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The best SFX power supplies: specifications and reviews. Power supplies - their standards

Over the past two years, the love of many users for miniature platforms has grown, and quite strongly. This has spurred many manufacturers to develop SFX form factor products (chassis and power supplies). Today we will talk about SFX power supplies that are much smaller than their larger and more common ATX cousins. But with the decrease in the size of the case, the maximum power, which fits in a small SFX box, has decreased. To date, the maximum possible amount of similar power supplies with a capacity of up to 600w can be found. According to the current stereotypes about a gaming PC, not much, although this is just a stereotype. I think about this in a little more detail, for example, a configuration of Core I7 6700 + GTX1070 or Core I5 ​​6500 + GTX1050 consumes about 300w with a total 100% load, and with a gaming load it is only 200w plus or minus 20w. For reference, the Configuration from Core I7 6700 + GTX1080 eats somewhere 350 and this is if you use it to the fullest! We can conclude that a high-performance gaming config with one top-end video card requires no more than 350w, though if it is a bundle of Intel + Nvidia. Unfortunately, using AMD products of the same performance class in both cases will be much more voracious.

And if we really bring my thoughts on the above topic to their logical conclusion. Then we can say with confidence that 300-350w is enough for a productive gaming PC with one video card. All this is a rather lengthy but informative introduction to the fact that an ultra-compact PC with good performance can be built safely on low-power SFX form factor power supplies. And here we immediately turn to the fact that in this case happiness is not in the number of watts, but in their quality. Today we will have a rather rare representative in the Russian Federation of SFX power supplies with a capacity of 300w with 80+ Bronze Be Quiet certification! SFX POWER 2 300W.

Packaging and equipment

The power supply is delivered in a small black box, in the standard Be Quiet! Design. On its front panel, you can see the image of the SFX POWER 2 itself and the 300W signature.

On the reverse side, one can observe quite detailed description on English language... Graphically provided data on the size of the PSU, the length of the wires and the number of connectors. In the lower corner on the left side there is the power per line data.

The ends and sides are practically unremarkable except for the description in German, Polish, Spanish and French. Unfortunately, there is no description in native and understood Russian.

Inside the box is the PSU itself, carefully packed in a bubble bag, a manual, a power cable, a set of screws and clamps.

Appearance and structural features

Now, finally, let's move on to more details on the appearance of the power supply unit. Before us is a power supply unit of the SFX form factor, the dimensions of which are equal to 100x125x63.5 mm. In principle, everything is more than standard for a PSU, a black metal case and wires, just a little less. But on the exterior, I will linger a little longer, since it is worth explaining something. SFX POWER 2 has a non-modular design, which has both pros and cons. Let's start with the latter, probably in very compact systems (which is what the SFX power supply unit is designed for), laying and correctly placing wires will not be so convenient, and I doubt that all the wires will be involved, so a non-modular design does not look the best in this situation. But there are not so many wires, and they are soft, so their placement will not cause any special problems. We can say that this is not a minus but a nit-picking. Now to the pluses, or rather the plus, one, but bold. It lies in the fact that the cost of a power supply unit with a non-modular design is much lower, and if we take into account that this is a very compact form factor, in this case "modularity" can cost a lot more than the analogy in ATX. I think the idea is clear and you can move on.

The surface of the rear (outer) part is completely perforated to allow hot air blown out by the fan to escape. There is also an on / off button and a power cable connector.

The sides and the inner end are not very remarkable, below are their photos (no need for further words ...)

And now to something more interesting and a little strange. Be Quiet Engineers! for some reason they decided to make not one 12VB line, but two. And it looks like this line 12V2 with a load limit of 16A, the 24pin motherboard power supply and the 4pin CPU power connector hang on it. If we calculate, then this line can pull out ~ 192W as much as possible, this is more than enough even for an overclocked CPU. On the 12V1 line, the load limit is 14 A, everything else hangs on it, and from this rest we are especially interested in the PCI Express slot. The 12V1 line can produce a maximum of ~ 168W, which is quite modest, but more than enough for an average video card. By the way, do not forget that the video card takes part of the power supply from the PCI Express 16x slot, which means from the 12V2 line. In general, everything looks very good, and if you add up it turns out to be more than 300W. But do not rush, the total load limit for 12V1 and 12V2 lines is 24A, after crossing this limit, the PSU will go into defense. It remains to mention that for secondary voltages, a slightly higher load limit of 21A / 20A is possible, providing power up to 103W. For 12V lines, the total power can be up to 264W.

On the other hand, there is an 80mm blower fan.

There is also a seal in case of damage, which the owner loses the warranty.

Now let's pay a little more attention to the fan and how it works. As already mentioned, the 80mm fan is used here, but there is an important feature, it is a low profile 15mm thickness. And that's why it is with the usual non-proprietary Be Quiet grooved impeller! It so happened that there are no branded low-profile fans. Another thin fan differs in that it is built on an ordinary bushing (sleeve bearing), since today they have learned how to make them well. Fan model MGA8012YS-A15.

The minimum fan speed is 1250 rpm, which is very low for a low-profile 80 and is therefore very quiet. The work of the fans is arranged so that only after exceeding 60% of the power supply load, the fan starts to work more actively, and in the range of up to 60% of the load, only a slight increase in speed of 1300-1400 rpm can occur. After overcoming 60% of the load, the fan accelerates to 1500 rpm, while still remaining quiet. And with the transition over 80% of the boundary, the impeller spins up to 2100 rpm and even in this mode it remains quite quiet.

Now let's move on to the wires, focusing a little more on details and quality. Below is an image that shows the length of each cable quite clearly.

The plastic of the connectors is of excellent quality, there are also no complaints about the braiding.

Test stand

A test stand based on incandescent lamps with a power of 50W each was responsible for the load on the power supply. During testing, both 12V lines were engaged. To measure the consumption of electricity from the outlet, a Zalman ZM-MFC3 controller was used. A DT830B multimeter was responsible for voltage control. To measure the sound pressure level, a digital sound level meter was used, from a distance of ~ 15cm, the minimum noise measurement limit is 30dB, the noise level in the room is 30.5-31.5dB, data below 33-34dB can be considered absolutely noiseless , the error may be 1 dB. Test results

80+ Bronze certified.

Deviations in along the lines 12v - 5v - 3.3v, in the aisles of the norm.

The power supply unit works quite quietly, it will remind of itself only at maximum load.


Quite a good attempt to make an SFX power supply, although it does not reach the ideal. Basically Be Quiet! SFX POWER 2 300W meets the declared characteristics and stands out with a quiet fan, is well made and has a braid on the wires. But it is not an outstanding PSU, a good workhorse for a compact PC, perhaps with a mid-range gaming video card and a core i5 stone and lower. Among the competitors, the SFX form factor with the 80 PLUS Bronze certificate is one of the most affordable on sale, its cost starts from 3500 rubles.

In recent years, many manufacturers of computer power supplies have paid attention to the segment of SFX format power supplies. Seat for PSU this format usually found in compact, predominantly Mini-ITX enclosures. Previously, the industry produced SFX power supplies in a case with a length of 100 mm and a power of up to 600 W inclusive, however, the main problem of the vast majority of such solutions was noticeable noise during operation, especially in models with a power of 450 W and above. Recently, the industry has mastered the production of power supplies with SFX format mounts, but with an increased body length, which made it possible to arrange the elements over a larger area and install a 120 mm fan (albeit a low-profile one). A similar product came out under the Chieftec trademark, and we’ll get acquainted with it now.

The power supply is supplied in retail packaging, which is a small box made of thick cardboard with matte printing. The design is dominated by black, white and yellow elements are also present. The packaging looks quite recognizable, but without any frills. An adapter for mounting on an ATX slot is not included in the kit.

The power supply is made in a case with a matte black finish, which has a very fine texture, which provides high resistance to fingerprints and scratches. A 120 mm low-profile fan is installed under the wire grill.


All the necessary parameters are indicated on the case of the power supply in full; for the bus power + 12VDC, the declared value is 480 watts. The ratio of power on the + 12VDC bus to total power is 0.96, which is quite a decent indicator for modern solutions of similar power.

Length of wires and number of connectors

Connector name Number of connectors Note
24 pin Main Power Connector1 collapsible
4 pin 12V Power ConnectorNo
8 pin SSI Processor Connector1 collapsible
6 pin PCI-E 1.0 VGA Power Connector
8 pin PCI-E 2.0 VGA Power Connector2 collapsible, on 1 cord
4 pin Peripheral Connector2
15 pin Serial ATA Connector4
4 pin Floppy Drive Connector

Without exception, all wires are modular, that is, they can be removed, leaving only those that are necessary for a particular system. This is especially true for compact enclosures.

By the standards of full-size power supplies, this model's wires are quite short, but their length is sufficient not only for compact cases, but also for minitower solutions with a bottom-mounted PSU.

The number of connectors is quite sufficient for a compact case, although most typical systems will not be difficult to connect. Another question is that often in such compact systems the drive is, in principle, the only one, and in the case of this power supply unit, you still have to use one cord with three connectors, which is not very convenient.

Cooling system

The main semiconductor elements are mounted on two compact radiators with a base thickness of about 3 mm. Independent sources + 3.3VDC and 5VDC are installed on the daughter PCB and, according to tradition, do not have additional heat sinks - this is quite typical for power supplies with active cooling.

All capacitors in the PSU are manufactured by Teapo - again, this is quite typical for mid-budget solutions.

The power supply unit contains a low-profile (15 mm) fan S1201512MW (1800 rpm), 120 mm standard size, based on a sleeve bearing. The fan is manufactured by the Taiwanese company Globefan Technology.

Power supply testing

The first stage of testing is operating the power supply at maximum power long time. Such a test with confidence allows you to make sure that the power supply is working.

In this case, no problems arose, the voltage values ​​deviate slightly from the nominal.

The next step in instrumental testing is construction of cross-load characteristics (KNH) and its representation on a quarter-plane, limited by the maximum power on the 3.3 & 5 V bus on one side (along the ordinate) and the maximum power on the 12 V bus on the other side - along the abscissa. At each point, the measured voltage value is indicated by a color marker, depending on the deviation from the nominal value.

Size designation deviations of output voltages from the nominal
ColourDeviation rangeQualitative assessment
more than five percentunsatisfactory
+ 5 percentpoorly
+4 percentsatisfactorily
+3 percentOK
+2 percentvery good
1 percent or lessGreat
−2 percentvery good
−3 percentOK
−4 percentsatisfactorily
−5 percentpoorly
more than five percentunsatisfactory

It is worth explaining that if there are deviations within three percent, the parameters of the power supply can be considered as being at a good level.

With a typical power distribution across the channels, the deviations in the + 3.3VDC, + 5VDC and + 12VDC channels do not exceed three percent, although at a high load on the + 12VDC channel, the effective voltage value deviates in the direction of decreasing relative to the nominal value. Deviations of about four percent are also noticeable at the edges of the power range. Nevertheless, such parameters can be considered quite adequate.

During the next stage of testing, we measure the parameters of the AC mains to which the studied power supply is connected, when the latter is operating at constant power. Based on the data obtained, parameters are calculated that determine the economy and efficiency of the power supply.

The economy of the model is at a decent level. At maximum power, the power supply dissipates a little less than 76 W, and this model dissipates 60 W at about 430 W.

No load operation
ModeI, AP, W
PWR_Off0,047 0,2
STB0,081 0,4
Zload0,101 5,6

As for the work in lightly loaded and unloaded modes, then everything is very worthy here: in inactive modes, the PSU itself consumes less than 0.5 W, and in active mode it consumes slightly less than 6 W.

The efficiency of the PSU is at a normal level. According to our measurements, the efficiency of this PSU reaches over 87% in the power range from 200 to 400 watts, the maximum recorded value was about 88.2% at 300 watts. At the same time, the efficiency at 50 W power was about 81%.

We also measure the inrush current in no-load mode with fully discharged capacitors.

During testing, the power supply was connected with two connectors, which are located on the same power cord. The obtained result demonstrates the ability of the power supply unit to deliver the full power of the + 12VDC bus through the video card power connectors.

Measurement of noise level

In preparing this material, we used the method of measuring the noise level of power supplies, which is still experimental. The power supply unit is located on a flat surface with a fan upwards, above it at a distance of 0.35 meters is placed the measuring microphone of the Oktava 110A-Eco sound level meter, which is used to measure the noise level. The power supply is loaded using a special stand with a silent operation mode. During the noise level measurement, the power supply is operated at constant power for 20 minutes, after which the noise level is measured.

This distance to the object of measurement is the closest to a desktop placement. system unit with installed power supply. This method evaluates the noise level of a power supply in harsh environments in terms of a short distance from the noise source to the user. With an increase in the distance to the noise source and the appearance of additional obstacles with good sound-reflecting ability, the noise level in control point will also decrease, leading to improved acoustic ergonomics in general.

The noise of the power supply when operating in the range up to 200 W inclusive is at a very low level - within 25 dBA from a distance of 0.35 meters. A source with such a noise level can be noticed only at night from a small (less than a meter) distance, and only if you specifically listen, and by turning off all other household appliances and closing the windows.

When operating at 275 W, the power supply noise is at a reduced level relative to typical values ​​for a living room during the day. It is quite comfortable to work against the background of such noise.

When operating at a power of 350 W, the noise level of this model approaches the average value when the PSU is located in the near field. With a more significant removal of the power supply and placing it under a table in a case with a bottom-mounted power supply, such noise can be interpreted as being below average. In the daytime, in a residential building, a source with a similar noise level will not be too noticeable, especially from a distance of a meter or more, and even more so it will be hardly noticeable in an office space, since the background noise in offices is usually higher than in residential buildings. At night, a source with such a noise level will be clearly visible, it will be difficult to sleep nearby. This noise level can be considered comfortable when working at a computer.

At a load of 500 W, the noise of the power supply overcomes the ergonomic level of 40 dBA under the condition of desktop placement, that is, when the power supply is located in the near field in relation to the user. The measured sound pressure level in this mode was about 45 dBA, which is very noisy.

Thus, from an acoustic ergonomics point of view, this model provides comfort with an output power of up to 350 W, demonstrating a truly low noise level in the range of up to 200 W.

We also evaluate the noise level of the power supply electronics, since in some cases it is a source of unwanted overtones. This stage of testing is carried out by determining the difference between the noise level in our laboratory with the power supply turned on and off. If the obtained value is within 5 dBA, there are no deviations in the acoustic properties of the power supply unit. With a difference of more than 10 dBA, as a rule, there are certain defects that can be heard from a distance of about half a meter.

At this stage of measurements, the microphone of the sound level meter is located at a distance of about 40 mm from the upper plane of the power supply unit, since at large distances it is very difficult to measure the noise of the electronics. The measurement is carried out in two modes: standby mode (STB, or Stand by) and when the power supply unit is operating on the load, but with the forcedly stopped fan.

In this case, the noise level of the electronics is quite low and in real operating conditions will be hardly noticeable, the main contribution to the overall noise level of the power supply is made by a running fan.

Thermal conditions

Thermal loading of capacitors is at a low level (60 degrees or less) in the entire investigated power range. Thus, the power supply is well suited to work under high load and has a good temperature margin.

Operation at elevated temperatures

At the final stage of testing, we decided to test the operation of the power supply at an elevated ambient temperature, which was 40 degrees Celsius. During this stage of testing, a room with a volume of about 8 cubic meters, after which the temperature of the capacitors and the noise level of the power supply are measured at two ratings: at the maximum power of the PSU and at a power of 125 W.

The power supply unit demonstrated stable operation at maximum power and at an ambient temperature increased to 40 degrees. The noise level under such conditions at the maximum power did not change, and at a power of 125 W the noise level increased by 5 dBA from the initial value and amounted to 30 dBA.

As for the temperature of the capacitors, it was 72 degrees (an increase of 14 degrees) when operating at maximum power and 47 degrees (an increase of 11 degrees) when operating at a power of 125 W. Thus, even in such harsh conditions, the thermal loading of the capacitors is satisfactory.

Evaluation of consumer qualities

Taking into account the format of the power supply unit and its planned use only in compact cases, its consumer qualities can be considered quite decent. The acoustic ergonomics are quite successful, the number of connectors is also sufficient, the electrical characteristics, although not ideal, but in standard modes there are no special complaints about them.


The technical and operational characteristics of this model are above average, which is facilitated by quite adequate electrical characteristics, moderate thermal loading, good load capacity of the + 12VDC channel. For the rest of the parameters, the power supply does not stand out in any way from the group of classmates.

Chieftec SFX-500GD-C power supply provided for testing by the manufacturer

PC assembly always teaches us to treat every detail with care and attention. Buyers spend a lot of time choosing a video card, processor, motherboard, but often install a poor-quality cooling system or a bad power supply in the system. These auxiliary details are no less important for the system, since it is they that support its life.


The power supply is presented in a wide variety. There are enough manufacturers on the market, as well as models and formats. There is information that in the entire history of the PC, about 6 BP formats were developed. Now, of course, among them, the most popular ones stand out, such as ATX, which are installed in a standard case of the same format, and the device parameters correspond to the necessary parameters of the ATX motherboard.

In addition to the standard ones, which have their own varieties, there are compact models. It is interesting that if the formats we know have not changed their dimensions over the decades (AT format PSU models will fit into any modern case), then compact models have come a long way to become what they are now.


The SFX power supply is one of the very first models to be classified as compact. This type has 5 different modifications at once. Among them there are low-profile models that are 100 mm wide and 50 or 63 mm high. These PSU configurations have received names that characterize them by the size of the fan (40 and 60 mm). Such models are designed for self-cooling, but will not work as an alternative to a cooler. In this case, the fan can only cope with the power supply unit itself, in which it is located.

If the user needed an option with powerful cooling of the case, then a couple more options were offered. The first assumed the location of the fan on the top cover. The difference between the two models was in dimensions: 100 mm in width and 125 mm in depth in the first version, while in the second it was the other way around. The design assumes that the fan will look out from under the cover by 17 mm, hence the height of the block becomes somewhat higher.

There was another variation of SFX. The power supply was called PS3. In general, it is very similar to the ATX configuration, but somewhat shorter. Most often, this particular option was purchased for

Huge selection

As it turns out, a 300W SFX power supply is a very common option on the market. Most of these models were released in 2012-2013. Among them there are interesting models that have attracted the attention of buyers and have become in demand. Among the popular ones it is worth noting SilverStone, Seasonic, FSP, Winsis, etc. We will consider the most successful modifications.

Standard Option

The SilverStone SST-ST30SF PSU is not quite the usual option... Some parameters indicate the similarity of the model with ATX solutions. The device is well packed. Before us is a dense black box with a matte surface. Above there are many graphic elements that help us learn a little about the model and its parameters. There is also an image of the power supply unit and an indication of its power. Interestingly, this is one of the few models that was supplied in a box, usually specialists received a pure OEM (that is, it was simply packed in a bag).

The box was easy to open, and inside you could find the product itself, packed in polyethylene, a power cord, plastic ties, a special frame for mounting this PSU into the larger connectors of the case, as well as instructions.

SilverStone's appearance

The design is unremarkable and is quite typical for SFX. The power supply received the appropriate dimensions - 125x100x63 mm. The mass of the device is almost 900 grams. The PSU case is black, which looks more attractive than in the case of unpainted models.

A sticker with device parameters was placed on the end. Everything is indicated here, down to the smallest details, right down to the serial number, barcode and other service information. The manufacturer indicates power parameters, maximum voltage, amperage.

At the other end there is a grill through which the insides are visible. There is also a power off key and a power connector. On the other hand, there is a grille covering the fan, which by the way is also black. Of all the models, this option looks stylish and attractive. The lid itself is not removable. The fan has dimensions of 80x20 mm. The average diameter of a nine-blade movement is 70 mm.

SilverStone Details

All cords in the kit were provided with a plastic sheath. Power is provided by the ATX Mainboard connector, which is perhaps the most universal option to collect any system. The length of the cord is 31 cm. It is difficult to talk about its size, since this will be enough for one, while others will remain dissatisfied. The power supply is provided by a 410 mm long power cord with a CPU connector.

It is also possible to connect to a video card using a PCI-e cable. Its presence, of course, does not show the generosity of the manufacturer, but such an option is not presented in every model. Therefore, this feature is, of course, a plus of the device.

Interestingly, the cables also contain SATA and Molex connectors. There is a forgotten connector for the Floppy drive. As a result, the main advantage of this model can rightfully be called the approximate characteristics, parameters and the presence of a component for an ATX power supply unit.

Reviews on SilverStone

Reviews are often left not only by users, but also by specialists who conduct testing. So, first of all, I liked the reliable packaging with high-quality printing. I was pleased with the equipment, which, although not to praise for its generosity, still has everything you need.

We noted the presence of a pair of PCI-e and CPU slots. The test showed that with a load of 250 W, the unit works stably and does not fail. Users reported low noise levels and overall good efficiency, especially when the system is not operating at full capacity. Questions remained only to the stabilization system, which turned out to be a little unfinished.


The next good model was the SFX Seasonic SS-300SFD power supply unit. In general, the model looks normal, but if you look closely, you can notice some peculiarities. So, you can immediately see the interesting location of the fan, which protrudes slightly above the surface and is placed in a separate compartment.

As practice shows, such an arrangement can hardly be called successful, since the format itself has different dimensions. This model weighs over a kilogram and measures 125x100x76 mm. There is a dedicated power off button on the case.

The fan inside is similar in size to the previous model. On average, its diameter is 72 mm. There are two less blades. Their shape has also changed slightly. The body is unpainted and looks standard, in gray.

Seasonic details

As usual, there is a sticker on the case that lets us understand the main parameters of this SFX model. The power supplies received a split line of 12 V. For one, the current strength cannot exceed 14.5 A, and for the second - 8 A. As a result, 22.5 A is obtained, and in terms of power - 270 W. Despite the fact that the model belongs to a power supply unit with a power of 300 W, and the indicators give only 270 W, this value can be considered positive, since it is also indicated in the specifications, and in general such a maximum is acceptable.

The kit includes cables for powering the motherboard, which also come with the ATX Mainboard connector. The cord length in this case was 32 cm. Unlike the previous version, only a single 32 cm cable is available to power the processor. In general, the solution can hardly be called successful, since some modern models may refuse to start with such a connection.

Among the rest of the cords, you can see Molex connectors, which have become twice as many as in the previous model, and there are also a pair of connectors for the Floppy drive. The length of these wires is about 650 mm. And here SATA connectors only two, which may not have a big impact on performance, can still negatively affect the variability for the user.

Reviews on Seasonic

This model turned out to be clearly worse than the previous one. This is indicated by the equipment, parameters, and testing. From the positive, it is worth highlighting stable operation at a load of 250 W, silence at low power, as well as a good efficiency indicator at values ​​of 150-200 W.

Then the cons begin of this product... There are questions about the operation of the stabilization system, at maximum load, the efficiency decreases markedly. The small amount of SATA is also difficult to call a plus. At full speed. The system starts to make a noticeable noise, and the "bulge" due to the fan compartment can play a cruel joke with users who do not take this factor into account.


The review of such options does not end there. Before us is another 300W SFX power supply. PowerMan IP-S300BN1-0 is considered the most typical model and classic representative of this PSU format. The appearance of this product is standard, the only thing that designers could do a little more with is the fan grill, and it looks very simple.

Unlike the previous model, there is no special fan compartment that would rise above the case. Dimensions correspond to the standard 125x100x63 mm. Weight - almost 900 grams. Interestingly, there is no button to turn off the power, in its place is the mains voltage regulator.

The fan is still 80mm inside, which has become the standard, although not certified, for this form factor.

PowerMan details

This SFX PSU was also equipped with a sticker with all the parameters. The total power limit was 125 W. All necessary cables are in place, including for the motherboard and processor. There are few connectors for peripherals: a pair for SATA and Molex, and one for a floppy drive. The main disadvantage of this model is the lack of 80 PLUS certification, which will significantly reduce the attractiveness in the eyes of the buyer.

For a long time, the Mini-ITX form factor was the lot of integrated solutions based on processors from VIA Technologies, which developed this standard... Products based on them were relatively expensive or not widely used, which did not arouse much interest among users for the construction of ultra-compact systems. With the release of affordable boards and the popularization of nettops, the miniature form factor began to gain momentum and by now it is already possible to assemble not only a home media center, but also a gaming station or even a powerful server on it.

Naturally, the number of compact cases has also grown, but for productive systems you have to look closely at models with the installation of ATX power supplies, otherwise others will simply not be suitable in terms of power, since TFX and SFX solutions can only deliver a maximum of 300-350 watts. You can not even remember about the noise level of such devices. But this was true until power supply developers introduced new platforms with high efficiency, allowing them to produce miniature products with the necessary characteristics for building powerful PCs. We will get acquainted with one of such solutions today.

The power supply is made in SFX format and comes in a small black box, which, in addition to a picture of the device, a couple of words about its capabilities and serial number nothing else is specified. In principle, this conciseness is inherent in all Chieftec solutions.

The delivery set contains a set of detachable cables, power cord, instructions and mounting screws.

To be honest, I didn’t even expect that a power supply unit of this format could have a modular design, and all the cables, without exception, can be unfastened, as in expensive Seasonic solutions. The number of cables is as follows:
  • one with 24-pin (20 + 4) motherboard header (45cm);
  • one with 8-pin (4 + 4) processor socket (45 cm);
  • one with two 8-pin (6 + 2) connectors for PCI-E video cards (45 + 15 cm);
  • two with two power connectors for SATA devices and one for IDE (30 + 10 + 10 cm).

It would seem that such a set will not be enough, but it will be enough to build just a compact system, where usually one video card and several drives are present. But with the latter, there may be problems when connecting, since there is a very small distance between the SATA connectors. Here everything will depend on the case used and the number of drives.

The design of the SFX-500GD-C does not differ much from ATX solutions, it looks narrower only in proportion. In terms of dimensions (125x130x64 mm), it is 3 cm deeper than conventional SFX.

This is due to the fact that the manufacturer installed a 120 mm model instead of the usual 60/80 mm fans, which should have a significantly lower noise level. The top of the propeller is covered with a wire grille in the same black color as the body itself. Despite the size of the power supply, there is also a place for a power switch on the outer panel.

The set of connectors on the inner panel corresponds to the number of cables. All connectors are signed and have their own keys, so they are unlikely to be confused.

According to its characteristics, our baby will give odds to some full-length brothers. If there is nothing remarkable on the low-voltage lines, then there is only one + 12V channel and is capable of delivering a current of up to 40 A, which is as much as 480 watts! This should be enough for any gaming system with one video adapter and even overclocked components.

On other lines, everything is standard, 3.6 W for -12V and 15 W for the system in standby mode.
Power bus + 3.3V + 5V + 12V1 -12V + 5Vsb
Max. load current, A 20 20 40 0,3 3
Combined power, W 105 480 3,6 15
Total maximum power, W 500

There is also an active PFC and the ability to operate the device in the entire range of mains voltage. All kinds of protections have not been forgotten, including against overcurrent, overheating, over / under voltage in the network, short circuit, etc.

We figured out the appearance and characteristics, forgetting about one detail - the power supply in question is certified 80 Plus Gold, which means that it is built on one of the modern platforms. It uses the same developments as in the more expensive Seasonic and Enermax solutions, namely a resonant converter in the high-voltage part and a synchronous rectifier in the low-voltage part.

Similar technologies have long been available to less eminent developers, and in this case, the Sirfa platform is used, a company that was once part of Sirtec and is familiar from the High Power brand. Thanks to the high efficiency of such circuitry, it was possible to squeeze in such powerful device into a very compact SFX format.

And despite the tight assembly of the components, they did not save on anything, and the same input filter is present in full.

Due to the high efficiency of the unit, radiators for cooling the power elements are very small in size, but with additional fins.

The largest of these is used to maintain an acceptable thermal regime of the APFC components and key transistors, and the smaller one is used for the 12-volt channel rectifier. On the latter, two temperature sensors were placed, which are responsible for monitoring the temperature and controlling the fan speed.

The PFC controller (Infineon ICE3PCS01G) was located on the back of the printed circuit board, and the chip (ICE2HS01G), which is responsible for the resonant converter and synchronous rectifier, is already on a separate board, near the side wall of the power supply. The monitoring microcircuit (SiTI PS223) was also identified there.

Nearby, closer to the center of the block, there was a place for another scarf, on which the elements of the DC-DC converter were placed, responsible for the + 3.3V and + 5V lines. It is based on the Anpec APW7159A controller, which is familiar from many solutions with independent channels.

In addition to the "adult" circuitry, our ward is distinguished by a very high-quality element base. Capacities are used purely of Japanese origin: at the input there is a 390 uF 400 V capacitor from Rubycon, and in the rest of the circuits - Chemi-Con, plus polymer on a low-voltage converter. But this applies to the latest batches of SFX-500GD-C, while the early Chinese Teapos could also be caught.

There are also no special complaints about the assembly, but the remains of the flux spoil the overall picture a little.

This applies to the main board, but to the daughter board, where the connectors for connecting cables are located, there are no questions, everything is neat and tidy.

The 120-mm Globe Fan S1201512MW, 15 mm thick and made on a sleeve bearing with a maximum impeller speed of 1800 rpm, is responsible for the acceptable temperature regime of all components. Connection - two-pin.

The manufacturer promises quiet operation of the power supply unit thanks to such a large fan, but this is true during system downtime, only a slight crackle of the bushing makes itself felt. But now, with an increase in the load, the rotation speed increases and with everyday use of the SFX-500GD-C gaming system, at least a little, but will contribute to the overall acoustic background. If the unit is fully loaded, then it will hardly differ from the available "bronze" models.

Testing methodology

It is difficult to carry out a full-fledged test without an appropriate stand, therefore, the power supply was tested using a conventional system assembled from the following components:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-975 (3, [email protected], 02 GHz, Bclk 175 MHz);
  • motherboard: ASUS P6T7 WS SuperComputer (Intel X58);
  • cooler: Noctua NH-D14;
  • RAM: Kingston KHX2000C8D3T1K3 / 6GX (3x2 GB, [email protected], 8-8-8-24);
  • video cards: ASUS ENGTX295 / 2DI / 1792MD3 / A (GeForce GTX 295);
  • hard drive: Samsung HD502HJ (500 GB, 7200 rpm, SATA-II).
Tested on an open bench on Windows 7 x64 HP. To create a load on the system, the OCCT 3.1.0 utility was used with a 30-minute test of the power supply, the resolution and mode were selected empirically. The maximum performance mode was turned off (one part of the card was working) and the resolution was used at 1920x1080. Hyper-Threading Technology has been activated. We also ran the Devil May Cry 4 gaming test with a resolution of 1920x1080, maximum picture quality and MSAA8x.

To measure the total power consumption of the system, the Basetech Cost Control 3000 was used, which is also capable of displaying peak power, amperage, mains frequency, power factor, etc. on its LCD screen. Net power consumption was calculated based on compliance with 80 Plus certification - i.e. possible efficiency of the device. Errors in such calculations can amount to 5%. The voltages were checked with a UNI-T UT70D digital multimeter.

In addition, readings were taken of the temperature inside the power supply, fan speed and noise level under a particular load.

The temperature was measured using a Scythe Kaze Master Pro panel, the sensors of which were located on a diode assembly, each of the two radiators inside the unit and at a distance of 5 cm in front of the fan (No. 1) and behind the outer wall (No. 2).

For the results of the fan speed, a UNI-T UT372 non-contact tachometer was used. Fixed maximum speed for each of the power supply test modes.

The noise level was measured with a UNI-T UT352 sound level meter in an ordinary quiet room at a distance of 1 m, 50, 10 and 1 cm from the device under test. With the help of the speed controller and tachometer, the fan speed was restored, which corresponded to each test mode of the power supply. Background noise did not exceed 33.5 dBA.

It should be borne in mind that this technique at this stage is far from ideal and will be supplemented and changed as it is used.

Test results

The received data are entered into the table. Percentage deviations from the norm are given in brackets for voltage, and approximate net load on the power supply for power consumption.

GTX 295 (1/2)
Mode Idle Burn, DMC4 Burn, OCCT
Power consumption, W 185 (~160) 341 (~310) 559 (~490)
Line + 3.3V, V 3,36 (+1,8%) 3,36 (+1,8%) 3,31 (+0,3%)
Line + 5V, V 5,05 (+1%) 5,03 (+0,6%) 5,02 (+0,4%)
Line + 12V, V 12,11 (+0,91%) 12,04 (+0,33%) 12,01 (+0,08%)
Fan speed, rpm 656 930 1629
Noise level, dBA (1 m) 33,4 33,8 38,2
Noise level, dBA (30 cm) 33,4 34 42,1
Noise level, dBA (10 cm) 33,9 37,3 54,3
Noise level, dBA (1 cm) 41,3 49,1 63,5
Thermal sensor No. 1 24,7 26,15 28,3
Thermal sensor No. 2 26,9 26,1 28,8
Thermal sensor No. 3 49 56,9 64,6
Thermal sensor No. 4 36,2 40,5 42
Thermal sensor No. 5 35 42,2 52

Chieftec SFX-500GD-C showed good results, better than some full-size representatives. But the noise level is really high at a load above 50% of the nominal. And this is strange, considering that the element base allows you to keep the components in more stringent conditions, as competitors do with the same platform. It is also worth noting that at high load, there is a little noise from some kind of choke.


Chieftec presented an interesting solution in the person of the SFX-500GD-C power supply, which will allow you to assemble even smaller powerful systems than with full-size devices. Now the question is behind the presence of the cases themselves for the SFX blocks. The package bundle is also not bad, contains all the necessary components to build a PC, and fully detachable cables will get rid of the mess of wires inside the system unit. The noise level is high as for a device with an 80 Plus Gold certificate, but at low load it is practically inaudible, and during gaming battles it is unlikely that anyone will notice it against the general background. For miniature workstations, it will also not be a hindrance. So, if you have an interesting small case in mind, then Chieftec SFX-500GD-C will be an excellent choice, especially since there are no competitors for this solution in our market yet.

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Be quiet! Compact power supply series SFX L Power

More and more users are thinking about creating a powerful system in a compact package, which is accompanied by the availability of appropriate video cards and processors. Therefore, SFX power supplies are becoming more and more relevant. And it is not surprising that brand be quiet! a new series has appeared in the arsenal - be quiet! SFX L Power.

It includes models with a power of 500 and 600 W with an efficiency of up to 92%, which is confirmed by the received 80 PLUS Gold certificate. New items are built using advanced circuitry (LLC, synchronous rectifier and DC-DC converters) and high-quality hardware components. They are equipped with a single powerful + 12V line with a load capacity of 41.7 A (500 W) and 50 A (600 W). In addition, they support fully modular cable design and all protections (OCP, OVP, UVP, SCP, OTP, OPP). And the presence of four 6 + 2-pin PCIe connectors will power two high-performance video cards.

For cooling be quiet! SFX L Power uses a slow-speed 120mm fan, although 80mm solutions are usually used in this form factor. The new items will go on sale with an SFX-to-ATX adapter bracket, which will allow them to be installed even in ordinary cases. The recommended price tag for the 500-watt model is € 109, and the 600-watt model is € 129.

Review and testing of the CHIEFTEC FLYER FN-03B case: note for fans of miniaturization

The real trend of recent years is the miniaturization of computers. Everything is quite logical, because not everyone wants to see a bulky buzzing box at home, when you can get a sufficiently powerful and more compact system. And we're not just talking about building a classic HTPC, but even a gaming PC. This is facilitated by the rapid technical progress, which allows creating productive hardware with modest heat dissipation indicators, and there are plenty of compact motherboards on the market, which in functionality are in many ways not inferior to their full-size counterparts. As a rule, such solutions cost a lot of money, but there are always cheaper options.

It is for the thrifty adherents of compaction that the Taiwanese manufacturer offers a case that can accommodate a microATX board (it is somewhat cheaper than Mini-ITX analogs), a video card up to 230 mm long, two storage devices and one optical drive. Let's take a closer look at this "kid" and try to find out how interesting he turned out to be.


Manufacturer and model

Frame size

Mini Tower / Desktop

Mini-ITX / microATX

1 x 5.25 ”(external)

1 x 3.5 ”(internal)

1 x 2.5 ”(internal)

Expansion card slots

4 x low profile

Maximum video card length

2 x audio (headphones, microphone)



1 x 80mm (on top)

The ability to install

Power Supply

Internal CHIEFTEC SFX-350BS-L 350W (SFX form factor)


Front panel: plastic

Side panels: 0.6mm steel

Chassis: 0.6mm steel

Case dimensions

415 x 95 x 286 mm

Net weight)

4.65 kg (including power supply)


Products webpage

Packaging and delivery set

The novelty comes in an unassuming cardboard box without color printing, which protects it from external twists and turns and is characterized by a minimum of accompanying information. On sale you can find two versions of the case: with a 350 W power supply or without it. We got our hands on the first option, which relieves the user of the need to search for a power supply of the SFX form factor, of which there are not so many in our market.

The CHIEFTEC FLYER FN-03B package includes all the most necessary components:

  • power cord;
  • plastic adhesive legs;
  • a set of fasteners;
  • user manual.


The CHIEFTEC FN-03B case is presented on the market in black and silver colors, without any speckled elements. The main material of the construction is metal, painted with matte paint. Looks quite stylish and strict, especially in vertical orientation. When placed horizontally, it looks more like modern audio-video technology, which, however, allows it to easily merge with other gadgets in the living room. In terms of dimensions, it is only slightly smaller than its "great-grandfather" (415 x 95 x 286 mm versus 415 x 95 x 296 mm), but the weight remains the same (4.65 kg with the power supply unit).

The front panel is made of practical matte plastic. The manufacturer has taken care of the possibility of installing one external 5.25 ”device, which gracefully closes the cap. Here you can also see two 3.5 mm audio jacks and a pair of USB 3.0 ports. Next to them are the power button and the drive activity indicator.

The white and red LEDs used are quite bright, but in the dark they do not create much discomfort. And if you wish, you can always turn them off.

On the rear wall of the case there is a hole for the interface panel of the motherboard, four slots for low-profile expansion cards, as well as a socket for connecting the power cable from the mains.

The sides of the CHIEFTEC FN-03B are replete with vents. In the upper part of the left wall, they are opposite the processor socket and have a total dimensions of 115 x 120 mm. On the opposite wall, perforation (105 x 55 mm) provides fresh air for the power supply, but the lack of a dust filter, which clearly would not be in the way, is a little upsetting.

The top and bottom walls are essentially chassis elements. Like the side panels, they are made of steel and are 0.6mm thick. The top cover has one seat for an 80mm turntable. On the bottom, you can find ventilation holes through which hot air comes out of the power supply.

As mentioned above, CHIEFTEC FN-03B can be used in horizontal or vertical orientation, which expands its functionality. For this, the delivery set includes four adhesive feet, 10 mm high, with rubber inserts in the form of caps. If desired, they can be fixed on self-tapping screws.

By the way, it is the vertical position of the case that is a priority, since it provides a better air flow to the components, but in this case more space is needed.

Internal organization

To access the inside of the CHIEFTEC FN-03B, you need to unscrew the two thumb screws and slightly pull the left side panel towards the rear (the right is part of the chassis and is made non-removable). The chassis has excellent rigidity and is made of the same 0.6mm steel as the body panels, albeit without a layer of paint. The edges of the panels are well finished, no obvious sharp edges were noticed.

The case supports the installation of Mini-ITX and microATX motherboards on special tabs.

Near the front there are two baskets for 5.25 "devices and 3.5" drives, which are located one above the other. Both baskets are secured with special latches and screws. After dismantling them, you can install an optical drive (regular or slim-format) and HDD, fixing them with two screws and special clamps - everything is quite simple and quick. Below, on a kind of platform, a CHIEFTEC SFX-350BS-L power supply unit with a power of 350 W is installed.

At the bottom of the case, there is a plate for installing a 2.5-inch drive, which is attached with two screws to the rear panel and one to the bottom.

Under the ceiling of the CHIEFTEC FN-03B there is an 80-mm BRUSHLESS DC 8025 fan with a cable length of 38 cm. There are no holes for mounting additional turntables, but no one bothers to make them yourself. For example, opposite the processor.

All expansion slots have one hold-down latch. At the same time, it will be quite possible to place a low-profile video card up to 245 mm long (measured by hand) and up to 78 mm high.

Maximum height cpu cooler capped at 70mm, so most low-profile cooling systems will be compatible with this case.

The bezel is secured with a series of latches. Under it is a special extension cord that extends from the power supply unit to the rear of the case. Most of the front panel connectors are wrapped in rubber braids and neatly secured with cable ties. Their common set includes an HD Audio connector, a connector for connecting a power button and LED indicators for power supply and operation. hard disk, as well as a connector for connecting USB 3.0 ports. They all have the following length:

In general, the installation of components in CHIEFTEC FN-03B should not cause absolutely any difficulties. The main thing is to choose the components of the required length and height. There is enough space inside, including for quick replacement platforms, as well as for neat cable management. A little upsetting is the absence of vibration-damping elements in the mounting points of the fan, 3.5-inch drive and power supply.

Cute ENERMAX STEELWING aluminum "steel wing" for compact systems

ENERMAX's new hull is called the “steel wing”, but it is made of aluminum. The thickness of the panels in some places reaches 3.5 mm, which accompanies more efficient cooling of the internal space. According to the designers, the shape of the wing of the ENERMAX STEELWING model should be given by seven aluminum fins on the front panel, through which cold air is drawn in by a 120 mm fan located on the inside. In turn, one of the side walls is made of 3 mm tempered glass, through which the internal layout is clearly visible.

The ENERMAX STEELWING chassis is designed to accommodate microATX and Mini-ITX motherboards with a maximum of three expansion slots. For mounting one 3.5-inch and one 2.5-inch drive, a special tray is provided on the bottom panel. If desired, another 3.5-inch drive can be installed in place of the 120-mm fan on the front. This seat can also be taken with a 120-mm SVO radiator.

The novelty will go on sale in two colors: red and green. Summary table of the technical specification of the ENERMAX STEELWING enclosure:

microATX / Mini-ITX

Expansion slots

1 x 3.5 "+ 1 x 3.5" (optional)
1 x 2.5 "

External interfaces

2 x USB 3.0
1 x HD Audio

Maximum CPU cooler height

Maximum video card length

Supported PSU Formats

Cooling system

Front Panel

1 x 120mm (pre-installed)

Body color

Red Green

387 x 300 x 176 mm

Thermaltake Core G3 - Slim and Extraordinary Slim ATX Case

A very interesting case has gone on sale - Thermaltake Core G3. It is characterized by a slim profile (454 x 371 x 140 mm) in Slim Tower format, but it can also be used to build full-fledged gaming systems.

Thermaltake Core G3 can be positioned horizontally or vertically. Inside there is room for ATX, microATX and Mini-ITX motherboards with a maximum of two expansion slots. Graphics cards up to 310mm long can be installed perpendicular or parallel to the motherboard thanks to the included PCIe riser. By the way, the available space is sufficient even for models of the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 level, although long partner versions may not fit.

With a processor cooler, the situation is simpler and more straightforward: the available 110 mm will be enough for low-profile cooling systems in the case of assembling a regular PC. If it is planned gaming computer, then you should pay attention to the CBO, the radiator of which (maximum 240 mm) can be located on the front panel.

The cooling system of the novelty consists of two pre-installed 120-mm fans on the front wall. There is another similar seat on the top panel. In turn, the SFX power supply unit can be located at the bottom of the structure. All these walls are carefully equipped with dust filters.

A more detailed table of the technical specification of the Thermaltake Core G3 case:

Thermaltake Core G3 (CA-1G6-00T1WN-00)

Supported motherboard formats

ATX, microATX, Mini-ITX

Expansion slots

2 x 2.5 "/ 3.5"

External interfaces

2 x USB 3.0
2 x USB 2.0
1 x HD Audio

Maximum CPU cooler height

Maximum video card length

Supported PSU Formats

Cooling system

Front Panel

Top panel

454 x 371 x 140 mm

Estimated cost

Review and testing of the power supply unit Corsair SF450

We tested the most different models compact power supplies of the SFX format: "bronze", "gold" and more affordable solutions of the line. After looking at the listed sources and other similar devices on the market, it should come as no surprise that users usually associate SFX models with simple appearance and / or low power output. Corsair undertook to completely destroy this stereotype by releasing a couple of such power supplies for 450 and 600 watts. We sincerely hope that we will still be able to get to know the second one in the future, but the 450-watt model has already reached our test laboratory and passed a number of difficult tests. We will describe their results in detail below, and we will start, as always, with the specification table and external examination of such an interesting device.



SFX (compliance with ATX12V v2.4 and EPS 2.92 standards)

Rated power, W

Power on the 12V channel, W

Number of lines + 12V

Outputs, A

Input voltage, V

frequency Hz

Input current, A

80 PLUS certified


Power factor (PF),%

Fully modular

PCIe slots

2 (6 + 2-pin)

Cooling type

Semi-passive (92mm fan)

Supports C6 / C7 power saving states (Intel Haswell Ready)


Dimensions, mm

100 x 125 x 63


Products webpage

Packaging and delivery set

The Corsair SF450 PSU comes in a cardboard box, from which you can glean a lot of information about the device inside. Their list also includes the ability to operate the cooling system in passive mode up to 90 watts. Even when operating at rated power, the noise generated by the fan should be extremely low - only 27.5 dB.

The scope of delivery of the tested source includes all the necessary components that the user may need during its operation, namely:

  • power cord;
  • a set of detachable cables for connecting accessories;
  • screws for fixing the power supply inside the case;
  • set of disposable screeds;
  • pouches for transferring power supply units and storing unused cables;
  • company logo sticker;
  • user guide.


Unlike many SFX-models, painted only with a gray primer, the hero of the current review with its color design resembles proprietary full-size ATX solutions. Despite the rather high power and the use of a modular cable system, its dimensions remained standard - 100 x 125 x 63 mm.

A fan is located in the center of the top panel, which captures air through the grill and pushes it out through the hexagonal holes on the back wall. The other four sides are completely solid.

Modular design is common to all connected cables, which greatly facilitates system assembly. This is a very significant advantage for a compact body. Also, this approach will allow you to get rid of the accumulation of unnecessary wires, which in turn will have a positive effect on the temperature regime of nearby components.

The following is the purpose of each of the seven connectors:

  • 18-pin and 10-pin ("24PIN ATX") - for powering the motherboard;
  • two 6-pin ("Peripheral & SATA") - for power supply of peripherals;
  • three 8-pin ("6 + 2 PCI-E & 4 + 4 CPU") - for additional food processor and video card.

The cables are made in the form of loops, which significantly increases the convenience of their laying. Note that the set of connectors will be enough to connect a variety of peripheral devices, as well as a powerful video card. To do this, there is a pair of 6 + 2-pin PCIe connectors, which are not often found in such quantities on 450-watt solutions.

Considering the use of SFX sources in compact cases, the length of the wires here is somewhat shorter than that of ATX solutions. The complete cable system configuration is as follows:

Connector types


Cables routed directly from the power supply

20 + 4 pin ATX power connector

6 + 2 pin PCIe connector

four SATA connectors

four PATA connectors

Key information about the Corsair SF450 PSU can be obtained from the sticker located on the side of its case. The nominal power of the source is 450 W, and it can be completely "removed" from a single + 12V channel. Lines + 3.3V and + 5V have a maximum total power of 100 W, which will be more than enough to connect drives, optical drives and other peripherals.

The tested model complies with the 80 PLUS Gold standard. According to its requirements, the efficiency of the power supply at loads of 20%, 50% and 100% of the rated power should not fall below 88%, 92% and 88%, respectively (for a 230 V supply voltage). We will definitely check this point a little later during testing. It is also worth noting a wide range of input voltages (100 - 240 V), which makes it possible to abandon the use of external power stabilizers in an unstable power grid.

Internal organization

The internal layout of the Corsair SF450 is distinguished by its high density, because the manufacturer had a difficult task - to "package" a 450-W modular solution in such a compact case. Looking ahead, we note that he succeeded quite well.

A 92mm Corsair NR092L fan (12V, 0.22A, 2.64W) is used to actively cool the internal components, although more compact 80mm turntables are usually used in SFX models.

As for passive heat dissipation, this role is played by the L-shaped black radiator. A less obvious cooling element is the curved plate located under the PCB, as well as the PSU case itself, with which it comes into direct contact. Heat is removed from the transistors located on the reverse side of the PCB through the thermal pad to the plate.

A traditional EMI filter is installed near the input connector, which is responsible for smoothing out high-frequency noise emitted into the network by the power supply. Its element base contains a complete set of all the necessary components: a pair of X- and four Y-capacitors, as well as three chokes and a varistor.

The input capacitor of the high voltage circuit is provided by the Japanese solution Nippon Chemi-Con (390 μF x 420 V) with excellent capacitance for the 450 watt model. The good pedigree of this element is complemented by its belonging to the high-temperature series (up to 105 ° C), which should have the most positive effect on the resource of the power supply. An indirect confirmation of this is the impressive warranty period of as much as 7 years.

At the heart of the Corsair SF450 is an efficient half-bridge resonant main converter circuit with two switches and a Champion CM6901X controller. The microcircuit itself is located on the back of the printed circuit board, paired with four Alpha and Omega AON6590 field-effect transistors, which are responsible for the formation of the + 12V line. There is also an APFC controller represented by the Champion CM6500UNX chip. The output voltage of the + 12V line is filtered by capacitors manufactured by the same Japanese company Nippon Chemi-Con.

The low-voltage part is built on the principle of a synchronous rectifier using DC-DC converters located on the daughter board. With their help, the voltage of the lines + 3.3V and + 5V is formed. On the front side there are components of LC filters, and on the reverse side there is a power section, represented by transistors and an ANPEC APW7159 PWM controller. The components responsible for filtering these voltages are located on the board for connecting modular cables.

According to the technical specification, the Corsair SF450 power supply has a full range of protections:

  • overvoltage (OVP);
  • from undervoltage (UVP);
  • short circuit (SCP);
  • overload capacity (OPP);
  • overcurrent of each channel (OCP);
  • overheating (OTP).

The supervisor is the SITI PS229 chip located on the back of the main PCB.

SilverStone CS280 Premium 8-Bay NAS Enclosure

More and more organizations and ordinary users require a small NAS server for their work. Ready-made solutions are available for sale, or you can independently assemble the system by using new building SilverStone CS280.

It supports the installation of Mini-ITX (170 x 170 mm) or Mini-DTX (203 x 170 mm) motherboards with a maximum of two expansion slots. Eight external and one internal slots are available for connecting 2.5-inch drives. At the same time, external bays support the technology of "hot" replacement of HDD or SSD.

Internal components can be cooled using two 80mm fans, which are provided with slots on the front panel. There are also two external USB port 3.0 and two 3.5mm audio interfaces. The cost of the novelty has not yet been announced. A more detailed table of the technical specification of the SilverStone CS280 case:

SilverStone CS280 (SST-CS280B)

Material of construction

Aluminum, plastic, SECC steel

Supported motherboard formats

Mini-ITX / Mini-DTX

Expansion slots

8 x 2.5 ”(external)
1 x 2.5 ”(internal)


2 x 80mm (front)

External interfaces

2 x USB 3.0
2 x 3.5mm audio

Maximum CPU cooler height

Supported PSU Format

Maximum length of the power supply

301 x 221.5 x 176.7 mm

Compact yet powerful and efficient Thermaltake Toughpower SFX series power supplies

Previously, it was believed that the SFX power supply format was intended solely for creating compact and low-power systems. However, the appearance on the market of productive and energy-efficient components in small format required manufacturers to rethink the SFX concept.

Thermaltake was one of the first to do this by presenting the Thermaltake Toughpower SFX series. It includes two models with a power of 450 and 600 W, the dimensions of which are only 125 x 100 x 63.5, so they fit perfectly into compact systems. And thanks to the included ATX adapter, they can also be used in conventional cases.

The novelties are characterized by one powerful + 12V line with high load power, as well as high efficiency (up to 92%), which is confirmed by the received 80 PLUS Gold certificate. They are based on up-to-date circuitry and high-quality element base (for example, exclusively Japanese capacitors), so they can operate even with an overload of up to 540 and 720 W, respectively.

An 80 mm fan with support for Zero RPM Smart Fan technology is responsible for cooling the internal components: up to a certain point (approximately 15% of the maximum power), it does not work at all, and then it begins to gradually increase its speed as the internal temperature rises. Also new items can boast of a fully modular cable system and flexible cables. They will go on sale with a 7-year warranty.

Thermaltake Toughpower SFX Series Power Supply Technical Specification Comparison Table:

Review and testing of the CHIEFTEC UNI UE-02B case

We have tested a lot of compact computer cases, which are noticeably different from each other. The hero of the current review,, also has a small size, but at the same time it has a number of additional advantages. These include: support motherboards microATX format, which are slightly cheaper than Mini-ITX analogs, the ability to install a low-profile discrete video card up to 230 mm in length, a 70-mm processor cooler, and a 5.25-inch optical drive. In more detail what, where and how it is mounted, how hot the components are, what the preinstalled power supply unit is capable of and what the new product is in general, we will tell you later.


Manufacturer and model

Frame size

Mini Tower / Desktop

Supported motherboard form factors

microATX / Mini-ITX


1 x 3.5 "
2 x 2.5 "

Expansion card slots

Maximum video card length (in brackets - own measurements)

230 mm (251 mm)

Maximum graphics card height

Maximum CPU cooler height (in parentheses - own measurements)

70 mm (80 mm)

2 x audio ports

Possibility to install fans

2 x 80 mm
(instead of 2 x 2.5 ”drives)

Pre-installed power supply

CHIEFTEC SFX-250VS (only SFX models are supported)

Materials (edit)

Front panel

Steel 0.52 mm thick

Case dimensions

410 x 300 x 105 mm

Weight with PSU (net)

Warranty, months

Products webpage

Packaging and delivery set

CHIEFTEC UNI UE-02B is packed in a plain cardboard box. Useful information it includes an indication of the model, series and power of the pre-installed power supply (in our case 250 W).

The package of the case includes the components necessary for its assembly and simply facilitating this process:

  • a set of screws and stands for installing the motherboard and drives;
  • set of legs for horizontal orientation;
  • 5 cable ties;
  • power supply cable.


CHIEFTEC UE-02B looks very strict due to the absolute predominance of black in the design. Only two elements are made of plastic: a stand for vertical orientation of the case and a front panel. In the latter case, a glossy coating is used, on which fingerprints are clearly visible, especially on a sunny day.

The interface panel includes a set of a pair of USB 3.0 and the same 3.5 mm audio jacks, standard for a modern case. There is only one external compartment - 5.25-inch, where the optical drive will fit. Of course, it will only be possible to use it with a horizontal arrangement of the system unit.

A decorative element in the form of a lattice stretches near the glossy part of the front panel (which it really is not). It contains the power and reset buttons, between which nestled blue and red LED indicators moderate brightness.

The rear panel is notable for the presence of a power connector, an interface panel compartment and blanks for installing devices in expansion slots. There are four of them, but there is additional space between the last of them and the bottom wall.

The same space is available on the opposite panel. This is due to the presence of 83 x 83 mm perforations on them, designed to install 80 mm fans or 2.5-inch drives. On the top wall there is also a rectangular area (107 x 65 mm) for the intake of air by the power supply.

It is discharged through the holes in the right side wall, but the perforation on the left allows air intake to cool the processor and video card.

For vertical orientation CHIEFTEC UNI UE-02B comes with a plastic stand in which it sits quite tightly, rising 10 mm from the floor. It also has 1mm rubber feet to prevent the computer from slipping and scratching the furniture cover.

This method of use is more preferable from the point of view of the occupied space - to place the system unit you will need an area of ​​only 410 x 105 mm. And the components are guaranteed to receive the cool air needed to cool them. If you want to install the case horizontally, you should glue the complete legs with a height of 14 mm and a diameter of 25 mm to it.

CRYORIG OLA and CRYORIG TAKU are the first case designs in the ambitious manufacturer's line

First of all, the CRYORIG company is familiar to users due to a wide range of processor cooling systems and fans. Now it has become known about the preparation of the first two cases - CRYORIG OLA and CRYORIG TAKU, which will be shown for the first time at Computex 2016. They are still at the design stage, so only approximate characteristics are known.

Both new items are distinguished by a non-standard design that sets them apart from the mass of traditional tower models. CRYORIG OLA uses a cylindrical body, while CRYORIG TAKU is positioned as a monitor stand. Both solutions can accommodate complete motherboards format Mini-ITX, SFX power supplies and even long video cards, which allows you to create full-fledged gaming systems on their basis.

To get around the problem of overheating of components in the CRYORIG OLA model, which allows installing processors with a TDP of 100 W, the designers have provided ventilation holes on the sides to draw in cold air along the entire height. In turn, the pre-installed 140-m CRYORIG XT140 fan on the top wall removes hot air outside the case.

The CRYORIG TAKU model combines aluminum and wood elements. Its design allows quick access to all internal components for replacement or maintenance. And the abundance of ventilation holes will provide fresh air inside. Additionally, there are slots for connecting cables to the inner blocks and bringing them out.

Indicative specifications CRYORIG OLA and CRYORIG TAKU cases:

FSP Dagger - SFX Power Supply Series up to 600W

The SFX form factor is becoming more and more popular with power supply manufacturers. And we are not talking about traditional low-power versions, but about desktop versions of high power, capable of supporting productive game configuration with one or two Hi-End video cards.

At Computex 2016, FSP Technology Inc. will show the public for the first time a new gaming series of SFX power supplies - FSP Dagger. Initially, it will include two models of 500 and 600 watts. They support SFX12V V3.3 and ATX12V V2.4 standards, and their high efficiency is confirmed by the received 80 PLUS Gold certificate.

In addition to their compact size, the FSP Dagger series power supplies boast a fully modular cable system, the use of high-quality components (for example, exclusively Japanese electrolytic capacitors and DC-DC converters) and a low-speed 80 mm fan built on a double ball bearing. The cost of new products and the date of the start of their sales, as well as more detailed characteristics, have not yet been specified.

Fractal Design Node 202 case review and testing

Packaging and delivery set

The Fractal Design Node 202 is packaged in a plain cardboard box. And although it was saved on the quality of its material, the information content did not suffer from this at all, since here you can find details about the design of the novelty and its important features. We will discuss all this in detail below.

The package of the case includes, first of all, the components necessary for assembly:

  • a set of screws for installing the motherboard, fixing the power supply and drives;
  • plastic stand for vertical orientation of the case;
  • a set of rubber feet for horizontal orientation;
  • corner adapter and PCI Express x16 extension cable, as well as screws for its fastening;
  • 6 cable ties;
  • instruction manual and warranty brochures.


Fractal Design products usually have a strict appearance, which is primarily due to the use of predominantly black in the design. Fractal Design Node 202 is no exception. Even the plastic elements of a pair of USB 3.0 interfaces, which in the vast majority of cases are blue, are made in dark colors here. Near them are the usual 3.5 mm audio jacks and a power button. Reset button and hard drive activity indicator, as well as external 5.25- and 3.5-inch drive bays in this decision not provided.

The upper part of the plastic border has a practical matte texture, while its bottom is presented with a much more easily soiled gloss. On the rear panel, the dark range is diluted by the manufacturer's signature touch - white perforated plugs that cover a couple of expansion slots. In addition to them, there is also a cutout for the interface panel and a connector for power supply.

The computer status is indicated by a medium-brightness white LED located near the power button.

The upper panel, like the lower one, is made of black painted metal. It has a large perforation just above the processor, so it is advisable not to overlap these cutouts to ensure the best possible temperature.

On the bottom panel there are already two perforated zones - a large one (245 x 105 mm), opposite the video card, and a smaller one (105 x 85 mm), near the power supply. Preservation of the surface on which the system unit will be located, as well as free space air intake is provided by rubber feet 6 mm high, fixed to the body with an adhesive base.

For vertical orientation, the Fractal Design Node 202 comes with a plastic stand in which it sits snugly enough. It also has legs that prevent the computer from slipping and scratching the furniture cover.

This method of use is more preferable from the point of view of the occupied space - to place the system unit you will need an area of ​​only 332 x 125 mm. Also, in this case, the components are guaranteed to receive the cool air necessary to cool them.

The bottom and top panels (when placed vertically) also have perforated areas. Unfortunately, the latter is devoid of a dust filter, so it will be a source of penetration of small particles into the computer.

Internal organization

Having unscrewed four screws on the bottom panel of the case, we remove the top cover by lightly sliding upwards. Although the outer panel is made of metal, it is itself made of plastic, which has room for a removable dust filter. It will not allow the processor to become dusty. Under the lid, a view of the internal filling of the case opens.

The place for installing the power supply unit is equipped with anti-vibration pads - we did not expect anything else. The power supply itself is screwed to a removable frame with four screws, which greatly simplifies the installation process, and any SFX standard solution with a length of no more than 130 mm will do. After installing it, remember to connect the L-shaped connector of the power supply cable.

Note that the case under review is also available with a pre-installed 450W Fractal Design Integra SFX power supply, certified according to the 80 PLUS Bronze standard and equipped with two 6 + 2-pin connectors for connecting a video card.

Slim SilverStone RVZ01-E case with the ability to install a standard ATX power supply

Traditionally compact enclosures for Mini-ITX or Mini-DTX motherboards are designed to accommodate SFX power supplies. However, SilverStone engineers decided to integrate support for full ATX PSII power supplies up to 150 mm in length into the SilverStone RVZ01-E model (140 mm is considered optimal).

Additionally, the new product can accommodate four 2.5-inch drives, a processor cooler up to 83 mm high and a video card up to 330 mm long. That is, SilverStone RVZ01-E is perfect for creating a stylish, compact and highly productive gaming system or HTPC. As for the cooling, the new product has two 120-mm fans already preinstalled. One more space for the 120mm propeller remains vacant.

For ease of use, this model can be installed vertically or horizontally. Summary table of the technical specification of the SilverStone RVZ01-E case:

SilverStone RVZ01-E (SST-RVZ01B-E)

Supported motherboard formats

Mini-ITX, Mini-DTX

Expansion slots

External interfaces

2 x USB 3.0
2 x 3.5mm audio

Maximum CPU cooler height

Maximum video card length

Maximum PSU length

Supported PSU Formats

Cooling system

Top panel

The bottom panel

1 x 120 mm (1500 rpm; 18 dBA)
1 x 120mm (optional)

382 x 105 x 350 mm

Estimated cost

SilverStone SX550 550-watt power supply is getting ready for release

In the segment of computer cases, there are many 550W models, so at first glance, the SilverStone SX550 does not bode well. The uniqueness of this novelty lies in the used SFX format, because traditionally the power of such solutions does not exceed 400 watts.

SilverStone SX550 can be easily used in compact gaming systems with one graphics card. This is facilitated by both its high efficiency (compliance with the 80 PLUS Gold standard), and the presence of two 6 + 2-pin PCIe cables for connecting even top adapters. By the way, all cables exit directly from the case, and they additionally include four SATA and two PATA (Molex).

Cooling of the SilverStone SX550 power supply is assigned to a 92mm fan. Other details of the technical specification of the novelty, including the load capacity of the + 12V channel, are not yet available.

SilverStone Milo ML09 - Premium HTPC Case

SilverStone continues to delight with a variety of cases. This time she introduced the SilverStone Milo ML09 model, which aims to be used as the basis for the HTPC. The novelty can accommodate a Mini-ITX or Mini-DTX motherboard with a maximum of two expansion slots, an SFX power supply, a compact cooler up to 70 mm high and an expansion card up to 175 mm long.

Disk subsystem SilverStone Milo ML09 is represented by four 2.5-inch seats. There is also a slim optical drive bay, but you can install either one 3.5 "drive, two 2.5" or 120mm fans instead.

The air conditioning system in the SilverStone Milo ML09 is represented by one pre-installed 120mm fan on the top panel. It can be paired with two 80-propellers on the side wall. The set of external interfaces includes two USB 3.0 ports and two 3.5 mm audio. The cost of the new item has not yet been specified.

A more detailed table of the technical specification of the SilverStone Milo ML09 case:

SilverStone Milo ML09 (SST-ML09B)

Supported motherboard formats

Mini-ITX, Mini-DTX

Expansion slots

1 x Slim Optical (can be replaced with 1 x 3.5 "/ 2 x 2.5" / 1 x 120mm fan)
4 x 2.5 "

External interfaces

2 x USB 3.0
2 x 3.5mm audio

Maximum CPU cooler height

Maximum video card length

Supported PSU Formats

Cooling system

Side panel

Top panel

1 x 120 mm (1500 rpm; 18 dBA)

350 x 109 x 205 mm

Corsair SF600W and SF450W - 80 PLUS Gold Certified Powerful SFX PSUs

Traditionally, SFX power supplies are characterized by compact size and low power, but Corsair decided to radically change our idea of ​​this form factor with the release of the Corsair SF600W and Corsair SF450W models. They are primarily aimed at use in Mini-ITX systems, but the complete ATX frame will make them easy to install in larger cases.

The power of the new products is 600 and 450 W, respectively, and the efficiency exceeds 90% (marked with the 80 PLUS Gold certificate). Moreover, the Corsair SF600W and SF450W are built using a high quality component base (exclusively Japanese high temperature series capacitors (105 ° C)), a fully modular cable system and one powerful + 12V line, which is capable of delivering the rated power of the PSUs.

A 92mm fan with Corsair Zero RPM support is used to cool the internal components. It involves temporarily suspending the operation of the turntable with a small load on the power supply.

Summary table of the technical specification of Corsair SF600W and SF450W power supplies:

Seasonic SSP-300SFG power supply review and testing

The appearance on the market of compact versions of powerful video cards (and others) has significantly expanded the scope of mini-PCs. Now it is not only a system for working with multimedia and office tasks, but also a full-fledged configuration that can easily cope with the playback of modern games. However, at the same time, the requirements for other components, in particular, for power supplies, have grown. And we are not even talking about increasing the power consumption. Good stability of output voltages, high level Efficiency, quiet operation of the cooling system - all these factors also came to the fore. However, given that power supply manufacturers pay little attention to compact solutions, there is a certain shortage of truly high-end devices in this segment. But, as they say, "a holy place is never empty." Sea Sonic Electronics immediately responded to this situation by releasing several types of compact power supplies that meet the 80 PLUS Gold standard. We have already considered solutions of the TFX () and Flex ATX () formats in previous reviews, so now we will take a closer look at the SFX model, namely SeasonicSSP-300SFG with a power of 300 watts.




Rated power, W

Power on the 12V channel, W

Line power + 3.3V and + 5V, W

Number of lines + 12V

Outputs, A

5Vsb (standby power line)

Input supply voltage, V

frequency Hz

Input current, A

80 PLUS certified

Power factor (PF),%

Power Factor Correction Method


Output Cable System Configuration

The wires are brought out directly from the power supply

Number of PCIe slots

Cooling system

Active type based on 80mm fan

Dimensions, mm

100 x 125 x 64

Products webpage

Product page


The Seasonic SSP-300SFG power supply is supplied as an OEM version, that is, without a box and additional accessories. This model corresponds to the SFX format and is very compact in size, which, together with its relatively high power, makes it a good basis for building a mini-PC. The location of the ventilation holes is fully consistent with the ATX version. All cables are routed directly from the power supply case. Their length, as well as the configuration of the connectors are given in the table below:

Connector types


Length of wires to connector (s), cm

24-pin ATX power connector

4 + 4 pin ATX12V power connector

one PATA connector and one FDD connector

three SATA connectors

In principle, the available number of connectors is enough to connect the components included in the mini-PC. But given the rather big power of the device, one could also add a PCIe slot. Moreover, if there is only one PATA connector, it will not always be possible to use a PATA-PCIe adapter.

Internal organization

The Seasonic SSP-300SFG is based on the same platform as in the recently reviewed Seasonic SSP-300SUG Flex ATX power supply. The changes are minimal, and most of the nodes use the same components (even the modular connector hasn't disappeared from the PCB anywhere).

The cooling system consists of an L-shaped radiator and two small plates in the low-voltage part, which are blown by an 80 mm ADDA AD0812MB-D90 fan. The latter is based on a ball bearing and has a power of 2.4 watts. Also, in the process of heat dissipation, the power supply case takes an active part, which, through special thermal spacers, contacts the power elements located on the back side of the printed circuit board.

A two-stage EMI filter is installed at the device input (two X-capacitors, four Y-capacitors and two two-winding chokes). There was also a place for a varistor that protects the power supply from short-term surges in the mains voltage. The rectification of the input electric current is carried out by means of a single diode assembly, which is fixed to the central radiator. Next to it, you can find the power section of the active power factor correction (APFC) module and the storage capacitor manufactured by the Japanese company Hitachi.

The main converter is built on a highly efficient resonant circuit with two Infineon 5R280CE switches. The secondary circuit is a no less effective synchronous rectifier (first, a powerful + 12V channel is formed, from which the remaining lines are already "cut"). The + 12V voltage is rectified using a pair of 1045UL diodes and two PSMN2R6-40YS transistors, but the power part of the DC / DC converters remained hidden from our eyes. Per correct work the power supply unit is answered by a bunch of PWM controllers NCP1910 + MP6922A.

Voltage stabilization in the Seasonic SSP-300SFG power supply is of a separate nature. To filter ripples, capacitors are also exclusively of Japanese origin (from Nippon Chemi-Con and Rubycon) and from high-temperature series (up to 105 ° C), which is a guarantee good quality and long service life.

According to the specification, the tested device provides the following list of protections:

  • overvoltage output (OVP);
  • short circuit (SCP);
  • overload capacity (OPP).

The node itself operates under the control of the HY510N controller.


Cross-load characteristics

According to the ATX12V standard, the allowable voltage deviation range for all power lines is ± 5% of their nominal value.

During cross-load tests, the following voltage deviations were recorded on the main power lines:

  • + 3.3V line: from -3% to + 2%;
  • + 5V line: from -2% to + 1%;
  • + 12V line: from 0% to + 2%.

The separate power stabilization unit has shown very good results. On all lines, the supply voltage fluctuated within significantly narrower limits than required by the ATX12V standard, and on the + 12V channel it never even dropped below its nominal value.

SilverStone Milo ML08 slim body with good functionality

SilverStone continues to actively expand the thin and compact chassis segment. Another novelty in it is the model SilverStone Milo ML08, made of steel and plastic, which can be installed vertically or horizontally.

By its design, it resembles a game console, so it will perfectly fit even into the interior of the living room, taking its place near the monitor or Smart TV. SilverStone Milo ML08 allows you to install inside Mini-ITX motherboards with a maximum of two expansion cards, the length of which should not exceed 330 mm. The height of the processor cooler is limited to 58 mm. And as power supplies, you can use SFX or SFX-L format models.

For mounting drives, the SilverStone Milo ML08 has two bays for 2.5-inch solutions. One 3.5 "or 2.5" drive can be installed only if no expansion cards are used. Also included in the design is a 5.25-inch drive bay with alkaline loading.

A more detailed table of the technical specification of the SilverStone Milo ML08 case:

Supported Motherboard Form Factor

Number of slots for expansion cards

Expansion slots

1 x 5.25 Slim
2 x 2.5 "
1 x 3.5 "/ 2.5" (optional, depending on expansion cards)


2 x USB 3.0
2 x 3.5mm audio

Supported Power Supply Formats

Maximum length of expansion cards

Maximum CPU cooler height

380 x 370 x 87 mm

Estimated cost