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The most interesting programming language. Modern programming languages ​​and their use

Since the introduction of the first programming language in 1957 high level Fortran has passed almost 60 years, and it is not surprising that programming has leaped forward over such a long time. New technologies have appeared, new concepts and programming paradigms, and, of course, new languages. As a rule, the creation of a programming language is due to the demand of the time: new tasks often require new tools to solve them, which will do the job better than their predecessors. In this regard, several new languages ​​appear every year, which absorb all the best that has been accumulated over decades of practical programming and at the same time bring something new. Some of the most interesting programming languages ​​that have appeared quite recently, but have already established themselves as powerful and modern tools for the developer, will be discussed in this article.

The other kind are the ones for which you have a simple feeling, you still remember how in the evening with the dim light of the night light you listened to your tower in the same cassette, claiming that there was no way ever to improve the music. At the very end, there are still those you never listen to, but you know that they are kind of an ancestor, a precursor to the state of the art of music.

So, changing topics from music to programming, we can try to assign some languages ​​to popularity - for example, in the first category that we could catch. In the fourth category, the only the right choice maybe Assembler is the ancestor of the very idea of ​​programming. How has the popularity of programming languages ​​changed over time?


Free language general purpose created by by Apple for development for iOS and OS X. The language is compatible with Objective-C, which makes it possible to use both languages ​​in one program. Development of the language began in 2010 under the leadership of Chris Lattner, Apple's head of development. Swift has borrowed ideas from many already existing languages very different directions: from C ++ to Haskell. The official introduction of the language took place in June 2014, along with a 500-page manual on how to use it. You can work on Swift in the Xcode 6 for iOS programming environment. Language version 3.0 adds support for Linux.
The language has taken a lot from Objective-C; at the same time, it is positioned as safer and faster. According to the developers, Swift code runs 1.5 times faster than similar Objective-C code.

It is updated monthly. Popularity results are calculated based on the number of specialists involved in the development software, the number of courses available for that language, and the number of external providers associated with that language. The creators believe that popularity is mainly expressed in the number of people who want to learn the language.

It should be noted, however, that the choice was not just a choice - one person could choose several different languages programming. This diagram is not representative of programming languages ​​- it touches on the popularity of technology over the four years.


A language developed by Facebook; similar in appearance to PHP. The program code on Hack is executed on a special virtual machine that also supports PHP. The language is open - source codes Hack is open to everyone who wants to participate in its improvement. Although the language is based on the well-known PHP, the developers managed to create a completely new and highly reliable tool for fast creation websites and other applications. The result impressed Facebook so much that all of the company's projects were transferred to Hack - a fact that speaks for itself.

As we wrote earlier, the results are updated monthly, and, in our opinion, they more accurately describe the popularity of this language. In the table for a given month, the results are described in percentages - the more percent a language has, the more popular it is. The table also includes changes for the same month of the previous year.

Five more most popular languages. The creators of this diagram came up with a very original approach. It's also worth noting that this is a chart that is constantly being updated! Statistics for the three most popular languages. Below is a table showing the popularity of languages ​​since April this year, as well as the change in popularity over the past twelve years. Figure 9 Graph showing changes in recent years.


A new language for mathematical calculations. The syntax of the language was influenced by Matlab and other mathematical languages, but there are also significant differences. The language itself is written in C and C ++; program code the language is executed on the LLVM virtual machine, for which Julia is equipped with a JIT compiler. Thanks to compilation, a high speed of application work was achieved, comparable to programs written in C ++.
The language supports distributed computing, function overloading, and code parallelization. The main task of Julia: work with a large volume of calculations while maintaining high performance. For these purposes, support for cloud computing has also been added to the language. Besides purely mathematical problems with the help of Julia, it is also possible to create general-purpose programs.

As you can see, the popularity of a given language varies depending on how it is learned. It is clear, however, that some of the favorites are emerging among the most popular programming languages. By looking at data from these sources, you can try to find some programming trends - and try to predict how the market will behave in the future. It is also worth noting that the most popular does not mean that the language is the best - it can be clearly seen in the example of musical groups.

And what do you think about the popularity of languages? Or maybe better - to which group would you compare your favorite programming language? 🙂. An anonymous technical profile and specific financial expectations are just some of the features that differentiate the platform. Register and find out how your employer sees you.


A language created by Google as a replacement for JavaScript. Due to some "fundamental flaws" in JavaScript that cannot be fixed, it was decided to create new language for web programming. At the same time, the language had to be created as similar as possible to the existing ones, in order to simplify the transition and teach newcomers. Currently, Dart programs are executed in two ways: through virtual machine Dart VM and by translation to JavaScript. In the future, Dart is slated to replace JavaScript as the universal language for web programming.

What programming languages ​​should you be focusing on in the coming months? What should you consider when looking for trainings and conferences? Which language programmers will have no problem finding interesting job offers? The index is updated once a month and takes into account only complete languages ​​in the Turing sense. The creators point out that the index does not refer to which language is the best or when most of the lines of code were created.

At the end of January last year, the podium did not change, and Java was in first place in a row in a row. How popular is this language? This makes it easier to create applications as well as the ability to extend them. Too big a plus is also platform-independent code generation.

Type Script

Another language that positions itself as a replacement for JavaScript. The famous Anders Hejlsberg, the author of Delphi, C # and Turbo Pascal, became the developer of the new language. Type Script is open tongue backward compatible with Java Script. The compiler converts the Type Script code to JavaScript, which is then executed by the browser. Unlike JS, the new language supports all the possibilities of object-oriented programming, as well as the connection of modules. Type Script and JavaScript compatibility allows existing JavaScript code to be used in new Type Script projects, including popular JS libraries. There is support for the generic programming paradigm.

All other tools are free. There is also very good documentation, which is another relief. It also helps in the work of programmers. Some of the uncomplicated jobs the library can do for you. This allows the programmers of this language to truly enjoy freedom of choice in the workplace. The rise in popularity, along with a small learning curve, attracted many aspiring programmers who popularized many ineffective programming techniques.

Another example is focusing on the correct use of object-oriented programming concepts, most of the frameworks and libraries portable to such code, and encouraging users to do the same. Examples are field content as an object name, or the result of an anonymous function instead of a class name.

JavaScript is good for adding basic interactivity to web pages, but when your web application code is thousands of lines of code, its weaknesses become apparent. That's why Google created Dart, the language the company believes will be the new native language for web programming.

The syntax for declaring an anonymous class is very similar to that of other languages, and the use cases are similar. It is for these reasons that many errors have been replaced with exceptions. The language already offers good syntactic elements for handling exceptions that are more natural and easier to write than catching and handling errors.

For example: now you can declare methods using names like "list", and or "for"; this has not been possible yet, because these names are actually the keywords of the language. Last year, however, a group of people decided it was time for it, and they did it.

Like JavaScript, Dart uses the syntaxes and keywords similar to those used in the C language. However, one significant difference is that while JavaScript is based on prototypes, objects in Dart are defined using classes and interfaces, as in C ++ or Java. Dart also allows programmers to additionally define variables with static types. The idea is to make Dart as familiar, dynamic, and flexible as JavaScript, while at the same time allowing developers to write code that is fast and easy to execute, and difficult to make hard-to-find mistakes.

In addition, more robust support for Unicode characters confirms the need for web sites to be accessible in many languages, especially in Asia and Africa, where Internet penetration and thus new consumers are growing rapidly. The strong development and maturation of frameworks, bookstores and tools in recent years is still strong evidence in this regard. The new major version is not a revolution, but just an evolution, but it brings many improvements that will make life easier for programmers.

Participants do not need to have programming knowledge to access the courses, the only registration requirements are Internet access and an address Email... Teens are getting a coding course! starts September 26th and is dedicated to children aged 12 to 17 who want to learn how to code.

There are few places where you can use Dart. It is designed to run either on the client or on the server (a la Node.js), but the only way to run the client version of Dart is by cross-compiling it to JavaScript. However, even after that, it will not run in all browsers. But since Dart is released under a free BSD license, any seller who agrees to Google's terms is free to use this language in their products. All Google has left to do is convince the entire industry.

After each lesson, students are asked to allow short tests to check if information has been received. It only takes 6 hours to complete the course and graduates will finally be able to create their own video game. Coding education for young learners is addressed to parents, teachers and individuals involved in extracurricular activities for children aged 8 to 11 and starts also on September 26th. Regardless of the level of coding knowledge, this course is designed to help parents and teachers encourage children to participate in coding and programming from an early age.

Programming language under study # 2: Ceylon

Gavin King denies that Ceylon, the language he is developing at Red Hat, should become a "Java killer." King is well known as the creator of the Hibernate Object Relational Mapping framework for Java. He loves Java, but believes there is still a lot to be improved upon.

First software in just 4 weeks

The scrolling time is 4-6 hours, the training course is English language... The courses will help children take the first steps in mastering a simple and fun programming language. The structure of the course includes 4 weeks of instruction in a modern format and one week dedicated to the promotion exam.

The course begins with an introduction to thinking thinking, a necessary skill in creating new products, especially software. After each video lesson, short weekly quizzes and topics begin that participants will solve to quickly get the information they have accumulated.

Some of the things King is not happy with in Java are the language's verbose syntax, the lack of first-class and higher-order functions, and the lack of metaprogramming support. He is particularly saddened by the lack of a declarative syntax for defining structured data, which King says "equates Java to XML." Ceylon aims to solve all of these problems.

The goal of developing this platform was based on the current need for learning in a convenient format independently and at the pace of each student. What are the areas that will be most used this year when there is an acute shortage of staff, which are related areas that allow for light professional retraining, which are the best paid skill combinations, and a list of proposed faculties most likely to find work in the future - all this burning items in this moment when bubbling is the word that best reflects the labor market situation.

King and his team have no plans to reinvent the wheel. There will be no Ceylon virtual machine, the Ceylon compiler will produce java bytecode that can be run on the JVM. But Ceylon will be more than just a compiler. Strategic goal of this project is the creation of a new development kit for Ceylon, which will replace Java, which King says is "bloated", clumsy and still not thoroughly modernized.

In the last part of our interview, we discussed the industries that are currently on the wave, the areas and future skills, but also some details behind the scenes, such as the cost of the foreign language bonus as part of the salary package or the right time to leave the company in which you work for some time.

Website: What are the areas where companies will be hiring the most this year in Romania? There are more replacements, there is a new department, but nothing spectacular. These are the areas where massive commitments are made. But specializations with an acute shortage of staff?

This is a difficult task, and so far Red Hat has not released any utilities for Ceylon. King says the compiler is due out this year. But don't expect any software written in "100% pure Ceylon" anytime soon.

Programming language under study # 3: Go

They are looking for him in some parts of the country - Brasov, Sibiu, where the relevant industry is concentrated - and it is very, very difficult. Again, in the area of ​​quality, technical area. You must have experience and experience in a specific area and then transfer quality or conduct research in that area. There are a lot of them and they are looking for them.

Any specialization accompanied by a foreign language is well paid

But in terms of skill mix? What are the best paid ones? I am not in the habit of talking about salaries because the differences are very, very large. Be aware that this also applies at the level entry level v service centers where customer support is required and a good spoken foreign language is required.

F # code is somewhat similar to OCaml code, but contains its own interesting syntax. For example, to facilitate scientific calculations, numeric data types in F # can be units. F # also provides constructs to facilitate asynchronous I / O, parallelize the CPU, and output processes to the GPU.

Easiest to migrate to sales

For example, German is paid an additional 400 to 600 lei in addition to the salary of this level. How easy is it to go from one domain to another? In general, there are some areas that tend to be broader in scope. You can be if you change the company.

Or be so good not. But there are people who want to migrate and they can go to work. It is financially difficult to migrate, usually moving from financial to business. In general, to become a General Manager, you need to go through business, sales, marketing, operations, but also a little financial.

After a long maturation period at Microsoft Research, F # is now shipped with Visual Studio 2010. Better yet, but not corporate-wide, Microsoft has made an F # compiler and root library available under the Apache open source license. You can get started with it for free and even use it on Mac systems and Linux (using Mono runtime).

The easiest way is to jump into sales, usually if you have a set of skills to help you in that direction. He can easily transition to customer service, again if you have communication skills, from sales to marketing, from marketing to sales. Technical areas usually migrate to the corresponding technical area.

You should think about when you leave the company.

What is the best time to leave the company before you keep up with it? The best time to leave the company is where you learned everything you need to learn and you have an unrivaled opportunity for your professional future that you want to turn to.

The studied programming language # 5: Opa

Web programming is very complex. Even the simplest web applications are made up of endless lines written in multiple languages: HTML and JavaScript for the client, Java or PHP for the server, SQL for the database, etc.

Opa does not replace either of these languages ​​separately. Moreover, it tries to replace them all at once, representing a completely new paradigm in web programming. In an Opa application, the client user interface, server logic, and I / O database are all written in the same language, Opa.

This is achieved through a combination of client and server side frameworks. The Opa compiler decides where to run this program(on the client, the server, or both there and there), and then executes its code. For client programs, it translates Opa into the appropriate JavaScript code, including AJAX calls.

Naturally, with this kind of integrated system, there should be something magical in the end. The Opa runtime integrates its own web server and database management system that cannot be replaced by standalone alternatives. However, this might not be that important given the ability to develop modern data-driven web applications with just a few dozen lines of code. Opa is free and is currently available for 64-bit Linux and Mac OS X platforms, while other ports are still under development.

The studied programming language # 6: Fantom

Do you want to create Java or .Net applications? If you write on Fantom, you can make a choice and then even change platforms. This is because Fantom was built for cross-platform mobility from the very beginning. The Fantom project consists not only of a compiler that can output bytecode for both the JVM or .Net CLI, but also a set of APIs that decouple Java and .Net APIs and create an additional layer of portability.

It is planned to further increase the mobility of the Fantom. A compiler from Fantom to JavaScript is already available, and the following targets may include the LLVM, Parrot VM, and Objective-C compiler project for iOS.

Fantom is distributed free of charge under the Academic Free License 3.0 and is available for Windows and Unix-like platforms (including Mac OS X).

Studied programming language # 7: Zimbu

Due to its mixed nature, Zimbu's syntax is unique and specific, but at the same time it has a lot of features. It uses expressions and operators similar to those used in C, but with their own keywords, data types, and block structures. It supports memory management, threads and pipelines.

The only issue is portability. Although Zimbu is a compiled language, its compiler produces ANSI C code, and binaries can only be created on platforms with a built-in C compiler.

Unfortunately, the Zimbu project is still under development. The compiler and some sample programs can be built on your own, but not all valid Zimbu code will compile and run as expected. Not all of the declared functions have been developed yet, and some of the ones already presented do not work correctly. The language specification is also likely to change over time, adding keywords, types and syntax as needed. Consequently, the documentation is also incomplete. However, if you want to give it a try, the prerequisite utilities are already available under the Apache license.

The studied programming language # 8: X10

Parallel processing was once a specialized niche of software development, but with the proliferation of multi-core processors and distributed computing, parallelism has gained in popularity. Unfortunately, current programming languages ​​are not keeping up with this trend. This is why IBM Research is creating X10, a language designed specifically for modern parallel architectures that aims to "tenfold" developer productivity.

Parallelism in X10 is possible thanks to the PGAS programming model (shared global address space model). Code and data are allocated in blocks and distributed in different "spaces", thereby facilitating the scaling of a program from a single-threaded prototype (one space) to a multi-threaded one running on one or more multi-core processors (multiple spaces) in a high-performance cluster.

X10 code is most similar to Java. Essentially, the X10 runtime is available both as embedded executables and class files for the JVM. The X10 compiler can output either C ++ or Java source code. There are plans to develop forward compatibility with Java in the future.

In the meantime, the language is developing, although it is already quite developed. The compiler and runtime are available for a variety of platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Additional utilities are an Eclipse-based interactive development environment (IDE) and a debugger, which are licensed under the Eclipse Public License.

The studied programming language # 9: haXe

Many languages ​​can be used to write portable code. C compilers are available for almost all CPU architectures, and Java bytecode will run wherever the JVM is. But haXe (pronounced "hex") is more than just portable. It is a multi-platform language that can be used in a variety of operating environments ranging from built-in