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Control keys on a computer keyboard. Laptop - how to use the keyboard. Three strange keys.

In this lesson, I want to tell you about the assignment of keys, when looking at which it is not immediately clear what should happen when they are pressed. This, of course, is not literal numeric keys, everything is clear with them - what is drawn will be displayed when pressed. True, on some alphanumeric keys, three characters are drawn, and it is also not immediately clear how to display any of them. How, with which keys and in which mode to display each of the symbols drawn on the key, I will also tell you in this lesson.

Record two or more events at the same time

You can run or edit them from either of the two programs. Click in the editor and enter the macro. You can record events such as keystrokes, mouse clicks, and timeouts. You cannot capture mouse movements or actions performed by macros assigned for key remapping. In the Available Macros list, make sure the new macro is selected. The event will split into three other events: continuous button press, time delay, and button release.

Modify existing macros

Enable macro repeat. Cancel macro during playback. Toggle a repeatable macro. After enabling a repeat macro, press the key assigned to the macro to execute it. Or, to stop the repeated macro and start another macro, press the key assigned to the other macro.

Use sustained pressure for a repetitive macro

After turning on the macro repeat, press and hold the macro assigned to execute it.
  • Select a key from the Key Options list.
  • In the list below the key you want to reinstall, select Macro.
  • Click Create New Macro.
  • An empty macro will be created and added to the list of macros.
  • In the Name box, enter a name for the new macro.
  • Enter the first event.
  • Right-click the selected event, then select Split.
  • Click between two separate events.
  • Enter the second event.
  • Select a key from the list of key settings.
  • In the Available Macros list, select the macro that you want to modify.
  • Click in the editor and edit the macro or enter new events.
  • In the macro editor, select a macro from the Available Macros list.
  • Click on the macro editor icon.
  • Turn on repeat.
  • Press the key assigned to the macro.
  • Click the macro assigned to the macro, or run another macro.
  • Press the key again to pause the macro repeat.
Release the key to pause the macro.

Let's take a look at a regular keyboard.

I highlighted the keys in red, with which everything is more or less clear, these are character keys(letters, numbers, signs). The only thing I will dwell on in more detail, in terms of these keys, is how to display all the symbols drawn on these keys, but just below.

But the meanings of the keys highlighted in blue are most likely not clear to beginners. And so now I will describe the meaning of each such key separately.

Many of us started to overuse the functional key row when laptop manufacturers bundled many other features than the original ones. For those who spend many hours a day, many days a year for many years, pressing keys is an absolute must to identify the correct keyboard. Even if the problem is supported by a moderate dose of subjectivity, we still need to know.

We also need to keep in mind that laptop keyboard has additional limitations due to limited space. Some options differ relatively small from the classic arrangement, others have a completely different position of the keys, up to the setting of keys on three-dimensional surfaces separately for each hand.

I'll start at the top left corner.

Esc key. Reads like "Escape".

This key will usually cancel an action. For example, if you right-click on the desktop and open the screen properties window, then pressing the "Esc" key will instantly close this window. In any game, by pressing the "Esc" key, you will most likely exit the game menu, and if you press this key again, the game will continue. In any browser ( Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, etc.), when you enter the address of a site, by pressing the "Esc" key, you will return to the original value of the address, to the address home page... And so on.

Three Mysterious Keys

Personally, they use a relatively small number pad, an area with numbers on the right side of the keyboard. Very important: no matter what other keys are entered on the keyboard, it is absolutely essential that the standard sizes and positions do not change. The way the keys are grouped and positioned helps to identify them very quickly without taking your eyes off the monitor.

Many keyboards combine all 12 function keys or shrink them to save space. All of these changes are toxic because it forces us to interrupt focus in order to visually identify the key you want. Moreover, such changes cannot be found on another keyboard. When we switch keyboard or work on another computer, it will be difficult for us to adapt.

Just remember - the "Esc" KEY CANCELS THE PREVIOUS ACTION!

F1-F12 keys.

These are function keys, i.e. when you press these keys


These actions are different in different programs. Typically these keys are used as hot keys or in combination with other keys. For example, In most programs, the "F1" key is a call to help, help.

Depending on the technology used to create keyboards, we have certain advantages and disadvantages. Mechanical keys are by far the most durable, reliable, and most enjoyable key types. Unfortunately, all of these alternative technologies are well below mechanical keys.

No matter what type of keys they can be highlighted or not. Even if we usually type without looking at the keyboard, the backlit keys are extremely useful for night work... Even here, mechanical keys have a big advantage and can be easily illuminated individually and selectively. Typically, other types of keys are backlit with transparencies across the entire surface of the keyboard, so we have full coverage or not.

The keyboard shortcut "Alt + F4" in Windows is to close the current window. In any browser, the "F5" key is a page refresh.

Print Screen / SysRq key. It reads like "Print Screen".

With this key you can make


Those. in fact, when this button is pressed, no visible action occurs, but in fact, the picture of the photographed screen enters the memory (clipboard), from where it can then be retrieved by inserting it into any graphic editor such as "Paint" or "Photoshop". By the way, if you press this key together with the Alt key (highlighted in green), ie Alt + PrintScreen, then not the entire screen will be photographed, but only the active window!

An important advantage is that there are similar models for desktops and laptops, and the layout of these keyboards does not change every six months. The older model, even if it does not have keys classified by the classical model, still has a clear separation.

Laptops also have a touchpad. Its dimensions are relatively small, but excellent to avoid mistakes. The new model has smaller keys and is more comfortable with key spacing to eliminate some of the wrong keystrokes. Paradoxically, on laptops, the touchpad is too large. Even if at first glance, the higher the touchpad, the better, in practice it turned out that everything is not so. Not only will it always be an accidental touch, but what could be done with discrete movements on a small touchpad, a larger touchpad requires a wider movement.

Scroll Lock key. It reads like "Skrol Lock".

The essence of this button is that when this button is on (this is indicated by the corresponding indicator light), using the cursor keys (arrows, Page Up, Page Down), you can move the screen image, not the cursor. In general, I found the use of this button only in ExcelE, where it really works.

Worse, on newer models, the physical buttons visible in images tend to change in the touchpad buttons or underneath. touch panel, which only increases the speed of the random action. The trackpoint, the red dot on the keyboard, and the keys below the space bar are great mouse replacements.

What's the correct keyboard?

After a few days of use, the need to use the mouse completely disappears. For desktops, mechanical keyboards are clearly more enjoyable, but unfortunately we didn't find any good ones. mechanical keyboards who have good point tracking.

Pause / Break key.

Usually, from the moment you turn on the computer until Windows boots, you only see a splash screen on the screen. booting Windows... But in fact, at the time of loading, some information about the system is displayed on the screen (the presence random access memory, the volume of the hard drive, etc.), so that

The content of this site reflects the interests and preferences of the authors. You will find another such undocumented part stationary computer other than the keyboard? This is the second most commonly used component, but many people still use the keyboard, which is included in the default computer setup.

This is the purpose of this buying guide. Here are buying tips new keyboard... Buying tips: keyboards. Buttons: Buttons are the main components of any keyboard, but buttons for different models keyboards are different. Typically, the buttons on desktop keyboards are domed. These buttons are thicker and require more travel. In addition, these type buttons sometimes need to be pressed more than keyboard buttons on laptops. Laptop keyboards are most commonly used for scissor button combinations, which provide a lower button profile and a lower button press distance.


this information must be pressed "PAUSE", to continue, you can press any button. In general, this button in combination with the "Ctrl" key was actively used at one time in DOS applications for


work of the program. Now the function of this button is performed by the TASK MANAGER.

Num Lock key.

Essential keyboard actions

But over the past five years, many desktop keyboards have used button keyboards for laptops. Design and Ergonomics: Keyboards sellers often try to distinguish their products from others with unique designs or appearance... Some manufacturers offer different colored keyboards, while others offer stylish, metallic or shiny plastic keyboards.

When studying the usability of keyboards, they also differ in their ergonomic features. For comfort, some designs provide more comfort and safety for a long time. For example, some manufacturers make thinner keyboards. Laptop keyboard is easier to press and reduce fatigue. Other manufacturers offer truly ergonomic curved keyboards. Some manufacturers split the keyboard into two sections that are slightly tucked up for a more natural position in the hands and wrists.

This key


Located on the right side of the keyboard. If this key is on (as indicated by the indicator light), then numeric keypad will work like a calculator, i.e. when pressed, it will be the numbers that will be displayed.

If this key is off (the indicator is off), then the numeric keys will work in a different mode. Keys "1" and "7" will work as keys "End" and "Home" - moving the cursor to the end and beginning of the line. Keys "3" and "9" will work as keys "Page Up" and "Page Down" - move the cursor one screen up and down. Keys "2", "4", "8", "6" will work as arrow keys, i.e. in cursor control mode.

Button Layout: Given the decades since the invention of the computer, you probably think that the layout of keyboards is standard. If we talk about the standard keyboard buttons, this will indeed be the case. Even so, some designers have distorted this standard due to design, cross-platform compatibility, or other design aspects, and some changes may affect usage properties.

But even with the correct layout of the standard buttons, it seems that in the case of buttons, all keyboards also have some kind of layouts. For example, on some keyboards, instead of traditional four-function keyboards, these buttons are combined into a single line. Many keyboards have numeric keypads where numbers are arranged in a similar way. And some of these keys have buttons in unusual places, making it even more inconvenient for users.

In addition, if you set the SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES for the mouse in the CONTROL PANEL, then when the "Num look" key is off, you can control the mouse cursor using the keys "4" - to the left, "6" - to the right, "8" - up, "2" - way down.

Page Up and Page Down keys.

With these keys you can scroll up and down the screen. The keys highlighted in blue work only when the Num Lock key is off (no light is on). You can and should use these keys in any text editors, any browsers, in general, wherever information does not fit on one screen in height.

Wireless keyboards help prevent awkward cords and allow you to step away from your computer when needed. This process is a little more complicated than just plugging in a cable or dongle. However, after such a match, the mouse or keyboard should be able to communicate unless they accidentally delete the match. Meanwhile, RF technology offers direct connection and use. Finally, both technologies can be disrupted by a number of wireless signals or electronics. Therefore, select the technology according to the specific conditions of your home or office, as both solutions are equally good.

Home and End keys.

These keys move the cursor to the beginning (Home key) and end (End key) of the line. Or to the beginning and end of the list (in Explorer). The keys highlighted in blue work only when the Num Lock key is off (no light is on).

Keyboard shortcuts for working with the taskbar

Portability: Some keyboards are designed for portable use, so it fits into the smallest portable computer baskets and weighs as little as a pound or less. Laptop keyboards are also handy for on-the-go use when the computer is connected to your home entertainment system. However, due to the portability of this portability, many of these keyboards do not have a numeric keypad, their buttons are smaller than standard keyboards or custom layout buttons. Therefore, in this case, it is very important to try it first before buying a keyboard.

By the way, if you press the "Home" key together with the "Ctrl" key (highlighted in green), then the transition will be carried out immediately to the first (topmost) page. And if you press the "End" key together with the "Ctrl" key, the transition will be carried out directly to the last (lowest) page.

Insert or Ins key.

The "Insert" key switches between INSERT and REPLACE modes. In the mode


If you type between two words, the right word will move to the right, and new text will be inserted after the left word. Like this: "left" "center" "right" - I inserted the word "center" between the words "left" and "right". And in the mode


the right word will be overwritten - replaced by the inserted word.

Like this: "left" "center", i.e. the word "right" will be completely erased.

Sometimes you just want to disable this key, tk. When typing in WordE, you can accidentally click on this button and turn on the replacement mode, and at the time of editing the already typed text, you do not notice how, what you typed is overwritten. Therefore, I recommend that you sometimes pay attention to the status bar in WordE, there is an indication of the "Insert" key. In addition, in WordE, you can disable this key altogether, but this is not about that in this lesson.

This key is also used in combinations with the "Ctrl" and "Shift" keys (highlighted in green).

The combination of keys "Ctrl + Insert" - copy the selected text. The same as "Ctrl + C".

The key combination "Shift + Insert" - inserts the selected text. The same as "Ctrl + V".

"Delete" or "Del" key.

With the "Delete" key you can


one character to the right in any text. Or delete all selected text. Or delete a file or folder. By the way, if you delete a file using the "Shift + Delete" key combination (the "Shift" keys are highlighted in green), then the file will be deleted bypassing the trash can, i.e. it will no longer be possible to restore it from the basket.

The key highlighted in blue only works if the Num Lock key is off (no light is on).

In addition, the "Del" key is used in combination with the "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys (highlighted in green). Pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination will open the Task Manager.

Cursor keys - arrows.

With these keys


A cursor is a blinking vertical bar in text editors or a highlighted rectangle in any file manager.

The keys highlighted in blue work only when the Num Lock key is off (no light is on).

The cursor keys can be used in combination with the Shift and Ctrl keys (highlighted in green). This is especially useful in text editors.

The key combination "Shift + right / left arrow" - selection of one character to the right / left.

The key combination "Ctrl + right / left arrow" - moves the cursor one word to the right / left.

The key combination "Shift + arrow up / down" - selection of one line up / down.

The key combination "Ctrl + up / down arrow" - moves the cursor one paragraph / line up / down.

BackSpace or Left Arrow key. Reads like "Backspace".

With this key you can


one character to the left, or all of the selected text.

V file managers this button is used to move up one level (one folder). In photo viewers, go back one photo.

The combination of keys "Alt + BackSpacr" - cancellation of the previous action. The same as "Ctrl + Z".

Enter key. Reads like "Enter".

There are two "Enter" keys on the keyboard. If you often work with numbers on the numeric keypad, then I recommend that you use the "Enter" key, which is located in the lower right part of the keyboard.

The Enter key is used to


any action to open files, to launch programs, to move to a new line.

Shift keys. It reads like "Shift".

The Shift key is used


characters. Those. if the "Shift" key is pressed, then the letters will be printed in capital letters. Like this: SHIFT KEY.

In addition, the Shift key is often used in combination with the Ctrl and Alt keys. For example, the key combinations "Ctrl + Shift" or "Alt + Shift" switch keyboard layouts.

Keys "Ctrl". Reads like "Control".
Alt keys. Reads like "Alt".

I have combined the meanings of these keys, since they are really the same. These keys are used


other keys, i.e. the "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys are used


with other keys to perform any action.

"Context Menu" key.

With this key


Exactly the same as if you pressed the RIGHT mouse button. The menu will correspond to the program in which you are working, i.e. active program. Or if you press this button while on the "Desktop", the menu corresponding to the active element of the Desktop will open.

Windows or Win key.

Pressing this key opens the main windows menu- menu of the START button.

In addition, this key is used in Windows in combination with other keys to make it easier and faster to launch programs or perform actions.

For example, the key combination "Win + D" is to minimize all windows.

The key combination "Win + E" - launches "Explorer". And so on. I will make a separate lesson about key combinations.

Space key.

This key is used


between each other symbols, words, i.e. to insert a space character - indentation.

By the way, if the replace mode is enabled (using the "Insert" key), the "Space" key works like the "Delete" key, i.e. erases the character on the right.

Sometimes the "Space" key is used to confirm any action, ie. like the Enter key.

Key " Caps lock". It reads like "Caps Lock".

Caps Lock key, same as Shift used


characters. Those. if the "Caps Lock" key is on (the corresponding indicator is on), then the letters will be printed in capital letters. Like this: THE CAPS LOCK KEY.

The "Tab" key. Reads as "Tab".

Using this key, you can create a "red line" in text editors, i.e. pressing this button inserts multiple "space" characters at once.

Using this button, you can bypass all contextual elements of the active window. This is useful when the mouse suddenly stops working or does not exist at all for some reason. To make it clearer, go to Explorer and press the "Tab" key, you will see how the cursor jumps from one contextual element to another.

Another key "Tab" is used in combination with the "Alt" key to switch tasks in Windows.

Now, as I promised, I will tell you how to display all the characters drawn on the key.

For example, let's take the "?" Key located near right key"Shift".

There are as many as four characters per key. The secret is in the Shift key and keyboard layout.

Those. to display "." (dots) Russian keyboard layout must be enabled.

To display "," (comma), press this key together with the "Shift" key in the Russian keyboard layout.

To display "/" (slash), you must switch to the English layout and press this key. To display "?" (question mark) you must press this key together with the "Shift" key in English layout... That's the whole secret.

Likewise, with other keys on which several characters are drawn. For some special national symbols, it is necessary to switch accordingly to the national layout.

The designation of keys on a computer keyboard has its own functional characteristics and purpose. Using the keys, you can control the computer, write texts, enter numerical data. The designation of the keys on the keyboard is divided into four groups of keys:

Alphabetically - numeric, basic, there are most of them on the keyboard. They are located in the central part of it and are intended for a set of numbers, letters, punctuation marks and various symbols.

The function keys F1 through F12 are located at the very top of the keyboard. For each of these keys a specific function is assigned and it depends on which program with this moment time you work. For example, when you press the F1 key, you will always get help information about this program.

The most famous keyboard shortcuts

The side numeric keypad is designed for quick input of numbers, but before that we need to press the "Num Lock" key. When disabled, the keys are used to control the cursor and screen. The keys in this group are grouped and arranged in a block, like on a calculator or counting machine.

Cursor and screen control keys (arrow keys) are used to move the text input cursor, pause and take screenshots from the monitor screen. Here I will make a small explanation that the text cursor appears when you enter text and indicates the place from which you will start typing. In addition, the arrow keys are commonly used to control the computer, to navigate web pages, documents, and computer games.

Now let's take a closer look at the notation of the keys on the keyboard:

Esc To stop or cancel a started action, closes the program menu windows

Tab Creates a standard indentation of the first line of a paragraph, sets the horizontal spacing in a line between words, navigates through cells in windows and tables, and moves along open windows and objects in them.

Caps lock Used to enable and disable the capital letters mode

Shift To switch to upper case (capital letters and symbols mode)

Ctrl and Alt Designed for simultaneous pressing with other keyboard keys, change the result of their use.

Windows To enable and disable the main menu, similar to the "Start" button on the taskbar.

Space(space) Performs a space between words and characters, while inserting a space between words only once. There is no space on the inside of the brackets and quotes, nor is it to the left of the punctuation marks.

Key context menu Is analogous to right button mouse, is intended to enable the context menu.

Enter Confirms actions in menu windows and for entering paragraph characters

BackSpace To delete characters to the left of the text entry cursor. The key is located above the Enter key and is indicated by a curved arrow.

Delete Deletes characters to the right of the text entry cursor, deletes the selected text or object.

Home Moves the text input cursor to the beginning of the line, jumps to the first object in the window.

End Moves the text cursor to the end of the line to the last object in the window.

PageUp To move up in the program window

PageDown Moves down in the program window

Insert Serves for pasting copied from the clipboard.

NumLock To enable or disable the side numeric keypad

Print Screen For photographing the monitor screen (placing its image in the clipboard

Arrow Keys Move the text input cursor over the text and jump through the selected objects in the window

F1 - F12 Are function keys and perform various special actions. The function of the keys depends on the running programs.

Scroll - Lock Disables scrolling text

Pause Suspends execution of some programs and loading of the operating system