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Night vision device owl 2 characteristics. - "We are testing the first Russian car night vision system." Preparation for work

Electron-optical flaw detector (EOD) "Filin-6" designed for remote monitoring of energized high-voltage power equipment. The diagnostic method is based on the determination of the characteristics of corona (KR) and surface-partial discharges (PCD), as well as their dependences on the magnitude of the voltage and the degree of insulation pollution. With the help of EDI, remote inspection of insulation and equipment is possible. Optical control, using this device, allows, with a minimum amount of time, to identify and determine:

  • "zero" insulators in suspended porcelain insulation;
  • sources of corona and surface partial discharges;
  • microcracks in support-rod insulation;
  • evaluate the surface conductivity on the insulation.

Compared with the previous models of flaw detectors in the "FILIN-6" EDI:

  • improved resistance to background illumination;
  • the effect of glare on the picture of spark (corona) discharges has been reduced;
  • a quartz lens is installed, transparent to ultraviolet radiation.

During the period from July to November 2001, specialists with the help of the FILIN-6 EDI inspected 9 substations of RAO "UES of Russia". All tires, slopes, porcelain bushings for apparatus, suspension and support insulation were inspected.

As a result of equipment inspection, 59 defects were identified, including:

  • microcracks in the support-rod porcelain insulators of the disconnector columns accounted for 41%;
  • "zero" porcelain insulators in suspension busbar insulation - 29%;
  • wire bursts on live parts of the equipment - 10%;
  • understated section of the loop - 8%;
  • defects in construction and installation - 12%.

EDI "FILIN-6" successfully operated in a number of power systems (OJSC "MOSENERGO", OJSC "SVERDLOVENERGO", OJSC "KUZBASSENERGO", OJSC "NIZHNEVARTOSKNEFTEGAZ", etc.), as well as abroad: Australia, Brazil, Poland, China.

The principle of operation of EDI FILIN-6:

Principle of operation EDI FILIN-6 illustrated by a block diagram. Optical images of insulation (I), PChR and RR, passing through a light filter (SF) with a passband in the short-wavelength part of the optical spectrum, are formed by the input lens (01) on the photocathode (FC) of an electron-optical light amplifier (EOC) with a microchannel plate (MCP ). Optical signals are amplified more than 20,000 times. They can be observed on the screen (E) through the eyepiece (O2) or recorded by any of the suitable devices (US).

A special dispersing filter can also be installed in front of the entrance lens to assess the degree of contamination.

The high gain of light brightness allows diagnostics from a distance of tens of meters, which is especially important for preventive control of equipment under high voltage. The developed methods of remote preventive monitoring of external insulation of various types of high-voltage power equipment, based on recording the characteristics of optical radiation of discharge processes, provide high performance and safety control.

Eopograms with corona or surface partial discharges are recorded from the flaw detector screen using a photo attachment to a digital camera.

The developed methods of remote preventive monitoring of external insulation of various types of high-voltage power equipment, based on recording the characteristics of optical radiation of discharge processes, provide high performance and safety of control with an acceptable degree of reliability.
Eopograms with corona or surface partial discharges are recorded from the flaw detector screen with a photo attachment, on a video camera or digital camera.
EDI "FILIN-6" has no analogues in Russia. The production of a similar device by Coro-Cam (South Africa) has been mastered abroad, the price of which is $ 70,000.00.

Salikov Vyacheslav Lvovich

Night vision devices market overview Russian production.

The last decade of the twentieth century was distinguished by a significant increase in attention to night vision devices (NVDs) on the part of consumers, instilling optimism in the leaders of the domestic optical industry. In addition to traditional orders for the production of military NVGs, which are rapidly increasing due to the obvious successes of night combat tactics using generations II + and III converters, demonstrated mainly by the United States and its NATO allies, the civilian NVG market is also developing very rapidly. The latter should include not only amateur devices of the zero and first generations, which are often used for professional purposes, but also the same military systems, adapted for the needs of rescue services, the provision of law enforcement and security personnel. It should be noted that from the whole variety of NVDs for review in this article, only the market segment of wearable and portable devices for individual use is selected, that is, glasses, monoculars, sights - both head-on and providing observation from the hand or mounted on weapons. Stationary and semi-stationary night vision devices, for example, night driving devices for special vehicles and navigation systems of ships, with rare exceptions, should be considered as part of the products for which they were designed for operation at night.

The disappearance of the political barrier that not so long ago divided the world into blocs predetermined the structural globalization of the economy and, as a consequence, the availability of military technology products from different countries of the world. Each state, taking care of the needs of its own defense and security, developed independently, or borrowed a similar series of night vision devices that meet established standards. The spontaneous democratization of the initially isolated market led to a conversion burdened by the lack of competent marketing on the part of many firms, predetermining a significant range of products offered and fierce competition. As a result, potential buyers have a fairly wide choice among devices that are approximately the same in terms of parameters. The characteristics published in passports and advertisements say little to non-specialists in infrared technology and practically nothing about the level of the manufacturer and the quality of its products. In this situation, it may be useful to review and briefly analyze the state of the Russian NVG market.

Night vision goggles (NVGs), in particular, built according to the pseudobinocular scheme, can be considered a classic example of the variety of homogeneous forms. Such devices are mounted on the operator's head on special masks to ensure movement and orientation in the terrain at night, covert observation of objects, perform various kinds of engineering and technical work, control vehicles over rough terrain without using visible light sources at night. The main characteristics of glasses and the most famous domestic model 1PN74 developed for the national armed forces (photo 1), already mentioned in the previous issue of the magazine.

Photo 1. Night vision goggles 1PN74.

The emergence of NVG aroused great interest Owl-B1 produced by "Refinery" (Novosibirsk), produced in a shock-resistant polystyrene case (photo 2). However, the parameters of this device, as well as other analogs, differ little (comparative characteristics of the glasses under consideration are given in Table 1), and the performance "in hardware", that is, in a silumin case, is considered more preferable among specialists. Confused and significant weight Owls: without a mask, the weight of the goggles is 700g, and when equipped (with a mask and power supplies) - more than a kilogram. In the final version, the glasses were named - Dive.

Photo 2. Night vision device SOVA-B1

NVG look attractive Kremlin-1/2, production of Novosibirsk OJSC "Cathode" (photo 3). Initially, the optical-mechanical units of these glasses were assembled in a thin-walled metal welded case. The optical design is more advanced due to the use of eyepieces with an increased diameter of the exit pupils - up to 18 mm, versus 8-10 mm for traditional models. It should be borne in mind that reaching the diameter of the exit pupils of the eyepieces more than 14 mm allows you to get rid of the alignment mechanism along the base of the operator's eyes (the distance between the centers of the pupils in different people varies from 56 to 72 mm, and the diameter of the pupil of the eye when observing the image intensifier screen in the eyepiece is 64 8 mm). An increase in the diameter of the pupil leads to a decrease in the brightness of the observed image in proportion to the ratio of the areas of the normal and enlarged pupils (in this case, up to 3 times), but the achieved value of the gain of modern image intensifier tubes makes it possible to compensate for losses due to the built-in gain control. The absence of an alignment mechanism on the base of the eyes allows you to return to the separate mechanisms for diopter adjustment of the eyepieces, otherwise, the adjustment is made from the side of the image intensifier due to the displacement of its relative eyepiece system. On comparative tests of NVG Kremlin made the most favorable impression on the representatives of the special forces, although specifications this model does not differ significantly from the classic ones, with the exception of ergonomics, which is perhaps one of the best. However, experts considered the design of the case The Kremlin somewhat "liquid", that is, more susceptible to slight deformation under mechanical loads and temperature changes than a cast "box" and a model in a molded plastic case was developed for subsequent production. According to the developers, this made it possible to reduce the dimensions of the structure to the utmost. The advantage of the considered models is their complete set with an interchangeable mirror-lens objective, which is screwed onto the body instead of the main one, which makes it easy to turn the glasses into binoculars with 4x magnification. Kremlin is one of the smallest and lightest binoculars-pseudo-binoculars currently produced. When using NVC binoculars, it should be borne in mind that changing lenses in the field is undesirable due to the possibility of contamination of the open surfaces of the optical elements.

Photo 3. Glasses-pseudo-binocular Kremlin

The ONV model is distinguished by the original design of the case and very high characteristics. GEO-NV-III-NG, developed by the research and production association "Geofizika-NV" (Moscow) specifically for the use of III-generation image intensifier tubes, the production of which is the priority of the company. However, glasses "GEO" did not receive distribution due to the high price, which was predetermined by the used EOP-III and somewhat worse weight and size parameters than analogs. HE IS IN GEO-NV-III did not undergo technological training and launch into serial production and can only be produced piece by piece, which leads, for example, to the need to manufacture body parts on a milling machine from solid duralumin blanks. Recently, representatives of the company conducted field tests of the model 1PN74, serially produced by State Unitary Enterprise "Alpha", Moscow, specially adapted for the use of EOP-III manufactured by "Geofiziki-NV", which is distinguished by a longer body length: 35mm versus 22.5mm-standard. As a result, both firms were satisfied with the result and are successfully implementing the resulting hybrid.

A somewhat similar situation happened with the model of pseudo-binocular glasses of the Rostov Optical and Mechanical Plant - "ROMZ". These NVDs are designed for the use of image intensifier tubes II + and Super-II + generations. Their body is also CNC milled from original blanks, which leads to a higher price and lower competitiveness compared to analogues. Subsequently, "ROMZ" was certified for serial production 1PN74, but re-preparation of production and launch of these glasses turned out to be very expensive, and as a result, the ROMZ model has an extremely high price in comparison with the prototype. The experience gained shows that the organization of the production of night vision devices (NVD), as well as the purchase of such expensive high-tech products, should be treated very carefully. Obviously, the launch should be preceded by a thorough marketing analysis, and it is advisable to purchase a mass-produced product from a well-known manufacturer in the market, capable of providing both a minimum price and warranty and after-sales service. To the above, it should be added that the price of pseudobinocular ONV of Russian production on the market is about $ 2000 * with EOP-Super II + and reaches $ 3000 with EOP-III. The actual selling price may vary by up to 20% or more. It is achieved in the course of direct negotiations on the sale and is determined by many factors, for example: the configuration of the model, the quality of performance and the used image intensifier, the terms of delivery, etc.

* Note: For night vision devices with image intensifier tubes of higher than II generation, only an approximate price order is given based on data from 1998-99.

It is not advisable to use image intensifier tubes of generations below II in pseudobinocular NVDs due to the low amplification factor of the luminous flux of previous generations (no more than 10 3 versus 2.5-5x10 4). However, such devices are produced, for example, RECON-1 produced by "LOMO" (St. Petersburg). In these NVGs, I-generation image intensifier tubes are used. The delivery set also includes an interchangeable mirror-lens lens with f = 90mm, which provides 3x magnification (photo 4). The advantage of such models is extremely low price, however, quite consistent with their modest capabilities. RECON-1 is produced in a plastic case and differs in the minimum, for such structures, weight - 350g, in the version of pseudo-binoculars - 520g.

Photo 4. ONV RECON-1 with interchangeable mirror-lens lens

All manufactured models of ONV binoculars with the use of EOP-Super II + and III, as well as binoculars themselves, are distinguished by an extremely high price and are intended only for solving special problems. They are mainly used for piloting helicopters and light motor aircraft at night, as well as for driving special vehicles over rough terrain at higher speeds. Actually, for the use of NVG for the needs of aviation, it is necessary to carry out expensive and complex tests and certification of the device in the relevant supervisory authorities. To what has been said should be added the need to adapt the cockpit of the aircraft for the use of NVG, special quick-release attachment mechanisms for standard helmets, safety power from the on-board network and the solution of many similar problems. It is obvious that the commercial use of such devices is very limited and is justified only as part of expensive equipment. So, at present, models are proposed for the needs of aviation: OVN-1(photo 5), developed by the Special Design Bureau of Night Vision Techniques (SKTB TNV) and mastered by the production of Lytkarino Optical Glass Plant and State Unitary Enterprise Alpha (factory index - Alpha 2031) and GEO-NVG-III developed by Geofizika-NV. These models have characteristics that are limiting for the existing NVC. Since 1988, SKTB TNV has developed helicopter night goggles (OVN) for helicopter piloting. The MI-8 model with an adapted cockpit was named MI-8MTV-5. Subsequently, the State Unitary Enterprise "Alpha" significantly modified the OVN, using the optical assemblies of objectives and eyepieces with the best characteristics... In addition, on the input lenses of the lenses of the modernized OVN Alpha 2031 applied thin-film interference filters, the so-called "minus-blue" (minus-blue), allowing to avoid flare from bright light sources and homogeneous surfaces with high reflectivity (water surface, snow field, etc.) at wavelengths up to 630 nm. In order to achieve tightness, the design of the case has also been slightly changed. The need for such a solution was revealed when the image intensifier failed during tests at high humidity. The OVNs obtained as a result of the edition of the State Unitary Enterprise "Alpha" are acquired not only to ensure piloting of helicopters of the rescue services, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces when flying at night, but also by representatives of agricultural and transport aviation for pollination of fields, performing air cargo transportation to remote areas with landings on unequipped sites ... Pilots of light motor aircraft of private companies also show interest in aviation goggles, for which the ability to fly at night will provide greater flexibility in customer service. As for OVN GEO-NVG-III, then this model is undergoing comprehensive tests. The cost of such equipment, when equipped with the appropriate air helmet and on-board power supply devices, exceeds $ 10,000, the cost of adapting a helicopter cockpit for the use of NVG is more than an order of magnitude higher than this figure. To reduce the cost of OVN, it is possible to install two Super II + image intensifiers in them. However, the photocathodes of these image intensifiers are 2-3 times less sensitive and their use for piloting aviation technology does not ensure the observation of obstacles, for example, power lines, tops of masts, poles at the required distances, taking into account the piloting speed on moonless nights. By the way, OVN with two image intensifier tubes-III should provide general piloting in conditions of natural night illumination of 1-10 -3 lux (cloudy sky, no moonlight), and obstacle detection at illumination of 5-10 -3 lux (starlight, up to 1 / 4 moons), an average piloting speed of 100 - 200 km / h and an average flight altitude of about 50 - 100 m at a distance of 0.5 km - large-sized objects (for example, a truck against a background of green grass), at a distance of more than 300 m - poles of power lines ... Glasses with Super II + image intensifier tubes obviously do not meet the first part of these conditions.

Photo 5. Helicopter night goggles OVN-1

When driving vehicles, especially when maneuvering heavy special equipment, when it is required to provide a stereoscopic effect of vision while maintaining high ergonomic characteristics, the binocular scheme with the use of two Super II + image intensifiers turns out to be optimal. To perform such tasks, Alpha specialists proposed a modernized version of the OVN, which received the index A-2121(photo 6), but this device has not found widespread use. At present, NVD-pseudo-binoculars are used to drive special equipment at night.

Photo 6. OVN A-2121

The modest selection of binocular night goggles designed for solving professional tasks is compensated by the presence of several zero-generation NVG models on the counter. The greatest interest in such models is shown by hunters and sportsmen, considering their characteristics to be quite sufficient to ensure covert movement and orientation on the terrain. Of course, on moonless nights, these glasses are only effective with IR illumination. Among the popular models should be mentioned Dipol-2MK, development and production of the firm "Dipol" (Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus) and Orion-1, one of the earliest developments of SKTB TNV for the needs of the Armed Forces. The latter are produced by the Moscow firm "Metron" under the index NG111M and in the Moscow Region PA "Lytkarinsky Optical Glass Plant" ("LZOS", Lytkarino), with the index OH1x20(photo 7). The use of a binocular scheme in these devices, i.e. the use of two optoelectronic paths is predetermined by the insufficient characteristics of the zero-generation image intensifier, especially the low gain / conversion of the luminous flux. The best results in the "zero" class are shown by the V-8, with the use of which the most popular models of cheap domestic NVG are produced. To the dignity of devices Dipole should include the presence of a similar monocular, equipped with a headband and allowing the device to be installed in front of the left and right eyes. This model has the best price / quality ratio for solving non-professional tasks *. Much less often, on the shelves of shops in the European part of Russia, you can find glasses Kremlin-66 and Kremlin-99, produced by "Cathode" and also having monocular implementations. More expensive ORION-2, developments of SKTB TNV and produced by "LZOZ" with two IOP-I have significantly less demand in the market, because their price goes beyond consumer preference.

Photo 7. ОН1x20 device

In conclusion of the discussion of the NVG models offered on the domestic market, a few words should be said about the masks used (in the practice of night vision, they are usually called headbands). This question is important because of the significant weight of the glasses - about 0.5 kg, which has a serious effect when worn for a long time on the cervical spine. Difficult problems are also a significant variation in the anthropometric parameters of the human head, the reliability of the fastening elements and the adjustment mechanism, the reaction of the skin of the face and head to contact with the headband materials, and the like. Currently Russian manufacturers There are two standard headbands available and both have customer complaints. Originally designed for the needs of the aircraft, the mask is made of plastic, has a box-shaped rectangular shape and is attached to the operator's face with cloth straps that cover the head. To avoid contact of plastic with the face and ease of attachment, the inner side of the mask is glued with soft pads made of fine, well-dressed leather. Such a mask almost completely covers the operator's face, due to which the weight of the glasses is evenly redistributed to the facial bones and the pressure on the cervical vertebrae decreases. In addition, the mask partially covers the face from dust, snow, etc. The goggles are attached to the side brackets of the mask using special nuts, which allows them to be adjusted at an angle of ± 10 ° and provides an adjustment for the removal of the eyepieces. There are no folding and quick release mechanisms in the design of this mask. Particularly often criticized is the unreliability of fixing the headband straps with metal buckles and the operator's field of view that is constantly covered by the device. The headband designed and manufactured by Dipole for its NVGs is considered to be more comfortable. It is a metal half-hoop covered with leather, to which the appropriately modified parts of the inner insert of a regular helmet are riveted, used to ensure safety at construction sites and when working in mines. The headband is rigidly fixed on the head with Velcro locks. A chin strap is used to relieve the neck. For the convenience of the user, a soft thin leather pillow is also used, glued to the back of the hoop. This design is equipped with a tilt and quick release mechanism that provides all the necessary adjustments, with the exception of corner installation. During work, the operator's face remains open. The disadvantage of this headband is the problem of sharing it with a helmet, helmet or headgear, with the exception of a knitted cap, of course. Nevertheless, today the Armed Forces prefer to use this particular option. "Cathode" produces its original headband models for The Kremlin and "LOMO". The latter, in a sense, resembles the American model used for NVG AN / PVS-7 all modifications. The design of these headbands also matches the headband with a quick release unit and has all the necessary adjustments, with the exception of the tilt option.

Inspection of the park of pseudo-binocular designs of night vision devices will not be complete without mentioning binoculars. Such devices do not provide a stereo effect, but they turn out to be much cheaper due to the use of one image intensifier tube and a lens. Kazan Optical and Mechanical Plant (KOMZ) is successfully operating in this class of devices. The most popular family is Baigysh led by the famous model - Baigish-6(photo 8). To distribute the image in these models, not an eyepiece, but a special lens system with a prism is used, which provides the effect of "panoramic guidance" of the image of the image intensifier tube (ie, a panoramic eyepiece). Baigish-6 is one of the most widely replicated pseudo-binoculars and is successfully sold in the Russian Federation and abroad, although it has significant dimensions by modern standards. Such night vision devices are developed on the basis of the II-generation image intensifier with rather high characteristics and until now there is a good demand for them due to the very high quality / price ratio. Of course, binoculars are used as wearable devices for observation "from the hand" or on a tripod. Model LYNX 10M-01 firm "TURN" (Moscow), structurally executed somewhat differently and can be supplied with both a conventional and a panoramic eyepiece (photo 9). A similar solution is offered by the Moscow JSC Dedal-NV ( trademark"Dedal") in the model Dedal-41(photo 10). Both devices use an EOP-II with a photocathode diameter of 25 mm, Dedal-41, in addition, the installation of an IR illuminator is provided. How the development of this model can be considered a novelty of '99 -Dedal-43 with a mirrored lens. A similar option is also offered by NPK "Start" in the model PNN-03, but with slightly more modest lens parameters. The cost of the overwhelming majority of models of night vision devices with image intensifier tubes of generation II is in the range of $ 1500-2000.

Photo 8. Binoculars-pseudo-binocular Baigish-6 (export version).

Photo 9. LYNX 10M-01 device with conventional and panoramic eyepieces

Photo 10. Pseudobinocular Dedal-41

The model is also a pseudo-binocular binocular 1PN-94, manufactured by "KOMZ" (photo 11). As a matter of fact, the ocular NVD system is used here, made together with the objective in a one-piece polystyrene body. A similar option is offered by "Alpha" in the model Alpha 3122 with the lens of the Krasnogorsk plant. This model has excellent performance, except for the weight of 1.2 kg, due to the significant weight of the lens - 630 g.

Photo 11. Binoculars-pseudo-binocular 1PN-94

The rarest devices on the domestic market are full binoculars and, oddly enough, monoculars designed to provide the elite units of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Of course, this refers to night vision devices with image intensifier tubes of generation II + and above. The use of such binoculars is limited by their high price and significant weight and size parameters. Based on the ratio of energy and cost characteristics, it is most expedient to use pseudobinocular systems, which have filled the corresponding niche in the market. The author is aware of only one successful design of binoculars - Kremlin-3 with two image intensifier tubes II + manufactured by "Kathode" with the use of two small-size mirror-lens objectives. As for the "spetsnaz" monocular, the reason for its absence in service is technological problems associated with the development of a fiber-optic wrapping element assembled with an image intensifier tube. Initially, it was believed that pseudo-binocular ONV II + is sufficient for the solution of existing tasks by special forces. The need for an image intensifier of II-III generations with a built-in "revolver" manifested itself only during the development of air glasses. At present, State Unitary Enterprise "Alpha" has developed and produced a monocular A-9021(photo 12), which is the most ergonomic NVD available on the world market (weight-250g!) with the best price / quality ratio. By configuration A-9021 resembles the American М982 / 3, manufactured by IIT / Litton, but is equipped with not one, but two AA-type power supplies. The monocular has a lens unified with 1PN74, and can be supplied with an afocal attachment developed for these NVDs, as well as an adapter for photography.

Photo 12. Monocular A-9021

The largest segment of the NVS market in terms of the number of manufactured products is the zero-generation device market. Most of the enterprises of the optical industry in Russia work here. Such constructions are not intended for professional use. The largest number here are scopes, from small, easily fit in the hand monoculars of the Krasnogorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant named after V.I. Zverev, one of the largest manufacturers of products of this type, up to "tubes" and binoculars with 3-4x magnification, produced by "ROMZ", "Metron", "Kathoda" and many other firms. Among similar NVDs of "general civil use", devices with a piezoceramic element, which do not require the use of batteries or accumulators, are very popular. A similar development of "ROMZ" - vizier NZT-P, was repeatedly awarded gold medals at exhibitions (photo 13). A similar model is produced by the Krasnogorsk plant under the brand name NV-300P(export option - Safari)(photo 14).

Photo 13. Vizier NZT-P

Photo 14. NVV Safari

In addition to surveillance, night vision devices are traditionally used to provide shooting at twilight and at night from various types of small arms. This problem is solved either by using night sighting systems (NPC), or - special night sights. The NPK, in addition to the ONV, certified for the RF Armed Forces, includes a laser target designator (CL) mounted on a weapon. When using the complex, shooting is carried out at a distance, usually not exceeding 150m with visual control of the illumination spot created on the target by the laser IR-diode of the designator. Consideration of NPK issued in the Russian Federation is beyond the scope of this article because of their, as a rule, purely military purpose. If desired, the complex can be obtained by purchasing, in addition to glasses or a monocular with a CL headband, together with services for mounting on weapons from the manufacturer.

Night vision scopes are of considerable interest to amateurs and professionals. Since the debut of the "Sniperscope" during the Second World War, dozens of their models have been developed and produced with the use of image intensifier tubes of almost all generations. The basic principles of night sights are determined not only by the requirements for achieving specifically high optical characteristics characteristic of other types of night vision devices, but also by the need to ensure significant mechanical strength of the structure.

The magnification factor of the observed image is easy to obtain from the ratio of the focal lengths of the objective to the eyepiece. Obviously, the image detail and, consequently, the aiming accuracy is the higher, the greater the value of this coefficient. The desire to improve this characteristic in practice leads to a proportional complication of the design and an increase in the weight and size parameters of the sight due to the limitations imposed on the focal lengths of its optical units.

The current standards set the value of the removal of the exit pupil of the eyepiece at least 50 mm. When firing single shots from a hunting weapon, a value of 40-45 mm can be considered acceptable. With a magnification factor of 3-4 times and a focus of the objective of 100 mm, the focus of the eyepiece will be 25-35 mm, which is significantly less than the indicated distance. At the same time, the development of eyepieces with a large distance of the exit pupil (greater than the length of its focus) leads to an increase in the dimensions and mass in the glass of this unit with corresponding increases in the complexity of its design and its cost.

In the previous article, it was already mentioned that it is advisable to use only high-aperture lenses with a relative aperture (F-factor) of at least 1: 1.5, or super luminous ones with an aperture of 1: 1.2 or more, in the design of night vision devices. The relative aperture is the ratio of the diameter of the entrance pupil of the lens to its focal length and determines the illumination of the image intensifier tube. In turn, the maximum diameter of the objective can be considered approximately equal to the diameter of the entrance pupil. As a result, when using a lens objective with a focal length of 100 mm, the diameter of the sight can be 60-80 mm, and that of a mirror lens - more than 100 mm. Accordingly, the minimum length of the device can be obtained by summing the focal lengths of the objective and eyepiece and the optical thickness of the image intensifier tube (the distance between the photocathode and the screen), which will amount to about 200 mm without taking into account the eyecup. These simple considerations illustrate well the problems of ergonomics of night sights, as well as of all other night vision devices, the mass and dimensions of which are very difficult to reduce without deteriorating their main characteristics. In modern night sights, lenses are used with focal lengths of 60-120 mm or more with a magnification factor of 2-5 times or more.

Aiming requires a built-in aiming mark or a reticle with alignment mechanisms that ensure its movement across the field of view. The latter are also built-in, but sometimes they are mounted in the mount on the weapon, providing a displacement of the optical axis of the sight relative to the barrel bore (especially in the vertical plane, which is more typical for models with image intensifier tubes of 0 and I-generations, i.e., for relatively inexpensive civilian models ). Confident observation of the aiming mark at different brightness levels of the image intensifier screen is required, for which a backlight is used, often with independent brightness control. The sight must withstand shock loads up to 500g while maintaining the original position of the adjusting units. A similar requirement applies to the mechanism for attaching to the weapon, which should also provide a quick installation with a reliable fixation of the sight.

"KOMZ" (Kazan) and the Novosibirsk "NPZ" traditionally specialize in the production of night vision scopes for the needs of the Armed Forces. Recently, NPK "Start" (St. Petersburg) has been trying to compete with these enterprises, promoting models with very high characteristics to the market. Produces night sights for military purposes and "BelOMO" (Minsk, Republic of Belarus), comparative characteristics of some models of these firms are presented in table 2.

"KOMZ" can be represented as a serial model 1PN-83(photo 15) using the II-generation image intensifier. "Refinery" successfully operates in the professional market, mainly due to the offer of a modern line 1PN93... Today, six modifications have already been developed, of which the most famous is 1PN93-1(photo 16). A similar circuitry solution is the model PKN-04 from NPK "Start". Both models are equipped with mirrored lenses and differ in the smallest weight and size parameters. The use of such lenses makes it possible to achieve the minimum possible length of the device along the optical axis and, due to the possibility of direct transfer of the image to the photocathode, to use the image intensifier tubes II + and III without a built-in wrapping element. However, mirror lens systems have a worse aperture ratio (smaller effective relative aperture) than conventional lens systems with the same maximum diameter and, in addition, have a unmasking effect (the mirror area of ​​such lenses, developed for military purposes, is covered with decorative caps). Accordingly, it is possible to consider the model more advanced PKN-06 developed by "Start" for the use of EOP-III. This company also produces other models of sights designed for both military needs and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and for sale on the open market (for example, Coyote 1 with EOP-I). A feature of the NPK Pusk range of sights is the presence of a red collimator mark (collimator sight), which allows to increase the speed and accuracy of fire. However, the sighting collimator mark is also used in models from other companies, for example, 1PN-83... All the scopes described have a built-in reticle alignment mechanism (dots, ticks, reticle) and are designed for a load of more than 500 g.

Photo 15. Sight 1PN-83

Photo 16. Night sight 1PN93-1

The work of Daedalus JSC can be considered a very successful consequence of the conversion of high technologies. This company, initially focused on the civilian market (hunters, sportsmen), develops and produces highly technological products with high performance, providing a wide range of services and the necessary advertising information. It should be noted that "Daedalus" adheres to a slightly different classification of image intensifier generations. So the 0-generation image intensifier in modern design with a sensitivity of 120 - 250 mA / lm is designated as "I"; Image intensifier tube with a fiber-optic element at the input and a minimum sensitivity of 280 mA / lm - I + or Super I +, referring to foreign sources *. However, such a classification is used today by many Russian export companies and consumers should pay attention to this. The models of this company differ completely by professional capabilities. Dedal-300 and Dedal-40m(photo 17) with image intensifier II and 25 mm photocathode diameter, Dedal-200 with image intensifier II and photocathode diameter - 18mm. A serious novelty of the company is the day / night sight Dedal-DN510(Fig. 1), which supports the installation of II + and III generations of image intensifier tubes mounted with an eyepiece in a separate replaceable unit. Models of pancratic night scopes (with variable magnification) PNP-1/2(photo 18) with image intensifier II + of a professional level is offered to the market by Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant (ZOMZ).

Photo 17. Dedal-40m sight

Rice. 1. Day / night sight Dedal-DN510

Photo 18. Night sight pancratic PNP-1

* Note: The classification of image intensifier tubes and, accordingly, night vision devices has foreign roots and is based on proprietary names. Thus, fiber-optic plates (FOPs) were originally used for joining cameras in multi-module designs. This solution made it possible to avoid a drop in resolution at the edges of the field of view in such image intensifier tubes. Today, only single-chamber converters with a VOP at the input (sometimes at the output) and with a multi-alkaline photocathode (S-25 according to the American classification), which are referred to as I +, have survived in production. During the development of the II + converter, the greatest success was achieved by Philips, which created the XX1610 image intensifier, which is close in its parameters to the third generation. Such an image intensifier tube with a photocathode sensitivity of up to 650 μ / lm (S-25R or Super S-25) received the registered name: SuperGen. A similar image intensifier, developed in the Russian Federation, began to be called II ++, which led to misunderstandings on the part of foreign consumers. The shortened EOP-0 currently being developed in Russia is already referred to by the developers as "Superzero", although the "super" prefix is ​​more correct to refer to the increase in the sensitivity of the photocathode, and to designate the improvement of the design - "plus". The assignment of a NVD with an image intensifier without the use in the design of a VOP to the first generation, even with improved photocathodes and an electrostatic image transfer system, can only be regarded as "historically the first generation".

Minsk "BelOMO" is presented on the market with traditional army models: Mon-9(photo 20) with a mirror lens and a conventional PNV-17(photo 19), both with image intensifier tubes II.

Photo 19. Night sight PN-9

Photo 20. Night sight vision NVG-17

As in the case of scopes, quite a lot of companies work in the segment of scopes with image intensifier tubes of 0-generations (or I - in the classification accepted by the manufacturers of scopes). The use of such scopes is ineffective, but many fans of night hunting consider their characteristics to be quite sufficient, meaning by this, most likely, an affordable price for them - about $ 400-500. The use of these devices requires the use of rather powerful LED IR illuminators, which are well distinguishable by animals in the dark. Powerful IR laser illuminators are not widely used due to their high price and uneven distribution of energy in the corner of illumination, although they are produced in small quantities, for example, an IR laser illuminator from Daedalus at a price of $ 320 apiece versus a diode illuminator - about $ 100. Night sights with image intensifier tubes Super I + generation have sufficient capabilities for the needs of night hunting, i.e. with fiber optic washer at the input and improved sensitivity, but their price hovers around $ 900. Nice development of the night sight RN-S01 with I + image intensifier is offered by the company "Retron" (Moscow).

Within the framework of a journal article, it is impossible to consider the entire fleet of night equipment produced in the Russian Federation, and the author did not set himself such a goal. General idea of ​​working in this direction of industrial enterprises and firms with a short benchmarking their products are quite sufficient for solving most of the tasks of night vision practice. As a conclusion, it should be noted that Russian firms have almost completely occupied the market segments of the 0 and I generations of night vision goggles and are quite successfully producing night sights and binoculars with image intensifier II general purpose... Today the most successful models in this class are produced with a circulation of up to 10 thousand units per year. The situation with special-purpose night vision devices of II + -III generations is much worse. The main consumer of such high-tech products is traditionally the state. The difficult economic situation in Russia does not allow the formation of sufficient state orders for the means of special equipment, which ensure a stable serial workload of enterprises working in this direction. Credit for production and development of new products is a serious problem, even if there are contracts. It is quite possible that there is insufficient rational use of the allocated funds due to the absence in Russia of the practice of open tenders (tenders) when the ministries form a portfolio of state orders. These problems affect not only the development and implementation of new devices, but also the quality of the manufactured products. However, it is well known that truth is learned by comparison. A brief overview of the achievements of the world market, which is planned to be prepared for the next issue of the magazine, will help to determine the actual position of domestic night vision technology.


1. Beguchev VP, Chapkevich AP, Filachev AM, Electron-optical converters. State and development trend. // Applied Physics, February 1999, 132-139.

2. Look into the dark. Night vision devices. // Shotgun. Weapons and ammunition, April 1998, pp. 48-52.

3. Orlov V. Night vision devices from Rostov the Great // Military Parade, November-December 1997, pp. 126-127.

Table 1

Comparative characteristics of NVB-pseudo-binoculars

Main characteristics MODELS
1PN74 Kremlin-1/2 Owl-B1 GEO-NV-III-NG RECON-1
Magnification, times
* glasses / binoculars with attachment (lens)
1/2.6* 1/4 1/4 1 1/3
Angle of field of view, degrees 40 40/12 37/9.5 40 22//6
Angular resolution along the axis, lines / mm 33-38 40-50 33/30 40 20
Focal length, mm 25 25/100 25/100 25 26/90
F / 1.4 - - F / 1.1 -
Exit pupil diameter, mm 8 - 7.5 5 -
Removal (removal) of the exit pupil, mm 15 - 14 20 -
Adjustment range at the base of the eyes, mm Absent. 60-70 54-70
Diopter adjustment range, diopters 64 64 65 64 64
Focus limit 25-infinite. 25-infinite / 500-infinite 25-infinite / 150-infinite 30-infinite. 25-infinite.
  • width
  • height
  • thickness (along the optical axis)






Curb weight, g 800/1000 500+/600
mask - 250
mask -500
850 350+/520
mask - 250
Power supply type 2 AA 2 AA 1 THL-316 (3V) 2 AA Alkaline 2АА Alkaline
24 20 30 24 14
Working temperature range 6 50 - - - -25 / +40
The manufacturer's declared range of observation of a full-length human figure in ENO conditions // in complete darkness with IR illumination. 200/300 200/400 150/300 - 150/300

table 2

Comparative characteristics of night sights

Main characteristics MODELS
1PN-83 1PN93-1 PKN-04 PKN-06 Dedal-
PNV-17 Mon-9 Dedal-
Generation of image intensifier tubes II II + II + III II, O 25 mm II, O 25 mm II II SII +, III
Magnification, times 3 4 4 3,1 2,8/4,4 3,2 3,5 6 3-7.5
Field of view, degrees 7 7 10 13 17/10 14 12 6 ° 20 " 12-5.2
Focal length, lens, mm - 100 102 72 64/100 100 - - 100
Lens aperture - F / 1.7 F / 1.7 F / 1.56 F / 1.2 / F / 1.5 F / 1.5 - - F / 2
Lens type Lenses. 3-L 3-L L L L L Z-L L
Resolution, lines / mm - - 33 45 32 40 - min 38
Removal of the exit pupil, mm 50 50 60 50 45 45 40 50 45
Eyepiece diopter adjustment, diopters - - - - +3/-4 +3/-4 ± 4 - +2/-4
Time of continuous work, hour 20/10 10 70 60 50 70 - - min 30
Power supply type 2АА Litium
4NiCd (1.25V)
1 AA 2АА Alkaline 2АА Alkaline 2AA 2AA - 2AA /
/ Blik-3
- length 295 207 130 170 225 -252 270 215 315 320/345
- height 205 176 130 160 82 93 180 245 -
- width (diameter) 68 79 68 80 74 86 86 120 -
Weight, kg 1.45 0.95 0.7 1.0 0.97/1.1 1.23 1.2 2.8 0.83/0.85

New state, complete set. The home plantarium SITITEK Media combines the functions of a starry sky projector, a radio receiver and an external speaker for a smartphone. To observe a realistic picture of the starry sky with shooting stars, it is enough to darken the room and turn on this compact optical device. The body of the planetarium is made in the form of a light pink silver ball mounted on a white stand. The angle of the lens is freely adjustable: the image can be projected onto a wall or ceiling. The lens can be manually focused to get a perfectly clear picture. The SITITECH MEDIA planetarium is equipped with two projection disks: with a realistic picture of the night sky and with images of constellations. Please note: rims are a key design element optical instrument, they must be protected from scratches and dirt. An interesting feature of the home planetarium is the "shooting stars" mode. To enable it, there is a separate button on the control panel. The date and time are set using a simple mechanism - a special wheel rotates the projection disc. The home planetarium housing contains 2 speakers with a power of 3 W and an FM radio receiver. A player, smartphone or computer can be connected via a standard 3.5 mm jack - then the planetarium will work as an external speaker. The planetarium can be powered from the mains via an adapter (purchased separately) or from 3 AA batteries (batteries not included). High-quality home planetarium SITITECH MEDIA can be bought now in our online store! Features: Planetarium shows 8,000 stars 2 projection discs included in the delivery set Tilt adjustment and manual focusing of the lens Mechanical setting of date and time Built-in speakers There is an FM receiver Can be connected to a smartphone, player or computer Original design Package contents: Home planetarium SITITECH MEDIA Audio cable with 3.5 mm plug 2 projection discs: the starry sky of the Northern Hemisphere, the sky of the Northern Hemisphere with constellations Instruction manual and warranty card Specifications Number of projected stars 8,000 Projection optical Observing point 35 ° north latitude Optimum projection distance, m 1.8–2 Projection diameter, m2 Possibility of focusing angle LED lens yes Shooting star mode yes Speakers yes, 2 pcs. power 3 W Audio input, stereo, 3.5 mm plug FM radio Yes Date and time setting Yes, time from 20:00 to 02:00 Projection rotation Yes, clockwise and counterclockwise Number of rotation speeds 5 Auto shut-off timer yes, 30 and 60 minutes Power supply 3 AA batteries (sold separately ) adapter for operation from a 220 V network (purchased separately) Battery life up to 3 hours.

Manufacturer: Russia
Guarantee: 1 year

Safety Requirements

1. The binoculars do not pose a hazard and do not affect the sanitary and hygienic conditions during their operation.

2. When bright light sources (flashlights, bright moon) enter the field of view, visibility through binoculars deteriorates or disappears completely. In this case, immediately move the binoculars away from these bright light sources. In 1-2 minutes after removing the illumination, the working capacity is restored. Very strong illumination (when you turn on the binoculars during the day, in a well-lit room, prolonged (more than 10 seconds) exposure to bright light sources) can disable it. Do not turn on the binoculars during the day or in a lit room without lens caps.

Binoculars device

1. Night binoculars are an optoelectronic device, the principle of operation of which is based on enhancing the brightness of the image of weakly illuminated objects using an optoelectronic converter (EOC).

2. The lens builds an image of the observed object on the photocathode of the image intensifier. Under the influence of light (image), electrons are selected from the photocathode of the image intensifier tube, which, under the influence of an accelerating electrostatic field, accelerate and hit the phosphor of the image intensifier tube, causing it to glow. The enhanced image formed on the image intensifier screen is viewed by the observer through the eyepiece. The image intensifier is powered by a power supply unit.

3. 1-primary power source (2 cells of the A-316 / LR6 type or analogue batteries); 2-inverter; 3-transformer; 4-high voltage multiplier (VUN)

The principle of operation of the power supply is as follows: low constant pressure Primary power source 1 by inverter 2 is converted into alternating voltage and increased by transformer 3. Alternating voltage from the high-voltage winding of the transformer is fed to VUN 4, which rectifies and multiplies this voltage to 19 kV.

4. Structurally, the binoculars are made of two monoculars connected by a hinge, with the help of which the interpupillary distance is changed. The monocular consists of a lens, body and eyepiece. The eyepiece has a slide that allows its diopter refocusing. The power supply is fixed on the hinge axis. The primary power supply compartment is closed with a lid. Two batteries are installed in the primary battery compartment in the cassette. The switch turns on the binoculars.

5. In connection with the improvement in the production process of the design of binoculars, some design changes may be introduced into it.

Preparation for work

1. Remove the binoculars from the case.

2. Installation of batteries.
The batteries are installed in the following sequence:
- unscrew the cover from the power supply;
- take out the cassette and install two batteries in it, observing the polarity;
- install the cassette into the compartment of the power supply unit and screw on the cover.

3. After installing the batteries, the binoculars are ready for use.

Operating procedure

1. Turn the ring counterclockwise to open the switch. Turn on the binoculars by sliding the switch slider. In rain, turn the ring and close the switch. Normal switching on is characterized by the glow of the screens of the image intensifier.
2. Remove the lens caps.
3. Aim the binoculars at the object to be observed and, turning the eyepieces, find such a position for each eye in which the image becomes the sharpest.
4. Turning the binoculars tubes around the hinge axis, set them along the base of the eyes, except for the BN 7x70 binoculars, which have a permanent base.
5. At the end of the work, turn off the binoculars by moving the switch slider, put the protective caps on the lenses. After turning off the binoculars can continue to work for another 10-15 minutes (until the power supply is completely discharged). This can be used to increase the operating time from one set of batteries, periodically turning the binoculars on and off during operation.
6. At the end of the work, it is recommended to remove the batteries from the binoculars to prevent contamination of the battery compartment when electrolyte leaks from the compartment.


Maintenance consists of replacing batteries and cleaning contaminated surfaces. Replacement of batteries is carried out when they are discharged, when, when turned on, the glow of the screens is not observed or it is dim, which does not provide observation of objects, as well as in the case of detection of traces of electrolyte leakage from the cells. Contaminated surfaces should be wiped with a soft cloth or cotton swab. If moisture gets into the switch socket, it is necessary to dry it (blow out). If electrolyte gets into the battery compartment or cassette, clean it thoroughly. When cleaning the optical surfaces of the lens and eyepiece, you must first blow off grains and dust, then, breathing on the glass, wipe it with a clean soft cloth, making circular movements from the center to the edges.

Storage rules

1. Storage should be carried out in a case, in a room at a temperature from + 5 ° C to + 40 ° C and a humidity of no more than 80% in the absence of dust, corrosive vapors and gases in the air.

2. During long-term storage (more than 2 weeks), the batteries must be removed from the binoculars due to the possible leakage of electrolyte from them.