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Black list of contacts in stock Android dialer. How to understand by a call that you are on the subscriber's black list? Cover the proximity sensor with your finger

If we rank the most common problems faced by modern cellular subscribers, one of the first places on the podium will probably be the difficulty associated with poor hearing of the interlocutor, or with its complete absence. Remember for yourself, for sure you have repeatedly encountered such a nuisance, and it definitely repeats itself periodically. Let us analyze the most common causes and problems, due to which the interlocutor may not be heard during telephone conversations.

Proximity sensor

All modern smartphones have a so-called proximity sensor. Its main and only function is to turn off the display when objects approach it: hands, cheeks, faces, heads. Thus, when the user makes a call and brings the smartphone to their ear, the proximity sensor detects this and automatically turns off the display. This avoids false button presses during conversations.

And everything would be fine, but the sensor does not always work correctly, and in some cases, on budget Android devices, it may stop working altogether. In this case, the option is not ruled out, in which, when approaching the ear, the subscriber simply presses the microphone mute button, without noticing it. As a result, the interlocutor does not hear you, or you do not hear the interlocutor if the proximity sensor does not work on his device.

If you're experiencing this problem, all you can do is try cleaning the sensor, wiping the area around it, or replacing your phone's screen protector/film. If the performed manipulations do not help, you must contact the service center.

Insufficient volume level

Without a doubt, the most absurd cause of problems with poor hearing is the insufficient volume of the speaker. Alas, but, as practice shows, quite often it is this “oversight” that becomes the key. Oddly enough, not all modern smartphone users are aware that the volume keys located on the side panel of the gadget can control not only the volume of music and videos in the headphones or on the main speaker, but also the sound level when talking on the phone. Thus, I highly recommend checking how loud your smartphone's earpiece is set the next time you make a call.

Problems on the operator's side

It is impossible to exclude problems that may be observed on the side of the mobile operator. Often, poor hearing may be due to poor communication quality, being in a tunnel, away from cell towers, in a lowland or outside the city. Alternatively, there are several ways to solve this problem:

  • When contacting the hotline of the used mobile operator;
  • By calling the interlocutor again (often, when you call again, the quality of communication is improved or restored);
  • When moving around the territory (moving to another cellular service area may improve signal quality);
  • By removing, cleaning and re-inserting the SIM card into the appropriate slot of the smartphone.

Physical contamination of the speaker or microphone

Obviously, poor hearing can also be observed for quite natural reasons: dust and dirt accumulated both on the earpiece and in the microphone area. A simple cleaning with a small brush or Q-tip can help improve the quality of hearing.

Problems with hardware

Poor hearing can also occur due to mechanical damage and malfunctions directly inside the smartphone. Of the most common malfunctions, I consider it necessary to note the following:

  • Speaker failure. Most speakers in modern phones contain magnetic coils inside, when one of the contacts is rubbed, the entire speaker fails;
  • In the case of connecting the speaker to the motherboard using a cable, it is not uncommon for this cable to fray, which leads to complete or partial, periodically manifested inoperability of the speaker;
  • Problems with power supply to the microphone or speaker due to dropping or hitting the smartphone;
  • Volume button not working. May occur after a fall or blow.

In many modern devices, internal parts are connected in a modular way, like a designer. For example, a speaker module can be connected to the motherboard, connecting in a similar way to two Lego pieces. In the event of a fall, the option is not ruled out in which the speaker contacts will “fall away” completely or partially, which will affect the audibility during calls.

Of course, you can “cure” the malfunctions described above on your own, just stock up on a set of small screwdrivers and the corresponding video instructions, which are full on YouTube. But, in the absence of confidence in your accuracy and relevant skills, it is better not to start repairs yourself.


It is also quite likely that the interlocutor is hard to hear during telephone conversations due to the presence of malicious software in the smartphone, in simple words, viruses. In addition, an incorrect update or the wrong firmware version can also be the prerequisites for a similar problem.

Obviously, such problems are inherent in Android smartphones, since custom firmware is not so easy to “throw” on the equipment of the “apple” brand. But as for solving problems, here it is one thing - a general reset of the device to factory settings. Fortunately, such a function is available in the settings of both Android smartphones and iOS devices from Apple, and even on Windows Mobile devices that have sunk into oblivion.


Thus, there can be many possible reasons that the interlocutor is not heard well. And, alas, if such a problem arises, you will have to pretty much “sweat” to find out the true one from among them. If you have time and any skills of an "advanced" user of electronics, you can be sure that you will succeed in finding out the reason if you use my advice. You may not be able to fix the problem yourself, but you will know exactly what and where it “hurts”.

If you do not have the appropriate skills, and you do not dare to identify the cause, or you do not dare to eliminate it yourself, the most rational solution would be to contact the service center. It is there that specialists will be able to diagnose the device, and tell you what the problem is and how much it will cost you to restore the smartphone’s performance. Just analyze in advance whether the repair is worth it, because it is possible that your smartphone has become obsolete and the most appropriate solution would be to simply update the new device rather than fixing the old one.

First appeared in iOS 6 and OS X Mountain Lion operating systems. Its essence lies in the ability to restrict incoming calls and messages from all subscribers or their separate category. Let's take a closer look at what happens when users try to call you or send SMS (iMessage) under the conditions of the activated mode " Do not disturb».

In contact with

The Do Not Disturb feature allows an iPhone, iPad, and Mac user to block calls or SMS messages from various caller groups at pre-set times. You can use this mode, for example, during intensive work, when every external stimulus can interfere with the work process, or, for example, at night. Activates the option in Settings for iOS gadgets (and Control Center) and in System Preferences for Mac computers.

By activating the toggle switch Scheduled the user can set the time at which no one can reach him.

In chapter Call admission you can specify a group of contacts or subscribers from a category Favorites, on which the action of the mode " Do not disturb” will not be distributed - their calls and text messages will be passed through unhindered.

Activated switch Recalls will allow the subscriber to get through only the second time, provided that the second call was made within 3 minutes.

What happens if you receive calls and messages while you are on Do Not Disturb

Users trying to reach a subscriber with the " Do not disturb", will constantly encounter the signal " busy". At the time of a call or a sent message, the iPhone or iPad screen will not light up. At the same time, after activating the screen, the iPhone notify its owner of a missed call and message. That is, all attempts to reach a user with the " Do not disturb», will be displayed in the history of calls and messages not accompanied by any sound signals.

For special cases, when calls only from individual subscribers become unwanted, you can blacklist their numbers in the gadget settings (). True, it will be possible to bypass such a blocking by calling from a hidden or unauthorized number.

Cellular communication today is the main means of communication. Phones are an absolute boon if the device is working, and we live in a region with a good signal. But what to do if the interlocutor is hard to hear in the receiver - we will talk about this in this article. Consider all the popular cases and find ways to solve these problems.

Why is it hard to hear the voice on the phone

If the voice of your friend is almost inaudible from the mobile speakers, one of three parties can be the culprit: your phone, the other party's phone, and your carrier. The reasons can also lie both in the elementary settings of a mobile phone, and be more serious: speaker failure. Since the advent of cellular communications, the process of “catching” a signal has not lost its relevance today. In many villages and areas remote from cell towers, subscribers still have to search for the best conditions for a call.

The main problem are faulty or neglected speakers mobile devices. Almost any phone models protect their sound playback devices with a special mesh. And she often clogged with dust and debris from our pockets and other filth. Cleaning them up will help. amplify the voice of the interlocutor if the muting is insignificant. If the sound from the speakers does not come out at all, then it's time to take the cell phone to the nearest service for repair. But do not rush to give the device for repair. Our recommendations should help even in difficult situations.

Determining the Causes of Quiet Sound

To take action and fix the breakdown, you must first determine the source of the problem.

If you can't hear your voice well with a specific subscriber Try calling someone else. He may be the only one whose speech you barely understand. And in this case, you have nothing to eliminate. Problems are either in his phone or in the mobile operator whose services he uses. Contact him in another way and notify your friend that the problem is on his side.
If you do not understand well the speech of all subscribers whom you are trying to reachNeeded to get started restart your mobile device. To do this, there is a special button on the top or side of the case. It must be pressed and held until a confirmation window appears.

Power button on the body of the mobile

Screensaver when turning on the smartphone

Try adjust the sound not only buttons on the phone case, but also optionally.

Sound setting optional

To do this, go to settings and select "Sound" or "Sound profiles".

How to clean smartphone speakers

Mobile devices from different manufacturers often have multiple speakers. One for speakerphone audio playback and music. Other - to output sound when talking in normal mode. The latter is located at the top on the front side of the mobile device case.

Just in the place that we habitually apply to the ear. The mesh of this speaker needs to be cleaned if you can't hear your interlocutor on your phone.

This should be preceded by turn off your smartphone. For cleaning, you will need a regular toothbrush, which is in every home.

Cleaning a smartphone speaker with a toothbrush

Only after using it will you need to buy a new one. Or use the old one, which has already worked out its own. It is necessary to pay attention to the principle of crossing the bars of the mesh in order to remove all debris more efficiently. Smartphone is also better turn face down and lift over head so that you can see where to apply the brush head.

Cleaning the speaker mesh on a smartphone

If you follow this advice, debris and dirt will not get inside the phone.. Where they can do even more harm. All unnecessary elements, breaking away from the mesh, will fall down to the floor. You can complete the cleaning session with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. You should also clean with a stick: turn the phone face down and lift it over your head.

For these purposes, non-standard, but no less effective means are often used. For example, face cream for blackheads. The principle of their work is better known to women. It is necessary to smear the area with the mesh with a thin layer and wait until the cream hardens. After that, tear off the elastic mask. And with it, you will remove almost all the dirt from the speaker mesh.

Increase the volume in the Android engineering menu

This method is suitable for most Android mobile phones. Not all users know that this operating system has an engineering menu that allows you to change inaccessible settings. Getting into it is not so difficult. You need to unlock the screen and enter the following numbers without entering anywhere: *#*#3646633#*#* .

Combination to get into the Android engineering menu

The combination must be entered without spaces.

After entering the last character, the smartphone will open a previously unseen menu for you:

Now exit this menu, restart your device and try calling your loved ones. Or to a subscriber with whom, during a conversation, the sound from the smartphone speaker was quiet. If the provided code is not suitable for entering the menu, try to determine it for your model by creating a request in Google or Yandex search engines. There are also special utilities that help open an unusual menu. But most of them require root privileges. Possessing which you can increase the volume of the speakers without utilities.

To get root rights, you need to read the instructions. Which also need to be found through the search. A few years ago, this procedure scared many owners of Android smartphones. Today, phone hacking is more simple. And you will need a minimum of effort and knowledge to become the superuser of Android.

What to do if you can’t hear the interlocutor on a smartphone on iOS

iOS mobile devices also have a little-known feature that allows you to hear the interlocutor better.

To find it, do the following:

  1. Open device settings;

    iPhone settings

  2. Select "";

    iOS settings item "Basic"

  3. Then press "";

    Settings item "Universal access"

  4. Find the item "" here and select it;

    “AssistiveTouch” settings item

  5. On the next screen, activate this item special slider;

    Slider for activating the AssistiveTouch function

  6. A gray square with a transparent round button inside will appear on the screen. You need to dial the number of any subscriber and press it, since the functions we need appear only with an active call;

    Function enabled button

  7. A menu will appear where you need to select "";

    Select "Device"

  8. By controlling the slider on the next screen, you need to increase the volume as much as possible.

    Increasing speaker volume on iOS

If there were no problems with sound before, but now the speaker is quieter on your phone, try reset to factory settings. This can be done with any mobile operating system.

For example, on Android, the process looks like this:

After rebooting and cleaning the speaker, you should not hear the interlocutor on the mobile phone badly. If the problem persists and you do not know what to do, contact your nearest service center.

Difficult but possible.

There are a lot of programs that block incoming calls and messages. As already pre-installed initially in the phone, and third-party developers, which are installed by the users themselves.

Usually, when calling, when the caller's number is blocked, first there is the usual one regular beep and only then the "busy" beep. And so constantly. You can check by calling, for example, 2-3 times an hour at different times of the day.

Understanding whether SMS is blocked is very problematic. There are no visible results. delivery message arrives. But it does not say that the message was actually delivered to the recipient. It is simply a response from the mobile operator's server that the message has been received. But it is already blocked by the program in the phone immediately after receiving it.

Third-party programs, such as BlackList, still keep a log of rejected calls and SMS. Other programs have the ability to customize the beep that the caller from the black list hears. So, you can put a regular beep or a signal that the subscriber is not online.


How to understand by a call that you are on the subscriber's black list?

Blacklisted subscribers simply will not be able to get through to the one who added them to this list.
In order to determine if the number is blacklisted, you just need to dial the subscriber several times. If you constantly hear short beeps (busy) or the subscriber is unavailable, and in some cases the following phrase is heard in the handset: "This type of communication is not available to the subscriber", then most likely it is so. Some phones do not have a second line and sometimes the subscriber is just busy, talking on the phone for a long time.
To check this, you need to dial from another number and, if the calls are free and the subscriber can pick up the phone, you should dial again from your number. If the situation with short beeps repeats, then the subscriber actually blacklisted the caller's phone number.

Sometimes it also happens that when you call, the dial tone breaks and the network fails. In some cases, this may also indicate that the number is blacklisted.

It is impossible to guess from the call about getting into the "black list".

After all, the caller will hear the usual long beeps (and not short ones), that is, there is a connection, but as if the subscriber does not pick up the phone. That's exactly what happened to me, my friend mistakenly put my number on the "black list". I call, he does not answer, I think I left the phone at home, and I myself am on the street. This happened several times, I did not even think about the black list. And then he calls himself and is offended that I have not called for a long time. I answer that I called then and then, then he looked at the missed ones, they are not there. Then he opened his black list, and my calls were visible there. So, by the call you will never guess that you are on the black list.
If you want to know, then call another number or send SMS. Then your "hater" will answer you anyway. This is where you find out what you annoyed him with, that you were included in the black list. Or maybe by mistake, like me.

You can find out about being on the black list in other ways, but it’s impossible to call

Black list of contacts in stock Android dialer

You can block calls from certain subscribers using the built-in tools of the Android operating system. To do this, enter the blacklist management window: while in the Keyboard, Logs or Favorites tab, press the hardware button "Menu" and select "Call settings":

Then select "Call Rejection":

Before us are two items "Auto-shutdown mode" and "Black list". First, set up the auto-rejection mode for unwanted calls:

There are 3 modes available here:

Disabled - calls are allowed from all numbers without exception.
All numbers - calls from all numbers are blocked without exception (there is no white list).
Blacklist - calls are blocked from subscribers included in the blacklist.

Everything is clear with the first and second points, so we add subscribers to the black list. You can do this from the Call Log. To do this, while in the Call Log, select a contact, click on it and hold until a new menu appears. Next, select "Add to blacklist":

You can also add a number from the Black List menu itself:

While in the Keyboard, Logs or Favorites tab, press the hardware button "Menu" and select Call settings -> Call rejection -> Black list. Then click "Create". The number can be entered manually, added from the Journal or Contacts (notebook):

Next, click on the desired contact and it will be blacklisted:

Batch adding is not supported.

One of 4 matching conditions is available for each number:

Available values:

Exact match- you need to write down the numbers in full, only they will be blocked.

Starts with - you can write a part of the number (for example +7925), all numbers that start with these numbers will be blocked (for example +7 925 *** ** **).

Ends with - you can write down part of the number (for example, 8855), all numbers that end with these numbers will be blocked (for example, ***** 8855).

Contains - you can write down part of the number (for example, 555), all numbers that contain this combination of numbers will be blocked. For example, numbers +7925 111 55 51, +7925 551 11 11, etc. will be blocked. Be especially careful with this mode, because. You can block a lot of "extra" numbers.

Add the desired number and select the match condition, after which the number will be added to the black list. If you click on a specific contact, you can change the number and match condition:

Above you can see the number limit in the black list: 100 (maximum available number), 3 (added number). Bulk deletion from the black list is supported: put a tick in front of the numbers and click the trash icon in the upper right corner.

What does a blocked subscriber hear when he tries to reach you?
In this case, as in Dr.Web Security Space antivirus, the first dial tone passes on the side of the caller (allegedly the connection is established), after which the call ends (the subscriber hears intermittent beeps, and the screen displays "Line busy"). However, unlike Doctor Web, your phone does not make any sounds and does not turn on the blue light alarm that notifies you of missed calls. The screen also does not turn on.

In the Log, blocked calls are displayed and marked with a blue icon with the letter "A" (automatically rejected call). If you manually reject the call, the icon will just be blue (no "A"):

And this is how the detailed information about the blocked call looks like:

Here, all the data familiar to us is available for viewing: date, time, number and / or name, as well as the icon of the SIM card that received the call (if the phone is DUALSIM).


Using the stock Android dialer, it is quite possible to block unwanted calls, but no more than 100 numbers.

Pros :

  1. Batch removal of contacts from the black list.
  2. The ability to block "by mask".
  3. Display the date and time of the call when adding it from the log.
Minuses :
  1. The inability to mass add contacts to the black list.
  2. The absence of contact groups, for example, so that you can know why this contact was blacklisted (spammers, former classmates / colleagues, etc.). At the moment, in the name of a blocked contact, you have to write something like this: Spammer of banking services (1), Spammer of financial exchanges (2), etc. (still better than just seeing an unknown number).
  3. There is no support for devices with two SIM-cards. For example, you cannot prevent certain contacts from calling only one SIM. Both sims are blocked.
  4. The blacklist settings are also very modest, incl. there is no automatic ability to block certain subscribers or a group of subscribers by time of day. For example, you cannot blacklist work colleagues by forbidding them to call you from 20.00 to 10.00. If necessary, you will have to manually add and remove them from the black list each time.
  5. The inability to turn off the call log so that you do not know about calls from blocked subscribers at all.
  6. Call blocking skips the first ring. And the caller has the effect of being quickly dropped. It is much better if the blocked subscriber hears a standard message from your operator, something like "The called subscriber is out of network coverage or temporarily unavailable", and you would not even know about such calls.