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How to find out the balance of another MTS subscriber: all possible ways. How to find out your MTS balance? or the balance of another MTS subscriber? How to check someone else's account

Sometimes it is necessary to control not only your own balance, but also someone else's (for example, your family members or friends). Therefore, many are interested in the question.

Meanwhile, the answer to this question is very simple, because specifically for this MTS has a service called “Balance of another subscriber”.

You just have to connect it, and you will always be aware of the state of the personal account of your friends and relatives.

By the way, this service is provided free of charge and without a monthly fee. And you can connect it to any tariff plan except for corporate.

How to activate the service "Balance of another subscriber"?

To activate the service "Balance of another subscriber" MTS:

  • 2137 »To short number 111
  • Call 111 and follow the instructions of the autoinformer
  • Send from your mobile the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 2337 #

But for MTS subscribers of tariff plans " Classy" and " Lighthouse"You do not need to connect anything - the service" Balance of another subscriber "is already connected by default for these tariffs.

As I said earlier, the “Balance of another subscriber” service is free of charge and does not have a subscription fee. Sending USSD requests is also free, even when you are in roaming, so you can control the balance of another MTS subscriber anytime, anywhere.

How to find out the balance of another MTS subscriber?

To use the service "Balance of another subscriber" and find out someone else's balance, you need to send from your mobile the USSD code ✶ 140 ✶ XXX -XXX -XXXX #. In the reply SMS you will receive up-to-date information about the balance of the MTS subscriber you are interested in.

XXX -XXX -XXXX - telephone number the subscriber whose balance you need to find out. Dial without the first digit 8 or +7 .

How to disable the service "Balance of another subscriber" of MTS?

If you no longer need to monitor the expenditure of funds on someone else's balance, then you can easily deactivate the “Other subscriber's balance” service. This can be done in two ways:

  • Dial USSD-code ✶ 111 ✶ 2337 # on your mobile phone
  • Send an SMS with the text “ 21370 »To short number 111.

MTS has another service that allows you to keep someone else's balance under control.

The answer to this question is of most interest to new subscribers of MTS, since the rest have either already hammered the request into their contacts or dial it automatically without even thinking about it. So:

How can I find out my balance on MTS?

There are many ways to find out your balance. We all need a telephone.

The most common way for all operators is a short query - such as * 100 # + call... After a request, your balance will be displayed on the screen.

There is a little more complicated, we need to dial a phone number 0890 + call, and then select the desired menu item to listen to your balance in vocal performance.

You can also find out your balance from a specialist contact center dialing the same number 0890 , but this method will be extremely long and tedious, and you will also need to confirm your data. In general, this method is not for US.

If you want, then use the built-in SIM card SMS services available on any phone or smartphone. After selecting the desired menu item after a while you will receive a notification. This method can be used when short inquiries or a call to a specialist is not possible.

You can also go to your personal account on the official website of the MTS company, where we will need to enter a login and password (the phone number + password will come to your number upon request (if you are logging into the LC for the first time)). There you will receive information not only on the amount of money in your account, but also information about the tariff plan, details, services and much more.

This is where mobile solutions end.

The last of the options is to contact the retail network specialists at the communication salon, after presenting your passport, they will tell you your balance. After all, it is possible that you do not have access to the SIM card, or you have lost it. Then this method will help you.

How to find out the balance of another MTS subscriber?

You can also control the balance of another MTS subscriber from your number.

You will need to dial combinations such as:

* 111 * 2137 # + call - in this way you will use the service "Balance of another subscriber" where you can control the balance of another MTS number. The main thing is that you have to add this number to your Favorite Numbers list. A subscription fee will be charged for this service.

SMS to number 111 with text 2137, as well as the first method will call the "Balance of another subscriber"

Once connected, you will be able to send SMS to number 111 with the text * 100 # and you will receive messages about the balance of the connected numbers.

For people using cellular communication, the situation is extremely unpleasant when, for whatever reason, they are left without money in their personal account. So that subscribers do not forget to replenish their phone balance, most mobile operators send them SMS reminders. But what if users deposit money not only to their balance, but also to the accounts of their loved ones?

In this case, it is especially important to promptly receive information about the financial condition of all SIM cards replenished by them, even if there is not always direct access to them. To control the mobile accounts of other subscribers, you can use several services, which we will discuss in this article.

Methods for checking the balance of another Beeline subscriber

It is not necessary to say how bad it is when relatives are left without communication, especially children whose accounts are replenished by their parents. After all, it is imperative that the child can reach them at any moment - children's peace of mind and safety are above all. Therefore, the child's personal account is the subject of constant attention of the people closest to him.

Unfortunately, the children's phone is not always in their field of vision, and you can miss the moment when the money on his account will be reduced to a minimum. It would be very convenient if parents could find out the balance of another subscriber in the same way as their own on Beeline - from their mobile phone.

To find out your balance to subscribers who are on the postpaid payment system, you can send a USSD request * 102 # or by activating the "" service. Subscribers on prepaid tariffs can send the command * 110 * 04 # or activate the "SMS account" service.

Finding out the balance of someone else's number on Beeline is as simple as checking the status of your personal account. There are several ways to check the accounts of loved ones.

With the help of the service "Balance of loved ones"

A very convenient and simple service from Beeline, which will notify via SMS that the balance of a person close to you has reached the mark of 30 rubles, or you yourself can request the state of the account of another subscriber.

Service activation is free, there is no subscription fee. You will need to pay 5 rubles for connecting to the option of the number of the subscriber whose account you would like to control.

Service management is carried out using free USSD requests.

Of course, without the consent of another subscriber, it is impossible to find out the balance on the Beeline. Therefore, you must first connect someone else's number to the service. This can be done in two ways:

  • Send a request from your Beeline phone in the following format: * 131 * 5 * number #. In response, a loved one must consent to the check from his mobile (he will receive a request about this with further instructions).
  • Send an invitation to access from the number whose balance you want to monitor, using the command * 131 * 1 * number #. At the same time, in order to check the balance of another Beeline subscriber in this case, the number to whom access is provided can belong to any operator.

Using the USSD request * 131 * 9 * #, you can find out who has access to view your account.

To deactivate the service "Balance of loved ones" dial * 131 * 0 * #.

All phone numbers in requests and commands must be specified without the first " 8 " and " +7 ».

Via Beeline Personal Account

The subscriber's personal account is an excellent opportunity to manage all the options not only for your Beeline number, but also for the numbers of your loved ones. Through the Personal Account, you can change the tariff on someone else's number, connect or disconnect additional options, see the remaining minutes, megabytes and SMS, find out the balance on another Beeline phone number, and also top up it.

To get access to the management of the number of another subscriber, you need either permission to access the management of his number. To do this, you can either ask for a password, or send a request through the cabinet interface.

You can add another subscriber's number in your Personal Account on the Beeline website. To do this, after authorization, go to "Settings", click on the button " Room management"And click" Add phone or account number».

If you regularly top up the balance of another Beeline subscriber, then the most convenient option would be to add his number to your account and there. In this case, you don't have to worry about the balance at all, because when a certain minimum threshold is reached, the mobile account will be replenished automatically from your bank card.

Through the help desk

The short telephone information service is 0611, the toll-free federal number is 8-800-700-0611. A call to these universal numbers will not only allow you to find out the balance of another subscriber, but will solve all the user's problems in the Beeline network.

To check the balance of another subscriber on Beeline, in addition to the number itself, you need to know the personal and passport data of its owner. The help desk operator will ask security questions, verify the information received with the database, and provide the requested information, if, of course, the verification is positive.

If the check of someone else's personal account showed that it is empty or close to zero, you can replenish it with any in an accessible way, or, using the "" service, send money to this subscriber from your phone account.

Thanks to the endless possibilities of the modern operator MTS, the balance can be seen not only on your SIM card, but also on the account of another subscriber. How is this even possible?

Everything is extremely simple, because there is such a service as "Friend's balance".

There is a certain condition - the service is relevant only for users of TP "Mayak". We will now get acquainted with the features of the provision and specific restrictions

What is this tariff plan MTS "Mayak"

TPs are classified to provide for the following devices:

  1. smartphones, tablets and modems of various modifications;
  2. for so-called smart devices;
  3. for telematic services.

It is to the last line of the list that the "Mayak" tariff plan is tied, which is not particularly popular. The fact is that the main guidelines here are placed only on the possibilities of making CSD calls and sending simple faxes.

For what purpose these functions are used - not all active MTS subscribers will answer. As a rule, this tariff is inherent in the case of using navigation devices. The special tariff plan "Mayak" is designed only for the above types of communication.

Here you will not find service packages or subscription fees - all calls and sending are carried out only within the following prices: a call to a local number costs 1.5 rubles per minute, to numbers of other significance (not local) 3 rubles per minute, to numbers of all-Russian significance - by 5p per minute.

For other phone calls, get ready - 14p per minute. You will have to pay 4.5 rubles for each MB of high-speed Internet.

In order to profitably use SMS sending, it is better to refer to the SMS packages that are present here. But, if the SMS had to be sent suddenly, then for each of them you pay 1.5 rubles apiece.

To regional numbers - at 3.8 rubles apiece, worldwide without borders - at 5.25 rubles. On MMS, the fixed rate is 9.9 rubles.

How to find out how much money another MTS subscriber has on the account

To perform this action, you need to wave your magic wand - call the help desk, read the letters and numbers to identify the number and get the required information in return.

If the phone number belongs specifically to you, then for you there is a call to 0890 , by which it is easy to find out the balance of your number, which is not with you. The Internet can also be used to scout such information.

For this to be possible, you need to get an admission-password from another MTS subscriber, whose balance we are checking.

For example, you gave a phone to your old dad, who understands nothing about these combinations.

In this case, just send the password to his phone and receive balance data through your personal account.

Conditions for obtaining data on the balance through the option " Friend balance»:

  1. the phone numbers you are interested in refer to the "Mayak" tariff;
  2. other subscribers "sit" on completely different tariffs;
  3. all checked numbers are serviced only in the Moscow region;
  4. corporate subscribers on special terms are not allowed;
  5. the list of subscribers checking the balance should not exceed 10 people.

We connect the service and "monitor" someone else's balance

There is good news - this service is connected for subscribers with suitable parameters absolutely free of charge. Moreover, there is no monthly fee. To connect quickly - we dial on the phone display *111*422# .

For the same purposes, you can use the capabilities of your personal account on the MTS website. To replenish the list of subscribers checking the balance, you need to enter *111*422# and follow the voice directions. Command * 140 * number # allows you to find out how many "wooden" ones are left on the account of the subscriber.

How to find out the balance of another Beeline subscriber from your phone? This question is always relevant and many users ask it. When do you need such a service?

How can I check the balance on someone else's number? There are several ways to do this:

  • Use a paid service.
  • V personal account.
  • At the support service.
  • Through a dedicated service.

You should study the main options, make a comparison, find out the advantages and disadvantages. Then you can find the most suitable solution for you.


Today Beeline is one of the few operators that freely provides data on the current balance of subscribers. Therefore, you can easily get the information you are interested in.

How to check the balance of someone else's Beeline number? To do this, just dial +79033888696. You get to automated system... Then follow the directions to get the information you are interested in.

Please note that this service is paid. You will have to pay a certain amount to use it. You can find out the tariffs directly from the operator. We can say that the company decided to make money on this service.

In the help desk

You can call the helpline on 0611. It is necessary, according to the instructions, to go to a specialist, and then say what kind of help you are interested in. Next, the direct operation is carried out.

To find out the balance of another person, you will need to give his full name. Employees do not usually ask for passport details. The specialist will review the database and provide you with the information of interest.

What are the disadvantages?

  • During a high load on the service, you will have to wait for 10 minutes for a specialist's response.
  • This is not always convenient.
  • Many people simply do not have the opportunity to spend so much time on this operation.

In your personal account

You can view the balance of someone else's number on the official website, in your personal account. But there is one caveat - you must have access to mobile phone... It is very unlikely that such an operation can be performed with a friend's smartphone. But if you want to control the balance on the number of relatives, then the solution is quite relevant.


  1. Take the phone of the person whose balance you want to control. Considering that smartphones are equipped with passwords and fingerprint scanners, it is not always possible to do everything invisibly.
  2. Enter the command * 110 * 9 #. You will receive a temporary password to access the system.
  3. Go to the official portal and log in.
  4. You will be able to view not only the balance, but also the balance of the packages in your personal account.
  5. On the site, you can immediately replenish your account.

Special service

If you want to find out the balance on a friend's Beeline, then for this purpose you can use a separate service. It allows you to connect multiple numbers and monitor the status of other people's accounts.

What are the benefits?

  • You can check as quickly as possible.
  • No monthly fees.
  • When the balance reaches 30 rubles, you will receive a notification.
  • It is quite convenient for you, you do not need to come up with various schemes and waste time.

Up to three other subscribers can be connected to one account, who will control it. But there is no limit on adding numbers, you can check the balance with an unlimited number of people. True, you have to pay 5 rubles for each new subscriber.

How to use the service?

  1. Initially, you add an account. This can be done using the command * 131 * 5 * number #.
  2. The subscriber will receive a request. He must confirm it in order for you to gain access.
  3. To further exercise control, you enter the command * 131 * 6 * number #. You will receive an informational message with the information of interest.