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Various programming languages. What programming languages ​​are there. Programming language and career guidance

Programming for beginners

To begin with, I would like to say that anyone can operate a computer and create programs. You don't need to have incredible intelligence or a degree in math to create computer programs. You only need a desire to figure something out and patience so as not to quit classes.

Examples are beetles that can be photosynthesized, which would be among plants, but when light conditions are poor, chloroplasts dissolve and beauties begin to live in a ferocious lifestyle; this is usually the privilege of animals. How do you want your programming model to reflect the real world on fixed hierarchies when it's not real? A tiny server with one server.

When you run and there is no error. The handler is a very simple interface. Everything is correct and controlled at compile time. It is a force that can only dream of languages ​​with a rigid hierarchical structure. What is "fault tolerance"? The world is not the ideal that we want it to be, and so it happens that the disk leaves the computer, the source burns out, something goes wrong, and the equipment is thrown away. Especially when it comes to cloud computing, this is a scenario to consider.

The ability to write programs is the same skill as the ability to swim, dance or juggle. Some people do manage to do this much better than others, but anyone can achieve certain results with proper practice. It is for this reason that children become proficient in programming at an early age. Children aren't necessarily brilliant; they are simply inclined to learn new things and are not afraid to make mistakes.

But a mistake can also be in the program - a person will make a boot, something will be forgotten, and a dead end will occur. And now there is a problem with how to write programs so that they can handle it. "Resiliency" is the degree to which programs can cope. Reliable systems are usually handled by one or more supervisors in the program who control other parts of the program, and when something happens, they restart the module or perform some other task. There is also the possibility of having these supervisors on other physical machines, and this also solves hardware problems - when one computer goes away, the supervisor starts everything else elsewhere.

Despite the fact that computers seem like very complex electronic monsters, relax. Very few people know exactly how search engines work, which allow you to quickly find the information you need on the Internet, and some people have not figured out how to drive a car. Likewise, almost anyone can learn how to create programs without going into the details of exactly how a computer works.

Many developers start their careers only in the language associated with its popularity and wide range of applications. We cannot view the code from the browser because it is secret, like a rainforest spy. Unfortunately, the Polish language does not help us understand the essence of things.

The language was originally used primarily for processing form data, and now we also use it for. Creation for the Internet Creation of online stores Creation of content management systems Creation of mailing lists Where data verification is needed. It also works great in building web applications like content management systems. Therefore, it is not surprising that it also originated in this language.

Generally speaking, the program tells the computer how to solve a problem. Since the world is full of problems, the number of programs people can write is endless.

However, in order to tell the computer how to solve one huge problem, you usually have to tell the computer how to solve a whole series of small problems that make up the big problem.

Its syntax is not too complicated and the language itself allows for problem solving different ways... In turn, if you already have experience and scripts that you could brag about, take a look at ours, maybe we are just looking for you! An older article about algorithms and programs, languages ​​and programming environments, and how we choose a programming environment. Many of the things written here are still valid.

If you replace the pen with the pen, you will not become a poet.

There were so many writers who wrote the night in candlelight and celebration and left behind literary works of great value to humanity. Just like an amateur hobbyist can use a nib with the most expensive gold pen, or even a computer and a printer, rather than literally achieve anything. This is how things stand in programming. You can use a high performance programming environment and you cannot achieve anything of value in computer science when, perhaps using a less advanced programming environment, you can create programs that will delight everyone.

In fact, programming is not difficult at all and is not something mysterious or supernatural. If you are able to write step by step instructions that will allow a person to find your home, you can also write a computer program.

The hardest part of programming is identifying the small problems that make up the problem you need to solve. Since computers are absolutely stupid, you have to tell them how to perform any action.

Programming terms for the programmer, such as a pen or a writer's pen. And the program is like a novel or poetry. Of course, if you use a heel, where the pencil is always dipped in ink, you may have various problems. Perhaps it accidentally knocks over the cauldron and you are correcting everything you wrote, or maybe the pen will write in thicker places and in some other tones. This, however, will never affect the value of the literary work or change the opinion of critics about it.

If the author uses a pen with ink supplies or many of his problems will be solved. If he names a computer, he can easily correct mistakes, add a new piece of text among those already written, and print the assignment using different characters. This will work much more conveniently, so change the tool in favor of the writer, not the reader. This is how it works with programs. Using advanced programming environments, the programmer will make his job easier, but in order to meet his "readers", he must be very talented, skillful and imaginative, for "work", or special, and meet the requirements of the beneficiaries.

If you think that creating a program is more fun than using it, you have everything you need to create computer programs... If you want to learn how to write computer programs, you need the following three qualities.

Pursuit. If you want something very badly, you will definitely get it (but if you do something illegal, you risk spending a lot of time in jail). If you want to learn how to program, your desire will definitely help you, no matter how many obstacles you get in your way.

Suppose one day you own a Mercedes. Programming is permitted when solving problems. Naturally, not all problems, but those that work with information and can be simulated on a computer. If we do not know the general method for solving problems, but only a number of specific problems, we will not be able to easily cope with new situations. If we know how to draw a program to draw a red square and a green square on the computer screen, be happy! We need to see how we can draw a square of any color at any position on the screen.

Curiosity. A healthy dose of curiosity can fuel your desire to experiment and further improve your programming skills even after reading this book. Curiosity makes learning programming less boring and more interesting. And if you are interested, you will definitely study and remember more information than any person who is completely uninterested in this (for example, your boss).

That is, define an algorithm to solve the square drawing problem. An algorithm is nothing more than a method for solving a class of problems, i.e. problems very similar to each other. To understand better, we will demonstrate. Consider first two very similar problems... Let's see that we have a glass of wine and one with juice and an empty glass. To change the contents of the first two glasses, we can pour the wine into the third glass. Now the first glass is empty, and we can pour into it the contents of the second glass, that is, juice.

The second glass becomes empty and pours out from the third glass in it, we will have wine here. The second problem is only the first, but instead of wine and juice, we have water and beer. Naturally, the problem is the same. As a rule, the programmer doesn't care what is in the two glasses, he just wants to find a way to simply change the contents of the two glasses. Thus, from an informational point of view, the two problems presented above did not have two various problems programming, but only one. This is because the computer scientist never examines the contents of the glasses, so he doesn't need the data values ​​he is processing.

Imagination. Computer programming is a skill, but imagination can help make this skill more refined and targeted. A beginner programmer with a fair amount of imagination will always create much more interesting and useful programs than a wonderful programmer with no imagination. If you don't know what to do with your programming skills, your talent will simply die without imagination.

It is very little important for him that two glasses contain wine, beer, juice, or even hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. Essential things for those who use the program may not be important for the programmer! Thus, in two cases we are dealing with one computer problem called the exchange of values ​​of two variables.

It cannot be said about two problems that they form a class of problems, but let's give one more example. Several people work for admission to high school or college. Candidates can be ranked in descending media order or alphabetically by name, or according to any other criterion. Now we are dealing with a class of problems that can be solved by the same algorithm.

Aspiration, curiosity, and imagination are the three most important qualities that every programmer should possess. If you have them, you only need to worry about the little things: which programming language to learn (for example, C ++), what's wrong with math, etc.

Among the many programming languages, you can always find exactly the language that is suitable for solving a given task. When a new type of problem arises, people create new languages.

Thus, the algorithm is a general method for solving a class of problems. There are many such methods, but we only need to consider those that end in a finite time or on time for us. It is also important that the algorithm is clearly described without any ambiguity for anyone to understand.

How can we describe a method for solving a problem so that it can be accurately understood by anyone? There are several horses, but in Romanian, English or any other natural language, we cannot be understood by everyone and always. Moreover, a computer that is not smart enough to understand natural language. He can teach a simple language with low vocabulary and a few syntactic rules, but we must learn and respect them with great rigor.

Of course, in reality the computer only understands one language of ones and zeros, which is called machine language. Typically, a program written in machine language looks something like this:

0010 1010 0001 1101

UN 1100 1010 1111

0101 ONO 1101 0101

1101 1111 0010 1001

Further, it is very important for what purpose the language is chosen - for teaching programming or for solving a specific applied problem. In the first case, the language should be easy to understand, rigorous and, if possible, free from pitfalls. In the second, it is a complex, but effective and expressive tool for a professional who knows what he wants.

Natural ambiguities can appear in natural language. An example is the famous phrase "I saw a man on a hill with a telescope." Natural language was used with great success by our teacher when he taught us numbers with numbers and subtractions with a lot of numbers. When we found out about the decline, he told us to enter the numbers one at a time, and it is very likely that everyone understand that he should put the second number under the first, and not vice versa. He then explained to us that we have to subtract the shape from the drawing, and when we don't get "borrowed" from the drawing on the right.

Now I would like to clarify to you what should distinguish a programming language (Basic, Pascal) from its implementation, which is usually presented as part of a programming environment (Quick Basic, Virtual Pascal) - a set of tools for editing source texts, generating executable code, debugging, managing projects, etc. The syntax and semantics of a programming language are fixed in the language standard. Each programming environment provides its own interpreter or compiler from this language, which often allows the use of constructs that are not fixed in the standard.

We understand, sooner or later, how to act, which figure falls, from which we borrow. We found out for two reasons: because we are smart and because we practiced a few examples. Therefore, to avoid ambiguity, we will present algorithms using artificial artificial languages ​​to support the computer. The most common ways of representing algorithms are pseudocode languages ​​and logic circuits. These are discussed in the computer manual.

What is a programming language?

It is not enough to find an algorithm to solve the problem. You must describe it, i.e. represent it. It is best to use a programming language, that is, a compromise language between human and computer. A program is basically a representation in such a language of an algorithm. If you want your algorithm to be easily understood by many people who know or don't know a programming language or another, it is good to turn to pseudocode languages. They are very similar to programming languages, but they have fewer syntactic restrictions and more freedom for the programmer.

Consider the main and popular programming languages

Assembler This is the brightest representative of low-level languages, the set of concepts of which is based on hardware implementation. It is an automation tool for programming directly into processor codes. Machine instructions are described in the form of mnemonic operations, which makes it possible to achieve a sufficiently high code modifiability. Since the set of instructions on different processors is different, then there is no need to talk about compatibility. The use of an assembler is advisable in cases when it is necessary to directly interact with the equipment, or to obtain greater efficiency for some part of the program due to higher control over the code generation.

But it is best to write the program directly, using a programming language or other appropriate to the problem you want to solve by the algorithm. Typically, programmers know they are "reading" a program written in a programming language that they don't know, because programming languages ​​are like many of them, and are largely thought out and executed. They resemble more than spoken languages. Of course, there are special programming languages ​​that are not like others, but there are fewer of them, and we will not refer to them in this article.

Cobol- Programming language high level developed in the late 1950s. Association CADASIL for solving commercial and economic problems. Differs in advanced tools for working with files. Since the commands of programs written in this language actively use ordinary English vocabulary and syntax, Cobol is considered one of the most simple languages programming. It is currently used for solving economic, informational and other problems.

Fortran- A high-level programming language developed by IBM in 1956 to describe algorithms for solving computational problems. Belongs to the category of procedural-oriented languages. The most common versions of this language are Fortran IV, Fortran 77 and Fortran 90. It is used on all computer classes. Its latest version is also used on computers with a parallel architecture.

Hell- A high-level programming language focused on application in real-time systems and designed to automate the tasks of controlling processes and / or devices, for example, in on-board (ship, aviation, etc.) computers. Developed at the initiative of the US Department of Defense in the 1980s. Named after the English mathematician Ada Augusta Byron (Lovelace), who lived in 1815-1851.

BASIC(Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) Born in the 60s in America. BASIC was conceived as a simple language for quick learning. BASIC became the de facto standard for microcomputers precisely because of its ease of learning and implementation. To achieve this quality, a number of decisions were made (lack of typing, line numbering and non-structural GOTO, etc.) that negatively affect the style of programming learners.In addition, the lack of expressive means led to the emergence of a huge number of dialects of the language, incompatible with each other. specialized versions of BASIC (such as Visual Basic), despite the acquired "structure", have all the same drawbacks, first of all - negligence in relation to types and descriptions. related systems) or as a tool to quickly create applications.

Pascal Developed by the famous theorist N. Wirth on the basis of the ideas of Algol-68, Pascal was intended primarily for teaching programming. Built on the "necessary and sufficient" principle, it has strong type control, constructs for describing arbitrary data structures, and a small but sufficient set of structured programming operators. Unfortunately, the downside of simplicity and rigor is the cumbersome descriptions of language constructs. The most famous implementation - Turbo / Borland Pascal - despite the differences from the Pascal standard, is an environment and a set of libraries that made of teaching language an industrial system for developing programs in the MS-DOS environment.

C and C ++ The C language is based on the requirements of a system programmer: full and efficient access to all computer resources, high-level programming tools, portability of programs between different platforms and operating systems. C ++, while maintaining compatibility with C, introduces object-oriented programming capabilities by expressing the idea of ​​a class (object) as a user-defined type. Thanks to these qualities, C / C ++ has taken the position of a universal language for any task. But its application can become ineffective where it is required to obtain a ready-to-use result in the shortest possible time, or where the procedural approach itself becomes unprofitable.

Delphi- this is not a continuation of the Borland Pascal / Borland C business, its niche - i.e. quick creation applications (Rapid Application Developing, RAD). Such tools allow you to create work program from ready-made components, without wasting a lot of effort on the little things. A special place in such systems is occupied by the capabilities of working with databases.

Lisp- Algorithmic language, developed in 1960 by J. McCarthy and designed to manipulate lists of data elements. It is used primarily in US university laboratories for solving problems related to artificial intelligence. In Europe, they prefer to use Prolog for work on artificial intelligence.

Prologue- A high-level declarative programming language designed for the development of artificial intelligence systems and programs. Belongs to the category of languages ​​of the fifth generation. It was developed in 1971 at the University of Marseille (France), and is one of the widely used and constantly developed languages. Its latest version is Prolog 6.0

LOGO- A high-level programming language developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology around 1970 for the purpose of teaching mathematical concepts. It is also used in schools and PC users when writing programs for creating drawings on the monitor screen and controlling a pen plotter.

Java As a prime example of specialization, Java language appeared in response to the need for a perfectly portable language, programs in which run efficiently on the client side of the WWW. Due to the specifics of the environment, Java can be good choice for a system based on Internet / Intranet technology.

ALGOL- A high-level programming language focused on describing algorithms for solving computational problems. It was created in 1958 by specialists from Western European countries for scientific research. The Algol-60 version of this language was adopted by the International Conference in Paris (1960) and was widely used on the 2nd generation computers. The Algol-68 version, developed by a group of specialists from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in 1968, received the status of an international universal programming language focused on solving not only computational, but also information problems. Although nowadays Algol is practically not used, it served as the basis or had a significant influence on the development of more modern languages, for example, Ada, Pascal, etc.
If you want to ask a question about a specific language use the forum for programmers
Himself better language does not exist. If you are going to become a professional in writing programs, you need to learn one of the high-level programming languages ​​(the most popular programming language is C ++), as well as one of the database programming languages ​​(for example, SQL). After learning the C ++ programming language, you can't go wrong. Knowing this language, you can always find a job in any programming company.

Despite the great popularity of the C ++ programming language, other languages ​​are often used. Many legacy computers still run programs written in the COBOL programming language. Therefore, we need programmers who are able to improve these programs, as well as write new ones. Very often, large companies pay high salaries to such programmers.

If you are going to work on your own, it is preferable to learn how to create your own database programs. To do this, you will need to learn programming languages ​​such as SQL or VBA, which are used in Microsoft Access. In order to create Web pages, you need to know HTML, as well as a little knowledge of Java, JavaScript, VBScript, and other programming languages ​​for the Internet. The most necessary will be the programming language that will allow you to solve the tasks assigned to you easily and quickly. It can be C ++, BASIC, Java, SQL, or assembly language.
In conclusion, we note that from a professional point of view, it is not so important in what language and in what environment the programmer works, how much he does his work. The equipment is changing and OS... New tasks arise from a wide variety of subject areas. They are receding into the past and new languages ​​appear. But people remain - those who write and those for whom new programs are written and whose quality requirements remain the same regardless of these changes.
Here we have reviewed the basics of programming and the main programming languages.

I wish you good luck with learning programming!

Programming is a whole science that allows you to create computer programs. It includes a huge number of different operations and algorithms that form a single programming language. So what is it and what are the different programming languages? The article provides answers, and also provides an overview list of programming languages.

History of origin and change programming languages should be studied along with the history of the development of computer technology, because these concepts are directly related. Without programming languages, it would be impossible to create any program for the operation of a computer, which means that the creation of computers would become a meaningless exercise.

The first machine language was invented in 1941 by Konrad Zuse, who is the inventor of the analytical engine. A little later, in 1943, Howard Aiken created the Mark 1 machine, capable of reading instructions at the machine code level.

In the 1950s, there was an active demand for development software, and the machine language could not withstand large amounts of code, so it was created new way communicating with computers. Assembler is the first mnemonic language to replace machine instructions. Over the years, the list of programming languages ​​only grows, because the field of application of computer technologies is becoming wider.

Classification of programming languages

On this moment there are over 300 programming languages. Each of them has its own characteristics and is suitable for one specific task. All programming languages ​​can be roughly divided into several groups:

  • Aspect-oriented (the main idea is the separation of functionality to increase the efficiency of software modules).
  • Structural (based on the idea of ​​creating a hierarchical structure of individual program blocks).
  • Logical (based on the theory of the apparatus of mathematical logic and the rules of resolution).
  • Object-oriented (in such programming, it is no longer algorithms that are used, but objects that belong to a certain class).
  • Multi-paradigm (combine several paradigms, and the programmer himself decides which language to use in a particular case).
  • Functional (the main elements are functions that change their value depending on the results of calculations of the initial data).

Programming for beginners

Many people ask the question, what is programming? Basically, it is a way of communicating with a computer. Thanks to programming languages, we can put before various devices specific tasks by creating special applications or programs. When studying this science at the initial stage, the most important thing is to choose suitable (interesting for you) programming languages. The starter list is below:

  • Basic was invented in 1964, belongs to the family of high-level languages ​​and is used to write application programs.
  • Python ("Python") is fairly easy to learn due to its simple, readable syntax, but the advantage is that it can be used to create both regular desktop programs and web applications.
  • Pascal ("Pascal") - one of the oldest languages ​​(1969), created for teaching students. Its modern modification is strongly typed and structured, but Pascal is quite a logical language that is understandable at an intuitive level.

This is not a complete list of programming languages ​​for beginners. There are a huge number of syntaxes that are available for understanding, and will certainly be in demand in the coming years. Everyone has the right to independently choose the direction that will be interesting for him.

Beginners have the opportunity to speed up the learning of programming and its basics thanks to special tools. The main assistant is the integrated development environment for programs and applications Visual Basic ("Visual Basic" is also a programming language that inherited the style of the Basic language of the 1970s).

Programming language levels

All formalized languages ​​designed to create, describe programs and algorithms for solving problems on computers are divided into two main categories: low-level programming languages ​​(the list is given below) and high-level ones. Let's talk about each of them separately.

Low-level languages ​​are designed to create machine instructions for processors. Their main advantage is that they use mnemonic notation, that is, instead of a sequence of zeros and ones (from the binary number system), the computer remembers a meaningful abbreviated word from of English language... The most famous low-level languages ​​are "Assembler" (there are several subspecies of this language, each of which has much in common, but differs only in a set of additional directives and macros), CIL (available in the .Net platform) and JAVA Bytecode.

High-level programming languages: a list

High-level languages ​​are designed for the convenience and efficiency of applications, they are the exact opposite of low-level languages. Their distinctive feature- the presence of semantic structures that succinctly and concisely describe the structure and algorithms of the programs. In low-level languages, their description in machine code would be too long and incomprehensible. High-level languages ​​are platform independent. Instead, compilers perform the function of a translator: they translate the program text into elementary machine instructions.

The following list of programming languages: C ("C"), C # ("C-sharp"), "Fortran", "Pascal", Java ("Java") - are among the most used high-level syntaxes. It has the following properties: these languages ​​work with complex structures, support string data types and operations with information I / O files, and also have the advantage of being much easier to work with due to readability and clear syntax.

Most used programming languages

Basically, you can write a program in any language. The question is, will it work efficiently and smoothly? That is why, for solving various problems, you should choose the most suitable languages programming. The list by popularity can be characterized as follows:

  • OOP languages: Java, C ++, Python, PHP, VisualBasic and JavaScript;
  • a group of structural languages: Basic, Fortran and Pascal;
  • multi-paradigm: C #, Delphi, Curry and Scala.

Scope of programs and applications

The choice of the language in which this or that program is written largely depends on the area of ​​its application. So, for example, to work with the "hardware" of the computer itself (writing drivers and supporting programs), the best option would be C ("C") or C ++, which are included in the main programming languages ​​(see the list above). And for development mobile applications, including games, you should choose Java or C # ("C-Sharp").

If you have not yet decided in which direction to work, we recommend that you start learning from the C or C ++ languages. They have a very clear syntax, a clear structural division into classes and functions. Plus, knowing C or C ++, you can easily learn any other programming language.