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Avira Free Antivirus is not updated. Updating Avira Antivirus How to manually update your avira license

Any antivirus must be constantly improved and updated. Ask why? The answer is simple - because the threats against which it must protect are constantly being modernized and new ones are being created. I want to inform you that it is almost impossible to update any antivirus (including Avira, read about its installation) without access to the Internet, so let's first look at how to carry out a simple update.

Updating Avira Free

As you can see, immediately upon opening the main program window, you are given the opportunity to update the existing database of malicious elements. To do this, just click "Update".

Advice! See the date last update can be on the same page.

Updates without an Internet connection

Yes, there are workarounds provided by the developers specifically for this. One of them is manual update. Its essence is that someone else (or you) downloads the update from a computer connected to the Internet, and then transfer it to yours. How all this is done, I will now tell you.

Downloading the update file:

What to do if Avira is not updating

There could be several reasons. The main ones will now be discussed.

Incorrect settings

A possible connection to the Internet does not occur automatically. That is, if you connected using a different connection than usual, the update is impossible.

To fix this, do the following:

Another security software firewall is blocking the update

In this case, you personally need to think about whether the device has another software for safety. If so, enter the firewall and uninstall Avira Free Antivirus from the list of prohibited programs.

Advice! Also see if files like sched.exe and update.exe are blocked.

Now you know how to update Avira Free Antivirus, and you can also cope with problems that may arise during the update (read how to disable Avira, and read about activation). I hope the information I provided was helpful to you. Have a nice day everyone!

Avira anti-virus products provide the ability to manually update the virus database. This can be useful when the computer is not connected to the internet. In this case, you can download the virus databases on another computer and transfer them using a USB drive or CD.

Avira update 2012 - 2017:

There are two ways to get the file with Avira updates: downloading a ready-made archive, or creating this archive using the "Avira Fusebundle" utility.

To create an archive using the utility, download and unpack the archive and run the file fusebundle.exe... Wait while the utility downloads updates and creates an archive. When the utility exits, the window will disappear. Update file will be located in the folder with the utility, in the folder install:

Note... When using the update utility Avira 2012 in64-bit system, open the file fusebundle.conf in any text editor, find the line "platform =" and change it to "platform = win32".

Transfer the file on the computer on which you want to update Avira antivirus (for example, using a USB stick or CD). Open the Avira main window and select "Update" - "Manual update / Manual update" from the top menu:

Specify the path to the file and click "Open". If the file is not visible, change the file type at the bottom of the window to nVDF:

Wait for the update process to complete:

Recently, users of Avira antivirus have faced a serious problem: Avira Free Antivirus is not updated, and the forced launch of the update procedure from the interface does not lead to absolutely any results. Unfortunately, free version There are no offline update mechanisms for this antivirus; therefore, even the tool for preparing an offline update package from the developer does not save. However, do not despair and refuse this software product... In our review, we will reveal to you the cause of this problem among users of the Russian Internet segment, and also tell you how to fix it.

Your situation: Avira in the tray signals that "Action is required", and when you enter the interface, you see this not particularly pleasant picture:

The "Fix" button and the choice of the "Start update" item after a few minutes of "thoughtfulness" bring you back to the same situation, and no notifications are displayed. Or, a message appears stating that the connection to the Internet could not be established. Of course, this brings you into a stupor, since you have access to the Internet at that moment, and you are 100 percent sure of this. For you it is, but for the Avira antivirus - alas. A poor program tries to get to its cloud servers for updates, but simply can't get through to them. Are you curious to know why? Everything is very simple: Roskomnadzor got too carried away with the game of "catch-up" with Telegram and blocked the IP addresses from which the Russian users of Avira Free Antivirus received their updates. This is how it happens: in the battle against the "great evil" innocent people suffer. Moreover, if you use messenger Telegram, you can check how he feels now. Does it work for you? Hmm, we do too. 🙂 But Avira's update service is not.

What to do in this situation? After all, Avira Free Antivirus 2018 has not been updated for some users for several weeks. We'll have to deceive our valiant Roskomnadzor, even though it forbade it to do so ... In order for the updates to resume, you need to make your PC think that it connects to the Internet from anywhere, but not from Russia. How is this done?

The answer is with VPNs. You will need to install an application on your PC that will configure the network accordingly and will finally allow your antivirus to reach the update servers. And Avira has its own development that will help you with this. It is called Avira Phantom VPN. It can be downloaded from this address:

You will not have any problems with downloading and installing - everything here is extremely simple and understandable. Upon completion of the installation of this program, an additional item will appear in the interface of your antivirus:

The most important stage remains: pressing the "Connect" button. After that, the connection will go, and the corresponding icon will appear in the tray of your PC:

The connection will result in the following status in the Avira Phantom VPN window:

And after that, you can return to the Avira Free Antivirus interface and start the update (or do it through context menu tray icons):

However, when you start Phantom VPN, you may have a different picture: after clicking "Connect", after about a minute of waiting, it is reset to the "Disconnected ..." status. This is because Avira's VPN "conflicts" with Windows firewall, and the latter prevents the program from starting. You can solve this by configuring the appropriate firewall rule, but the easiest option is to simply stop it temporarily.

When you stop the firewall, it is most likely that nothing should interfere with Avira Phantom VPN.

Important: free using a VPN from Avira implies a limit on the volume of monthly traffic. This limit is 500 megabytes per month. Accordingly, when this limit is exhausted, you will need to wait for the traffic counter to reset to zero. Since updating Avira Free Antivirus does not require such significant volumes (one update will consume 6-11 MB of traffic), we strongly recommend that you do not use browser / torrent trackers, etc. during an antivirus update. Those. launched VPN, updated Avira Free, disabled VPN. In this case, 500 MB per month will be enough for you with a margin.

If for some reason you do not like VPN from the manufacturer of your antivirus, then you should consider the option that is called the Livehacker portal. It's called TunnelBear. You can download the application from the link:

Downloading and installing are simple and straightforward steps. We will not describe them in detail. After downloading the application, you launch it and see the following window:

It remains only to go to the mail that you indicated, find the letter from TunnelBear there and click on the attached link. Everything is ready: you are a user of this VPN service. In the tray you will see a priktogram of a "well" - you can surf the Internet along such wells thanks to TunnelBear (see the program interface):

Unlike Avira Phantom VPN, the TunnelBear service is able to "be friends" with the Windows firewall, so you do not need to do any additional manipulations. 🙂 But the restrictions on the volume of traffic are the same: only 500 MB per month. But you can expand that capacity up to 1 GB if you tweet that you are using this "bearish" service.

To summarize, the fact that Avira Free Antivirus 2018 is not updating turns out to be a solvable problem. You can use the VPN services offered by us, or you can independently find the one that suits you. Of course, I would like the program to work without any "crutches". However, while the "witch hunt" initiated by Roskomnadzor continues on the Runet, we will have to somehow get along with it. On the other hand, this fact can also be viewed from the positive side: thanks to such actions of the regulator, people learn to find solutions to IT problems, they better master the Internet. I must say “Thank you” to them for that! 🙂

We hope that the information provided will help you solve the problem.!

Article Avira Free Antivirus is not updated: there is a solution was modified: November 6, 2019 by the author Netobserver

- one of the most popular programs that protect your computer from infection malicious files... Every day there are more and more various threats that easily bypass the anti-virus engine. Therefore, developers are actively involved in creating a new engine and often release updates. How to install a new Avira assembly will be discussed further.

As mentioned above, with the installation new version Avira you get updated virus databases, tools, features and bug fixes from previous builds. You can update in one of several ways, each of which suits specific users. Let's take a look at them in turn.

Method 1: Automatic engine update

The older versions of Avira differ not only in the interface, they functioned differently with the engine update system (it is developed specifically to combat new viruses). Therefore, for the owners of such assemblies, we recommend that you follow these steps to start automatic search and downloading fresh files:

  1. Run the program and go to the popup menu "Update".
  2. Select item "Start update".
  3. Wait while the data is downloaded and installed.
  4. At the end of the process, pay attention to the section "Computer Security", the date of the last update will be indicated there.
  5. As you can see, this method is suitable for owners of older versions of Avira only for downloading new files in order to maximize the security of their computer. If you want to get the latest build, use the third method or in the main window of the program, click on the green button "Refresh" and follow the instructions displayed in the browser.

    Method 2: Manually update the engine

    In some cases, it is not possible to connect to the Internet in order to download a fresh anti-malware engine or a function automatic update it works incorrectly. In such a situation, we recommend using the official utility, which already includes all the necessary files. You can install it and update your antivirus like this:

    1. Go to the Fusebundle Generator download page.
    2. Click on the button "Download Avira Update Tool".
    3. Please select operating system, its version and start downloading.
    4. Use any convenient archiver to open the downloaded directory.
    5. Unzip the files present to an empty folder.
    6. Run Fusebundle.
    7. Wait for the new archive to be created. It will be located in the newly created directory install.
    8. Start Avira, from the pop-up menu select "Refresh" and go to "Manual update" by selecting the previously created archive for installation.
    9. Wait for the files to download.

    Now your antivirus has a fresh engine, which will allow it to effectively deal with new malware... After updating the database, it is advisable to restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

    Please note that new files in the latest software version are installed independently in background so the above method is not suitable for owners of Avira Free Antivirus 2019.

    The first two methods allowed only updating the file databases, which will be useful for those users who have bought a long-term license long ago or do not want to switch to new builds. For everyone who wants to install Avira Free Antivirus 2019 instead of the old build, we recommend that you follow the instructions below:

    Method 4: Upgrade to the Pro version

    If you want to get even more different tools, functions and more reliable protection, the developers offer to upgrade to the Pro version. This can be done through the program interface:

    Today we took apart four available options updated version and engine of Avira antivirus. As you can see, they are all suitable for users with different needs. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the methods provided, and only then select the one you are interested in and follow the instructions given.

Avira Free Antivirus - free antivirus from the German company Avira GmbH. The free version comes with an antivirus scanner and a real-time protection module. Real-time protection works in the background and checks all elements of the system at the moment when it accesses them. If no viruses are found in the scanned files, Avira allows the system to access them. Otherwise, access is blocked and the malware is quarantined. There is also a scheduler for creating automatically executed tasks and an event log for viewing all events that occurred during the operation of the antivirus.

As noted by some users, Avira Free Antivirus detects viruses after antivirus software like Avast. If you have Avast installed, then just in case you can check your computers for viruses.

Avira Free Antivirus is fine for home use. In the process, it does not take up many resources and the system works with it quite quickly, which cannot be said about some paid antivirus solutions from well-known manufacturers.