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How to find out the real (at the moment) battery capacity in iPhone and iPad. Top Best iPhone Battery Test Apps That Will Help You 5s Battery Wear Level Program

Very often, users of Apple technology are faced with the problem of the autonomy of their i-devices. In this article, I will tell you how you can check battery on iPhone or iPad. How check Apple battery charge/discharge cycles devices. And how to determine if the battery of your iPhone has died. However, you do not need JailBreak.

In order to check the capacity of your iPhone battery, some recommend installing a program on your phone that requires JailBreak. Our way works without JaiBreak‘a. Well, let's get started.

Before check battery status your device, make sure you have read the article on in the article.

To check the battery on your iPhone or iPad you will only need a computer, an iPhone/iPad and a cable from the device and the iBackupBot program. (download iBackupBot)

Next, install the program, connect the phone, wait until the program initializes your iPhone / iPad. When this happens, select the phone in the device list and you will see the following screen and click on More Information:

After that, you will be presented with all the information on your battery, as well as other useful information:

I will give a decoding of some of the names of the values:

  • CycleCount - number of cycles (discharge-full charge);
  • DesignCapacity - factory battery capacity (battery capacity declared by the manufacturer);
  • FullChargeCapacity - full charge volume (battery capacity, when fully charged today);
  • Status - status (as I understand it, is the battery working);
  • BatteryCurrentCapacity - Current battery level.

So you can check the battery status of your iPhone/iPad. If the full charge capacity (FullChargeCapacity) is much less than the factory capacity (DesignCapacity), then most likely you need to replace the battery. I got these results checking iPhone 4S battery running since 2012, this can be seen in the number of cycles (CycleCount), and yet, the current battery capacity is 90% of the factory (1300/1430), which is the absolute norm.

If the program indicates the health of the battery of your device, then you should read the instructions for saving iPhone and iPad battery in the article.

If your ratio is less than 70-60%, then this already indicates the old battery and it should be replaced. And in the case of a rapid decrease in this ratio, it indicates a complete battery failure (if there is a constant drop in FullChargeCapacity).

UPD: so many began to write in the comments that the version of the program is no longer the same, I'm not a cake, there is no link, the phone is not visible, and in general the interface is different, that I was not too lazy to download the latest version of the program (5.5.3) and post even more screenshots for the people .

I hope this saves readers the trouble of iPhone and iPad battery test, and will lead to even more likes and reposts of this page and comments of gratitude.

Greetings! There can be many reasons for the need to check information about how much capacity is left in an iPhone or iPad battery. Such a need may arise from simple curiosity: for example, it became interesting to me - do I need to go and change the battery of my old iPhone 5S? Or is she not that bad?

Also, such a procedure acquires great importance during the purchase of a used device. After all, the seller can simply deceive - to say that his battery holds exactly as much. And even show usage statistics (it can be easily cheated), but in fact - half of the capacity has already been lost there. How to find out the truth about the condition of the battery - is it bad or not? No one will wait several hours to check! There are ways easier and faster - we'll talk about them, let's go!

Important note. We get all data about the battery for free, without hacking the device and other jailbreaks. Cool? Not that word!

Now we're really starting. Forward!:)

How to check the battery life of an iPhone or iPad using a computer?

There are many programs that can give us all the necessary information about the battery. These are the famous iTools, iFunBox and many others. However, they are crammed with various functions (sometimes very redundant), and we only need battery statistics! Therefore, in this case, I advise you to use iBackupBot - the desired function in it is also not the main one, however, the minimum size of the program and a simple interface speak in its favor.

You can download it from the developer's website, there are versions for Windows and Mac OS. Please note that iTunes must be installed to use the program.

Since all the inscriptions are in English, I will give a short transcript of the data received:

  • CycleCount - the number of complete recharges of the battery.
  • DesignCapacity is the capacity that the new gadget originally had.
  • FullChargeCapacity - capacity at the moment.
  • Status: Success - the general characteristic of the battery at the moment.

As you can see, my iPhone 5S lost only 150 mAh capacity in 2.5 years, and this is a very good result! In fact, it's almost brand new. How did he manage to achieve such indicators? I just know how, try it and you - there is nothing complicated there.

Applications that will tell you everything about the battery status in iPhone or iPad

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the situation when the computer is not at hand, and you need to check the battery life of your iOS device here and now. Various applications from the App Store can help us with this. The best part is that you do not need to hack the device and install a jailbreak - everything happens without it.

While writing this article, my iPhone has been visited by a huge number of programs (about 15-20) in one way or another related to the battery. And only in one of them all the data (charge cycles, actual capacity, etc.) were shown for free, immediately after installation and without any additional purchases.

Meet Battery Life. Download link in the App Store. Install and run. Click in the upper left corner - the settings open, we are interested in the menu item - Raw Data. And we clearly see all the information (also displayed in real time!).

A few points:

  • Battery Charge - the indicator means how much the battery is now charged and how much it can be charged as much as possible.
  • Capacity - current\standard battery capacity.
  • Cycles - number of recharge cycles.

The attentive reader will notice that the data for my device is slightly different in various checks (using a computer and an application). How so?!

Firstly, this difference is really small - the error is 3-5%. And secondly, this is completely normal - since different programs use different algorithms. And besides, the battery of my iPhone 5S has been working for quite a long time - almost 2.5 years, and it is quite difficult to analyze its use over a similar period.

In any case, the check can be carried out by any option presented in the article, and the overall picture of the battery life of your iPhone or iPad will be clear. To get the most plausible values ​​- use both methods, and choose the average of what happened.

If you are buying an iPhone not from a salon, then you immediately want to know about the battery status, in this article I will tell you how to do this.

In fact, knowing the current battery life is necessary not only in the case of buying a used smartphone. You can also find the answer, the battery has really become weaker, or you just began to use your gadget more actively.

In order to check the battery status on the iPhone, we will use our favorite program - iTools!

Download and install, you can find it on the main page of the site.

After that, an information window will appear in which there is enough information to analyze the current battery status:

Let's go through the provided data:

History full charge cycles - current number of charge cycles

Actual Capacity - The current capacity of your battery. The lower the value, the worse your battery performs.

Design Capacity - The capacity of the battery during production, or how much should be in a new battery

Electric Current — Current battery consumption

Other parameters are not so important for us.

The most important thing in this list is Actual Capacity and Design Capacity. Thanks to these values, you can determine how worn out the battery is, and whether the problem is really in the battery, and not in the active use of the smartphone.

There are many reasons why iPhone runs out of power quickly. Apple has provided a lot of algorithms built into iOS that prevent this. But after a year or two from the date of purchase of a smartphone, its battery begins to age, heat up and use up a charge in a few hours.

In this guide, you will learn how to accurately determine the degree of battery wear on your iPhone and the remaining capacity on your own without the help of specialists.

How long does an iPhone battery last?

How long the original Apple batteries last is stated on the official website of the company. The parameter is measured in cycles - processes of complete discharge after filling up to 100%.

For iPhones, battery replacement is recommended after 500 cycles.
In iPads, the capacity starts to decrease after 1000 cycles.
Apple Watch smartwatches require more frequent recharging after 1000 cycles.
iPods are rated for 400 recharges.

How to check the number of cycles and battery status on iPhone now?

You need to understand that it is impossible to accurately determine how old the phone is by the cycle parameter. A partially discharged gadget (for example, up to 20%) with a small recharge (up to 50%) is considered a full cycle.

Checking on iPhone (from iOS)

1. The operating system sends a notification "Your iPhone's battery needs service" to the screen when the battery is critical.
2. Now (at the beginning of 2018) in iOS there is no more detail on battery wear, but soon such a tool will appear in one of the updates (probably by summer).

Check on iPhone (in app)

1. Install the verified Battery Life app from the App Store.
2. There are alternative options for the tool, but no one can vouch for their accuracy.
3. After launching Battery Life, the phone will display the percentage of battery wear.
4. In the additional menu, you will also find the number of charge cycles and the current capacity.
5. The indicator may be wrong if you have previously repaired a smartphone.

Check on Mac (from macOS console)

1. Connect your iPhone to your Mac using a proprietary cable.
2. Launch the Console app on your Mac.
3. Check with the “batteryhealth” command and select your device in the section on the left.
4. You need the "BatteryHealth" parameter, which should not be worse than "Good".

Check on Mac (in-app)

1. Download coconutBattery.
2. After installation, run it and connect your iPhone to the computer with a cable.
3. Select your phone from the device list and check the battery options.
4. After resetting the factory settings, the tank status may be erroneous.

Checking for Windows

1. Download and install iBackup Bot for free.
2. Connect your iPhone to your computer using a proprietary cable.
3. Select a device from the list on the left and wait while its data is read.
4. Click "More Information", which will show a window with battery statistics.
5. We are interested in the CycleCount parameter, which should not exceed 500.

A cycle rate of 800 (average 2 years of service) and above means it's time to think about replacing the battery. The higher the value, the more likely the phone is dependent on the outlet. On the latest versions of iOS, you are also waiting for the slowdown of the smartphone - this is how Apple tries to extend the battery life by reducing the frequency of the processor and reducing the load on the battery.

Is there any other way to know the iPhone battery wear more accurately?

To do this, you need to disassemble the iPhone - remove the front panel, disconnect the cover, disconnect the internal connectors, break the tightness of the device. Make sure that all the above methods have shown a decrease in battery capacity, and the number of cycles has long exceeded 500. Then you can not only verify the digital values, but also replace the battery on your own. the voltage multimeter shows a value much less than 3.7V on a fully charged battery;
contacts are oxidized or stained with white coating;
the battery shell has obvious bumps and bulges, it easily spins around its axis on a flat table.

Lithium-ion batteries of Apple smartphones and tablets begin to wear out immediately after purchase, losing a percentage of the maximum capacity level, which reduces the overall operating time of equipment without recharging.

It’s easy to get used to such changes in the life of an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, if only because of Apple’s recommendations for changing batteries and proper waste disposal. But is it really that easy to give up? Or are there tools on the net that can, if not double the battery life, then at least 10% increase the chances of possible savings?

As practice suggests, iPhone battery applications in the App Store can be counted on the fingers, and those that are available for free should be included in the Red Book:

battery life

A classic tool for measuring the maximum battery capacity. The information is displayed as a percentage (from 0 to 100) and is additionally described by text (sometimes the developers suggest not to worry and continue in the same spirit, sometimes they hint that they will contact the service center soon). In addition to the standard procedure, an additional one is also available - it is there that the services, entertainment and applications that have most affected the decrease in battery capacity are displayed on the screen. Sometimes the problems are related to LTE and 3G, sometimes to the wrong charging method, and in some cases to the frequent use of social networks.

Battery Care

An information and reference set centered around textual and visual battery-related cues and tips. The developers suggest which applications greatly drain a smartphone or tablet, under what conditions you can achieve maximum savings, and after how many hours the current charge will not be enough even to make a call. A lot of information has been prepared, but, as practice suggests, only one of the three tips turns out to be true or beneficial. But it's free and without ads.


A cross-platform tool that provides access to the most detailed smartphone statistics (including battery). Processor, amount of RAM, internal and external memory, network, operating system version. There are no tips, hints or instructions. Of the pluses - the function of uploading statistics to a text file, the ability to briefly, but study the current battery status, voltage, and future forecast (whether it will have to be changed, and when).

Battery Memory

Something between an assistant that talks about the correct use of the RAM and internal memory of a smartphone, and at the same time - suggesting why the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch began to charge longer, turn off faster and work less offline.

The information is scattered across different sections and nicely structured. Advertising cannot be found even with a strong desire, but advice cannot be found again - only bare facts and unpleasant test results confirming the inevitability and real existence of problems.