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How to change the encoding to Cyrillic in Word. Change encoding in Microsoft Excel. Change encoding in Word

Text documents come in more than just different formats. Often the text is saved not only in the standard Windows encoding, but also in many others. If you have Text Document in a non-standard encoding, many devices and programs simply cannot read it. You can change this parameter using different applications, for example, the easiest way is to use MS Office Word.

Select the first cell on the sheet. To do this, go to the Data tab and select From Text. This way you will be able to decide what the encoding of the imported data is before you import the file. Select a saved file to import. Choose the correct data options.

Selecting a file will launch the Text Import Wizard. V preview you can see if the Polish characters in the imported document will be read correctly. If not, use the File Source field and select a different encoding format.

Depending on the source of the file, you may need to select a different encoding. The most popular options. After choosing the encoding in which Polish characters will be displayed, click "Next". In the second step, you need to specify how the data will be split, i.e. which is a sign of separation of one parameter from another. Misidentification of a tag separating serial data makes it impossible to distinguish between individual information. The common denominator is the semicolon.


  • Download and install software MS office.

    It has a trial period, so you do not need to purchase a license for occasional use.

  • Click right click mouse over a file containing text in the encoding you want to change, and then select "Open With Microsoft Word". This item may not appear if the program was installed recently and the file type association procedure has not yet been carried out with it. You can also just open Word, and through the "File" menu, just select the document you need. If it was previously saved in a non-standard Windows encoding, the program will offer you options for opening it, select the one you need from them and click the "OK" button.
  • Click on the "File" menu item in the program. Select "Save as ...", in the window that appears, determine the directory for finding the new document already in the new encoding, enter its name and click the "Save" button. You will see a file attributes window, put desired value encodings. The Unicode encoding is considered the most convenient and “readable”.
  • Keep in mind that a document saved to the location of the source with the same name will replace the original version without the possibility of recovery. If you need both text files in different encodings and in the same folder, just change its name.
  • Be careful not to confuse the extension - put only .doc if you want to save the document for later reading using older versions of Word, docx - for version 2007 and later. If you save the file in docx format, you will not be able to open it in the future with MS Office programs released earlier than 2007, but doc files are read by Word applications of all versions. Also, later versions of the program may support encodings that are not in the previous ones.
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    The feature of encoding text files is that not the letters (characters) themselves are stored, but links to them in the encoding table. If there are no problems with Latin letters, Arabic numerals and basic characters such as dots, dashes and commas: in many encoding tables all these letters, numbers and symbols are in the same cells, then everything is difficult with Cyrillic. For example, in different encodings, the letter Y can be in cells 211, 114, and 69.

    That is why, at the dawn of the Internet, in order to look at different sites with different encodings, you had to select an encoding. ( But who remembers it?) Now the page encoding is usually written in the page header, which allows the browser to "automatically" select the display of characters on our monitors.

    That is, the server gives not just an HTML page, but indicates that it has the Windows-1251 encoding. The browser thus, reading information about the encoding of the received file, substitutes characters from the specified encoding.

    But that's not all the fun. For example, if the server has operating system from the *nix family (with default encoding UTF-8), and we send a file from our favorite Windows OS, where the default encoding of text files is ANSI for some reason, then do you think the server will work with text whose encoding does not match with him? Right! Somehow it will work! But the result of the work can be unpredictable and surprising. =)

    I hope that the motivation for paying the necessary attention to the encoding is sufficient and you can get to the point of the question: "How the hell do you save the file in the right encoding?!"

    This article will focus on how to save a text file using the Notepad program in Windows in the desired encoding.

    In order to change the encoding of a text file, of course you need to create it first. And after the file is created, you still need to be able to open it. The easiest way to open a file is to double-click on its icon in File Explorer with the left mouse button:

    If before this windows settings have not been changed, files with the .txt extension open in Notepad. ( It's another way how to open Notepad .)

    To change the encoding in the opened file, you need in the menu " File» text editor Notepad select item « Save as...»:

    The save file dialog box will open. To change the encoding, you need to select the required one from the list of suggested ones:

    After the desired encoding is selected, you can click on the " Save' or just press Enter:

    Since we didn't change the filename, the same file will be overwritten. Therefore, a fair question arises: “” Well, yes, we are striving for this! Change the encoding of this file. Therefore, it must be overwritten with a new encoding. We agree:

    Everything! Mission to change the encoding in text file done! The file is saved with the new encoding. Can be closed text editor and arrange a celebration of this decisive event! =D