for shutting down or restarting the computer;
  • /f- Force termination all open programs without warning the user. This option is used if the /t option specifies a delay greater than 0 seconds;
  • Other parameters that can be used to shut down the computer through the command line can be found by using the shutdown command without any parameters;

So, in order to immediately turn off the computer through the command line or the so-called console, you must enter the following command:

  • Shutdown /s /t 00

If you want to turn off the computer with a delay, then instead of zeros, you must specify a delay in seconds:

  • Shutdown /s /t 60

If you want to restart your computer, use the /r option instead of the /s option:

  • Shutdown /r /t 00

To reboot with a delay, use the /t parameter with the number of seconds:

  • Shutdown /r /t 60

When restarting or shutting down the computer using the delay, a warning window appears on the screen.

If the delay is very long, such as 60 minutes (3600 seconds), then instead of a warning window, a pop-up message appears in the lower right corner of the screen.

You can stop the computer shutdown while the delay is in effect. For this in command line you need to enter the command:

  • Shutdown /a

It should be noted that the Shutdown command can be used not only in the command line, but also in shortcuts. This allows you to create a shortcut to shut down your computer. Such a shortcut can be left on the desktop or pinned to the start Windows screen 8.

To do this, open context menu (right button mouse) and use the "Create Shortcut" function.

In the window that opens, the command to shut down or restart the computer and click on the "Next" button.

As a result, you will get a shortcut that, when opened, will turn off your computer.

Every iPhone owner at least once in their life wondered how to properly and safely turn off the iPhone. There are several answers to this question. Depending on the smartphone itself and its condition, the ways in which you can turn off the device change and each of them is completely valid, as well as completely safe for the phone in question. In this article, three options for rebooting the apple device will be considered.

First, the option of turning off the iPhone will be considered when it is in normal operation mode, works properly and responds to all commands.

Switching off the smartphone in the normal state

To disable the device in question under these conditions, the subscriber will need to perform some actions, observing the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to press and hold the power button of the smartphone until the large “Turn off” and “Cancel” buttons are presented on the screen.
  2. After that, you need to touch the iPhone display in the left area of ​​the red “Turn off” button, and then, without taking your finger off the display, swipe on the mentioned key until the end of its right area. A similar gesture is called “Swipe”, and as a result of the done, the iPhone will start to turn off.
  3. To turn on the device again, you need to wait for the screen to turn off completely, and then click on the “Power” button. This will make the phone start up in normal mode.

Forced shutdown of the smartphone

It happens that the iPhone freezes and stops responding to any operations, movements, commands, or completely stops functioning. Under such circumstances, it can be rebooted in the following way:

  1. First you need to simultaneously hold down the "Home" and "Shutdown" keys and hold them down for about 10 seconds. This will help to completely turn off the iPhone.
  2. To start the device again, sometimes it is enough just to release the pressed keys, but if this does not happen, you need to briefly hold down the Power button. The smartphone will start to boot normally.

The method under consideration provides the ability to turn off and restart the iPhone when a software failure occurs. For the benefit of your own smartphone, it is advised to use this option only when absolutely necessary, it is better to use other options for rebooting the apple device.

The third, and at the same time the final method of turning off the iPhone is only suitable if the device is absolutely functioning properly, and its display does not have any problems, despite the fact that the power button is out of order.

Disabling a gadget without using buttons

You can control the iPhone even without using any mechanical buttons. The developers foresaw the fact that mechanical buttons can sometimes break, so they created a unique control through touching the display. To do this, the subscriber will need to enable a feature called " Assistive Touch". With the help of this function, you can flexibly configure device control using a variety of gestures, but “mechanics” are absolutely not needed for this.

Activation of the Assistive Touch service

  1. First you need to go to "Settings", then go to "General", and then open "Universal Access".
  2. Then you need to scroll through the page with accessibility settings to the end, and then among the "Physiology and Motor" section, click on the line "Assistive Touch".
  3. In the settings window that appears, the activation slider for the function in question must be moved to the on position. An almost transparent key will appear on the smartphone display.
  4. Lastly, you need to touch touch screen phone, you need to do this within the boundaries of the mentioned button. The display will present you with a window with the available options of the activated service.

Turning off an apple smartphone through Assistive Touch

To disable iPhona using the function in question, you must:

  1. Click on the menu icon of the program mentioned earlier.
  2. Among the menu of this service, click on the "Device" icon, and then make a long press on the "Screen lock" item. This should cause the "Turn Off" keys to appear as well as the "Cancel" keys.
  3. The subsequent actions should be the same as in the case of normal turning on the device. Swipe your finger to the right on the "Turn off" button.
  4. To start the device again without using the power button, it must be connected to a PC using a USB cable. Thereby mobile device start in normal mode.

The methods discussed above provide the ability to completely turn off or restart the iPhone in normal mode when a freeze occurs, or the power button is out of order. The final way, which involves the use of the Assistive Touch service, allows you to incredibly flexibly customize the guidance of your smartphone using various gestures. That's just for this you need a fully functioning Touchpad, and the device should work in normal mode, since the considered function does not work on a “hung” device.

Something happened that the computer began to shut down for a very long time when turned off. Blame it all open programs, which Windows 7 refuses to close itself.

Ending hung programs in Windows 7 without user intervention

You have the ability to have programs automatically quit when you turn off your computer without clicking the "Force Shut Computer" button.
To do this, in the registry Windows 7 you need to create a string parameter AutoEndTasks .

This setting is located in the registry key Windows 7 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop . The value of this parameter "1" allows operating system automatically terminate processes without pressing the "Force shutdown" button. If you choose the value "0" this parameter - the programs will not be terminated automatically.

Or import the following file into the registry Windows 7 :

Registry Editor Version 5.00 ="1000" "MenuShowDelay"="0" "WaitToKillAppTimeout"="2000" "LowLevelHooksTimeout"="1000" "WaitToKillServiceTimeout"="1000" "WaitToKillServiceTimeout"="1000" "WaitToKillServiceTimeout"="1000" "AutoEndTasks"= "1" "HungAppTimeout"="1000" "MenuShowDelay"="0" "WaitToKillAppTimeout"="2000" "AutoEndTasks"="1" "HungAppTimeout"="1000" "MenuShowDelay"="0" "WaitToKillAppTimeout"=" 2000"