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What is the basic rule of netiquette. Places for communication. Forums and chats

(English version).

The rules of etiquette are not universal and rigidly established - in different communities they can vary significantly. Since the main purpose of etiquette is not to impede communication in the community, the rules can be established based on the goals of the community, the accepted communication style, technical restrictions, etc. Some rules are written down, and even formalized in the form of a formal charter, and sometimes and just in the form of a list, other rules are not written down anywhere, but are known to most members of the community and are strictly enforced.

Most often, a clear violation of etiquette is understood as insults and personalization, malicious departure from the topic (offtopic), advertising and self-promotion in places that are not intended for this. It is also likely that libel and other malicious misinformation (deception) or plagiarism may be a violation of etiquette.

  • Psychological, emotional - to contact you or you, whether to use emoticons and in what quantity, whether to indicate the area code in the phones, support newcomers or ignore their questions, or send them directly to the FAQ and Search ...
  • Technical, design - the use of strings of a certain length, the use of transliteration, restrictions on the size of a message or signature, the admissibility of extended formatting (bold, italic, color, background, frames, etc.), the admissibility of writing messages in UPPERCASE ...
  • Administrative - rules for naming topics (titles), citation rules, admissibility of advertising, admissibility of a flame, actually the need to adhere to the topic of the community ...

People accustomed to the rules of one online community may unwittingly break the rules of another. Therefore, almost all Internet communities require you to familiarize yourself with the rules and express your formal consent to comply with them.

Good tone

The rules listed below are of course not binding on all communities. In some cases, their implementation is impossible, or even undesirable, but such cases are usually rare.

Studying traditions

Before becoming an active member of the online community, it is advisable to visit it for a certain time, leaving a minimum of your own comments in order to get used to the rules of the community, as well as learn about some of its traditions. The exception is resources that do not imply long-term participation in their lives, or are built according to the "question-answer" scheme. As an alternative, some use encyclopedias, like Lurkomorya, but the information posted in such sources is not always reliable: they may be outdated, incomplete, biased or require interpretation - they can only serve as a supplement, but not a substitute for, self-assimilation of community rules.


Before asking a question, do not be lazy to use the search - maybe this question has already been asked and answered. The response to an appropriate raising of an old topic is usually supportive, while reopening the topic at first is usually discouraged.

Message design

Try to make your notes readable. For example, you should not write in transliteration or replace letters with similar characters. Naturally, if a recording is difficult to read, it will most likely be either ignored or reacted negatively to it. Failure to comply with language norms also often leads to prejudice. You should also not type whole words. capital letters(all the more so - alternate case), as well as put a large number of punctuation marks and emoticons in a row.

Hiding part of a message

Most often, the message trimming function (the so-called "cat", from the English. cut- crop) is used in blogs, where posts, which can be quite long, are lined up in one row on home page, and only summary theme, which can be seen in full if you follow the link. It is also advisable to hide large files, for example, images that can be loaded for a long time (of course, the file should be loaded only after the visitor expresses a desire to see it), as well as content that some visitors would not want to see on the page (for example - spoilers that reveal the plot of the artwork).

Mauvais ton

As well as good practice, the situations listed below are not considered unacceptable in all communities. There are resources for which lower-level phenomena are in the order of things, or even resources created for them. But if there is no explicit permission for such behavior, it is better to refrain from it.

Attracting attention to yourself

Many communities discourage writing messages with the sole purpose of drawing attention to yourself. A common mistake for beginners is to write a "greeting" immediately after registration, which has no semantic meaning. A large number of such messages contribute to the development of the flame. Another example is the so-called "bump" or "up" - posts to raise a topic in forums or imageboards, where they are often sorted by the date of the last post. And if on image boards this is sometimes the only means of dealing with wipe (a kind of flood, due to which topics are lost in the stream of meaningless topics), then on forums such messages are often an attempt to draw attention to a topic that is not interesting to other participants, and therefore restrictions are often imposed to raise the topic up to a complete ban.



Offtopic(otherwise offtopic, offtopic or simply off; from English off topic, letters. "Off topic", in the English-speaking Internet the phrase off topic sometimes abbreviated as OT.) - network message going out of scope in advance installed theme communication. For example, the entry on the web forum, not corresponding either to the general direction of the forum, or to the topic in which the entry was left.

Sometimes in network communication, the antonym of the word offtopic is used - ontopic, ontop meaning to follow a predetermined theme.

Even before the spread of Internet forums, the concept of offtopic was widely used in echo conferences of the fidonet network. Also, as a rule, off topic in mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups is inadmissible.

Offtopic is viewed as a violation of netiquette, since it erodes the previously announced restriction on the topic of communication, which makes it difficult for users of the forum to find information, and turns it into an information dump. As a rule, moderators monitor the observance of network ethics in forums and other similar online communities.

The creation of a new topic ("topic") of a forum in an inappropriate subsection may also be considered offtopic in forums. Sometimes in forums, special sections are introduced "for flooding and offtopic" for discussing issues not related to the topic of the forum and just for fun.

From the point of view of sociology

Although offtopic, along with meaningless messages (see flood), contributes to the clogging of a forum or other platform for Internet communication, however, the head of the laboratory at ISEP RAS, Doctor of Philosophy Valery Valentinovich Patsiorkovsky sees the positive side of offtopic in the community in what it gives for the user forum the possibility of detente "by sending a message, perhaps far from the interests of the community, but important at the moment for him personally."

In turn, Peter Collock (eng. Peter Kollock) and Mark Smith (eng. Marc smith) from the University of California, consider the need to follow a given topic when communicating on the Internet within a large group in terms of a social dilemma, like the prisoner's dilemma - each individual wins by acting selfishly, but if everyone chooses an egoistic alternative, that is, engages in offtopic, he loses the whole group - meaningful communication in the Internet group will become impossible.


Notes (edit)


  • RFC 1855
  • O. A. Lavrov Outline of rules for participants in electronic communications // Educational Technology & Society... - 2005. - V. 8 (1). - S. 183-190. - ISSN 1436-4522.

“And passions are raging through the networks,

And a friend brings a friend into black ...

And in order to avoid misfortune,

Once a man decided:

It is desirable and even necessary

To appear in internet

Well, at least some kind of etiquette ... "

(Leonid Ivonin. "Netiquette by A. Pushkin")

Over the past 10-15 years, the life of Russians has changed dramatically: communication, history of relationships, connections - everything is stored in the "clouds" and in small personal devices.

Few of our contemporaries can imagine at least a day without phones, laptops, tablets. And even less - without the Internet. The World Wide Web has swallowed everyone's life: acquaintances, relationships, finances, studies, work - everything is entangled in the world wide web. Checking mail, messages on social networks, reading news, publishing photos or posts - this is what the life of most Russians is filled with.

The solution to many organizational issues depends on information technology: from enrolling children in kindergarten through the portal "Gosuslugi.rf" to checking a child's diary on special sites, from organizing the educational process at the university to monitoring pension accrual ... requires compliance with the rules of interconnection and interaction in it. Hence - such a great interest in netiquette or network.

What is Setiket

The search engine finds about 22 thousand responses to a request for netiquette. The first source - "Wikipedia" - gives this concept a definition.

In the article "What is a set?" (newspaper "Zarya Molodyozhi", Saratov) in 2010 Vladimir Bolotin defined the networket as “the rules of behavior, communication on the Internet, traditions and culture of the Internet community, which are followed by the majority. This concept appeared in the mid-80s of the XX century in echo conferences of the FIDO network ”.

Most sources lack deep theory of the issue, but offer a variety of "rules" for the network.

Setiket history

The first code of computer ethics emerged in the professional IT field in 1979 at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. As informs, "The adoption of the code was dictated by the understanding that engineers, scientists and technologists by the results of their activities determine the quality and living conditions of all people in the information society."

The first work on netiquette, addressed to a mass audience, appeared in 1994.

Virginia Shea in the book "Netiquette" formulated ten rules of behavior on the Internet. These rules were aimed at the formation of respectful network communication, in which each user should be aware that he is communicating with people like him, and that this virtual communication should not differ in any way from the real one.

In 2007, a supporter of the Open Source community and one of the main ideologists of the Web 2.0 direction Tim O'Reilly and creator of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales started developing a blogger's code of honor. O'Reilly believed that a code of ethics would improve the quality of blogs.

As reported, community members intended to create three blogger's codes of honor with different sets of rules. The preservation of freedom of speech and prevention of censorship under the guise of removing information as unethical was at the forefront of the creation of the code of ethics. A draft of the bloggers 'code of honor was published on the developers' websites. However, 11 years later, this code cannot be found on the Internet. Apparently, the idea of ​​its creation remained in the distant 2007.

The Setiket is also being studied by scientists. Lecturer at Krasnodar Information Technology College Tatiana Zemlyanka wrote the work "Netiquette. Aggression on the Internet ”, in which she defined the basic network concepts such as flood, spam, chat, topic, offtopic, formulated the principles of netiquette and indicated what, in her opinion, should not be done on the Internet.

On, there are Russian and English-language publics about the network.

What is a set for?

The Internet has become a part of our virtual life, and the web is just as much of it as etiquette in real life. To understand why you need a networket, you need to figure out what these rules of conduct are for.

“Knowledge of the rules of etiquette allows you to determine how appropriate certain actions are in a particular situation. This can be confirmed simple example: When you visit another country, the habits of the locals may differ from yours. If you do what they think is inappropriate in their presence, they will not like you. But if you remember their rules of conduct and will reckon with them, you will quickly find a common language with them and become your own. "(

Setiket needed

- in order not to break the law (observing ethics, we comply with the law);

- to establish dialogue and organize effective communication (respectful communication strengthens ties);

- to have a reputation on the Internet as a media literate person.

Setiket and the law

Laws are the basic level of control, below which one cannot go. Many of the network's rules are based on legal norms. By observing the set, we automatically comply with the main points of the law. First of all, we are talking about the federal law "On information, information technology and information protection", which gives the right to freely search, receive and transmit information by all legal means, to be confident in the inviolability of information relating to private life, to allow or restrict access to information.

“Information posted by its owners on the Internet in a format that allows automated processing without prior changes by a person in order to reuse it, is publicly available information posted in the form of open data "

(Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection")

The federal law "On the state language of the Russian Federation" notes that the use of only the Russian language does not mean “Denial or diminution of the right to use the state languages ​​of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation”.

Many laws apply to the Internet sphere, including "On Mass Media", "On Commercial Secrets", "On Advertising", "On Electronic digital signature"And so on. Therefore, it is impossible to consider that the Internet is an area of ​​impunity - this can lead to serious consequences: as they say, ignorance of the law does not exempt one from responsibility. Therefore, before posting anything on the Web or even putting likes, it is worth considering whether this action is contrary to any law.

“In 2011, an activist of the branch of the nationalist party“ Russian National Union ”in Tatarstan was ordered to pay a fine of one thousand rubles under Article 20.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Propaganda or public display of Nazi attributes or symbols, or attributes or symbols of extremist organizations, or other attributes or symbols, propaganda or public display of which is prohibited by federal laws" for liking a screenshot from the movie "American History X". This festival hit of the nineties is not prohibited from being shown in Russia, however, the picture showed the hero of the actor Edward Norton with a swastika stuffed on his chest, and the court considered this to be propaganda of Nazi symbols "(

The law is the foundation on which the Setiket is based. From a legal point of view, one should not

- to offend;

- to slander;

- humiliate;

- infringe on information about private life;

- to promote what is prohibited by law;

- publish personal information;

- spam.

Setiket and dialogue

Communication on the Internet, as in life, must be respectful of the counterpart. It is worth remembering that on the other side of the computer screen is the same person. Therefore, ethical communication requires:

- respectful and patient attitude towards the interlocutor;

- a polite appeal to the vis-a-vis;

- listening skills;

- competent choice of words;

If you are focused on dialogue, you should not

- to be rude;

- deceive;

- slander;

- use profanity;

- "attack" the participants in the discussion because of their spelling or grammatical errors;

- scoff or mock;

- make obscene offers;

Setiket and reputation

Online behavior affects your reputation in real life. Our page on VKontakte or on Instagram today is our “digital face”. Every Internet user should treat cyberspace as part of real life, and therefore adhere to the same rules of behavior. If a person does not want to look uncivilized or stupid, then one should behave appropriately:

- be respectful of the community where communication takes place;

- express yourself correctly;

- save your face;

- to thank your interlocutors;

- apologize for misconduct, if necessary.

Violation of these rules can play a cruel joke. For example, you are looking for a job and find an ad that says "good communication with people." Call your employer. He will find out your first and last name and appoint an interview time. You come for an interview, but for an unknown reason, you hear a refusal in hiring. The employer just looked at your VKontakte page, where on the wall you and your friends communicate with incoherent sentences and exchange obscene phrases. This is enough for the employer to get an impression of you: after all, he does not want to lose clients because of you. And although article 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits restricting people in labor rights on the basis of circumstances not related to labor qualities, the employer may refuse to employment, citing any other reason.

Thus, online behavior is a reputation, both in virtual and in real life. Violation of any of the above rules can also affect reputation. To maintain your online reputation, do not:

- to speak uncivilizedly;

- to be rude;

- publish promotional posts;

- post obscene videos, photos, messages;

- conduct dishonest conversations with competitors;

- to offend;

- boast;

- to gossip;

- to gossip;

- refuse help if you can actually help.

For safe, comfortable and convenient communication, a network is now a must. Compliance with its rules will help you not to break laws and form an opinion about yourself as a competent and polite person with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Perhaps, after a while, the set will become not only necessary, but also fashionable.

Krasnodar Information Technology College

Job title

Netiquette. Aggression on the Internet.


Dugout T.B. - Lecturer at the Krasnodar Information Technology College.


The influence of communication technologies on the psyche of Internet users.

An object



Causes of aggression when communicating on the Internet


Finding out the causes of online aggression and researching ways to combat it.


    analyze the types of netiquette;

    reveal the reasons for online aggression;

    consider ways to combat online aggression;

    identify the "epicenter" of aggression on the Internet;

    create a model of "Internet communication with netiquette".



The relevance of the topic is based on the contradiction that in the world of rapidly developing digital technologies and methods of communication, many Internet users, falling under the provocations of netiquette violators, unconsciously affect negatively their psyche and resort to aggressive communication on the Internet, while also disrupting the network etiquette.

Netiquette is a simple rule of thumb that people who communicate a lot with each other over the Internet have come up with. It is needed so that everyone, both experienced users and beginners, is equally comfortable communicating with each other.

The object of research work is netiquette. The subject of research is the causes of aggression when communicating on the Internet.

Why did I choose this topic? I chose the topic "Netiquette. Aggression on the Internet" because I was really very interested in this topic. I think this is one of the biggest problems today! I am also very interested in why people resort to aggression on the Internet and do not respect each other.

The fundamental research question can be formulated as follows: "How can you reduce aggression on the Internet and the reasons for its occurrence?"

My research consisted of several points. First, I conducted a survey on the topic "Free time on the Internet", and then I created a test on "How aggressive are you?" I presented the results of the survey and the test in the presentations. In addition, while wandering around the Internet, I met several people who called themselves "trolls". A troll is an individual who posts provocative messages on the Internet in order to cause conflicts between Internet users. I wondered why they were doing this. The answer surprised me. They enjoyed it. Strange, isn't it? Who would have thought that playing off people on the Internet could be fun? I watched a few "trolls" and realized that 90% of aggression on the Internet is due to "trolls". People who disregard all moral values ​​and netiquette try to amuse themselves, while causing aggression in people.

1.Formation of a culture of communication

Etiquette is a French word meaning demeanor. It includes the rules of courtesy and politeness adopted in society.Great Britain and France are commonly referred to as the "classic countries of etiquette." But, they cannot be called the homeland of etiquette. Rudeness of morals, ignorance, worship of brute force, etc. In the 15th century, they dominated in both countries. In general, one can not talk about Germany and other countries of Europe at that time, only Italy of that time is an exception. The ennobling of the mores of Italian society began as early as the 14th century. Man passed from feudal customs to the spirit of modern times, and this transition began in Italy earlier than in other countries. If you associate Italy in the 15th century with other peoples of Europe, you will immediately notice a higher degree of education, wealth, the ability to decorate your life. And at the same time, Great Britain, having finished one war, is involved in another, remaining until the middle of the 16th century as a barbarian state. In Germany, the merciless and implacable war of the Hussites was raging, the nobility was ignorant, the rule of fist rule, the resolution of all disputes by force. France was enslaved and devastated by the British, the French did not recognize any awards, apart from military ones, they not only did not respect science, but even disdained them and considered all scientists the most insignificant of people.While the rest of Europe was drowning in civil strife, and the feudal order was still in full force, Italy was a state of a new culture. This country deserves to be called the homeland of etiquette in all fairness.Modern etiquette inherits the customs and traditions of almost all peoples from the hoary antiquity to the present day. Basically, these rules of behavior are universal, since they are observed by representatives of not only a given society, but also the most diverse socio-political systems that exist in modern world ... The peoples of each country make their own amendments and additions to etiquette, conditioned by the social system of the country, the specifics of its historical development, national traditions and customs. So, from Ancient Rome, the custom of hospitality and hospitality came to us. The Scandinavians have introduced a rule of etiquette to grant the most honorable seats at the table to the most respected guests. Since ancient times, the peoples of the Caucasus have been respectful of their elders and women. The essential features of 17th century etiquette were associated with religious morality. The legislator of morality was the church, which sanctioned, sanctified, consolidated the privileges of the ruling class, including through the norms of etiquette. The church considered the gravest sins of man to be pride and the arrogance generated by it, the desire to show off oneself, one's skills, knowledge, and power. Under the influence of religious morality, the norms of courtesy and politeness were cultivated, which presupposed, to a certain extent, humility and self-abasement, however, only in relation to their peers in class. Therefore, court etiquette at this time not only became more complicated, acquiring complex and intricate forms, but often grew into many forms of art. In culture, the principle of publicity and theatricalization of life was increasingly asserted. The 18th century introduced significant moments in the culture of decency, it was the century of pragmatism, where the criterion of a person's activities, actions, his personal qualities was their usefulness. The bourgeoisie introduced a new system of values ​​and virtues into the public consciousness, on the basis of which the norms and rules of etiquette grew. These rules are recognized only to the extent that their usefulness as a regulator of social relations of people is recognized. Etiquette at this time becomes a means of achieving success in private life and business. Possession of the rules of good manners was the means that allowed them to take a certain position in society. The theater was considered "the best school of manners" and a universal means of social education, "allowing young people to develop a harmonious pronunciation, freedom of gesture, nobility of gait, external elegance and refined manners." During the reign of Louis XIII, court festivities spilled out onto the city streets, and the townspeople began to be admitted to the palace. Such publicity of spectacular forms of culture in many ways contributed to the penetration of etiquette norms, rules of good manners into the culture of the urban population, into the environment in which new, more democratic forms and standards of decency were born. In Russia, which did not survive the classical European Middle Ages, the culture of etiquette spread much later than in Western Europe - in the first half of the 18th century. The reforms carried out by Peter I soon affected the life of the nobility, which began to differ significantly from the life of previous generations. In 1717, the book "Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indications for Everyday Circumstance, Collected from Various Authors" was published in St. Petersburg. A feature of this manual was that the rules borrowed from European etiquette were concretized and supplemented in relation to reality and the customs that existed in Russia. This book certainly played a huge positive role in the development of a culture of etiquette among the nobility. Etiquette takes on a secular, open character, in many respects contrary to the moral norms of the Orthodox Church. The value of external beauty is recognized, sometimes to the detriment of moral and content beauty. Etiquette, of course, permeated all spheres of the nobility, regulating certain forms of behavior and activity. But to the greatest extent the rules of etiquette, of course, were presented in the social life of aristocrats.

2.Types of etiquette

2.1 Secular etiquette

Secular etiquette- rules and norms of behavior in the circle of noble, famous, influential and / or wealthy people. If earlier secular etiquette was the prerogative of the upper strata of society, noble people, today celebrities of cinema and show business, politicians and officials, i.e. influential people, of course, noble and wealthy. A note should be made right away: the so-called "thieves in law", representatives of the criminal environment, do not belong to a secular society. Every cultured person should not only know and observe the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand the need for certain rules of relationships. Genuine politeness, which is based on benevolence, is conditioned by tact, a sense of proportion, suggesting what can and cannot be done in certain circumstances. But society is developing. The form of government of the state is changing, different social strata of society get acquainted with etiquette. And now secular etiquette is very different from the secular etiquette of the 18th century. To date, a huge number of these rules have accumulated, which is impossible to remember, and it is not necessary. Today, the main thing is to know the principles that underlie etiquette. The main thing is to be polite, courteous, tactful person. Be able to behave correctly when communicating with other people.

2.2 Speech etiquette

Speech etiquette- the rules of speech behavior (voice, posture, gestures, facial expressions), mandatory for members of society.

Public opinion- the judgment of society about someone or something.

1. You know a lot about etiquette. Today we also got acquainted with secular etiquette. But what is the difference between secular etiquette, say, from speech etiquette? (These two concepts are very similar, but the difference I think is that secular etiquette is for representatives of the world, and speech etiquette is for all people in general.)

2. But secular people also use speech etiquette. Only they are used in different ways. How exactly? (It may be that secular people always communicate according to etiquette, but we, everyone else, sometimes do not observe speech etiquette.)

3. V. Zhirinovsky also does not follow the rules of speech etiquette, but he is a representative of a secular society. Why does this happen?

(I think because he does not observe secular etiquette. He is not a secular person, although he is a representative of a secular society.)

4. What conclusion can be drawn from this? What is the difference between secular etiquette and speech etiquette?

(A secular person, communicating with other people, tries to be ideal. And in speech etiquette, the main thing for us is that our interlocutor is pleased with our communication.)

5. So I talked about V. Zhirinovsky. He does not follow secular etiquette. It was correctly said that he is only a representative of a secular society, but not a secular person, right ?. Name now secular people, and not representatives of a secular society.

2.3 Netiquette

Netiquette is a simple rule of thumb that people who communicate a lot with each other over the Internet have come up with. Most of the rules are not of any special nature, but simply represent a repetition of the rules of good form, accepted in society as a whole. These rules are just wishes. But since we are all a community, following these rules will increase your credibility and attract attention as a pleasant and interesting conversationalist. How to comply with netiquette? You must learn to behave as if you were in an unfamiliar world, very similar to your real world, and do not want to offend anyone with your tactless behavior. In fact, everything is very simple. Netiquette is the same as usual. First of all, try to use common sense. Respect your interlocutors, whoever they introduce themselves, and then your life in the community will become easy and enjoyable.

3.What shouldn't be done on the Internet?

First of all, you cannot do those things that are not encouraged in any civilized society:

    use profanity;

    incite ethnic strife;

    insult people;


    deliberately trying to break something;

    call for the overthrow of the existing system;

    do not send your commercial offers;

    send instructions explaining how to commit illegal actions, as well as ask about possible ways committing this kind of action;

    publish personal letters without the consent of their authors;

    start or continue a discussion on an abstract topic in places (conferences, forums, etc.) that are not intended for this.

Before considering the rules of netiquette, let's get acquainted with the basic concepts used in communications on the Internet.

4.Basic concepts used on the Internet:

Chat room - exchange service text messages in real time, allowing many users to communicate with each other at the same time.

Forum - the most common type of collective network resource, which involves communication between participants in the form of an online discussion.

Moderator - a person who maintains order and a comfortable atmosphere in the Internet community, monitoring and suppressing all kinds of technical violations, as well as violations of netiquette by discussion participants.

Fast - separately taken message in.

Posting - just a chain of messages taking place in a conference or in any discussion.

Overquoting - excessive citations.

As a rule, when a user replies to someone's letter in a forum, the original text of the letter is first quoted (while it is visually indented or in another font), and then the reply itself follows. This is done so that the rest of those present understand what, in fact, is being commented on. The most common mistake in this case is the so-called overclocking.

Because in order to understand the answer, it is almost always unnecessary to quote the entire original letter at all. It is enough to quote only the part that is necessary to understand the answer. But it often happens that a user quotes a huge letter just to write "Agree". Overquoting is harmful and should be avoided whenever possible.

Flames - these are emotional remarks, often made without taking into account the opinions of other participants in the conversation. These are messages where tact is not the most important thing, but the goal is to provoke a reaction from users.Flame - this is "a dispute for the sake of a dispute." The extreme degree of the flame's intensity is manifested in the case when everyone forgets what caused the conversation and begins to fiercely swear with each other. We say about a person that he kindles a flame if he:

a. Transfers during the conversation to the individual

b. Allows insults of a personal, national, religious, sexual or professional nature

c. Leads the discussion unbalanced

d. Provokes a scandal

There is a simple rule - you should never maintain a flame. Ignore the "flamers" - and then you will undoubtedly begin to be respected by everyone else.

Trolling - posting deliberately provocative messages with the aim of causing a waveflood, , offtopic, getting a negative reaction from users.

Troll - an individual engaged introlling. Initially, this was the name of the provocative message or action itself. The troll's goal is to produceflamefor yourself and visitors who saw through it, at the expense of less shrewd visitors who waste time and energyondisputewith him.

Flood is a stream of messages that carry almost no semantic load. These are messages that could be painlessly deleted (or rather, not written) without any harm to the community.

Usually flooded by users who, by and large, have nothing to say, but who want to attract attention. They begin to respond to almost every message, and the responses do not carry any meaning and look like short one-line messages. Flooding should be avoided. It slows down page loading, increases unnecessary information, annoys other users, generates meaningless traffic, and increases costs.

Topic - topic, subject of discussion onforum,blog.

Offtopic - any network message that goes beyond a predetermined topic of communication.

Emoticons - simple "pictures", composed of several punctuation marks, used by Internet users to express their emotions.

When exchanging text messages, we do not hear the live intonations of our interlocutor. Therefore, sometimes we resort to using "emoticons".

But it should be remembered that the excessive number of emoticons makes it difficult to read the text. To indicate your emotions, it is enough to put 1 - 2 emoticons, but no more.

5.Principles of "netiquette"

1. Remember that you are talking to a person.

Do not do to others what you do not want to receive from them yourself. Put yourself in the shoes of the person you are talking to. Defend your point of view, but do not offend others. When you use telecommunications, you are dealing with a computer screen. You cannot gesture, change your tone, and your facial expression does not matter. Words, only words - that's all that your interlocutor sees. When you are conducting a conversation - by email or in a conference - it can be very easy to make mistakes in the interpretation of your interlocutor's words. And, unfortunately, forget that your addressee is also a person with his own feelings and habits. However, keep in mind the basic principle of netiquette: there are real people everywhere on the web, and another reason to be polite on the web. When you contact someone in cyberspace, remember that your words are being recorded. Perhaps they will remain where you can no longer get. In other words, there is a chance that they will come back and harm you. And you have no way to influence this process.

2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior as in real life.

In real life, most of us obey the laws, sometimes because of restrictions, sometimes because of fear of getting caught. In virtual space, the chances of being caught are relatively small. People sometimes forget that there is a living person “behind the screen” and think that the rules of behavior on the Internet are not as strict as in ordinary life.

This delusion is understandable, but it is still a delusion. Standards of behavior may differ at different points in the virtual space, however, they are not softer than in real life.

Follow ethical communication. Don't believe someone who says "The whole ethic here is what you set for yourself." If you are faced with an ethical issue in cyberspace, consider what you would do in real life. You will most likely find a solution quickly.

3. Remember where you are in cyberspace.

What is accepted without hesitation in one place may be considered rude in another. For example, in conferences where television programs are discussed, various rumors and gossip are quite normal. But if you decide to invade a journalistic discussion with them, this will not add to your popularity. Once you're in a new area of ​​virtual space, take a look around first. Take the time to explore your surroundings - listen to how and what people are talking about. Then join the conversation.

4. Respect the time and opportunities of others.

When you send email or post to a conference, you are actually claiming someone's time. And then you are responsible for ensuring that the addressee does not waste this time.

People don't have much time to read messages, given the number of recent ones. Before you send your letter, consider if the recipients really need it. If you answer yourself "no", it is best not to waste their (and your) time. If in doubt, think twice before sending your message.

5. Save your face.

Take advantage of anonymity.

On the Internet (for example, in conferences) you can meet with those whom you would never have met in real life and no one will judge you for the color of your skin, eyes, hair, for your weight, age or style of dress.

However, you will be judged by how you write. For those on the web, it matters. Thus, grammar rules play an important role. Be aware of what you are saying.

Reflect on the content of your letter. When you want to say something like "it seems to me ..." or "I heard that ...", ask yourself - and not check again the correctness of your facts. Inaccurate information can cause a flurry of emotions on the Web. And if this is repeated a second and third time, it can happen, like in the game "broken phone": your words will be distorted beyond recognition.

Also, make sure your messages are clear and logical. You can write a paragraph of text that is perfect in terms of grammar, but completely meaningless. This often happens when you want to convince someone that you are in the right, using a lot of difficult and long words that you yourself are not very familiar with.

Don't insult users.

Finally, be patient and polite. Do not use profanity, do not go into conflict for the sake of the conflict itself.

6. Help others where you can.

Why is it effective to ask questions in the virtual space? Because your questions are read by many people who know the answer to them. And even if only a few people give a qualified answer, the total amount of knowledge on the Web will increase. The Internet itself has grown from the desire of scientists to exchange experience. Gradually, others were drawn into this fascinating process.

It is especially important to share the answers to your questions with other users. If you have a presentiment that you will receive a lot of answers to your question or are sending it to a conference that you rarely attend - respond to replies by e-mail, not to the conference. When you receive all the replicas, sum them up and send one message to the conference. Thus, everyone will benefit from communicating with you.

7. Do not get involved in conflicts and do not allow them.

"Does netiquette prohibit flames? Not really. Flames are also an old Web tradition. Flames can be fun for both writers and readers. And recipients of flames often deserve them. But netiquette against flames that escalate into wars are a series of spiteful messages. which are usually exchanged by two or three participants in the discussion. Such wars can literally take over the conference and destroy the friendly atmosphere. This is unfair to other readers of the conference. And very soon people who do not participate in the discussion get tired of conflicts. In fact, an unacceptable monopolization occurs. resources.

8. Respect the right to private correspondence.

9. Do not abuse your capabilities.

Some people in the virtual space feel like professionals. They are the aces in every multiplayer game, experts in every office, and system administrators. With more knowledge or more authority, these people automatically gain an advantage. However, this does not mean that they can use it. For example, system administrators should not read private email messages.

10. Learn to forgive others for their mistakes.

Everyone was a beginner once. So when someone makes a mistake - be it a typo in a word, a careless flame, a stupid question, or an unreasonably long answer - be condescending to it. Even if you really want to answer, think twice. Just because you have good manners does not mean that you are licensed to teach those manners to everyone else.

If you decide to draw the user's attention to his mistake, do it correctly and it is better not in the conference, but in a private letter. As you know, corrections in the text often also contain grammatical errors; also, an indication of non-observance of the rules of etiquette, it happens, demonstrates a violation of the same etiquette.

Courtesy rules

Email is a means of communication between people, and courtesy is indispensable here.

If you are asking someone, be sure to say please. At the same time, in response to help, thank the other person.

Don't expect to be answered immediately. The fact that you have not received an answer to your question within ten minutes does not mean that the addressee is ignoring you. Remember, there is no reliable mail system. It is unwise to put highly personal information in an email unless you intend to encrypt it with a strong encryption program. Remember the addressee. You are not the only person to get hurt if a delicate message ends up in the wrong hands.

Include full information on the topic in your letter, especially if you are counting on a qualified answer. A detailed description of the problem should be included.


The correct use of "emoticons" can give your writing a lively character and even replace gestures. However, don't overdo it.

Finally, remember that e-mail is a means of communication with living people. Before sending the letter, read it carefully again and put yourself in the place of the recipient.

Rules of etiquette when communicating in the forum

In forums, it is considered good form to inform your interlocutors if your message contains any information other than the title.

If you want to send a message that is extremely interesting, but not related to the main topic of discussion, please indicate it directly by signing the word OFF or OFF to the title. If you are addressing someone specific, include his name in front of your message so as not to mislead other participants in the discussion.

Chatting etiquette

The obligatory elements of behavior in the chat are greeting the interlocutors when entering and saying goodbye when leaving.

After you have entered the chat, sometimes there is a desire to do everything to get attention. Do not repeat the same sentence several times. As a rule, if, after entering the same sentence twice, no one paid attention to it, then they will not pay attention to it during the subsequent repetition. But if you repeat the same sentence over and over again, you will create problems for other chat participants and earn a strong antipathy towards yourself.

A feature of the chat is the limited length of messages. Therefore, the ideal questions are those that require an unambiguous answer. Questions should be formulated in such a way that the answer can be formulated briefly.

It is not recommended to have several conversations in parallel - you can get confused, since it is difficult to concentrate on several issues at the same time. You should enter into a new dialogue after completing the previous one. You should not pay attention to vicious attacks. Keep your thoughts short. Formulate questions clearly, unambiguously. Observe etiquette and respect the rights of the interlocutor. Answer only the asked question. If the question is not clear, please specify. Before answering - think about the question, because the main thing is not speed, but the content of the answer. Ignore the flames.

6."Trolling" on the Internet

6.1 Definitions

In Internet terminology, a "troll" is a person who posts rude or provocative messages on the Internet, for example, in discussion forums, interferes with discussion or offends its participants. The word "trolling" can characterize directly one message, or in general the placement of such messages. Usually the term "trolling" is used to describe the activities of the trolls.The most characteristic feature of trolling is that its goal is ultimately always to draw attention to yourself. The troll wants to feel his significance and popularity, to make an indelible impression, and for this he uses any means. Usually these are people with an inferiority complex, frustrated or tired of the daily routine. But it should also be remembered that in addition to purely subjective manifestations, trolling has been adopted by the fighters of information wars. In this case, the purpose of using trolling is, in particular, to divert attention from sensitive topics and transfer a constructive discussion into a skirmish, as well as one of the methods of attack by aggressively throwing slander, compromising evidence, rumors, etc.


Trolling is an interesting psychological and social phenomenon that originated in the 1990s on Usenet. Many people have tried posting provocative messages on the World Wide Web once or twice just out of curiosity. But for some it has grown into a habit and even a style of communication on the Internet. So far, there is no serious research on whether this style of communication among inveterate trolls can go into real life and into live communication with people, but, obviously, such a danger can potentially exist. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Internet trolls have begun to form their own communities and organizations, sharing their experience on the most effective incitement to conflict. Nowadays, any popular forum, newsgroup and wiki project sooner or later encounters trolls and trolling. Wikipedia did not escape this either.

6.3 Etymology

The modern meaning of the term "trolling" first appeared in Usenet newsgroups in the late 1980s. Most people who use this concept believe that it directly refers to a type of sport fishing technique in which "trolling" appears to be derived from "trawling".

The word probably gained popularity because of its second meaning, namely "trolls", which are often referred to in the folklore of the Scandinavian countries, in particular in children's stories, as ugly, unpleasant creatures who are created to do evil and harm. In many episodes, the trolls' dislike of outsiders within their habitats, especially those who were going to disturb their peace, was emphasized.

6.4.General reflections

The main goal of trolling is to somehow bring discord into society. The inflammatory, sarcastic, provocative or humorous content of the troll's messages is intended to persuade other users to engage the troll in a useless confrontation. The more violently a society reacts, the more likely it is for the initiator to troll further, as this confirms his belief that certain actions achieve his goal of causing chaos. This is how the phrase “don't feed the trolls” was born. It happens that a person posts a message in the forum in which he sincerely and openly expresses his feelings. Experienced trolls know that the easiest way to piss him off is to declare him a troll. Or, for example, a person does not immediately understand how to fit into the social framework of a forum. As a result of his actions, even at least a little off the norm (often unintentional and for good reasons), he is labeled a "troll". Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish a user who is simply unfamiliar with generally accepted forum rules from a user who is deliberately trolling. Unfortunately, many users react aggressively at the first trolling-like actions of newcomers, which sometimes makes them end up being real trolls.

6.5 Troll culture

The development of trolling and the excellent opportunities for anonymous communication on the Internet indicate that the story of the "anonymous troll" is just beginning. The fact of the existence of a "culture" founded by strangers to each other, who are united only by expulsion from Internet forums, raises doubts. But there are those who really claim that this is possible and even already occurs in reality. There is compelling evidence of this - the existence of forums, whose members claim that these forums are solely dedicated to supporting and developing trolling, exchanging advice and looking for new goals for fruitful trolling. One of best examples manifestations of troll culture - solidarity and cooperation of two unknown representatives of it. Since their methods are common and are often the reason for well-known jokes on the Internet, sometimes one troll is able to identify another directly "at work". Their supposedly directed trolling against each other often creates a huge noise and simulates dramas that bystanders take seriously (especially if they support one of the parties). As a result, joint trolling is much more effective in diverting the discussion away from the topic or focusing the discussion around the initiators than if each of them dealt with it on their own.

6.6 Trolling in the 90s

One of the earliest references to the word "troll" that can be found in the Google Usenet newsgroup is from user "Mark Miller" who reached out to user "Tad" on February 8, 1990. However, it remains unclear whether this was the use of the term "troll" in the sense in which it is known today, or it was just a randomly chosen epithet: "You are so far from being able to understand any of of what anyone here says that it is of no use. What's really sad is that you truly believe that you are gaining the upper hand. You are just a waste of natural resources - please, put yourself back in the nutrient cycle. Go die in your sleep, you useless pompous troll. " More likely the origin of the concept "trolling" is from the phrase "trolling for newbies", popularized in the early 90s in one of the Usenet groups, alt.folklore.urban. The use there was somewhat different from its modern meaning - it was a relatively mild joke, understandable for “insiders,” applied by old users to such exaggerated questions or topics that only a beginner would have responded to them sincerely. In the future, the term also included the situation when someone deliberately pretended to be an extremely incorrectly informed or misled user, even without being a regular at the conference - most often this was not perceived aggressively, but as a joke. In this context, the word "troll" usually referred to an action, not an author. Some old Usenet users continued to insist on these original definitions even after the term came to be applied more broadly to the incitement previously described as "flame."

6.7 Identification

The first mention in serious literature belongs to Judith Donut, who in 1999 used in her judgments several curious examples from various conferences on Usenet. She emphasized the ambiguity of identification in a free “virtual society”: “In the physical world, there is an innate unity with itself, since the body provides the necessary and acceptable identification. The norm is one body, one identity. ... In the virtual world, everything is different. Everything is based on words, not facts. " Donath gives a brief overview of games that speculate on the discrepancy between physical and virtual society: Trolling is a game of forging a person, and no one except the player knows about it. The troll tries to establish himself as a typical user, sharing the common interests and concerns of the group. Other conference participants, if they are aware of trolling and similar falsifications, try to reveal the sincerity of his statements, and, if in the end the user is declared a troll, they force him to leave the group. It all depends on how well they and the troll are versed in identification issues - how fruitful the troll's actions were and whether they justified themselves, almost does not matter. Trolling can be expensive for a group. The troll is capable of interrupting a discussion, spreading bad advice and ruining the image of the group and conference. In addition, if the group becomes sensitive to trolling, many questions asked sincerely but in a naive tone will be dismissed immediately. This may seem very disagreeable to a new user who dares to write his first message and will be immediately bombarded with accusations. Even if the accusations in such cases are not substantiated, the label "troll" has a very significant impact on the reputation on the Internet.

6.8 Use

The term "troll" is very subjective. Some readers may characterize the post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if the opinion expressed in it is controversial. This concept is often used to discredit an opponent or his supporter with an argument that is biased. Likewise, calling someone a troll is probably making the wrong assumption about the author's motives. However, regardless of his motives, such controversial messages usually elicit a corrective, patronizing, or indignant response. The answer is from those who do not see the difference between a real, physical community (where people put themselves at some risk of bodily harm as a result of their actions) and a virtual community based on the simple exchange of words and ideas. The culture of discussion in the real world (etiquette) is often naively applied to online communication by newcomers who have no idea about it. The accusations of trolling are usually (and sometimes wrongly) made by the offended people. People are more likely to use epithets like "troll" in open discussion than in correspondence, because public forums seem less personal to them. It has been argued in one of the Internet Movie DataBase community forums that the meanings of the words "opinion" and "go away" are not available to the typical troll. Used where appropriate to refer to provocative online behavior, the word "troll" economically transforms an abstract collection of manners into a concrete type. Experienced forum members know that the most effective method discouraging a troll is to ignore it, because any response encourages a real troll and gives it a reason and opportunity to keep writing provocative statements. They also write "please don't feed the troll" to warn others. However, this warning can also backfire, becoming food for the troll. Therefore, if a forum member is faced with a clearly innocent response to a troll, a warning in personal correspondence would be more prudent. Completely ignoring the troll can also have a negative side. A new member or guest of the forum, seeing a troll's message that has not received a single response, may come to the conclusion that this message carries “truth” or some fact that does not need proof or even minimal comment.

6.9 Examples

One-day troll

The one-day troll messages are clearly provocative and capable of eliciting aggressive responses.

Troll provocateur

Offtopic: messages that are inappropriate to the focus of the forum.
Page bloat: Placing oversized images to make previous posts hard to read.
Media attack: annoying sound files, shocking images in a message, or links to resources with similar content. Links are often disguised.
Incitement, including racist comments.
Overconfident statements: expressing one's own opinion as a generally accepted fact without argumentation or analysis (linux rulez - windows suxx, intel rules - amd suxx, rap rulezz - black-metal suxx, etc.).
Intentional publication of the denouement of a fresh and popular movie or novel at the moment.
Reviving or rephrasing a highly controversial past topic, especially in smaller communities.
Intentional and repeated incorrect spelling of nicknames (names, pseudonyms) of other users in order to offend them or irritate them.

Self-centered troll

This type seeks to get as many responses to their messages as possible and to gain excessive attention in the team. Advertising another forum, especially a competing or disliked one. An obvious lie in self-identification: “I, like a real samurai, have problems with the film“ Seven Samurai ””. The manner of conducting a discussion in the tone of a well-versed expert, without being able to continue the discussion at the level due to a lack of understanding of the subject. Messages containing an obvious flaw or error: "I think Boomer is the best movie." Asking for help with an implausible or unseemly task or problem: “How do I clean the chamber pot? I don’t want everything cooked in it to taste the same. ” "Teach Me To Program In An Evening" Deliberately naive questions: "Can I use olive oil instead of water when making noodles?" Thoroughly constructed and well-argued reflections and theories based on a clearly incorrect statement or fictitious fact. Politically controversial messages: “I think Putin is the best / worst president of all.” Acting innocence after the flame ends. Oftopic complaints about privacy or threats of suicide are at times nothing more than a "screaming for help" troll. Summarizing paranoid responses to personal opinions expressed by people: "It can't be that you all really think so, in fact you are uniting against me." Deliberate play on the feelings of people in connection with the orientation of the community: to appear in the forum of cat lovers with the topic "Ten dishes from cat meat". The simultaneous use of several nicknames to inflate their own flame - disputes with oneself, participation in a skirmish on both sides and thus its artificial heating.

Troll-"hero-lover": gets the thrill of consistent flirtation and online intrigue with the women of the group. This incites public competition among women, who once thought that affectionate names, poems, declarations of love were dedicated exclusively to them. Also, the often naive reaction of women to his actions provokes the men of the group to follow his manner and compete in winning women's attention, which ultimately leads to the fact that the majority of the group concentrates on flirting, and the group ceases to fulfill its main goal.

6.10 Motivation

Those who recognize themselves as "trolls" can present themselves as "devil's advocates" ("gadflies", "counterculture figures"), challenging public opinion in an attempt to break the group status quo. True "devil's advocates" are said to always identify themselves as such, out of respect for etiquette and courtesy, while trolls ignore etiquette and courtesy in general. Supposed Motives of the Trolling Person: Trolling can be used as an experiment in which, due to anonymity, it is possible to test people's limits of patience and violate the rules of etiquette without serious consequences. This could be a desire to make sure that the discussion framework is solid, or an attempt to test people's reactions. Anonymous Attention Seeking: The troll seeks to dominate the discussion, generating anger. Entertainment: Some are amused by the idea that a person is offended by statements from complete strangers. Anger: Using trolling to express hostility to a group or point of view. Cry for help: many trolls in their messages complain about life - family, relationships, school, work, health (although in principle it is impossible to know if this is only part of trolling). Self-identifying trolls and their protectors believe that trolling is an advanced method to improve discussion or power balance. Challenge: I just want to make sure if I can do this, and if it is possible to succeed in this - for example, fool users by creating a different nickname and personality. Waste of others' time: One of the most compelling goals of trolling is to spend as little effort and time as possible provoking others to waste as much effort and time as possible. Changes in the views of the whole group: To inflate the issue under discussion to such an extent (usually using clones) that people will reconsider their views on it. Checking system operation: for example, to see how those who keep order will react to an apparent violation. Overcoming an inferiority complex or helplessness by gaining experience in managing the environment, even if it is virtual. Self-affirmation. Satire: In these cases, people consider themselves not trolls, but misunderstood humorists or political commentators. The satisfaction obtained from personal attacks (sadism). Harassment: If a person has been the target of attacks on one forum and switched to another to avoid their continuation, use trolling as a means to bring them back to their online discomfort. Troll Hunters: This type of user often does as much damage as the troll itself. A single troll message may go unnoticed, but ten troll hunters react immediately and can nullify any discussion.

6.11.Solutions and alternatives

Popular wisdom teaches us to avoid feeding trolls and ignore the temptation to answer them. Responding to trolling inevitably takes the discussion off topic, unbalances observers, and supplies the troll with the attention it craves. When the hunters attack the troll, he replies “ABGZ. DRP. ГЦЛР. ", Or" You got divorced. You lose. Good luck". However, since hunters (like trolls) often provoke conflicts themselves, in the end only other forum users who would prefer that the conflict did not appear at all lose. The trolling literature suggests that labeling a person as "troll" can have clearly undesirable and unhealthy consequences. A person rejected by a social group, both in online communication and in real life, can consolidate such an antagonistic role in himself, and will seek to further irritate or anger members of the group. The role of "troll" is often a sign of social deviance, and the label can make the user that way forever. The best anti-troll remedy is moderator intervention. But it is necessary to remember that trolls can also be moderators and forum administrators. Moreover, the highest goal of the troll is the ability to become a moderator or administrator of the forum he is terrorizing. The troll administrator, while trolling, hides behind the so-called "moderator functions." The troll administrator's power is almost limitless. Some forums may have up to two or more admin trolls. Such forum communities are practically doomed to extinction. A successfully ignored troll can voluntarily leave the forum (and either troll elsewhere or become a constructive user). However, he may try to develop his abilities in order to still achieve the goal later. A rookie troll may experience severe regret, the so-called "troll remorse," if the nickname is lost, access is restricted, and other serious penalties are taken against him due to his behavior. Some argue that ignoring the troll can cause repeated attempts to gain attention. “You bastards, what, mind you? ... bastards, what, be silent? … ”Nevertheless, this tendency is much weaker, and as a result, the troll gets tired and starts looking for a more fertile ground. It is also worth noting that at times the trolls try to get the sympathy of the moderators, to become a victim of ferocious fanatics. However, more often than not, trolls behave obsequiously only with the owners of web forums, who have exceptional ability to completely restrict access. Situations are also known when a troll acquires "his" person among the moderators, who is ready to intercede for him - in this case, of course, the least principled one is chosen from among them. What to do if you bump into a troll? Don't rush to answer the troll. The less the reaction to his messages, the less likely that his intervention will affect the general course of the discussion. When answering, try to agree with his statement with the first phrase - this will disorient him and, possibly, even involve him in a constructive discussion. Especially if, after agreeing with him, you continue with a clear and concise statement that restores logic and justice.


In the course of this project, using the example of my group, I found out that 40% of the surveyed students resort to aggression on the Internet, less than 10% know about the principles of netiquette. Analyzing the results of the test "How aggressive are you?", I found that more than 70% of the surveyed students are prone to aggression. In the course of further research, it became clear that aggression on the Internet comes from "trolls". Having become familiar with netiquette and analyzing its principles, the Internet user will be able to prevent any provocations on the Internet, ignore the "trolls" and help those who succumbed to their provocations.

I think that this project will help reduce aggression on the Internet.

12 or more hours;

    How often do you use online aggression when communicating?





    Is always;

    Have you ever been provoked into aggression?


    Do you follow the rules of netiquette when communicating on the Internet?



    I remain completely calm no matter what happens

    I lose my temper immediately and quickly

    How do your colleagues think you are?

    self-confident and slightly arrogant

    friendly and sociable

    calm and independent

    How do you react if you are offered an even more responsible position?

    I will accept it with apprehension - suddenly something does not work out

    I agree without hesitation

    I will give it up for my own peace of mind

    How will you behave if someone from your subordinates takes "paper" from your desk without permission?

    I will give him the "first number" - so that no one else would allow himself this

    I will make him return all the documents to me

    I'll ask if he needs anything else

    What words would you use to greet your wife (husband) if she (he) returned (returned) from work much later than usual?

    What delayed you so much?

    Where do you stay late?

    I have already started to worry - in the future, please call me in such situations

    How do you behave while driving a car?

    I try from time to time to overtake a car that "showed me its tail"

    I will press the gas pedal to failure and rush at such a speed that no one catches up with me

    I do not drive a car

    What do you consider your outlook on life?

    more balanced

    at times frivolous

    extremely tough

    What do you do if not everything works out?

    trying to shift all the blame onto someone else - they are all to blame

    I humble myself and internally worry

    I continue to become more careful - there are mistakes in life, but this does not scare me

    How will you react to the feuilleton about incidents of promiscuity among today's youth?

    "It's time to prohibit them from such entertainments - in my time ..."
    "We need to create an opportunity for them to have an organized and cultural rest"

    "And why are we just messing with them?"

    How do you feel if the place that you wanted to take went to someone else?

    "And why did I waste my time and nerves?"

    "You can see his face is nicer to the boss - unpleasant, but I will survive"

    "Maybe I will succeed next time - I need to be more successful"

    How do you watch a scary movie?

    I have some fear, but I don't show it

    frankly miss - it's just a movie

    I really enjoy it - especially if the plot is good

    What kind of animal would you rather be if you had to be born?

    tiger, lion, leopard, lynx

    domestic cat (cat)

    bear, rhino, elephant

    If you are late for an important meeting due to traffic congestion, what will you do?

    get nervous, nervous and nervous again

    I will try to do something - just not be idle

    I will not fuss, but I will be upset

    How do you feel about your sporting success?

    I definitely try to win - otherwise there is no need to even start

    I appreciate the pleasure of feeling young and strong again

    very angry if I lose

    What do you do if you are poorly served in a restaurant?

    I will endure so that there is no scandal, but I will not come here again

    I will call the head waiter, I will make a remark to him and demand that everything be corrected immediately

    I will go with a complaint to the director of the restaurant and make him admit that I am right

    How will you behave if your child is offended at school?

    I'll talk to the teacher so that this does not happen in the future

    I will arrange a serious and tough conversation with the parents of "juvenile delinquents"

    I will teach my child to learn how to fight back - you need to be able to stand up for yourself

    What kind of person do you think you are?

    average and moderately lucky

    self-confident, but I have reasons for it

    punchy - I know what I really need

    What will you answer to a subordinate whom you ran into at the door of the enterprise if he began to apologize to you?

    "Sorry, it's my fault - are you okay?"

    "Nothing, trifles - it happens"

    "Can't you be more attentive?"

    How would you react to a newspaper article about youth delinquency?

    "When will concrete punitive measures finally be taken?"

    "Corporal punishment should be widely used in schools."

    "You can't blame the youth on everything, the older generation is also guilty: sets an example"

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Netiquette rules


No new information technology is complete without burdening our lives with new concerns.

The Internet, being a mirror image of real life, includes both positive and negative aspects of it. The muddy stream of imposing ideas, goods or services through conferences, e-mailing services and other elements of the network, sending out scandalous and offensive messages is one of the sides of communication on the network.

Combating these negative aspects is the growing need to adhere to certain "rules of conduct" that make network communications convenient and safe. The rules of conduct and rules of good manners for netizens are often referred to as "netiquette" or "etiquette."

Netiquette is a simple rule that people come up with who communicate a lot with each other via the Internet. It is needed so that everyone, both experienced users and beginners, is equally comfortable communicating with each other. Most of the rules are not of any special nature, but simply represent a repetition of the rules of good form, accepted in society as a whole. These rules are just wishes. But since we are all a community, following these rules will increase your credibility and attract attention as a pleasant and interesting conversationalist.

How to comply with netiquette? You must learn to behave as if you were in an unfamiliar world, very similar to your real world, and do not want to offend anyone with your tactless behavior. In fact, everything is very simple. Netiquette is the same as usual. Most of the clashes on the web stem from the inability and unwillingness of the participants to hear each other. First of all, try to use common sense. Respect your interlocutors, whoever they introduce themselves, and then your life in the community will become easy and enjoyable.

What shouldn't be done on the Internet?

First of all, you cannot do those things that are not encouraged in any civilized society:

· Use profanity;

· Incite ethnic strife;

• insult people;

· To steal;

• deliberately trying to break something;

· Call for the overthrow of the existing system;

· Do not send your commercial offers;

· Send instructions explaining how to commit illegal actions, as well as ask about possible ways to commit such actions;

· Publish personal letters without the consent of their authors;

· Start or continue a discussion on an abstract topic in places (conferences, forums, etc.) that are not intended for this.

Before considering the rules of netiquette, let's get acquainted with the basic concepts used in communications on the Internet.

Basic concepts used on the Internet

Forum is an asynchronous communication tool. The classic forum is text-based, but there are now forums containing hypertext, graphics, sound and video. There are narrowly focused and polythematic forums. The forums are used for personal, industrial and educational communications.

Chat is a real-time text messaging service that allows many users to communicate with each other at the same time.

Moderator - a person who maintains order and a comfortable atmosphere in the Internet community, monitoring and suppressing all kinds of technical violations, as well as violations of netiquette by the participants in the discussions.

Overquoting - overquoting.

As a rule, when a user replies to someone's letter in a forum, the original text of the letter is first quoted (while it is visually indented or in another font), and then the reply itself follows. This is done so that the rest of those present understand what, in fact, is being commented on. The most common mistake in this case is the so-called overclocking.

Because in order to understand the answer, it is almost always unnecessary to quote the entire original letter at all. It is enough to quote only the part that is necessary to understand the answer. But it often happens that a user quotes a huge letter just to write "Agree". Overquoting is harmful and should be avoided whenever possible.

Flames are emotional remarks often made without considering the opinions of other participants in the conversation. These are messages where tact is not the most important thing, but the goal is to provoke a reaction from users.

A flame is "an argument for the sake of an argument." The extreme degree of the flame's intensity is manifested in the case when everyone forgets what caused the conversation and begins to fiercely swear with each other. We say about a person that he kindles a flame if he:

a. Transfers during the conversation to the individual

b. Allows insults of a personal, national, religious, sexual or professional nature

c. Leads the discussion unbalanced

d. Provokes a scandal

There is a simple rule - you should never maintain a flame. Ignore the "flamers" - and then you will undoubtedly begin to be respected by everyone else.

Flood is a stream of messages that carry almost no semantic load. These are messages that could be painlessly deleted (or rather, not written) without any harm to the community. Usually flooded by users who, by and large, have nothing to say, but who want to attract attention. They begin to respond to almost every message, and the responses do not carry any meaning and look like short one-line messages. Flooding should be avoided. It slows down page loading, increases unnecessary information, annoys other users, generates meaningless traffic, and increases costs.

Emoticons are simple "pictures" composed of several punctuation marks used by Internet users to express their emotions.

When exchanging text messages, we do not hear the live intonations of our interlocutor. Therefore, sometimes we resort to using "emoticons". The most common ones are:

:) or :-) - smile, joy;

: (or: - (- sadness, sadness;

: "(- tears, crying;

: -o - surprise;

;-) - wink.

But it should be remembered that the excessive number of emoticons makes it difficult to read the text. To indicate your emotions, it is enough to put 1 - 2 emoticons, but no more.

The rules of "netiquette" are based on 10 principles

1. Remember that you are talking to a person.

Do not do to others what you do not want to receive from them yourself. Put yourself in the shoes of the person you are talking to. Defend your point of view, but do not offend others. When you use telecommunications, you are dealing with a computer screen. You cannot gesture, change your tone, and your facial expression does not matter.

Words, only words - that's all that your interlocutor sees.

When you are conducting a conversation - by email or in a conference - it can be very easy to make mistakes in the interpretation of your interlocutor's words. And, unfortunately, forget that your addressee is also a person with his own feelings and habits.

However, do not forget about the main principle of netiquette: real people are everywhere on the web.

And one more reason to be polite on the web. When you contact someone in cyberspace, remember that your words are being recorded. Perhaps they will remain where you can no longer get. In other words, there is a chance that they will come back and harm you. And you have no way to influence this process.

2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior as in real life.

In real life, most of us obey the laws, sometimes because of restrictions, sometimes because of fear of getting caught. In virtual space, the chances of being caught are relatively small. People sometimes forget that there is a living person “behind the screen” and think that the rules of behavior on the Internet are not as strict as in ordinary life.

This delusion is understandable, but it is still a delusion. Standards of behavior may differ at different points in the virtual space, however, they are not softer than in real life.

Follow ethical communication. Don't believe someone who says "The whole ethic here is what you set for yourself." If you are faced with an ethical issue in cyberspace, consider what you would do in real life. You will most likely find a solution quickly.

3. Remember where you are in cyberspace.

What is accepted without hesitation in one place may be considered rude in another. For example, in conferences where television programs are discussed, various rumors and gossip are quite normal. But if you decide to invade a journalistic discussion with them, this will not add to your popularity.

Once you're in a new area of ​​virtual space, take a look around first. Take the time to explore your surroundings - listen to how and what people are talking about. Then join the conversation.

4. Respect the time and opportunities of others.

When you send email or post to a conference, you are actually claiming someone's time. And then you are responsible for ensuring that the addressee does not waste this time.

The concept of "capabilities" includes the bandwidth of the channel through which communication takes place and the physical capacity of information carriers on remote computer... And if you accidentally sent five identical messages to the same conference, you wasted both the time of the subscribers of this conference and the system's capabilities (after all, you occupied a transmission line and disk space).

Many conference readers are slow and it takes time to receive a new message. The program must scroll through all the message headers in order to get to the one you want. No one is particularly happy if it turns out that time is wasted.

People don't have much time to read messages, given the number of recent ones. Before you send your letter, consider if the recipients really need it. If you answer yourself "no", it is best not to waste their (and your) time. If in doubt, think twice before sending your message.

5. Save your face.

Take advantage of anonymity.

On the Internet (for example, in conferences) you can meet with those whom you would never have met in real life and no one will judge you for the color of your skin, eyes, hair, for your weight, age or style of dress.

However, you will be judged by how you write. For those on the web, it matters. Thus, grammar rules play an important role. Be aware of what you are saying.

Reflect on the content of your letter. When you want to say something like "it seems to me ..." or "I heard that ...", ask yourself - and not check again the correctness of your facts. Inaccurate information can cause a flurry of emotions on the Web. And if this is repeated a second and third time, it can happen, like in the game "broken phone": your words will be distorted beyond recognition.

Also, make sure your messages are clear and logical. You can write a paragraph of text that is perfect in terms of grammar, but completely meaningless. This often happens when you want to convince someone that you are in the right, using a lot of difficult and long words that you yourself are not very familiar with.

Don't insult users.

Finally, be patient and polite. Do not use profanity, do not go into conflict for the sake of the conflict itself.

6. Help others where you can.

Why is it effective to ask questions in the virtual space? Because your questions are read by many people who know the answer to them. And even if only a few people give a qualified answer, the total amount of knowledge on the Web will increase. The Internet itself has grown from the desire of scientists to exchange experience. Gradually, others were drawn into this fascinating process.

It is especially important to share the answers to your questions with other users. If you have a presentiment that you will receive a lot of answers to your question or are sending it to a conference that you rarely attend - respond to replies by e-mail, not to the conference. When you receive all the replicas, sum them up and send one message to the conference. Thus, everyone will benefit from communicating with you.

If you are an expert yourself, you can do more. Many people freely submit entire bibliographies, from lists of legal resources to lists of popular UNIX books. If you are leading a group that does not have a list of answers to the most frequently asked questions, try writing this. If you have found or yourself have composed a document that, in your opinion, may be of interest to others, send it to the conference. Sharing experiences is fun. This is an ancient and glorious tradition of the Web.

7. Do not get involved in conflicts and do not allow them.

"Does netiquette prohibit flames? Not really. Flames are also an old Web tradition. Flames can be fun for both the writer and the reader. And the recipients of the flames often deserve them."

But netiquette against flames that escalate into wars - a series of malicious messages exchanged, as a rule, by two or three participants in the discussion. Such wars can literally take over the conference and destroy the friendly atmosphere. This is unfair to other readers of the conference. And very soon people who do not participate in the discussion get tired of conflicts. In fact, there is an unacceptable monopolization of resources.

8. Respect the right to private correspondence.

9. Do not abuse your capabilities.

Some people in the virtual space feel like professionals. They are the aces in every multiplayer game, experts in every office, and system administrators.

With more knowledge or more authority, these people automatically gain an advantage.

However, this does not mean that they can use it. For example, system administrators should not read private email messages.

10. Learn to forgive others for their mistakes.

Everyone was a beginner once. So when someone makes a mistake - be it a typo in a word, a careless flame, a stupid question, or an unreasonably long answer - be condescending to it. Even if you really want to answer, think twice. Just because you have good manners does not mean that you are licensed to teach those manners to everyone else.

If you decide to draw the user's attention to his mistake, do it correctly and it is better not in the conference, but in a private letter. As you know, corrections in the text often also contain grammatical errors; also, an indication of non-observance of the rules of etiquette, it happens, demonstrates a violation of the same etiquette.

Addresses and personal names

A personal name (not to be confused with a signature) is an arbitrary string that many email programs allow you to attach to your messages as a text comment.

· If your system allows, always write a personal name: it is a better "calling card" for you than an e-mail address.

· Use meaningful names. Expressions like "guess it yourself" not only interfere with identifying the author of the letter, but also insult the addressee's intellect.

· If your postal system allows you to send letters along with the names of addressees, use this opportunity. Thus, it will be easier for the network administrator to find the recipient by name if the address itself turns out to be erroneous.


· Don't forget to name your letters. Often the user is guided by the names when he looks through his mail.

· Avoid meaningless names. For example, by sending a letter to the service technical support WordPerfect, you shouldn't call it WordPerfect - you might as well write nothing at all.

· If you change the subject of the conversation when replying to a letter, do not forget to change the title as well.

· An accurate title is the easiest way to determine the topic of a conversation, and if you change the subject while leaving the title the same, the recipient may be confused.

· Try to keep the length of your letter consistent with the style of the conversation: if you are just answering a question, be short and to the point.

· Stay as close to the topic as possible. If you want to talk about something new, it is better to send a separate letter. Then your addressee can store it separately.

· Do not write all the text in capital letters - it becomes difficult to read (although short emphasis can be used as reinforcement). Try to break your letter into logical paragraphs and avoid overly long sentences.

· Try to avoid grammatical mistakes. A letter full of errors and typos is difficult to read. Just because email is a fast way to communicate doesn't mean you can relax and forget about spelling.

· If you think your thoughts are worthy of being expressed in the letter, make sure that they are presented correctly.

· Avoid public flames - emails inspired by emotions. Messages sent at a time of emotional distress, more often than not, only worsen the situation. Perhaps later you will regret your words, so before starting the "flame war", calmly think about the situation.

If your mailer supports different text formatting options ( bold font, italic, etc.), make sure the recipient's mailer has the same capabilities. By the time this document was written, most e-mail programs on the Internet could only work with text, although this, of course, is changing.

· Include portions of the letter you are responding to in your message. Remember, e-mail is not a real-time phone call, and your recipient may forget the contents of a previous letter (especially if he is in active correspondence). Include portions of the original text in your response, and the addressee will more easily understand what is at stake.

· Do not overdo it in quoting previous messages. Separate in some way the text of your message from the text of the quoted letters, then your answer will be easier to read. The> sign is usually used for this purpose, although this is not the only option.

· Try not to mix general and personal information in your message.

· Ask yourself: is your answer really necessary? For example, if you received a letter as a result of a fan mailing, it is hardly worth informing each of the addressees about your attitude towards it - it is better to send the letter directly to the author.

· Signatures

· Signature - a small piece of text at the end of a message, usually containing information about contacts. Most mailers can automatically "stick" a signature to outgoing messages. A signature is an interesting thing, but one should know when to stop.

· If you can, use a signature. It must identify you and contain information about alternative communication channels (regular telephone, fax). On many systems, particularly those where mail passes through gateways, your signature may be the only identifier.

· Make your signature shorter - 4-7 lines is enough. Unreasonably long signatures load communication channels.

· Some mailers allow you to add random lines to your signature: be careful with this. In any case, you must remember:

o Brevity is the sister of talent

o The concept of "insult" can be interpreted very broadly, so try to avoid expressions that can cause conflict on a religious, racial or political basis.

o Do not use "local" (understandable only for you and a small circle of people) remarks. You will not find understanding among users of other cities, countries or cultural communities.

o Changing signatures look best when they are humorous. Political statements, for example, can upset some people, while a short joke just lifts the mood.

o Simple rules of courtesy

E-mail is a means of communication between people, and you cannot do without courtesy rules

· If you are asking someone, be sure to say please. At the same time, in response to help, thank the other person.

· Do not expect to be answered immediately. The fact that you have not received an answer to your question within ten minutes does not mean that the addressee is ignoring you.

· Remember that there is no reliable mail system. It is unwise to put highly personal information in an email unless you intend to encrypt it with a strong encryption program. Remember the addressee. You are not the only person to get hurt if a delicate message ends up in the wrong hands.

· Include in your letter full information on the topic, especially if you are counting on a qualified answer. A detailed description of the problem should be included.


internet etiquette

The correct use of "emoticons" can give your writing a lively character and even replace gestures. However, don't overdo it.

Finally, remember that e-mail is a means of communication with living people. Before sending the letter, read it carefully again and put yourself in the place of the recipient.

Rules of etiquette when communicating in the forum

In forums, it is considered good form to inform your interlocutors if your message contains any information other than the title. Accordingly, if you see (-) or (0) - then there is nothing, but if (+) - then it makes sense to open it and waste time.

If you want to send a message that is extremely interesting, but not related to the main topic of discussion, please indicate it directly by signing the word OFF or OFF to the title. If you are addressing someone specific, include his name in front of your message so as not to mislead other participants in the discussion.

Chatting etiquette

The obligatory elements of behavior in the chat are greeting the interlocutors when entering and saying goodbye when leaving.

After you have entered the chat, sometimes there is a desire to do everything to get attention. Do not repeat the same sentence several times. As a rule, if, after entering the same sentence twice, no one paid attention to it, then they will not pay attention to it during the subsequent repetition. But if you repeat the same sentence over and over again, you will create problems for other chat participants and earn a strong antipathy towards yourself.

A feature of the chat is the limited length of messages. Therefore, the ideal questions are those that require an unambiguous answer. Questions should be formulated in such a way that the answer can be formulated briefly.

It is not recommended to have several conversations in parallel - you can get confused, since it is difficult to concentrate on several issues at the same time. You should enter into a new dialogue after completing the previous one. You should not pay attention to vicious attacks. Keep your thoughts short. Formulate questions clearly, unambiguously. Observe etiquette and respect the rights of the interlocutor. Answer only the asked question. If the question is not clear, please specify. Before answering - think about the question, because the main thing is not speed, but the content of the answer. Ignore the flames.

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If your child has become a regular Internet user, it makes sense to immediately explain to him the simple rules of etiquette on the Internet. They are based on the features of virtual communication, and they are based on the ability to manage your freedom in the unlimited space of the Internet.

The concepts of netiquette are called "netiquette" (from the merger of the words "network" and "etiquette"). Every educated person, regardless of age, should know the rules of behavior, both in life and in the virtual world. But in relation to children, these rules have some nuances. Therefore, before your child becomes a confident user with an established style of communication, it is worth introducing him to the netiquette.

Good afternoon thank you please

These are the words that we do not forget to pronounce in life. But on the Internet, as if in another dimension, time flows faster, and therefore the rules of courtesy there have undergone a number of changes. "Hello" has been reduced to "priva". Words of gratitude look like "ATP", laughter is expressed through "lol". The avarice of language is becoming the norm on the Internet. Such a meager vocabulary lacks living words, which subsequently causes the development of emotional coldness. There are hardly any parents who do not want to see their child smile more often. But online life dictates its own conditions, and if you do not teach children the rules of communication in the network in a timely manner, then alienation and coldness can become one of the character traits of your child.

The main part of the information field on the Internet is presented in text form. A person is judged there primarily by how and what he writes. That's why communication should always start with a polite greeting, and it is not necessary to spare the time for typing the usual "good afternoon". The same goes for the expressions "thank you very much", "thank you" and "goodbye". It is necessary to explain to children that rudeness and tactlessness look ugly always and everywhere. And that politeness is not a fashionable phenomenon, but an indicator of personality culture.

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... escorted through the mind. It is worth remembering that a living person is communicating with the child on the other side of the monitor. Therefore, here it is necessary to firmly understand two points: it is easy to offend a person with a careless word, and a person does not always tell the truth. How does netiket help here? It will help a lot. Firstly, polite communication is not offended, and secondly, politeness helps to maintain boundaries without prejudice to the conversation. The impossibility of familiarity in communication allows you to avoid many unpleasant situations, namely, excessive frankness with strangers. But our children at some stages of their lives become so vulnerable that they seek support from everyone. And often it ends with banal gossip on the net. Protect your child from such moments in advance. Let him understand that the Internet is actually not as anonymous as it might seem. And of course, the child is free to communicate with his close friends in his own way. Tell your computer genius about the importance of reputation in all walks of life.

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