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Automated processing of economic information. Automation of the economic information processing system in the small trading enterprise 'Mango' (wholesale) Calculation by formulas

The economy as a whole and its individual components (enterprises, firms, companies, institutions, etc.) can be classified as complex economic systems. Their work is associated with the influence of the external environment and the processing of large amounts of information.

Under system they understand any object that is simultaneously considered both as a single whole and as a set of dissimilar elements combined in the interests of achieving the set goals.

The following concepts are used to describe the system:

Structure (many elements and relationships between them);

Inputs and outputs (incoming and outgoing material, financial and information flows);

Behavior patterns (functions of connections of inputs with outputs);

Objectives and limitations (the process of the system functioning is described by a number of variables on which restrictions can be imposed).

Under management understand the change in the state of the system, leading to the achievement of the set goal.

System management process determined by management objectives, environment and internal conditions.

Examples of systems consisting of different elements and aimed at achieving different goals

Table 1

System elements

The main goal of the system

People, equipment, materials, buildings, etc.

Production of goods


Electronic and electromechanical components, communication lines, etc.

Data processing

Telecommunication system

Computers, modems, cables, networking software, etc.

Transfer of information

Information system

Computers, computer networks, people, information and software

Professional information production

Information System (IS)- an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel designed to collect, store, process and issue information in order to achieve management objectives.

IS, in which these activities are carried out using computer technology, are called automated (AIS). Automated IC Is a complex that includes computer and communication equipment, economic and mathematical methods and models, software and organizational support, technological processes and linguistic tools, as well as system personnel (specialists). AIS is designed to ensure the implementation of some information technology for processing information in the process of professional activity in order to effectively operate the EIS.

AIS assumes the use of a PC or other computer as the main technical means of information processing. It is necessary to understand the difference between computers and AIS. Computers are the technical base and tool for AIS. AIS is unthinkable without personnel interacting with computers and telecommunications or participating in technology development.

In a non-automated IS, all actions with information and decisions are carried out by a person.

AIS functioning diagram

The functioning of the AIS can be conventionally represented in the form of a diagram of interacting processes (Fig. 1):

Entering information from external or internal sources;

Processing input information and presenting it in a convenient form;

Output of information for presentation to consumers or transfer to another system;

Feedback is information processed by the people of a given organization to correct the input information.

Fig. 1. AIS functioning diagram

AIS properties

    Complexity... It is determined by the number of components included in it, their structural links and the dynamism of change.

    Divisibility. Means that the system consists of a number of autonomous subsystems with their own goals and objectives.

    Integrity. The functioning of all subsystems of the system is subordinated to a single goal.

    A systematic approach to construction. Any information system can be analyzed, built and managed on the basis of the general principles of building systems.

    Adaptability, dynamism and development.

AIS structure

Figure 2 shows the structure of the AIS.

Fig. 2. AIS structure

Information technology (IT)- infrastructure that ensures the implementation of information processes.

IT Is a set of methods for processing disparate initial data into reliable and operational information for making decisions using hardware and software in order to achieve optimal control parameters.

Functional subsystems and applications (FP)- specialized programs for processing and analyzing information for the purpose of preparing documents and making decisions in a specific functional area based on IT.

Purpose of FP- provide a workflow with a well-defined set of input and output information (for example, piecework payroll accounting).

IP management- a component that ensures the interaction of IT, FP and related specialists, their development during the life cycle of the IS.

AIS users

AIS users can be divided into 4 categories.

    System administrator- a specialist in charge of operating the system, ensuring its operability, defining, loading, protecting and operating the bank.

    Application programmers- are engaged in the development of programs for solving applied programs, implementing queries to the database.

    System programmers- support the IS and ensure its performance, develop and maintain the basic software of computers (operating systems, DBMS, translators, general-purpose service programs).

    End user (consumer of information)- a person or a group in whose interests the IP works. He works with IS on a daily basis, is associated with a limited field of activity, is not a programmer. For example, it can be a marketer, accountant, financial manager, department head, etc.

AIS includes a variety of workstation of specialists, means of communication and information exchange, other means and systems that allow automating the work of personnel.

Today there are a large number of programs for accounting in enterprises.

At JSC ChKhZ, accounting is maintained using the 1C Enterprise accounting software.

1C Enterprise is a software system for automating various areas of economic activity.

Different versions of the products of the 1C Enterprise software system can be used in organizations with different amounts of information, different numbers of users of the automated system and different intensity of user work.

Distinctive features of accounting operations of any operations are their exceptional labor intensity, the standardization of the operations performed, as well as the absolute error-free computing operations. Thus, ChKhZ OJSC has all the prerequisites for automating these operations. To solve this problem, both specialized programs and modules have been created that are part of large software systems: "1C: Enterprise - Warehouse".

Currently, this enterprise uses the 1C: Accounting program, a typical configuration.

The program "1C: Accounting" is a universal accounting program and is designed for synthetic and analytical accounting in various sections.

"1C: Accounting" allows you to generate both primary documents and statements, magazines, up to the balance sheet.

"1C: Accounting" greatly facilitates and speeds up the work of an accountant in various sections.

The distribution network is also the most developed and technical support firms 1C, i.e. all the advantages of more full use this program in all types of accounting.

The program "1C: Enterprise - warehouse" is designed to work in WINDOWS environment... The main feature of this product is that all events that in one way or another affect settlements with suppliers and contractors, buyers and customers, are drawn up using the appropriate documents. The program makes intermediate calculations independently. On the one hand, it is very convenient - everything is calculated automatically, a low-skilled accountant can work with the program. On the other hand, if you encounter an event that was not foreseen by the developers, it becomes difficult to register it in the program. In this case, you need to adjust and finish the program.

At present, the integrated MAKS system is being introduced at Chelyabinsk Chemical Plant, which makes it possible to more quickly track the debts of buyers and customers, as well as debts to suppliers and contractors.

Information (from the Latin information - explanation, presentation) means a message about any fact, event, object, phenomenon, etc.

However, in information theory, information is understood not to mean every message, but only that which contains facts that are still unknown to its recipient and complement his understanding of the object. That is, the information should be perceived as a message about specific control objects that arouse interest during the performance of certain management functions. Informational messages can be sent, stored and processed. Depending on the scope of use, information can be economic, technical, genetic, etc.

Economic information- This is information that characterizes industrial relations in society.

It includes information circulating in the economic system about production processes, material resources, production management processes, financial processes, as well as information of an economic nature, which are exchanged between various management systems. Economic information must meet the following requirements: accuracy, reliability, efficiency. The accuracy of the information ensures its unambiguous perception by all consumers. Credibility determines acceptable level distortion of input and initial information, which preserves the efficiency of the system. Efficiency reflects the relevance of information for the necessary calculations and decision-making in the changed conditions.

Information presented in a certain formalized form, which allows it to be sent, stored on various media and processed using a certain process, is usually called data.

Considering the issue of organizing the use of computer technology to automate object management, the concept of information and data in a certain sense is often used as synonyms. This situation has developed historically: on the one hand, the basic terminology was developed and improved simultaneously with the development of work on the use of computer technology for the mechanization and automation of planning and accounting work of enterprises, industries where they used the concept of information, and on the other hand, they used foreign experience and literature. where the term "data" is mainly used (for example, in descriptions of algorithmic languages ​​and data banks).

The concept of information is advisable to apply when they consider the question of the emergence and use of certain information to perform the corresponding functions, when it comes to their quality characteristics and effective use. Some information as data should be spoken about when it comes to their location on machine media, in computer memory, and the organization of their computer processing. In this case, we are talking about methods of placing data on media and their direct fixation (recording), that is, the data is considered at the logical and physical levels.

Classification of economic information

To facilitate the study and effective organization of economic information, including in the construction of computer technologies for its processing, it is classified according to a large number of signs. There are two fundamental approaches to the classification of economic information: by form and by content (by purpose).

In classification systems of the first type, the most essential properties of information are distinguished as criteria, namely, control functions, reliability, stages of occurrence, completeness, stability, scope of origin and application, by input / output of the system, the form of signals, representation regarding the data processing process, and the like. ... In fig. 1.11 shows a scheme for the classification of information circulating in the organization.

Rice. 1.11. Classification of information circulating in the organization

The classification is based on the five most common features. Place of origin - on this basis, information is divided into input, output, internal, external. Input information is information that enters the organization or its divisions. Baseline information is information that goes beyond the organization (department). The same information can be input for one organization, and output for another. With respect to the object of management (organization or its subdivision: department, laboratory), information can be defined as internal or external. Internal information arises inside the object. External - outside the facility (the content of the government order on changes in the level of tax collection for the organization is, on the one hand, external information, on the other - input). The message of the organization to the tax inspectorate about the amount of contributions to the state budget is, on the one hand, the initial information, on the other hand, it is external with respect to the tax inspectorate.

In terms of stability, information can be variable and constant (conditionally constant). Variable information reflects the actual quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the production and economic activities of the organization. It can vary for each case, both by appointment and by quantity (the number of products produced per shift, daily costs for the delivery of raw materials, the amount of accrued wages to employees, etc.). Information has become (conditionally permanent) - it is information that is invariable and reusable over a certain period. The information has become reference, normative, planned: permanent reference information includes a description of the constant properties of an object in the form of characteristics that are stable for a long time (personnel number of an employee, profession of an employee, balance account number, etc.). Permanent regulatory information contains local, industry and national standards (the amount of income tax, personal income tax rates, depreciation rates, the rate for cash services to a bank client, etc.). Constantly planning information contains planned indicators that are reused in the organization (plan for the production of televisions, a plan for training specialists of certain qualifications). In the practice of computer data processing, the variable and information constant differ in accordance with the value of the stability coefficient, which is determined as follows: K = V / V, where f is a given time interval, V is the total number of indicator values ​​at the beginning of the time interval; V - the number of indicator values ​​that remained unchanged during the entire time interval. Constant data, as a rule, include such economic indicators for which K> 0.6 for g, equal to one month. Separation of information into variable and constant is important in terms of computer processing. Permanent information is stored in reference books on machine media and, if necessary, extracted from them programmatically for repeated use. This not only dramatically reduces processing costs, but also increases the reliability of the original information.

Behind the processing stage, information can be primary, secondary, intermediate, or initial. Primary information is information that arises directly in the course of the object's activity and is recorded in primary documents. Secondary information is information obtained as a result of processing primary information, it can be intermediate and initial. Intermediate information is used as input for further calculations. Initial information is obtained in the process of processing primary and intermediate information and is used to make management decisions. So, in the operating room, where customers are served, at the end of the working day, the number of processed documents by type was counted. This is primary information. At the end of each month, the results of the primary information are calculated. This will be, on the one hand, secondary intermediate information, and on the other - the original. The final data goes to the information banking system, where the calculation of the amounts for the settlement and cash services of clients is carried out. The calculated data obtained is the initial information.

According to the method of reflection, information is divided into text and graphic. Text information is a collection of alphabetic, digital and special characters, with the help of which information is recorded on a physical medium (on paper, displayed on a display screen). Graphic information is graphs, diagrams, diagrams, pictures, etc.

By phases of management, as a rule, economic information is classified. At the same time, the following groups are distinguished: planning, normative reference, accounting and operational (current).

Planned information - information about the parameters of the control object for the future period. All activities of the organization are focused on this information (planning information can be indicators such as cost estimates, production plan, planned profit from the provision of services). Regulatory Reference Information contains a variety of regulatory and reference data. its updating is carried out rarely (normative and reference information in the organization is a list of customers, salaries of employees, addresses of suppliers or buyers, income tax rates, email addresses customers, etc.). Accounting information is information that characterizes the actual state of the system, that is, the activities of the organization for a certain period of time. On the basis of this information, such actions can be carried out, planned information can be corrected, an analysis of the economic activities of the organization is carried out, a decision is made on more effective management of work, and the like. In practice, accounting information is accounting information, statistical information and operational accounting information (accounting information is: the number of excellent students' grades received during the examination session; average daily load or idle machine tools; enterprise balance; cost of production, etc.). Operational (current) information is information that is used in operational management and characterizes production processes in the current (given) period of time. Operational information has serious requirements for the speed of receipt and processing, as well as the degree of its reliability. The success of the organization in the market depends on how quickly and efficiently its processing is carried out (operational information is: the number of manufactured parts per hour, shift, day, the number of products sold per day or a certain time, the volume of raw materials received from the supplier at the beginning of the working day, and etc.).

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Far Eastern Federal University

in Dalnerechensk


on the course "Automated systems for processing economic information"

Automation of the economic information processing system in the small trading enterprise "Mango" (wholesale)


Purpose of an automated information processing system

2 General structure of the object

Database creation

1 Making requests

2 Create forms and reports

3 Creating macros and modules

System software

1 Information processing technology and system maintenance

2 Information protection

5 Tools for organizing databases and working with them


List of used literature


An automated information system is a set of technical software and organizational measures designed to automate information processes in professional activities.

An automated information system ensures the implementation of some information technology for processing information in the process of professional activity.

The object of research in the course project is a small trading enterprise "Mango", which carries out wholesale trade.

The subject of the research is the activities carried out by this trading company.

It is necessary to create an integrated information system based on the use of modern information technologies for the preparation, reception, processing, transmission, accounting, control of economic information to improve the efficiency and quality of management of an economic object, as well as analysis of the economic activities of the enterprise. The purpose course project is the automation of the economic information processing system in the small trading enterprise "Mango" (wholesale).

Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks:

· Determine the purpose of an automated information processing system;

Consider the requirements and structure of systems for processing economic information

· To reveal the general structure of the object;

· Design a database;

· Describe the domain model.

1 Purpose of an automated information processing system

Considering the issues of automation of control systems, first of all, it is necessary to clearly define what we are going to automate, that is, to define the objects of automation.

To determine the objects of automation, it is necessary to analyze the process of functioning of the enterprise. As a result of the analysis, a description of the information processing process in the control system should be obtained, and the elements of this process should be determined.

Analysis of the information processing process when solving any management problem allows us to distinguish three types of interrelated information procedures in it, which consists in the implementation of one or another mechanism for processing input information into a specific result and individually performed by officials is shown in Figure 1.1.

economic information processing automation

Figure 1.1 - Final information on criteria

The figure shows that in order to obtain the necessary information, you need to select an employee from the list. As a result, information will be obtained about the goods sold, their condition and which client.

In a small (wholesale) trade enterprise, the main economic component is the collection, control, processing, and analysis of data. It is necessary to carry out accounting and control of the company's income. You also need to know what resources the company owns. Own information about customers, suppliers, goods and orders, as well as their relationship with each other.

When developing a database for the Mango trading enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to such principles as: payback, reliability, flexibility (that is, adaptation of the system), security (here I mean ensuring the safety of commercial information), friendliness (the system must be understandable to the user), and finally, compliance with minimum standards.

Therefore, it is necessary to create a database that would take into account information, labor, and material resources. Show their relationship with each other.

An automated information system should be viewed as a tool in the hands of officials who process information in the course of their professional activities. We can say that the presence of this tool actually determines new technology implementation of professional activities.

An automated information system ensures the implementation of some information technology for processing information in the process of professional activity. The constructed database must process the input information to obtain the required output information.

1.1 Requirements and structure of systems for processing economic information

Information is currently coming to the fore among other resources of the enterprise. This is due to the need to save labor, material and financial resources. This also implies special requirements for automated information processing systems.

First of all, the system must meet the basic functional requirements, which are the operations of the economic department of the city tax inspectorate.

In addition, the main system requirements are imposed on ASOEI:

· Standardization and unification;

· Uniformity of forms of information presentation, as well as accounting, control and storage of documents;

·uniformity user interface for all tasks to be solved;

· A uniform procedure for documentation, maintenance and modification.

The system should be built on the basis of typical software products and standard technologies and methodologies.

The adaptability of the system (without programming) in accordance with the platform (computing or operating system), compatibility with other information systems and between the functional blocks of the ASOEI itself.

Reliability, security, safety:

· Multiple levels of protection.

The system must also meet additional requirements:

· The ability to work in networks with large amounts of data;

· Functioning in real time;

· Fast response to user requests;

· Support for batch mode and dialog mode;

· The system must have a distributed nature (i.e. the ability to process information on several PCs);

· Availability of a friendly user interface for input (forms, document templates) and viewing information (graphs, tables);

· The ability to diagnose hardware and software in accordance with the instruction manual.

A set of modules is constructed in the form of blocks "hung" on the interface. The software modules are not required to repeat the organizational structure of the organization. The same modules can be used in different departments of the same organization. The high level of unification indicates the homogeneity of the organizational structure, which, unfortunately, is rarely implemented in practice.

Workplaces in all divisions subject to automation are formed from software modules and are combined into a single scheme. Data structures and program modules do not have to be identical to the scheme of economic processes.

2 General structure of the object

In order to understand how the activities of the small trade (wholesale) enterprise "Mango" are structured, it is necessary to consider the structure of the enterprise in question.

To do this, it is enough to build a functional block, where to reflect all information, material flows, an example is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 - Functional block of a small trading enterprise

When developing a database, it is necessary to take into account all incoming and outgoing information and material resources. This diagram shows that the company cooperates with suppliers of household appliances and organizations that buy wholesale products from the Mango trading enterprise. Therefore, it can be concluded that our trading company is an intermediary between suppliers and customers.

It is necessary to characterize the trading enterprise "Mango". The Mango enterprise carries out wholesale trade in food products. But at the same time, it does not produce goods, but buys from suppliers from other regions. The company acts as an intermediary between suppliers and customers.

The logistics service has been present at the enterprise for a long time. The functions of the logistics system are to coordinate and control all functional subsystems. For this, schemes of material flow along the supply chain were developed. Distribution of products from the Mango trading enterprise is carried out through wholesale and small-scale customers. Transport service from the side of the enterprise can only be

All documents related to the EIS, as well as files of the intramachine information base can be divided into input and output.

The composition of the in-machine base is determined based on the information needs of each level of the management apparatus.

In the theory of automated systems for processing economic information, IO is usually divided into:

§ systems of indicators for a given subject area (for example, indicators of accounting, financial and credit activities, analysis, etc.);

§ classification and coding systems;

§ documentation;

§ information flows - options for organizing document flow;

§ various information arrays (files) stored in the machine and on machine media and having different degrees of organization.

The most complex organization is an automated data bank, which includes arrays for solving routine tasks, issuing certificates and exchanging information between various users.

In the course of designing an IO, carried out in conjunction with users-economists, the following works are carried out:

· The composition of indicators necessary for solving economic problems, their volume-time characteristics and information links are determined;

· Various classifiers and codes are being developed; the possibility of using national classifiers is being studied;

· The possibility of using a unified documentation system for reflecting indicators is revealed, the forms of new primary documents are designed, adapted to the requirements of machine processing;

· The organization of the information fund is in progress; the composition of the database and its organization are determined; the forms for outputting the processing results are designed.

The creation of information support is carried out in close connection with the technology of automated processing and software.

The creation of the IO is carried out in the course of drawing up a technical project and provides for the preparation of instructions for users on the application of the main provisions of the IO in their practical activities related to the processing of economic tasks on a PC. This:

· Instructions for preparing documents for machine processing and their coding;

· Instructions for processing an economic task on a PC - entering a program, correcting information arrays, entering initial data, correcting information, loading into a database, organizing queries, receiving output data, organizing information exchange with other users.

Documentation and technology of its formation

The main carriers of information in automated processing are input and output documents, that is, an approved form of carriers of information that have legal force. Input documentation contains primary, unprocessed information reflecting the state of the control object; filled in manually or using technical means.

Output documentation includes summary-grouping data obtained as a result of automated processing and is produced mainly on the printing devices of the machine. In accounting and the financial and credit system, the accepted forms of documentation are governed by uniform regulations, rules and instructions.

The development of systems for the automated processing of economic information, providing for the exchange of information, required the unification and standardization of all documentation designed to reflect economic information.

For a number of documents, uniform unified and standard forms of forms have been developed. The unification put forward the following requirements for documents: a standard form of construction, adaptation to automated processing, minimization of indicators, elimination of duplication, the inclusion of all indicators necessary for management purposes.

Requirements for unified documentation prescribe documents to have a standard construction form, which provides for the allocation of three parts in the document: headline, content and design.

- Heading part contains the following characteristics of the document and the considered object:

· The name of the considered object (enterprise, organization, working);

· Characteristics of the document (index, OKUD code);

· Title of the document;

· A zone for putting down codes of permanent attributes for a document.

- Decoration part the document contains the signatures of legal entities responsible for the correctness of its preparation, as well as the date of filling out the document.

The development of forms of primary documents is carried out in the following sequence:

· The composition of the details included in the document is being clarified; their composition should be consistent with management objectives;

Details that are subject to automated processing are highlighted and distributed in three zones:

1st zone - permanent features located in the heading part, in a frame for affixing permanent feature codes;

2nd zone - variable signs, placed in the table to the right or left of the name of the signs;

3rd zone - quantitative-sum bases, placed in the table on the right.

The process of creating forms of primary documents is associated with the further procedure for placing the data of these documents in the computer memory. The current level of development of technology for automated information processing provides for the development of a layout for entering data from documents in 2 versions:

1. the layout of each document represents an exact copy of the original document (payment order, invoice, check, etc.);

2. a unified layout for entering data from different documents that have the same requisite composition (for example, a unified layout of a document for entering data from payment orders, expense and cash receipts, invoices).

The processing of economic information results in various summaries, tables, grouped according to certain criteria. The summarized data can be presented on paper, on the display, on magnetic media. The following requirements are imposed on the output documents: the composition of the indicators contained in them must be sufficient for management purposes, the data must be reliable and logically located in the document. The PC must produce ready-to-use documents: print the title page, heading part, content, formatting part. When placing details in the output documents, a hierarchy of grouping characteristics and totals to be calculated is established:

· Grouping signs are arranged according to the degree of decrease in the level of their subordination;

Quantitative-sum totals - according to the degree of increase in the totals.

The development of forms of primary and summary documents is carried out at the stage of a technical project.

Intra-machine information support

Intramachine information support (SIS) includes all types of specially organized information presented in a form that is convenient for perception by technical means. These are files (arrays), databases and data banks, knowledge bases, as well as their systems. Whereas off-machine IO is a collection of messages and documents in a form perceived by the user without the use of computer technology.

IO must quickly and fully satisfy the information needs of all users. In terms of content, a VIO is a set of factual information used in the economic activity of an enterprise. According to their role in machining and technology of using, the arrays are divided into:

Permanent or regulatory reference ( NSI ) ... They constitute the information basis and rarely change. They include classifiers, reference books, catalogs, etc. They are formed before the start of AIS operation and are used in many cycles of information processing. It is accepted to distinguish 4 classes of reference data (normative and reference information of enterprises):

· Design staff of production facilities;

· Technological standards (technological operations, types of equipment, time rates, material consumption rates, etc.);

· Classifiers (products, etc.);

· Price tags.

Variable arrays contain actual (accounting) information that characterizes the state of the control object. This information is most often formed on the basis of primary documents;

Intermediate arrays- they arise at the stages of solving problems and do not have independent significance for management purposes;

Output (resulting) arrays are obtained as a result of processing the initial information and contain the data necessary for analysis and management decision-making.

Service arrays- contain auxiliary information necessary for processing all other types of arrays.

All types of arrays constitute the IO of a computer system and provide systematization and unification of indicators, allow to establish terminological unity, unambiguity of descriptions and relationships between indicators in the in-machine IO.

With an increase in the amount of information for multipurpose use and the effective satisfaction of the information needs of various users, an integrated approach is used to create a VIO in the form of a database or databank.

Database Is a specially organized storage of information resources in the form of an integrated set of files, which provides convenient interaction between them and quick access to data .

Database Is an automated system that represents a set of information, software, hardware and personnel. Providing storage, accumulation, updating, search and delivery of data. The main components of the data bank are the database and the DBMS.

Creation of Databases and Databanks solves a number of problems:

· Eliminates multiple input and duplication of the same data;

· Reduced data redundancy and inconsistency;

There is no problem of changing application programs due to the replacement of physical devices or

Data structure changes;

· The level of reliability and security of information, convenience of access to data is increasing;

· Reduced costs not only for creating and storing data, but also for keeping them up to date;

· It becomes possible to share data to solve a wide range of tasks, including new ones.

Mathematical software

Software is a set of mathematical methods, models and algorithms for information processing used in solving functional problems. The software includes tools for modeling management processes, methods and tools for solving typical management problems, methods for optimizing the management processes under study and decision-making (methods of multi-criteria optimization, mathematical programming, mathematical statistics, queuing theory, economic mathematical models etc.).

The software serves as the basis for the development of a complex of applied programs.

Economic - mathematical modeling in planning and management of an economic object

Economic - mathematical modeling (EMM) allows you to display a real economic or production system in the form of mathematical relationships between the parameters and characteristics of this system. It allows you to avoid mistakes in the implementation of planning and management tasks for an economic object. The final decision, chosen using the EMM, is the most justified, since it is selected from the set of feasible solutions.

Economic - mathematical models are intended not only to obtain any result in the form of a specific number, an exact value, but in many cases they are used to analyze economic processes and phenomena. Mathematical modeling allows solving problems that cannot be solved by traditional methods.

Let's list, for example, EMM used for planning and sales of products:

· Calculation of the optimal production program for enterprises with serial production;

· Optimal scheduling of production consists in drawing up an optimal schedule for loading machines for the manufacture of a certain number of parts according to a given technology;

· Model of location of production of heterogeneous products, taking into account the binding of producers to consumers.


There are 2 main types of software:

1. general (system): provides automation of software development and organization of the computing process;

2. special (applied) - a set of programs for solving specific user problems.

Operating system Is a program that is automatically loaded when the computer is turned on and provides the user with a basic set of commands that can be used to communicate with the computer: launch the program, format a floppy disk, copy a file, etc.

The programming system is a tool for skilled users - programmers and non-programmers. define Information Technology designed for designing functional software. Functional software is a software implementation of specific functions of an information worker using various information technologies, i.e. it is setting up an automated workstation (AWP), DBMS, hypertext, multimedia, expert systems, a software complex of tasks and EIS subsystems built using other means design, for a specific information worker of a specific enterprise, taking into account the specifics of the data processing system that has developed there.

Programmer tools define the information technology available to a user of any computer and programming skill.

Service programs provide a number of services to ensure the operation of computers and software.

Besides operating systems for the functioning of any EIS, you also need:

§ text and diagnostic programs;

§ software for telecommunications;

§ software tools for protecting information from unauthorized access and influences;

§ software tools for confirming the integrity of the transmitted document and identifying the author's signature;

§ software interface with other computer systems, etc.

Organizational support

Organizational support includes a set of documents that regulate the functions and tasks of specialists using the software.

Legal support is a set of documents defining the rights and obligations of specialists using software, as well as rules for storing and protecting information, revising data. ensuring the legal authenticity of data.

Methodological support - complex guidelines on the implementation and use of software, training tools, demos.

Ergonomic support is a set of measures that provide the most comfortable working conditions for users.

Linguistic support - with its help, communication between a person and a machine is carried out. It includes a system of terms and definitions, information languages ​​for describing the structural units of the information base (documents, indicators, details), language tools of information retrieval systems, etc.

Enterprise management automation

AIS enterprise management (you can use the previously appeared definition of an automated control system or automated control system - an automated enterprise management system. In modern literature, there is also the term AMCS - an enterprise management automation system) is a set of interrelated elements that form a single whole aimed at achieving a single goal. The goal is the systematic collection and processing of economic information, which should provide all the functions of enterprise management.

It is automation that provides the necessary control efficiency and flexibility of enterprise management, obtaining consistent and complete data on the financial and economic condition, prompt access to analytical information about the enterprise's work.

A clear boundary should be drawn between the AMS (accounting automation system, mainly accounting and financial, etc.) and the AMS or AMC (enterprise management automation system) - in the Western terminology of the resource planning system (ERP - Enterprise Resource Management) and planning the need for manufacturing resources (MRP II - Manufacturing Resource Planning).

Enterprise management automation is based on 3 "whales":

Business Process Technology;


Technical means.

Buisness process- this is a set of internal activities of the enterprise, ending with the creation of the products necessary for the client (consumer). Business processes "permeate" the functional structure of the enterprise. Their structure reflects the interaction of divisions during the production of products, while the functional structure of an enterprise reflects the distribution of responsibilities between divisions. Business processes are the subject of management automation.

The difference between accounting automation systems and control automation systems is that the former cover only one control function, and the latter cover the entire process.

The technology of business processes ensures the completeness of the formation of primary data, the reliability and efficiency of accounting information within the framework of the economic activity of the enterprise, the correct design and accounting of business processes, the choice of the most rational forms and methods of management and determines the final requirements for the organization of the entire management process at the enterprise.

Management technologies are incorporated in the automated control system, which have become standard in international practice. These include:

1) Financial management - budgeting, project management, etc .;

2) Logistics management - statistical inventory management, planning requirements for distributed inventory, etc .;

3) Production management and planning

- general techniques: volumetric scheduling, planning of material requirements, planning of demand for production capacity, planning of financial resources;

- special techniques: continuous production, batch production, production "to order" and "to stock";

- specialized techniques: marketing management, quality management, Just-in-Time.

Systems for automating enterprise management differ in the level of support for these management methodologies and in the level of coverage of business processes.

Unlike Western enterprises, where automation is widely used, in Ukraine this process is just beginning, and even then not in all industries. As world experience shows, in developing economies, the use of automated control systems begins with the following industries:

- Which provide the basic needs of the bulk of the population - food industry, energy, construction, pharmaceutical industry, wholesale and retail trade, light industry;

- Which enjoy the greatest investment attractiveness - in addition to those listed above, the chemical, fuel, metallurgy, machine-building and processing industries;

- Which serve and help to form the market infrastructure - all types of communications, hotel business and tourism, banking, legal and insurance services, car service, production of auto parts, transportation, etc.

Organizational forms of SOEI

The system of automated processing of economic information (SOEI) is a system in which reliable primary (factual) information (which characterizes the production and economic or other activities of the enterprise) fixed once in the minimum volume in the rhythm of production and in the same rhythm is transmitted and processed on a computer in such a way that at the end of this process maximum result information is obtained... This information must fully satisfy all management functions and can serve to inform managers at various levels. The systematic approach involves the creation of a unified information base, providing for the use of a single source information for all management tasks, a unified system of classification and coding of information.

The main organizational form of using SOEI at Ukrainian enterprises is an automated control system of various levels and purposes. At large enterprises, associations, organizations, multilevel integrated automated control systems have been created.

Nowadays they are called VIAS - an in-house integrated automated system.

Depending on the specifics of production, the development goals of such an automated control system, etc., it may include several systems: an automated control system (automated enterprise management system), an automated process control system (automated process control system), a CAD (design automation system), an automated process control system ( automated control system for technical preparation of production), ASUNIS - ACS for scientific research. All these systems can be interconnected and interdependent, and can be relatively independent. Each of these systems is divided into a number of subsystems - called functional subsystems. In turn, each subsystem has its own set of tasks and information.

ACS can include the following subsystems - MTO (material and technical support of production), BU (accounting), PMO (operational management of production), personnel management, etc. A similar structure of the ACS has developed in a planned economy. Information processing was carried out by a special subdivision of the VC or VCKP (centrally).

With the advent of PCs and communication tools, SOEI began to be developed on the basis of AWPs (automated workstations of users) and their networks.

The functional subsystem is part of the AIS. Which is highlighted on the basis of the general functional features of enterprise management. Often in the functional structure of the AIS, the composition of the functional divisions of the enterprise is repeated. The names of these subsystems are repeated by the names of the divisions. Depending on the complexity of the control object, the number of functional subsystems (ps) can be 10-20 or more:

Ps accounting

Ps of management of technical preparation of production

Ps technical and economic planning

Ps of operational management of the main production

Ps material and technical supply

Ps personnel management

Ps financial management

Marketing management ps

Ps analysis of financial and economic activities

Ps investment management

Ps project management etc.

Subsystems that are similar in functionality are combined into contours. Organizationally, each functional subsystem consists of a set of AWPs (automated workstations) of various specialists.

Functional structure - the composition of functional subsystems

Organizational structure - a set of AWPs

Modular building - the composition of the AIS modules. The module can be a separate functional subsystem, or one AWP,

or a set of tasks.

AWP - a means of automating the work of the end user

AWP is a set of information, software and technical resources that provide the end user with data processing and automation of management functions in a specific subject area. (Pp. 184-185, 67)

AWP is a tool for rationalizing and intensifying management activities. It is created to perform a certain group of functions. The following requirements are imposed on the workstation: small size, low cost, high reliability. Ability to work offline and network mode, providing a developed dialogue between the user and the PC, the ability to input, edit and output text documents, tables, graphs, figures.

AWPs are classified according to various criteria: the type of tasks being solved:

information and reference;

information and computing;

operational management;

accounting, etc.

2. by operating mode - in monopoly mode and network;

3. by functional orientation - ARM-T - technical and auxiliary personnel -

cash, ARM-S - specialist, ARM-R - manager;

4.According to the level of use - workstation at the lower level, workstation at the middle level, workstation at the highest

level, etc.

AWP networks, creation of RDB ( distributed base data) made it possible to move to decentralized information processing and bring it closer to the places of origin and consumption of information.

Under these conditions, the line between the complexes of various functional subsystems began to blur - inter-functional complexes of control tasks arose. ACS is currently a network of AWPs of different levels (mainly 2-4 - level networks). The hierarchical workstation network most fully corresponds to the production management structure.

AWP - R (head) upper level;

· ARM-S (specialist) intermediate level;

· ARM-T (technical worker) the lowest level.

AWPs of the lowest level work in the rhythm of production, that is, when a business operation is performed and information about it is recorded in a computer. AWP more high levels work in a more "free" mode.

Characteristics and requirements for ARM-R, ARM-S, ARM-T.

ARM-R(managers: directors, chief administrators) can have a distributed (network - AWS) and local structure.

Requirements for ARM-R:

The presence of a developed database;

Providing an operational information retrieval system;

Providing operational communication and other sources of information within organizational structures;

Providing the possibility of accumulating work experience and previously made decisions in the memory of the AWP.

Typically, such AWPs include a business package for the manager (electronic Notebook, personal archive, card file of orders).

ARM-S ( specialists: chiefs of functional services, chief specialists, chief engineers, chief technologists, etc.) - contains systems for ensuring professional activities, ensuring the automation of routine work and supporting communications.

The ARM-S contains: a database, means for electronic processing of forms and business graphics, a set of PPPs for mathematical calculations and modeling, as well as expert systems and knowledge bases to support solutions to formalized and non-formalized problems.

ARM-T(technical workers: secretaries, cashiers, storekeepers) - for employees performing routine work: 60% -70% of their working time they are busy working with documents and telephone calls. The main functions are information input, paperwork, maintaining cards and archives, processing incoming and outgoing documents (workstation-secretary, workstation-storekeeper, workstation-inspector of personnel, etc.).

Workstation network allows:

1. Ensure the interconnection of the processes of collecting and processing information horizontally (between structural units) at each level, and for each subject area (vertically);

2. Promptly and comprehensively to ensure in each subsystem and at all levels the solution of all functional management issues;

3. Solve the problem of timely automatic generation of reliable results of the enterprise as a whole, and also obtaining consolidated financial indicators for the formation of established reporting.

Definitions of an automated workstation for a specialist (AWS). The role and place of AWP in automated information technology.

In recent years, the concept of distributed management systems of the national economy has emerged, where local information processing is provided. To implement the idea of ​​distributed control, it is necessary to create for each level of management and each subject area of ​​automated workstations (AWP) based on professional personal computers.

Analyzing the essence of automated workplaces, specialists most often define them as professionally-oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work.

For each control object, it is necessary to provide for automated workstations corresponding to their functional purpose. However, the principles of creating an automated workplace should be general: consistency, flexibility, sustainability, efficiency.

According to the principle of consistency, AWPs should be considered as systems, the structure of which is determined by functional purpose.

The principle of flexibility means the adaptability of the system to possible restructuring due to the modularity of construction of all subsystems and the standardization of their elements.

The principle of sustainability lies in the fact that the AWS system should perform basic functions regardless of the impact on it of internal and external possible factors. This means that malfunctions in its individual parts must be easily eliminated, and the system's performance must be quickly restored.

The effectiveness of the automated workplace should be considered as an integral indicator of the level of implementation of the above principles, referred to the costs of creating and operating the system.

Currently, for the intensification of the mental and managerial work of specialists of various professions, AWPs are being developed and widely distributed, which operate on the basis of a PC.

Let's consider the main constituent elements of AWP for employees of economic services, management activities, etc., the prospects for their development and use. The general scheme of the PC, which constitutes the technical basis of the AWP.

External storage devices (OVC)

· Display - the main device for displaying information.

· Keyboard - the main device for entering information.

Recall that the most effective organizational form of using PCs is the creation of specific specialists (economists, statisticians, accountants, managers) on their basis, since this form eliminates the psychological barrier in the relationship between man and machine.

The accumulated experience suggests that the AWP should meet the following requirements:

· Timely satisfaction of information and computing needs of a specialist.

· Minimum response time for user requests.

· Adaptation to the level of training of the user and his professional needs.

· Simplicity of mastering the techniques of work at the AWP and ease of communication, reliability and ease of maintenance.

· Tolerance towards the user.

· The ability to quickly train the user.

· The ability to work as part of a computer network.

A generalized AWS diagram is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig 3. Scheme of an automated workstation.