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Increasingly, you can hear about projects (and sometimes even about readiness for ICO) of tokens, which will be provided by some tangible assets. We explain why this is necessary and how it will be possible to use them.

libertarian dream

The economic direction created by the Austrian school led by Friedrich von Hayek and Ludwig von Mises and known today as libertarianism relies on the freedom of the market and its unregulation. One of the branches of libertarian thought emphasizes the insecurity of national (fiat) currencies and says that only gold and similar assets have real value.

It is to this libertarian ideal that the creators of cryptocurrencies turn when they talk about the possibility of providing them with precious metals. The problem here is that for the time being this requires that the person who issues the currency, the issuer, has a real asset - that is, a conditional "gold reserve". It is clear that only large financial organizations or states can afford such a start. And so it happens: the British RMG is connected with the Royal Mint, and the Iranian e-Dinar project is connected with the resource capabilities of Tehran.

Conservative libertarians are ready, despite their aversion to statehood, to support such projects, because they do not trust independent cryptocurrencies, believing them to be a new financial bubble.

The rate of precious metals is quite stable - therefore, unlike “unsecured” ones, that is, those that do not have the usual assets of cryptocurrencies, such versions of them will also have a stable rate. Fluctuations are possible here, but they are relatively long, and in the long term, gold is a good asset. Thus, it makes no sense to consider cryptocurrencies backed by precious metals as a short-term investment, but can be used as an anonymous (if such tokens appear) tool for storing “gold” assets and a long-term part of your investment portfolio. Perhaps this is an opportunity to work with precious metals assets in the usual infrastructure without entering the “traditional” exchanges.

There are 30% fluctuations in the history of gold, but they last for several years

Innovative materials

If we talk about “resources of chemical origin”, it is worth watching the emergence of cryptocurrencies, which will be provided by innovative materials or those rare earth metals and chemical compounds that are used in technologies that expect a sharp increase.

So, for example, the mineral coltan (columbite-tantalite) found its way into the production of tactilely sensitive screens for smartphones, thanks to which its price skyrocketed in 2010. Today, technological futurologists predict the gradual departure of smartphones and touch screens in general under the onslaught of augmented and virtual reality(AR and VR), so you should pay attention to the applications of cryptocurrencies, which will be tied to the materials used in the production of tools for working with these environments.

Coltan price spike as smartphone demand rises

It is also worth keeping an eye on whether there will be ICO projects related to the development of the potential of artificial, synthesized materials, the introduction of which is now at an early stage, such as graphene.

Currency support

Perhaps the history of Tether with their USDT is doubtful, but it is an example of the fact that the cryptocurrency rate can be tied to a well-known fiat asset. The volatility here is very mild when compared to independent cryptocurrencies. However, such security raises the question of whether such an instrument is precisely a “crypto”.

Apparently, in this way projects of “state title crypto-tokens” will be tied to national (or supranational, such as the euro or the planned common digital money for BRICS) currencies. They will almost certainly not be anonymous, so they will become rather “digital twins” of the main monetary units, allowing you to trade on the crypto market without burdening yourself with conversion difficulties.

It is worth remembering that collapses and sharp rises in the market are inherent not only in crypto (although in fiat they are usually not so great), so “national cryptocurrencies” can sometimes also turn out to be high-risk assets that are interesting for high-speed investments.

An example of the volatility of fiat currencies is the exchange rate of the US dollar against the ruble in the second half of 1998

Nature and alternative energy

Another promising direction for securing cryptocurrencies is contacts for the development of natural resources or their binding to the extraction of energy from sources such as sunlight or wind. This is also a long-term investment path (although some unexpected events of a catastrophic nature can cause a sharp jump in interest in them), but it is definitely promising.

Today, Verdium is in development with its VRD tokens attached to environmental certificates for planting "Kyoto" forest quotas. As part of the ICO, they plan to issue 15 million TGR tokens, which can be exchanged for VRD in a ratio of 1:100.

There are also projects based on the provision of contracts for the supply of food, for example, Tatar ITcoins or Swiss Ambrosus.

Another example of food-related tokens is BioCoin LavkaLavka, used as a tool for a loyalty program and farm support. Today, such currencies seem more ideological, but in the future they can expect good growth.

Quite slow but steady growth of BioCoin

The main question is why at all “secure” cryptocurrencies that operate on completely different ideological grounds, in the ways that earlier financial instruments are provided. Further development It is difficult to predict the crypto market, but, perhaps, soon the very question of the need to back up the currency with some “assets” will be removed by itself.

text: Oleg Uppit, photo: Shutterstock

Alginate masks became popular a few years ago, but some girls still do not know what they are for. Confuses not only the purpose, but also the method of use, reminiscent of the complicated procedure for applying a conventional film mask. If you calculate the dosage incorrectly, then the mask will turn out to be too liquid and will not dry out on the skin or will harden so much that it will not have to be “removed with a stocking”, as the instructions say, but chipped away from the face in small pieces. We asked Daviani beauty experts to reveal the secrets of the use and purpose of alginate masks for our readers.

What is an alginate mask?

Alginate masks are powders made from very finely ground algae called alginates. Alginates can absorb a huge amount of moisture, which can significantly exceed their own volume. This is how a gel-like alginate mask saturated with liquid is obtained.

Alginate masks: what's inside?

Alginate masks contain many trace elements, vitamins and active ingredients. The mask has a gel texture, and this gel penetrates deep into the smallest wrinkles. Alginate masks fill the entire microrelief of the skin and, when cured, form a film on the face. Under this film, all layers of the skin are saturated with moisture and metabolic processes in the cells are actively launched.

How are alginate masks prepared?

To prepare a mask for the face and décolleté, you will need about 30 gr. alginate. The mask can be enriched, for example, with inulin, a polysaccharide with an active moisturizing effect, or with another active substance, selected according to the type and condition of the skin. The binding abilities of an alginate mask are able to accept an additional one active substance in dry form and one in liquid form, for example, glycerin. The composition of the alginate mask may also include essential oil and, of course, water or another liquid that allows you to achieve a gel consistency.

How do alginate masks work?

Alginate mask hardens very quickly. It is usually applied in a thick layer so that it can be removed in one layer. It is best to do this lying down in the beautician's office so that the lifting result appears. Alginate masks cleanse the pores of the skin and help them breathe, remove toxins and harmful substances from the tissues. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, vascular networks go away.

Additional benefits of such masks

Among other things, alginate masks can multiply the effectiveness of active substances that are applied to the face under the mask many times over. The skin actively absorbs everything that was applied under the alginate mask. That is why it is especially effective to use a moisturizer or, for example, a vitamin serum based on hyaluronic acid under an alginate mask.

Alginate masks: how often can I use?

The alginate mask is kept on the face for about 10 minutes before it hardens, otherwise it will be difficult to remove it later. We recommend doing this treatment 2-3 times a week in a course of 6-10 treatments. By consolidating the success after each procedure and creating a cumulative effect, you can get a long-term pronounced result - moisturized, even and radiant skin!

Alginate masks: what are they for and how to use them? was last modified: October 21st, 2017 by Nastasya Garina

Almost every religious tradition has methods of repeatedly repeating the names of the Lord or glorifying the Almighty with the help of various hymns and prayers. Such a practice has significant spiritual benefits, and Christianity also has methods of repeated and prolonged prayer. To account for the number of repetitions, Orthodox rosaries are used, how to use this device correctly.

Now various religious movements are actively spreading around the world, countries are not as closed as before. Many details are known about other religions and cultures.

Almost everywhere in spiritual practices there is a monotonous prayer:

  • mantras in Buddhism and Hinduism;
  • recitation of suras from the Koran in Islam;
  • dhikrs in Sufism;
  • rhythmic breathing and repetition of sounds in shamanism.

Many can even recall the peculiar "prayers" of the communist era, which were repeated at party meetings and glorified the leaders and theorists of communism.

Thus, from here it is easy to draw a general conclusion - these prayers have an effect and allow you to work with consciousness in a certain way, to strengthen faith. Only now you need to imagine what these practices are for. After all, much depends on whom they glorify and to whom they direct the consciousness of the believer.

Simply put, a communist who throughout his earthly journey appealed to Marx is unlikely to be helped by Marx to ascend, and an Orthodox who prayed to the Savior and the Mother of God has much more favorable prospects.

Although some may not be aware of this or simply do not pay attention, but in Orthodoxy unceasing prayer is prescribed for all believers in general. Not only hesychasts or monks need to pray without ceasing. Ideally, even a simple person, going about his worldly affairs, can mentally pronounce short prayer phrases (for example, the Jesus Prayer or “Rejoice Virgin Mary”) and thus work not only with the body, but also with the soul, doing simple worldly things.

Use of fixtures

Unceasing prayer, for one reason or another, is not available to everyone. It remains only to set aside some period during the day to read a certain number of prayers, and for this you need a rosary in order to count. For example, Seraphim of Sarov advised his spiritual children to recite (in addition to the morning and evening rule) 150 times “Virgin Virgin”, of course, it is inconvenient to count such a number in the mind, some additional tool is required.

On the rosary it is more convenient to measure the number of prayers spoken during the day. For example, some read a certain number of "circles" during the day, when they manage to retire.

Note! There should not be excessive emphasis on the rosary, in particular, on the beauty of this object and some aesthetic functions.

Of course, you need to choose an accessory according to your own taste, so that it is pleasing to the eye and tunes in a positive prayer mood. You should never “show off” a rosary, consider this item as some kind of pleasant toy or something similar to a fashionable wardrobe item. Such an attitude is completely unacceptable, it is necessary that this object does not distract from prayer, but, on the contrary, serves as a kind of spiritual staff that helps in the prayer path.

Useful video: Orthodox rosary, why are they needed?


Some ascetics do not see any special need for using any object at all, because, as they say, they do not need a rosary other than those given by the Lord, that is, their own fingers. And, indeed, if you count each phalanx on one hand, and on the other hand also each phalagna, then for the “circle” passed on the other hand, such “rosaries” give 144 prayers - quite a convenient option for use. Therefore, in the absence of an additional item, there is always the opportunity to use your hands.

Your own rosary (which is not your own hand) can also come in handy. They are a religious item and can bring inspiration and help build faith.

It remains only to choose the Orthodox rosary according to your own taste, and there are many options:

  • brojanica - most common in Serbia and other Balkan countries, they are part of the Orthodox tradition, they resemble a rope with 33 large knots that fit snugly together, resulting in a kind of bracelet, in addition to the knots in one part there is an equilateral cross made of precious metals with the image of a small icon , which is a separate central bead, looks pretty nice in the photo;
  • rope - also made of fabric or rope, most often of dense wool, knots are tied, between which, after a certain interval (10, 25), larger knots are tied or beads are inserted, a brush with a central bead or a cross can be located in the upper part, the number of knots not regulated, but, as a rule, it is 25, 33, 50, 100, some are especially long, 1000 knots each, in principle, it is not difficult to make such a rosary with your own hands, you only need a small rope;
  • ladder (lestovka) - most often considered Old Believer, but even now in use throughout the monastic community, they look like a piece of matter, on one side of which there are tubercles tightly pressed against each other, which symbolize, as it were, a step of this ladder, often under such tubercles they insert rolls of fabric for hardness and strength, sometimes Jesus or another prayer is written on these rolled up rolls, the number of “steps” is 33, the symbolism of the number does not require clarification.

Which Orthodox rosary to choose depends on personal preference, but is not essential. It is not the object itself that is valuable, but the regular and sincere prayer of the believer to whom it contributes. In addition to these options, it is quite possible to choose any other that is comfortable to hold in your hand and that is more in line with practical and spiritual needs.

In the Orthodox tradition, there is no such thing as a correct and incorrect rosary. Initially, the scriptures say nothing about this subject and give no instructions. The rosary appeared later as auxiliary tool, and all their variations are inventions of monks or ordinary believers.

How to pray with a rosary

Now we need to figure out how to use this “tool” in the process of prayer work. In churches, as a rule, they don’t carry a rosary with them, but pray as part of the service, they simply put a candle in front of the icons and say petitions or prayers in a quiet voice a small number of times.

For the most part, Orthodox rosaries are used for cell prayer as part of individual spiritual practice. It is in the process of seclusion that the believer can better tune in, distract from the rest of the world and spend a significant amount of time for repetition. Moreover, in private work one should not pay attention to others and one's own appearance.

Note! Most often, the rosary is worn on the main hand, that is, on the one that is sorted out.

Among the Orthodox, the public wearing of this item is not particularly accepted. Therefore, even if they take a rosary with them (for example, as a bracelet to always be able to pray), they wear it under their clothes, not exposing it to other eyes. After all, a long prayer can cause, for example, tears or great joy of tenderness. In public, such behavior is not very convenient, but when you pray separately, you should not worry about it.

Informative! When read from the desecration of women

From the main point about how to read prayers correctly, the following should be noted:

  • choose a secluded space so that no one interferes or distracts;
  • choose the optimal prayer, figure out why the words used in it are needed, understand their meaning, feel and accept with all your heart;
  • choose a certain number of repetitions, but do not chase the quantity, strive for mental “work”, and not for automatic repetition;
  • before practice, tune in, and in the process try to cultivate faith, pray sincerely.

If you are truly sincere, then over time, how to pray on the rosary will become clearer and more understandable. Such practice brings spiritual results, but one must constantly strive and in every way avoid the sin of dogging, that is, the thoughtless repetition of words.

Useful video: priest Maxim Kaskun on how to use the rosary


So, no matter what version of the rosary an Orthodox person chooses for himself, faith and prayer always remain the basis. It is on this that spiritual practice rests, and the rosary simply helps, as a kind of support that allows you to progress further and further.

In this sense, the most striking is the image of the Old Believer ladder, symbolizing the steps along which the believer, as it were, climbs to the Lord. Each step, that is, the spoken prayer, detaches the reader from the mundane and temporal, making him closer to Heaven.

In contact with

Online surveys are an effective content format, as well as a tool that allows you to establish a strong brand connection with the audience and find out their opinion about the product. In addition, about polls increase audience reach and user engagement, with the help of polls you show customers that you are interested in their opinion. Agency specialistsTexterra published some useful tips on how to conduct online surveys on their corporate blog.

What tasks can be solved with the help of surveys

Surveys allow you to solve the following tasks:

1. Get real product reviews. Many companies face difficulties when trying to get the opinion of consumers about their product. Clients either do not respond, or are limited to a standard unsubscribe. There are two ways out of this situation: conduct costly volumetric marketing research or experiment with polls, getting a real response from the audience for free on the site or in social networks.

2. Understand the needs and motives of the audience's behavior. Surveys allow you to identify the expectations and needs of the audience. This can help in planning and developing new products, improving business processes. Knowing about the needs of customers, you can avoid serious blunders.

3. Create and develop communities. Polls increase engagement and stimulate discussion. By participating in them, the consumer understands that communication with the company is two-way. Thus, the group of subscribers turns into a living community, whose members interact with the brand and with each other.

To grow your community with polls, show that you are interested in the opinions of users. Share voting results and decisions with participants

4. Create content. With polls, you create three types of content. First, you talk about the prerequisites for holding a vote and describe its conditions. Secondly, share the results with users. Third, consumers participate in discussions by creating user-generated content for you.

5. Increase traffic. High-quality surveys increase page traffic on the social network and on the website. For this rule to work, encourage users to share voting information. You can also use tools that automatically report that a user has taken a survey.

Types of surveys

Consider the types of surveys depending on the place of their distribution.

    Surveys on the site. Posting on a website is a convenient option for posting a survey, but it won't be enough. If only because only those who visited the site and became interested in the poll will vote.

    Polls sent by e-mail . This distribution method is good because the survey is sent to the client individually.

    Polls in messengers. With the growing popularity of instant messengers, the popularity of using them to solve marketing problems is also growing. You can conduct a survey by creating a mailing list of messages in Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and other instant messengers.

    SMS surveys. This type of survey, on the one hand, can expand the reach of the audience - at the expense of people who do not have an Internet connection. But, on the other hand, if the response to the survey is paid, this may scare off potential respondents. Yes, in general this method surveys are ineffective.

A really good survey can captivate many users. To achieve this, it is important to take into account some nuances.

1. Choose a good location for the survey on the site. It is very important to post the survey in a visible place. home page so that users can immediately find it. Many sites place polls in the sidebar with spaces so that the poll is visible but not intrusive.

2. Choose a hot topic that will arouse sincere interest among the respondents. A well-designed survey should consist of questions that are interesting to respondents and can generate various discussions. Therefore, it is important to choose a relevant topic for the survey that would hook your target audience. If this happens, you will be able to receive not only feedback, but also new observations and knowledge that can be applied in the work.

3. Give respondents a chance to be heard. So you chose interesting topic for your survey. Now is the time to make sure you give respondents the opportunity to answer exactly the way they want. Review your answer options and make sure you provide a wide choice - people prefer to choose answers that can clearly identify their thoughts.

5. Don't ask questions about the future. As a rule, questions about what a person will do next do not lead to reliable answers - after all, everyone can talk, but not everyone can take and do it. It is much more reasonable to ask about what people have already done, what decision they have made. And you will know whether to expect any action from the respondent.

6. Don't ask too many open-ended questions. To ensure that surveys provide you with structured data, use closed questions. Use, for example, question types such as multiple choice or comparison questions that have multiple answers. So, instead of asking "What do you think of our products?" a better question is "Which statement most closely matches your impression of our products?". And provide answers.

Another advantage of closed questions is that they allow you to quickly analyze (by obtaining structured data). Such a quick analysis will allow you to conduct regular surveys without making a Herculean effort. This is especially necessary for large brands or multi-brand companies.

You should not completely exclude open-ended questions from surveys - although they are difficult, they give more detailed answers.

7. Keep your survey short. If the survey is long, the respondents will quickly get tired of it and are unlikely to want to complete it to the end.

8. Indicate that the survey is conducted by your company. Be sure to indicate that the survey is conducted by your company if you do not want to be mistaken for spam.

9. Avoid Leading Questions. It is highly likely that the respondent will answer leading questions not the way he thinks, but the way you want. So questions like “How did you like our last article?” better not to use.

10. Offer a Reward for Completing a Survey. To encourage customers to complete the survey, offer them some kind of reward. It can be a discount code or 200-300 rubles in Personal Area- and it doesn't cost that much. Moreover, your gift can stimulate the client to make a purchase later.

Survey Tools

To conduct a survey, you can use one of the following tools:

    Simpoll- Russian-language service for conducting surveys. Basic functionality is available for free.

    Anketolog- another Russian-language service for conducting surveys. The survey code can be embedded on the pages of the most popular social networks, including Vkontakte, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, My World.

    Survey Monkey- a service for conducting surveys with a Russian-language interface. Basic functionality is available for free. The user can embed surveys on website pages or in communities on social networks.