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How to adjust the resolution on the monitor. Changing the screen resolution on Windows. How to change screen resolutions

Typically, the operating system itself determines the resolution for a particular monitor model. However, the automatically selected parameters do not always suit the user. For example, I could not get used to small icons on a 21-inch monitor for a long time, so at first I independently changed the resolution to a slightly lower one, but it suits me. Today I will tell and show you how to do this correctly using the example of the Windows 7 operating system.

There are three ways to solve this issue at once, but not everyone can use one of them. I'm talking about changing parameters using a proprietary utility for, which can be installed along with the drivers. However, many users simply refuse to install it, so this method is not relevant for them.

Method one

For example, let's take a video card ATI Radeon, along with which the proprietary Catalyst Control Center utility is installed, through which you can change various parameters. We launch the program (usually it is located in the tray), select the "Desktop Management" section, the "Desktop Properties" subsection. Here you will see the current desktop settings, including the screen resolution, which you can change to the one you want.

Second way

The next option is even simpler than the first. We go to the desktop, click on the right mouse button, after which a menu appears, in it we select the item "Screen resolution".

A window will open.

Here we "play" with the screen resolution - select and click OK.

The third way

Finally, all the same can be done through the control panel.

Press the "Start" button and find the item "Control Panel". Here we select the "Screen" section.

A window will open with the option to enlarge the icons on the desktop. On the left side of the screen there is an item "Screen resolution settings", by clicking on which you can change the resolution.

As you can see, this process is very easy and simple even for a beginner. But what you shouldn't do is change the refresh rate - it is optimal for the monitor and if you set a mode that it does not support, the device may fail. Fortunately, this rarely happens in practice and applies mainly to CRT monitors, which at the moment are practically out of circulation.

Good day! Many users mean anything by permission, therefore, before starting to talk about it, I want to write a few words of introduction ...

Screen resolution- roughly speaking, this is the number of image points in a certain area. The more dots, the clearer and better the image. So, each monitor has its own optimal resolution, in most cases, which must be set for a high-quality picture on the screen.

In this article, I will consider the issue of changing the resolution, and typical problems and their solution with this action. So …

What permission to expose

Perhaps this is one of the most popular questions when changing the resolution. I will give one piece of advice, when setting this parameter, first of all, I focus on the convenience of work.

As a rule, this convenience is achieved by setting the optimal resolution for a specific monitor (each has its own). Usually, the optimal resolution is indicated in the documentation for the monitor (I will not dwell on this :)).

How do I know the optimal resolution?

2. Next click right click mouse on the desktop anywhere, and in the context menu select the display settings (screen resolution). Actually, in the screen settings, you will see the ability to select a resolution, one of which will be marked as recommended (screenshot below).

You can also use a variety of instructions for selecting the optimal resolution (and tables from them). For example, here is a clipping from one such instruction:

  • - for 15-inch: 1024x768;
  • - for 17-inch: 1280 × 768;
  • - for 21-inch: 1600x1200;
  • - for 24-inch: 1920x1200;
  • laptops 15.6 inches: 1366x768.

Important! By the way, for old CRT monitors, it is important to choose not only the correct resolution, but also sweep frequency(roughly speaking, how many times the monitor will blink per second). This parameter is measured in Hz, most often monitors support modes in: 60, 75, 85, 100 Hz. In order not to get tired of the eyes - expose, by at least, not less than 85 Hz!

Change resolution

1) In video drivers (for example, Nvidia, Ati Radeon, IntelHD)

One of the most simple ways to change the screen resolution (and indeed, to adjust the brightness, contrast, picture quality and other parameters) is to use the settings of the video driver. In principle, they are all configured in the same way (I will show a few examples below).


Extremely popular video cards, especially recently. Almost half of budget notebooks have such a card.

After installing the drivers for it, simply click on the tray icon (next to the clock) to open the IntelHD settings (see screenshot below).

Actually, in this section you can set the required permission (see the screen below).

AMD (Ati Radeon)

You can also use the tray icon (but not every driver version has it), or just right-click anywhere on the desktop. Next, in the pop-up context menu, open the line "Catalyst Control Center" (note: see the photo below. By the way, the name of the customization center may differ slightly, depending on the software version).


1. First, right-click anywhere on the desktop.

2. In the pop-up context menu, select " Nvidia Control Panel"(Screen below).

2) In Windows 8, 10

It happens that there is no video driver icon. This can happen for several reasons:

  • reinstalled Windows, and you have installed the universal driver (which is installed along with the OS). Those. there is no driver from the manufacturer ...;
  • there are some versions of video drivers that do not automatically "transfer" the icon to the tray. In this case, you can find a link to the driver settings in the Windows Control Panel.

Well, to change the resolution, you can also use control panel... In the search box, type "Screen" (without quotes) and select the coveted link (screen below).

3) On Windows 7

Right-click on the desktop and select " Screen resolution"(This item can also be found in the control panel).

Next, you will see a menu that will display all the possible modes available for your monitor. By the way, the native resolution will be marked as recommended (as I already wrote, in most cases it provides the best picture).

For example, for a 19-inch screen, the native resolution is 1280 x 1024 pixels, for a 20-inch screen: 1600 x 1200 pixels, for a 22-inch screen: 1680 x 1050 pixels.

Older CRT monitors allow resolutions to be set much higher than recommended. True, they have a very important quantity - the frequency, measured in hertz. If it is below 85 Hz, your eyes begin to ripple, especially in bright colors.

After changing the resolution, click "OK". You are given 10-15 seconds. time to confirm changes to settings. If during this time you do not confirm, it will be restored to the previous value. This is done so that if your picture is distorted so that you cannot recognize anything, the computer returned to the working configuration.

4) In Windows XP

Virtually no different from the setting in Windows 7. Right-click anywhere on the desktop and select "properties".

Here you can select the screen resolution, color quality (16/32 bit).

By the way, the color quality is typical for old monitors based on CRT. In modern ones, the default is 16 bits. In general, this parameter is responsible for the number of colors displayed on the monitor screen. Only here a person is not able, in practice, to distinguish the difference between 32-bit color and 16 (perhaps experienced editors or gamers who work a lot and often with graphics). Is it a butterfly's business ...


For additions on the topic of the article - thank you in advance. I have everything on this sim, the topic is fully disclosed (I think :)). Good luck!

The question of changing the resolution in Windows 7 or 8, as well as doing it in the game, although it belongs to the category "for the very beginners", but is asked quite often. In this instruction, we will not only touch directly on the steps required to change the screen resolution, but also some other things. See also: (+ video instruction),.

In particular, I'll talk about why the required permission may not be in the list of available ones, for example, when Full screen HD 1920 by 1080 it is not possible to set the resolution higher than 800 × 600 or 1024 × 768, about why it is better to set the resolution on modern monitors that corresponds to the physical parameters of the matrix, and what to do if everything on the screen is too large or too small ...

For Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems, you can change the screen resolution in exactly the same way as described above. At the same time, I recommend following the same recommendations.

However, in the new OS, there is another way to change the screen resolution, which we will consider here.

  • Move the mouse pointer to any of the right corners of the screen to display the panel. On it, select "Settings", and then, at the bottom - "Change computer settings."
  • In the options window, select "Computer and Devices", then - "Display".
  • Adjust the screen resolution and other display settings you want.

Changing the screen resolution in Windows 8

Perhaps it will be more convenient for someone, although personally I use the same method to change the resolution in Windows 8 as in Windows 7.

Using graphics card management utilities to change the resolution

In addition to the options described above, you can also change the resolution using various panels graphics management from NVidia (GeForce graphics), ATI (or AMD, Radeon graphics) or Intel.

For many users, when working in Windows in the notification area there is an icon for accessing the functions of the video card, and in most cases, if you right-click on it, then you can quickly change the display parameters, including the screen resolution, simply by selecting the one you need in menu.

Changing the screen resolution in the game

Most games that run in full screen install own permission which you can change. Depending on the game, these settings can be found in the items "Graphics", "Additional graphics settings", "System" and others. Note that in some very old games the screen resolution cannot be changed. One more note: setting a higher resolution in the game can lead to the fact that it will "slow down", especially on not very powerful computers.

That's all I can tell you about changing the screen resolution in Windows. Hope the information is helpful.

Low-quality sensors in mass-market monitors make it difficult for users to accurately identify details and colors in photographs, prints, or other images. But things are not so hopeless. It is not at all necessary to run to the store for a new one. How do I tune my monitor to improve image quality?

First of all, you need to consider that we are talking about the consumer approach. Professionals are guided by completely different tasks and opportunities. And their requirements are different from everyday ones. The decisions of the professionals require serious expenses, which are unlikely to be justified if your earnings do not depend on the quality of the image.

Why tune your monitor?

A monitor can be good or bad, but more often it turns out to be misconfigured. Many of us have noticed a difference in color on our TV and on our parents or friends.

It should also be understood that a person has individual characteristics of vision, therefore, the image is perceived differently for everyone. In addition to the peculiarities of the person's own vision, the monitor settings should also be taken into account.

Computer defaults, standard drivers, using inappropriate color profiles, standard cords, or incorrect display positioning all have a specific meaning. Therefore, you should not rely solely on images on the Internet.

Photographers often show portfolios to potential clients on their laptops with the right settings. But photos may look different on a different monitor. Therefore, you should not rely on the monitor to assess the quality of images. Printing photographs is the only one-size-fits-all test of quality.

How to set up your monitor correctly - where to start?

Before adjusting the monitor, you should remove possible barriers to normal color reproduction (with the maximum shades for this monitor) and full color perception. First of all, you should place the "monik" in a place where there will be no interference in the form of outside lighting. Take a look around the room - it is optimal that there are no windows in the chosen place, the lamp light does not fall directly or at an angle.

Designers also use special shutters to limit glare and side flares. For ordinary users, such curtains may be overkill, but you can at least place them on the table so that no light falls on the screen.

Consider an image specially created to assess the quality of the picture on a monitor. This image contains 2 halves - white and black. Each half has numbers 1-5. If the matrix is ​​of sufficient quality and well-tuned, you can see all the numbers from this list. Owners of a mid-range monitor can see numbers 1-3. If only the numbers 1-2 are visible, or it was not possible to notice them at all, the problem must be solved - this is what our article is intended for.

Anyone who constantly works with a computer knows that an incorrectly configured image on a laptop screen or computer monitor can cause discomfort. In this case, the eyes are the first to suffer from fatigue. And here, quite naturally, the question arises of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 for yourself in order to make your work more comfortable. This will be discussed further. There are several simple methods that will allow even inexperienced users to configure the settings.

Screen resolution: what does this setting affect?

Most users usually associate screen resolution only with detail for some reason. graphic image, completely losing sight of the fact that this parameter affects some more aspects.

Yes, indeed, when the resolution is increased, the picture becomes more natural, while when the value of this parameter is decreased, it looks composed of squares. However, if you look at the problem of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 on a laptop or computer monitor, you will notice that in some applications even the workspace may increase, and previously hidden controls appear.

This situation can be seen in many applications. For example, in the FL Studio music sequencer at low resolution, the synthesizers and effects used on the screen simply do not fit on the screen (multiple monitors are required), and when zoomed in work area the problem disappears. The same goes for design programs like AutoCAD, where there is no option to install additional monitors.

What settings should I use?

Of course, the question of how to manually adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7, if the system has not done this automatically, is a priority, but do not forget about such parameters as the refresh rate, color rendition or image contrast. They play an important role.

What is refresh rate is not hard to understand. It is enough to move away from the monitor for a couple of meters, as horizontally changing stripes will immediately become noticeable. On close examination at a distance of about 30-50 cm, they are not visible, however, this affects the eyes in a negative way. The same goes for strong color saturation, because too toxic colors also cause discomfort. So, speaking about how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 or some other operating system, these parameters should also be taken into account. But let's go directly to the setup.

How to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 in the simplest way?

At any Windows system this setting is done by means of the OS is very simple. First, you need to right-click on a free area of ​​the "Desktop" to bring up the context menu, in which there is a line at the bottom of the transition to the corresponding settings.

Actually, the very problem of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 is reduced only to choosing from the drop-down list of supported values ​​exactly the one that you want to set in this moment... For the convenience of setting, you can use a special slider by moving it up and down. When will be chosen desired value, the settings should be saved with the “Apply” button, after which the screen will turn off for 1-2 seconds. Nothing wrong with that.

If the user parameters are satisfied, you can finish here. Otherwise, they should be changed. As a rule, you can leave the recommended values ​​or set a higher resolution if supported. Only then will the graphical interface elements become smaller, and people with low vision will have to change the same size of the taskbar or icons on the "Desktop" on their own.

In the question of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7, one cannot ignore the refresh rate, which, as mentioned above, also has a strong effect on vision. These settings can be found in the section of additional parameters, which is called by clicking on the hyperlink of the same name. On the "Monitor" tab there is a drop-down list in which the current value is set.

For laptops, 60 Hz is usually used, but on stationary monitors, you can set both 100 and 120 Hz, if such values ​​\ u200b \ u200bare supported. Generally the higher set value, the less tired the eyes.

How do I adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 after reinstallation?

It also happens that after reinstalling the system, the screen resolution is not automatically adjusted. There is only one reason for this - the absence or incorrect installation of the video driver.

It makes no sense to install it from the "Device Manager" (if the system has not detected it automatically, it will not detect it in the future). Therefore, the installation must be done from the original driver disk, use packages like Driver Pack Solution, or simply download the original driver from the website of the graphics adapter manufacturer.

Control programs for video cards Radeon and NVIDIA

The question of how to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7 for Radeon and NVIDIA accelerators is much easier to solve. As a rule, the system contains special programs control of accelerators and their settings already in a pre-installed form. If there are none, you can install them additionally (PhysX, Catalyst, etc.). Their toolbox has more possibilities, and the setting is much more subtle, since you can also change the aspect ratio.

These utilities are especially useful when setting the best image parameters in computer games.

Instead of a total

That's all in a nutshell for the basic screen resolution settings. It remains to add that if discrete video cards are installed on board, it is better to refuse the settings by means of the system, and use the "native" utilities. By the way, for the same integrated Intel chipsets there are also such programs, however, from Windows tools they are not very different.