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Mobile application collector 1c instruction. An example of developing a mobile application using the Mobile Application Builder. Description of mobile application parameters

A number of transformations in the social sphere coincided with the entry of Tatiana Golikova into the post of Deputy Prime Minister: she was responsible for working on changing the pension legislation and launching large-scale national projects. The first interview after the appointment about what will happen to maternal capital and benefits, as well as about the risks in the labor market, new measures to combat alcoholism in Russia and retraining people of pre-retirement age, Golikova gave RIA Novosti. Interviewed by Valentina Titova and Dmitry Gornostaev.

- Tatyana Alekseevna, we would like to start with an important question for many Russians: the situation on the financial markets is now quite unstable, everyone is afraid of crisis phenomena. How can this affect the social sphere? Are there risks to the labor market and income?

- The current situation certainly causes concern among people. This is a situation that is related to the exchange rate. There are no grounds for any serious concern, I think that we will hold the situation.

Since each person always tries on the criteria of well-being for himself personally, few people like it when they talk about some average indicators in the economy and in the social sphere. But nevertheless, I cannot fail to note the presence of positive trends, albeit not entirely confident, in terms of a decrease in the indicator, which determines the number of citizens living below the poverty line.

If last year the number of citizens below the poverty line was 14.4% of the population - 21.1 million people in the first half of the year, now this figure in the first half of 2018 has decreased by 1.1 million.

It is clear that we would like a higher pace, but here I must note that the first quarter of the year is always very difficult. Difficult because there are many holidays, low employment rates, all of this, as a rule, makes a significant contribution to indicators characterizing poverty.

I would also like to note that when we are now formulating a forecast of socio-economic development for the next three and six years, we proceed from the assumption that over the next six years we will be able to halve poverty. So, as it was announced by the president and in the message to the Federal Assembly, and recorded in his May decree.

What other measures are needed by the government to close the gap between rich and poor?

- Actually, there are traditional measures. The key to reducing poverty is, of course, economic growth. And on the basis of economic growth, an increase in the income of our citizens. As for the direct measures taken by the government and the regions, it should be noted that the achieved level of wages has been maintained in the proportions that were indicated in the presidential decrees of May 2012. We are now indexing wages and increasing the salary fund for public sector workers - teachers, doctors, and workers in science and culture - in proportion to the growth of the salary fund, which is laid down in the forecast of socio-economic development. In addition, as you know, it is assumed that the increase in pensions in 2019-20-21 and beyond is expected to be more significant than in previous periods, higher than inflation, which also cannot but affect real income our citizens.

There are measures to support families with children. At the end of 2017, the president announced a whole range of such measures, including support for families with one, two or more children in order to ensure the preservation of their level of well-being. We have yet to assess these measures, how they have impacted poverty rates and demographics. I mean fertility. These measures were announced at the end of 2017, and it takes time to assess their impact on the situation.

Based on the results of 2018, we will assess what is happening with us not only with poverty, but also with the structure of this poverty, what trends have appeared during the year. And I do not exclude that we will take additional measures to support demography and also, possibly, to support families with children.

That is, an additional package of measures may appear at the beginning of 2019?

- I think this will not happen at the beginning of the year, but after we receive all the data on the socio-economic situation in Russia, such data, which can be used to assess what happened over the past year, will be in the first quarter of the year - in April ...

Can we already guess what these measures will be?

- I would not run ahead now, because you need to very seriously analyze the situation that happened in 2018. For example, the indicators set in the May 2012 presidential decree on bringing by 2018 the average wages of certain categories of budget workers to set values were actually reached in March 2018. Today, these advances have seriously increased real wages. According to the latest data, the growth of real wages for 7 months of 2018 is 8.8%. These are quite high rates. We are not planning such growth next year, because there is a "base" effect. That is, in addition to the existing, already increased base, the growth in real terms will still be significant.

How much growth is expected?

- In real terms, the forecast is 1.4%. The topic of halving the poverty rate in six years is one of the most difficult tasks outlined in the presidential decree in May. Even according to the existing forecast, we see that if we do not take measures, then about one and a half percent will not be enough until the poverty reduction target is reached. And we have to assess how this one and a half percent can be replenished, with what measures.

Funds from what sources can be used for this?

- It can be a variety of sources. It all depends on what measures will be taken.

- Will the maternity capital program be extended? It was planned that it will operate until 2021. Is this measure considered separately from the package you are talking about?

- No, this measure is considered in combination with a package of measures, because maternity capital has made and is making a significant contribution to the well-being of our families. I do not want to anticipate events, but I think that with a high degree of probability this program will be extended, because this is a high motivating factor for the family - this is the first thing. And secondly, from January 1, 2019, we are launching 12 national projects, including the Demography project. And we, of course, assess our prospects in terms of increasing the birth rate, achieving, as the president outlined in his decree, natural population growth by 2024. Now the situation with the birth rate is not developing in the best way. We predicted this. This is due to yet another demographic failure. And all our efforts will be aimed at supporting the family's motivation to have children. Among these measures, the allowance for the first child and maternal family capital are quite important. Also, you may remember that the third child support program looks a little different from the first two. There we co-finance the expenditure obligations of the regions and until 2018 the financing was divided 50 by 50: 50% - the Russian Federation, 50% - the region. Now we have made a decision that in fact this will be included in the budget of 2019 and subsequent years, not even three, but six years, when we change the share of regions, increase the share of the federal budget to about 70% on average, since many regions, taking into account their own the debt burden could not cope with the need to increase this kind of support and, accordingly, in some places even demotivated families with their decisions.

Recently, a meeting of the State Council was held under the chairmanship of the President in the Far East, where the problem of demography, the problem of supporting families in the Far East, maintaining employment, consolidating the population in the Far East, was also identified, and I do not exclude that by the second reading of the budget we will propose additional measures to The Far East.

- Will the redistribution of the federal and regional parts be the same for all regions or will it be differentiated?

- Differentiated, depending on the budgetary provision. 70 - Federation, 30 - region. This is average.

- You spoke earlier about the imperfection of the system of social payments in Russia. In particular, benefits are often received by people who do not need them. Tell me how the system of benefits can change now, what plans are there?

- Now the government has no plans to change the system of benefits. The legislator made a decision - since January 1, 2014, the regions are working on the need and targeting of the assignment of benefits. Each region has the authority to establish incentives. As for the federal level, these benefits are largely categorical, that is, they are associated, as a rule, with the merit of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, invalids of the Great Patriotic War, with the support of citizens with disabilities, invalids of the first, second and third groups and a number of other categories, they receive a lump sum payment, which is indexed annually in accordance with the growth of inflation.

As for streamlining, this topic is on the agenda and to a greater extent, of course, it concerns what is currently in the regions. The fact is that the system of social benefits inherited a lot from the 90s: very small amounts of benefits. There are still regional allowances of 50 rubles a month. Basically, you need to move along the path of consolidating resources in order to pay a more decent amount of benefit for the category for which it is intended. The regions, of course, are doing this kind of work. I can definitely say that no revolutionary changes are expected at the federal level in this regard. Now we have included in the draft budget those types of benefits that we traditionally had, and the corresponding indexation, as required by law.

- If we talk, continuing the topic of benefits, about the 6% preferential mortgage, how popular is this program now, how many families have already taken advantage of it and is there a need for additional funding for this program?

- So far, for 2018, there is definitely no need for additional funding, the budget has allocated 5.9 billion rubles, in 2019 9.2 and further by 2020 - 11.5 billion rubles. And at the beginning of September 868 mortgage loans were provided under this program in the amount of almost two billion rubles. So we have enough resources by the end of the year.

Are you planning to renew it after 2022?

- All these areas - maternity capital, and the first child, and the second, and the third, and mortgages too, they are concentrated within the demographic package. These measures are calculated for six years. And we have an understanding with colleagues from both the financial and economic bloc and the social bloc that annually, on the basis of monitoring, an assessment of the impact of certain measures on the defining targets will be carried out. And the decisive factors here are the increase in the total fertility rate, the achievement of natural population growth. Based on the pace at which these indicators will be achieved, we will adjust our decisions, including with the possible extension of all measures taken in the demographic package.

- Earlier, the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development approved the passports of four national projects, how do you assess the amount of funding and the fullness of these projects? What are the further stages of work on them?

- We will put the final point when we adopt the budget. Now, at the preliminary stage, four national projects for six years are estimated at 5.4 trillion rubles. The most capacious in terms of finance is demography - it is 3 trillion rubles, and in second place is the healthcare project - 1.3 trillion rubles, then education and science. Why do I say that these numbers can be adjusted upward? Because a number of traditional activities that are now included in national projects receive additional financial support. And now we are loading part of the basic allocations that were contained in the budget in previous periods into national projects so that the system looks holistic. The figure that the government has always called for the implementation of national projects is an additional eight trillion rubles - this is exactly what is provided in the federal budget for six years and even, perhaps, with a slight increase.

- You say that the second in terms of funding is the healthcare project. In addition to financial measures, there are still preventive measures, is there a need now for additional measures to combat smoking, to combat the use of alcoholic beverages? Just recently, one of our deputies proposed introducing a "dry law".

- We have already passed "dry laws" in our history and we know how they end. However, the banal phrases that you need to treat your health with great respect, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, they are actually not banal, but are essential in terms of their impact on life expectancy. Are they sufficient or not? We have a special federal project within the national project "Demography", which is associated with a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle, in addition to limiting and rejecting alcohol and tobacco, is also a healthy diet, it is also physical culture and sports, and preventive measures, that is, a full range of measures.

As for tobacco and alcohol, will we take any additional measures, I think we will, because, despite the results achieved, the numbers are not yet satisfactory to us. Probably enough to say that the percentage of e-cigarette smokers among schoolchildren today is 8.5%, which is a large figure. Among the youngest group of respondents within the framework of one of the monitoring carried out, this is about 28%. That is, when they say that it is less harmful, they probably omit the fact that an element of addiction arises and it is very difficult to get rid of this habit.

One of our institutes has been conducting quite an interesting research on alcohol consumption in Tomsk, Barnaul and Biysk for 15 years. It was found that if a citizen drinks three bottles of vodka within a week, then at the age of 35 to 54, the risk of mortality increases by 19%, and if he drinks the same amount at the age of 55 to 74, then the risk of death increases by 28 %. Nobody ever tries it on themselves. And, unfortunately, in our society there is little of this kind of information that would correctly orient people. Nobody says that everything should be banned. Nevertheless, there is international experience in the fight against alcohol. We can always take advantage of this and compare it with our situation. After all, it is probably no coincidence that many countries, including our neighbors from the CIS, decide to, say, sell alcohol not from the age of 18, but from the age of 20 or 21. There is every reason to believe that at an earlier age there are certain risks of addiction, children simply ruin their health. Recently there have been studies, if I'm not mistaken, with the support of the WHO: drinks, the so-called drink with 15 milliliters of ethanol, which is equivalent to 330 milliliters of beer, increase the risk of violent injury by 3.5 times.

The Ministry of Health has a program to promote a healthy lifestyle. They will, I hope, launch it more massively from January 1, 2019. Now medical volunteers are actively working in this direction, disseminating relevant information among the population. But the fact that you will have to take additional measures that will have a greater impact on the motivation for a healthy lifestyle is obvious.

Establishing a threshold for the sale of alcohol at the age of 21 will also be considered by you as one of the measures?

- This is one of the measures that can be considered in the package. Logically assessing what is happening now, I would think about introducing such a measure. But maybe not 21, maybe 20 years. It is often said that prohibitive measures have no effect. In fact, prohibitive measures are effective, but it is important to convey their meaning correctly.

Of course, all pros and cons will be weighed. All this will be openly discussed, all risks will be assessed. Because our country has a task: on the one hand, natural population growth, and on the other hand, an increase in life expectancy. Without a reduction in mortality from manageable causes, which include tobacco smoking, alcohol, unhealthy diet, traffic accidents, it will be very difficult to move forward in these areas without work.

- Recently, Duma deputies initiated a project to return smokers at airports. Does he have a future or are all departments against it?

- This bill was on the official conclusion in the government. As a result of discussions at the conciliation meeting, this draft law was not supported.

- Earlier it was reported that unemployment benefits for people of pre-retirement age were raised to the minimum subsistence level. Please tell us in more detail how this will affect other categories of unemployment benefits?

- These are unrelated things. Let me remind you that today there are very small benefits, which, in my opinion, have not been revised since 2010 - 850 minimum benefits and 4,900 maximum benefits. Now, within the framework of the amendments introduced by the President of the country, amendments to the Employment Law are envisaged for the second reading of the pension package, which just adjust the amount of benefits - approaches to determining the amount of benefits (because the amount itself is set in accordance with the law by the government of the Russian Federation). But now we can say that we have laid down a minimum benefit of 1,500 in the budget for 2019-2021, and the amount of benefits for working citizens, excluding the pre-retirement age, is 8,000 rubles and for the pre-retirement age - 11,280 rubles. 11280 is the minimum wage currently proposed for 2019, based on the legislation that was previously adopted.

In this case, a change in the payment period is expected?

- For pre-retirees, no, it will be 12 months, as it was.

Tell me, what incentives are currently being considered for employers to admit people of pre-retirement age?

- Here we have a dispute with employers. For some reason, they are sure that there should be some kind of cardinal incentives, as suggested by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs - to cut contributions to the Pension Fund by half - from 22% to 11%. But at the same time, they completely forgot that, at their own request, an amendment to tax legislation and legislation on insurance premiums was adopted this summer: the tariff to the Pension Fund was fixed at 22%, earlier it was 26%, and 22% was preferential tariff, which was originally introduced for a temporary period. And as soon as the government set 22, asked 11. But this does not mean that we do not intend to consider any incentive measures for employers. Today the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and a number of other associations (Delovaya Rossiya, Opora Rossii) have submitted their proposals. I instructed my colleagues to take the proposals into consideration. In addition to reducing tariffs, it is also proposed to provide incentives for those educational programs, which employers implement independently, a number of proposals that relate to spa treatment and others. All these proposals are being worked out in the relevant departments, and we expect to receive conclusions on the materials by September 25 in order to be determined with both employers and trade unions. We agreed that these proposals will be considered by the working groups of the Russian Trilateral Commission on Social and Labor Relations. And if there is a need to bring it directly to the commission, then we will do it.

Please tell us about the preparation of educational programs for pre-retirees?

- We are now, in accordance with the instructions of the President, will form and launch from January 1, 2019 the so-called special programs to support employment, including for people of pre-retirement age, which will be structured slightly differently, that is, they will take into account the interests of both employers and employees in terms of possible retraining or advanced training. Rostrud will clearly monitor the situation regarding the demand for certain professions and the need to interact with employers.

- By the way, the report of the World Economic Forum was published that by 2025 the number of jobs in the world could be reduced by a third due to the introduction of new technologies. At the same time, experts note that 133 million new jobs will be created. But it is clear that these will be places for people of different qualifications. To what extent does the topic of providing people with jobs in the era of informatization and robotization bother you and what is being done in this area?

- Let's start with the fact that we are launching 12 national projects, in some areas very capital intensive and requiring a serious increase in the number of jobs. This applies to such sensitive areas as road construction, housing, health care, education, where we expect an increase in the number of employees.

As for, say, the sphere of education or health care, on the one hand, increasing the availability of medical care, which means attracting personnel to those settlements where there is a shortage. On the other hand, training of those specialists that are required in the economy.

In addition, the "Science" project, which became a national project for the first time, will be developed very seriously. There is a separate area for a significant increase in the number of young scientists who will come to both fundamental and applied science in order to implement breakthrough scientific projects.

- Earlier there was an educational loan, which fully allowed to pay for education in universities. Are there any plans to consider his return?

- A significant number of experts support this idea. Now, as you know, we have undergone some changes in the structure of the education system - we have two ministries. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education is working with our leading experts on approaches to reviving the educational loan system. I think at the end of this, maybe early next year, we will return to discussing this issue. We are now waiting for proposals from the relevant ministry.

- By the presidential decree, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education were created, how much did you manage to notice in this short period the effect that was expected from this measure?

- It is probably premature to evaluate the results of such a division. It is obvious that the appearance in the structure of federal authorities of the Ministry of Education, focused mainly on general education and secondary specialized education, will make it possible to more substantively deal with this area.

And what is also important, the presidential decree is aimed at a significant improvement in the quality of general education in Russia, and, in fact, the "Education" project is more focused on general and secondary vocational education. If we talk about the ratio of financial security, significant importance is attached to this. Let's see how it works. I think the society itself will assess whether the decision is correct.

Tell me, are there any changes related to the unified state exam expected?

- I think it's not a secret for anyone, everyone saw that passing the exams this year went quite calmly, without any failures. Rosobrnadzor properly organized this work. Of course, there will always be suggestions on how to improve this system. And I gave such instructions to our colleagues. The main thing is not to harm the changes.

- Let's return from educational topics to the labor market. What mechanism can help legalize self-employed labor? How do you assess the initiatives that are currently being discussed, which are being prepared by the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Service? Maybe the government has some other ideas?

- We are now discussing these proposals of the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Service for a pilot project in four regions on the possible legalization of self-employed through electronic mobile applications. We are trying to form the most favorable approach to this tax regime, we call it the "tax on professional income". The task is to involve citizens in the process, it sounds strange, paying taxes, and now the option is being discussed, in which a rate of 4% can be set for the provision of services individuals and 6% - when providing services legal entities... And within this rate, one and a half percent - contributions for compulsory health insurance. Here we are talking not only about those citizens who are not legalized, we are also talking about those citizens who, among other things, earn extra money, receive additional income at another job.

As for the pension insurance of this category of citizens, we assume that it should be voluntary insurance. Why? Because today the pension legislation is arranged in such a way that even if a person has no experience, the state pays him a social pension with an additional payment, that is, his pension provision is formed at a level not lower than the subsistence minimum of a pensioner in the corresponding region. We hope that this bill will be introduced in the near future and we will begin this experiment. The impetus for the elaboration of this topic was the situation in the regions regarding the insurance of the non-working population in the system of compulsory health insurance. The employer pays an insurance premium of 5.1% to the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund for an employee, and constituent entities of the Russian Federation pay for an unemployed person. If everything is clear with the categories "pensioners" and "children", they are "countable", there are no questions here, then with the category of those people who do not pay taxes, of course, there are many questions.

Last year, there was a corresponding initiative, which was legislatively formalized this summer, when in order to determine the payment for the region's non-working population to the compulsory medical insurance system, a multi-stage reconciliation is supposed: who really belongs to the non-working population in the region. This first stage of work has been completed, a reconciliation was carried out between the Tax Service, the Pension Fund, the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund and the regions. And if we compare the number of non-working population, for which the regions paid contributions in 2018 and for which they will pay in 2019, then the number has decreased by almost 5 million people (and this is, in fact, an overpayment). And this is only due to the fact that they began to engage in database reconciliation. In part, this became possible also because the administration of insurance premiums was transferred to the Tax Service and colleagues had the opportunity to identify those who are payers and those who are not payers of insurance premiums or other taxes based on the consolidation and systematization of databases.

That is, the data of the Tax Service and the Pension Fund are taken as the basis?

- Yes. When this system is launched, the self-employed will be able to pay tax on professional income and will turn from unemployed to employed. And the system will "see" them and re-qualify, in fact, legalize them.

And those people who do not do this will be able to use compulsory health insurance?

- Regions will still pay for the non-working population. We have free medical care guaranteed by the Constitution. I would say that the issue here is more about something else - the more the population of the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund, the more resources the health care system has.

- This is from the point of view of the system, but from the point of view of the same person who does not pay these contributions, how to stimulate him to register in a mobile application?

- For this, a reduced tax rate is established.

- In conclusion, I would like to know your opinion, is the amount of funding for the social sphere - health care, education - sufficient for 2019-2021 to fulfill the May presidential decree?

“If you mean the federal government, that's enough. Firstly, because the government first proposed such a mechanism to the regions: in order to ensure, among other things, their powers, starting from January 1, 2019, our co-financing for almost all activities of national projects will be at the level of 95-99%, that is, regional powers - from one to five percent. Second, we are taking a fairly serious step forward in improving the quality of fixed assets in relation to the entire social sphere, that is, sectors such as education, health care, science, social services will receive funds for the development of infrastructure that they have not received for a long time. And then the current expenses, after commissioning, will provide the budgets of the regions, and, accordingly, the overall financing of the social sphere as such will increase. The main thing is that the regional leaders are ready to effectively use these financial resources. The system as a whole, not only the social sphere, but all 12 directions of national projects, receives such a significant additional resource for the first time in very, very many years.

Mobile app development is always associated with the need to learn additional technologies. What if you revisit the question and use the tools you already know?

For the first time, 1C tried to enter mobile development market in 2006 year. At that time, there was a real excitement about automating the work of remote employees using a PDA. New programs for solving such problems appeared like mushrooms, and such a vendor as 1C with successful products for automating various areas of business could not miss the chance to enter the lucrative market.

By mid-2006, the company presented a release of a new product with the promising name "1C: Enterprise 8. Extension for Pocket Computers". The developers of 1C, who saw the prospects of the 8th platform, had a hope that now it became possible to develop on one tool without much difficulty for the mobile operating system "Windows Mobile", which was popular in those years.

In practice, everything looked much worse. This tool did not allow to embody original ideas. Plastic bag " Pocket PC Extension”Was more of an add-on for certain typical configurations than a complete development solution. Expanding the configuration functionality by adding new metadata objects was not provided. Quite simple things remained at the mercy of third-party programmers: creating new forms for interaction with the user, handling user events.

Yes, there were all sorts of circumventions of the restrictions, but even they did not allow to truly unfold. In addition to technical constraints, consumers have experienced a significant financial hurdle. Companies that decided to implement a solution from 1C were required to purchase productive PDAs, purchase licenses for Windows Mobile, and also pay 1C for the delivery of the solution and the final application.

The 1C solution was too expensive. Companies accustomed to saving money continued to use alternative solutions. Moreover, the developers of alternatives managed to provide their products with functionality for interacting with standard 1C solutions.

Technical limitations and high cost did not allow the product to repeat the colossal success of the desktop platform. The idea to conquer the mobile market of corp.

applications failed miserably.

Step forward

Loss and losses from an unsuccessful project did not put an end to the development of a promising direction. In 2013, the 1C company presented the first stable version of the new platform 8.3, which has the function of developing mobile applications.

1C completely rethought the approach to solving the mobile "theorem" and took into account the mistakes of the previous unsuccessful product. The result is a completely new tool that has nothing to do with its predecessor and is focused on the most current mobile platforms - Android and iOS.

Mobile applications in 1C style

For a full acquaintance with the possibilities of development for mobile platforms, we will try to develop a small configuration. Using an end-to-end example, you will be able to better evaluate the available functionality and decide on the possibility of using the 1C platform to solve problems.

To work, you need the latest release of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform. Educational version distribution kit is available on the official 1C website. To recreate an example of its capabilities is more than enough.

In addition to the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform, we need a number of additional tools. The article will consider an example of developing an Android application. In this regard, you will have to download: Android SDK and Apache WEB server. The first component contains everything you need to build an application and an emulator for testing, and a WEB server is useful for quickly loading an application on a mobile OS.

We also need the delivery of the "Mobile Developer Platform". It contains configuration to simplify the build process of the created mobile application as well as a mobile developer platform. It needs to be installed on a mobile device or emulator.

To build an application ready for distribution via Google play will need to download Apacheant and JavaJDK... This topic is beyond the scope of the article, so you can find out details about working with these tools and building the application in the corresponding section of mine.

Configuring tools

Platform " 1C: Enterprise 8.3»And the Apache web server are supplied with installers and are installed in the standard way. Android SDK you just need to unzip it into a separate directory and run “ sdk manager.exe”. You will see a window with a selection of available packages for installation. For testing, considered within the framework of the example article, you will need to select and install: Android SDK Tools, A ndroid Platform Tools, SDK Platform API 17.

The last step is to create a new information base... For those who are not associated with the development of " 1C: Enterprise»I will explain that any solution for this platform consists of an infobase and configuration. Adding a new database is carried out by clicking the button " Add»Start window. After adding the base, open it in the " Configurator».

First mobile configuration

In the main menu of the configurator, we will find the section “ Configuration"And select the" Open configuration "item. The configuration tree (of the objects that will make up the future application) will be displayed on the left side of the window. Select the configuration root in it and press the key combination " Alt + Enter". The properties editor will open on the right side of the configurator window.

Let's call the configuration “ TODO"And in the property" Purpose of use "we indicate" Mobile device". Please note that after completing the last action, some nodes of the configuration tree will become inactive. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use all the metadata objects on the mobile platform.

To solve our problem, we need to create several metadata objects in the configuration tree:

Procedure AddTask (Task) ExportRecordManager = CreateRecordManager (); RecordManager.Period = CurrentDate (); Record Manager.Task = Task; ManagerRecords.Status = Task.Status; ManagerRecord.Record (); End of Procedure

Listing 2. The code of the function "GetList of Unclosed Tasks ()

Function GetList of UnclosedTasks () Export Request = New Request; Query.Text = "SELECT | TasksStatusLast Slice. Task AS Task, | TasksStatusLast Slice.<>VALUE (Enumeration.Tasks.Finished)) AS TasksStatusSliceLast | | ORDER BY | ExecutionDate DESCRIPTION "; Request.SetParameter (" CurrentDate ", CurrentDate ()); Return Request.Run (). Unload (); EndFunction

We figured out the receipt of data from the register of information and their recording, now we will teach our reference book to work with the register. To do this, add to the configuration tree common module With name " Work With Tasks". You can do without it, but I immediately want to focus on the possibility of breaking the code into modules. Many 1C developers still neglect this recommendation and describe all the logic in one place, thereby complicating the subsequent maintenance of the code. Let's create a new procedure in the module “ Create a New Task"(See Listing 3).

Listing 3. Code of the procedure "Create a New Task"

Procedure CreateNewTask (Link) Export If Link.ThisGroup Then Return; EndIf; Request = New Request; Query.Text = "SELECT | TasksStatusLastSlice.Status | FROM | InformationRegister.TasksStatus.Last Slice (& CurrentDate, Task = & Task) AS TasksStatusLast Slice"; Request.SetParameter ("CurrentDate", CurrentDate ()); Request.SetParameter ("Task", Link); Result = Query.Run (). Select (); If Result.Next () Then If Result.Status<>Ref.Status Then Information Registers.TasksStatus.Add a Task (Link); EndIf; Otherwise Information Registers.TasksState.AddTask (Link); EndIf; End of Procedure

Before creating new entry a check is performed for the presence of existing records for the task. If the record already exists, then it is necessary to compare the statuses of the tasks. If the status from the register does not differ from the status of the item being written, there is no need to create an additional record.

With the final touch, open the form of the "Tasks" catalog item and create an event handler for the " AfterRecordOnServer". In it we will write a call to the procedure described in the third listing:

WorkWithTasks.Create a New Task (CurrentObject.Link);

Working on the interface

The main functionality of the application is ready - the user can create tasks, and each new task forms an entry in the periodic information register. Now let's get down to the interface. Let's bring the work with tasks to the fore. After all, it is logical to display a list of not closed tasks and the ability to create a new one right after launching the application?

Find in the configuration tree the node " Common Forms"And add a new form named" Desktop". Let's open the created form in the interface constructor and add a props like “ Table of Values". Let's call it "OpenZachi". The table will contain two columns - " Task"(ReferenceLink.Tasks) and" Date of Execution" (Date).

The next step is to drag the added props onto the form. We should have an interface the simplest table... We will not indicate any sizes, we will leave the concern about scaling the interface to the platform.

For the created table, in the property inspector, check the box for the “ View only", And the property" Command Panel Position"We will indicate the value" No ". We will fill the table with dynamic information, so there is no point in editing by the user.

Now let's describe the event handler "OnCreateAtServer" for the form. Let's add one line of code to it:

OpenTasks.Load (Information Registers.TasksStatus.Get a List of Not ClosedTasks ());

In the code, we refer to the procedure we described " GetList of UnclosedTasks»And the result of its execution is placed in the table.

Let's go back to the form constructor and add a group of the "Normal group without display" type with two buttons: " Create" and " Refresh". The property " Grouping"For the added group, set the value" Horizontal ". For a more expressive design of the buttons, let's add images and change the default font.

Now let's select the button “ Create"And give it the global command" Tasks: create". This will allow you to create tasks without having to enter the directory itself. By pressing the second button, we will update the contents of the table with tasks. To do this, you will need to create an additional form command.

All new form commands are created on the tab of the same name “ Commands". The principle is simple - add new team, describe the action code in it and then associate the command with the interface, in our case with the button.

Don't forget that we are developing a managed application, so we need to clearly distinguish between client and server code. When the button is clicked, there will be a context " On Client", And we will receive data from the database from the server. In the code, it looks like this:

& OnClient Procedure UpdateTasksList (Command) UpdateList (); EndProcedure & AtServer Procedure OnCreateAtServer (Failure, StandardProcessing) OpenTasks.Load (Information Registers.TaskStatus.GetList of Not ClosedTasks ()); End of Procedure

Now let's define our desktop shape as the home page area. Open the configuration properties (select the topmost node and click " Alt + Enter") And for the property" Workspace start page "set the value" One column", After we add to the list our form" Desktop».

The application is completely ready and it's time to test it in work. Try to run the example and create several tasks with a status other than " Completed". The information register has been updated with new entries (this can be viewed through the menu item “ All functions") And some of them are displayed on the desktop.

Landing on Android

The configuration works great on desktop, and now is the time to test it on a mobile OS emulator. To prepare a new emulator, start the command interpreter ( cmd.exe) and go to the "toos" directory of the distribution with the Android SDK. Run the command " android.bat avd", Which will launch the virtual Android devices... In it, click the "Create" button and in the window that appears, specify the parameters of the virtual device. In my working environment, I decided to emulate Nexus S with Android version 4.2.2. (API Level 17).

After creating the device, we will immediately launch it. While android is loading, let's go back to the configurator and publish our application to the web server. In the main menu of the configurator, select the item " Configuration» -> « Mobile app» -> « Publish". In the publishing settings window, specify the name of the application (it can be anything), the web server (in our environment there should be only one) and the directory for storing the settings.

Specifying as the name " todo-mobile", The application will be available at -" http: // host / todo-mobile". Click "ok" and try to access the published application using a browser. If successful, the server will return the generated configuration XML code.

Go back to the emulator and load the application with the mobile developer platform into it. The application file itself is available together with the delivery of the mobile developer platform and is called "1cem-arm.apk". To install this application in the emulator, we will use the utility “ adb.exe"From the directory" platform-tools»: adb.exe install –r 1cem-arm.apk.

After successful installation, open the list of applications in the emulator and launch the mobile developer platform. In the window that opens, click " Add application"And in the" address "field specify the URL to our web server. I have it Click " Add”And our configuration is successfully migrated to the mobile platform. The application is ready to go. Test the result and return to the configurator, it's time to provide the applications with "mobile functionality".

Sending SMS / MMS messages

Functions for working with SMS / MMS messaging mobile platforms are supported in different ways. For example, when the application is running on Android, the developer has the opportunity to subscribe to an SMS and access new messages immediately upon receipt. Alas, this feature is not available on iOS, so documentation should be at hand during development.

An object is provided for sending SMS messages SMS Message... Let's consider an example:

& OnClient Procedure SendSMSMessage (Recipient, MessageText) NewMessage = New SMSMessage (); NewMessage.Text = MessageText; NewMessage.Recipients.Add (Recipient); MeansTelephony.SendSMS (NewMessage); End of Procedure

The code is simple enough and hardly needs any comments. Now let's look at subscribing to incoming messages:

& OnClient Procedure ConnectMessageReceivingHandler () SubscribeOnMessages = NewNotificationDescription ("NewMessagesProcessing", ThisObject); MeansTelephony.ConnectSMSMessage handler (SubscribeMessages); EndProcedure & AtClient Procedure NewMessages Handling (Message, AdditionalParameters) // Handle new message //Message.Send, Message.Text; End of Procedure

Procedure " ProcessingNew Messages»Will be called every time a new SMS is received. Through the parameter " Message"An object of type" SMS Message»And we can easily get the text of the message and information about the sender.

Working with MMS messages is performed in a similar way. First, we create an SMS message, and then we add an attachment (for example, images) to it. By such a simple action, SMS turns into MMS:

NewMessage = New SMSMessage (); Attachment = New MMS Attachment; Attachment.Data = Picture; Attachment.ContentType = "image / jpeg"; MMS Message. Attachments. Add (Attachment);

Making calls from a mobile application

Programmed making a call is carried out using the "DialNumber" method of the global object "Telephony Tools". Before calling the method, it is highly advisable to check the possibility of making a call:

If Telephony Means. SupportedNumberDial () Then Telephony Means.DialNumber (PhoneNumber, Call Immediately); EndIf;

Parameter " Call Immediately»Affects the dialing performance. When it is equal to " True», The number is dialed automatically through the standard calling application. If set to False, the user will also see the standard dialer application interface, but to place a call, press the Summon».

Call log

The mobile platform allows the developer to interact with the call log. For example, you can easily get a list of outgoing, missed or incoming calls. Feature only supported on Android:

CallLog = Telephony Means.GetCallLog (); Selection = New SelectionDataComposition; SelectionElement = Selection.Elements.Add (Type ("DataCompositionOptionSelection")); SelectionElement.LeftValue = NewDataCompositionField ("RingType"); SelectionItem.ComparisonType = LayoutComparisonTypeData.Equal; SelectionElement.RightValue = CallLogCallType.Missed; SelectionItem.Usage = True; List of Call Log Records = Call Log.Find Records (Selection); // List of CallLog records will contain a collection of records


Almost any modern smartphone has the function of determining the geolocation. You can use this functionality from the built-in 1C language. Obtaining the current coordinates of the device can be conditionally divided into 2 stages: choosing a geolocation provider and processing the obtained coordinates:

// Let the choice of provider be provided to the platform IdealProvider = Geo Positioning Tools.Get the Most AccurateProvider (); Coordinates = Means of Positioning.GetLastLocation (IdealProvider); // If the coordinates were received a long time ago, then update If Coordinates = Undefined OR CurrentDate () - Coordinates.Date> 3600 Then Geolocation Tools.UpdateLocation (IdealProvider, 60); Coordinates = Means of Positioning.GetLastLocation (IdealProvider); EndIf;

Working with multimedia functions

The developer has the ability to take pictures, videos, audio recordings using the built-in language: Take a photo(), MakeVideo recording(), Make Audio Recording().

For which mobile OS is it better to develop on 1C?

Despite my love for Apple technology, it is best to create mobile applications using the 1C platform for Android. There are several reasons for this, but the most important one is the supported features. Unfortunately, under iOS, many necessary things are not supported. For example, the inability to programmatically subscribe to SMS messages or interact with the call log can make it impossible to implement some ideas. Android is friendlier in this regard. Don't forget about the cost of the devices themselves. Not every company will be willing to splurge on Apple's mobile devices.

Instead of completion

Platform " 1C: Enterprise 8»In practice has proven its readiness to become a simple tool for the development of corp. Applications for mobile platforms. The examples considered in the article are superfluous confirmation of this. It is not at all necessary to spend resources on learning native tools if the functionality of the application fits into the capabilities of the mobile platform and the company is dominated by 1C products.

On September 28 this year, 1C without much noise and pathos released an evaluation version of the platform, which was intended for testing. Full list Anyone can read changes and improvements or, if they have a subscription,.
Of the above improvements, I think the "1C: Enterprise 8 Mobile Platform" is quite "tasty", which allows you to create an application for Android or iOS mobile operating systems using the usual 1C tools.

The mobile platform, as the developers themselves write, “This is the general name for a technology that allows you to create applications that run on mobile devices under the control of operating Android systems or iOS ".
"A mobile application installed on a device is a combination of a mobile platform and an information base."

That is, in simpler terms, you can compile your written configuration into an application for Android (.apk) or iOS (.zip). Then all this stuff can be posted on Google Play or AppStore. True, if a program for Android can be signed with a key created in the same place immediately in 1C, and it will be ready for publication immediately, then in order to publish an application in the AppStore, you first have to build it using the Xcode program on a computer with the Mac OS X operating system. of course, you need a developer license to publish in any of these stores.
Everything sounds good, and I naturally wanted to try out the new features in action.

Creation of a mobile application on 1C

To do this, we need a new version of the platform (), the file that is taken, android SDK and JDK.
I will warn you right away: now I do not set myself the task of showing the development process of something specific on 1C, but I just want to check and show you that - yes, the world has gone crazy and on 1C it is really possible to write a program for Android.
Well, let's try to write a kind of "helloWorld" for a Googlephone. Let's make a program for testing purposes - a configuration with one common form, which we will put on the "desktop".
So, we create a new configuration in a managed mode, and the first thing we have to do, if we are writing for the mobile platform, is to specify the "Purpose of use" in the properties of the configuration itself.

And here we immediately notice that many configuration objects have become unavailable for use. We will no longer be able to use subsystems, scheduled tasks, XDTO packages, Web services, reports, business processes and much more. Also, many procedures and methods for some objects are unavailable. This should be taken into account when developing.
We make a "form", create a string attribute with the title: "Hello, Habr!" - and throw it on the form. Let's also create a button. In the processing of pressing, we will write the output of the message, for example.

& OnClient Procedure Command1 (Command) Warning ("It works!"); End of Procedure

This is enough for us to check the performance, so let's get down to the most interesting thing. We save the configuration to a file for the mobile application (Configuration-> Mobile application-> Write to file), run in controlled mode, and start processing MobileAppWizard.epf. This file is in the archive, which we downloaded at the very beginning.
And now we are offered to fill in the initial settings, where all the required fields are underlined in red.

Location of the mobile platform - the directory where the and files are located, which are required to form the delivery of the mobile application. They are all in the same archive.
We indicate the folder where we installed the Android SDK (you can download it). 1C sets the following requirements:
Android SDK Tools version - at least 20.0.3;
Android SDK Platform-tools version - at least 14;
SDK Platform version - API 8 (not lower than version 8.3).
And we also need a Java SDK (you can get it at this address) And 1C warns us that JDK7 does not work in conjunction with the Android SDK.
We indicate the folders where our .apk file will be placed, the location of the key for the signature and the alias with the password. If you are doing this for the first time and you do not have a key, you can fill in the "key parameters" and generate a key for yourself (in this case, in the "key file" field you must specify the folder where this key will be created).
Click "OK" and go to the second window.

In it, first of all, we indicate the "Configuration of the mobile application" - the same file that we saved. Then the language, and only then we click on the button with the "magnifying glass" and enter the representation there. We indicate the "Application identifier" - a unique name of the Java class, which will be used in the future to perform the update. The identifier must be written in the Latin alphabet, and 1C recommends starting its name with "com.e1c." Fill in the version and build number and click the "Create" button. If everything goes well, the system will notify you of the successful creation of the .apk file.
We drop the resulting file onto the phone and install it with your favorite manager, after allowing the installation in the system settings third party applications... Or install the program on the emulator via adb. I will say right away: everything slows down terribly on the emulator, but on the phone (I checked it only on HTC Wildfire S) things are much better, but there are still problems. For example, I got a file weighing as much as 34 Mb, so the installation took a long time. After launching, we are greeted by a splash screen, and after a while the configuration itself starts. (sorry for the photo: fotkal on the calculator)

So far, the new features look very "raw": the limitation of 1C functionality, the impossibility of using the SDK directly, plus big size and some "brakes" ... But the very ability to write a program for a mobile platform on 1C is a little surprising! Personally, I have a double opinion about this. On the one hand, this "feature" is still more like a toy, because there is no opportunity to do something really worthwhile. But on the other hand, this is clearly a big step for 1C in the direction of mobility, and if this direction is actively developing, then this can bring a lot of benefits. As an example, you can equip storekeepers with tablets. If it will be possible to use "onboard" cameras, then you can get rid of readers, and scan codes directly from the tablet, you can supply them to car drivers, and send tasks for transportation or track the route of the car and the time in motion. There are, in general, many options, and the fact that all this will be in a single information system will greatly delight customers / managers, because for some reason they always have a panic fear of using a large number of different systems, they want to use all the functionality on a single platform.

In this article, I will show you how to build (compile) a 1C mobile application for IOS, using a free Apple developer account.

There are many similar articles and videos on the Internet, but each of them uses a paid developer account that costs no less than $ 99. Not every novice developer wants to immediately spend money on something that he may not be doing.

According to the license agreement for internal (free) use of IOS development products, the application cannot be redistributed, sold, etc. (Apple Developer Program License Agreement). You can only test the developed software on registered Apple devices (that is, on your personal IPhone, iPad). Hence the conclusion follows - a developer (with a free account) can test his application only on personal devices, it will not work to distribute the application on the network.

Finished IOS app presented as a file with the * ipa extension. In our case, the developer can only download it to his device connected to a computer with Mac OS. In this version, the application does not last forever, it is limited in time (the application worked for me no more than 7 days, then it simply did not start).

So, what we need to build a 1C mobile application for IOS:

1. Software:

  • The main OS for preparing the 1C application is Windows 7. In general, you can use a virtual machine.
  • Program for creating virtual machine... I was using VMware 12.5.7
  • Mac OS image. It is best to use the OS version as new as possible. In my case, this is "Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6". By the way, you can download a ready-made image for VMware, there are a lot of links on the Internet.
  • To compile an application on Mac OS, you need to download Xcode (you can download it directly from the virtual machine, or separately (it will be faster)). It is also best to use the newer version here. In my example, this is version 9.0.1.
  • Configuration for assembling 1C mobile applications. Usually it comes with the 1C distribution kit.

2. Test configuration 1C:

We are preparing a test configuration, which we will later turn into a mobile application. There are a bunch of articles with examples on the infostart, the only thing I will remind you is to indicate in the "Purpose of use" the items "mobile device" and "personal computer"

2.2. Let's save the developed configuration using the "Configuration" -> "Mobile application" -> "Save to file" command. At the output, we should receive a * xml format file, in which the structure of our configuration will be saved.

3. Configuring the collector of mobile applications

I will not go into details, since this was published more than once on the infostart. Let me remind you only of the important points:

  • You must enter the correct data to connect to a computer running iOS

You can check the availability on the network through command line using the command:Ping+ "Computer name on the network." For example "ping mac- admin»

And also check the correctness of the specified username and password (using the Putty utility). This can be done using the command: "E:\ Program Files\ PyTTY\ plink. exe" - ssh - l admin - pw 123 mac- admin

  • Create a "Mobile applications" catalog item in the mobile application builder. Run the command "Build Application", then "Get Application". We save the archive with the mobile application project.

4. Transferring the application to a mobile device.

This requires:

Copy the archive with the mobile application project on Mac and unpack it

Open project in Xcode

In the upper left corner of the project that opens, select a device with iOS OS (in my case, this is Iphone)

Start compiling the application. the application will be automatically transferred to the connected device

Attention! Connect the device to the USB port that is selected in the settings of the virtual machine. If the settings specify USB port 2.0, then plug the device into a USB 2.0 port.

Then you can open your device and see what happened.

Complete instructions with all screenshots, starting with creating a test configuration and ending with launching the application on a mobile device, are in the attached * pdf file.

An example of developing a mobile application on 1C: Pidpryumstvo 8.3 for the operation of an online store courier when delivering goods to customers. For development, the configuration "Mobile Application Builder" was used

An example of developing a mobile application for a courier of an online store using the "Mobile Application Collector"

So, we have developed a mobile application for the work of an online store courier when delivering goods to customers. Of course, it is rather schematic and cannot cover all the tasks that actually arise in the course of the courier's work. But it does all the functionality that we wanted to show in this book.

Now, after the development is over, we just have to collect our mobile application into one file and upload it to the tablet.

Although we will use a special configuration for assembly Mobile app builder, which facilitates the assembly process, it is still not easy and not quick to do it for the first time. Therefore, you need to be patient and carefully and carefully follow the sequence of actions described below.

Where to download and how to install the Mobile App Collector

Configuration Mobile app builder delivered as part of a mobile platform. In the first chapter of the book in the section "Mobile platform 1C: Enterprise" we unpacked the archive with the mobile platform on a computer. This directory contains a MobileAppMaker folder with a Setup.exe file for installing a configuration template. Let's run this file and install the configuration template into the 1C: Enterprise templates directory (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Installing the Mobile Application Builder configuration template

Then add a new infobase to the list of infobases "1C: Enterprise" and create an infobase from the template created earlier (Fig. 5.2).

Rice. 5.2. Creation of the "Mobile Application Builder" infobase from a template

Then open this database in the configurator and add the Administrator user with the 1C: Enterprise Authentication properties, the Administrator and User roles and the Russian language (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3. Creating the "Administrator" user

Let's save the configuration, close it and open it in 1C: Enterprise mode on behalf of the Administrator user. This database is now empty. We must fill in all the necessary parameters for the assembly in it, which will be saved and used for further assemblies.

First (if the base is empty), the general help information about the mobile application builder opens on the application home page. You can also access it from the main menu - Main Menu> Help> Help Contents> Mobile Application Builder. In addition, additional help pages about the assembly of mobile applications are detached from individual configuration forms (Fig. 5.4).

Rice. 5.4. Mobile App Build Configuration Reference

Setting the parameters of the applied solution

First, we need to configure the collector parameters. To do this, from the Service menu, call the Application Settings item. We are not going to build a mobile application for Apple now, so we leave the corresponding checkbox empty.

In the settings form, we need to fill in the Component catalogs table on computers participating in the build process, which will contain the paths to the software components required to build a mobile application. To do this, press the Create button above this table (Fig. 5.5).

Rice. 5.5. Creating a table entry "Component catalogs ..."

The Component paths form will open. Calling the help from this form, you can see the links for obtaining software components and their descriptions (Fig. 5.6).

Rice. 5.6. Help for component paths

First, you need to install the Java SDK and specify the directory in which this component is installed in the JDK field. The Java SDK can be obtained from: Recommended to download Java package Platform (JDK).

On the page that opens at the top, you need to click on the Download button (Fig. 5.7).

Rice. 5.7. Obtaining the Java SDK

On the next page, you need to accept the license agreement (check the Accept License Agreement box) and click on the link with the required distribution in the Download column (for 64-bit Windows, this is the jdk-8u60-windows-x64.exe package), Fig. 5.8.

Rice. 5.8. Obtaining the Java SDK

The resulting installer needs to run and install the Java SDK, for example, to the directory: C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.8.0_60 (Fig. 5.9).

Rice. 5.9. Installing Java SDK

Then this path must be specified in the JDK field of the configuration form for the paths to the components of the Mobile Application Builder (Fig. 5.10).

Rice. 5.10. Configuring the paths to the components of the Mobile Application Builder application

In the next field of the settings form, the Working directory and the cache of the collector, you need to specify any directory in Latin, in which the build program will place the service files. The user on whose behalf the assembly of mobile applications will be performed must have full rights for this directory (Fig. 5.11).

Rice. 5.11. Configuring the paths to the components of the Mobile Application Builder application

In the Android SDK field, specify the path to the directory where the SDK Manager is located. We installed the Android SDK in Chapter 1, in the Android SDK section (Figure 5.12).

Rice. 5.12. Configuring the paths to the components of the Mobile Application Builder application

Then you need to install Apache ANT and specify the directory in which this component is installed in the Apache ANT field. Apache ANT is required to build a mobile application for Android OS. Apache Ant is available from.

From this page we need to download the archive (Fig.5.13).

Rice. 5.13. Getting Apache ANT

Unzip this file to your computer and indicate the path to it in the form of settings for paths to components (Fig. 5.14).

Rice. 5.14. Configuring the paths to the components of the Mobile Application Builder application

Then you need to install the PuTTY system and specify the directory in which this component is installed in the PuTTY field. PuTTY can be obtained.

PuTTY is used when building a mobile app for Apple. The pscp.exe and plink.exe utilities are required to build mobile applications. Just in case, download the entire putty-0.65-installer.exe installation package (Fig. 5.15).

Rice. 5.15. Getting PuTTY

The resulting installer needs to run and install PuTTY, for example, in the directory: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ PuTTY (Fig.5.16).

Rice. 5.16. Installing PuTTY

Then we will indicate the path obtained when installing PuTTY, in the form of configuring paths to components (Figure 5.17).

Rice. 5.17. Configuring the paths to the components of the Mobile Application Builder application

This completes the configuration of the paths to the components. Click Save and Close.

Configuring vendor parameters

Now we need to configure the vendor parameters. To do this, call the Edit Supplier Parameters item from the Service menu.

The Suppliers form will open, in which you need to specify an arbitrary supplier name on the General parameters tab, and also specify the Application identifier prefix. This field must be filled in in Latin and start with the line "com". The rules for filling out this field can be viewed in the context help, which opens by clicking the button with the “?” Sign.

Then you need to note for which operating systems the mobile application is being built. In our case, check the box for Android OS.

To work with push notifications through the auxiliary service "1C: Enterprise", we will indicate the parameters of access to the service. To do this, click the Add button above the table at the bottom of the supplier form. In the opened window Parameters of access to the auxiliary service "1C: Enterprise" mark the option Register for - the selected user, select the user of the collector - Administrator and indicate email address and the password under which we previously registered on the service when testing work with push notifications. Click the Save and Close button. In addition, you can register on the 1C: Enterprise service directly from this form using the Register button in the 1C: Enterprise service, if this has not yet been done (Fig. 5.18).

Rice. 5.18. Configuring Mobile App Builder Application Provider Settings

In addition, you can call the window for setting the parameters of access to the service "1C: Enterprise" from the Service menu, item Parameters of access to the service "1C: Enterprise".

After that, on the Settings for Android OS tab, fill in the Developer key field group. To do this, first create a developer key by clicking on the Create developer key link. In the Create developer key form that opens, fill in the fields at random (for the Country field, you need to specify the code of Russia in the ISO standard - ru) and click the Generate key button (Fig. 5.19).

Rice. 5.19. Configuring Mobile App Builder Application Provider Settings

After that, the parameter fields of the developer key will be filled in automatically (Fig. 5.20).

Rice. 5.20. Configuring Mobile App Builder Application Provider Settings

The value in the SHA1 hash field of the developer key will be used in the future to get the key for working with Google maps... This value is required if the mobile application will use geolocation tools on the Android platform.

This completes the configuration of the provider parameters. Click Save and Close.

Loading the mobile platform

Now we need to download the 1C: Enterprise mobile platform, under which the assembled mobile application will run. There may be several versions of the mobile platform, but they must be at least version 8.3.4.

The Mobile Platforms reference book is intended for loading and storing different versions of the mobile platform. A separate entry must be created for each platform version in this directory.

From the command panel of the application, open the Mobile platforms directory and click the Create button. After that, a file selection dialog will appear, in which you need to select the file with the archive of the mobile platform, which we saved on the computer when receiving the mobile platform in the first chapter of the book, in the section "Mobile platform 1C: Enterprise". Select it and click the Open button.

If the platform is loaded successfully, a form for creating an element of the Mobile platforms directory will open, in which the Mobile platform version and Name fields will be filled in automatically, and the Mobile platform files loaded check box will appear (Fig. 5.21).

Click Save and Close.

Loading mobile configuration

Now we need to download the mobile configuration of the CourierInternetShop developed by us. Let's open this configuration in the configurator. In the configuration properties palette, set the properties Supplier - myfirm and Version - 1.0.0 (Fig. 5.22).

Rice. 5.22. Properties of the mobile configuration "CourierInternetShop"

Then let's upload this configuration to a file by executing the configurator command Configuration> Mobile application> Write to file ...

To load and store different versions of mobile application configurations, the Mobile Configurations reference book is intended. The reference book assumes a two-tier structure: groups describe applied solutions, and elements in groups - different versions of the configurations of these applied solutions. For loading new version configuration, you need to go to the group corresponding to the applied solution, and create a new element in this group.

From the command panel of the application, open the Mobile configurations directory and click the Create a group button with the name of our configuration Courier of the online store (Fig. 5.23).

Rice. 5.23. Creating a group of reference "Mobile configurations"

Then, in this group, we will create a new catalog item.

After that, a file selection dialog will appear, in which you need to select the 1cema.xml file, in which we have just saved our mobile configuration. Select it and click the Open button.

If the configuration is loaded successfully, all form fields will be filled in automatically and should not be changed manually. The table of permissions will contain all the permissions for the mobile application with multimedia, geolocation, notifications, etc. that we set during its development. In addition, messages will be shown about the impossibility of working with calendars and contacts, for which we have not set permissions (Fig. 5.24).

Click Save and Close.

Description of mobile application parameters

Now we need to describe the parameters of the mobile application that we will collect in the Mobile applications directory.

The reference should have a two-tier structure, where the group describes the main build parameters, and the group member specifies the build parameters for a specific version of the mobile application. A separate group must be created for each mobile application, and a separate element must be created for each version of the mobile application in this group.

From the command panel of the application, open the Mobile applications directory and click the Create group button. In the form that opens, set the name of the online store Courier mobile application.

We have only one supplier - My company. It will be filled in automatically. And also the For Android OS checkbox will be checked. Leave the Mobile platform field empty - the latest version of the platform will be automatically used during assembly.

In the Solution identifier field, enter an arbitrary string in the Latin alphabet. The next field will be filled in automatically (Fig. 5.25).

Rice. 5.25. Creation of a group of the reference book "Mobile applications"

After that, the field The parameter for obtaining a key for working with Google maps will be automatically filled in (this field is filled with the value of the SHA1 hash parameter of the vendor's developer key My firm from the vendor settings form, see Fig. 5.20 + the solution identifier string) - we will need this to obtain the key to work with Google maps. To do this, we must turn to Google service and after receiving the key, write it down in the Key field for working with Google maps.