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Making small crafts with your own hands flash memory. How to make a bootable USB flash drive: step by step instructions to create a multiboot flash drive safely, easily and quickly. Preparing a new building

In our modern world, to store a wide variety of information, it is customary to use special electronic media, namely flash drives! Now on sale there is a huge assortment of these electronic media, which differ not only in the amount of memory, but also in shape and color. Many people try to acquire a USB flash drive of an unusual color or shape in order to make it seem original and unique! It is in the event that you want your flash drive to be unique, that is, not like everyone else's, then you can make it, or rather its outer shell, with your own hands! V this example will tell you how to create a flash drive from deer antlers! You don't need any special craft skills to work with this material! Reindeer antlers are a material that is very easy to process, which makes it very suitable as a cover for a USB flash drive!
Required materials and tools to create a flash drive from deer antlers:
- deer horn or part of it;
- drill;
- flash card;
- jigsaw or hand saw;
- epoxy resin;
- sandpaper or file.
First step. Cooking process
First of all, you need to remember that you need to be careful when working with sharp objects! In the process of chopping a deer's antler, a lot of bone dust can arise. It is for this reason that it is recommended to wear a protective mask and to ensure very good ventilation in the room.
Then you will need to disassemble the USB flash drive. Then you need to outline the approximate place of the hidden "pocket" in the deer horn for the flash drive.
You also need to think in advance about where exactly is the best place to make the hole for the chain.

Second phase. Direct creation process
At the next stage of the work, you will need to prepare a container or box for bone dust.
After that, you will need to saw off the unnecessary part of the horn.
Then you will need to outline a rectangular area for the size of the existing flash drive.
Then the horn will need to be wrapped in cardboard paper in order to protect the product from unnecessary scratches.
When creating a hole, it is best to use a machine tool. But you can also do without it. Then you need to measure 0.3 centimeters or a little more on the drill, after which you will need to stick a piece of scotch tape. Thanks to this, you will have a clear idea of ​​exactly what mark you need to drill in depth without using a machine.
When drilling a rectangular hole for a flash drive, remember to collect the bone dust in a container! After that, you should polish the product with sandpaper.
Then you need to turn the horn over to the other side and create a through hole for the chain so that the horn does not crack!

Stage three. Using epoxy resin
Then you will need to add epoxy resin to the rectangular hole made.
You will need to wait five minutes, after which, with the help of a file, you will need to get rid of the excess coating.
Then you need to insert the flash card into the corresponding hole.

Everything, the product is completely ready! Such an original flash drive can be presented to a friend who, for example, works with computers!

USB drives have become part of our lives. With their help, you can transfer information from one computer to another, view images and videos on TVs. The flash drive is compact, durable and lightweight. But most manufacturers offer boring oblong cases that differ only in size and color. Although, the appearance of this gadget is a real field for creativity.

This collection contains original ideas for USB flash drive enclosures that you can implement with your own hands.

Instructions for a homemade USB enclosure

Many are interested in the question of what can be used to make a case at home. For these purposes, a small wooden block, a Lego "brick", a keyboard button, a spent lighter or a small children's toy will do.

The shell of a flash card made of amber epoxy glue looks unusual, into which a small object or insect can be walled up. Lovers of polymer clay can mold the body of any shape. And if there are empty cartridges left in the household, then you get a real military gadget.

And although the material at hand can always be found at home, some consumables will still have to be purchased.

We are purchasing

When the issue with the drive shell is resolved, it's time to check for necessary materials and tools. The minimum set we need:

  • old flash drive for parsing, for example Transcend JetFlash 2 GB;
  • sharp knife;
  • pliers;
  • thermal gun with a minimum power of 20 W and rods to it.

You can find photos on the Internet homemade flash drives with LEDs. Then, in addition, it is worth preparing an LED light bulb, a 300 Ohm resistor, a soldering iron and a screwdriver.

We disassemble the old USB flash drive

The first step is to disassemble the old device and remove the board. For collapsible structures, it is worth prying with a sharp knife with a thin blade the seam along the body, separating the two halves from each other.

If your old device was in a molded case, then we do the same - we open the latch located near the USB connector with a sharp object.

Preparing a new building

For clarity, we will show how to make a case for a USB flash drive from a children's toy. To do this, divide it with a knife into 2 parts, one of which will be a lid. Hollow rubber or plastic blanks do not require any rework.

Another thing is toys with “stuffing” of stiffeners or jumpers. With pliers we break out all unnecessary inside, simultaneously cutting sharp edges with a knife. A cavity should be formed inside the workpiece, sufficient for the installation of the flash card and the LED.

In order for the latter to glow during connection, through holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm are drilled in the toy body with a screwdriver.

We solder the LED

We take an LED and visually determine its plus pole by the smallest electrode area. Using a soldering iron, we connect this pin to a resistor. We install heat shrink tubes on the ends and begin to solder the contacts to the USB flash drive board according to the following scheme:

“+” Of the LED (the place where the resistor is soldered) is connected to the rightmost leg of the board;
“-” is soldered to the leftmost leg.

Putting together a USB flash drive

The last stage of updating and repairing a flash drive with your own hands is installing and fixing the board in the toy body. We insert a flash card with an LED into the toy and fill the cavity with glue using a heat gun.

Irregularities, excess adhesive can be cleaned with a clerical knife, and burrs or sharp edges can be dulled with sandpaper.

In order for the improvised cover, the second part of the toy, to close faster, you can attach a small magnet inside it.

Checking a new device

After assembly, you need to check the drive for operability. If everything was done correctly, when connected to a PC, the LED backlight will light up and the card will be ready for use. But if something went wrong, then you shouldn't be upset. It is enough to know the main malfunctions of flash drives and how to fix them. All failures are classified into mechanical or physical, electrical and software errors.

Mechanical damage

Most often they are the result of user negligence. A flash card used without a protective cap is prone to static, the USB connector may bend. Therefore, store portable assistants only in a closed form or special cases.

It is not uncommon for a drive to be stepped on or dropped from a height. In this case, the USB legs or the contacts on the board responsible for power supply may be unsoldered.

The defect can be eliminated by soldering the extreme contacts of the plug. If after that the flash drive comes to life and starts flashing, but still does not work, then the likely reason is the departure of the data transfer pins. The same soldering iron will come to the rescue.

Electrical faults

The most common culprit for electrical damage is water trapped inside the flash drive. Such a device is not recognized on the computer. The flooded device must be thoroughly cleaned of salt and dirt deposits, immersed in isopropyl alcohol and dried thoroughly before use.

Other causes of electrical breakdowns include soldering defects, static discharges, overheating due to poor heat dissipation in the case, and power surges. Here you will have to resort to hardware recovery- replace non-working parts, re-solder defective parts.

Software (logic) faults

These include damage invisible to the eye - failures of firmware or firmware. To fix them, you can use special utilities or formatting the drive. Periodically check the system of the flash card for errors, use only safe removal from the ports and do not pull out the device during its operation.

Do-it-yourself photo of flash drives

USB flash drive - a common device that everyone who has their own at home probably has Personal Computer... Today there is a wide variety of flash drives. As a rule, they have a plastic or metal case, although there are more original options. But what if the body of your flash drive is damaged or for some reason ceases to suit you, and you don't want to buy a new one? In this article we will tell you how to replace the old plastic or metal case of your flash drive with a new wooden one.

How to make a case for a USB flash drive?

In order to make a wooden case for a USB flash drive, we need the following tools:

USB flash drive without case.

A piece of wood.

Drill or other drilling device.



Clamps, 2 pcs.


Let's start making!

1. First, determine the size of the body you need and use a saw to cut a rectangle of the appropriate size from a piece of wood at the marked marks.

3. Using a drilling device, cut out non-through holes in the large and medium pieces of wood and a through hole in the smallest piece. The holes should be large enough to easily fit and hold the USB stick well. In the middle part, which will serve as a lid, small gaps should be made inside the hole so that the lid can tightly close and open easily.

4. Insert the USB drive into the through hole of the small piece so that the connector protrudes from one side and the rest of the flash drive is on the other. If the flash drive does not fit snugly in the hole, fix it with silicone.

5. Now stick the protruding long part of the flash drive into the hole of the largest piece, after applying hot glue to both parts and using a press, glue them into one body. It is necessary to use a press so that both parts are tightly fastened together, and after grinding, no gaps are visible between them.

6. Now sand the entire body thoroughly with sandpaper to give it a neater and smoother look. You can also cover the case with paint or varnish. Our original USB stick made of wood is ready!

In this video I will show you an idea of ​​how to make a USB lighter with your own hands from an old flash drive! Do-it-yourself modding of an old flash drive is very easy at home! In order to make modding of an old flash drive and turn it into a USB flash drive - a lighter will not be difficult! But, for that you will 100% stand out from the crowd with such a unique device! With such a little trick, you can diversify a simple ugly old flash drive, but turn it into a stylish USB flash drive a lighter! Such interesting idea and by trick you can diversify a simple ugly old flash drive and turn it into a stylish USB flash drive - a lighter! ************************************************* ********** Welcome to my Roman Ursu channel, where you will learn how to make homemade products, New Year's crafts, gifts, toys, scarecrows for Halloween, and most importantly, all this can be done at home and with your own hands! Are you fond of handicrafts, homemade products or you just have nothing to do? Then you got to the channel you need, here you can find a lot of homemade products, handicrafts that are made by hand, and most importantly, they are all made from improvised means and at minimal cost! ************************************************* ********** main channel: my second channel: VKontakte group: http: // group in classmates: Attention! be careful not to repeat this at home, the author is not responsible for your actions, this video is of an entertainment nature, not a training or call to action! ATTENTION!!! - my channel is for decent: for mate, abbreviated or modified mate, for insults and "trolling" - WILL BE BATHING !!! ************************************************* ********** Channel of Ilukha “Zveriyo”: In this video I "m going to show you an idea of ​​making a USB lighter with your own hands out of an old flash drive! It "s very easy to make a modding of an old flash drive at home! It" s quite an easy job to do a modding of an old flash drive and turn it into USB flash drive-lighter! There "sa 100% chance to be unique with having such a device in your disposal! With such a little trick you may vary an old plain flash drive, and turn it into a stylish USB flash drive-lighter! Such an interesting idea and trick will help you to vary an old plain flash drive, and turn it into a stylish USB flash drive-lighter! Welcome to my channel Roman Ursu where you will learn how to make hand made crafts, New Year crafts, presents, toys, Halloween scares . The main thing is that one can make it at home and with one "s own hands. You are interested in handiwork, craft or you just have nothing to do, haven "t you? You have found the channel you really need. Here you can find lots of crafts, hand made items, and the main thing is that they all made of make-shifts and at the lowest cost! Main channel.

Modification of computers and computer accessories has always been and remains popular all over the world. Modification of flash drives requires special attention, since this allows you to get a unique accessory. We present to your attention the material that is devoted to the review of the video on modding an old and worn flash drive.

What do we need:
- new building;
- 300 ohm resistor;
- light;
- flash drive;
- glue gun;
- soldering iron.

The author of the video uses a rubber toy bull as a new body.

The first step is to disassemble the USB flash drive.

Next, you need to take care of the case. To do this, put the board of the toy bull's flash drive. We take a clerical knife and mark the place of the cover of the new case on the toy.

After that, we cut off the toy at the place of the mark, thus obtaining two parts.

The goby, which the author of the idea uses as a body, turned out to be empty. This will greatly facilitate the work of inserting the flash drive into the case.

Now we take a screwdriver and two drills for 3 and 2 mm. With the first drill we drill the mouth of the bull, and with the second - the eyes.

The next step is to solder the resistor to the positive terminal of the LED light.

Then you need to solder the LED to the USB stick. The positive contact, that is, the contact that is soldered to the resistor, is connected to the first leg, and the negative contact to the fourth. Before soldering, you need to put heat shrinkage on the LED contacts on the resistor.

It remains only to carefully glue the flash drive board in the new case. To do this, you just need to insert the board into the case and glue it with an abundant amount of glue from a glue gun.

In the second part of the case, that is, the lid, you can glue a small magnet, which will allow you to quickly close the USB flash drive after using it.