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Nicknames adorned with cool symbols. How to make a name on Odnoklassniki with beautiful letters

Of course, communication on the Internet is different from "live". However, on social networks, we want to stand out from many other users.

One way to do this is to write the name in Odnoklassniki beautiful letters(of course, this also applies to those users who communicate in other social networks, but as an example, consider the nuances of Odnoklassniki).

Unfortunately, the functionality of many sites is not diverse enough in terms of the ability to decorate names. However, you can get out of the situation using the standard Windows utility.

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Windows character table

In order to gain access to the possibility of using unusual letters and symbols, you need to run the "symbol table", which is located in: "Start" -> "All programs" -> "Accessories" -> "Symbol table".

This table will have many possibilities for choosing beautiful letters, fonts and unusual symbols.

We decorate the name in Odnoklassniki

In order to write your name in Odnoklassniki with the "icons" you like, you just need to copy the symbol you like (from the symbol table) while editing your name on the site and paste it in the right place.

Keyboard capabilities

Communicating in social. networks, someone puts a bright photo on an avatar, someone writes interesting comments, and someone makes their name unique by adding beautiful special characters or writing letters in different registers.

Many users do not even suspect that the keyboard input capabilities also contain unique and beautiful characters... In order to use them, you must:

  • First of all, enable the numeric keypad using the "NumLock" button.
  • If you already have it enabled, then you can try to write or decorate your own nickname in Odnoklassniki or any other social network holding the Alt key and any number from the NumPad (numeric keypad).

Of course in this way the choice of available special characters is small, but you can easily insert a heart (a combination of the Alt key and the number 3).

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Odnoklassniki has many ways to draw attention to your account and surprise your friends. One of them is the opportunity to write your name in beautiful letters and decorate it with original pictures, as a result of which the influx of questions from your friends, how you did it, is 100% guaranteed to you!

So, there are several ways to write a name on Odnoklassniki in beautiful letters:

Related articles:

  1. Using the built-in MS Windows symbol table;
  2. By means of the MS Word symbol table;
  3. Using the numeric keypad.

Before proceeding to consider all these methods, we will open a page in our account on Odnoklassniki where we can change personal data. To do this, click on the avatar button in the upper right corner of the screen and select the first item with your name.

The second option is to click on the "More" button and select "Change" in the "Personal data" line.

In the window that appears, we will edit the data.

Now let's move on directly to adding special characters.

Using MS Windows Symbol Table

To open a table Windows symbols it is necessary to press the "Start" button and find in the list of programs the line "Tables of symbols" by selecting the menu item "Standard" (depending on Windows versions"Symbol tables" will be either directly in this submenu, or in the "Utilities" section).

A window with a list of symbols will open. In the list with fonts, select the font you like and click on the symbol we need, then click the "Select" button. This symbol will appear at the bottom, in the "To copy" field.

After compiling the desired sequence of characters in this window, press the "Copy" button, open the personal data window on Odnoklassniki, delete the previous data in the "Name" field and insert new ones by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl and V keys. Then we repeat the same operation for the "Surname" field.

Using MS Word Symbol Table

If you have installed on your computer Microsoft Office, open the text editor Word, go to the "Insert" tab and click on the "Symbol" button, then - "Other Symbols".

A window similar to the Windows Symbol Table will open. Similarly, we select symbols, after each selection, pressing the "Insert" button, while the symbols will appear in the working Word document.

After typing all the necessary characters, close the "Symbol" window, select the entire resulting sequence of characters in the document, copy and paste into Odnoklassniki.

Using the numeric keypad

This method will fit if you have a separate block on the keyboard on the right number keys... Regular number keys above letters will not work when typing the appropriate character codes.

Before using the keyboard shortcuts below, you need to make sure that the additional numeric keypad enabled - in this case, the first “Num Lock” indicator should be on. If it does not light up, press the one of the same name Num key Lock.

In order to type a special character, place the cursor in the "Name" field on Odnoklassniki, hold down the Alt key and, without releasing it, type the digital code in accordance with the table below. For example, to get a black smiley, press Alt + 2; upward triangle - Alt + 30.

Hello, friends! Each person is unique, and when communicating with people in real life, you can easily notice this. You can also show your individuality on a social network. I think you noticed on the pages of friends, and not only, various nicknames for Odnoklassniki, written in beautiful letters.

We have already talked about. Now we will figure out how, using symbols and letters, you can write a beautiful name in Odnoklassniki.

It is clear that you will not see interesting characters on the keyboard. In order to write a nice name and insert various characters, you need to use a special Windows symbol table. There are two ways to open it.

On the start menu

Click on the "Start" button, then go to "All Programs" - "Standard" - "Utilities" - "Symbol Table".

A window with symbols will open. Here you will see Latin letters, Chinese characters, various symbols: crosses, circles, flowers, hearts, arrows, chess pieces and more.

In Microsoft Word

Another way is to use text editor Word. Open it and go to the "Insert" tab. Click on the "Symbols" button at the top right and select "Other Symbols". A window will open in which you will see various symbols and signs.

How to write a nice nickname

You already know where the symbols are. Now let's see how they can be used to write a beautiful name on the Odnoklassniki social network.

Go to your page and in the menu, under the name, click on the "More" button. Select "About me" from the drop-down list.

To go to editing the name, click on the link "Specify your place of birth" (you may have written something else there).

In the same window, you can and. If you are wondering how to do this, read the detailed article by following the link.

The window "Personal data changes" will open. In it you will see the fields "First name" and "Last name". Now on the toolbar, click on the previously opened "Table of symbols" (via Start).

In order to change the name to symbols in Odnoklassniki, select the appropriate symbol in the table, left-click on it and, without releasing it, drag the symbol into the name or surname field.

If you have opened a symbol table in Word, then select the one you need and click "Insert".

When you write a nice name or nickname using symbols, select it and copy it - the combination Ctrl + C.

Go back to your page in Odnoklassniki, put italics in the required field and insert symbols - the combination Ctrl + V. Don't forget to save.

There are a lot of options for how you can write a beautiful name or nickname in Odnoklassniki using symbols. You can combine them to create interesting letters. You can add various symbols such as hearts, dots, and more. In general, experiment and you will succeed!